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A simple passive sampler for measuring ammonia emission in the field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new type of passive sampler for the determination of NH3 emission from land surfaces and manure storages was tested in a micrometereological mass balance method. The sampler consists of 2 glass tubes, each with a length of 10 cm and an internal diameter of 0.7 cm. The two glass tubes are connected in series, with one end fitted with a thin stainless steel disc having a 1 mm hole in the center. The inner surface of each glass tube is coated with oxalic acid. The results show that the passive flux sampler can be used to give accurate determinations of NH3 emission. The passive flux sampler makes gas washing bottles, pumps, flow meters, anemometers, and electricity unnecessary and ammonia loss can be determined easily and cheaply without the requirement of a large labor force.  相似文献   

规模化生猪养殖废弃物已成为当前重要污染来源,为有效解决猪场废水所引发面源污染问题,有必要开展将其替代矿物氮肥(作为肥水)施用于农田的探索。以华北平原高度集约化玉米-小麦一年两熟轮作体系为对象,通过田间小区试验,定量研究猪场肥水施用对作物产量、氮素吸收、氮素利用效率、土壤矿质氮累积、氨挥发损失及轮作体系氮素表观平衡的影响。试验包括7个处理:不施肥对照(CK)、尿素表施(CK1)、尿素注射施用(CK2)、猪场肥水替代25%尿素氮表施(25%WB)、猪场肥水替代50%尿素氮表施(50%WB)、猪场肥水替代25%尿素氮注射施用(25%WI)和猪场肥水替代50%尿素氮注射施用(50%WI)。猪场肥水作为基肥施用。结果表明,与CK相比,施用尿素和猪场肥水均可显著提高玉米、小麦产量和籽粒氮吸收量,其中25%WI最高,50%WI次之。与尿素表施相比,尿素注射施用、猪场肥水表施和注射施用均可明显提高氮肥农学效率、偏生产力和表观利用率,且肥水注射施用最高,肥水表施次之,而25%WI和50%WI之间无显著差异。与不施肥处理相比,施用尿素和猪场肥水0~100cm土体矿质氮残留量显著增加50.8%~87.9%,其中50%WB、25%WI和50%WI无显著差异。与尿素表施相比,尿素注射施用、肥水表施和注射施用均可显著降低玉米和小麦基肥期土壤氨损失总量,降幅分别为26.5%~48.6%和11.4%~29.1%;同时,肥水表施和注射施用下轮作体统氮盈余显著降低7.6%~16.0%,其中25%WI降幅最高,但与50%WI无显著差异。综合考虑作物产量、氮素利用和环境效应,猪场肥水替代25%和50%尿素氮注射施用是该区玉米-小麦轮作农田猪场肥水最佳施用方式。  相似文献   

秸秆还田对关中地区麦玉复种体系土壤氨排放的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
农业氨减排是雾霾治理最经济有效的方法,而农田肥料施用造成的氨排放是农业氨排放的重要部分。本研究旨在探讨冬小麦-夏玉米复种体系下土壤氨排放对秸秆还田的响应,为减少农业氨排放和控制雾霾提供理论依据。本试验于2018年6月—2019年6月在陕西关中杨凌地区,对土壤氨排放、0~40 cm土壤无机氮以及产量进行了测定分析。试验采用双因素裂区设计,主区为秸秆还田方式,设不还田(S0)、半量还田(S0.5)和全量还田(S1)3个水平;副区为施肥,设不施肥(F0)、减量施肥(F0.8)、常规施肥(F1)3个水平。结果表明:秸秆还田与施肥及两者互作对夏玉米季土壤氨累积排放量(C)有显著影响。秸秆还田对冬小麦季土壤氨累积排放量无显著影响。整个麦玉复种体系的氨累积排放量为1.31~19.26kg·hm~(-2),占施肥量的2.17%~4.69%,各处理之间表现为:S0F1S0.5F1S1F1S0F0.8S0.5F0.8S1F0.8S1F0S0.5F0S0F0。在不施肥情况下,秸秆还田能增加土壤氨累积排放量,但秸秆还田配施氮肥较不还田处理显著减少土壤氨累积排放量和氨损失率,秸秆全量还田和半量还田之间的氨排放无明显差异。其中S1F0.8和S0.5F0.8处理在整个复种体系中减排效果最为显著,分别较S0F0.8处理(11.62 kg·hm~(-2))减排38.64%和37.35%。相比于只施氮肥,秸秆还田配施氮肥能显著减少土壤中无机氮,显著提高夏玉米产量6.23%~20.20%,冬小麦产量16.60%~28.17%。通过PCA分析发现,S1F0.8和S0.5F0.8处理是减排增产的最优组合。综合考虑土壤氨排放和作物产量,长期秸秆还田配减量施肥处理,能在保证作物高产的基础上减少土壤氨排放,可在关中地区实施。  相似文献   

Abstract. Fertilizer applications to agricultural land are a significant source of ammonia (NH3) emission to the atmosphere, accounting for approximately 10% of the total emissions from agriculture. Current estimates of emissions from fertilizer applications use 'fixed' emission factors. This paper describes a model in which the emission factors are expressed as a function of the important influencing variables: fertilizer type, soil pH, land use, application rate, rainfall and temperature. Total emission in 2002 for the UK were estimated by running the model for a 'standard UK' scenario, viz. 28.7 kt NH3-N, which compares well with the UK inventory estimate of 30.4 kt NH3-N. Differences exist in the estimates for specific fertilizer types, with the mean emission factor for urea applications to grassland, in particular, being lower by use of this model (13% compared with 23% of applied N for the UK inventory). Emission estimates were most sensitive to temperature and fertilizer type. Scenario testing showed that significant reductions in emission could be achieved by replacing urea with other forms of N fertilizer, by combining urea use with a urease inhibitor, or by modifying some management practices.  相似文献   

天津市农田氮肥施用氨排放量估算及分布特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
氮素是作物生长的必要营养元素,氮肥施用过程中,会导致氨的挥发,而氨是形成可吸入颗粒物的重要前体物,为了解天津市农田氮肥施用过程中氨的排放,为天津市空气污染治理提供技术支撑,通过获取天津市不同农作物的不同氮肥种类施用量,依据国家环保部推荐的排放因子法和天津市的年均温度,对天津市农田氮肥施用过程中氨的排放量进行了估算和时空分布特征分析。结果表明,2014年天津市农田氮肥施用氨排放量为17 999.91 t,排放强度为3.27 t·km-2;从氮肥种类上看,尿素是最大排放源,贡献率为83.13%,其次是碳铵(13.83%),其他氮肥占比为3.04%;从农作物类型上看,蔬菜是最大的排放源,贡献率为38.91%,其次是玉米(29.43%)和小麦(19.66%),其他作物占比为12.00%。氨的排放系数具有明显的时间特征:中午高,夜间低;8月份最高,1月份最低。在各区县中,武清区氨排放量最大,贡献率为27.06%;津南区氨排放量最小,贡献率为1.14%;另外,宝坻区和蓟县的氨排放量也较高,贡献率分别为20.71%、17.86%。氨具有较强的空间分布差异性,在有氮肥施用的农田排放较高,其他区域排放较低。因此在控制天津市农田氮肥施用氨排放中应加强对武清区、宝坻区、蓟县等区县6—8月份蔬菜种植过程中尿素的科学施用。农田氨的时空分布特征可为天津市空气污染的防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   


Discharge tubes containing argon, and NH3 separated from atmospheric N2 by condensation in a liquid‐nitrogen—cooled trap, are used to determine 15N: 14N ratios in ammonium solutions. Reduction of NH3 to N2 during sample preparation is not required; the dissociation of NH3 in the discharge tube produces sufficiently intense N2 band spectra for the isotope analysis. The method can be readily applied to the analysis of ammonium solutions derived from Kjeldahl digests of plant material.  相似文献   

氨气是形成雾霾前体物的关键物质,而家畜养殖圈舍是氨气的重要排放源。本文选择圈舍环节新鲜猪粪和牛粪作为试验样品,利用动态箱-硼酸吸收法,研究了不同类型酸和不同剂量酸的表层酸化对圈舍粪尿氨排放的影响,探讨圈舍氨减排的方法。研究发现:按0.31 mL·cm-2的喷施量在猪粪表层喷施0.012 mol·L-1和0.006 mol·L-1乳酸,24 h氨累积排放量可分别减少43%(P<0.05)和32%(P=0.07);喷施0.017 mol·L-1和0.009 mol·L-1磷酸后,氨排放可分别减少74%(P<0.01)和61%(P<0.05);粪尿表面喷洒0.017 mol·L-1磷酸72 h后仍可减少氨排放64%(P<0.01)。另外,用同样方法对牛粪酸化可降低氨排放80%左右,且在不添加新粪的情况下,粪尿表层酸化间隔对24 h内氨减排效率无显著影响。同时,粪尿表面酸化仅改变粪尿表层pH,对粪尿整体pH无显著影响。综上所述:圈舍粪尿表面酸化可以大幅度降低氨气挥发,其减排效果与酸的种类、浓度及粪尿类型有关,是一种实现圈舍氨减排且经济可行的方法,此研究也可为家畜养殖业圈舍酸化氨减排技术提供科学数据支撑。  相似文献   

The net dry flux of ammonia gas was measured between the atmosphere and a semi-natural grassland with low nitrogen input in Hungary, during the years of 2000 and 2001. A continuous flow denuder system was used to detect the ammonia concentrations at three levels (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 m above the vegetation). Fluxes were calculated by the aerodynamic gradient method. According to the measurements, the net dry ammonia flux in the vegetation period is 0.37 kg N ha−1 (emission) and −5.0 kg N ha−1 (deposition) in the dormant season. For comparison the total atmospheric (dry + wet) input is −9.2 kg N ha−1 year−1 including all nitrogen forms and excluding ammonia. Net emission was observed only at daytime during the vegetation period when the canopy concentration exceeded the atmospheric ammonia concentration, due to an elevated stomatal compensation point. In all other times (night-time, outside the vegetation period) net deposition flux was observed. A sudden increase of N-input (application of 100 kg N ha−1 fertiliser) resulted in a large enhancement in emission during daytime, which lasted for 2-week period after the application of fertiliser, when the accumulated N-loss (emission factor) of fertiliser was amounted to approximately 1.3%. During night-time week deposition was detected from the fertilised sector suggesting that ammonia is emitted mainly by the plant through stomata in daytime, rather than from the soil. Measured fluxes have been compared to the prediction of a single layer compensation point model. The agreement is good, but some challenges remain for the selection of the parameterisation for individual model parameters.  相似文献   

A recent study has raised doubts about the ammonia emission reduction achieved in the Netherlands when applying manure to grassland by means of low‐emission techniques such as narrow band and shallow injection. The critics claim that percentages of ammonia released to the atmosphere associated with low‐emission techniques might even overlap with that from surface broadcast spreading given the large alleged experimental uncertainties in measurements. Consequently, the rationale behind the regulations to which farmers are exposed is questioned. In this study, it is shown that the alleged large uncertainties were obtained by means of an erroneous statistical method and that the real uncertainties are much smaller. It is also shown that, even when there is a large uncertainty in individual measurements, previous conclusions about differences in emission between different manure application techniques are still valid. It is further argued in this study that uncertainty in the percentage of applied ammonia emitted is implicitly taken into account in any comparative statistical analysis conducted in the past.  相似文献   

Summary The proportion of the N that was volatilized as ammonia during 8 days, following the application of simulated livestock urine to soil, increased from 25 to 38% as the temperature of incubation was increased from 4° to 20°C in a system with a continuous flow of air at 70% relative humidity. However, volatilization was reduced if the application was followed by simulated rain; the reduction was greater as the amount of rain increased (up to at least 16 mm) and became less with an increasing length of time (up to 2–3 days) after the application of the urine. The effects of the soil water content before application of the urine, and of the relative humidity of the air, were generally small but volatilization was reduced by a combination of air-dry soil with a low relative humidity. Volatilization was slight (7%) when the flow of air was restricted to 0.5 h in every 12 h but, with an air flow for 12 h in every 24 h, the volatilization was much closer to that with a continuous flow for the whole 8-day period. When cool or dry conditions were imposed for 8 days and then more favourable conditions were instituted for a second period of 8 days, there was a substantial increase in volatilization following the change.  相似文献   

Most ammonia (NH3) emissions (85%) in Canada come from agricultural sources (400 kt/yr). There are international conventions that require countries to mitigate NH3 emissions but there are no federal or provincial guidelines in Canada stipulating emission targets or best practices for agriculture. This study examines the potential for mitigating atmospheric NH3 using a range of approaches. Taking current farm practices into account, employing proven low‐cost measures (low‐emission slurry application and slurry storage covers) would reduce annual emissions from livestock operations by 16 kt NH3‐N, while using all available low‐cost measures would reduce emissions by 79 kt NH3‐N or 26% of livestock emissions. Another 36 kt/yr could be avoided by improving fertilizer practices, so that the total potential reduction would be about 29% of all agricultural emissions. Emissions from beef cattle and pig production could be reduced by 18% if consumption was cut by 50%, with greater mitigation if production for export was reduced, although the economic and social consequences need to be considered. Mitigation practices must be viewed in the context of possible pollution swapping especially in surplus nitrogen situations. Emissions must also be considered in terms of atmospheric NH3 transport to and from the USA, therefore bi‐national agreements to jointly reduce emissions might be needed. It may be more cost‐effective in Canada to strategically reduce emissions to minimize risks to health (from particulate matter) and the environment rather than to reduce annual national emission targets.  相似文献   

不同水氮条件对日光温室冬春茬黄瓜栽培氨挥发的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过设置不同灌水、施氮处理,采用通气法研究了温室土壤施肥带与非施肥带的氨挥发特征,探讨了节水灌溉、减量施氮处理与传统水氮处理土壤氨挥发的差异及其影响因素。结果表明,冬春季温室黄瓜土壤在氮肥基施7 d后出现氨挥发峰值,减施氮25%处理的氨挥发峰值比传统施氮处理降低18.2%~34.3%;追肥后,施肥带和非施肥带的氨挥发速率峰值分别在第1 d和第5 d出现,减施氮25%处理与传统施氮处理相比,氨挥发速率峰值降低12.3%~37.2%;节水灌溉处理与传统灌水处理相比,氨挥发峰值则提高3.9%~47.0%。土壤中铵态氮含量以及温度的升高可促进土壤的氨挥发,而土壤含水量则与氨挥发速率呈负相关。在黄瓜花期和初瓜期,施肥带的累计氨挥发量显著高于非施肥带,而初瓜期之后,施肥带与非施肥带的氨挥发无显著差异。整个黄瓜生育季的累计氨挥发量为11.4~26.6 kg.hm 2;与传统施氮和灌水处理相比,减施氮25%处理的累计氨挥发量可降低20.8%~22.2%,但节水灌溉处理的累计氨挥发量却有所增加,增加幅度为0~4.51%。适宜减少灌水和氮肥用量不会降低黄瓜产量,且可大幅度提高灌水和氮肥利用效率。  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, there is a vigorous debate on ammonia emissions, atmospheric concentrations and deposition between stakeholders and research institutions. In this article, we scrutinise some aspects of the ammonia discourse. In particular, we want to improve the understanding of the methodology for handling experimentally determined ammonia emissions. We show that uncertainty in published results is substantial. This uncertainty is under‐ or even unreported, and as a result, data in national emission inventories are overconfident by a wide margin. Next, we demonstrate that the statistical handling of data on atmospheric ammonia concentrations to produce national yearly atmospheric averages is oversimplified and consequently atmospheric concentrations are substantially overestimated. Finally, we show that the much‐discussed ‘ammonia gap’ – either the discrepancy between calculated and measured atmospheric ammonia concentrations or the difference observed between estimated NH3 emission levels and those indicated by atmospheric measurements – is an expression of the widespread overconfidence placed in atmospheric modelling.  相似文献   

Summary The volatilization of ammonia from simulated urine applied to small columns of soil was reduced by the presence of ryegrass growing in the soil. The ryegrass had been sown 18 weeks previously and had been cut on seven occasions to a height of 5–6 cm with the cut herbage removed. Cumulative volatilization over 8 days amounted to 39% of the urinary N from bare soil, and 23% in the presence of the ryegrass. In contrast, the volatilization of ammonia was increased by dead leaf litter placed on the soil surface, apparently due to the increase in surface area for urease activity and volatilization. Differences in the C:N ratio of the leaf litter over the range 13:1–29:1 had little effect on the extent of ammonia volatilization. When living ryegrass and dead leaf litter were examined together, the reduction in volatilization due to the ryegrass was the dominant effect.  相似文献   

氮肥深施能有效减少土壤氨挥发,然而目前国内外关于小麦-玉米轮作体系氮肥深施缺乏周年系统性研究。本试验于2018年10月—2019年10月在中国科学院栾城农业生态系统试验站小麦-玉米轮作农田进行,利用动态箱法研究不同深施模式氨挥发损失率、氨挥发特征,旨在探讨冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系下土壤氨排放对氮肥深施的响应,为减少农业源氨排放和优化农田施肥提供理论依据。试验设置5个处理:不施肥(CK)、常规肥料表施(T1)、缓释肥表施(T2)、缓释肥基追肥分层深施(T3)、缓释肥一次性分层深施(T4)。结果表明:氨挥发主要发生在玉米追肥季,占全年氨挥发量的84.84%;T1、T2、T3和T4处理的周年氨挥发累积量分别为22.75 kg·hm-2、6.17 kg·hm-2、2.25 kg·hm-2和0.55 kg·hm-2,分别占总施肥量的4.86%、1.32%、0.48%和0.13%。与常规肥料表施(T1)相比,缓释肥处理(T2、T3和T4)分别降低72.88%、90.11%和97.32%的氨挥发损失;一次性深施处理(T4)能避开土壤氨高挥发期,周年氨挥发累积量与不施肥处理(0.43 kg·hm-2)没有显著差异,且显著低于表施处理。CK、T1、T2、T3和T4全年产量分别为8.31 t·hm-2、13.20 t·hm-2、12.66 t·hm-2、14.42 t·hm-2和14.22 t·hm-2;与常规肥料表施(T1)相比,缓释肥深施(T3和T4)均可提高作物产量,分别增产9.25%和7.75%。而缓释肥表施(T2)产量略有降低。综合考虑土壤氨排放和作物产量,缓释肥表施(T2)可以显著降低土壤氨挥发,但是作物产量不稳定;而氮肥深施(T3、T4)能在保证作物高产的基础上显著降低土壤氨排放,是一种高效、简便、环境友好的施肥方式。  相似文献   

Field studies on soil ammonia(NH3)volatilization are restricted in many countries owing to the high costs commonly demanded for accurate quantification.We assessed the accuracy of a simple,open chamber design to capture NH3under field conditions,as affected by different chamber placement schemes.Urea-15 N was surface applied to lysimeters installed in the spaces between maize rows.Open chambers made from plastic bottles were installed on each lysimeter with variations in i)N rates(3,8,13,and 18 g m-2),ii)the height of the chamber above the soil surface(0,5,and 10 mm),and iii)chamber relocation(static vs.dynamic).Reference lysimeters without chambers were used to measure NH3losses by15N-balance.Losses of NH3-N accounted for more than 50%of the applied N.Relocation of the chambers had no impact on their NH3-trapping efficiencies,proving to be an unnecessary procedure.Variation in the height of the chambers above the soil surface affected the capture of NH3,but the results still maintained high linearity with the NH3losses quantified by the reference method(R2>0.98).When the same placement scheme used in the introductory study describing the chamber was utilized(static and touching the soil surface),we found a trapping efficiency of 60%,which was very similar to that(57%)obtained in the previous study.Our results show that this simple,open chamber design can be used with satisfactory accuracy under field conditions,provided that simple,standardized procedures are warranted.  相似文献   

周伟  田玉华  尹斌 《土壤》2011,43(1):12-18
植物冠层吸收大气中的NH3是植物与大气NH3交换的一个主要过程。本文对植物冠层吸收NH3的吸收机理、研究方法和影响因素、以及大气NH3浓度升高对植物N循环的影响进行了总结,对植物冠层吸收NH3研究中存在的问题进行了讨论,并介绍了水稻冠层吸收施肥后挥发NH3的最新研究结果。  相似文献   

随着空气质量和畜禽养殖污染问题日益严峻,快速发展的规模化畜禽养殖面临的环境压力不断增大,明确规模化畜禽养殖的氨排放量及其排放特征,可为大气环境管理和畜禽养殖污染防治提供科学依据及对策。本文根据重庆市规模化畜禽养殖业氨排放系数和活动水平数据,估算了重庆市2013年规模化畜禽养殖业氨排放量,分析氨排放特征,并探讨了相应的氨减排措施。结果表明,2013年重庆市规模化畜禽养殖氨排放总量为17 102.92 t,排放强度为0.21 t·km~(-2);合川、丰都和潼南依次是规模化畜禽养殖业氨排放量最大的3个区县,排放份额共占总排放量的30.19%;从空间分布特征来看,璧山区为氨排放强度最大的区县,其排放强度为1.17 t·km~(-2),氨排放强度最小的是城口县,为0.01 t·km~(-2);在全局空间区域上,重庆市规模化畜禽养殖氨排放空间分布存在显著的空间正相关;局部空间区域上有4个区县呈现"高-高"类型区,5个区县呈现"低-低"类型区,没有出现"高-低"或"低-高"类型区。规模化生猪养殖是重庆市畜禽养殖业最大的氨排放贡献源,排放量达9 538.63 t,贡献率为55.80%;其次是蛋鸡,其贡献率为15.87%。畜禽在圈舍、储存管理和后续利用(施肥)3个阶段的氨排放量不同,家禽在圈舍阶段的氨排放贡献率均超过60%,其次是后续利用(施肥)阶段,尿粪储存阶段氨排放量最小;家畜氨排放贡献率最高的是后续利用(施肥)阶段,其次是圈舍内的排放,储存阶段释放的氨量很少。奶牛养殖是减排的重点控制源,规模化畜禽养殖主要减排措施包括低氮饲料喂养、畜舍改造、粪便加盖或密封以及粪肥注施等。  相似文献   

不同施肥方式下土壤氨氧化细菌的群落特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究长期定位施肥对棕壤中氨氧化细菌(ammonia-oxidizing bacteria,AOB)种群结构多样性和垂直分布特征的影响,本研究采用化学分析、荧光定量PCR(qPCR)和变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)技术,针对沈阳农业大学试验区不同施肥方式(不施肥、低量无机氮肥、高量无机氮肥、无机氮肥与有机肥配施)下不同土壤深度(0~20 cm、20~40 cm、40~60 cm)的土壤理化性质、AOB丰度及种群多样性进行分析,比较不同施肥方式对土壤AOB种群的影响。结果显示,与不施肥相比,施肥会降低土壤pH,增加土壤铵态氮(70.5%~939.21%)和硝态氮(253.20%~625.48%)含量。随土壤深度增加,土壤pH升高,铵态氮和硝态氮含量除低量无机氮肥处理外,多呈降低趋势。土壤增施氮肥可提高AOB丰度,降低总细菌丰度。其中,0~20 cm土层中AOB丰度较高,且高量无机氮肥处理的AOB数量最高,为9.65×105拷贝数·g-1(干土)。DGGE图谱分析显示,不同处理下,AOB群落结构多样性指数存在明显差异(P<0.05),各多样性指数均在表层(0~20 cm)最高,增施氮肥则显著降低AOB的多样性。聚类分析表明,4个施肥处理中,高量无机氮肥处理聚为一类,其他处理则因土壤深度不同而异;3个土壤深度中,除不施肥处理外,所有施肥处理均表现为0~20 cm、20~40 cm土层发生聚类,40~60 cm则明显与其他两层分开。冗余梯度分析(RDA)显示,硝态氮(P=0.027)是造成影响AOB群落结构差异的主要原因。上述研究结果表明,长期定位施肥土壤AOB的数量和群落结构多样性受施肥方式显著影响,并表现出明显的垂直分布特征。与无机氮肥相比,有机无机配施处理有助于改善土壤pH,维持不同土壤深度下AOB群落结构多样性。  相似文献   

近年来,全球大气氮沉降日益加剧,对土壤碳循环产生了不可忽视的影响。关于氮沉降对土壤碳循环的影响已开展了一系列的研究,然而对其响应机制和影响程度方面的认识还存在巨大分歧。运用CiteSpace文献可视化软件,对1991 ~ 2021年Web of Science核心数据库收录的2414篇关于氮沉降对土壤碳循环方面的文献进行数据挖掘,从国家、机构、作者、关键词、突现词等方面进行可视化,以阐明该领域的研究热点与前沿。结果表明:大气氮沉降对土壤碳循环影响的研究美国仍具有较高影响力,但我国在该领域的研究正持续发力,其中以中国科学院大学在该领域的发文数量最多,同时文献涉及方向广,内容丰富。当前,对于氮沉降对土壤碳循环影响的研究热点主要围绕“氮沉降对土壤碳、氮库的影响”“氮沉降对土壤碳、氮耦合循环的影响”“土壤生态环境对氮沉降的响应”这三个主题,氮沉降对土壤碳循环影响的研究前沿更加注重响应机制、氮利用效率和磷限制等方面。  相似文献   

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