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The effects of body condition score of does and exposure to sexually active bucks after exposure to long-day artificial photoperiod were examined in mature anovulatory French Alpine goat in Northern Mexico. In June, goats in good (2.3 ± 0.2, scale 1 to 4; n = 10) or poor (1.6 ± 0.3; n = 10) body condition were exposed during 15 day to sexually active bucks, which had been exposed to long photoperiod (16:8-h light–dark cycle, starting in December). A third group of goats in good body condition was exposed to bucks kept under the natural photoperiod of this region (26° N). All goats in good body condition exposed to bucks treated with prolonged photoperiod exhibited estrus behavior, whereas only 50% of the does in poor body condition showed estrous behavior during the 15-day buck exposure. None of the does in good body condition showed estrus when exposed to bucks under natural photoperiod. These results revealed that a good body condition is required for maximum estrus response in anestrous Alpine goats and that exposure of bucks to long photoperiod in winter is essential for an adequate stimulus to reestablish estrus cycles in anovulatory Alpine does in Northern Mexico.  相似文献   

旨在研究燕山绒山羊母羊泌乳期诱导发情的效果及对相关生殖激素变化的影响。选择经产、体质量约为45 kg的泌乳期母羊45只,随机分为A、B和C组,分别于产后25,35,45 d采用孕酮阴道硅胶栓(CIDR)+促卵泡素(FSH)的方法诱导发情,统计96 h内发情率,在埋栓的0,4,9,13 d及试验羊发情时采血检测FSH、促黄体素(LH)、催乳素(PRL)、雌激素(E_2)和孕酮(P_4)浓度。结果显示,A、B和C组的发情率分别为60%,53.33%和80%,发情多集中在24~72 h;埋栓前,即试验0 d时A、B和C组FSH、LH、PRL、E_2和P_4无差异。FSH和LH在撤栓时达到最低,撤栓后升高;14~15 d,所有发情羊FSH和LH均高于未发情羊,但只有A、B组FSH差异显著(P0.05)。14~15 d,PRL浓度最低(P0.05);试验期间,除9 d外,C组发情羊PRL显著低于未发情羊(P0.05),其余各组内发情羊与未发情羊PRL无差异。14~15 d,3组发情羊血清中E_2迅速升高而P_4降低,E_2浓度高于埋栓期(P0.05),试验期间,各组内发情羊与未发情羊E_2和P_4无差异;0~15 d,各组发情羊之间及未发情羊之间PRL、P_4无差异,各组发情羊间FSH及未发情羊间E_2均无差异;4 d,A组未发情羊FSH低于B组(P0.05),LH高于C组(P0.05);13 d,B组发情羊LH低于C组(P0.05),14~15 d,E_2高于C组(P0.05)。结果表明,母羊产后45 d诱导发情效果较好;外源P_4可大幅度降低PRL,发情时FSH、LH和E_2的分泌同步上升。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the response of Creole male goats treated with long days and melatonin implants, and the response of the anovulatory does to male effect using males treated only with artificially long days. All animals were allocated to open sheds. In Exp. 1, one group of males was under natural photoperiod (CG; n = 7); the second group was submitted to 2.5 mo of long days followed by the insertion of two s.c. melatonin implants (LD+MEL; n = 7); the third group was subjected only to 2.5 mo of long days (LD; n = 7). Testicular weight was measured every 2 wk. Plasma testosterone concentrations were determined weekly. A treatment x time interaction was detected (P < 0.001) for testicular weight and plasma testosterone concentration. In the LD+MEL and LD groups, testicular size and plasma testosterone levels varied in a similar way, but differed from those observed in CG (P < 0.001). In this latter group, testicular weight displayed seasonal variations and peaked in June, whereas in treated groups this peak occurred in March. In CG, testosterone varied in a seasonal manner and plasma concentrations increased in June and remained elevated throughout the study. In experimental groups, testosterone increased in February and peaked in March. In Exp. 2, one group of males was left under natural photoperiod (CG, n = 5) and the other one was submitted to 2.5 mo of artificially long days (LD, n = 4). On March 16, two control and two treated males were put in contact with 20 and 19 females, respectively. Sexual behavior of the bucks was observed during the 5 d following male introduction. Progesterone assays and estrous behavior were used to determine ovarian and behavioral responses of the females to teasing. The anogenital sniffing, nudging, and mount instances registered in LD-treated males were greater than those observed in CG (P < 0.05). Of the does exposed to CG, none ovulated and only two of 20 females displayed estrous behavior. All does in contact with LD-treated males ovulated and showed at least one estrous behavior during the 15 d following joining (P < 0.001). These results indicate that the sexual activity of male goats from subtropical latitudes can be induced using only artificially long days. In addition, males treated in this way are capable of stimulating sexual activity in anovulatory females by the male effect.  相似文献   

Photoperiod modulates reproduction in goats. We tested the hypothesis that the excitatory glutamatergic tone is reduced in the photoinhibited goat. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of photoperiod and glutamatergic stimulation on LH, GH, and testosterone (T) secretion in goat bucks. Eight mature, intact bucks were used in two simultaneous 4 x 4 Latin square designs. Variables were two photoperiod regimens (short day; SD, 10 h light:14 h dark, n = 4; vs long day; LD, 16 h light:8 h dark, n = 4) and four doses of N-methyl-D-L-aspartate (NMA; 0, 1, 2 and 4 mg/kg BW, i.v.). Venous blood was obtained for 2 h before and after NMA injection, followed by GnRH injection and then a final 1 h of sampling. Injection of NMA increased (P < 0.002) LH secretion within 20 min. This increase was sustained for 120 min, but the response was most pronounced in LD goats. The increase in mean LH was associated with a concomitant dose-dependent increase in pulse frequency (P < 0.006). However, NMA treatment had no effect (P > 0.10) on LH pulse amplitude. The release of LH after injection of GnRH was not affected by photoperiod. Exposure of bucks to LD reduced T secretion relative to that of SD bucks (P < 0.01). However, GH secretion was enhanced in LD bucks (P< 0.001). The response of GH to NMA was dependent on photoperiod history. A highly significant immediate and sustained increase (P < 0.001) was observed in LD but not in SD bucks within 10 min. Overall, a dose-dependent increase (P < 0.01) in T secretion was stimulated by NMA in both LD and SD bucks. These results indicate that NMA receptors may be involved in the regulation of LH, GH, and testosterone secretion in the goat. Furthermore, length of day influences GH secretion in the goat and NMA receptor activation had divergent effects on the secretion of this hormone.  相似文献   

Twelve anestrous adult Greyhound bitches were used to study a regimen for induction of estrus. Once daily, 7 bitches were given diethylstilbestrol (DES; 5 mg, PO) until sanguineous vaginal discharge and vulvar edema were observed (designated as day 1 of proestrus) and for 2 days thereafter. If no response was elicited after 7 days, a doubled DES dose was given for up to an additional 7 days. Luteinizing hormone (5 mg, IM) was given on day 5 of proestrus, and follicle-stimulating hormone (10 mg, IM) was given on days 9 and 11 of proestrus. Bitches were bred once on day 13. Five bitches were used as a control group; they were given candy tablets for 7 days (first day on tablets, treatment day 1) and 0.9% NaCl (1.0 ml, IM) on treatment days 12, 16, and 18. The 7 bitches treated with DES had a mean proestrus period of 7.7 days and a mean estrus period of 5.7 days up to the day of mating. After mating, they had a mean gestation interval of 64 days and delivered a mean of 4 pups/litter. In 5 bitches, initial treatment with 5 mg of DES/day induced proestrus within 7 days; however, in 2 bitches, additional treatment with 10 mg of DES/day was needed for 5 and 6 days, respectively. Serum estradiol-17 beta and progesterone concentrations remained at base line during the period of DES treatment. Concentrations of both hormones increased after injection with luteinizing hormone and remained high for the next 4 days.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether the effect of restraint stress on cortisol, LH, and testosterone varied among sexually inactive and sexually active female- and male-oriented rams, to allow differentiation among ram classes. Restraint stress or no stress was imposed on sexually inactive (n = 7) and sexually active female- (n = 17) and male-oriented (n = 6) rams in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement. Rams were assigned to restraint or control within each classification. Rams were habituated to wearing halters and being tethered in separate pens, permitting visual, vocal, and olfactory contact with adjacent rams for 7 d before treatment. After 1 d of habituation, rams were fitted with jugular catheters that were checked twice daily for patency. For restraint stress, rams were laid on their side with their legs tied for 1 h. For no stress, rams were tethered with halters and leads, but their legs were not tied. On the treatment day, blood was collected at 30-min intervals for 3 h followed by 15-min intervals for 1 h before restraint, during 1-h restraint, and for 1 h after liberation from restraint. Then blood was collected at 30-min intervals for an additional 2 h. Blood was collected from controls at similar intervals. Control rams were isolated from stressed rams. Cortisol, LH, and testosterone were measured using RIA. Mixed model analyses with repeated measures were used on transformed data. Average prestress data were used as a covariate. Cortisol increased (P < 0.01) within 15 min after restraint and remained increased until 1.5 h after liberation from 1-h of restraint stress. In contrast, in controls cortisol remained unchanged at 5 ng/ mL. Cortisol did not differ over time among ram classes, and the treatment x ram class x time interaction was not significant. For LH and testosterone, the ram class x time interactions appeared to compromise the ability to identify differences in these hormones, indicating that they were not good endocrine candidates for methods of classifying rams. In conclusion, restraint stress increased cortisol in sexually inactive and sexually active female- and male-oriented rams alike, thus not providing a method to differentiate among ram classes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to clarify the effect of photoperiod on the secretion of growth hormone (GH) in goats. Adult female goats were kept at 20°C with an 8‐h or 16‐h photoperiod, and secretory patterns of GH for 4 h (12.00 to 16.00 hours) were compared. In addition, the goats were kept under a 16‐h photoperiod and orally administered saline (controls) or melatonin, and the effects of melatonin on the secretion of GH were examined. GH was secreted in a pulsatile manner. There were no significant differences in pulse frequency between the 8‐ and 16‐h photoperiods; however, GH pulse amplitude tended to be greater in the group with the 16‐h photoperiod (P = 0.1), and mean GH concentrations were significantly greater in the 16‐h photoperiod (P < 0.05). The GH‐releasing response to GH‐releasing hormone (GHRH) was also significantly greater for the 16‐h photoperiod (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in GH pulse frequency between the saline‐ and melatonin‐treated groups. However, GH pulse amplitude and mean GH concentrations were significantly greater in the saline‐treated group (P < 0.05). The present results show that a long photoperiod enhances the secretion of GH, and melatonin modifies GH secretion in female goats.  相似文献   

The induction of estrus during the non-breeding season was investigated in 100 Egyptian Baladi goats (Capra hircus). All animals assigned to treatments had low progesterone concentrations (<0.5 ng/ml) tested 2 times 10 days apart to confirm anestrous condition. Animals were assigned to three experimental groups. A group of animals received subcutaneous norgestomet ear implant for 11 days and a single i.m. injection of PGF2alpha 24 hr before implant removal (group I; n=40). Second group of animals received subcutaneous norgestomet ear implant for 11 days and a single i.m. injection of PGF2alpha 24 hr before implant removal and gonadotropin releasing hormone 24 hr after implant removal (group II; n=40). Third group of animals received no treatment (control group; n=20). The percentage of goats that showed estrous behavior during the first 72 hr after implant removal was 77.5, 85.0% and 10.0% in group I, group II and control group, respectively. The fertility rate was 57.5, 70.0% and 10.0% in group I, group II and control group, respectively. In conclusion, estrus can be induced in seasonally anestrous Egyptian Baladi goats using norgestomet and PGF2alpha and the injection of GnRH 24 hr after norgestomet implant removal synchronized ovulation in a higher percentage of goats.  相似文献   


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of progesterone (P4) device reutilization in long and short protocols for transcervical timed artificial insemination (TAI) in Santa Inês ewes. A total of 275 multiparous lactating ewes were blocked according to body weight (BW, 49.1?±?7.3 means ± SE), body condition score (BCS, 2.9?±?0.4; scale of 1–5), and days postpartum (50?±?8.2 days), and allocated to one of the treatments. The treatments were arranged in a factorial design, in which the factor 1 was the P4 device type (new or a device of 0.3 g of P4 previously used by 11 days), and the factor 2 was the short or long TAI protocol (P4 device remained by 7 or 11 days, respectively). At device removal, all ewes received 300 IU eCG and 6.70 mg of Dinoprost tromethamine. After TAI protocol, ewes remained with ram by 21 days. There was no interaction between factors in any variables. Ewes that received a new P4 device delayed (P?=?0.05) to show estrus compared with ewes receiving a previously used P4 device, but it did not affect pregnancy rate. The long protocol tended to increase pregnancy rate compared with short protocol (33% vs. 24%, respectively; P?=?0.07). However, the pregnancy rate at the end of reproductive period was similar in both groups (about 84%). Thus, the use of long protocols tended to improve reproductive performance, and the reused P4 device did not affect pregnancy rate.


Our objective was to determine whether priming with the progestogen norgestomet for 9 d would enhance estrual and ovulatory responses of prepubertal gilts to PG600 (400 IU eCG + 200 IU hCG). Gilts (140 to 190 d old) were assigned by litter, age, and weight to one of three treatments: 1) 9 d of norgestomet implant with an injection of PG600 after implant removal on d 9 (N+PG; n = 43); 2) no implant and an injection of PG600 on d 9 (PG; n = 36); or 3) neither implant nor PG600 (control; n = 29). Beginning on d 0, gilts were exposed once daily to a boar and checked until estrus was observed or until d 45 after the start of the experiment. Ovaries were examined for number of corpora lutea (CL) after estrus or at 45 d. Greater proportions of N+PG (63%, P < .05) and PG (69%, P < .01) gilts expressed estrus than did controls (34%), but proportions did not differ between N+PG and PG (P > .10). Among gilts in estrus following treatment with N+PG or PG, 100% showed estrus within 6 d after PG600 injection. For gilts that expressed estrus within 45 d, the average age at estrus was reduced (P < .05) by PG to 172 +/- 2 d compared with 182 +/- 4 d for controls. Average age at estrus did not differ (P > . 10) between PG and N+PG (177 +/- 2 d). Greater proportions of N+PG (82%; P < .001) and PG (65%; P < .001) gilts ovulated than controls (13%), but proportions did not differ between N+PG and PG (P > .10). The number of CL (20 +/- 2) was not affected by treatment and ranged from 2 to 71. There was no increase in ovarian cysts in response to treatment. Results indicated that norgestomet before PG600 did not enhance estrus expression or ovulation compared with PG600 alone, but use of PG600 increased the proportions of gilts that expressed estrus and ovulated compared with controls.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to clarify the relation between salsolinol (SAL)‐induced prolactin (PRL) release and photoperiod in goats. A single intravenous (i.v.) injection of SAL was given to adult female goats under short (8 h light, 16 h dark) or long (16 h light, 8 h dark) photoperiod conditions at two different ambient temperatures (20°C or 5°C), and the PRL‐releasing response to SAL was compared to that of thyrotropin‐releasing hormone (TRH) or a dopamine (DA) receptor antagonist, sulpiride. SAL, as well as TRH or sulpiride, stimulated the release of PRL promptly after each injection in both 8‐ and 16‐h daily photoperiods at 20°C (P < 0.05). The area under the response curve (AUC) of PRL for the 60‐min period after injections of saline (controls), SAL, TRH and sulpiride in the 16‐h daily photoperiod group was greater than each corresponding value in the 8‐h daily photoperiod group (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in the AUC of PRL among the values produced after the injection of SAL, TRH and sulpiride in 16‐h daily photoperiod group; however, the values produced after the injection of TRH were smallest among the three in the 8‐h daily photoperiod group (P < 0.05). The PRL‐releasing responses to SAL, TRH and sulpiride under a short and long photoperiod condition at 5°C resembled those at 20°C. These results show that a long photoperiod highly enhances the PRL‐releasing response to SAL as well as TRH or sulpiride in either medium or low ambient temperature in goats.  相似文献   

Plasma luteinizing hormone and progesterone concentrations, time to onset of estrus, and pregnancy rates were determined in nonlactating anestrous does given 1 of 4 treatments: subcutaneous ear implants containing 3 mg of norgestomet for 9 days (NOR; n = 6); subcutaneous administration, using osmotic minipumps, of 250 ng of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)/h for 48 hours (GnRH; n = 6); 3 mg of NOR for 9 days, followed immediately by 250 ng of GnRH/h for 48 hours (NOR + GnRH; n = 6); or no treatment (control; n = 6). During the 72-hour period after removal of NOR or insertion of GnRH pumps, 6 of 6, 0 of 6, 6 of 6, and 3 of 6 does were observed in estrus at a mean (+/- 13.8) hours in groups NOR, GnRH, NOR + GnRH, and control, respectively. Time from end of treatment to peak concentrations of luteinizing hormone were 56 +/- 4.0, 28 +/- 4.7, 34 +/- 4.3, and 41 +/- 9.7 hours (mean +/- SE) for NOR, GnRH, NOR +/- GnRH, and control, respectively. Peak concentrations of luteinizing hormone were significantly greater and occurred significantly later in does given NOR. Progesterone concentrations in does that became pregnant increased to concentrations greater than or equal to 1.0 ng/ml 3 to 5 days after breeding and remained high. Functional corpora lutea (CL) was found in 6 does that did not become pregnant, 1 CL was associated with pseudopregnancy and 1 CL was associated with ovulation prior to placement of the GnRH pumps. Functional CL failed to form in 10 of the 12 doses in groups GnRH and control.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to clarify the effect of photoperiod on secretory patterns of growth hormone (GH) in male goats. Adult male goats were kept at 20°C with an 8‐h or 16‐h light photoperiod, and secretory patterns of GH secretion were compared. In addition, plasma profiles of prolactin (PRL), insulin‐like growth factor‐I (IGF‐I) and testosterone (T) were also examined to characterize GH secretion. GH was secreted in a pulsatile manner. There was no significant difference in pulse frequency between the 8‐h and 16‐h photoperiods. However, GH pulse amplitude tended to be greater in the group with the 16‐h photoperiod (P = 0.1), and mean GH concentrations were significantly greater in the 16‐h photoperiod (P < 0.05). The GH‐releasing response to GH releasing hormone was greater in the 16‐h than 8‐h photoperiod (P < 0.05). Plasma PRL and IGF‐I levels were higher in the 16‐h than 8‐h photoperiod (P < 0.05). In contrast, plasma T levels were lower in the 16‐h photoperiod (P < 0.05). These results show that a long light photoperiod enhances the secretion of GH as well as PRL and IGF‐I, but reduces plasma T concentrations in male goats.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare propofol, thiopental and ketamine as induction agents before halothane anaesthesia in goats. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, randomized cross-over study. Animals Seven healthy adult female goats with mean (+/-SD; range) body mass of 38.9 +/- 3.29 kg; 35-45 kg. METHODS: The seven animals were used on 21 occasions. Each received all three anaesthetics in a randomized cross-over design, with an interval of at least 2 weeks before re-use. Anaesthesia was induced with intravenous (IV) propofol (3 mg kg(-1)), thiopental (8 mg kg(-1), IV) or ketamine (10 mg kg(-1), IV). Following tracheal intubation, anaesthesia was maintained with halothane for 30 minutes. Indirect blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and arterial blood gases were monitored. The quality of induction and recovery, recovery times and incidence of side-effects were recorded. RESULTS: Induction of anaesthesia was smooth and uneventful, and tracheal intubation was easily performed in all but two goats receiving ketamine. Changes in cardiopulmonary variables and acid-base status were similar with all three induction agents and were within clinically acceptable limits. Mean recovery times (time to recovery of swallowing reflex and to standing) were significantly shorter, and side-effects, e.g. apnoea, regurgitation, hypersalivation and tympany, were less common in goats receiving propofol, compared with the other treatments. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Propofol 3 mg kg(-1) IV is superior to thiopental and ketamine as an induction agent before halothane anaesthesia in goats. It provides uneventful recovery which is more rapid than thiopental or ketamine, so reduces anaesthetic risk.  相似文献   

从体成分的角度研究了光照对内蒙古白绒山羊营养分配的影响。结果表明,光照对体成分有较大影响,体脂肪随着光照时间的减少而增加,长光照、自然光照和短光照条件下绒山羊的体脂肪含量分别为23.6%、15.78%和14.16%,而体蛋白、体水分和体灰分含量则随着光照时间的减少而减少,长光照和自然光照组显著高于短光照组,长光照组和自然光照组差异不显著。证明了光照对绒山羊有调节营养分配的作用,为其在生产实践中的合理应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The efficiency of cronolone sponges in combination with either pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) or cloprostenol (PGF2alpha) for inducing and synchronizing the estrous cycle in Turkish Saanen does was investigated during the transition from non-breeding to breeding season. All does (n = 80) were treated with 20 mg cronolone sponges for 11 days and divided into 4 equal groups. In addition, each doe received an intramuscular injection of either 1.5 ml sterile saline solution, 0.075 mg PGF2alpha, 500 IU PMSG or 500 IU PMSG and 0.075 mg PGF2alpha, 24 h before the sponge removal. Cervical artificial insemination (AI) with frozen-thawed semen was performed once 16 h after the detection of the first accepted mount. The total estrous response for the first 24 +/- 4 h, total estrous response within 96 h, time to onset of the induced estrus, duration of the induced estrus and pregnancy rate was found to be 75.0%, 97.5%, 31.4 +/- 1.2 h, 29.3 +/- 1.2 h, and 33.3%, respectively. There were significant differences between the first two groups and the last two groups in terms of the onset of induced estrus and estrous response at the first 24 +/- 4 h (P < 0.05). These results indicate that the use of cronolone/PMSG was more effective than cronolone/PGF2alpha in the attainment of early and compact induction of estrus in Turkish Saanen does.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to clarify the effect of photoperiod on nighttime secretion of growth hormone (GH) in goats. Adult female goats were kept at 20°C with an 8 h or 16 h dark photoperiod, and secretory patterns of GH for 8 h in the dark period were examined with the profile of prolactin (PRL) secretion. GH was secreted in a pulsatile manner in the dark period. There were no significant differences in pulse frequency between the 8‐ and 16‐h dark photoperiods; however, pulse amplitude tended to be greater in the group with the 16‐h dark photoperiod (P = 0.1), and mean GH concentrations were significantly greater in the same photoperiod (P < 0.05). PRL secretion increased quickly after lights off under both photoperiods. The PRL‐releasing responses were weaker in the 8‐h than 16‐h dark photoperiod. The secretory response to photoperiod was more obvious for PRL than GH. The present results show that a long dark photoperiod enhances the nighttime secretion of GH in female goats, although the response is not as obvious as that for PRL.  相似文献   

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