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In the current study, we describe four novel members of the 90 kDa heat shock protein (HSP90) family expressed in Japanese quail, Coturnix japonica. The coding regions of the genes, CjHSP90AA1, CjHSP90AB1, CjHSP90B1 and CjTRAP1, exhibited more than 94% similarity to their related genes in chicken. The putative proteins encoded by these quail genes contained motifs considered essential for HSP90 gene function. In addition, the predicted proteins were more similar to HSP90AA1, HSP90AB1, HSP90B1 and TRAP1 proteins expressed in vertebrates than they were to other members of the HSP90 family. Exon numbers of CjHSP90AA1 (11), CjHSP90AB1 (12) or CjTRAP1 (18) are the same as the chicken and mammalian orthologs. Furthermore, gene order in the regions surrounding CjHSP90AB1 and CjTRAP1 has been preserved, providing evidence that the genomic regions were orthologous to HSP90‐containing regions in the chicken genome. The promoter regions of the genes also contained conserved motifs identified in related genes of chicken. However, the nucleotide sequences of the 5′‐flanking region of these genes were highly polymorphic. We also found that CjHSP90AA1 exhibited a robust response to heat shock treatment. Taken together, the data suggest that CjHSP90AA1, CjHSP90AB1, CjHSP90B1 and CjTRAP1 encode orthologs of HSP90AA1, HSP90AB1, HSP90B1 and TRAP1, respectively.  相似文献   

  1. To understand the potential protection of heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) induced by aspirin against heat stress damage in chicken myocardial cells, enzyme activities related to stress damage, cytopathological changes, the expression and distribution of HSP90, and HSP90 mRNA levels in the myocardial cells exposed to heat stress (42°C) for different durations with or without aspirin administration (1 mg/ml, 2 h prior) in vitro were investigated.

  2. Significant increase of enzyme levels in the supernatant of heat-stressed myocardial cells and cellular lesions characterised by acute degeneration, karyopyknosis and karyorrhexis were observed, compared to non-treated cells. However, the lesions of cells treated with aspirin were milder, characterised by earlier recovery of enzyme levels to the control levels and no obvious heat stress-related cellular necrosis.

  3. Stronger positive signals in the cytoplasm and longer retention of HSP90 signal in nuclei were observed in aspirin-treated myocardial cells than those of only heat-stressed cells. HSP90 level in the aspirin-treated myocardial cells was 11.1-fold higher than that in non-treated cells, and remained at a high level at the early stage of heat stress, whereas it was just 4.1-fold higher in only heat-stressed cells and returned rapidly to a low level.

  4. Overexpression of HSP90 mRNA in aspirin-treated cells was observed throughout the experiment, whereas HSP90 mRNA decreased significantly only in heat-stressed cells.

  5. The early higher HSP90 expression induced by aspirin during heat stress was accompanied by decreased heat stress damage, suggesting that aspirin might play an important role in preventing myocardial cells from heat stress damage in vitro.


Tropical Animal Health and Production - Chickens, like other vertebrates, react to stress conditions through their cultured cells by expressing heat shock proteins (HSPs). Genetic association of...  相似文献   

Higher average daily gain, more lean meat yield and less fat yield of porcine carcass increase selling profits for animal producers. Myostatin (MSTN), previously called GDF8, is a member of transforming growth factor‐β (TGF‐β) superfamily. It is a negative regulator for both embryonic development and adult homeostasis of skeletal muscle. In this study, the genotypes of the previously described SNPs MSTN g.435G>A and g.447A>G SNPs in 66 Duroc pigs, 33 Landrace pigs, 180 Duroc × Landrace (DL) pigs and 155 Duroc × Yorkshire × Landrace (DYL) pigs were determined by Taqman SNP Genotyping Assays. For Duroc and Landrace pigs, MSTN g.435GG/g.447AA individual had greater backfat thickness (p < 0.05) than g.435AA/g.447GG individual, whereas MSTN g.435AA/g.447GG had greater meat (p < 0.05) and meat percentage (p < 0.05) than g.435GA/g.447AG individual. For DL and DYL pigs, the MSTN g.435GG/g.447AA animals were greater in backfat at ultrasound 10th rib (p < 0.05) and carcass 10th rib (p < 0.01) than g.435AA/g.447GG individual. The MSTN g.435AA/g.447GG individual also had higher values than g.435GG/g.447AA for anterior‐end meat (p < 0.05), posterior‐end meat (p < 0.01), total meat weight (p < 0.01) and meat percentage (p < 0.01). This study confirmed evidence that MSTN g.435G>A and g.447A>G affected carcass traits in pigs. The effects of the mutated alleles were additive with the maximal effects resulting from two copies of the mutated allele. Selection for MSTN g.435A/g.447G allele is expected to increase muscle of limb and total meat production and decrease backfat thickness.  相似文献   

Two regulatory region polymorphisms in the prion gene of cattle have been reported to have an association with resistance to classical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). However, it is not known if this association also applies to other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) in cattle. In this report, we compare the relationship between these 2 polymorphisms and resistance in cattle affected with naturally occurring atypical BSE as well as in cattle experimentally inoculated with either scrapie, chronic wasting disease, or transmissible mink encephalopathy. Our analysis revealed no association between genotype and resistance to atypical BSE or experimentally inoculated TSE. This indicates the promoter polymorphism correlation is specific to classical BSE and that atypical BSE and experimentally inoculated TSE are bypassing the site of influence of the polymorphisms. This genetic discrepancy demonstrates that atypical BSE progresses differently in the host relative to classical BSE. These results are consistent with the notion that atypical BSE originates spontaneously in cattle.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) is a hepatic hormone that regulates peripheral glucose tolerance, energy balance and lipid metabolism. Prior evidence suggests that FGF21 may have the potential to favorably reduce obesity. The objective of the present study was to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of bovine FGF21 using 1255 animals representing the five main Chinese breeds and to investigate the effect of these SNPs on economic traits in Nanyang cattle. Four significant SNPs were identified, one was a synonymous mutation and the other three were in intronic regions. The polymorphism information content (PIC) analysis showed that four beef cattle populations (NY, JX, LX and QC) had a moderate genetic diversity at the four loci while the beef and dairy population (CRS) had a low level. Additionally, allele and genotype frequencies for the beef breeds were significantly different from CRS, implying that these mutations are possibly associated with some quantitative traits. Moreover, linkage disequilibrium analysis and haplotype frequencies were also reported. Seven different haplotypes were identified and haplotype TCCC was predominant in all five cattle breeds. Association analysis suggested that SNPs g.297C>G and g.940C>T of bovine FGF21 were associated with higher body weight at 18 months within NY cattle, which would contribute to cattle breeding and genetics through marker-assisted selection (MAS).  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition of beef adipose tissue is one of its important traits because a high proportion of monounsaturated fatty acid is related to favorable beef flavor and tenderness. In this study, we searched polymorphisms in full length coding DNA sequence of urotensin 2 recepter and investigated the effects on fatty acid composition (C14:0, C14:1, C16:0, C16:1, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, monounsaturated fatty acid, saturated fatty acid). Eight single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were identified by sequence comparison among eight animals, including five Japanese Black and three Holstein cattle. One of these SNP (c.866C>T) was predicted to cause amino acid substitutions (P289L) and the other seven synonymous SNP, including c.267C>T, were presumed to be in linkage disequilibrium. Therefore we selected two SNP (c.267C>T and c.866C>T) for further analysis. We investigated associations between these genotypes and fatty acid composition in three Japanese Black populations (n = 560, 245 and 287) and a Holstein population (n = 202). Tukey‐Kramer's honestly significant difference test revealed that CC genotype in c.267C>T indicated lower C14:0 and higher C18:1 than the other genotypes in Japanese Black cattle and CC genotype in c.866C>T showed lower C16:1 than CT genotype in Holstein cattle (P < 0.05). These results suggested that these genotypes would contribute to production of high‐grade meat as selection markers in beef cattle.  相似文献   

Evidence was found that supports the existence of a major gene (designated as the slick hair gene), dominant in mode of inheritance, that is responsible for producing a very short, sleek hair coat. Cattle with slick hair were observed to maintain lower rectal temperatures (RT). The gene is found in Senepol cattle and criollo (Spanish origin) breeds in Central and South America. This gene is also found in a Venezuelan composite breed, the Carora, formed from the Brown Swiss and a Venezuelan criollo breed. Two sets of backcross matings of normal-haired sire breeds to Senepol crossbred dams assumed to be heterozygous for the slick hair gene resulted in ratios of slick to normal-haired progeny that did not significantly differ from 1:1. Data from Carora x Holstein crossbred cows in Venezuela also support the concept of a major gene that is responsible for the slick hair coat of the Carora breed. Cows that were 75% Holstein: 25% Carora in breed composition segregated with a ratio that did not differ from 1:1, as would be expected from a backcross matinginvolving a dominant gene. The effect of the slick hair gene on RT depended on the degree of heat stress and appeared to be affected by age and/or lactation status. The decreased RT observed for slick-haired crossbred calves compared to normal-haired contemporaries ranged from 0.18 to 0.4 degrees C. An even larger decrease in RT (0.61 degrees C; P < 0.01) was observed in lactating Carora x Holstein F1 crossbred cows, even though it did not appear that these cows were under severe heat stress. The improved thermotolerance of crossbred calves due to their slick hair coats did not result in increased weaning weights, possibly because both the slick and normal-haired calves were being nursed by slick-haired dams. There were indications that the slick-haired calves grew faster immediately following weaning and that their growth during the cooler months of the year was not compromised significantly by their reduced quantity of hair. In the Carora x Holstein crossbred cows there was a positive effect of slick hair on milk yield under dry, tropical conditions.  相似文献   

为探讨金属硫蛋白(MT)对热应激奶牛血淋巴细胞凋亡基因和HSP70基因表达的影响及其机理,选取25头中国荷斯坦奶牛经产泌乳母牛,随机均分为A、B、C、D、E 5组,分别按每头0(对照),16.0,24.0,32.0和40.0 mg颈静脉注射Zn-MT,于试验第1(注射Zn-MT之前),7和14天逐头采取血样,测定不同剂量的外源性MT对热应激奶牛血淋巴细胞HSP70、Bcl-2、Baxp53基因表达水平的影响。结果表明,补给外源性MT后,4个试验组奶牛的产奶性能都有不同程度提高,其中B组奶牛的产奶量比A、C、D和E组分别高出20.94%(P<0.05),15.83%(P>0.05),10.94%(P>0.05)和8.85%(P>0.05);各试验组HSP70基因的表达水平都有所上升,其中D组比对照组高出130.00%,达到显著(P<0.05)水平;各试验组Bcl-2基因的表达水平均高于对照组,其中C组达到显著(P<0.05)水平;B、D组Bax基因的表达水平和C、E组p53基因的表达水平较对照组分别降低了22.00%,13.00%和22.00%,34.00%,但均未达到显著(P>0.05)水平。说明外源性MT能改善热应激奶牛的产奶性能并有效调控奶牛血淋巴细胞HSP70、Bcl-2、Baxp53基因的表达水平,且表现出较为明显的剂量效应。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Bovine mastitis remains the most common and costly disease of dairy cattle worldwide. A complementary control measure to herd hygiene and vaccine development would be to selectively breed cattle with greater resistance to mammary infection. Toll-like receptor 1 (TLR1) has an integral role for the initiation and regulation of the immune response to microbial pathogens, and has been linked to numerous inflammatory diseases. The objective of this study was to investigate whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the bovine TLR1 gene (boTLR1) are associated with clinical mastitis (CM).Selected boTLR1 SNPs were analysed within a Holstein Friesian herd. Significant associations were found for the tagging SNP -79 T > G and the 3'UTR SNP +2463 C > T. We observed favourable linkage of reduced CM with increased milk fat and protein, indicating selection for these markers would not be detrimental to milk quality. Furthermore, we present evidence that some of these boTLR1 SNPs underpin functional variation in bovine TLR1. Animals with the GG genotype (from the tag SNP -79 T > G) had significantly lower boTLR1 expression in milk somatic cells when compared with TT or TG animals. In addition, stimulation of leucocytes from GG animals with the TLR1-ligand Pam3csk4 resulted in significantly lower levels of CXCL8 mRNA and protein.SNPs in boTLR1 were significantly associated with CM. In addition we have identified a bovine population with impaired boTLR1 expression and function. This may have additional implications for animal health and warrants further investigation to determine the suitability of identified SNPs as markers for disease susceptibility.  相似文献   

The somatotrophic axis consisting of pituitary-derived growth hormone and circulating insulin-like growth factor 1 has been well established as key regulators of animal health, metabolism, lactation, fertility, body composition and growth rate. The aim of this study was to simultaneously quantify the associations between SNPs in candidate genes of the somatotrophic axis (i.e., IGF-1, GH1 and GHR) with performance traits in Holstein-Friesian (HF) dairy cattle. Both novel SNPs identified previously by this group alongside other published SNPs within these genes were analysed for associations with performance in dairy cattle. Multiple regression analyses regressing genetic merit of up to 848 HF sires on novel SNPs (n = 76) and published SNPs (n = 33) were undertaken using weighted animal mixed linear models. Twenty-three SNPs were significantly associated with at least one of 18 traits analysed and involved in milk production, udder health, fertility and growth. Eight traits including milk fat composition, carcass conformation, stature, chest width, body depth, rump width, carcass and cull cow weight were independently associated with SNPs in two genes. Furthermore, for several traits including milk fat yield, somatic cell count, survival and carcass fat, SNPs in all three genes were independently associated with performance. Milk fat yield and carcass fat showed the highest number of independent associations across all three genes with five SNPs associated with both traits. The cumulative effects of the favourable alleles of all five SNPs across GH1, GHR and IGF-1 result in an increase of 5.9 kg and 28.6 units of milk fat and carcass fat, respectively. Cow survival was associated with a single SNP in each of the three genes with a cumulative allele effect of 1.5%. Independent effects of polymorphisms in GH1, GHR and IGF-1 reinforce the central role of the somatotrophic axis on animal development and performance.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is a canine parasite which is considered a significant cause of bovine abortion. Two cattle herd groups were serologically studied with the objective of studying the prevalence of infection by N. caninum associated with BHV1 and BVDV infections. In group I, 15 dairy herds (476 samples) naturally infected by the three infectious agents were analyzed,. In group II, three dairy herds (100 samples) of cows vaccinated for two viruses were analyzed, in order to determine the infection prevalence by N. caninum. In the first group, an infection prevalence of 12.61, 34 and 28.3% was determined for N. caninum BHV1 and BVDV, respectively. In the second group, a seropositive prevalence of 46, 85 and 76%, respectively, was determined for N. caninum, BVH1 and BVDV. In the first group, the virus and N. caninum had shown in the first group 4.41% positive samples in association with BVH1, 3.15% with BVDV, and 8.41% with BVH1 and BVDV.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to detect effective genetic polymorphisms of bovine growth hormone (bGH) gene associated with calf weight in Japanese Black cattle. Fifty‐eight sires and 47 breeding cows were used to detect the polymorphisms in exons by single‐strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). Four homozygous and six heterozygous SSCP genotypes were identified in exon 5. Although each single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) had been reported, these genotypes were caused by three SNPs at the nucleotide positions 2141, 2277 and 2291. Four haplotypes C‐C‐A, G‐C‐A, C‐C‐C and G‐T‐A were newly identified. It was suggested that other haplotypes not detected in this study may not exist, considering the allele frequencies reported in Bos taurus and Bos indicus, and the migrating process of native Japanese cattle. Thereafter, we examined associations between the detected polymorphic sites in exon 5 by PCR – restriction fragment length polymorphism and calf weight using 53 breeding dams and 135 calves. The birth weights of calves with haplotype G‐C‐A are significantly lighter and calves' weights produced by cows with such haplotype are also lighter at 30 days old, using regression analysis. Although further research is necessary, these results may serve as a useful criterion to select breeding stocks, especially in maternal abilities.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Heritable myotonia is a genetic muscle disorder characterized by slow relaxation of skeletal muscles. The main clinical signs are skeletal muscle stiffness, especially after vigorous contraction, and muscle hypertrophy. Muscle stiffness may be enhanced by inactivity, and often is relieved by exercise. Myotonia can be inherited in an autosomal dominant or recessive manner (Thomsen- or Becker-type myotonia, respectively). In mice, goats, Miniature Schnauzer dogs, and most affected humans, the disorder is caused by mutations in CLCN1, which encodes the skeletal muscle voltage-gated chloride channel, Cl1C-1. HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that an Australian Cattle Dog with generalized muscle stiffness and hypertrophy examined at the Ontario Veterinary College would have a mutation in the CLCN1 gene. ANIMALS: A pure-bred Australian Cattle Dog from Ontario, Canada, was used. METHODS: Based on clinical signs and electromyographic test results, a diagnosis of myotonia hereditaria was made, and a muscle biopsy was collected for genetic analysis. RESULTS: Sequence data obtained from the affected dog confirmed that it was homozygous for a single base insertion in the CLCN1 coding sequence. This mutation would result in a truncated ClC-1 protein being expressed, which, based on molecular evidence from other studies, would result in functionally compromised chloride conduction in the skeletal muscles of the animal. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: To the authors' knowledge, this report describes the Ist case of myotonia in an Australian Cattle Dog and represents the 1st non-Schnauzer canine myotonia to be genetically characterized. In addition, we developed a polymerase chain reaction-based genetic screen to detect heterozygotes with this mutation in the at-large Australian Cattle Dog population.  相似文献   

Heat stress in tropical regions is a major cause that strongly negatively affects to milk production in dairy cattle. Genetic selection for dairy heat tolerance is powerful technique to improve genetic performance. Therefore, the current study aimed to estimate genetic parameters and investigate the threshold point of heat stress for milk yield. Data included 52 701 test‐day milk yield records for the first parity from 6247 Thai Holstein dairy cattle, covering the period 1990 to 2007. The random regression test day model with EM‐REML was used to estimate variance components, genetic parameters and milk production loss. A decline in milk production was found when temperature and humidity index (THI) exceeded a threshold of 74, also it was associated with the high percentage of Holstein genetics. All variance component estimates increased with THI. The estimate of heritability of test‐day milk yield was 0.231. Dominance variance as a proportion to additive variance (0.035) indicated that non‐additive effects might not be of concern for milk genetics studies in Thai Holstein cattle. Correlations between genetic and permanent environmental effects, for regular conditions and due to heat stress, were ? 0.223 and ? 0.521, respectively. The heritability and genetic correlations from this study show that simultaneous selection for milk production and heat tolerance is possible.  相似文献   

Clinical signs associated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) were studied in 1008 casualty slaughter cattle over 30 months of age to compare the results with the BSE status as determined by postmortem tests. The clinical BSE status was assessed using seven different criteria based on various publications. Only one (0.10%) out of 997 casualty slaughter cattle with a matching postmortem test result was positive for BSE. The BSE case was identified by only two case definitions tailored specifically to recumbent cases. The variety and often equivocal definition of clinical signs associated with BSE is reflected by the difference in the criteria that usually identified different animals as BSE suspects. The BSE status may be more difficult to assess in recumbent animals that do not allow a full clinical examination, and BSE may not be suspected if another disease is present that may mask signs of BSE.  相似文献   

The national bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) seroprevalence (apparent prevalence) in the Belgian cattle population was determined by a serological survey that was conducted from December 1997 to March 1998. In a random sample of herds (N=556), all cattle (N=28 478) were tested for the presence of antibodies to glycoprotein B of BHV-1. No differentiation could be made between vaccinated and infected animals, because the exclusive use of marker vaccines was imposed by law only in 1997 by the Belgian Veterinary Authorities. Twenty-one percent of the farmers vaccinated continuously against BHV-1.

In the unvaccinated group, the overall herd, individual-animal and median within-herd seroprevalences were estimated to be 67% (95% confidence interval (CI)=62–72), 35.9% (95% CI=35.0–36.8) and 33% (quartiles=14–62), respectively.

Assuming a test sensitivity and specificity of 99 and 99.7%, respectively, the true herd, individual-animal and median within-herd prevalence for the unvaccinated group of herds were estimated to be 65, 36 and 34%, respectively. The true herd prevalence for dairy, mixed and beef herds were respectively, 84, 89 and 53%; the true individual-animal prevalence for those types of herds were, respectively, 35, 43 and 31%; whereas, the true median within-herd prevalences were 36, 29 and 38%.  相似文献   

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