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In a changing business landscape, where globalization and new customer requirements create new business opportunities, some Swedish sawmills have taken over the production of components from their industrial customers. In light of the emerging network-centric perspective on business, sawmill managers' perceptions about component customers' operational requirements, customer interaction processes, and their sawmills' offerings are researched and discussed in this article. A multiple case study design, based on face-to-face interviews with Swedish sawmill managers and on various forms of secondary data, produced comprehensive information about sawmills' interaction processes with component purchasing customers. Thematic data coding facilitated the assessment of the research information in relation to the conceptual and empirical findings of previous research. The findings of the study indicate that more process orientation in housing-, joinery-, and furniture-manufacturing implies an opportunity for sawmills to make service-based offerings including not only physical goods, but also administrative services, logistics, and expert advice. The results of the study confirm the network-centric perspective on business where value is created through the interaction between firms. However, noteworthy barriers in the form of process-, culture-, as well as socially related factors at customer firms must be considered.  相似文献   

对6S现场管理六要素及其之间的关系进行概述,分析了家具企业实施6S现场管理存在的主要问题;提出家具企业实施6S现场管理必须全员参与,有序进行;简述了目视管理、定置管理等现场管理措施;认为在实施过程中对各重点难点进行PDCA循环改善,可以确保现场管理改善的持续进行,从而达到减少浪费、提高生产效率和产品质量、提升企业形象的目的。  相似文献   

文章以浙江省云和县重河湾镇果品实验示范基地为例,从研究生产要素在农户、农产品市场、林农专业合作组织与政府之间形成多向连锁互动效应入手,得到如下经验与启示:现阶段加快农村经济发展和增加农民收入需要发展与完善林业合作组织,推进农村生产关系与经济结构调整,创新农业经营模式,加快农业专业化、市场化、产业化建设步伐。  相似文献   

阐述国有林场木材产、销、存计算机辅助管理系统的设计目标、运行环境、运行特点、数据流程图及系统功能。运用该系统可进行进出仓材积、价格、金额计算 ,各种报表生成和打印 ,完全避免木材生产销售中的计算差错和损失 ,从而提高林场的经营管理水平 ,也便于快速获取各种数据 ,为经营决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

在调查的基础上,对福建省永泰县"十五"期间竹业发展的现状、经营经验、存在问题进行研究和分析,有针对性地提出永泰竹业发展思路与对策。  相似文献   

Vegetation and land degradation, although less acute than in the Southern Mediterranean Basin, is still widespread in the North. Degradation results from various kinds of mismanagement of the land. Wildfires, for instance, favoured by ungrazing, play an increasingly important role as the mean area annually burnt shifted from an average 200,000 ha in the 1960's to over 600,000 ha in the 1980's. These put a heavy burden on the states and on local communities that amounted to an annual average one billion ECUs (USS 1.2 billion) in the 1980's. The causes and processes of land and vegetation degradation are analysed in the light of the changes in land-use over the past 25 years, as shown in the official statistical data. Forest and shrubland areas are expanding while farmland is shrinking by nearly 1% per annum. An analysis of the foreseeable situation in the early years of the twenty-first century is attempted on the basis of the likely evolution of the EEC agricultural policy. Some guidelines are proposed for sound ecological management of the Northern Mediterranean land and vegetation. These include the introduction or expansion of agroforestry systems with multiple-use of the land to develop tourism, wildlife, hunting and sports, combined with extensive grazing of livestock and game and timber production from elite clones of selected high yielding or highly valued species.Eight to ten million hectares, at present devoted to cereal cropping (i.e. about 50% of the cereal-cropping hectarage), will have to be reconverted to other activities. By 1995, the EEC cereal prices will have to drop in line with the world market, as a result of the recent evolution of the EEC Communal Agricultural Policy (CAP). The warranted EEC cereal prices are at present about 40% above that of the world market. The reconversion of this cereal land to other activities could combine low-input mixed agroforestry systems with extensive livestock and game husbandry, high value timber, tourism and various amenities. These should include forage-shrubs plantations in a strategy which combines inexpensive, albeit nutritionally balanced, ruminant diets with erosion control and the overall uplift of natural land fertility and productivity.  相似文献   

In 1985, the government of Indonesia declared an export ban on logs in order to promote the wood processing industry within the country. Furthermore, this policy was followed by a regulation that the concessionaires have to build their own industry, causing a great increase in wood industry. In the early period after the log export ban, the government found it to be successful and there were no significant problems. Unfortunately, after one decade, Indonesia’s forestry sector faced some serious problems,i.e. problems in raw material supply which was lower than the log demand level in the industry, deforestation issues, and ecological imbalance. The main objectives of this study are to identify the effects of the log export ban and to introduce some alternate measures.  相似文献   

中国森林资源信息管理:历史、现状和发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中简述了20世纪60年代以来中国森林资源信息管理的发展历程, 介绍了森林资源信息管理的内容、手段和技术, 变化信息采集方法与技术, 以及保留小班林分林木因子更新方法的演变, 展望了今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

China is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of planted forests area. Planted forests play an important role in soil and water conservation, food source, timber supply and energy security, but there are still many problems waiting for immediate resolution. Based on the current development status of planted forest in China, the paper made an comprehensive analysis for the positive impact and existing problems with regard to planted forests, and then came up with policy recommendations for prom...  相似文献   

林业生态工程有别于一般工程项目,其要素投入、资源经营与工程绩效之间呈现灰色系统“信息不完全”的典型关系特征,对优化工程决策、强化工程管理和过程控制、改进工程绩效等形成严峻挑战。文中以我国天保工程为例,基于对投入产出体系灰色特征的理论解析,利用灰色系统的方法学工具分别构建天保工程投入产出模型、中介效应模型及效益互动模型,得到了要素投入、资源经营与工程绩效之间的作用关系,验证资源经营变量在投入产出体系里的中介效应,探明了生态、社会、经济三大效益之间的内在关联机制,总体实现了对林业生态工程灰色投入产出系统的白化目标;基于实证研究结果,进一步分别从理论和实践层面提出促进我国林业生态工程建设的启发性建议。  相似文献   

中国麻栎研究:种源试验、造林和森林经营   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续经营栎林对于优化我国人工林结构、改善生物多样性、提高生态与经济效益具有重要的现实意义。文中介绍了我国栎树中代表树种——麻栎(Quercus acutissima)的森林经营现状,综述了近10年来在遗传变异研究、种源试验与育苗、造林与森林经营技术方面取得的研究进展,并对我国未来栎树产业发展提出建议和策略。  相似文献   

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