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为筛选适宜间作的大豆品种,以早、中、晚熟三种类型共16个大豆品种(系)为试验材料,在玉米大豆间作和大豆净作(为对照)模式下比较研究其农艺性状和产量构成因素。结果表明,各熟期类型品种在间作条件下的株高、平均节间长、倒伏率均显著高于净作对照,且早熟品种的株高、底荚高、主茎节数、平均节间长以及倒伏率显著低于中、晚熟品种。早、中熟品种在间作下的有效分枝数与对照差异不显著,而晚熟品种显著高于对照。各熟期类型品种在间作模式下的产量都显著低于相应的对照,早熟类型品种的单株有效荚、单株粒数、百粒重、单株产量以及公顷单产均极显著低于中、晚熟类型品种,而这些性状在中、晚熟品种间差异不显著。早、中熟品种在间作下的单株有效荚率均显著高于对照,晚熟品种的单株有效荚率显著高于中熟品种,中熟品种显著高于早熟品种。然而各品种类型间作下的完整粒率与净作对照无显著差异,中、晚熟品种的完整粒率显著高于早熟品种。通过相关性分析,间作下倒伏率与株高、主茎节数、平均节间长呈极显著正相关;单株有效荚率、单株粒重、完整粒率、产量均与生育期呈极显著正相关;玉豆共生期占全生育期比重与有效荚率、完整粒率、产量呈极显著负相关。上述结果表明,在玉米大豆间作模式下,中、晚熟大豆品种相比早熟品种有较长的光补偿时期,能获得较高的产量,是适宜与玉米间作种植的大豆品种类型。  相似文献   

The development of ascochyta blight resistant chickpea lines has allowed autumn sowing of this crop, and increased seed yields as result of higher biomass production than the traditional spring sowing in the Mediterrranean region. A second step in the chickpea yield improvement could be to increase harvest index. In this sense, the effect of the erect/bushy habit, single/double pod and late/early flowering genes on yield and seed size and their stability was studied using eleven F6:7 ascochyta blight resistant chickpea lines. These lines were derived from a cross between an erect, single podded and late flowering line and a bushy, double podded early line. Six lines out of eleven were erect and late flowering (three being single and three double podded), two were single podded, bushy and late flowering, two double podded, bushy and early flowering, and finally one single podded, bushy and early flowering. A multilocation trial during four and 3 years under autumn and spring sowing, respectively, in the south of Spain was performed for yield and seed size. The stability of these lines was studied by AMMI analysis. Our results suggest that the double pod gene has no effects on both yield and seed size, although, confers a higher yield stability than the single pod gene. The mean yield of the lines with bushy growth habit, across all environments, was higher than that of the erect habit lines; 208.1 and 179.8 g/m2 in autumn and 120 and 101.4 g/m2 in spring sowing, respectively. Mean yield of the early lines, across all environments was higher than that of late lines; earliness was more important under spring sowing with yields of 130.2 and 102.3 g/m2 for early and late lines, respectively. Thus, for developing new chickpea cultivars under Mediterranean conditions, breeding programs should consider that (i) for spring sowing, early flowering and bushy types are the characters with greater influence on yield and yield stability, respectively, and (ii) for autumn sowing, the important characters are bushy habit on yield and double pod and earliness on yield stability.  相似文献   

东北春大豆熟期组的划分与地理分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东北春大豆区是我国大豆主产区,大豆品种生育期特性是最主要的生态特性。美国建立的大豆熟期组制度已为全世界采纳。熟期组归类表述了品种最主要的地理生态特性,有利于全世界不同地区间的引种、交流和育种方案设计。本研究搜集了我国东北地区数十年来育种或生产上广泛使用的地方和育成的共计361份品种,于2012-2014年在东北大豆不同气候生态区的9个试验点,以美国和国内已明确MG000~MGⅢ熟期组的品种为标准,进行东北地区品种熟期划分的研究。鉴定方法为先根据标准品种相邻熟期组生育日数平均值的1/2为界,划定不同熟期组在该环境的范围,初步划定各品种的熟期组归属,然后统计各品种在不同环境的熟期组归属次数,结合考虑该品种适应的生态条件,最终确定其熟期组归属。本研究认为东北地区早春土壤墒情较好,播种后种子开始吸水萌动,而完全成熟则在完熟期(R8时期),大豆的全生育期应为从播种到R8时期的生育日数。获得结果如下:(1)确定了不同试验点/生态亚区各熟期组划分的生育期天数范围和各熟期组鉴定的最佳试验点/生态亚区,具体的说以北安和扎兰屯作为MG000和MG00熟期租适宜的鉴定地点,克山和牡丹江作为MG0和MGⅠ适宜的鉴定地点,铁岭作为MGⅡ和MGⅢ适宜的鉴定地点;(2)361份东北春大豆归入MG000~MGⅢ共6个熟期组;(3)揭示了不同熟期组在东北地区的地域分布,大致上MG000和MG00主要分布在黑龙江北部及内蒙古北部,MG 0和MG I主要分布在黑龙江中南部,MGⅡ主要分布在吉林省,MGⅢ主要分布在辽宁省;(4)提出了一批东北地区各熟期组鉴定的本地区标准品种;(5)提出我国东北地区熟期组鉴定的方法,即先在当地将待鉴定的品种生育期天数与标准品种的表现或者本文所给出的各熟期组在当地的表现进行初步划分,然后按照其熟期组划分结果安排在适宜的鉴定点进行统一鉴定,经比对后确定其熟期组的归属。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of earliness (according to FAO class), maturity stage at harvest and environmental conditions on the ensilability of maize hybrids described by their fermentation products and by a fermentation quality index (FQI). Maize hybrids belonging to early (n = 14) and late (n = 15) FAO classes were grown in low, medium and high potential yield areas and harvested at an early (EH), medium (MH) and late maturity stage (LH), that is, at 1/3, 2/3 and 5 d after the 2/3 milk line stage, respectively, according to a split‐plot design. Upon harvest, each sample (n = 522) was analysed for dry matter (DM) and water‐soluble carbohydrates (WSC) before being ensiled in vacuum‐packed bags (n = 1,044). After 60 days of conservation, samples were analysed for DM and fermentation products. In the pre‐ensiling phase, DM was higher in early hybrids (p = .001), low yield areas (p < .001) and at LH maturity (p < .001), whereas WSC contents were higher in early hybrids (p < .001), medium yield areas (p < .001) and at EH maturity (p < .001). With regard to silages, early hybrids had a higher FQI (p < .001), which was highest in areas with a high yield potential (p < .01) and at EH maturity (p < .01). Late hybrids proved to be better suited for low yield areas compared with early hybrids (p < .01) and had a higher FQI at EH and MH than at LH maturity (p < .01).  相似文献   

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