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Ultrapurified bovine haemoglobin solutions such as Oxyglobin are rarely used in equine medicine due to their relatively high cost and concerns over their safety. Four foals and a mature horse were administered Oxyglobin as part of their treatment regime to good clinical effect, and no adverse clinical signs were noted. All 5 animals went on to make a full recovery from the various disease processes that necessitated treatment with blood and blood products. Oxyglobin appears to be a useful adjunctive treatment for acute, life‐threatening anaemia in the horse.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the distribution of feline blood types in a sample of non-pedigree, domestic cats in New Zealand, whether a difference exists in this distribution between domestic short haired and domestic long haired cats, and between the North and South Islands of New Zealand; and to calculate the risk of a random blood transfusion causing a severe transfusion reaction, and the risk of a random mating producing kittens susceptible to neonatal isoerythrolysis.

METHODS: The results of 245 blood typing tests in non-pedigree cats performed at the New Zealand Veterinary Pathology (NZVP) and Gribbles Veterinary Pathology laboratories between the beginning of 2009 and the end of 2014 were retrospectively collated and analysed. Cats that were identified as domestic short or long haired were included. For the cats tested at Gribbles Veterinary Pathology 62 were from the North Island, and 27 from the South Island.

RESULTS: The blood type distribution differed between samples from the two laboratories (p=0.029), but not between domestic short and long haired cats (p=0.50), or between the North and South Islands (p=0.76). Of the 89 cats tested at Gribbles Veterinary Pathology, 70 (79%) were type A, 18 (20%) type B, and 1 (1%) type AB; for NZVP 139/156 (89.1%) cats were type A, 16 (10.3%) type B, and 1 (0.6%) type AB. It was estimated that 18.3–31.9% of random blood transfusions would be at risk of a transfusion reaction, and neonatal isoerythrolysis would be a risk in 9.2–16.1% of random matings between non-pedigree cats.

CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study suggest that there is a high risk of complications for a random blood transfusion between non-purebred cats in New Zealand. Neonatal isoerythrolysis should be considered an important differential diagnosis in illness or mortality in kittens during the first days of life.  相似文献   

Jensen, A. L., A. B. Olesen and J. Arnbjerg: Distribution of feline blood types detected in the Copenhagen area of Denmark. Acta vet. scand., 1994, 35, 121-124.–The purpose of the present study was to make the first survey of the distribution of feline AB blood types in the Copenhagen area of Denmark. A total of 244 cats (139 purebred cats and 105 Domestic Shorthair cats) were tested. 93% of all tested cats had blood type A. Neither an AB nor an O type cat was detected and thus, the frequency of blood type B among all tested cats was 7%. Most type B cats were purebred cats (Birman, British Shorthair and Persian cats). No association between sex and blood type could be demonstrated among British Shorthair and Persian cats. Thus, the present study indicates that cats in Denmark predominantly have blood type A, and that blood type B cats are rare, except for certain breeds such as Birman and British Shorthair cats.  相似文献   

Background: A new commercial gel column agglutination system is reported to have high sensitivity in detecting cats with blood type AB. Objectives: The aims of this study were to compare gel column agglutination and card agglutination methods for feline blood‐typing and to determine the frequency distribution of feline blood types in northern Italy. Methods: Blood‐typing was performed on 120 cats using both a commercial gel column containing monoclonal antibodies (ID Gel‐Test Micro Typing System) and a card agglutination method (RapidVet‐H Feline). Results were confirmed with back‐typing. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were calculated for the 2 methods. A second group of 140 Domestic Shorthair (DSH) cats was blood‐typed using the gel column technique to determine the frequency distribution of feline blood types in northern Italy. Results: The card agglutination method demonstrated poor sensitivity in identification of type‐AB cats (61%) and was only 95% specific when identifying type‐B cats. The gel column agglutination technique demonstrated 100% sensitivity and specificity for typing all 3 blood types (A, B, and AB). The frequency distribution study of 140 cats demonstrated that 127 (90.7%) cats were type A, 10 (7.1%) were type B, and 3 (2.1%) were type AB. Conclusion: When blood‐typing cats of breeds with a relatively high frequency of blood types B and AB, methods that use monoclonal antibodies for detection of blood types B and AB are recommended. Alternatively, blood type can be confirmed by more sensitive supplemental testing, such as back‐typing. The high frequency of blood type A in DSH cats in northern Italy was comparable to previously reported frequencies in Italy and world‐wide.  相似文献   

During the last years, bacteriophages have been used as valuable tool in microbiological diagnostics and basic research. Even though the potential of bacteriophages for fighting bacterial pathogens is known for a long time, the phage therapy is not used in daily routine worldwide. Due to the continuing spread of bacterial resistance to antimicrobials and an increasing awareness of the necessity to protect consumers' health, the phage therapy meanwhile has become a subject of major interest in veterinary medicine, too.This article is meant to present fields of application for phage therapy as well as current trends of development in the field of livestock animals.  相似文献   

Anitschkow cells (AC) are a peculiar type of stromal cells observed in myocardium, cardiac valves and coronary vessels wall whose origin, characterization and role remain controversial. In human heart, they represent a histological hallmark of Aschoff nodules in rheumatic fever, but they have also been observed in other myocardial pathologies. Firstly, they have been considered a myocyte‐derived cells, but light microscopy, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies pointed out that a macrophagic/histiocytic origin cannot be excluded. Many authors also reported extracardiac AC or an Anitschkow nuclear pattern, thus suggesting that these cells may represent a chromatin pattern rather than a specific cell type. In veterinary medicine, AC were described in myocarditis, myocardial necrosis, degenerative and inflammatory endocardial diseases of several species. Recently, AC have been observed in intramural coronary arteries of different animals (including cattle and fish) affected by arteriosclerotic processes. Stress related to the intensive livestock farming could represent a mechanotransduction promoting factor of arteriosclerotic changes allowing the development of Anitschkow chromatin pattern. Further studies both in human and veterinary medicine are needed to confirm the origin and role of these peculiar cells.  相似文献   

Abstract: Medical hand-held refractometers have been used in veterinary practice since their development in the 1960s. They have become ubiquitous for the measurement of protein and urine solute concentrations because of their rapidity of analysis, ease of use, and relatively low cost. Refraction of light offers advantages for the determination of solute concentrations because the measurement requires no chemical alteration of the specimen. Numerous authors have reported that the results of protein estimation by refractometry for domestic mammals correlate well with those obtained by the biuret method, although others have reported both higher and lower refractometric results compared with biuret results. Major discrepancies between biuret and refractometric results have been reported for avian samples. Some of the variation in reported results may be due to differences in design by refractometer manufacturers. Another possible source may be variation in the biuret reagent mixture and assay conditions. Refractometers also can be used to calculate serum water concentration. A table that converts index of refraction to serum water concentration can be used to convert electrolyte concentration from mmol/L of serum to mmol/L of serum water, a more accurate indicator of effective electrolyte concentration. Refractometers are especially useful for determining urine specific gravity on veterinary samples because they require relatively small sample volumes. Specific gravity continues to be the most common unit for reporting total solids concentration. Some solutes, such as acetone, may cause false increases in specific gravity by refractometry, as they increase refraction but are less dense than water.  相似文献   

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