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南方杂交稻机插目前仍然以毯苗育秧机插为主,采用撒播育秧,无法实现杂交稻稀播少本种植,制约了杂交稻的推广以及杂交稻机插产业化的提升。在多年对毯苗机插技术研究的基础上,中国水稻研究所研发了精准播种育秧机插技术,突破了杂交稻毯苗育秧机插技术的瓶颈。该技术改变传统流水线撒播为定向定位条播,显著降低了机插播种量,提高了机插秧苗质量。同时配套相应机插技术实现了杂交稻少本均匀种植,漏秧率降低到5%以下,并提高了机插群体均匀度。2019年和2020年示范试验结果表明,精准播种育秧机插技术可节省用种量29.2%,提高产量10.2%,节本增效显著。  相似文献   

机插水稻应用现状与发展对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对近几年机插秧生产实践进行调查总结,机插秧存在节省秧田、便于管理、省工节本、能有效解决杂草稻问题等优势,同时由于农民求简化、土地规模偏小不利于机插、机插育秧技术尚待完善提高、管理难以跟上等原因,机插秧推广缓慢;针对推广应用过程中存在床土培肥不高、播量不当、操作不规范、秧龄过长、机插秧缓苗期长、大田分蘖缺位多、栽插穴数普遍不足、肥水运筹不当、分蘖成穗率大幅下降等的技术问题,提出培肥床土、适量播种、精心培管、适时移栽、精细整地、科学灌溉、精确栽插、插好插足、科学肥水运筹等发展对策。  相似文献   

早稻播谷育秧生育特点的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对早稻催芽育秧中存在的催芽难、成秧率低 ,遇异常天气易造成烂秧等问题 ,于 1991~ 1993年进行了播谷育秧与催芽育秧的比较研究。指出播谷育秧比催芽育秧具有许多优越性 ,并阐述了播谷育秧的生育特点。  相似文献   

豫南“籼改粳”理论与技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了豫南稻区"籼改粳"的基本情况和在理论技术方面的研究进展。高温、稻瘟病和纹枯病、三代三化螟危害是豫南粳稻产量低、品质差的三大障碍因子,而播期早是产生障碍的根源,推迟粳稻播期是"籼改粳"的关键技术;豫南"籼稻-小麦"轮作存在制度缺陷,推迟粳稻播期可以得到修复,因秧龄过长而减产、机插秧以及抛秧难以利用等问题得到解决;增产提质、机械化、轻简化、规模化生产是"籼改粳"的必然选择;"东粳西移"是解决豫南粳稻品种利用的有效途径;机插秧、抛秧有利于实现粳稻推迟播种,而"泥质法"育秧解决了高温条件下育秧的问题,提高了机插秧、抛秧的秧苗素质;粳稻晚播稻瘟病、纹枯病和三化螟已不再是豫南"籼改粳"的毁灭性病虫害,恶苗病、干尖线虫病、稻蓟马、稻曲病上升为主要病虫害;水稻两段栽培技术是根据水稻高产稳产生长发育规律,分别从群体、形态和机能构建三个方面进行栽培设计,按照营养生长和生殖生长两个阶段进行定向培育的一种栽培方法,不仅高产稳产,而且减肥减药。  相似文献   

水稻大钵体毯状苗机械育插秧技术研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决传统机插秧技术秧龄适应期短、栽插后秧苗植伤大等技术问题,突破双季稻区、稻麦轮作区和东北寒地稻区水稻发展的瓶颈,本项目开发了水稻大钵体毯状苗机械化育插秧技术。该技术充分发挥了水稻钵体苗栽培高产优质的农艺技术优势和机插秧高效精准机械化作业优势,集成创新了水稻大钵体毯状苗育秧盘、精准对位播种、秧期综合管理和高速机械栽插等关键技术。水稻大钵体毯状苗育秧盘突出了水稻钵苗的技术特点,创新了育秧盘结构,在低播量条件下所育秧苗上毯下钵,素质高,有效延长了秧苗适宜机插时间,减少了栽插时秧苗的根系损伤,栽插后几乎无缓苗期;2ZBL-400型水稻育秧生产线解决了低播量和精准对位育秧播种的难题;应用秧期综合管理技术培育合格秧苗是实现水稻大钵体毯状苗机插秧的关键,育秧方式采用旱育秧技术模式;水稻大钵体毯状苗在机插时要求插秧机进行按钵取苗,对现有插秧机的横向和纵向送秧机构进行简单的改进设计就可以满足水稻大钵体毯状苗机插秧的技术要求。该技术已经在全国水稻主产区进行了广泛试验和示范推广,具有缓解茬口紧张、降低生产风险、促进农药减施、增产效果明显等优点。该技术有效缓解了双季稻区、稻麦轮作区和东北寒地稻区机插秧造成的水稻生育期不足难题,为水稻机械化作业开拓了一条新的技术模式。  相似文献   

以欣荣优6307为供试材料,采用大棚地热旱育秧和常规大田竹拱盖膜旱育秧两种育秧方式,设置4个不同播期进行育秧试验,研究了播期和育秧方式对水稻秧苗素质和产量的影响。结果表明,在3月15日采用大棚地热育秧,秧苗素质较好,产量高,且较竹拱盖膜育秧提早5 d收获。本研究结果可为水稻的高产高效栽培提供理论依据和技术参考。  相似文献   

Exotic apple snails (Pomacea spp.) are a major threat to the productivity and profitability of rice farming globally. Cultural methods that are applicable to traditional rice transplanting are often successful in reducing snail damage to rice. However, high labor and irrigation costs associated with transplanting highlight the need to develop modern rice crop establishment methods to replace traditional, labor-intensive methods. This study examined four broad categories of rice crop establishment for their vulnerability to apple snail damage. Seedlings from dapog nurseries and wet-direct seeding were highly vulnerable to damage and produced no grain in snail-infested ponds in the Philippines. Rice transplanted from dry bed nurseries at 21 days after sowing (DAS) had high mortality (85%) and consequently low yields. In contrast, seedling broadcasting (21 DAS) significantly reduced rice vulnerability (22% seedling mortality) to snail damage compared to all other methods and resulted in the highest grain yields per plot in our experiments. We attribute lower vulnerability to snail damage and successful stand development to reduced transplanting shock at the time of seedling broadcasting and to the generally good condition of seedlings even after 21 days in polyvinyl chloride trays. We suggest that seedling broadcasting be considered as a crop establishment method with potential to sustainably manage apple snails in irrigated rice.  相似文献   

【目的】明确杂交稻70 g以下低播量精量穴播和条播对育秧效果及机插特性的影响,突破生产中杂交稻机插的技术瓶颈。【方法】以中浙优1号和甬优1540两个杂交稻品种为材料,利用机插标准9寸盘,设置机械穴播和条播两个精量播种方式,并以机械流水线撒播为对照,穴播规格为16(纵向)×34(横向)穴,条播为纵向16条,以穴播5粒、3粒及2粒的播种量进行播种试验。考查了低播量下不同播种方式对秧苗生长影响及配套取秧效果【结果】1)低播量下不同播种方式对秧苗成苗率的影响不大。2)降低播种量提高秧苗生长一致性,且穴播和条播秧苗生长一致性好于撒播。3)与撒播相比,精量穴播和条播能够在低播量下提高秧苗根系盘结力和成毯性,中浙优1号和甬优1540根系盘结力比撒播平均高75.4%和81.0%,播量每穴3粒时即能有效成毯,穴播和条播差异不大。4)精量穴播和条播能够显著降低低播量下机插漏秧率,中浙优1号和甬优1540机插漏秧率平均分别比撒播低76.3%和74.6%,穴播和条播下,两个品种每穴播量3粒的漏秧率均在1%以下,与撒播相比降幅在10个百分点以上。5)精量穴播和条播机插取秧苗数均匀度比撒播要好,两个品种预期取秧2~5苗(5粒)、1~3苗(3粒)和1~2苗(2粒)比例均达80%以上,中浙优1号和甬优1540机插苗数均匀度平均比撒播高121.2%和67.0%,其中,穴播机插取秧苗数均匀度及预期取秧苗数比例高于条播。【结论】精量穴播和条播可以解决目前杂交稻机插用种量大、漏秧率高和机插取秧苗数均匀度差的问题。  相似文献   

【Objective】 The purpose of the study is to ascertain the effect of precise hill-sowing and drill-sowing methods on seedling raising and the characteristics of mechanized transplanting of hybrid rice with a low seed sowing rate below 70 g, and to further break the current technical bottleneck in mechanized transplanting process of hybrid rice. 【Method】 In this study, Zhongzheyou 1 and Yongyou 1540 were mechanically hill-sowed and drill-sowed in standard seedling raising trays with mechanized broadcasting as the control. The hill-sowing specification was 16×34 hill, and 16 drills were set in longitudinal direction for drill sowing. The seed sowing rates were 5 seeds, 3 seeds, and 2 seeds per hill for hill sowing, and the same seed rates were set in drill sowing. The effects of different sowing methods on the growth of seedlings and their mechanical transplanting characteristics were investigated. 【Results】 1) Sowing methods presented no significant effect on seedling percentage with a reduction in seeding rate. 2) A reduction in seeding rate improved rice seedling consistency, especially in hill sowing and drill sowing as compared with broadcasting. 3) In comparison with seed broadcasting, under hill seeding and drill seeding, seedling roots were more entwined as seedling mats. Under hill-sowing and drill sowing, Zhongzheyou 1 and Yongyou 1540 had 75.4% and 81.0% higher intertwining force than that of broadcasting, respectively. Precise hill- and drill-sowing generated effective seedling blanket without significant difference between the two treatments, while broadcast sowing did not. 4) Hill sowing and drill sowing significantly reduced the missed hill percent of machine transplanting. The missed hill percent of Zhongzheyou 1 and Yongyou 1540 under hill sowing and drill sowing were 76.3% and 74.6% lower than that of broadcast sowing in average, respectively. The missed hill percent for hill-seeding and drill-seeding with 3 seeds per hill was below 1%, 10% lower than that of broadcast sowing. 5) The uniformity of machine-transplanted seedling under hill sowing and drill sowing were better than that of broadcast sowing. And the proportion of the treatments with expected seedling-catching number in mechanized transplanting (2 to 5 seedlings with 5 seeds per hill, 1 to 3 seedlings with 3 seeds per hill and 1 to 2 seedlings with 2 seeds per hill) for the two cultivars were all above 80% in hill-sowing and drill-sowing in combination with machine transplanting, and the seedling uniformity of machine-transplanted Zhongzheyou 1 and Yongyou 1540 was 121.2% and 67.0% higher than that under broadcast sowing. Meanwhile hill sowing had a better result than drill sowing. 【Conclusion】 Precision hill seeding and drill seeding provide an alternative measure to current problems such as large amount of seeds, high missed hill percent and uneven seedling taking in the process of machine transplanting of rice.  相似文献   

为探明毯苗插秧机增加取秧块面积的改进技术以及在该技术下稀播长秧龄的水稻适宜播量、秧龄和育秧盘,并形成毯苗机插稻稀播长秧龄农机与农艺相配套技术。结果表明,经过对毯苗插秧机性能的改进,增大取秧面积,毯苗机插杂交稻可实现与钵苗机插稻相当的产量,同时常规稻产量比未改进的常规毯苗机插稻增产4.74%~6.83%;机插水稻秧龄在30 d内,秧龄和产量成正相关关系,播量80 g/盘、秧龄30 d的处理产量最高;与普通塑料盘相比,大体钵型毯状降解盘透水透气性好,栽插带土成球,秧苗素质好,植伤轻,水稻缓苗期短。  相似文献   

播种量对机插水卷苗秧苗素质及产量形成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】本研究旨在探明水卷苗机插高产适宜的播种量。【方法】以长江中下游地区代表性品种武运粳24号(常规粳稻)和6两优9368(杂交籼稻)为供试材料,研究不同播种量对水卷苗秧苗素质、机插质量、大田生长特性及产量的影响。【结果】移栽前秧苗地上部和根系干物质量、发根力、根系活性、成苗率、苗基宽、重高比及光合速率均随着播种量的降低而显著增强,叶面积指数显著下降。小播量处理秧苗返青活棵快、分蘖发生力强、每穗粒数多,但播量过小导致基本苗和穗数不足,当武运粳24号播种量从180g/盘降低到120g/盘(738.9g/m2)、6两优9368播种量从110g/盘降低到70g/盘(431.0g/m2)时,产量没有显著变化;但播种量继续降低,产量均显著下降。【结论】水卷苗育秧方法适宜播种量,常规粳稻为2.03粒/cm2,杂交籼稻为1.14粒/cm2。  相似文献   

秧苗密度和施氮量对超高产杂交籼稻秧苗素质的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
 2007年在云南省永胜县涛源乡水稻特殊高产生态区,利用杂交籼稻组合协优107,设计了氮肥处理(10.3、207、31.0和41.4 g/m2N)和秧苗密度处理(353、706、1059和1412苗/m2)双因子试验,旨在探讨施氮水平、秧苗密度和秧龄对超高产杂交籼稻秧苗素质的影响。结果表明:1)秧苗密度降低或施氮量增加,均降低出叶所需的有效积温,加快秧苗的出叶,且秧苗密度的效应更显著;2)高密度或低氮条件下,秧苗单株带蘖数随着秧龄的增加有减少的趋势;而在高氮或低密度条件下,秧苗单株带蘖数在播种后27 d(7叶期)内呈增加趋势,之后进入分蘖衰减期;3)施氮对秧苗新分蘖的发生和大分蘖保持、苗床叶面积指数的增大、单株干质量的增加以及植株含氮量的提高均有正效应;4)秧苗密度对秧苗新分蘖的发生和大分蘖保持、单株干质量的增加均有负效应,并比氮效应明显;对植株含氮量的提高也有一定的负效应;对苗床叶面积指数的增大有正效应。  相似文献   

The implications of adopting alternative seeding methods for rice and wheat establishment were examined at three geographically separate sites in the rice-wheat system of the Indo-Gangetic plains, across northern India. Rice yields in cultivated plots, established by either wet or dry seeding methods, were evaluated in comparison to yields from zero-tillage plots and under conventional transplanting methods. In the same trials, the effects of crop establishment methods in wheat were assessed both on wheat yields and rice yields. Rice crop establishment methods markedly influenced the emerging weed flora and attainable yields were measured in relation to intensity of weed management. Over four years, average rice grain yields in the absence of weed competition were greatest (6.56 t ha−1) under wet seeding (sowing pre-germinated rice seed on puddled soil), and similar to those from transplanted rice (6.17 t ha−1) into puddled soil, and dry seeded rice after dry soil tillage (6.15 t ha−1). Lowest yields were observed from dry seeded rice sown without tillage (5.44 t ha−1). Rice yield losses due to uncontrolled weed growth were least in transplanted rice (12%) but otherwise large (c. 85%) where rice had been sown to dry cultivated fields or to puddled soil, rising to 98% in dry seeded rice sown without soil tillage. Weed competition reduced multiple rice yield components, and weed biomass in wet seeded rice was six-fold greater that in rice transplanted into puddled soil and twice as much again in dry seeded rice sown either after dry tillage or without tillage. Wheat grain yields were significantly higher from crops sown into tilled soil (3.89 t ha−1) than those sown without tillage (3.51 t ha−1), and also were elevated (5% on average) where the soil had been dry cultivated in preparation for the previous rice crops rather than puddled. The method of wheat cultivation did not influence rice yield. Soil infiltration rates in the wheat season were least where the land had been puddled for rice (1.52 mm h−1), and greater where the soil had been dry-tilled (2.63 mm h−1) and greatest after zero-tillage (3.54 mm h−1).These studies demonstrated at research managed sites across a wide geographic area, and on farmers’ fields, that yields of dry seeded rice sown after dry cultivation of soil were broadly comparable with those of transplanted rice, providing weed competition was absent. These results support the proposition that direct seeding of rice could provide an alternative to the conventional practice of transplanting, and help address rising costs and threats to sustainability in the rice-wheat rotation. Further, analysis of patterns of long-term rainfall data indicated that farmers reliant on monsoon rainfall could prepare fields for dry direct seeded rice some 30 days before they could prepare fields for either transplanting or seeding with pre-germinated seed. Dry, direct seeding of rice contributes a valuable component of an adaptive strategy to address monsoonal variability that also may advance the time of wheat establishment and yield. Whilst the results illustrate the robustness, feasibility and significant potential of direct seeded rice, they also highlight the critical nature of effective weed control in successful implementation of direct seeding systems for rice.  相似文献   

以南粳9108为材料,设计3个播种时间(5月14、21、28日)和3种插秧方式(硬盘机插25 cm行距、硬盘机插30 cm行距、钵苗摆栽),研究其对优良食味水稻产量和品质的影响。结果表明,早播(5月14日)条件下,水稻钵苗摆栽产量高,品质好;晚播(5月28日)条件下,硬盘机插25 cm行距处理产量高。播期、栽插方式对南粳9108糙米率、精米率影响不显著;垩白粒率、垩白度、整精米率、胶稠度、碱消值均随着播期的推迟而下降,稻米品质降低。  相似文献   

黄化是石灰性土壤上水稻膜下滴灌常见的营养障碍,显著影响作物生长发育和产量。以水稻品种T-43为试验材料,采用两因素裂区试验研究播期和土壤局部酸化对改善膜下滴灌水稻苗期缺铁黄化的作用。主区设置三种不同的播期,即在土温达到12℃(T1)、15℃(T2)、18℃(T3)时播种;副区为不同的土壤酸化剂:硫酸铵+硝化抑制剂(AS)、磷酸(PP)、柠檬酸(CA)和对照(CK)。结果表明,三种酸化剂处理均显著降低土壤pH值,提高了土壤有效铁含量,其中AS效果最显著。AS、PP和CA处理的苗期水稻叶片中有效铁含量较CK分别提高14.4%、11.3%和9.2%。三种酸化剂提高了水稻苗期根系活力和根系的根长、表面积、根体积,以AS处理效果最好。晚播较早播显著提高了水稻苗期根系活力,增加了水稻根系的根长、表面积、根体积。晚播使水稻苗期叶片活性铁含量提高了11.2%,叶片SPAD值显著增加。酸化剂的施用有助于克服水稻苗期缺铁黄化,以硫酸铵(生理酸性盐)结合硝化抑制剂最佳,适当的推后播期也能有效改善膜下滴灌水稻缺铁黄化。  相似文献   

不同播种量对机插粳稻秧苗素质及大田栽插效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨淮安市不同类型粳稻品种机插标准化育秧技术,以淮稻11号和甬优2640为材料,研究了播种量对机插粳稻秧苗素质和大田栽插质量的影响。结果表明,常规粳稻在120~130 g/盘、杂交粳稻在80~90 g/盘的播种量(干种)下,所育秧苗素质较好,不仅秧苗成毯效果佳,且大田的移栽质量更高。  相似文献   

淮北地区几种稻作方式及其应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江苏淮北地区是江苏省重要的优质粳稻高产区域,该地区主产中熟中粳稻,并形成了人工插秧为主、机械插秧、塑盘育秧抛栽、麦后直播等多种稻作方式。从提高水稻生产能力、改善稻米品质、降低劳动强度、提高劳动生产率、规避自然风险等多重目标综合分析,认为应着力推广以塑盘育秧抛栽、机械化插秧为主的前景广阔的稻作方式,谨慎推广直播稻。  相似文献   

针对钵苗机插水稻育秧存在的主要问题,通过多年大面积高产攻关示范和小区试验,吸取了钵苗机插育秧的经验教训并总结了标准化育苗的关键技术,主要包括秧田整地与培肥、营养土配制、机械播种、秧龄与播种量的控制、暗化出苗、秧田管理等重要技术环节,对今后大面积推广应用钵苗机插新技术具有实际指导意义。  相似文献   

机械插秧具有效率高、降低生产成本、减轻劳动强度,便于合理密植、提高基本苗,适合带土、带药、带肥移栽,促使禾苗早生快发,促进水稻增产增收等优点,近年来得到迅速推广。试验以岳优9113为例,从播种育秧—机械插秧—田间管理各环节,阐述烟后稻机插高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

Summary Ware potatoes were produced from true potato seed by transplanting seedlings to the field in different growing periods to evaluate environmental constraints of this production method in the Nile delta. In the autumn season, with high temperatures and long-day conditions during seedling culture in the nursery and transplant establishment in the field, seedling development was fast, and transplants resumed growth within 5 days of transplanting in the field. Tuber yields ranged between 120 and 160 dt ha−1. In the spring season, with low temperatures and short-day conditions during the initial growing phase, seedling development in the nursery was slow and biomass partitioning between above ground organs (stems, leaves) and tubers was shifted towards the tubers. This partitioning was further enhanced by transplanting the seedlings in the field. Seedlings recovered only slowly from transplanting or died. It is concluded that potato production via transplants is poor in the spring season when premature tuberization of seedlings in the nursery leads to slow field establishment and low tuber yield.  相似文献   

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