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The paper investigates the variation in laboratory fodder quality traits in stover of 16 cultivars of pearl millet grown over 2 consecutive years and subjected to two different fertilizer regimes and planting densities. Stover quality traits were nitrogen and sugar content, in vitro digestibility and metabolizable energy content as well as yield of digestible and metabolizable stover. Significant (P < 0.05) cultivar-dependent variations were observed for all these quality traits. Stover nitrogen contents were mostly below the levels (1.2% of dry matter) considered to be the minimum required for efficient feed digestion in the rumen, but choice of cultivar plus nitrogen fertilizer application could raise nitrogen levels to near, equal or above this threshold. Stover sugar contents were below 5% and mostly concentrated in the stems. Across management regimes stover in vitro digestibility varied by about 4% units, and by about 3–5% units within individual management regimes. Stover metabolizable energy contents of cultivars varied such that stover from superior cultivars could provide the energy maintenance requirement of livestock and theoretically moderate levels of live weight gains, while livestock fed on stover from poor cultivars would lose live weight. Yields of digestible and metabolizable stover (yield of stover dry matter times stover in vitro digestibility/metabolizable energy) varied among cultivars by at least 1.7-fold. Stover quality traits and grain yields of cultivars were largely unrelated (P > 0.05) suggesting that high stover quality will not be achieved on the expense of grain yield. Heritabilities for stover quality traits were high (h2 > 0.73) except for stover nitrogen content (h2 > 0.56).  相似文献   

Pearl millet is the most important staple food crop for millions of people across the world. Micronutrient malnutrition is the major problem for people living in the semi-arid regions of Africa. Identification of gene effects controlling the inheritance of grain Fe and Zn will be helpful in formulating suitable breeding strategies for biofortified pearl millet development. Hence, generation mean analysis was used to study epistasis and estimate gene effects for grain iron and zinc contents along with the agronomic and morphological traits. Six generations P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1P1 and BC1P2 were generated and were evaluated during the 2018–19 off season. Analysis of variance showed significant variability for all the traits in both generations. Six parameter model revealed predominance of additive gene effects for inheritance of grain iron concentration, and additive × additive type of non-allelic interactions. For grain zinc concentration additive gene effects were preponderant compared to non-additive gene effects, and only additive × dominance gene effects were significant among the three types of epistasis. Grain weight per plant was predominantly under non-additive gene effects and additive × additive and additive × dominance gene effects type of epistasis was detected in each cross. Likewise, for flowering non-additive gene effects were most important with the presence of dominance × dominance type of epistasis. For plant height, panicle circumference and length, additive × additive genes effects were the most important among the three type of non-allelic gene action.These findings can be helpful in enehancing the pearl millet breeding programs in Africa.  相似文献   

In soybean, manual cross-pollination to produce large quantities of F1 hybrid seed for yield trials is difficult and time-consuming. Conversely, insect-mediated cross-pollination has been shown to produce large quantities of hybrid seed in soybean and could facilitate the identification of heterotic patterns. The objective of our study was: (1) evaluate F1 hybrid soybean plants from single crosses for yield and agronomic traits over several environments and (2) compare hybrid performance of the single crosses to lines developed from three-way crosses and backcrosses. In 2003, F1 seed of single-crosses and their parent lines were evaluated in replicated experiments at three locations. Also in 2003, three-way crosses, and BC1F1 seed were produced. In 2004, three-way crosses, BC1F1 crosses, and their parent lines were evaluated at one location. High-parent heterosis (HPH) in single-crosses for grain yield ranged from −41.11% to +11.19%; for protein content from −4.34% to +3.53%, and for oil content from −13.22% to −0.84%. In three-way crosses, HPH for yield ranged from −25.21% to −4.50%, for protein from −2.72% to +1.92%, and for oil from −5.87% to −1.20%. For BC1F1 crosses, HPH for yield ranged from −15.65% to +41.97%, for protein from −2.57% to +1.69%, and for oil from −2.47% to +2.22%. Although positive heterosis levels were observed across all populations tested to determine the economic feasibility it is imperative that more tests of more cross-combinations be evaluated in replicated environments. Extensive research in different environments must be conducted to determine what parental combinations will produce the highest heterosis levels, and to develop criteria for selecting the parents with the best combining ability. This will be important to maximize agronomic performance that can economically justify the use of hybrids in soybean production.  相似文献   

Labour and water scarcity in north west India are driving researchers and farmers to find alternative management strategies that will increase water productivity and reduce labour requirement while maintaining or increasing land productivity. A field experiment was done in Punjab, India, in 2008 and 2009 to compare water balance components and water productivity of dry seeded rice (DSR) and puddled transplanted rice (PTR). There were four irrigation schedules based on soil water tension (SWT) ranging from saturation (daily irrigation) to alternate wetting drying (AWD) with irrigation thresholds of 20, 40 and 70 kPa at 18–20 cm soil depth. There were large and significant declines in irrigation water input with AWD compared to daily irrigation in both establishment methods. The irrigation water savings were mainly due to reduced deep drainage, seepage and runoff, and to reduced ET in DSR. Within each irrigation treatment, deep drainage was much higher in DSR than in PTR, and more so in the second year (i.e. after 2 years without puddling). The irrigation input to daily irrigated DSR was similar to or higher than to daily irrigated PTR. However, within each AWD treatment, the irrigation input to DSR was less than to PTR, due to reduced seepage and runoff, mainly because all PTR treatments were continuously flooded for 2 weeks after transplanting. There was 30–50% irrigation water saving in DSR-20 kPa compared with PTR-20 kPa due to reduced seepage and runoff, which more than compensated for the increased deep drainage in DSR. Yields of PTR and DSR with daily irrigation and a 20 kPa irrigation threshold were similar each year. Thus irrigation and input water productivities (WPI and WPI+R) were highest with the 20 kPa irrigation threshold, and WPI of DSR-20 kPa was 30–50% higher than of PTR-20 kPa. There was a consistent trend for declining ET with decreasing frequency of irrigation, but there was no effect of establishment method on ET apart from higher ET in DSR than PTR with daily irrigation. Water productivity with respect to ET (WPET) was highest with a 20 kPa irrigation threshold, with similar values for DSR and PTR. An irrigation threshold of 20 kPa was the optimum in terms of maximising grain yield, WPI and WPI+R for both PTR and DSR. Dry seeded rice with the 20 kPa threshold outperformed PTR-20 kPa in terms of WPI through maintaining yield while reducing irrigation input by 30–50%.  相似文献   

In the absence of serious post-anthesis stress, the potential supply of assimilates for grain filling in barley appears to exceed the storage (sink) capacity of the grains. The sink capacity is a function of the number of grains per unit land area and their potential size. In order to investigate the contribution of pre and early post-anthesis factors in the control of potential grain weight, regression analysis has been used to analyse data from field experiments conducted on winter barley crops cv. Pearl grown at six sites across the UK between 2002 and 2004. Crops were grown under a comparable husbandry regime with a full crop protection, growth regulator and fertilizer programme. The mean grain weight (MGW) varied from 35 to 46 mg at 100% dry matter over 17 site/year combinations. The variation in MGW between site/years was associated with differences in the rate rather than the duration of grain filling. MGW did not relate well to any measure of above ground growth or crop structure at ear emergence (Zadoks GS59). There was a significant positive linear relationship between MGW and the amount of radiation (PAR) intercepted per unit grain number between ear emergence and the start of rapid grain filling (r2 = 0.32, P = 0.023), but not over the whole grain filling period. This is consistent with the view that MGW is determined by potential grain size. A multiple regression model comprising five explanatory variables accounted for a much larger proportion of the total variation in MGW (r2 = 0.72, P = 0.013) than PAR interception on its own. There were significant positive associations of MGW with post-anthesis radiation use efficiency and PAR intercepted from GS59 to the start of rapid grain growth (RGG), and significant negative associations with the shoot number per plant, mean air temperature from GS39–59 and mean daily rainfall from GS59-RGG. The results suggest that both pre and post-anthesis conditions operate in concert to determine the potential grain weight of barley in temperate climates. The dry weight and water content of grains and ears followed a common pattern during grain growth for all site/years when the percentage moisture content was used as an index to normalise different rates of development. Use of the above data for predicting potential grain weight of barley prior to harvest is discussed.  相似文献   

Oryza species differ in their degree of perenniality, which has implications for patterns of carbon distribution in the plant. Interspecific F1 hybrids of Oryza sativa × Oryza rufipogon were compared with their parental lines to assess whether they differed in assimilate storage and distribution at flowering and after maturity of the first cohort of panicles. The F1 hybrids varied widely in plant type, but on average they had small plant size and low main tiller weights at anthesis, similar to O. rufipogon, and had intermediate tiller numbers and final single plant weights similar to cultivated rice. O. rufipogon had higher concentrations of starch in stems at anthesis, while interspecific hybrids exhibited comparatively low leaf, stem + sheath, and root sugar concentrations. Near anthesis, substantial 14C label remained in the source (flag) leaf in O. sativa and F1 hybrids, while in O. rufipogon more label was exported to sink tissues. The hybrids partitioned more 14C label to panicles than did cultivated rice and less to leaf sheaths than either parent. Hybrids that had previously been identified as having above-average carbon exchange rates (CER) did not differ consistently from the low-CER hybrids in carbohydrate dynamics. The cultivated species itself maintains some perennial features, and changes in these traits might increase productivity.  相似文献   

Soil compaction is a major cause of decrease in crop yield. The most serious cause of soil compaction is continuous ploughing at the same depth which affects bulk density, porosity and root proliferation, consequently affecting concentration and uptake of nutrients by plants. The effects of soil compaction on concentration and uptake of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (NPK) by wheat were studied at the Agriculture Research Institute, Mingora, Pakistan in two separate experiments, conducted during 2002–2003 and repeated in 2003–2004. The treatments in each experiment consisted of four compaction levels arranged in a randomized complete block design replicated four times. Subsoil compaction affected soil bulk density and total porosity. With increasing compaction, bulk density increased in the range of 15–26% while total porosity decreased in the range of 15–27%. Compaction treatments significantly and progressively decreased concentration and uptake of NPK in both years of the experiments. Higher nutrient concentration and uptake was recorded during the second year as compared to first year, probably as a result of higher seasonal rainfall. Concentration of NPK showed reductions of 5–20%, 10–53% and 9–21%, respectively, due to the compaction treatments over control. The uptake of NPK decreased due to the compaction treatments in the range of 7–26%, 11–54% and 11–28%, respectively, over control. Compaction treatments decreased the dry matter accumulation in the range of 2–9% whereas grain yield showed a reduction of 5–48%. Inverse relationships between bulk density, and concentration and uptake of NPK, dry matter accumulation and grain yield were recorded. The implications of these findings for intensive agricultural systems in Pakistan and similar environments are discussed.  相似文献   

Source or sink limitation of grain filling in cereals is often inferred from experiments in which the source:sink ratio is manipulated by shading, defoliation or grain removal. However, interpretation of this type of experiment is usually qualitative rather than quantitative in nature and the extent of any imbalance between the source and sink is not known. The objectives of the current work were: (1) to provide a detailed analysis of radiation interception, radiation-use efficiency (RUE) and carbohydrate storage reserves in winter barley in order to quantify the potential supply of photosynthates for grain filling; (2) to estimate the variation in source–sink balance between environments. Field experiments were conducted on cv Pearl at six sites in the UK and over 3 years. Crops were grown under a comparable husbandry regime at each site and received a full fertilizer and crop protection programme. When the cumulative interception of post-anthesis photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was plotted against the increase in biomass to determine RUE, the pattern of response differed between sites and years; for some site/years the response was linear, for others it was non-linear where RUE decreased during the latter stages of grain filling. The extent and statistical significance of non-linearity was determined from the quadratic term of fitted 2nd order polynomials. There was no significant association between climatic variables, such as temperature, radiation or rainfall, and the value of the quadratic term of RUE. Neither could non-linearity of RUE be explained in terms of the shedding of leaf tissue during canopy senescence. There were weak associations (r2 < 0.3) between the extent of non-linearity and green area index (GAI), above-ground biomass, and specific leaf N, at ear emergence (Zadoks GS 59). A much stronger relationship (r2 = 0.63) was found between the source:sink ratio (green area per grain) at GS 59 and non-linearity of RUE. These results suggest that a major factor leading to the reduction in RUE during the second half of grain filling at some sites was feedback inhibition from a limited sink capacity. This conclusion is supported by a fairly strong positive association between RUE non-linearity and the apparent contribution of stem carbohydrate reserves to grain yield (r2 = 0.47). The potential assimilate supply for grain filling was estimated as (maximum post-anthesis RUE × PAR intercepted) + stem soluble carbohydrate reserves at GS 59. The potential supply exceeded the measured yield at all sites except one implying that crops were predominantly sink limited. The size of the excess, which is a measure of the relative source–sink balance during grain filling, differed widely between site/years.  相似文献   

Alleviation of soil compaction can be achieved through application of appropriate measures which will vary from soil to soil and with the socio-economic factors of the farmers. The effects of alleviation measures applied to artificially compacted soil on yield components, grain yield, dry matter and nutrient uptake by wheat was studied at the Agriculture Research Institute, Mingora, Pakistan, in two separate experiments in 2002–2003 and 2003–2004. The improvement measures included deep ploughing (DP), farmyard manure (FYM) and gypsum (GYP), and comprised a compacted control and four treatments T1 (control), T2 (DP), T3 (DP + FYM), T4 (DP + gypsum) and T5 (DP + FYM + GYP), arranged in completely randomized block design replicated four times. Improvement measures applied to compacted soil significantly decreased soil bulk density and increased total porosity. Bulk density decreased in the range of 12–15% while total porosity showed an increase of 16–23% over the control. Improvement measures significantly increased concentration and uptake of NPK in both years. Higher concentration and uptake was recorded during the second year as compared to the first year, probably as a result of higher seasonal rainfall in the second year. The uptake of NPK by wheat plants increased in the range of 43–51, 25–94 and 11–28%, respectively, over plants in the compacted control. Similarly, improvement treatments increased grains spike−1, thousand grain weight, dry matter accumulation and grain yield in the range of 14–21, 5–14, 3–10 and 21–37% respectively, over the control. This work demonstrates that it is possible to overcome the deleterious effects of compaction induced by wheeled traffic, and improve crop yields and nutrient uptake in intensive cropping systems in rainfed environments in Pakistan and similar environments.  相似文献   

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