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The discussion about the effect of repeated short time wheeling on long-term changes in soil structure and pore functioning reveals a great uncertainty. On the one hand it is told that soil structure elements are rigid and do not undergo intense changes in pore functions as a consequence of the short loading interval during each single wheeling. On the other hand, the complete deterioration of the structure elements and pore functions is assumed to occur, which also results in changes of the shrinkage pattern, soil strength including even strength regain. Consequently, the effect of wheeling on soil deformation and stress/strain distribution was investigated in a soil bin which contained Hiwassee clay at the NSDL, Auburn. If the soil is very strong due to aggregation, plow pan formation or dryness, soil stress applied by repeated wheeling results in an increased primarily vertical soil particle displacement in the Hiwassee clay soil while during repeated wheeling (up to 10×) a more pronounced displacement linked with a more intense movement of particles can be proofed. With increasing number of wheeling events, new platy or again coherent structure elements are formed, which create a very different pore system. The more intense is soil wheeling, the smaller is the saturated hydraulic conductivity and the higher is the unsaturated one at a given pore water pressure value. Such changes are the more pronounced the more completed is the rearrangement of the still existing aggregates into new units like plates. Due to shear because of the three-dimensional soil displacement even under dry conditions such aggregates can be redisturbed and a coherent but very compacted soil horizon can be formed. Under those conditions the values of bulk density are even higher than the Proctor density.  相似文献   

Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) to predict bulk density (BD) from basic soil data are presented. Available data pertaining to seasonally impounded shrink–swell soils of Jabalpur district in the Madhya Pradesh state of India were used for the study. The data included horizon-wise information of 41 soil profiles in the study area covering nearly 5 million ha. Six independent variables, namely textural data (sand, silt and clay), field capacity (FC), permanent wilting point (PWP) and organic carbon content (OC) were used as input in hierarchical steps to establish dependencies, with bulk density as the dependent variable, using statistical regression and artificial neural networks. The PTFs derived using neural networks [average root mean square error (RMSE) 0.05] were relatively better than statistical regression PTFs (average RMSE > 0.1). The best-performing PTFs required input data on sand, silt content, FC and PWP, with lowest prediction errors (RMSE 0.01, maximum absolute error (MAE) 0.01) and highest values of index of agreement (d, 0.95) and R 2 (0.65). Use of measures of structure, as well as information on pore structure, was found to be essential to derive acceptable PTFs. Inclusion of OC as an input variable showed relatively better fitting to the training data set, implying an underlying relationship between OC and BD, but the neural networks could not mimic the relationship when tested against subset.  相似文献   

Re‐cultivated soils (previously piled soils used as the final surface cover in renovation of open cast mine sites) are particularly susceptible to compaction, which is why a simple estimate of mechanical strength is necessary for land management. In this study, therefore, precompression stress (?6 kPa matric potential) was determined for a total of 20 soil layers from 9 repeatedly cultivated areas of arable land in North Rhine–Westphalia (Germany), along with the aggregate density/dry bulk density ratio (as a measure of density heterogeneity) and air capacity (as a soil ecological parameter). These results are contrasted with the determination of packing density. Packing density (PD) is an integrated parameter that combines various properties (aggregate size, cohesion of the soil structure, root distribution, biogenic macropores and aggregate arrangement) and is assessed visually in the field. Packing density levels range between 1 (very loose soil) and 5 (very highly compacted). There is a strongly negative relationship between packing density and both the aggregate density/dry bulk density ratio and air capacity. Conversely, mechanical precompression stress increases with packing density. Ranges of the individual parameters can be assigned to each of the packing density levels. Packing density level 3 represents an optimization with regard to mechanical soil stability whilst maintaining minimum air capacity requirements (5–8 Vol.‐%).  相似文献   

The concept of degree of compactness (DC), referred to as field bulk density (BD) as a percentage of a reference bulk density (BDref), was developed to characterize compactness of soil frequently disturbed, but for undisturbed soil such as under no-tillage critical degree of compactness values have not been tested. The objective of this study was to compare methods to determine BDref and limits of DC and BD for plant growth under no-tillage in subtropical soils. Data from the literature and other databases were used to establish relationships between BD and clay or clay plus silt content, and between DC and macroporosity and yield of crops under no-tillage in subtropical Brazil. Data of BDref reached by the soil Proctor test on disturbed soil samples, by uniaxial compression with loads of 200 kPa on disturbed and undisturbed soil samples, and 400, 800 and 1600 kPa on undisturbed soil samples, were used. Also, comparisons were made with critical bulk density based on the least limiting water range (BDc LLWR) and on observed root and/or yield restriction in the field (BDc Rest). Using vertical uniaxial compression with a load of 200 kPa on disturbed or undisturbed samples generates low BDref and high DC-values. The standard Proctor test generates higher BDref-values, which are similar to those in a uniaxial test with a load of 1600 kPa for soils with low clay content but lower for soils with high clay content. The BDc LLWR does not necessarily restrict root growth or crop yield under no-tillage, since field investigations led to higher BDc Rest-values. A uniaxial load greater than 800 kPa is promising to determine BDref for no-tillage soils. The BDref is highly correlated to the clay content and thus pedotransfer functions may be established to estimate the former based on the latter. Soil ecological properties are affected before compaction restricts plant growth and yield. The DC is an efficient parameter to identify soil compaction affecting crops. The effect of compaction on ecological properties must also be further considered.  相似文献   

Diffusion coefficients of chlorde ions in four soils of different exture with varying effective moisture content and varying bulk density from 1.1 to 1.6 g cm^3 under three different temperatures were determined by the diffusion-cell method using ^36Cl-labelled CaCl2 solution.The result showed that activation energy decreased with water content,which indicated that the threshold fro diffusion was lower at a higher soil moisture rate .Therefor,the diffusion coefficient(D) of chloride ions in soil increased consistently with soil moisture,Although a near linear increase in the diffusion coefficient with increasing soil moisture or bulk density in all the soils was observed,the increase rate in different soils was not the same.The D value increased with teperature,and with temperature increased by 10℃ in the range from 5℃to 45℃ the D valve increased by 10%-30%,averaging about 20%.  相似文献   

The different management regimes on grassland soils were examined to determine the possibilities for improved and/or changed land management of grasslands in Flanders (Belgium), with respect to article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol. Grassland soils were sampled for soil organic carbon (SOC) and for bulk density. For all grasslands under agricultural use, grazing and mowing + grazing led to higher SOC stocks compared with mowing, and grazing had higher SOC stocks compared with mowing + grazing. Overall, 15.1 ± 4.9 kg OC m–2 for the clayey texture, 9.8 ± 3.0 kg OC m–2 for the silty texture, and 11.8 ± 3.8 kg OC m–2 for the sandy texture were found for grassland under agricultural use to a depth of 60 cm. For seminatural grasslands, different results were found. For both the clayey and silty texture, mowing and mowing + grazing led to higher SOC stocks compared with grazing. The clayey texture had a mean stock of 15.1 ± 6.6, the silty texture of 10.9 ± 3.0, and the sandy texture of 12.1 ± 3.9 kg OC m–2 (0–60 cm). Lower bulk densities were found under grazed agricultural grassland compared with mown grassland but for seminatural grassland, no clear trends for the bulk density were found. The best management option for maintaining or enhancing SOC stocks in agricultural grassland soils may be permanent grazed grassland. For seminatural grassland, no clear conclusions could be made. The water status of the sampled mown fields was influencing the results for the clayey texture. Overall, the mean SOC stock was decreasing in the order clay > sand > silt. The higher mean SOC concentrations found for the sandy texture, compared to the finer silty texture, may be explained by the historical land use of these soils.  相似文献   

水稻土的先期固结压力测定与分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
土壤先期固结压力的大小通常采用受周向约束柱状土样的快速单轴压缩测试方法获取,该值的确定不仅是土壤结构保护的基础参考,还为确定合理的作业机械轴重、农业机械的设计及其田间运用提供理论依据。该试验通过对江浦农场水稻土的实际测试,得到未受压实耕层土壤的先期固结压力范围为58.84~69.19 kPa,而用拖拉机碾压处理后的先期固结压力区间上升为69.15~100.1 kPa,表明拖拉机的碾压导致土壤先期固结压力的增加,即破坏了土壤的原始结构。目前的农业机械接地压力通常在70 kPa以上,而大田所测的土壤先期固结压力却在60 kPa左右,因此机械的使用必会造成土壤的压实及其结构的破坏。  相似文献   

容重对土壤水分入渗能力影响模拟试验   总被引:38,自引:21,他引:38  
通过人工改变土壤颗粒级配,配制典型砂壤、中壤、黏壤,并设置不同容重水平,用土柱积水入渗模拟了土壤容重对其入渗能力的影响,为土壤改良和促进天然降水转化利用提供理论依据。结果表明,容重对土壤入渗能力有较大影响。试验土壤入渗能力随容重增大递减,3种典型土壤稳定入渗速率与容重均呈对数负相关,砂壤120 min累积入渗量与容重呈幂函数负相关,中壤、黏壤则呈线性负相关。考斯加科夫入渗模型中,表征初始入渗速率的参数随容重增大递减,表征入渗能力衰减速度的参数则随容重增大递增,说明土壤初始入渗能力随容重增大递减,入渗能力衰减速度随容重增大递增。  相似文献   

粮仓中粮堆在装卸时存在着复杂的应力路径,为了得出复杂应力路径对粮堆模量和临界状态特性的影响规律,以及粮堆应力应变关系模型,该文在侧向应力50~300 k Pa下,进行了常规三轴压缩(conventional triaxial compression,CTC)、等p压缩(constant mean normal stress compression,CMS)、三轴主动压缩(reduced triaxial compression,RTC)三轴应力路径试验,分析了应力路径和侧向压力对模量的影响和粮堆临界状态特性;修正岩土体三次曲线模型,建立了适于描述仓内小麦粮堆应力应变的模型,并通过应力路径试验结果和文献试验结果对模型的适用性进行验证。研究结果表明:各应力路径下初始模量、割线模量E50均随着侧向应力呈幂函数增长;CTC、CMS试验的割线模量E50比初始模量发生较大的降低,而RTC试验没有明显降低。在参考压力(大气压力)下,对于初始模量,CTC试验的结果最大,RTC试验的结果最小;对于割线模量E50,CTC试验的结果最小,RTC试验的结果最大。CTC试验的初始模量、割线模量均随着侧向应力增长最慢,而RTC试验的结果均随着侧向应力增长最快。不同应力路径和侧向应力下,试验的破坏点均落于同一临界状态线上,小麦粮堆临界状态应力比为0.976。修正三次曲线模型反映了粮堆强度、峰度系数和峰值应变等特性,并通过8个参数进行计算;通过应力路径试验结果和文献试验结果对该模型进行了验证。研究结果可为粮仓装卸料压力、变形的计算提供更符合实际应力路径条件的参量,建立的修正三次曲线模型可用于粮堆应力和变形的数值模拟,为粮仓的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

CHEN Yue  HUANG Yao  SUN Wenjuan 《土壤圈》2017,27(5):890-900
Regression models for predicting soil bulk density (BD) have usually been related to organic matter content,but it remains unknown whether soil acidity modifies this relationship,particularly for afforested/reforested soils.We measured soil BD along with organic matter content and pH in an afforested/reforested area in Northwest and Northeast China.Using these measurements,we parameterized and validated three BD models:the Adams equation,and exponential and radical models.Model validation showed that the Adams equation failed to predict the BD of the afforested/reforested soils,producing a large overestimation.Incorporation of soil pH into the Adams equation significantly improved its performance.The exponential and radical models parameterized by the measured data simulated soil BD quite well,particularly when soil pH was incorporated.However,incorporation of soil texture variables into these models did not improve model performance compared with the pH-modified models.This led to the conclusion that the Adams equation,exponential,and radical models with pH modification are applicable to afforested/reforested soils with various acidities.  相似文献   

容重对土壤水分蓄持能力影响模拟试验研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
通过人工改变土壤颗粒级配,并设置不同容重水平,测定土壤水分特征参数,研究了容重对土壤水分蓄持能力的定量影响。结果表明:(1)容重对土壤水分特征曲线、比水容量有较大影响,试验土壤各吸力段水分蓄持能力均随容重增大递减,比水容量也随容重增大递减。(2)容重对试验土壤饱和含水量、田间持水量、凋萎系数有较大影响,此3个水分参数均随容重增大递减。饱和含水量与容重呈幂函数负相关关系,田间持水量及凋萎系数均与容重呈指数负相关关系。(3)容重对试验土壤有效水、易效水、迟效水含量有较大影响,此3水分参数均随容重增大递减,分别与容重呈指数、幂函数、对数负相关关系。  相似文献   

体积置换法直接测量土壤质量含水率及土壤容重   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
土壤含水率直接测量是相关研究和应用的基础,在土壤力学、作物栽培、农田灌溉、生态环境等研究和实践中十分重要。该文提出了一种与传统烘干称质量法相当的体积置换法直接测量土壤质量含水率及土壤容重。该方法在假设一定土壤颗粒密度的前提下,用一定体积的标准取样环刀取得土样后,通过向待测量土体补充水分使土壤达到饱和,用一定体积的水置换土壤中的充气空隙,直到土样达到饱和状态;再通过测量得到的初始/原始土样质量、饱和后土壤的质量以及已知土壤颗粒密度和水密度,计算得到被置换的充气空隙的体积,进而由此计算得到土壤质量含水率和土壤容重。采用3种不同土壤,即陕西杨凌黏黄土、北京粉壤土和江西黏红土,分别预配制成7种不同初始土壤体积含水率,含水率约为:风干土(含水率2%~3%)、5%、10%、15%、25%、30%和饱和含水率,以及3种不同土壤容重:1.25、1.35和1.45g/cm3进行室内试验。用类似的土样,采用传统方法烘干土样8、12、24、48h后,测量确定土壤的质量含水率,通过延长烘干时间测得数据表明,传统方法烘干8h所测得的质量含水率仍有1%~3.2%的含水率误差。最终试验结果表明体积置换方法测得的土壤含水率比传统烘干土样8h所测得的结果大2%~3%,比烘干土样48h所测得的结果大1%左右。体积置换方法测量操作过程简单,耗时较少,节约能源,测量结果具有较高精度。  相似文献   

东北黑土区农业机械化水平高,农机作业压实导致的土壤结构和物理性状退化问题日益严重,压缩特性是定量分析土壤压实过程的有效手段,但目前黑土压缩特性随初始含水量和初始容重的变化规律尚不明确。为了解初始含水量和初始容重对黑土压缩特性的影响程度及其变化关系,该研究以重塑黑土为对象,设0.15、0.20、0.25、0.30、0.35、0.40 g/g共6个初始含水量水平,设1.00、1.10、1.20、1.30、1.45、1.60 g/cm3共6个初始容重水平,使用固结仪进行单轴压缩试验测定土壤压缩曲线,分析初始含水量和容重对压缩特性影响。结果表明,土壤初始含水量、容重及两者交互作用均极显著影响重塑黑土压缩特性(P<0.001),据此建立了预测压缩特性的土壤传递函数。黑土的预固结压力为10.42~1 106.17 kPa,与初始含水量显著线性正相关、与初始容重显著线性负相关(P<0.05);压缩指数为0.311~0.852,与初始含水量和容重呈二元多项式方程的关系,随初始容重的增大而降低,在中等含水量时最大;回弹指数为0.007~0.321,与初始含水量正相关,与...  相似文献   

Forest soils differ significantly from the arable land in their distribution of the soil bulk density and humus content, but the water retention parameters are primarily derived from the data of agricultural soils. Thus, there is a need to relate physical parameters of forest soils with their water retention characteristics and compare them with those of agricultural soils. Using 1850 water retention curves from forest soils, we related the following soil physical parameters to soil texture, bulk density, and C content: air capacity (AC), available water capacity (AWC), and the permanent wilting point (PWP). The ACs of forest soils were significantly higher than those of agricultural soils which were related to the low bulk densities of the forest soils, whereas differences in AWCs were small. Therefore, for a proper evaluation of the water retention curves (WRCs) and the parameters derived from them, further subdivisions of the lowest (< 1.45 g cm‐3) of the three bulk density classes was undertaken to the wide range of low soil densities in forest soils (giving a total of 5 bulk density classes). In Germany, 31 soil texture classes are used for the estimation of soil physical parameters. Such a detailed classification is not required because of insignificant differences in WRCs for a large number of these classes. Based on cluster analysis of AC, AWC, and PWP parameters, 10 texture collectives were obtained. Using 5 classes of bulk densities, we further calculated the ACs, AWCs, and the PWPs for these 10 classes. Furthermore, “van Genuchten parameters” (θ r, θ s, α, and n) were derived which described the average WRC for each designated class. In a second approach using multiple regression analysis, regression functions for AC, AWC, and PWP and for the van Genuchten parameter were calculated.  相似文献   

《Soil Use and Management》2018,34(3):380-387
The measurement of bulk density in gravelly soils (>15% soil particles >2 mm) is more time‐consuming than for other soils. The excavation method, usually employed for measurement of bulk density in gravelly soils, includes excavating a void and calculating volume of the void from the weight and density of the material (e.g. sand and plaster cast) used to fill the void. A 3‐dimensional (3D) scanning system was developed to measure the volume of the void created when using the excavation method. The 3D scanning system combined a time‐of‐flight camera (Kinect ™), the KinectFusion algorithm, MeshLab and a portable computer to produce a 3D model of the void or plaster cast. Experiments were completed at three field sites where soil gravel (>2 mm) content ranged from 35 to 71% to assess the performance of the system. The void volume measured using the 3D scanning system was highly correlated with measurements using the plaster cast method (r  = 0.99). The cumulative time taken to measure soil bulk density using 3D scanning was significantly (<  0.001) less than for the sand replacement at 0–10, 10–20, 20–30 and 30–40 cm depth. The faster measurement of subsurface bulk density is a significant advantage of the 3D scanning system; the time taken to measure bulk density to 40 cm in 10 cm increments using the 3D scanning system was about one‐third of the sand method.  相似文献   

土壤容重对玉米光合特性的影响及调控研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑存德  依艳丽 《土壤学报》2012,49(5):944-953
以耕地棕壤为试验材料,采用盆栽方法,研究不同土壤容重对玉米光合指标(光合速率、气孔导度、胞间二氧化碳浓度)及叶绿素(a、b)的影响,并进一步研究了施用不同有机肥量及模拟不同耕作深度对玉米光合指标的调控效果。结果表明:不同容重处理之间对玉米叶绿素含量的影响拔节期前差异不显著,拔节期后达极显著差异(p<0.01),叶绿素含量在研究的生育期内始终增长。光合速率与容重、胞间二氧化碳浓度呈负相关,与气孔导度呈正相关。高容重土壤有机质调节至40~50 g kg-1即可以获得比较理想的效果;低容重的土壤有机质在研究含量范围内效果始终显著增长,有机质含量在15 g kg-1左右制约玉米生长,有机质含量应至少调节至3%以上。耕层厚度增加能提高所测定生理指标,但耕层厚度处理对叶绿素、光合指标影响不显著,当耕层厚度调节至30~40 cm时,各项指标增加基本达到限值,再增加耕层厚度作用不再明显。  相似文献   

Abstract. Recent developments in in situγ ray spectrometry offer a new approach to measuring the activity of radionuclides such as 137Cs and 40K in soils, and thus estimating erosion or deposition rates and field moist bulk density (ρm). Such estimates would be rapid and involve minimal site disturbance, especially important where archaeological remains are present. This paper presents the results of a pilot investigation of an eroded field in Scotland in which a portable hyper pure germanium (HPGe) detector was used to measure γ ray spectra in situ. The gamma (γ) photon flux observed at the soil surface is a function of the 137Cs inventory, its depth distribution characteristics and ρm. A coefficient, QCs, derived from the forward scattering of 137Cs γ ray photons within the soil profile relative to the 137Cs full energy peak (662 keV), was used to correct the in situ calibration for changes in the 137Cs vertical distribution in the ploughed field, a function of tillage, soil accumulation and ρm. Based on only 8 measurements, the agreement between in situγ ray spectrometry and soil sample measurements of 137Cs inventories improved from a non significant r2=0.05 to a significant r2=0.62 (P<0.05). Erosion and deposition rates calculated from the corrected in situ137Cs measurements had a similarly good agreement with those calculated from soil cores. Mean soil bulk density was also calculated using a separate coefficient, QK, derived from the forward scattering γ photons from 40K within the soil relative to the 40K full energy peak (1460 keV). Again there was good agreement with soil core measurements (r2=0.64; P<0.05). The precision of the in situ137Cs measurement was limited by the precision with which QCs can be estimated, a function of the low 137Cs deposition levels associated with the weapons testing fallout and relatively low detector efficiency (35%). In contrast, the precision of the in situ ρm determination was only limited by the spatial variability associated with soil sampling.  相似文献   

容重与含水率对砂质黏壤土静水崩解速率影响研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
崩解在土工试验中叫做湿化,是指土壤在静水中发生破裂解体、塌落或强度减弱的现象[1].土壤的崩解机制与土壤侵蚀的发生过程密切相关,是土壤侵蚀发生的必要条件之一.国内外对于土壤崩解的研究相对较少,而对于容重或含水对崩解性的影响的研究更少,国内仅有的研究目前大多限于黄土和南方的一些典型土壤,如燥红壤、红壤、褐红壤等.在降雨和地表灌溉作用下产生的土壤侵蚀过程中,崩解是侵蚀发生的一个前提条件.  相似文献   

秸秆粉碎氨化还田对土壤体积质量及持水特性的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
王增丽  王珍  冯浩 《农业工程学报》2011,27(11):211-215
为尝试解决秸秆还田中秸秆分解缓慢、易诱发病虫害及与作物争氮等问题,通过室内土柱培养试验对比研究了秸秆粉碎程度及秸秆不同C/N值对自身分解速率、土壤体积质量、土壤持水特性的影响。结果表明:短期内秸秆粉碎程度对秸秆分解速率影响不大,但粉碎秸秆在试验后期分解速率明显高于长秸秆,氨化措施可显著加快秸秆的分解速率;粉碎秸秆对土壤体积质量的减小作用明显较长秸秆为好,在整个试验期,粉碎氨化秸秆处理的土壤体积质量均显著低于同时期其他处理;各处理土壤持水能力差异不大,但粉碎氨化秸秆能明显增强土壤耐旱性。该结果为探索一种能最大效益发挥秸秆改良土壤作用的秸秆还田新方式提供了一定的参照。  相似文献   

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