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Forests within and adjacent to cities are important habitats for native species and provide vital ecosystem services to cities and their residents. Herbaceous plants represent over 80% of all plant species in these forests, yet little is known about the long-term effects of management and landscape context on the understory of suburban forests. In this study, we used a 30-year dataset to fill this knowledge gap and evaluate the effect of prescribed burns on native forest herbs in suburban forest preserves of DuPage County, Illinois, USA. We also evaluated how the amount and configuration of forest habitat at multiple spatial scales affects native herb richness, gains, and losses in these forests over 30 years. We found that forests managed with prescribed burns increased in native herb richness over time, while unburned forests did not. Managed forests now have more native herb species than unburned forests. We also found that habitat amount in the surrounding landscape, but not the configuration of that habitat, had a positive effect on native herb richness and species gains over 30 years. Overall, we conclude that prescribed burns are effective in maintaining native forest herb richness in suburban forests. However, additional management actions such as seed augmentation may be required in areas with little surrounding forest herb habitat, as both overall richness and species gains over time are reduced in isolated forests.  相似文献   

The matrix of altered habitats that surrounds remnants in human dominated landscapes has been considered homogeneous and inhospitable. Recent studies, however, have shown the crucial role of the matrix in maintaining diversity in fragmented landscapes, acting as a mosaic of units with varying permeability to different species. Inclusion of matrix quality parameters is especially urgent in managing fragmented landscapes in the tropics where agriculture frontiers are still expanding. Using standardized surveys in 23 sites in an Atlantic forest landscape, we evaluated matrix use by small mammals, the most diverse ecological group of mammals in the Neotropics, and tested the hypothesis that endemic species are the most affected by the conversion of original forest into anthropogenic habitats. By comparing species distribution among forest remnants and the predominant adjacent habitats (native vegetation in initial stages of regeneration, eucalyptus plantations, areas of agriculture and rural areas with buildings), we found a strong dissimilarity in small mammal assemblages between native vegetation (including initial stages) and anthropogenic habitats, with only two species being able to use all habitats. Endemic small mammals tended to occupy native vegetation, whereas invading species from other countries or open biomes tended to occupy areas of non-native vegetation. Our results highlight that future destruction of native vegetation will favor invading or generalist species which could dominate highly disturbed landscapes, and that some matrix habitats, such as regenerating native vegetation, should be managed to increase connectivity among populations of endemic species.  相似文献   

Effects of urbanization on ground-dwelling spiders (Araneae) were studied using pitfall traps along an urban-suburban–rural forest gradient in Debrecen (Hungary). We found that overall spider species richness was significantly higher in the urban sites compared to the suburban and rural ones. The increased diversity was due to the significantly more open-habitat species in the assemblages at the urban sites. This suggests that species from the surrounding matrix (grasslands and arable lands) penetrated the disturbed urban sites. The ratio of forest species was significantly higher in the rural sites than in the suburban and urban ones, suggesting that forest species are indeed sensitive to the disturbance caused by urbanization. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that the species composition changed remarkably along the urbanization gradient. Open-habitat spiders were associated with the urban sites of higher ground and air temperature. Forest spiders were characteristic of the rural sites with higher amount of decaying woods. Our findings suggest that the overall diversity was not the most appropriate indicator of disturbance; species with different habitat affinity should be analyzed separately to get an ecologically relevant picture of the effect of urbanization.  相似文献   

Habitat configuration has important implications for the persistence of faunal and floral populations at a variety of spatial scales. Forest harvesting alters habitat configurations. However, measuring and predicting such alterations remains challenging, in part because previously developed metrics of habitat configuration are often not statistically independent of habitat amount. Thus, their ability to measure independent effects of habitat configurations and habitat amount on ecosystem components such as wildlife populations has been limited. Here, we evaluate habitat configuration based on newly developed metrics that are independent of habitat amount but do not depend on regression residuals of abundance and configuration relationships on any population of landscapes. We use these new metrics to measure and predict changes in habitat configuration following forest harvesting in the boreal forest of Alberta, Canada. Our findings clearly demonstrate changes in habitat configuration resulting from forest harvesting can be predicted precisely with information about initial habitat patch structure and harvesting patterns. Because forest harvesting has significant implications for habitat configuration, accurately predicting these changes is critical for determining if forest harvesting strategies are sustainable for ecosystem components and processes. This study provides a set of novel, robust metrics for tracking landscape-scale changes in habitat configuration in harvested boreal forests.  相似文献   

Conservationists, managers, and land planners are faced with the difficult task of balancing many issues regarding humans impacts on natural systems. Many of these potential impacts arise from local-scale and landscape-scale changes, but such changes often covary, which makes it difficult to isolate and compare independent effects arising from humans. We partition multi-scale impacts on riparian forest bird distribution in 105 patches along approximately 500 km of the Madison and Missouri Rivers, Montana, USA. To do so, we coupled environmental information from local (within-patch), patch, and landscape scales reflecting potential human impacts from grazing, invasive plant species, habitat loss and fragmentation, and human development with the distribution of 28 terrestrial breeding bird species in 2004 and 2005. Variation partitioning of the influence of different spatial scales suggested that local-scale vegetation gradients explained more unique variation in bird distribution than did information from patch and landscape scales. Partitioning potential human impacts revealed, however, that riparian habitat loss and fragmentation at the patch and landscape scales explained more unique variation than did local disturbances or landscape-scale development (i.e., building density in the surrounding landscape). When distribution was correlated with human disturbance, local-scale disturbance had more consistent impacts than other scales, with species showing consistent negative correlations with grazing but positive correlations with invasives. We conclude that while local vegetation structure best explains bird distribution, managers concerned with ongoing human influences in this system need to focus more on mitigating the effects of large-scale disturbances than on more local land use issues. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Land cover change, predominantly habitat conversion to agricultural use and urbanization, has recently been recognized as the primary cause of biodiversity loss in terrestrial ecosystems. We evaluated the relative effects of urban and agricultural landscapes on anuran species richness and the abundance of six anuran species found at breeding ponds in and around the cities of Ottawa, Ontario and Gatineau, Quebec. We performed six call surveys at 29 permanent focal ponds surrounded by one of three landscape contexts: primarily urban, primarily agricultural, and primarily forested. We also measured three local pond variables to control for the effects of local habitat quality in our analyses. We found that anuran species richness was significantly lower in breeding ponds in urban landscapes compared to forested and agricultural landscapes, which exhibited no significant difference in species richness. The abundances of individual anuran species were also consistently lower in urban landscapes for all species except one, which exhibited no response to landscape type. Three species had their highest abundances in ponds in forested landscapes, whereas two species had their highest abundances in ponds in agricultural landscapes. We conclude that ponds embedded in urban landscapes support lower biodiversity than ponds in agricultural settings. We suggest that landscapes composed of a mosaic of forest and open habitats surrounding wetlands would hold the highest biodiversity of these species.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the spatial configuration and dynamics of periurban forest patches in Barcelona (NE of Spain) played a minor role in determining plant species richness and assemblage compared to site conditions, and particularly to both direct (measured at plot level) and potential (inferred from landscape metrics) human-associated site disturbance. The presence of all understory vascular plants was recorded on 252 plots of 100 m2 randomly selected within forest patches ranging in size from 0.25 ha to 218 ha. Species were divided into 6 groups, according to their ecology and conservation status. Site condition was assessed at plot level and included physical attributes, human-induced disturbance and Quercus spp. tree cover. Landscape structure and dynamics were assessed from patch metrics and patch history. We also calculated a set of landscape metrics related to potential human accessibility to forests. Results of multiple linear regressions indicated that the variance explained for non-forest species groups was higher than for forest species richness. Most of the main correlates corresponded to site disturbance variables related to direct human alteration, or to landscape variables associated to indirect human effects on forests: Quercus tree cover (a proxy for successional status) was the most important correlate of non-forest species richness, which decreased when Quercus tree cover increased. Human-induced disturbance was an important correlate of synanthropic and total species richness, which were higher in recently managed and in highly frequented forests. Potential human accessibility also affected the richness of most species groups. In contrast, patch size, patch shape and connectivity played a minor role, as did patch history. We conclude that human influence on species richness in periurban forests takes place on a small scale, whereas large-scale effects attributable to landscape structure and fragmentation are comparatively less important. Implications of these results for the conservation of plant species in periurban forests are discussed.  相似文献   

We surveyed birds in patches of native eucalypt forest and in surrounding exotic matrix (Radiata pine forests) in south-eastern Australia. Our objectives were: (1) to examine the influence of the width of native forest patches and the age of surrounding pine forests on bird occurrence in patches of native forest; and (2) to verify the relationship between the use of the surrounding pine matrix and bird species response to variation in width of patches of native forests. A total of 32 study sites (boundaries between eucalypt and pine forests) were surveyed. Birds were counted by the area search method within 0.5-ha quadrats. Data were analysed using generalised linear models. Wide patches of eucalypt forest supported higher species richness and greater numbers of birds, such as foliage searchers and nectarivores, than narrow patches. Matrix age also influenced the occurrence of some species in native patches. The abundance of species in wide and narrow patches of native forest was related to their use of the matrix. This was true for native forests surrounded by old but not by young pine forests. We suggest that management in wood production landscapes take into account both characteristics of native patches and the surrounding matrix. Negative impacts of fragmentation in managed landscapes might be reduced by promoting matrix types that are suitable for bird species.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the impact of isolation on forest bird communities in agricultural landscapes in The Netherlands. We studied the avifauna of 235 small (0.1–39 ha) woodlots composed of mature deciduous trees in 1984–1985. These woodlots were selected in the eastern and central/southern part of the country within 22 regions showing great differences in landscape structure,i.e., degree of isolation. Multiple regression analysis indicated that woodlot size was the best single predictor of species number and probability of occurrence of most species. It turned out that the isolation variables, area of wood, number of woods, interpatch distance, and proximity and density of connecting elements, explained small but significant parts of the residual variances in species number. No single species was significantly affected by the density of connecting elements. Biogeographical differences between two groups of regions were emphasized. Evidence of four woodland species suggested that regional abundance affected the probability of occurrence in small isolates.  相似文献   

Vegetation corridors, such as street trees in urban areas, which connect patchy woodland and mitigate habitat isolation, are expected to enhance the persistence of birds in urban landscapes. However, the effectiveness of urban corridors on birds remains equivocal because vegetation corridor is often managed for human use with little consideration of wildlife. Here we compared the effects of three major corridors of varying vegetation structures (trees with a dense understory, trees with a sparse understory, and grassy areas with sparse trees) on the species richness and abundance of birds in 21 wooded patches in the center of Tokyo, Japan, during wintering and breeding seasons. Using generalized linear models and Akaike’s information criterion, we found that the effectiveness of corridors depended on the tolerance of birds to urbanization. Urban avoider species, having low tolerance to urbanization, demonstrated lower species richness and abundance in patches close to the corridor with a sparsely vegetated understory as compared with patches close to the understory-richer corridors during winter, although such an effect disappeared during the breeding season. The corridors did not have a significant effect on suburban adapter species with a high tolerance to urbanization. Our results suggest that corridors with scarce understory vegetation may limit the persistence of birds avoiding urban areas.  相似文献   

Landscape structure influences the abundance and distribution of many species, including pathogens that cause infectious diseases. Black-tailed prairie dogs in the western USA have declined precipitously over the past 100 years, most recently due to grassland conversion and their susceptibility to sylvatic plague. We assembled and analyzed two long-term data sets on plague occurrence in black-tailed prairie dogs to explore the hypotheses that plague occurrence is associated with colony characteristics and landscape context. Our two study areas (Boulder County, Colorado, and Phillips County, Montana) differed markedly in degree of urbanization and other landscape characteristics. In both study areas, we found associations between plague occurrence and landscape and colony characteristics such as the amount of roads, streams and lakes surrounding a prairie dog colony, the area covered by the colony and its neighbors, and the distance to the nearest plague-positive colony. Logistic regression models were similar between the two study areas, with the best models predicting positive effects of proximity to plague-positive colonies and negative effects of road, stream and lake cover on plague occurrence. Taken together, these results suggest that roads, streams and lakes may serve as barriers to plague in black-tailed prairie dog colonies by affecting movement of or habitat quality for plague hosts or for fleas that serve as vectors for the pathogen. The similarity in plague correlates between urban and rural study areas suggests that the correlates of plague are not altered by uniquely urban stressors.  相似文献   

把植物生态学的研究方法应用于园林植物群落,调查分析青岛八大关公共绿地园林植物群落的物种多样性,结果表明:八大关公共绿地有园林植物93种,隶属于42科69个属,其中频度较高的主要是刺槐、紫荆和砂地柏.乔木Margalef丰富度指数平均值为2.05,灌木Margalef丰富度指数平均值为1.36,Shannon-Wienner多样性指数为3.69,Pielou均匀度指数为0.93,可以看出乔木层比灌木层丰富度高,多样性指数相对较高.  相似文献   

Predicting broad-scale occurrences of vertebrates in patchy landscapes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Spatially explicit landscape-scale models that predict species distributions, where patches of habitat are shown as having potential to be occupied or unoccupied, are increasingly common. To successfully use such data, one should understand how these predicted distributions are created and how their relative accuracies are assessed. Geographic ranges, defined upon observations (e.g., atlases), literature review, and expert review, are a primary data layer. A map of land cover is created, often from interpretation of satellite imagery or other remotely-sensed data. Species/habitat associations are defined based upon a literature review and expert review, describing associations for habitats derived from the cover map. Included as ancillary associations are how species relate to physical features, where appropriate, such as elevation and hydrography. The three layers of information (range, land cover, and associations) are merged, often using raster-based algebraic statements that exclude unused habitats or patches outside the range of a species. The accuracy of predictions for a suite of species is typically assessed with surveys by comparing the species predicted to occur in an area to the species observed. Omission (i.e., present in species lists but not predicted) and commission (i.e., predicted but not present in lists) errors are reported. Errors may be due to many sources. For example, ranges of species change, cover types may be misidentified, species/habitat associations may be incorrect or change, or species may be rare and unlikely to be seen in surveys and judged in-error even though the species may be present. An example is given of an appropriate use of broad-scale species predicted distributions, in which patterns and threats to Maine terrestrial vertebrate diversity are summarized.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is a major cause for species loss, but its effect on invertebrates with low active dispersal power, like terrestrial gastropods, has rarely been studied. Such species can not cross a hostile habitat matrix, for which the predictions of island theory, such as positive relations between species richness and patch size, should apply. In order to test this prediction, we studied gastropod species diversity by assessing gastropod assemblage characteristics from 35 sites in 19 fragments of deciduous old-growth forests in the Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany. Assemblages differed between larger (≥700 ha) and smaller forests (<400 ha), those of large forests held a higher percentage of forest species. Although α-diversity was similar between the two forest size classes, small forests often comprised matrix species, resulting in a higher β-diversity. Edge effects on the species richness of matrix species were noticeable up to 250 m into the forest. Hierarchical partitioning revealed that distance to disturbances (external edge, internal edges like roads) explained most assemblage variables, whereas forest size and woodland cover within a 1 km radius from the sites explained only a few assemblage variables. Densities of two forest-associated species, Discus rotundatus and Arion fuscus, decreased with forest size. Yet, forest size was positively correlated with richness of typical forest species and densities of Limax cinereoniger. The latter species seems to need forests of >1,000 ha, i.e., well above the size of most fragments. In conclusion, the prediction is valid only for forest species. The response to fragmentation is species specific and seems to depend on habitat specialization and macroclimatic conditions. Jean-Pierre Maelfait: Deceased.  相似文献   

Richness of Ancient Woodland Indicator plant species was analysed in 308 woodland patches that were surveyed during the Countryside Survey of Great Britain carried out in 1998. The Countryside Survey recorded vegetation plots and landscape structure in 569 stratified 1 km sample squares and developed a remotely-sensed land cover map of the UK. Using these datasets, we tested the hypothesis that Ancient Woodland Indicator species richness in woodland fragments was limited by patch area, shape and spatial isolation and that woodland patches located in the lowland region of Great Britain would respond differently than those in the upland region. The variation in Ancient Woodland Indicator species richness in the British lowlands (n = 218) was mainly explained by patch area and two measures of connectivity, the length of hedgerows and lines of trees in the 1 km square and the area of woodland within 500 m of the vegetation plot. By contrast, variation in Ancient Woodland Indicator species richness in the British uplands (n = 90) was related to Ellenberg scores of the vegetation communities sampled – a surrogate for habitat quality – and no significant effect of spatial structure was detected. It therefore appears that the degree of fragmentation of woodland in the British lowlands limits the distribution of Ancient Woodland Indicator species, while in the uplands, failed colonisation is a matter of habitat quality rather than a result of landscape structure.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Understanding the implications of past, present and future patterns of human land use for biodiversity and ecosystem function is increasingly important in landscape ecology. We...  相似文献   

Landscapes resulting from human activity may be expected to present simpler shapes than more natural landscapes. In the case of forest landscapes, the boundaries of native forest patches may be more irregular than those of exotic forest plantations. There is however a lack of quantitative results to this respect, and it is not clear which shape indices are more adequate for such discrimination. In this study, we analysed the shape of a large number of forest classes in the region of Galicia (Spain) using the Spanish Forest Map at a scale 1:50000 as the spatial information source. We considered a set of fifteen shape irregularity indices including those that have been commonly used in landscape ecology studies. We found systematic differences in the shape of the analysed forest classes, with native forests presenting both more complex and elongated boundaries than exotic forests. We suggest that these differences are due to the combined effects of human action and other topographical and hydrological factors. The only index that perfectly discriminated both types of forest was the mean circumscribing circle index. Other six indices provided also a significantly good discrimination: density of shape characteristic points, area-weighted mean perimeter-area ratio, area-weighted mean contiguity index, mean shape index, perimeter-area fractal dimension and mean largest axis index. Comparisons of pure and mixed forests with the same dominant species indicated that an increase in tree species richness is in general associated with more irregular boundaries in the forest. Discarding indices on the basis of a high statistical correlation may not be an adequate procedure to retain the best-performing indices. Finally, we discussed several limitations of some frequently used indices that may be relevant to prevent an improper characterization of landscape shape.  相似文献   

Pollination contributes to both human food security and the reproduction of the majority of wild plant species, but pollinators are facing a rapid decline, a major cause of which is habitat conversion and degradation due to human activities. Urbanization is one of the major types of habitat conversion, but its influence on pollination has been surprisingly mixed, ranging from markedly negative to strongly positive effects. One hypothesis proposed to explain these discrepancies is that pollinator responses to urbanization are highly dependent on the non-urban control habitat, with negative effects when the controls are natural or semi-natural areas but positive when they are intensive agricultural areas. It was also proposed that the pollination response along an agricultural-to-urban gradient is non-linear, with maximum pollination observed at an intermediate level of urbanization due to increased environmental heterogeneity. To test these two hypotheses, we selected a group of 38 sites in a peri-urban area near Paris, France, using a semi-stratified sampling strategy that ensured that all three of the urban, agricultural and semi-natural gradients were maximized. We then estimated pollination using two approaches: we evaluated the pollination success of Lotus corniculatus, a strictly entomogamous self-sterile plant species pollinated mainly by bees, and we measured the species richness of entomogamous and non-entomogamous plants, the difference in their response being expected to relate to the pollination service provided by the overall pollinator community. We found that in our study area, pollination success of L. corniculatus responds positively to the agricultural to urban gradient but not to the semi-natural to urban gradient. The diversity of both entomogamous and non-entomogamous plants is highest at sites surrounded by intermediate proportions of urban and agricultural areas. In addition, high proportions of urban areas have a negative effect on the diversity of non-entomogamous but not entomogamous plant species, suggesting that pollinators are able to partially buffer entomogamous plant species against the negative effect of urban development. Our results show the importance of urban areas in pollination conservation plans and demonstrate that the interaction between different anthropogenic land-use is an important factor for understanding pollination.  相似文献   

Brotons  Lluís  Mönkkönen  Mikko  Huhta  Esa  Nikula  Ari  Rajasärkkä  Ari 《Landscape Ecology》2003,18(4):377-393
Old-growth forest birds in Fennoscandia have sharply declined in numbers during the last decades apparently due to commercial forest harvesting and fragmentation of old-growth forests. Conservation measures have led to the establishment of a forest reserve network to assure the persistence of forest birds at a regional scale. However, little is known about the effects of landscape structure within and around the reserves on the distribution of old-growth forest birds. We used a hierarchical approach to address the questions of how landscape structure and composition within forest reserves, landscape composition of surrounding areas and reserve location affect the abundance of resident, old-growth forest birds in the Northern Finnish forest reserve network. The positive role of particular landscape features on bird distribution indicates that both the proportion of old-growth forests and the structure of boreal landscape mosaic has an important role in determining the distribution of these birds. The landscape composition surrounding the reserves proved to be only a weak predictor in species distribution models, which argues against the primary role of the surrounding matrix in determining species distribution within forest reserves. Reserves located near the Russian border showed a higher abundance of old-growth birds than more western ones. Once east-west gradients in overall landscape composition had been accounted for, however, reserves did not differ significantly in the number of species present. These results suggest that landscape gradients, rather than ecological processes such as the presence of source areas located along the border with Russia, are the main determinant of the distribution of old-growth forest birds in the Finnish reserve network. We propose that to enhance regional persistence of old-growth forest birds, conservation efforts should be primarily directed towards the protection and enhancement of forest habitat quality and natural heterogeneity of landscapes within targeted areas. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of habitat fragmentation on meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) population dynamics in experimental landscape patches. The study was conducted from May–November 1993 at the Miami University Ecology Research Center. Eight 0.1-ha small mammal enclosures were used. Four enclosures contained a 160 m2 nonfragmented patch and four enclosures contained four 40 m2 fragmented patches. Thus, each treatment was replicated 4 times in a systematic research design. The patches in both treatments contained high-quality habitat surrounded by low-quality matrix. Six pairs of adult meadow voles were released in each enclosure on 27 May 1993. Populations were monitored by live-trapping and radio-telemetry methods. Significantly greater densities of female voles were found during October in the fragmented treatment compared to the nonfragmented treatment. Also, significantly more females than males were found in the fragmented treatment compared to the nonfragmented treatment for the total study period. Significantly more subadult and juvenile males were found in the matrix versus the patch of the nonfragmented treatment compared to the fragmented treatment. Males in the fragmented treatment had significantly greater mean home range size than males or females in the nonfragmented treatment. There appears to exist a relationship between patch fragmentation and the social structure of meadow vole populations; this relationship appears to function as a population regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

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