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Sorghum grain yields under the karité and the néré are reduced by an average of 50% and 70% respectively, in comparison with yields in the open field. Soil fertility, limiting primary production in the region, is at least as favorable under the tree canopies as in the open field. Reduced light intensity, to a minimum of 20% under the néré canopy, is probably largely responsible for low sorghum production under the tree canopies. Benefits from the tree products are more valuable than losses in cereal yields, explaining why trees are maintained on the agricultural fields. Pruning of tree branches, selection of (shade-) crops and tree selection could reduce crop yield losses but cannot be expected to increase tree- and crop production.
Résumé Les rendements en graines de sorgho sous le karité et le néré sont respectivement environ 50% et 70% plus basses que celles hors des houppiers. La fertilité du sol, étant le facteur limitant pour la production primaire dans la région, est au moins assez favorable sous les arbres que hors des houppiers. L'ombre sous les arbres, réduisant la lumière sous le néré à 20% au minimum, est probablement largement responsable pour la réduction des rendements sous les arbres. Les profits par la vente des produits des arbres sont plus élevés que les pertes de rendements céréaliers, ce qui explique pourqoui les arbres sont conservés dans les champs. La taille des branches, la selection des cultures qui résistent l'ombre et la selection des arbres peuvent réduire les pertes de rendements, mais n'auront pas un grand effet sur la productivité des arbres ni des cultures.

Forest ecosystems help conserve the quality of water resources in aquatic habitats. The conservation of biological diversity in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems remains a communal concern. Aquatic ecosystems and resources are vulnerable but can be preserved and protected by forests. In sub-Saharan regions of Africa, water from ecosystems such as ponds still play important role in the livelihood of local populations. Water from temporary ponds is used by local populations for multiple needs; however, in this part of the world, the population is increasing, thus increasing human needs and activities and land use in the region. Land-use changes lead to deforestation, land degradation and the decline in freshwater, affecting human health and well-being. Forest degradation leads to the decline in ecosystem goods and services, particularly those related to watersheds. This study conducted in eastern Burkina Faso aimed to assess water quality of temporary ponds in protected forest areas (reserves) and surrounding villages. It was conducted in 61 temporary ponds where physical, chemical and biological variables were measured, such as water surface area, depth, transparency, macrophyte cover, pH, dissolved O2, conductivity, nutrient concentrations and algae biomass. The results showed that at p < 5%, water surface area (p = 0.02), depth (p = 0.00), nutrient content (p = 0.00), and algae biomass (p = 0.04) were significantly higher outside reserves than inside reserves. In contrast, macrophyte cover (mean cover percentages 53 vs. 44.5%) and water transparency (p = 0.02) were higher inside reserves. The variations in conductivity and pH were not significant. All trends showed the influences of human activities on water characteristics and the role forests and land cover had in preventing negative human impacts and disturbance of temporary ponds. Forests and land cover are important to water quality conservation and algae biomass regulation in temporary ponds. Protecting and managing forests is therefore an essential part of future strategies for limiting algal blooms and their negative consequences, maintaining water quality and providing clean water to citizens.  相似文献   

In the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso, Piliostigma reticulatum (DC) Hochst and Piliostigma thonningii (Schumach) are precursor species of fallow land colonization and they are used by rural villagers. The present study aimed to assess the contribution of Piliostigma species to soil quality improvement. We quantified organic carbon, total nitrogen, soil microbial biomass, soil basal respiration and metabolic quotient from soil samples taken under and outside Piliostigma canopies. We used one-way ANOVA to test for differences in the above parameters between locations (beneath and outside Piliostigma canopies). We recorded increased total organic carbon under Piliostigma from 31%-105% and in total nitrogen from 23%-66%. Microbial biomass was13%-266% higher beneath canopies as compared to outside canopies. Basal respiration was also higher beneath canopies. The chemical elements varied by class of soil texture. Metabolic quotient (qCO2 ) was significantly correlated to clay (r=0.80) and silt (r=0.79) content. Piliostigma stands produced abundant litter due to their leaf biomass. Thus, they contribute to improved total organic carbon and total nitrogen content in the different phytogeographic zones and improve soil fertility  相似文献   

From 1988 to 1990, leaves fromAzadirachta indica andAlbizia lebbeck were used as mulch on sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in semi-arid Burkina Faso. Five different application modes, each representing a different combination of application timing and mulch composition, were evaluated. In one of the modes leaves were combined with sorghum straw. Leaf quantities applied corresponded to dosages of 25, 50 and 75 kg N ha–1 in all five modes.Dosage had a significant influence on yield all three years. The mulching effect increased progressively over the years and was more pronounced the higher the dosage. Mean grain yields obtained with the highest dosage, relative to an unmulched control, were 203%, 364% and 422%, for the three years, respectively. Application timing had a significant influence on yields in 1988 and 1989, but the response was not consistent. Differences in response were attributed to variation in the rainfall distribution. Mulch composition did not have a significant influence on yield during any of the three years. Of the five modes evaluated, the ones producing the highest yields over the three-year period of study were azadirachta leaves applied (i) at sowing and (ii) 4–6 weeks after sowing. Yields decreased on both the treated and untreated plots between 1988 and 1989. On the treated plots, yield generally increased again in 1990. This increase was attributed to a residual effect of the mulch. The residual effect probably only explained part of the large difference in yield between treated and untreated plots. It is therefore suggested that most of the nutrients released from the mulch were used by the plants during the same season, which increased production. Furthermore, the mulch layer could have reduced evaporation and thus increased the retention of soil water.
Résumé De 1988 à 1990, des feuilles d'Azadirachta indica et d'Albizia lebbeck ont été utilisées comme mulch sur une culture de sorgho blanc (Sorghum bicolor) au Burkina Faso, en climat semi-aride. Cinq modes d'application ont été évalués, chacun répresentant une compinaison différente en temps d'application et composition de mulch. Dans un des modes, les feuilles ont été combinées avec des tiges de sorgho. Les quantités de feuilles utilisées ont été équivalentes aux dosages de 25, 50 et 75 kg N ha–1 et ceci dans tous les cinq modes.Le dosage a eu une influence significative sur la récolte pendant toutes les trois années. Leffet a augmenté progressivement d'année en année et a été plus prononcé pour le dosage le plus élevé. Les moyennes de rendement de graines par rapport au témoin sans mulch, obtenues avec la dose de 75 kg N ha–1, ont été 203% pour la première année, 364% pour la seconde et 422% pour la troisième. Le temps d'application a eu une influence significative en 1988 et 1989, mais les résultats ont varié entre les années. Les différents résultats ont été attribués à la variation en distribution de la pluie. La composition de mulch n'a pas eu d'influence significative sur aucune des trois années. Parmi les cinq modes évalués, les deux qui ont assurés les récoltes les plus élevées sur la période entière de trois ans, étaient les feuilles d'azadirachta appliquées (i) au semis et (ii) 4–6 semaines après le semis. Les rendements ont baissés entre 1988 et 1989, tant sur les parcelles traitées que sur les parcelles non-traitées. Sur les parcelles traitées, les rendements ont de nouveau augmentés en 1990. Cette augmentation a été attribuée a un effet résiduel du mulch. Cet effet résiduel probablement n'explique qu'une partie de la grande différence en rendement entre les parcelles traitées et non-traitées. Il paraît donc que la plupart des élements nutritifs libérés par le mulch ont été utilisés par les plantes au cours de la même saison, et qu'ils ont ainsi augmenté la production. De plus, la couche de mulch a probablement réduit l'évaporation, résultant en une augmentation de la rétention d'eau dans le sol.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of organic amendment on the germination and growth patterns of Jatropha curcas L. on completely barren and degraded land in the Sahelian area of Burkina Faso. Prior to the field trials, laboratory germination tests were undertaken to explore the impact of different pre-treatments on germination of Jatropha seeds. Seeds soaked in water for 24?h had the highest mean rate of germination (86%) while seeds that were pre-treated with sulphuric acid did not germinate. The results of the field experiment showed that plant growth and biomass development were significantly enhanced by organic amendment compared to the control. With direct seeding, 20% of the plants treated with organic manure survived after 2?years, while all seedlings of the control plot perished. In the plantations, 30% of the untreated seedlings remained alive whereas only 5% of the plants survived with amendment. The trials in unfenced plots were decimated by livestock grazing and trampling 2?months after the beginning of the experiment. This emphasizes the need to protect Jatropha plants at an early stage of their development from roaming animals. Organic amendment attracted humivorous termites, which were destructive to the seedlings. The use of pesticides may be necessary to control this problem. When directly seeded, plants of the control plots demonstrated poor growth and became rapidly diseased, further accelerating their decline. The low survival rates (5–30%) and meagre seedling performance, even for the amended plots, may be an indication that Jatropha is unsuited to severely degraded lands like the zippelé, and cannot be expected to give good yields and the claimed environmental and socio-economic benefits. However, we recommend that the performance of Jatropha on the zippelé should be further tested with other soil and water conservation techniques (half-moon, tillage, etc.) that have been shown to enhance crop production and yield on degraded lands in the Sahelo-Sudanian zone of West Africa. The impact of seed provenance on the outcome of this study is unknown. Therefore, further experiments should embrace seeds from different sources, including genotypes that are more adapted to dry conditions and might therefore show improved performance.  相似文献   

  • ? Variation in wood basic density and its correlation with tree growth were investigated at 13 years in a provenance/progeny test of Prosopis africana in Niger. The test included progeny from 256 trees sampled from 24 provenances in the Sahelian ecozone of Burkina Faso and Niger.
  • ? Variation in wood density was significant due to provenances and families within provenances. Individual tree heritability was higher for wood density than for growth traits. Provenance means for wood density increased from the more humid to the drier parts of the sample region. Phenotypic correlations indicated that larger trees tended to have denser wood.
  • ? Clines suggest that natural populations of P. africana from the drier parts of the sample region have the genetic capacity to produce denser wood, compared with populations from the more humid parts of the region. Correlations and heritability estimates suggest that selection of faster-growing trees may produce a small gain in wood volume but little (if any) gain in density in the subsequent generation. Multi-location provenance/tests are needed to confirm this tentative conclusion.
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    Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are of high socio-economic value for rural people in West Africa. Main factors determining the status of the populations of socio-economically important tree species providing those NTFPs are human activities. This study assesses the impact of human population density, land use, and NTFP-harvesting (pruning and debarking) on population structure and fruit production of the socio-economically important tree Lannea microcarpa that is normally conserved by farmers on fields. We compared L. microcarpa stands of protected sites with those of their surrounding communal sites in two differently populated areas in Burkina Faso. Our results reveal an opposed land use impact on the population structure of L. microcarpa in the two areas. In the highly populated area, the species population was more stable in the protected site than in the communal site, while the opposite was observed for the less populated area. Trees of the communal sites bore more fruits than trees of the protected sites. Debarking and pruning had a negative impact on fruit production of the species. We conclude that low intensity of human impact is beneficial for the species and that indirect human impact facilitates fruit production of L. microcarpa. In contrast, in the densely populated area, human impact has reached an intensity that negatively affects the populations of L. microcarpa. While the extent of protecting L. microcarpa on fields still seems to be enough to guarantee the persistence of this important species in the less populated area, it is no longer sufficient in the densely populated area.  相似文献   

    Besides aboveground interactions, pruning of trees may also modify their rooting pattern for which a better understanding is needed for the optimisation of agroforestry systems. Thus, variation in fine root (d 2 mm) distribution of pruned trees and crops were assessed during three cropping seasons by sampling soil layers at 10 cm intervals up to 50 cm and at four distances from tree trunk. Three crown pruning treatments (totally-pruning, half-pruning and no-pruning) were applied to karité (Vitellaria paradoxa) and néré (Parkia biglobosa). In 1999, 59% (0.477 cm cm–3) and 69% (0.447 cm cm–3) of fine roots for karité and néré respectively occurred in the upper 20 cm with a significant decrease in root length density with soil depth. However, in 2000, totally-pruned trees of néré and karité showed 32% (0.051 cm cm–3) and 34% (0.078 cm cm–3) of their density in the upper 20 cm whereas root distribution in 2001 was similar to that of 1999. Thus, pruning to reduce belowground competition for the benefit of associated crops can be recommended in the light of the temporary reduction of root density in crop rooting zone and consequently the increase in crop production.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

    The tree-shrub savanna ‘Forêt Classée de Nazinon’ (Burkina Faso) is submitted to a management of grazing and rotational cutting of Detarium microcarpum. This species resprouts after cutting. In order to investigate whether this silvopastoral land use system is sustainable, aboveground herbaceous biomass was measured on subplots under uncut trees (‘uncut’), next to the stubs of cut trees (‘cut’) and on subplots not influenced by the (former) crowns of trees (‘open grassland’) in four lots. These lots were cut one, three, six and seven years before the study. Vegetation composition of the lots and the composition of the diet of cattle were also determined. Comparisons were made between treatments and lots. Herbaceous biomass was lower in the open grassland subplots than in uncut or cut subplots. We speculate that soil enrichment and more efficient precipitation input in (former) tree crown zones could have resulted in this pattern. Cutting and subsequent resprouting of trees did not lead to significant differences in herbaceous biomass between cut and uncut subplots. The most simple explanation for this is that the trees could extend their roots beyond the location of their neighbouring trees. Biomass and coverage of perennial grasses, mainly Andropogon ascinodis and Andropogon gayanus, did not change in lots cut one, three or six years before the study, but decreased dramatically in lots that were cut seven years before the study. When foraging, cattle spent more than 90% of their time feeding on these species. This indicates that, as a consequence of tree cutting, forage availability may be reduced to the point where local herdsmen are forced to take their cattle to another region. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

    Five exotic tree species (Acacia angustissima (Mil.) Kuntze, A. mangium Wild, Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Alp., Leucaena hybrid (L×L), and Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit) were investigated to determine whether parameters of nursery seedling stock quality could be used to predict their field performance in a plantation irrigated with treated waste-water to produce fodder and wood. Plants were grown in the nursery in two contrasting rooting substrates (ordinary nursery soil and sand), predicted to have different effects on resource allocation. Three categories of morphological indicators were measured, i.e., plant dimensions (height, diameter, root length), plant weights (shoot, root and whole plant weights) and indices (sturdiness quotient ‘SQ’, shoot:root dry weight ratio ‘SRR’ and Dickson’s quality index ‘DQI’). In the nursery, all species performed better in the ordinary nursery soil for all growth parameters except root length. Thus ordinary nursery substrate appeared superior to sand in terms of plant quality. However, a follow up at plantation phase revealed that only some morphological attributes or ratios were suitable to predict field performance for the five tested species in irrigated plantation. In addition, the effect of the substrate observed at the nursery stage had disappeared 12 months after out planting due to the availability of water and nutrients provided by the treated waste water used for the irrigation. The results showed that root collar diameter and DQI appeared to be the most appropriate indicators to predict the outplanting performance of the five tested species in a short-rotation irrigated plantation in semi-arid Burkina Faso. The former measure is simpler and non-destructive.  相似文献   

    Macrotermes termitaria are conspicuous features of savannah ecosystems in the Sudanian and Sahelian zones of West Africa. The mounds, alive or abandoned, are a major source of heterogeneity in the landscape. The purpose of the present study was to assess the impact of termitaria on tree community in a state forest of the Sudanian regional centre (Tiogo forest, Burkina Faso), under controlled burning and grazing experiments. A comparative inventory was carried out in a split-plot experiment (16 subplots of 2500 m2): 8 subplots where fire regime and grazing were controlled and 8 subplots exposed to grazing and with annual prescribed fire since 1992. All tree individuals (≥1.5 m) were recorded, both on termitaria and outside and their basal area at stump level was measured. A total of 61 observed (or 65.7 ± 2.4 estimated) tree species were recorded on 28 Macrotermes subhyalinus mounds (54 observed species or 60.8 ± 3.3 estimated), the immediate surroundings (44 observed and 59.0 ± 0.0 estimated species) and the rest of subplots (56 observed and 63.6 ± 0.0 estimated). Specific density was higher on mounds in comparison with the surroundings (P < 0.05). Results showed that termitaria played a key role in maintaining higher species diversity as compared to their surroundings (P < 0.05). Differences in species diversity between termitaria and immediate surroundings appeared more pronounced in disturbed plots (submitted to both fire and grazing). Some species, such as Tamarindus indica, Boscia senegalensis, Cadaba farinosa, Capparis sepiaria and Maerua angolensis are found solely on termitaria. Besides, the density of trees was significantly higher on termitaria compared to the surrounding (P < 0.05), as well as total basal area per unit of 100 m2 area (P < 0.05). We concluded that Macrotermes termitaria play an important role as a source of heterogeneity in this Sudanian savannah woodland ecosystem. This role is particularly important in ecosystems under stresses. Termitaria acted as refuge for tree vegetation. The density and dynamics of M. subhyalinus termitaria should, therefore, be taken into account in the global strategy of the forest resources management and conservation.  相似文献   

    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of tree coppicing on tree-crop competition in farmed parkland and in alley farming, both in semiarid Burkina Faso.Azadirachta indica A. Juss (neem) was studied in the parklands, while neem,Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. (albizia) andLeucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit (leucaena) were investigated in the alley farming system. The crop was sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) in both cases.Under non-coppiced neem trees in the parkland, the sorghum yield at 0–3 m distance from the tree (under the tree canopy) was 82% of open field yields at 6–9 m distance, but the difference was not significant (p=0.07). Close to trees (0–3 m distance) which had been coppiced before planting, the sorghum yield was 148% of open field yields. In alley farming, early coppicing was superior; sorghum yields were highest close to trees coppiced early and lowest close to trees coppiced late.
    Résumé La présente étude se propose d'évaluer les effets de la taille sur la concurrence entre arbres et cultures dans les parcs arborés et dans les cultures en couloir, en climat semiaride (Burkina Faso). Les espèces étudiées ont été:Azadirachta indica A. Juss (neem) dans les parcs et neem,Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. (albizia) ainsi queLeucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit (leucaena) dans les cultures en couloir. Dans les deux cas la plante cultivée concerné a été le sorgho blanc (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench).Sous les neems non taillés des parcs, le rendement du sorgho cultivé de 0 à 3 m de l'arbre (sous le bouppier de l'arbre) a atteint 82% du rendement obtenu en plein champ, soit à une distance de 6 à 9 m de l'arbre (différence non significative,p=0.07). Une taille effectuée en début de campagne a entraîné un accroissement du rendement de 148% pour les cultures situées de 0 à 3 m de l'arbre, par rapport aux rendements en plein champ.Dans les cultures en couloir, on a constaté qu'une taille precoce est préférable, c'est à dire que les rendements de sorgho ont été supérieurs dans les lignes proches des arbres taillés tôt que dans celles proches des arbres taillés tard.

    In the Sahel of Africa, where 90 % of the population depends on natural resources for their livelihood, a large part of the soils are structurally unstable,prone to crusting and hard setting, and have low water holding capacity, which hamper vegetation establishment.The effect of soil restoration techniques on survival and growth of seedlings of Acacia nilotica, Acacia tortilis and Jatropha curcas was tested in completely barren, degraded land in a Sahelian ecosystem in Burkina Faso. A total of522 seedlings(174 plants of each plant species) were planted in a randomized complete block design with three replicates combining three soil preparation techniques:half-moon, za¨? and standard plantation. Survival and growth rates evaluated over 20 months were significantly higher using the half-moon technique compared with the other two techniques. Survival rates of plant species planted using half-moon technique were 62.5, 28.57 and10.71 % for A. nilotica, A. tortilis and J. curcas respectively, but in za¨? and standard planting, seedling survival was zero. The low survival rate of J. curcas using the half-moon technique may indicate that J. curcas is unsuitable for barren and degraded land, whereas A. nilotica and A. tortilis appear to be promising tree species for rehabilitation of degraded land.  相似文献   

    In sub-Saharan Africa, extraction for daily livelihood needs often results in uncontrolled exploitation of bark and leaves of valuable medicinal and fodder trees. However, overharvesting of bark and foliage can reduce fruit production and threaten reproduction. This study evaluates the impact of combined bark and foliage harvesting on the performance of fruit production of Afzelia africana in Burkina Faso. We compared fruit and seed production at different harvesting intensities. Data on fruit yields were collected by stratified random sampling of 91 trees with no, low, severe, and very severe harvesting intensities. The fruit production varied with harvesting intensity, tree size and number of branches. Fruit and seed quantity and quality decreased with increasing harvesting intensity. However, no significant difference was detected between trees without and trees under low harvesting. Trees of all size classes under very severe harvesting intensity had no fruits. Under low harvesting impact, large trees had twice as many fruits as the control, whereas fruits were reduced by half to 95 % for the small trees. High harvesting intensity is an unsustainable practice that should be completely prohibited in order to ensure longterm persistence of Afzelia africana. Low harvesting intensity should be allowed, but only on large reproductive individuals.  相似文献   

    Savanna plant species are capable of regenerating both sexually and asexually. The importance of each regeneration mechanism depends on the species, the type and the intensity of disturbance. This paper describes the relative importance of sexual and asexual regeneration for the restoration of a selectively cut savanna woodland in Burkina Faso. Plantlets regenerated sexually or asexually were determined by excavating the below ground system and assessing basal and aerial sprouts within 144 quadrats along transects in 2, 5, 10 year-cut and control plots. The result shows that seedling sprouts were predominant (83%) compared to root sucker (4%), coppice (5%), water sprout (2%) and layering (less than 1%). True seedlings constituted a minor component (5%) of the plantlet population. A total of 54 woody species was found in the plantlet population with 52 presenting seedling sprouts. Twelve species were found regenerating from both seeds and root buds; of which Dichrostachys cinerea, Pteleopsis suberosa and Detarium microcarpum had the highest number of plantlets. Feretia apodanthera was the only layering species encountered in the sampled area. Coppices, root suckers and water sprouts showed higher height and bigger collar diameter compared to seedling sprouts and true seedlings. It can be concluded that sexual reproduction is the dominant mechanism of seedling recruitment in this disturbed savanna-woodland, and that its success relies on the ability of plantlets of seed origin to resprout abundantly.  相似文献   

    沿铺面道路和未铺面道路,调查了4种路边环境(缓变区,附近区,中间区和非缓变区)的Pteleopsis suberosa苗木种群结构和其更新机制。沿道路平行线调查了2m&#215;5m的203块样方,记录每个样方内的种苗总数和每个种苗的活枝数。通过评价基部和水平枝芽和挖掘地下根系来确定更新机制。结果表明,在4种路边环境中,单一主干和多主干苗木的总密度及各自密度都有明显的变化(p〈0.05)。所有苗木都是无性繁殖而来,根出条占98%,眠芽蘖和萌生各占1%左右。研究表明,铺面道路和未铺面道路缓变区中等水平土壤的干扰可以刺激Pteleopsis suberosa根出条更新 道路类型(铺面和未铺面)对苗木密度没有影响,但对路边立地的P.suberosa种群的萌生能力来说,道路类型是一个重要变量。P.suberosa是一个耐干扰的物种,受道路网干扰后可以通过根出条繁殖。  相似文献   

    Nontimber forest products are a source of income for women in rural African communities. However,these products are frequently damaged by insect pests. The present study investigates the diversity and damage rates of insect pests that attack Carapa procera seeds and Lophira lanceolata fruits. The experiment was set up in western Burkina Faso and, for C. carapa, consisted of pests collected from seeds that had fallen to the ground and from stockpiled seeds. For L. lanceolata, pests were collected from fruits on the trees, and on the ground. The collected samples were sent to the laboratory to estimate the proportion of damaged seeds/fruits and rear the insects. The results showed that Ephestia spp., Tribolium castaneum,Oryzeaphilus spp., and Tenebroides mauritanicus were the pests of Carapa procera seeds and Lophira lanceolata fruits. Ephestia spp. was recorded as the main pest of both C. procera and L. lanceolata, whereas T. castaneum was only detected from seeds of L. lanceolata. For C. procera,the stocks were the most infested(29 %) by Ephestia spp.The infestation rate of fruits of L. lanceolata by Ephestia spp. on trees(31.42 ± 3.75 %) was less than the rate of fruits by T. castaneum on the ground(44.00 ± 3.5 %). The different body sizes of Ephestia spp. may indicate the occurrence of two putative species, one from C. procera and another one from L. lanceolata. This work provides important information that could contribute to the setting up of a local-scale sustainable management framework for oil tree pests in Burkina Faso and surrounding countries.  相似文献   

    The significant role of tropical forest ecosystems in the global carbon budget has increased the need for accurate estimates of tropical forest biomass. The lack of large-scale biomass allometric equations hampers the understanding of the spatial distribution of tree biomass and carbon stocks and their influencing factors in West Africa. This study aimed to develop allometric equations to estimate aboveground biomass of African oak(Afzelia africana Sm.) in Burkina Faso and to analyze factors affecting the variability of tree biomass and carbon storage.Sixty individual trees were destructively sampled in four protected areas along two climatic zones. In each climatic zone, log–log models were tested and fitted to each aboveground biomass component and to the totalaboveground biomass. Carbon content in tree aboveground components was evaluated using the ash method. All validated equations showed good fit and performance with high explained variance. Allometric equations differed between the Sudano-sahelian zone and the Sudanian zone,except for leaf biomass equations. Both biomass allocation and carbon content varied significantly between tree components but not between climatic zones. Carbon content in tree components followed the patterns of biomass allocation with branches accounting for the highest proportion. In the two climatic zones, carbon contents were50.18–52.62% for leaves, 54.78–54.94% for stems and54.96–55.99% for branches. Dry biomass ranged from509.05 to 765.56 kg tree~(-1) at site level and from 620.21 to624.48 kg tree~(-1) along climatic zones. Carbon content varied from 53.90% in the Sudano-sahelian zone to 54.39%in the Sudanian zone. This study indicated that climate does not influence aboveground biomass production and carbon sequestration of Afzelia africana along the Sudanosahelian and the Sudanian climatic zones of Burkina Faso.Future studies on climate–growth relationships should contribute to better understanding climate effects on biomass production and carbon storage.  相似文献   

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