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喜盐鸢尾(Iris halophila)是一种干旱地区野生观赏花卉,种子萌发困难,限制了该种在园林绿化中的应用,也为育种工作带来难度。从吸水性和萌发性两个方面对喜盐鸢尾种子休眠原因和打破休眠的方法进行了探索。研究表明,在25/10 ℃(高温/低温)条件下,喜盐鸢尾种子萌发率最高,达到44.33%;胚乳中的萌发抑制物质是限制喜盐鸢尾种子萌发的主要原因;种皮可限制胚乳萌发抑制物质的释放。砂纸摩擦、切除部分胚乳和赤霉素(GA3)处理都能提高种子的萌发率。综合考虑经济费用和可操作性等因素,砂纸摩擦后蒸馏水浸种处理是打破喜盐鸢尾种子萌发行之有效的方法。 相似文献
研究了光照(12 h光照/12 h黑暗)和黑暗(24 h黑暗)2种条件下盐酸(HCl)、氢氧化钠(NaOH)、硝酸钾(KNO3)和赤霉素(GA3)对摩擦种皮和未摩擦种皮龙爪茅种子萌发的影响。结果表明,龙爪茅种子的休眠主要是其种皮对种胚的束缚引起的机械性休眠,经摩擦种皮处理,空白组的萌发率即可达67%以上。不同浓度的HCl、NaOH、KNO3及GA3处理均不能有效解除未经摩擦种皮处理的龙爪茅种子的休眠。摩擦种皮处理的龙爪茅种子经低浓度的KNO3及GA3浸泡24 h后萌发率可达80%以上,而经HCl、NaOH以及高浓度KNO3浸泡相同时间后萌发率急剧下降。光照因素对龙爪茅种子的萌发影响较小,光照条件下的萌发率略高于黑暗条件。 相似文献
反枝苋种子休眠解除方法研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
研究了光照和黑暗两种条件下氢氧化钠(NaoH)、盐酸(HC l)、赤霉素(GA3)和乙烯利(ETH)处理对反枝苋种子萌发的影响。结果表明,氢氧化钠、盐酸、赤霉素和乙烯利浸泡处理均可以明显提高反枝苋种子的发芽率,且随着试剂浓度的提高,发芽率表现出单峰变化曲线,浓度过低或过高均不利于种子的萌发。其中,赤霉素对解除反枝苋种子休眠最有效,且以200 mg/L浸泡处理24 h效果最好,发芽率可达90.8%,比对照提高了52.5百分点。其次为4%NaOH和6%HC l处理1 h,与800 mg/L ETH处理24 h的效果相当,发芽率在70%~75%之间。黑暗条件不利于反枝苋种子的萌发,发芽率略低于光照条件。 相似文献
5种荒漠植物种子萌发特性及其吸水特性的研究 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
本文通过对荒漠锦鸡儿、红沙等5种荒漠植物种子形态结构的观察和萌发试验及其萌发过程中吸水特性的研究发现:5种荒漠植物种子在萌发过程中吸水量有显著性的差异;荒漠锦鸡儿、多裂骆驼蓬等同种植物不同产地的种子的吸水量也存在显著性差异;吸胀过程中5种植物种子的千粒重与吸胀时间呈正相关,与吸水速率呈负相关。 相似文献
干旱胁迫对芸豆种子萌发及生理特性的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用浓度水平分别为5%、10%、15%、20%和25%的聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)溶液,模拟干旱进行胁迫处理,研究干旱胁迫对芸豆种子萌发与幼苗生理特性的影响。结果表明:发芽进程、发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数等指标在轻度干旱胁迫时(5%)均无显著变化,随着干旱胁迫增加,萌发指标受到抑制作用而降低,胁迫越大,降幅越大;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性则随干旱胁迫增加呈先增后降的趋势,SOD、CAT酶活性在10%浓度PEG处理时达最大,而POD酶活性在15%浓度时最大;丙二醛、脯氨酸含量的变化则呈单峰曲线趋势。 相似文献
白苞猩猩草种子萌发特性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
白苞猩猩草(Euphorbia heterophylla Linn.)对川滇两省干热河谷区的旱坡地果园水果生产和栽培粮食作物(如玉米、甘薯)生产已构成严重威胁。本文探讨了光、温、水等环境因子对白苞猩猩草种子萌发的影响。研究结果表明,白苞猩猩草种子最适萌发温度为25~30 ℃,在高温45 ℃或低温5 ℃时不能萌发;白苞猩猩草种子在土壤相对含水量≥10%时即可萌发,并在20%时萌发率达到最大值71.3%;种子破土能力弱,种子位于土壤表层0 cm时,出苗率高达80.7%,覆盖6 cm以上土层能有效遏制其出苗;12 h光暗交替有利于种子萌发;中性或偏酸性、低盐度(0.02 mol/L NaCl)环境有利于种子萌发。本研究将为白苞猩猩草综合治理提供科学依据和途径。 相似文献
研究了不同光照和温度对外来有害植物土荆芥(Chenopodium ambrosioides L.)种子萌发率的影响及种子在不同贮藏时间和不同贮藏温度下萌发率的变化。结果表明,光照是土荆芥种子萌发的必要条件,全黑暗条件下萌发率仅为9.7%。种子在15~20℃恒温条件下萌发率均达到80%以上,25℃恒温和10℃恒温能显著抑制其萌发。零下低温(-20℃)和零上低温(4℃)贮藏3个月的土荆芥种子萌发率分别为86.3%和84.7%,与贮藏前萌发率(89.3%)相比无显著差异,而在室温和25℃条件下贮藏的种子,萌发率显著下降。 相似文献
Trials were carried out to study the germination and dormancy of Cuscuta campestris Y. (dodder) seeds and factors influencing the success of early parasitisation of sugarbeet. Primary dormancy can be removed by seed scarification. Germination was negligible at 10°C and optimal at 30°C, while it was not influenced by light. Seed burial induced a cycle of induction and breaking of secondary dormancy. Seedling emergence was inversely proportional to the depth of seed burial and only seed buried within 5 cm of the soil surface emerged. Storage of C. campestris seeds in a laboratory for 12 years resulted in the loss of primary dormancy, enabling the germination of all viable seeds. Host infection (i.e. protrusion of parasite haustoria from host tissue) was heavily influenced by host growth stage. Tropism towards a host was due to the perception of light transmitted by green parts of sugarbeet plants. Insertion of a transparent glass sheet between host leaves and parasite seedlings did not modify this response. This phototropism permitted Cuscuta to identify host plants with high chlorophyll content as a function of the lower red/far red ratio of transmitted light. 相似文献
3种不同种子处理方法对水稻发芽及幼苗素质的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
室内采用滤纸法,研究种子包衣后浸种、浸种后种子包衣和催芽后种子包衣3种不同的处理方式对稻花香、天优华占和保丰3个水稻品种发芽率及幼苗素质的影响.结果显示:在所测试的浓度范围内,分别采用3种不同的处理方式,每个水稻品种的发芽率均随着噻虫嗪·苯醚甲环唑23%悬浮种衣剂用量的增加而增加.且随着悬浮种衣剂用量的增加水稻病苗率降低;同一用量条件下,3个水稻品种发芽率由高到低依次为:催芽后种子包衣>种子包衣后浸种>浸种后种子包衣.病斑率由小到大依次为:催芽后种子包衣>种子包衣后浸种>浸种后种子包衣.这表明噻虫嗪·苯醚甲环唑23%悬浮种衣剂可以明显抑制水稻种子携带的病原菌;随着种衣剂用量的增加水稻幼苗的根数、主根长和株高增加.对天优华占、稻花香和保丰3个水稻品种幼苗素质影响由大到小依次为:催芽后种子包衣>种子包衣后浸种>浸种后种子包衣.这表明:水稻种子处理方法对水稻幼苗素质有一定的影响. 相似文献
HCl、NaOH、Na2CO3、NaCl、赤霉素(GA3)、芸薹素内酯(BR)浸种处理,探讨溶液浓度、浸种时间对野慈姑(Sagittaria trifolia Linn.)种子萌发的影响。结果表明,NaOH溶液浸种处理可以作为快速解除野慈姑种子休眠、提高发芽率的方法,最佳处理为25%NaOH溶液浸种4h,可使野慈姑种子萌发率达73.00%。HCl溶液浸种处理仅能解除部分野慈姑种子的休眠,20%HCl溶液浸种4h野慈姑种子的发芽率最高;为48.33%。Na2CO3、NaCl、GA3、BR溶液浸种处理,野慈姑种子的最高发芽率分别仅为10.33%、9.33%、11.33%、9.67%,不能用于解除野慈姑种子的休眠。 相似文献
Senecio vulgaris is a common weed of agriculture in the UK, but is also of food value to invertebrates and birds. Thus, it may be beneficial to retain it within agricultural ecosystems to enhance overall biodiversity. A less intensive approach to weed management requires a sound understanding of weed population dynamics so as to avoid unacceptable population growth. Experiments were carried out in 2003 and 2004 to assess seed production, and subsequent germination, by S. vulgaris growing alone, in winter wheat, or in winter field beans. Plant and seed samples were collected during May and June. There was a strong allometric relationship between capsule number and plant weight, irrespective of the year or the presence of crop competition. Numbers of seeds/capsule varied slightly from 51 to 66 seeds per capsule. Plants growing alone were estimated to produce 8471 to 12 887 seeds per plant, whilst those in wheat only 923 to 2156. Germination tests in Petri dishes in incubators showed that virtually all seeds were viable and germinated under daily alternating light:dark conditions within 10 days. Seeds in continuous dark germinated less readily, reaching only 30% after 21 days. On the basis of this and other published work, it would appear that the retention of S. vulgaris in arable fields will not pose a major threat to the long-term viability of crop production. 相似文献
Low temperatures may inhibit dormancy break in seeds of winter annuals, therefore it was hypothesized that seeds of Capsella bursa‐pastoris and Descurainia sophia that mature at high latitudes in late summer–early autumn would not germinate until they had been exposed to high summer temperatures. Consequently, germination would be delayed until the second autumn. Most freshly matured seeds of both species collected in August and September in southern Sweden were dormant. After 3 weeks of burial at simulated August (20/10°C) and September (15/6°C) temperatures, 28 and 27%, respectively, of the C. bursa‐pastoris and 56 and 59%, respectively, of the D. sophia seeds germinated in light at 15/6°C. In contrast, in germination phenology studies conducted in Sweden, only a few seeds of either species germinated during the first autumn following dispersal. However, there was a peak of germination of both species the following spring, demonstrating that dormancy was lost during exposure to the low habitat temperatures between late summer and early autumn and spring. Nearly 100% of the seeds of both species subjected to simulated annual seasonal temperature changes were viable after 30.5 months of burial. In the burial study, exhumed seeds of C. bursa‐pastoris were capable of germinating to 98–100% in light at the simulated spring–autumn temperature regime (15/6°C) in both spring and autumn, while those of D. sophia did so only in autumn. In early spring, however, seeds of D. sophia germinated to 17–50% at 15/6°C. Thus, most seeds of these two annual weeds that mature in late summer do not germinate in the first autumn, but they may do so the following spring or in some subsequent autumn or spring. 相似文献
两种雀麦种子萌发期耐热性比较研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
设置了八个变温梯度 ,三种播前预措方式及一个对照 ,分别对两种雀麦 (沙地雀麦Bromus ircutensis和无芒雀麦 Bromusinermis)种子进行萌发测试。测定了不同处理下的发芽率、发芽指数、休眠率和死亡率 ,并依此比较了这两种牧草种子在萌发期的耐热性能。结果表明 ,从发芽率和发芽指数看 ,二者并无明显的差异 ( P<0 .0 5) ,在较低的温度下二者都有较高的发芽率和发芽指数 ,当温度超过 45℃时二者都不萌发。从休眠和死亡状况可知 ,沙地雀麦种子比无芒雀麦种子有较强的耐高温性。三种预措方式中 ,三次回干效果较好 相似文献
少花蒺藜草是我国重要外来入侵植物之一。研究了环境因子对少花蒺藜草种子萌发和出苗的影响。研究结果表明,光照会促进少花蒺藜草种子休眠,少花蒺藜草种子萌发温度范围为15~40℃,最适萌发温度为25℃,萌发的临界温度在10~15℃;临界水势在-12~-10 MPa,水势在-8~-4 MPa的环境适宜少花蒺藜草生长。少花蒺藜草出苗临界土壤含水量在1.0%~2.5%,生长临界含水量在2.5%~5.0%;少花蒺藜草在pH值为2~12的条件下均可萌发生长,但pH值为12的条件更适合生长;少花蒺藜草种子在沙土中0~15 cm深度均可出苗,1~9 cm深度出苗率最高,在壤土中1~7 cm深度出苗率最高,超过11 cm不能出苗。 相似文献
独脚金属(Striga spp.)及列当属(Orobanche spp.和Phelipanchce spp.)杂草是世界范围内对农业生产危害严重的根寄生杂草,主要依靠寄生茄科、豆科、谷类等作物获得水分和营养。根寄生杂草种子只有在合适的萌发诱导物(如独脚金内酯)刺激下才能萌发。文章从根寄生杂草的分类、分布及危害,种子萌发剂类型及适用范围,种子萌发剂独脚金内酯的生物合成及分离鉴定,根寄生杂草种子萌发诱导剂的作用机制以及种子萌发过程中激素间协同调控作用等方面进行了综述,并展望了种子萌发剂设计筛选及其在根寄生杂草化学防控中的潜在应用前景。 相似文献