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Simulation studies have demonstrated that limited maximum transpiration rate (TR) at high air vapor pressure deficit (VPD) in water-limited environments could result in significant increases in sorghum yield. However, such a restriction on TR at high VPD has not been documented in sorghum. The objective of this study was to search within sorghum germplasm for the possibility of restricted TR at high VPD. Twenty six genotypes were selected for measurement of VPD response based on field observations including yield, leaf temperature, and the stay-green phenotype. These genotypes were grown in a greenhouse for about 24-d growth, and then placed into individual chambers in which VPD was varied and TR measured. The results of this study showed marked variation among sorghum genotypes in TR response to VPD. Seventeen genotypes were identified as exhibiting a breakpoint in their VPD response in the range from 1.6 to 2.7 kPa, above which there was little or no further increase in TR. Therefore, these genotypes with a breakpoint have the possibility of soil water conservation when VPD during the midday cycle exceeds the breakpoint VPD. This trait would be desirable in less humid environments for increasing yields in water-deficit seasons. The observed range in the value of the BP among genotypes offers the possibility of developing genotypes with BP appropriate for specific environments.  相似文献   

Limited observations of soybean plant response of transpiration rate (TR) to vapor pressure deficit (VPD) have indicated the existence of genotypes with nearly constant TR at high VPD. The range of expression of this trait in a given population within a species has not been explored. To initiate study of this possibility, 22 genotypes from a RIL population derived from a cross of PI 416937 and Benning were characterized for their VPD response. Genotype PI 416937 has been shown to reach a maximum TR at a VPD as low as 2 kPa. Surprisingly, Benning was not found to have a continually increasing TR with VPD, but rather it had a two-segment TR response very similar to PI 416937. Unexpectedly, only one of the studied RILs had a TR response similar to the parents. Thirteen RILs had a continually increasing TR with increasing VPD. Eight RILs reached a maximum TR occurring at VPD of about 1.3 kPa, significantly lower value than that of the parents. While the inheritance of the maximum TR trait is clearly complex, these results offer encouragement that the VPD at which plants limit TR might vary so that the trait can be tailored to maximize potential yield increase in different water-deficit environments.  相似文献   

Water stress during the vegetative development normally is not detrimental and sometimes actually increases yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Root growth might play an important role in response to early season drought in peanut and might result in an increase in yield. Information on the response of root characters of diverse peanut genotypes to these conditions will provide useful information for explaining mechanisms and improving peanut genotypes for exploiting positive interaction for pod yield under pre-flowering drought. The aim of this study, therefore, was to investigate the root dry weight and root length density of peanut genotypes with different yield responses to pre-flowering drought stress and their relationships with pod yield. Field experiments were conducted at the Field Crop Research Station of Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand during February to July 2007 and during February to July 2009. A split-plot experiment in a randomized complete block design was used. Two water management treatments were assigned as the main plots, i.e. field capacity and pre-flowering stress, and six peanut genotypes as the sub-plots. Total crop dry matter, root dry weight and root length density were recorded at 25 DAE, R5 and R7. Top dry weight and pod yield were measured at harvest and pod harvest index (PHI) was computed using the data on pod yield and biomass. Peanut genotypes were categorized into three groups based on their responses to drought for pod yield, e.g. increasing, decreasing and non-responsive groups. The genotypes of each group showed a differential response for root quantity and distribution. The increasing pod yield group had more root dry weight and root length density in the deeper soil layers during pre-flowering stress compared to the non-stress treatment. The non-responsive group showed no root response under pre-flowering drought conditions compared to the non-stress treatment. A larger root system alone without considering distribution may not contribute much to pod yield but a higher RLD at deeper layers may allow plants to mine more available water in the sub-soil. However, as yield is a complex trait, several mechanisms may be involved. The increasing pod yield group also had the ability to maintain a high PHI.  相似文献   

Production of spring potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Désirée) on a deep sandy soil in the central highland of the Negev desert of Israel under drip irrigation with saline water (up to 6.2 dS m−1) was studied in the years 1992–1997. The objective of the study was to determine the effects of saline water irrigation on potato production in an arid environment with special focus on the interactions with weather conditions. Although yields were often high, salinity effects were evident in some years. Thus 1992 and 1996 yields were 6–7 kg m−2 and showed no significant effect of salinity, while a pronounced drop in yield with increasing salinity was observed in 1993 and 1994. Analysis of weather data for 1993–1994 suggests that the decline in yield was due to interactions between saline irrigation and prolonged heat wave events occurring during crop development. Further experimental work (1997) revealed that tuber yield was most sensitive to combined salt and heat stress when heat waves occurred at 40–60 days after emergence. The combined stress apparently leads to the collapse of mechanisms for avoiding salt accumulation in young expanding leaves, resulting in failure of vegetative growth recovery and a consequent reduction in the leaf area index and canopy functioning. The relationship between tuber sink demand and available photoassimilate supply at certain stages of plant development is discussed with reference to the ability of the potato plant to recover from the combined stress.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):224-228

Abstract : Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivars were grown under arid (Urumqi, Xinjiang, China) and humid (Matsudo, Chiba, Japan) conditions to analyze their abilities to adapt to arid conditions in terms of transpiration, leaf movement and leaf temperature. Under the arid condition, the leaf temperature of the cotton cultivars was higher than that of the soybean cultivar and the air temperature. There was no significant difference in leaf temperature among the cotton and soybean cultivars under the humid condition. The flow rate of stem sap in the cotton cultivars under the arid condition was always higher than that in the soybean cultivar, and was largely affected by vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Under the humid condition, however, the flow rates of stem sap were lower in the cotton cultivars than in the soybean cultivars. These results indicate that cotton can avoid heat stress by the high transpiring ability possibly supported by well-developed root systems, which leads to higher drought resistance under the arid condition. Soybean would adapt to arid conditions by the combination of paraheliotropic leaf movement and reduced transpiration.  相似文献   

In Argentina, peanut production is concentrated in areas where unpredictable and intermittent periods of water deficit occur almost every year especially, during the pod growth period. Florman INTA is the most popular variety among peanut producers, but it is highly sensitive to drought. Manfredi 393 INTA was released as a drought-tolerant variety. Differences between these varieties in radiation interception and crop mass accumulation relative to light levels, as well as in allocation of assimilate to economic yield under water deficit, have not been previously studied.

An experiment was set with two different regimes of water supply. Half of the crop was irrigated (IRR) from sowing to maturity, while the other half received no water between 47 and 113 days after sowing. The fraction of PAR intercepted, (f), leaf area, pod and vegetative above-ground biomass and leaf carbon dioxide exchange rate (CER) were measured periodically during the water deficit period. The leaf area index, degree of leaf folding, canopy extinction coefficient, radiation use efficiency (RUE), partitioning factor, (p), and harvest index (HI) were calculated from the measurements.

Under water stress, f was reduced in both varieties with respect to their controls, and the reduction was proportionally higher in Florman INTA as a consequence of a higher leaf area reduction and degree of leaf folding. However, f remained higher in Florman INTA than in Manfredi 393 INTA due to the enhanced capacity of the former to generate leaf area under non-limiting water supply.

RUE values were higher in Manfredi 393 INTA than in Florman INTA, both under irrigation as well as under severe water deficit, where they were obtained using a two-parameter exponential model. The reason for the higher RUE values in Manfredi 393 INTA was its ability to maintain a higher leaf CER.

Partitioning to pods under irrigation was greater in Manfredi 393 INTA than in Florman INTA, as a result of a longer pod filling period and higher p. Towards the end of podfill, there was a rapid increase of p in Florman INTA, but too late to improve its HI. Under water stress, the time course of p for both varieties was lower than in the IRR treatments and consequently, HI at harvest was reduced. Low HI values could be attributed to some extent to the mechanical impedance of the upper soil layer, caused by water deficit. Mechanical impedance alters the relation among p and HI values obtained under irrigation and water stress. However, even if it is accounted for, cultivars with high HI under IRR conditions usually have high HI under water deficit.  相似文献   

Drought is the major cause of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) yield losses in the UK and many other regions where the crop is not normally irrigated. However, drought tolerance has not been a breeding target partly because the extent of the problem was not understood, it is difficult to design effective selection screens, and because of the suspicion that few varietal differences existed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic resources necessary to improve drought tolerance. Specific objectives were to assess the degree of genotypic diversity for drought tolerance, characterise genotypic differences in response to drought, and identify sources of germplasm with greater drought tolerance than current commercial varieties. Over 3 years, 46 beet genotypes representing diverse genetic backgrounds were tested in the field under large polythene covers to impose a drought beginning approximately 40 days after emergence until harvest. Sugar, root and total dry matter yields were measured under drought and irrigated conditions. The percentage green crop cover was measured at regular intervals and used in the calculation of radiation use efficiencies for each genotype. Drought tolerance index (DTI) was computed as the fraction of irrigated yield maintained under drought, normalised by the mean yield across all genotypes in the trial. Seven genotypes were tested in all years, and the data on these were used to calculate yield stability statistics and to estimate broad-sense heritability. There were more than two-fold differences in droughted and irrigated yields between genotypes, and nearly a two-fold difference in DTI. According to an index that combines yield potential and drought tolerance, some genotypes performed better than the three locally adapted commercial varieties included in the test. There were significant effects for genotype, treatment and G×E interactions for yield components and radiation use efficiency. There were also significant genotype differences in harvest index but few significant G×E interactions. Droughted and irrigated yields were positively associated, but there was no close relation between yield potential and DTI. The seven genotypes common to all years differed in yield stability and in sensitivity to water availability. Thus, the genetic resources exist for germplasm improvement. Both yield potential and DTI (which may ensure better yield stability) should be considered simultaneously as breeding targets for drought-prone areas.  相似文献   

Water resources are limited for irrigation worldwide; therefore, there is a need for water-saving irrigation practices to be explored. Partial root-zone drying (PRD) is a new water-saving irrigation strategy being tested in many crop species. Experiments were conducted in potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Folva) under open field conditions in 2004 and under a mobile rainout shelter in 2005. Two subsurface irrigation treatments were studied: full irrigation (FI) receiving 100% of evaporative demands, 50.1 and 201 mm of irrigation water in the 2 years, to keep it close to field capacity; and PRD, which received 21.7 and 140 mm of irrigation in 2004 and 2005 respectively. Due to rain in 2004, the PRD treatment was imposed over a short period only during the late tuber filling and maturing stages. In 2005, the PRD treatment was imposed during the whole period of tuber filling and tuber maturation. The PRD treatment was shifted from one side to the other side of potato plants every 5–10 days. Especially in 2005 it was apparent that stomatal conductance was generally lower in the PRD than in the FI plants, whereas leaf water potential tended to be lower in only a few instances. During the treatment period, plants were harvested five times, and no significant difference was found between the treatments in leaf area index, top dry mass and tuber yield. At final harvest, tubers were graded based on size into four classes C1–C4, of which the yield of the important marketable class (C2) was significantly higher (20%) in the PRD than in the FI treatment. Compared with FI, the PRD treatment saved 30% of irrigation water while maintaining tuber yield, leading to a 61% increase of irrigation water use efficiency. The limited data of 2004 support these results. In summary, PRD is a promising water-saving irrigation strategy for potato production in areas with limited water resources.  相似文献   

Plant responses to water deficit need to be monitored for producing a profitable crop as water deficit is a major constraint on crop yield. The objective of this study was to evaluate physiological responses of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) to various environmental conditions under limited water availability using commercially available varieties grown in South Texas. Soil moisture and variables of leaf gas exchange were measured to monitor water deficit for various varieties under different irrigation treatments. Lint yield and growth variables were also measured and correlations among growth parameters of interest were investigated. Significant differences were found in soil moisture, leaf net assimilation (An), stomatal conductance (g), transpiration rate (Tr), and instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEi) among irrigation treatments in 2006 while no significant differences were found in these parameters in 2007. Some leaf gas exchange parameters, e.g., Tr, and leaf temperature (TL) have strong correlations with An and g. An and WUE were increased by 30–35% and 30–40%, respectively, at 600 μmol (CO2) m−2 s−1 in comparison with 400 μmol (CO2) m−2 s−1. Lint yield was strongly correlated with g, Tr, WUE, and soil moisture at 60 cm depth. Relative An, Tr, and TL started to decrease from FTSW 0.3 at 60 cm and FTSW 0.2 at 40 cm. The results demonstrate that plant water status under limited irrigation management can be qualitatively monitored using the measures of soil moisture as well as leaf gas exchange, which in turn can be useful for describing yield reduction due to water deficit. We found that using normalized An, Tr, and TL is feasible to quantify plant water deficit.  相似文献   

In Argentina, delayed sowing causes a decrease in seed yield and in radiation use efficiency (RUE) of peanut crops (Arachis hypogaea L.), but it is not known if RUE reduction is mainly due to reduced temperature during late reproductive stages or to a sink limitation promoted by decreased seed number in these conditions. We analyzed seed yield determination and RUE dynamics of two cultivars (Florman and ASEM) in four irrigated field experiments (Expn) grown at three sites and five contrasting sowing dates (between 17 October and 21 December) in three growing seasons. An additional field experiment was performed with widely spaced plants (i.e. with no interference among them) to evaluate the effect of peg removal on RUE and leaf carbon exchange rate (CER). Seasonal dynamics of mean air temperature and irradiance, biomass production (total and pods), and intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (IPAR) were followed. Seed yield and seed yield components (pod number, seeds per pod, seed number and seed weight) were determined at final harvest. Crop growth rate (CGR) and pod growth rate (PGR) were computed for growth phases of interest. RUE values for crops sown until 14 November were 1.89–1.98 g MJ−1 IPAR, within the usual range. RUE decreased significantly for cv. Florman in the late sowing of Exp1 (29 November) and for both cultivars in Exp3 (21 December sowing). Across experiments, seed yield (4.5-fold variation relative to minimum) was strongly associated (r2 = 0.87, P < 0.0001) with variations in seed number (3.5-fold variation relative to minimum), and to a lesser extent (r2 ≤ 0.54, P ≤ 0.001) to variations in seed weight (1.9-fold variation relative to minimum). Seed number was positively related (P < 0.01) to CGR (r2 = 0.66) and to PGR (r2 = 0.72) during the R3–R6.5 phase (seed number determination window), while crop growth during the grain-filling phase (i.e. between R6.5 and final harvest) was positively associated with grain number (r2 = 0.80, P < 0.001). No association was found between RUE and mean air temperature, neither for the whole cycle nor for the phase between R6.5 and final harvest, which showed the largest temperature variation (16.4–22.4 °C) across experiments. Use of mean minimum temperature records (range between 13.8 and 18.5 °C) did no improve the relationship. However, grain-filling phase RUE showed a positive (r2 = 0.69, P = 0.003) linear response to seed number across experiments. This apparent sink limitation of source activity was consistent with the reduced RUE (from 2.73 to 1.42 g MJ−1 IPAR) and reduced leaf CER at high irradiance (from ca. 30 to 15 μmol m−2 s−1) for plants subjected to 75% peg removal.  相似文献   

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