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遵循市场经济规律与法则,加速高校师资队伍建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本从师资队伍建设要与市场经济相适应的角度,提出加速高校师资队伍建设的三项举措:一是树立人力资源是第一资源的观念,合理配置和开发教师资源;二是遵循价值规律,充分调动教师的积极性;三是遵循市场法则,依法管理教师队伍。  相似文献   

随着我国加入WTO步伐的加快,掌握国家经济命脉的国有商业银行将面临更加严峻的形势,加快国有商业银行建立现代企业制度的步伐,切实增加其综合实力和市场竞争力,使其在激烈的竞争中始终立于不败之地.……  相似文献   

韩非的"法治"管理思想影响深远。在民办教育机构管理中,运用韩非的管理思想大有裨益。  相似文献   

To determine the role Latino community gardens play in community development, open space, and civic agriculture, we conducted interviews with 32 community gardeners from 20 gardens, and with staff from 11 community gardening support non-profit organizations and government agencies. We also conducted observations in the gardens, and reviewed documents written by the gardeners and staff from 13 support organizations and agencies. In addition to being sites for production of conventional and ethnic vegetables and herbs, the gardens host numerous social, educational, and cultural events, including neighborhood and church gatherings, holiday parties, childrens activities, school tours, concerts, health fairs, and voter registration drives. In some cases, the gardens also serve to promote community activism. The primary concern of gardeners is to secure land tenure in the face of pressures to develop the garden sites for housing. The support organizations and agencies provide help with land tenure, as well as with advocacy, organization, and horticultural practices. Although the role of the Latino gardens in community development appears to be more important than their role in open space or agricultural production, the gardens can also be viewed as unique participatory landscapes that combine aspects of all three movements, as well as provide a connection between immigrants and their cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Rural women did not fare very well inthe land reforms carried out during the Latin Americanreformist period of the 1960s and 1970s, with womenbeing under-represented among the beneficiaries. It isargued that women have been excluded from access toand control over water for similar reasons that theywere excluded from access to land during thesereforms. The paper also investigates the extent towhich women have gained or lost access to land duringthe counter-reforms of the 1980s and 1990s. Underthe neo-liberal agenda, production cooperatives aswell as communal access to land have largely beenundermined in favor of privatization and theindividual parcelization of collectives. Significantland titling efforts are also being carried outthroughout the region to promote the development of avigorous land market. This latter period has also beencharacterized by the growth of the feminist movementthroughout Latin America and a growing commitment bystates to gender equity. The paper reviews the extentto which rural womens access to land and, thus, waterhas potentially been enhanced by recent changes inagrarian and legal codes.  相似文献   

19世纪初到一战前西方社会在政治、经济、科学技术、文化、教育等领域发生的重大变革对近代高等教育产生深刻的影响,在时代的要求下近代大学从单一走向多元,表现在大学的职能、课程、学生身份和管理制度等方面。近代大学的建立和发展过程是与民族国家兴起相联系的过程;是世俗化的过程;是相互模仿借鉴和创新的过程。  相似文献   

以往我国券商在证券发行上市时,仅仅是扮演"推荐"角色,导致许多券商在承销时与拟上市公司、其它中介机构共同造假,骗取上市资格.而现在实行的保荐制度则要求保荐人不仅要将拟上市公司扶上马,还要送一程,从而承担一系列"保荐"责任.本文由"推荐"到"保荐"的发展变化过程入手,通过与"推荐"的比较,着重分析了保荐人制度的核心内容--保荐责任.  相似文献   

在现代品牌策划视野下,标志设计不再是纯粹的视觉表现,而是企业品牌形象的高度浓缩。本文围绕"对谁传达?"传达什么?"怎样传达?"三个层面,对标志设计进行探讨和分析。  相似文献   

从贪污贿赂罪的构成要件和刑罚两方面,对唐律和现行刑法的相关规定加以比较,认为现行刑法有关规定不及唐律明确、具体,应借鉴唐律,予以完善。  相似文献   

从制约信息服务工作的因素、公共图书馆发展信息服务产生的优势、信息服务工作对现代化技术的要求以及深化公共图书馆信息服务工作的对策等四个方面对如何在新形势下做好公共图书馆信息服务工作进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

非公有制经济是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分,对市场机制在全社会范围内的形成、社会经济结构的调整和重组以及人力资源的配置具有重大的推动作用。  相似文献   

The idea of “food miles,” the distance that food has to be shipped, has entered into debates in both popular and academic circles about local eating. An oft-cited figure claims that the “average item” of food travels 1,500 miles before it reaches your plate. The source of this figure is almost never given, however, and indeed, it is a figure with surprisingly little grounding in objective research. In this study, I track the evolution of this figure, and the ways that scholars and popular writers have rhetorically employed it. I then explore the ongoing debates over food miles and local food, debates that often oversimplify the idea of local eating to a caricature. I then examine a series of in-depth interviews with community-supported agriculture members and farmers in order to bring complexity back to discussions of local food consumers. I argue that the overwhelming focus on “food miles” among scholars threatens to eclipse the multitude of other values and meanings contained in the word “local” that underlie people’s decisions to “eat locally,” foremost among them, a desire to reintegrate food production and consumption within the context of place.  相似文献   

基于现代循环农业发展模式特色,结合微信公众号交互性与即时性,海量性与共享性等特征,从定位、设计、管理等方面探讨,提出基于现代循环农业平台的微信公众号的建设方案。  相似文献   

基于经济增长视角,从农业投入水平、农业产出水平、农村经济及可持续发展水平3个层面入手,采用道格拉斯生产函数和灰色关联分析方法,对新疆现代农业发展的影响因素进行分析.结果表明:在投入水平因素中,单位耕地面积农机总动力影响程度最大;在产出水平因素中,土地产出率影响最大;在农村经济及可持续发展水平因素中,农村居民家庭拥有农业生产性固定资产原值、农民人均收入水平影响程度较大.根据以上结论提出相关建议,为新疆现代农业发展提供参考.  相似文献   

村民议事会制度是成都市农村基层公共服务和社会管理制度改革的创新举措。基于成都四个村落933位村民的问卷调查,从村民视角刻画村民议事会制度的实施效果,利用LOGIT二值响应模型和对数模型,分析村民个体特征对村民议事会知晓度以及理解和评价新制度带来的影响,探讨村民议事会制度的实施效果及改进措施。结论表明,超过3/4的村民知晓村民议事会制度,绝大多数村民认为新制度的实施在解决村级公共事务上发挥着积极作用,议事会成员的选举过程也体现出较好的公平性;村民文化水平和政治关注度对其是否知晓村民议事会制度有显著影响,文化水平越高、越关心政事的村民更了解新制度;村民年龄、文化水平和政治关注度对其评价新制度有显著的正向影响,文化程度和政治关注度越高的人群,往往能更理性的判断制度改进带来的积极效果,从而愿意对新制度给予更高的评价。因此,应从强化制度宣传、提升村民民主治理意识、优化信息传递渠道和充分考虑村民个体特征影响等四个方面完善村民议事会制度。  相似文献   

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