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The shea tree, Vitellaria paradoxa, is a socio-economically important tree for the rural population in parts of West Africa. Our study assessed the current status of this native tree species with regard to increasing human pressure in northern Benin. We compared distribution of adult shea trees, seedlings and saplings in farmed lands with protected areas in the Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari (BRP). At our study site near BRP, agricultural activities foster recruitment of shea trees by regularly cropping of vegetation cover. Furthermore, traditional farming practices preserve adult individuals thus permitting regular fruit harvests. Consequently, most of the tallest and largest individuals of shea trees are found in framed lands. In contrast, the highest density of juvenile trees including seedlings (dbh <5 cm) and saplings (dbh 5–10 cm) occurred within BRP. Saplings were negatively affected by farming activities. Furthermore, spatial point pattern analysis revealed differences in the spatial structure of juveniles. Juveniles showed significant aggregations at small scale (<20 m) in BRP as well as significant and positive small-scale associations with adult trees. This contrasts with farmed lands where we did not find such spatial patterns at similar small scale but only a weak aggregation between juveniles and absence of association (attraction) of adults to juveniles. Although our analyses indicate that shea trees are rather well preserved, we conclude that the observed severe reduction of saplings in farmed lands is likely to negatively impact the long-term viability of the tree population. Therefore agroforestry practices must consider the preservation of sapling populations in farming areas for long-term conservation.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of humans in shaping a shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn.) population in Prata, central-west Burkina Faso. Four management regimes or land uses were considered: fields cultivated by indigenous Gurunsi farmers, fields cultivated by migrant Moose farmers, fallows, and bush lands. The structure of the shea population differed between Gurunsi and Moose fields and between these fields and fallow and bush lands. The size class distribution of V. paradoxa in fallows and bush lands was skewed towards the lower classes and the slope of the distributions was negative and significant, indicating the occurrence of recruitment. In comparison, Gurunsi fields carried young and mature trees with 95 % of individuals in the 15.5–90 cm range, whereas Moose fields carried no specimen with dbh <16.5 cm. The slope of the size class distribution was slightly negative for Gurunsi fields and slightly positive for Moose fields, but non significant in both cases. Vitellaria paradoxa densities did not significantly differ between Gurunsi (35 stems/ha) and Moose (26 stems/ha) fields, but were higher in fallows (172 stems/ha) and in the bush (161 stems/ha) than in cultivated fields. Nearest neighbour distances were progressively greater from uncultivated fields to Gurunsi and finally Moose fields, whereas shea trees were increasingly aggregated from Moose to Gurunsi fields to fallows and bush lands. In Prata, shea tree management is thus associated with ethnicity and/or with a host/migrant status that confers different farm sizes and levels of tenure security to farming households. Gurunsi and Moose farmers cited productivity, spacing and shading effects as the main factors influencing their decision to conserve specific shea trees in their fields. Results signal favorable prospects for V. paradoxa regeneration in Prata’s fallows and bush lands and to a lesser extent in Gurunsi fields.  相似文献   

对印度阿萨姆邦巴拉克河谷的龙头竹、巴苦竹和Bambusa cacharensis 3个竹种进行了研究,对传统采伐方式下的3个竹种的种群结构,以及不同采伐方式对新秆产量、秆的大小和秆高的影响进行了调查研究。在择伐方式下,当年到4年生的Bambusa cacharensis的秆级结构为3:3:2:1:1,而当年到4年生的龙头竹和巴苦竹的秆级结构均为4:2:2:1:1。在雨季和冬季的皆伐方式下,当年到4年生的Bambusa cacharensis的秆级结构为8:2和5:5,当年到4年生的龙头竹为8:2和7:3。巴苦竹的秆级结构仅表现在当年生的竹秆。如果采用择伐方式,新秆的产量、秆高和胸高直径均为最高值。用方差分析,在皆伐和择伐方式下,每个竹种的新秆产量、秆高和胸径的值差别较大(P>0.05)。这个结果说明,有必要发展管理措施,通过严格控制皆伐作业来提高竹子的生产力。  相似文献   

Schizostachyum dullooa (Gamble) Majumder ‘dolu bamboo’ is a thin walled sympodial moderate sized to large tufted bamboo, dominant in the successional fallows of northeast India. The impact of resource management on productivity and sustainability of the species was evaluated by investigating the population status and regeneration in Cachar tropical semi evergreen forest under private property resource management (PPRM) and common property resource management (CPRM) regimes. Population status revealed current-year, one-year, two-year and three-year-old culms contribute 54%, 24%, 16% and 6% of the total culms per clump, respectively, under PPRM. Three-year-old culms were absent in CPRM and population status was thus represented by current year (83%), one-year (16%) and two-year (1%) old culms. Net change, rate of change and % gain in population for different age classes showed the prevalence of management practices under CPRM was unscientific. Efficiency of new culm production per clump used as an index of regeneration was 69.7% in PPRM and 59.88% in CPRM. New culms produced under CPRM were small and thin. We conclude that CPRM is inappropriate for a long term economic and ecological sustainability of the species and alternative management protocols are needed for conservation of the species.  相似文献   

Vitellaria paradoxa, known as Shea tree or karité, is one of the dominant trees of agroforestry parklands in Sahelian region with an immense commercial value. In this study, we examined infestation of fruit-bearing shoots and fruits on two sites in western Burkina Faso across different reproductive phenophases, crown heights and aspects. The number of infested and healthy shoots and fruits were counted on 60 reproductively active trees randomly selected from on-year shea trees in each site, using a metal frame (0.5 × 0.5 m) to mark a fixed area of the canopy for sampling. The shoot and fruit borer was identified as Salebria sp. (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae), which was not reported earlier. The proportion of infested trees and shoots varied significantly between sites and among reproductive phenophases (P < 0.0001). The site close to the natural forest had the highest infestation rate than distantly located site. Among reproductive phenophases, the proportions of infested trees and shoots were the highest during flowering and fruit set, respectively. Fruit infestation also varied significantly between sites, crown heights and aspects (P < 0.001). The site close to the natural forest and the crown with north-east aspect were heavily infested while the bottom part of the crown had the lowest infestation. As a whole, 49–80% of trees, 24–31% of shoots and 4–15% of fruits were found infested, depending on the site. These infestation levels combined with precocious flower and fruit abscissions would pose serious economic losses that justify a call for immediate pest control initiatives.  相似文献   

Socio-cultural surveys were carried out on the basis of a questionnaire administered on 346 respondents in order to investigate cultural and ethnobotanic uses of Milicia excelsa in Benin.M. excelsa contributes to cure 45 human diseases. The different parts of the tree used are leaves (30.3%), bark (25.8%), root (23.6%), latex (10.1%), flaking bark (6.7%), wood, calcium concentrated in old trees, and gum (1.1% each). Fruits or seeds are rarely used. Six different forms of utilization were recorded: soaking (46.3%), bark or leaves decoction (32.8%), herb tea (11.9%), powder (6.0%), leaves or bark grounded and rolled up into ball (1.5%), component of offering to fetish (1.5%). Iroko wood is also used in carpentry and joinery for construction purposes; furniture as well as for building boats/canoes.Iroko tree is used as the conservatory of cultural values and incarnates many divinities, which differ significantly from one province to another (χ2 = 1830.27; d.f. = 25; P < 0.01%). There is a significant difference between the provinces in respect of the recognition of the species (χ2 = 268.71; d.f. = 17; P  0.01%) and the population awareness about iroko as a sacred tree also varied from one province to another (χ2 = 308.66; d.f. = 27; P  0.01%).Veneration of the tree is the main approach of its conservation by local people. M. excelsa is conserved on farm, in sacred groves, in public places and in cemeteries. The different sacred objects used to symbolize the divinities incarnated by iroko are: pottery (36.36%), iron (11.11%), calabash (4.04%), candle (2.02%), piece of cloth (18.18%), sacrifice (13.13%), piece of money (3.0%), stone (2.05%), glassware (broken bottle, 2.02%), and convent (8.08%). There is a highly significant difference between provinces as far as the sacred objects are concerned (χ2 = 183.037; d.f. = 19 and P < 0.001%). The conservation purposes also vary significantly from one region to other (χ2 = 894.47; d.f. = 31; P < 0.01%).  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine how four populations of paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), adapted to particular temperature, water and photoperiod regimes responded physiologically to different soil water and nutrient regimes. Seedlings of each of the four populations (Eaglet, LeeCreek, Porcupine and Skeena) from British Columbia were planted in pots and subjected to high and low water and nitrogen regimes for 4 months. Net photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (gs), water use efficiency (WUE) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) were measured and compared among treatments. Trade-offs between WUE and NUE were examined. Soil moisture was the major factor affecting A for all the populations. All populations showed relatively high A in the high-water and high-nitrogen (HWHN) treatment, ranging from 8.5 to 9.9 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1. Photosynthesis of trees in the low-water and high-nitrogen (LWHN) treatment was about 45% of that in the HWHN treatment. There was a linear increase in A as gs increased in all populations. A decreased with increasing vapor pressure deficit (VPD). The populations demonstrated significantly different relationships between A and gs, and VPD, with the LeeCreek population being the most conservative. This may provide a physiological basis for provenance selection and seed transfer. Eaglet and LeeCreek populations had lower WUE at the same level of NUE compared with Porcupine and Skeena populations. Porcupine and Skeena populations may be more suitable for moist sites due to their greater capacity to sequester water quickly, while the LeeCreek and Eaglet populations may be more suitable for drier interior sites where long drought periods can occur.  相似文献   

We investigated the plant population structure and the phy-tosociological and regeneration status in two disturbed tropical forests in Assam Province, the Hojai Reserve Forest and Kumorakata Reserve Fo...  相似文献   

Clonal variation in water use efficiency (WUE), dry mass accumulation and allocation, and stable carbon isotope ratio (delta(13)C) of crude leaf fiber extracts was determined in six clones of Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden. grown for 16 months in field lysimeters in two soil water regimes. The relationships between delta(13)C and WUE calculated on the basis of leaf, harvestable stem, shoot and whole-plant dry mass accumulation were investigated. There was no clonal variation in dry mass accumulation but clonal allocation to roots, harvestable stems, branches and leaves varied. Water use efficiencies (mass of plant or plant part/water used over 16 months) differed significantly between clones. The clonal ranking of WUE varied depending on the units of dry mass accumulation used. Significant relationships between delta(13)C values and instantaneous water use efficiencies and ratios of internal leaf to ambient CO(2) concentrations were found only in the high soil water treatment. There were no relationships between delta(13)C values and whole-plant, shoot and harvestable stem water use efficiencies and soil water availability. Values of delta(13)C were negatively correlated with dry mass accumulation in the low soil water treatment. At the whole-plant level, WUE was positively correlated with dry mass accumulation in the high soil water treatment. We found significant differences in delta(13)C values between clones and the clonal rankings in delta(13)C and WUE were maintained in both soil water treatments.  相似文献   

The morphological responses of seedlings of eight African provenances of Vitellaria paradoxa (Shea tree or Karité) to imposed draught stress were compared under nursery experimental conditions. The potted seedlings were subjected to three different watering regimes (87 days after sowing): no water stress (100% of the field capacity, C), moderate water stress (75% of C) and severe water stress (50% of C). Before the application of the stress, we observed genotypical differences in the morphological variables at the scale of leaves and of above-ground parts. The six-month water stress affected aerial growth: all provenances responded to drought by down-regulating growth (in height and in diameter), leaf number and area. Katawki provenance of Uganda performed relatively poorly, possibly of it being a nilotica subspecies, contrary to the others (paradoxa subspecies). There was a lack of correlation between climate of seeds origin, seed characteristics, seeds germination and survival rate of seedlings. The study confirmed the importance of leaf area in the vigor of the initial growth in this species. Thus, Tamale and Karaba provenances performed better than other West African provenances due to their larger leaf area, which was found to be a determining factor of relative growth in height at the seedling stage.  相似文献   

A basic understanding of the relationships between key phenotypic characters of the shea butter tree is considered a crucial step to its genetic improvement. As such fruit samples of the shea butter tree, Vitellaria paradoxa, were collected from nine locations in July, 2006, to determine the fruit and nut characteristics of the species. The choice of the locations was informed by the need to have as broad a picture of the trait diversity as possible. The nine locations covered were Akwanga, Ilorin, Lokoja, Makurdi, Minna (in the Southern Guinea Savanna), Jalingo, Kachia (in the Northern Guinea Savanna), Kano and Yola (in the Sudan Savanna), recognized as the main shea butter tree belt in Nigeria. Analysis of variance indicated significant (P < 0.05) variations in fruit and nut traits across agro-ecologies and specific locations (representing individual accessions). The Northern Guinea Savanna accessions had higher values for nut weight, nut length kernel weight and fruit weight. The Southern Guinea Savanna fruits were, however, superior in percent pulp weight. Nuts sourced from Akwanga were comparatively heavier and longer, had wider diameters, heavier kernels and higher percent testa weights which did not differ from those of Minna. Also fruits from Akwanga had significantly (P < 0.05) higher values for fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight and pulp weight. The Lokoja accession was superior to the rest in percent pulp weight, but it recorded least nut weight and nut length values. Nut shape index varied from 2.3 (Makurdi) to 1.5 (Jalingo). Nuts from Akwanga, Jalingo and Kachia had wide variation in nut weight in contrast to those from Lokoja, Makurdi and Yola (that were relatively similar). Fruit length had significantly (P < 0.05) positive relationship with pulp weight, fruit weight and fruit diameter. Nut diameter, however, had a negative relationship with percent pulp weight. A strong influence of some environmental variables on certain phenotypic traits was detected. Principal components analysis indicated nut weight, nut shape index, percent pulp weight and fruit shape index as the key discriminant variables for grouping shea butter fruit and nut in Nigeria. Results of this study indicated considerable diversity in fruit and nut traits of the shea butter tree in Nigeria, suggesting the possibility of selection for desirable traits.  相似文献   

Assessment of tree species diversity, structure and regeneration status of four sacred groves of Kushalnagar, southern Karnataka was carried out. The random quadrat method was employed in each grove for enumeration of tree diversity and regeneration status. A total of 98 tree species belonging to 38 families were found from the sampled areas. These groves possess higher diversity and basal area. Some 67 % of species have shown regeneration, while 17 % of species had no regeneration. Another 15 % of species were reappearing or immigrating. It is observed that increased disturbance was directly proportional to number of reappearing or immigrating species and inversely proportional to the diversity in all the sacred groves. Significant impact on diversity, species richness and regeneration status of the flora due to manifold anthropogenic activities have been recorded.  相似文献   

We investigated the spatial distribution, advanced regeneration and stand structure of five Shorea robusta-dominated forests in 25 1-ha plots subject to disturbances of different intensities. We aim to elucidate the relationships of advanced regeneration and spatial patterns of the tree species with degree of disturbance magnitude. Sixty-seven tree species were recorded in the forest plots; 41 species were found in the least disturbed forests, while only 10 species were found in the heavily disturbed forests. We found 5320 trees with >1.5 cm diameter at breast height, in total, and found that moderately disturbed forests contained the highest advanced regeneration (sapling)/pole densities. No significant differences were observed in stem basal area among forests. The overall stand density changed quadratically across the disturbance gradient. A strong inverse relationship was found between the overall stand density and diameter class in the least disturbed and moderately disturbed forests. Ten species showed variation in their dispersion patterns across the disturbance gradient. Most of the socio-economically important tree species analyzed showed little or no regeneration in the least and most heavily disturbed forests. Individual species showed different responses to disturbance ranging from ‘tolerant’ (Shorea robusta, Lagerstroemia parviflora and Symplocos spp.) to ‘sensitive’ (Trewia nudiflora, Adina cardifolia and Terminalia alata). We concluded that moderate disturbance intensity not only ensures high stand density, but also enhances the advanced regeneration of socio-economically important tree species and affects their dispersion patterns. Future management strategy must balance the consumptive needs of the local community with those of species conservation by allowing regulated access to the forests.  相似文献   

South Omo Administrative Zone in Ethiopia is home to 18 indigenous ethnic groups whose livelihood is vulnerable due to recurrent drought and degradation. Despite the preliminary observation showing the rich dry-forest resource base that, if sustainably managed could enhance livelihoods and biodiversity conservation, there is lack of empirical data on its current status. We conducted a study aiming at quantifying the population status of gum- and resin-bearing species in two randomly selected districts, Hamer and Bena-Tsemay. Seventy-five quadrats(35 at Hamer and 40 at Bena-Tsemay) each measuring 400 m2 were established along line transects to assess species diversity and equitability, density, frequency, dominance, importance value and population structure. We recorded a total of 27 woody species of 12 families and 14 genera. Fifteen species(9 at Hamer and 14 at Bena-Tsemay) of the genera Acacia, Boswellia, Commiphora and Sterculia, were identified as either major sources of commercial gums and resins or their adulterants. Gum- and resin-bearing species comprised 56% and 57% of species richness, 48% and 50% of total density per ha, 95% and 98% of basal area, and 64% and 56% of importance values at Hamer and Bena-Tsemay, respectively. Diversity of the entire woody species assemblage and of the gum- and resin-bearing species was slightly higher at Bena-Tsemay(H= 2.61, 1.4) than at Hamer(H′= 2.48, 1.28), respectively. The diversity and abundance of the resource base suggest potential for development of value-added commercialization of gum and resins to enhance livelihoods and encourage sustainable management of the forest at these study areas. We recorded, however, declining natural regeneration of most gum- and resin-bearing species, and this calls for integrated and participatory species management and landscape rehabilitation.  相似文献   

于2002年4月至11月,对孟加拉Chittagong (南部)林区天然纯林和肥沃地人工林树种更新情况进行了比较研究。共设100个3m×3m的样地(天然林50个,人工林50个)。共记录天然林更新树种64个,苗木密度为24767株/hm2;人工林更新树种40个,苗木密度为18633株/hm2。天然林更新量最大的树种为Castanopsis spp.(2200 株/hm2),其次是Glochidion lanceolarium (2183 株/hm2);人工林更新量最大的树种为Dipterocarpus gracilis (2117株/hm2),其次是Anogeissus acuminata (2000株/hm2)。对天然林而言, Castanopsis spp 的相对密度最高(8.88%), Glochidion lanceolarium 的相对频度最高(7.36%),Syzygium spp. 的相对富有度最高(3.79%),Glochidion lanceolarium的重要值指数最高(18.24%);对人工林而言,Dipterocarpus gracilis的相对密度最高(11.36%),Glochidion lanceolarium的相对频度最高 (9.71%), Dipterocarpus gracilis的相对富有度最高(5.92%), Glochidion lanceolarium的重要值指数最高 (23.32%)。Dipterocarpus gracilis 常见种在天然林和人工林都有更新苗木,但人工林的苗木要高于天然林。天然更新的苗木非常密集,但由于人为的干扰,这些更新的苗木通常达不到径干生长期。表4参35。  相似文献   

We studied woodland vegetation in broad-leaved deciduous woodlands of Metema in northwestern Amhara regional state, Ethiopia Our objective was to describe plant species composition, diversity, regeneration status, and population structure by a selective approach with asystematic sampling design. A total of 74 quadrats (each for 25 m × 25 m,spaced at intervals of 150 200 m) were sampled along established transect lines following the homogeneity of the vegetation. Vegetation data including cover-abundance, height, diameter at breast height (DBH), and numbers of seedlings and saplings of woody species were analyzed using Excel spreadsheet, Shannon Weiner diversity index, and PAST version 1.62. A total of 87 vascular plant species of 74 genera and 36 families were recorded. The dominant family was Fabaceae represented by 16(18.39 %) species of 13 genera. Shannon Weiner diversity and evenness were 3.67 and 0.82, respectively, which showed that the area was endowed with rich floral diversity evenly distributed. The vegetation structure, as quantified by cumulative diameter class frequency distribution,plotted as an interrupted inverted-J-shape pattern with a sharp decreasein the 2nd diameter class. This indicated poor vegetation structure. The diameter classes frequency distributions of selected species plotted infour general patterns i.e., interrupted Inverted-J-shape, J-shape,Bell-shape and Irregular-shape. In conclusion, although the area showedhigh floral diversity and evenness, woody species including Sterculea setigera, Boswellia papyrifera, and Pterocarpus lucens showed lowest recruitment of seedlings and saplings.  相似文献   

The population structure of tree species has been explored in order to elucidate regeneration potential of the subalpine forests of Indian western Himalaya. For this study, the subalpine forest area was divided into three strata, i.e., lower altitude (〈3000 m); mid-altitude (3000-3200 m); and high altitude (〉3200m). Considering the major compositional attributes, an increase in altitude came with a significant decline in tree density and the total basal area for all the sites. However, no such clear trends were observed for recruits (i.e., seedlings and saplings). Seedling density did not exhibit uniform patterns for sites and altitude strata. In general, overall seedling density was greater at the Pindari site compared to the Lata and Tungnath sites. By comparison, significant variation in seedling density along the altitude strata was recorded for the Tungnath and Pindari sites only. Likewise, sapling density patterns varied across the sites and altitude strata, and significant variation in sapling density along the altitude strata was recorded only for the Lata site. At the Pin- daft site, the continuous increase in sapling density along with increasing altitude was revealing. The Pindari forests of exhibited expanding population structure. In contrast, greater accumulation of individuals in the sapling class and sharp decline toward both higher tree classes and lower seedling classes was generally apparent for the Lata and Tungnath sites. This indicates that the replacement in tree size classes from sapling stage is not proportional and the population may decline in the long-term. Considerable variation in patterns of forest and dominant species popula- tion structure were evident across altitude strata. But in all cases irrespective of sites, we found growth at the high-altitude stratum, in the form of entire forests or dominant species. This trend deserves further investigation to explore its relevance under changing climate scenarios.  相似文献   

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