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Objectives of this study were to estimate the magnitude of the effects of various factors associated with ewes and their ram lamb mates on fertility, prolificacy, lamb survival, lamb weaning weight and ewe productivity and to estimate the heritability and repeatability of each trait. Records from 731 ewe-years, 75 ram lamb sires and 616 lambs born from the University of Illinois Rambouillet flock were used. Ewes mated to single-born ram lambs had higher fertility rates (P less than .01), gave birth to lambs with higher survival rates (P less than .01), weaned lighter (P less than .05) individual lambs but weaned more weight of lamb per ewe exposed (P less than .01) than ewes mated to multiple-born ram lambs. Ram lamb breeding weight, ram lamb scrotal circumference, ewe breeding weight and ewe age had relatively large and positive effects on the composite trait of weight of lamb weaned per ewe exposed and significant effects on a number of the component traits. Heritability and repeatability estimates were, respectively, as follows: fertility, 3%, 3%; prolificacy, 34%, 19%; lamb survival, 15%, 8%; lamb weaning weight, 7%, 36%; and ewe productivity, 27%, 10%.  相似文献   

Purebred and two-breed cross (F1) boars were mated to F1 females to produce all possible three- and four-breed cross pigs involving the Duroc, Yorkshire, Landrace and Spotted breeds. Individual postweaning average daily gain (ADG), age at 100 kg (AGE) and probed backfat thickness at 100 kg (BF) data were collected on 3,456 pigs. A total of 213 pens with an average of 15.58 pigs per pen was evaluated for postweaning feed-to-gain ratio (F/G) and average daily feed consumption (ADF). Genotype X environment interactions, specifically breed X year-season farrowed and breed X parity (for ADG), were found to be highly significant. Certain results, however, were reasonably consistent across environments. Duroc-sired pigs grew more efficiently than other sire breed groups (3.11 vs 3.21 F/G), although there were no significant differences in ADF between sire groups. Duroc-sired pigs had less BF than other three-breed cross pigs, based upon within breed of dam comparisons, suggesting differences in composition between the more efficient Duroc-sired pigs and other breed groups. Landrace-sired pigs were fatter than other sire groups. No real differences between crossbred-sired pigs and the average of contemporary pure-bred-sired pigs were apparent for F/G, ADF, ADG, AGE, or BF. Assuming paternal heterosis to be zero, these results suggested recombination effects to be negligible for postweaning performance traits. Apart from via direct genetic effects, mating crossbred rather than purebred boars to females of different breeding should have little or no impact on feedlot performance of offspring produced.  相似文献   

Summary Reproduction and lamb production of three fat-tailed, carpet-wool Iranian breeds of sheep; Karakul (130 ewes), Mehraban (103) and Baluchi (119) were studied. The ewes were mated either as purebreds or with Corriedale or Targhee rams. The overall least-squares means for ewes mated (showed oestrus) or ewes exposed, ewes lambed or ewes mated, lambs born of ewes lambing (prolificacy), lambs born alive of total lambs born, lambs weaned of live lambs born, lambs weaned (75 days of age) of ewes mated, kg lamb weaned per ewe mated and kg lamb weaned per 100 kg ewe mated were 98.3%, 93.5%, 103.1%, 94.9%, 97.8%, 90.0%, 18.2 kg and 38.4 kg respectively. The native breeds were not different for any of the traits studied except for prolificacy which was higher in Mehraban than in Karakul. Purebred matings did not differ from the crossbred matings for any of the traits concerning the number of lambs but crossbreeding improved kg lamb weaned per ewe mated (9.2%, P=0.08) and kg lamb weaned per 100 kg ewe mated (10.0%, P<0.05). Among the three native breeds Karakul showed the largest improvement when crossed with the exotic rams for the traits concerning kg lambs weaned. Corriedale and Targhee rams had similar effects on all the traits studied. A lower percentage of virgin ewes showed oestrus, had a lower twinning rate and productivity compared with the mature ones. Sex was not a significant source of variation in lamb livability.
Desempeño Reproductivo De Tres Razas Cola Gruesa De Ovejas Apareadas Con Moruecos Nativos, Corridale Y Targhee
Resumen Se estudiaron la reproducción y producción de corderos iraníes de tres razas fat-tailed (Cola gruesa o grasosa) productores de lana para carpetas: Karakul (130 ovejas), Mehraban (103) y Baluchi (119). Las ovejas fueron apareadas como puras, o con moruecos Corridale o Targhee. Las medias mínimas cuadradas para ovejas apareadas (que mostraron estro) de ovejas expuestas, ovejas paridas de ovejas apareadas, corderos nacidos de ovejas paridas (prolificidad), corderos nacidos vivos del total de corderos nacidos, corderos destetados de corderos nacidos vivos, corderos destetados (75 días de edad) de ovejas apareadas, kg de cordero destetado por oveja apareada y kg de cordero destetado por 100 kg de oveja apareada, fueron: 98.3%, 93.5%, 103.1%, 94.9%, 97.8%, 90.0%, 18.2 kg y 38.4 kg respectivamente. Las razas nativas no fueron diferentes en ninguna de las características estudiadas, excepto por le prolificidad la cual fue mayor en Mehraban, que en Karakul. El apareamiento de razas puras, no difirió de los apareamientos cruzados para cualquiera de las características estudiadas concernientes con el número de corderos, pero el cruzamiento mejoró los kg. de cordero destetado por oveja apareada (9.2%,p<0.08) y kg de cordero destetado por 100 kg de oveja apareada (10.0%,P<0.05). De las tres razas nativas, la Karakul fue superior cuando se cruzó con las razas exóticas en lo concerniente a las características kg de cordero destetado. Las razas Corriedale y Targhee tuvieron efectos similares en todas las características estudiadas. Un bajo porcentaje de ovejas vírgenes ciclaron regularmente, tuvieron un porcentaje bajo de mellizos y productividad en general, comparada con las ovejas maduras. El sexo no fue una fuente significativa de variabilidad, en la supervivencia de los corderos.

Performances De Reproduction De Trois Races De Moutons À Queue Grasse Accouplées À Des Locales, Corriedale Et Targhee
Résumé La reproduction et la production d'agneaux de 3 races iranienes à queue grasse élevées pour la production de laine à tapis: karakul (130 brebis), Mehraban (103) et Baluchi (119) furent étudiées; Les brebis furent accouplées soit en race pure soit avec des béliers Corriedale ou Targhee; Les moyennes estimées par la méthode des moindres carrés de l'ensemble des brebis accouplées (oestrus visible) par rapport aux brebis exposées; des brebis agnelant par rapport aux brebis accouplées, des agneaux nés par rapport aux brebis agnelant (prolificité); des agneaux nés vivants sur les nés totaux, des agneaux sevrés sur les nés vivants, des agneaux sevrés par brebis accouplée, et du kg d'agneau sevré par 100 kg de brebis accouplées étaient 98,3%; 93,5%, 103,1%, 94,9%, 97,8%, 90,0%, 18; 2 kg et 38,4 kg respectivement. Les races natives n'étaient pas différentes pour les autres caractères étudiés excepté pour la prolificité qui était plus élevée en Mehraban qu'en Karakul. Les accouplements en race pure ne différaient pas des croisements pour tous les caractères concernant le nombre d'agneaux mais le croisement améliorait les kg d'agneaux sevrés par 100 kg de brebis accouplée (9,2%P=0,08) et les kg sevrés par 100 kg de brebis accouplée (10,0%P<0,05). Parmi les 3 races natives, la Karakul montrait l'amélioration la plus grande lorsque croisée avec les béliers exotiques pour les caractères concernant les kg d'agneaux sevrés. Les béliers Corriedale et Targhee avaient des effets similaires sur tous les caractères étudiés. Un plus faible pourcentage de brebis vierges à oestrus visible, avait un plus faible taux de jumeaux et de productivité comparé aux brebis matures. Le sexe n'était pas une source significative de variation dans la viabilité des agneaux.

From an extensive series of trials involving approximately 15 000 Romney ewes mated with 435 rams, provisional results are presented on the comparative performance of 14 sire breeds for lamb meat production. The breeds, each represented by ten or more rams, were Southdown, Suffolk, South Suffolk, Hampshire, Dorset Down, South Dorset Down, Poll or Horn Dorset, Border Leicester, English Leicester, Ryeland, Cheviot, Lincoln, Merino and Romney.Important differences exist between sire breeds in progeny survival, with the Southdown being best and the Romney poorest. Progeny of long-wool sires, and particularly the Lincoln, clip more wool at post-weaning shearing than of the Down breeds, which exhibit quite small variation.Sire breeds vary in average live-weight and carcass growth of their progeny, the Suffolk, Hampshire and Dorset breeds producing the heaviest and Merino and Romney the lightest lambs. In terms of lamb live-weight or carcass production per Romney ewe mated, Romney, Merino, Lincoln, Ryeland, Cheviot and English Leicester sires are inferior to the Southdown while Dorset, Suffolk, South Suffolk and Dorset Down are superior.Within any breed, wide differences exist between progeny growth rates of the best and poorest sires, emphasising the importance of sound selection of rams and of adequate genetic sampling in breed comparisons.  相似文献   

The effect of buck genetic type and crossbreeding parameters on fertility and prolificacy were estimated using two rabbit sire lines and their reciprocal crosses. The relationship between the reproductive performance of inseminated multiparous does and several semen quality traits was also investigated. The semen characteristics evaluated were: pH (pH), mass and individual motility (MM, IM), percentage of viable spermatozoa (Vi), spermatozoa with normal apical ridge (NAR), normal spermatozoa (NSP), spermatozoa with morphological abnormalities of head (HAP), neck-midpiece (NAP), and tail (TAP), spermatozoa with the presence of proximal (PD) and distal (DD) cytoplasmic droplets.

Fertility was analysed as a continuous trait (kindling rate) or as a binary trait (success or failure of kindling). In the first case, the analysis was performed using GLM procedures of SAS v.8 according to a model that included the fixed factors of buck genetic type, number of ejaculates per pool and week of insemination. In the second case, fertility was analysed using GENMOD procedures of SAS v.8 according to a mixed model including the same fixed factors as before plus the physiological status of the does and the permanent random effect of female. Number of kits born alive and number of stillborn were analysed with MIXED procedures of SAS v.8 with the same model used for the analysis of fertility as a binary trait. Estimates of the estimable functions of crossbreeding genetic parameters of the lines were obtained from the solutions of the corresponding models by generalized least squares using GLM, GENMOD and MIXED procedures. Crossbreeding parameters were estimated according to the model of Dickerson. A linear regression was used to determine the relationship between fertility and litter size and the semen characteristics evaluated.

Significant differences in fertility were observed among buck genetic types, which were favourable to type R. Differences between lines in maternal genetic effects were relevant and favourable to type R for fertility. Individual heterosis was important but unfavourable for fertility.

A slight correlation was obtained between all semen quality traits and fertility and prolificacy. Two multiple models were found for fertility, including NAP, IM, NSP, buck genetic type and Vi in one model or NAR in other model. Individual motility had an important positive effect, while NAP had a small negative effect. When MM, TAP and buck genetic type were included in a multiple model for the number of kits born alive, both MM and TAP had significant small effects. Individual motility and DD appeared to be related to number of kits stillborn, but only DD had a significant although negligible effect.  相似文献   

Crossbreeding is a common practice among commercial sheep producers to improve animal performance. However, genetic evaluation of U.S. sheep is performed within breed type (terminal sire, semi-prolific, and western range). While incorporating crossbred records may improve assessment of purebreds, it requires accounting for heterotic and breed effects in the evaluation. The objectives of this study were to: 1) describe the development of a paternal composite (PC) line, 2) determine the effect of direct and maternal heterosis on growth traits of crossbred lambs, 3) estimate (co)variance components for direct and maternal additive, and uncorrelated maternal environmental, effects, and 4) provide an interpretation of the estimates of random effects of genetic groups, and to use those solutions to compare the genetic merit of founding breed subpopulations. Data included purebred and crossbred records on birth weight (BN; n = 14,536), pre-weaning weight measured at 39 or 84 d (WN; n = 9,362) depending on year, weaning weight measured at 123 d (WW; n = 9,297), and post-weaning weight measured at 252 d (PW; n = 1,614). Mean (SD) body weights were 5.3 (1.1), 16.8 (3.9) and 28.0 (7.6), 39.1 (7.2), and 54.2 (8.7) kg for BN, WN (at the two ages), WW, and PW, respectively. In designed experiments, the Siremax, Suffolk, Texel, Polypay, Columbia, Rambouillet, and Targhee breeds were compared within the same environment. Estimates of heterotic effects and covariance components were obtained using a multiple trait animal model. Genetic effects based on founders’ breeds were significant and included in the model. Percent estimates of direct heterosis were 2.89 ± 0.61, 2.60 ± 0.65, 4.24 ± 0.56, and 6.09 ± 0.86, and estimates of maternal heterosis were 1.92 ± 0.87, 4.64 ± 0.80, 3.95 ± 0.66, and 4.04 ± 0.91, for BN, WN, WW, and PW, respectively. Correspondingly, direct heritability estimates were 0.17 ± 0.02, 0.13 ± 0.02, 0.17 ± 0.02, and 0.46 ± 0.04 for BN, WN, WW, and PW. Additive maternal effects accounted for trivial variation in PW. For BN, WN, and WW, respectively, maternal heritability estimates were 0.16 ± 0.02, 0.10 ± 0.02, and 0.07 ± 0.01. Uncorrelated maternal environmental effects accounted for little variation in any trait. Direct and maternal heterosis had considerable impact on growth traits, emphasizing the value of crossbreeding and the need to account for heterosis, in addition to breed effects, if crossbred lamb information is included in genetic evaluation.  相似文献   

Lambs from rams (R), cryptorchids (C) and wethers (W) were examined to compare with the dietary guidelines for humans on fat and cholesterol intake. Twenty-four lambs were assigned to treatments as R, C or W at weaning (60 d). Each lamb had ad libitum access to a 77:23% forage:concentrate diet containing 11.7% crude protein and 1.84 Mcal ME/kg. The experiment was terminated when the lambs reached 50 kg body weight. Lipid composition of the longissimus muscle (LM) and s.c. adipose tissue was determined by gas-liquid chromatography. Rams has less (P less than .01) s.c. fat (cm) and i.m. lipid (%) (.26 cm; 3.*%) than W (.56 cm; 4.9%). Total polyunsaturated fatty acids were greater (P less than .01) in the LM of R (7.06%) than in LM of W (5.21%). Rams had higher percentages of C18:2, C18:3, C20:4 and C18:1 in their LM than W did. On the basis of a 100-g serving of LM, R had 1.73, C had 2.15 and W had 2.21 g saturated fatty acids. There were no (P less than .01) differences among sex types for cholesterol content of LM, which averaged 66.6 mg/100 g wet tissue. The only major difference of the s.c. fat lipid composition was in saturated fatty acids. Wethers had higher (P less than .01) saturated fatty acids (51.4%) than C 46.8%) and R (43.3%). Based on the lipid composition of these three types of lambs, the LM muscle from young R lambs approached dietary fat guidelines for humans more closely than did that from castrates.  相似文献   

Summary A study was carried out at Mallawi Research Station, 300 km south of Cairo, in which 16 Chios (CC), 31 Ossimi (OO) and 21 of their F1 crossbred ewes (50% Chios- 50% Ossimi (CO)). The CO crossbred ewes were mated to CC rams, whereas OO and CC ewes were mated to rams of the same breeds. The study included only ewes having single lambs in 2 lambing seasons; summer and winter. In the summer, total 8-week milk yield (suckling period) averaged 128·9, 53·4 and 77·1 kg in CC, OO and the crossbred ewes, respectively (P<0·01). Total milk yield averaged 201·6, 65·0 and 110·2 and days of lactation were 151·1, 79·6 and 106·7, respectively (P<0·01). In the winter, total 8-week milk yield averaged 138·6 (P<0·01), 55·0 and 59·5 kg for CC, OO and the crossbred ewes, respectively. Total yield averaged 209·1 (P<0·01), 65·9 and 76·5 kg and days of lactation were 153·3, 79·8 and 93·4, respectively (P<0·01).
Produccion De Leche De Cruces Ovinos Chios-Ossimi En Relacion Con La Produccion De Las Razas Progenitoras
Resumen Se llevó a cabo un estudio en la Estación Experimental Mallawi, localizada 300 km al sudoeste del Cairo, con 16 Chios (CC), 31 Ossimi (OO) y 21 de sus cruzas F1 (50% Chios-50% Ossini (CO)). Las ovejas cruzadas CO fueron cruzadas con machos CC, mientras que las ovejas OO y CC fueron cruzadas con machos de la misma raza. El estudio incluyó solamente ovejas que tuvieron partos sencillos en 2 períodos de pariciones; verano e invierno. En el verano, el total de 8 producciones semanales durante el período de amamantamiento promediaron 128·9, 53·4 y 77·1 kg en CC, OO, y en las ovejas cruzadas, respectivamente (P<0·01). El total de la producción de leche promedió 201·6, 65·0 y 110·2, siendo los días de lactación de 151·1, 79·6 y 106·7, respectivamente (P<0·01). En el invierno, el total de 8 producciones semanales promediaron 138·6 (P<0·01), 55·0 y 59·5 kg para CC, OO y los cruces, respectivamente. El promedio del total producido fue de 209·1 (P<0·01), 65·9 y 76·5 kg, siendo los días de lactación de 153·3, 79·8 y 93·4, respectivamente (P<0·01).

Rendement Laitier De Brebis Croisees Chios X Ossimi Par Rapport A Celui Des Races Parentales
Résumé Une étude a été réalisée à la station expérimentale de Mallawi, à 300 km au sud du Caire, sur 16 brebis Chios (CC), 31 Ossimi (OO) et 21 croisées de première génération (50% Chios-50% Ossimi (Co). Les brebis croisées (Co) ont été saillies par des béliers CC tandis que les brebis OO et CC étaient saillies par des béliers de mêmes races. L'étude ne concerne que des brebis n'ayant qu'un seul agneau en 2 saisons d'agnelage: été et hiver. Pour la période d'été, le rendement laitier total de 8 semaines (période d'allaitement) était en moyenne de 128,9–53,4 et 77,1 kg chez les brebis CC, OO et croisés, respectivement (P<0,01). Le rendement laitier total atteignait des moyennes de 201,6, 65 et 110,2. Les jours de lactation étaient de 151,1, 79,6 et 106,7 respectivement (P<0,01). En hiver, le rendement laitier total sur huit semaines était en moyenne de 138,6 (P<0,01), 55 et 55,5 kg pour CC, CO et les brebis croisées, respectivement. Le rendement total moyen était de 209,1 (P<0,01), 65,9 et 76,5 kg et les jours de lactation étaient de 153,3, 79,8 et 93,4 (P<0,01) respectivement.

This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of cafeteria (CF) and conventional (CN) feeding systems on feed intake, feed preferences with respect to voluntary feed source intake, feed conversion rate (FCR) and fattening performance of native Awassi lambs. Sixteen, 3 month old male lambs were used and kept individually for 70 days. Lambs in CF (n = 8) were offered to consume the main ingredients of barley, soybean meal (SBM), sunflower seed meal (SFM) and alfalfa straw, separately, while lambs in CN (n = 8) were fed with a concentrate feed containing 11.34 MJ/kg ME, 17.53% crude protein with the mixture of the same feed sources and alfalfa straw. The initial and final live weights of lambs were similar among groups (P > 0.05). Daily voluntary intake of ash, fat and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) consumptions among groups were quite different during the experiment (P < 0.001). Neither biweekly nor total results of voluntary protein intake between groups were not found statistically significant (P > 0.05). From beginning to the end of the study, the proportional barley intake increased 34 to 43% but reduced for SBM intake from 37 to 23% for the lambs in CF. On the other hand, the SFM intake of lambs did not changed significantly during the experiment and ranged between 2–5%. Lambs in CF did not consume SFM to meet their protein requirement and had 12.5% better total FCR result than the lambs in CN (6.86 and 7.84, respectively) (P > 0.05). The difference of average DWG, total live weight gain, final live weight of lambs in groups were similar (P > 0.05). In conclusion, Awassi lambs in CF can select a diet matching their nutritional requirements from a group of feed sources in response to their growth period when compared to CN system and better FCR result might help to decrease the feed expenses for fattening of native Awassi lambs.  相似文献   

Summary The responses of susceptible purebred and crossbred Nigerian Dwarf goats to caprinized rinderpest virus differed significantly. The factor responsible was probably not innate.
Resumen La reacción de cabras susceptibles de raza pura y cruzadas al virus caprinizado de “Rinderpest” diferió considerablemente. El factor responsable probablemente no era homologo.

Résumé Les réponses des chèvres naines de Nigéria de race pure ou de race métisse au virus caprinisé de la peste bovine ont montré des différences significatives. Le facteur responsable de ces variations n'était sans doute pas d'ordre génétique.

The objective was to evaluate wool (Dorset and Rambouillet) and hair (Dorper, Katahdin, and White Dorper) breeds for their ability to complement Romanov germplasm in two distinct production systems by estimating direct sire and grandsire effects on lamb growth, survival, and ewe productivity traits. Rams of the five breeds (n = 75) were mated to Romanov ewes (n = 459) over a 3-yr period to produce five types of crossbred lambs (n = 2,739). Sire breed (P > 0.06) did not impact body weight or survival traits of the first-generation crossbred (F1) lambs. The productivity of retained crossbred ewes (n = 830) mated to Suffolk and Texel terminal sires was evaluated at 1, 2, and 3 yr of age in each production system. In the intensive production system, labor and harvested feed were provided for sheep that lambed in March in barns, and ewes were limited to rearing two lambs with additional lambs reared artificially. Ewes in the extensive production system lambed in May on pasture and were responsible for rearing all lambs born with no labor or supplemental feed provided before weaning. A total of 1,962 litters and 4,171 lambs from 2,229 exposures to two terminal sire breeds (Suffolk and Texel) were produced in the experiment. Crossbred ewes in the intensive production system were mated in October, resulting in larger litter sizes than crossbred ewes mated in December for the extensive production system. However, single- and twin-born lamb mortality was similar between the two systems that differed greatly in labor, feed, and facilities. Lambs produced in the intensive system received concentrate feed from an early age and were heavier at 24 wk of age than lambs produced in the extensive system. These outcomes resulted in greater 24-wk litter weight in the intensive than in the extensive system (P < 0.0001). Unexpectedly, the relative performance of crossbred types did not differ importantly between production systems. White Dorper × Romanov crossbred ewes had numerical advantages in productivity in each system; however, differences between ewe types were not significant. In the extensive system, without labor and shelter at lambing or supplemental feed until weaning, 3-yr-old crossbred ewes of all types averaged 1.78 lambs marketed per ewe lambing, and 40% of the ewes that gave birth to triplets weaned their entire litters. These results document that prolific sheep and extensive systems can be successfully combined if appropriate crossbred types are used.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the fattening performance and carcass and meat quality characteristics of Kivircik twin male lambs. Twelve lambs at approximately 5?months of age were subjected to a finishing diet for 60?days. Average live weight of lambs at the beginning and the end of the fattening were 23.14?±?0.84 and 39.0?±?1.01?kg, respectively. Daily live weight gain and feed conversion efficiency were found as 0.265?±?0.007 and 6.14?kg, respectively. Hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight, and dressing percentage were 19.6?±?0.6 and 18.9?±?0.6?kg and 48.1?±?0.3%, respectively. Kidney-pelvic fat weight, internal fat weight, and m. longissimus dorsi area were 0.117?±?0.023 and 0.364?±?0.041?kg and 15.26?±?0.70?cm(2), respectively. The percentages of leg, back loin, forearm, shoulder, neck, flank-chest, kidney-pelvic fat, and internal fat in carcasses of the lambs were found as 34.1?±?0.4%, 19.6?±?0.3%, 21.0?±?0.2%, 7.0?±?0.3%, 10.5?±?0.3%, 7.2?±?0.2%, 1.3?±?0.1%, and 1.8?±?0.1%, respectively. Averages water content, ash, protein content, and fat content of meat samples were 73.4%, 1.0%, 19.5% and 3.6%, respectively. pH and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances values of meat samples were 5.55 and 0.056?±?0.017. L*(lightness), a*(redness), and b*(yellowness) values were recorded as 43.87, 12.69, and 10.22, respectively. Thus, we conclude that fattening performance, carcass, and meat quality of Kivircik lambs are satisfactory levels than that of other native breeds.  相似文献   

Effects of Dorset, Finnsheep, Romanov, Texel, and Montadale breeds for performance as sires were estimated in the initial phase of a comprehensive evaluation of these breeds as contributors to sheep crossbreeding systems. Objectives were to evaluate the effects of ram breed, ewe breed, season of mating, and two-way interactions. Rams from the five breeds were single-sire-mated with ewes from two breed types to produce lambs over a 3-yr period. Ewes were assigned to one of three distinct 35-d mating seasons initiated each year in August, October, and December. A different sample of six rams per breed was used each year across all three seasons, and each ram was penned with ewes of both breeds. Traits evaluated and number of ewe records were conception rate and litter weaning weight per ewe exposed (n = 3,261) and number born, litter birth weight, average birth weight, number weaned, and litter weaning weight per ewe lambing (n = 2,751). Ram breed and ewe breed interacted (P < .01) for conception rate and litter weaning weight per ewe exposed, implicating mating preferences, particularly of Romanov rams. In mixed groups of ewes exposed to Romanov rams, conception rate was 12.7% lower and litter weight weaned was 8.4 kg lower in the ewe breed presumably less preferred for mating by the rams. On a per ewe exposed basis, Romanov-sired litters produced either the largest or the smallest values for litter weaning weight, depending on the breed of ewe. Effects of ram breed on number born and litter birth weight interacted (P < .05) with season of mating. The largest litters within each ram breed were associated with the October mating season. Montadale and Romanov rams sired larger and heavier litters from August matings than from December matings, whereas the opposite was true for Dorset-sired litters. Texel- and Finnsheep-sired litters were similar in size and weight from August and December matings. Breed of ram differences affected per ewe lambing productivity measurements (P < .01). Differences between ram breeds for ewe productivity were noted, with increased number born and improved survival of crossbred progeny to weaning for Romanov-sired litters. These results may have implications for using these ram breeds as sires in different crossbreeding systems. Structured mating systems or the creation of new composite populations involving these breeds could be used to match the resources, environment, and market of specific production situations.  相似文献   

In order to verify the fattening performance, slaughter and carcass characteristics and to investigate the changes in some meat quality traits of Karayaka lambs weaned at 3 months of age, 39 lambs (23 males and 16 females) were used as experimental animals. The lambs were fed a concentrate mixture and alfalfa hay (120 and 168 g crude protein and 2,700 and 1,951 ME/kg, respectively) for a period of 60 days of fattening period. Male lambs were superior (p < 0.05) to female lambs in terms of daily weight gain (270.4 vs. 205.4 g; SEM = 9.46), hot and cold carcass weights (16.7 and 16.0 vs. 14.1 and 13.4 kg, respectively; SEM = 0.35), intra-muscular fat ratios (1.9% vs. 2.5%; SEM = 0.12) and dripping loss of semitendinosus muscle 3 days postmortem (8.1% vs. 10.2%; SEM = 0.36). The relative weights of some organs, the meat quality traits (pH, cooking loss, shear force, CIELab colour characteristics) and proximate analyses (dry matter, protein and ash) of longissimus dorsi and semitendinosus muscle samples from lambs were not affected by sex (p > 0.05). Dripping loss, pH and colour characteristics were affected by storage time (p < 0.05). These results provide a basic understanding of performance and meat quality of Karayaka sheep which may have potentials in improving sheep production using an indigenous sheep breed in Turkey.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate wool (Dorset and Rambouillet) and hair (Dorper, Katahdin, and White Dorper) breeds for their ability to complement Romanov germplasm in an annual fall lambing system by estimating direct maternal grandsire and sire breed effects on economically important lamb and ewe traits. After 3 yr of evaluation under spring lambing, ewes of the five F1 types were transitioned to spring mating, exposed to composite terminal sires, and evaluated under a barn lambing system at 4, 5, and 6 yr of age. A total of 527 first generation crossbred (F1) ewes produced 1,151 litters and 2,248 lambs from 1,378 May exposures. After accounting for differences in dam age, birth type, and sex, lamb survival to weaning was unaffected by maternal grandsire breed (P = 0.30). However, lambs born to 50% Dorset (16.8 ± 0.21 kg) or 50% White Dorper ewes (16.8 ± 0.28 kg) were heavier at weaning than those born to 50% Katahdin dams (13.8 ± 0.32 kg; P < 0.001). Additionally, lambs born to 50% Dorset ewes were heavier than those born to 50% Rambouillet (16.0 ± 0.22 kg) and 50% Dorper ewes (15.7 ± 0.33; P ≤ 0.03), but no other pairwise maternal grandsire breed differences were observed (P ≥ 0.06). Ewe body weight (n = 3,629) was recorded prior to each of six possible mating seasons and, across ages, was greatest for Dorset- and Rambouillet-sired ewes (56.7 ± 0.44 and 56.5 ± 0.45 kg, respectively), intermediate for Dorper- and White Dorper-sired ewes (54.7 ± 0.78 and 54.1 ± 0.64 kg, respectively), and least for Katahdin-sired ewes (51.5 ± 0.45 kg). Fertility after spring mating (0.80 ± 0.03 to 0.87 ± 0.02), litter size at birth (1.46 ± 0.09 to 1.71 ± 0.07), and litter size at weaning (1.25 ± 0.06 to 1.46 ± 0.06) were not impacted by sire breed (P ≥ 0.16). Ewe longevity, assessed as the probability of being present after 6 production years, was also not affected by sire breed (0.39 ± 0.03 to 0.47 ± 0.03; P = 0.44). Rambouillet-sired ewes weaned more total weight of lamb (21.5 ± 0.94 kg) than Katahdin-sired ewes (17.8 ± 0.94 kg; P = 0.05), but no other sire breed differences were detected (P ≥ 0.07). Results demonstrated that incorporating the Romanov into a crossbreeding system is a practical means of improving out-of-season ewe productivity.  相似文献   

Multiparous Suffolk and Suffolk-cross ewes were randomly allotted to treatments within breed and year to measure effects of ram exposure, during transition from anestrus to breeding activity, on reproductive performance. Treatments were: 1) ewes joined with two mature vasectomized Rambouillet rams for 15 d before breeding (DC), 2) ewes maintained across a net wire fence from two vasectomized rams for 15 d before breeding (FC) and 3) ewes maintained approximately 400 m away from rams (NC). At the end of the 15 d, all ewes were placed in one pasture and mated to three fertile Suffolk rams during a 34-d breeding season. A total of 96 Suffolk and 177 Suffolk-cross ewes was utilized during the 3-yr experiment. A greater (P less than .05) prebreeding ovulation percentage was observed in DC and FC than in NC ewes. Mating and lambing occurred approximately 6 d earlier for DC or FC ewes than for NC ewes. A similarly designed experiment was conducted using Suffolk and Suffolk-cross ewe lambs allotted to treatments within breed and year to measure effects of ram exposure during the natural breeding season, but prior to breeding. Treatment differences were not detected (P greater than .05) for date of first observed estrus, date of lambing, percentage of ewes lambing in the first 17 d of the lambing season, number of lambs born per ewe lamb exposed or number of lambs born per ewe lamb giving birth.  相似文献   

Feed cost has a significant effect on the economic efficiency of feedlot lambs; therefore, the use of low-cost non-conventional feedstuffs, such as olive pulp (OP), has the potential to decrease the production costs. Because optimum inclusion of OP-treated silages has not been determined in feedlot lambs, an experiment was conducted to determine the effect of inclusion of OP ensiled with additives in the diet on the feedlot performance and carcass attributes of feedlot lambs. Ram lambs of Mehraban and Ghezel breeds (n?=?50 lambs per breed) were randomly allotted to 10 groups and fed with one of the nine diets containing OP silage or a control diet. Silage treatments were: (1) OP silage without additives (OPS), (2) OP ensiled with 8 % beet molasses and 0.4 % formic acid (OP-MF), and (3) OP ensiled with 8 % beet molasses, 0.4 % formic acid and 0.5 % urea (OP-MFU). The control diet contained 50 % alfalfa hay and 50 % barley grain. Three levels from each silage were chosen to replace the barley grain (10, 20, or 30 % dry matter basis). The lambs were slaughtered after 92 days, and the average daily gain (ADG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and carcass characteristics were determined. Feeding OPS to fat-tailed lambs, at an inclusion level of 30 %, decreased the carcass dressing percentage, mainly as a result of decreased brisket percentage, but the ADG and FCR values were not adversely affected. Ghezel lambs had higher ADG than Mehraban lambs, but the visceral fat weight percentage, flap weight percentage, and back fat depth were higher in Mehraban. The crude protein content in the longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle was higher in Ghezel, but the dry matter percentage was higher in Mehraban (P?<?0.05). Other attributes were not significantly affected by breed (P?>?0.05). Most carcass characteristics, including major cuts, were not affected by OPS feeding; therefore, feeding OPS (up to 30 %) can be economical for feedlot lambs. Most carcass characteristics, including major cuts, were not affected by OPS levels used in this experiment; therefore, inclusion of OPS (up to 30 %) in the diet may reduce the cost of raising feedlot lambs. This also could help alleviate the problem of storage of OP in oil factories.  相似文献   

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