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Applications of a commercial formulation of carbofuran, a carbamate insecticide, at rates of 2kg and 12kg active ingredient ha–1 to flooded fields planted to rice led to significant inhibition of methane emission. Likewise, laboratory incubation studies showed that carbofuran applied at low rates (5 and 10μgg–1soil) inhibited the net methane production relative to that of the control, but stimulated it when applied at a rate of 100μgg–1soil. Interestingly, carbofuran increased the oxidation of methane when applied at low rates and inhibited it when applied at a rate of 100μgg–1soil. Received: 5 May 1997  相似文献   

Laboratory incubation experiments were conducted to study the effects of soil chemical and physical properties on CH4 emission and entrapment in 16 selected soils with a pH range of 4.7–8.1, organic matter content of 0.72–2.38%, and soil texture from silt to clay. There was no significant correlation with CH4 emission for most of the important soil properties, including soil aerobic pH (measured before anaerobic incubation), total Kjeldahl N, cation exchange capacity, especially soil organic matter, and soil water-soluble C, which were considered to be critical controlling factors of CH4 emission. A lower CH4 emission was observed in some soils with a higher organic matter content. Differences in soil Fe and Mn contents and their chemical forms contributed to the this observation. A significant correlation between the CH4 emission and the soil organic C content was observed only after stratifying soils into subgroups according to the level of CH4 emission in soils not amended with organic matter. The results also showed that the soil redox potential (Eh), anaerobic pH, anerobic pH, and biologically reducible Fe and Mn affected CH4 emission significantly. Urea fertilization promoted CH4 emission in some soils and inhibited it in others. This result appeared to be related to the original soil pH. CH4 entrapment was positively correlated with soil clay content, indicating the importance of soil physical characteristics in reducing CH4 emissions to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Rice planting (RP) is significant to methane (CH4) emissions from paddy fields, but its effect on the relative contribution of the acetoclastic methanogenesis to total CH4 production (Fac) and the fraction of CH4 oxidized (Fox) is poorly understood. To quantify the responses of the Fac and Fox to RP, we investigated CH4 fluxes, CH4 production and oxidation potentials, dissolved CH4 concentrations, and their stable carbon isotopes in a flooded paddy soil. The mcrA and pmoA gene copies were also determined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Compared with the unplanted soil (control, CK), the seasonal CH4 emissions from the planted soil were significantly enhanced, 13.6 times, resulting in large decreases in the CH4 concentrations in the soil solution. This indicated that much more CH4 was released into the atmosphere by the RP than was stored in the soils. Acetoclastic methanogenesis became more important from the tillering stage (TS) to the ripening stage (RS) for the CK, with Fac values increased from 17%–20% to 46%–55%. With RP, the Fac values were enhanced by 10%–20%, and it significantly increased the copy numbers of the mcrA gene at the four rice stages (TS, booting stage (BS), grain-filling stage (GS), and RS). Furthermore, the effect of the RP on the abundance of the mcrA gene was highly concurrent with the effect on the Fac values. At the TS, the Fox values at the soil-water interface were around 50%–75% for the CK, being 15%–20% lower than those of the RP in the rhizosphere. It increased to 65%–100% at the GS, but was reduced by 20%–30% after the RP. These differences might be because the copy numbers of the pmoA gene were significantly raised at the TS while lowered at the GS by the RP. This was further demonstrated by the strong correlations between the effect of the RP on the abundance of the pmoA gene and the effect on the Fox values. These findings suggest that RP markedly impacts on the abundances of the mcrA and pmoA genes, affecting the pathway of CH4 production and the fraction of CH4 oxidization, respectively.  相似文献   

张广斌  张晓艳  纪洋  马静  李小平  徐华  蔡祖聪 《土壤》2010,42(6):895-900
有机肥施用和土壤水分管理是影响稻田CH4排放最重要的2个因素。本文通过室内培养和田间试验研究了冬季秸秆还田对冬灌田水稻生长期CH4的产生、氧化和排放的影响。结果表明:淹水混施处理CH4产生潜力在水稻移栽后35和51天显著大于淹水不施肥处理(p0.05),其余时间则无显著差异(p0.05);冬季秸秆还田对CH4氧化潜力无显著影响(p0.05),水稻生长期土温和稻田施用氮肥可能是较其更重要的影响因素;淹水混施处理CH4平均排放通量(CH426.7mg/(m2·h))显著大于淹水不施处理(CH420.3mg/(m2·h))(p0.05)。  相似文献   

It has been known that nitrogenous fertilizers can either stimulate or inhibit methane oxidation in soils. The mechanism, however, remains unclear. Here we conducted laboratory incubation experiments to evaluate the effects of ammonium versus nitrate amendment on CH4 oxidation in a rice field soil. The results showed that both N forms stimulated CH4 oxidation. But nitrate stimulated CH4 oxidation to a greater extent than ammonium per unit N base. The 16S rRNA genes and the pmoA genes were analyzed to determine the dynamics of total bacterial and methanotrophic populations, respectively. The methanotrophic community consisted of type I and type II methanotrophs and was dominated by type I group after two weeks of incubation. Nitrate promoted both types of methanotrophs, but ammonium promoted only type I. DNA-based stable isotope probing confirmed that ammonium stimulated the incorporation of 13CH4 into type I methanotrophs but not type II, while nitrate caused almost homogenous distribution of 13CH4 in type I and type II methanotrophs. Our study suggests that nitrate can promote CH4 oxidation more significantly than ammonium and is probably a better N source for both types of methanotrophs in rice field soil. More investigations, e.g. using 15N labeling, are necessary to elucidate this possibility.  相似文献   

Oxygen profiles and methane turnover in a flooded rice microcosm   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Summary Dissolved O2 was depleted within the top 3.5-mm surface layer of flooded rice soil microcosms without plants. In planted microcosms, however, O2 was detectable down to at least 40 mm in depth. O2 concentrations in the uppermost soil layers of microcosms with rice plants were higher in the light than in the dark, indicating O2 production by photosynthesis. The CH4 emission rates were nearly identical for illuminated and for darkened microcosms, demonstrating that the photosynthetically produced O2 did not increase CH4 oxidation in the rhizosphere. In contrast, CH4 emission rates increased when the microcosms were incubated under an N2 atmosphere, indicating that transport of O2 from the atmosphere into the rhizosphere was important for CH4 oxidation. CH4 emission under air accounted for only 10%–20% of the cumulative CH4 production determined in cores taken from the microcosms. Apparently, 80%–90% of the CH4 produced was oxidized in the rhizosphere and thus was not emitted.  相似文献   

The short-term effect of NaNO3 or (NH4)2SO4 application on CH4 oxidation was measured under laboratory conditions with sieved soils collected from the top layer (0–12 cm) of a loamy and a sandy soil. The soils were incubated in sealed flasks and the CH4 and CO2 concentrations in headspace were measured periodically. On each gas sampling date the soils were analysed for inorganic N, electro-ultrafiltration organic N, and pH. NH 4 + application to the loamy soil inhibited CH4 oxidation entirely whereas in the untreated control soils CH4 concentration decreased linearly with a rate of-41 nl CH4 l-1 h-1; NO 3 sup- application to this soil caused a small but significant reduction in CH4 uptake. The CH4-oxidizing ability of the sandy soil was low, even in the control. This was mainly a result of the disturbed soil structure after sieving. Both NH 4 + and NO 3 sup- treatments completely inhibited CH4 uptake in this ligh-textured soil. The adverse impact of NH 4 + persisted during the entire incubation, although in the loamy soil only 17% of the NH 4 + added was recovered after 168 h. The negative effect of NO 3 sup- was probably caused by an increase in osmotic potential. Immediate inhibition of CH4 oxidation after inorganic N addition was demonstrated in two arable soils, although the effect was directly related only in part to soil N transformations.  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) uptake by soil can possibly be suppressed more in regions with heavy summer precipitation, such as those under the East Asian monsoon climate, as compared to that in regions with a dry summer. In order to determine how precipitation patterns affect seasonal and spatial variations in CH4 fluxes in temperate forest soils, such fluxes and selected environmental variables were measured on different parts of a hill slope in a cypress forest in central Japan. On the upper and middle parts of the slope, CH4 uptake was observed throughout the year, and the uptake rates increased slightly with soil temperature and decreased with soil water content. The CH4 flux predicted using data for the middle and upper parts of the slope ranged from −1.12 to −0.83 kg-CH4 ha−1 y−1 (i.e. CH4 uptake by soil) and from −2.30 to −2.04 kg-CH4 ha−1 y−1, respectively. In contrast, in the relatively wet lower part of the slope near an in-stream wetland, large CH4 emissions (>2 mg-CH4 m−1 d−1) were observed during the rainy summer. In this wetter plot, the soil functioned as a net annual CH4 source in a rainy year. Hence the variation in CH4 flux with a change in soil water conditions and soil temperature on the lower part of the slope contrasted to that on the upper and middle parts of the slope. The predicted CH4 flux for this lower plot ranged from −0.45 kg-CH4 ha−1 y−1 in a dry year to 1.80 kg-CH4 ha−1 y−1 in a rainy year. Our results suggest that consideration of the soil water conditions across a watershed is important for estimating the CH4 budgets for entire forest watershed, particularly in regions subject to a wet summer.  相似文献   

In an incubation experiment with flooded rice soil fertilized with different N amounts and sampled at different rice stages, the methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) production in relation to soil labile carbon (C) pools under two temperature (35°C and 45°C) and moisture (aerobic and submerged) regimes were investigated. The field treatments imposed in the wet season included unfertilized control and 40, 80 and 120 kg ha?1 N fertilization. The production of CH4 was significantly higher (27%) under submerged compared to aerobic conditions, whereas CO2 production was significantly increased under aerobic by 21% compared to submerged conditions. The average labile C pools were significantly increased by 21% at the highest dose of N (120 kg ha?1) compared to control and was found highest at rice panicle initiation stage. But the grain yield had significantly responded only up to 80 kg ha?1 N, although soil labile C as well as gaseous C emission was noticed to be highest at 120 kg ha?1 N. Hence, 80 kg N ha?1 is a better option in the wet season at low land tropical flooded rice in eastern India for sustaining grain yield and minimizing potential emission of CO2 and CH4.  相似文献   

不同施肥处理稻田甲烷和氧化亚氮排放特征   总被引:62,自引:14,他引:48  
采用静态箱-气相色谱法对长期不同施肥处理(NPKS、CK、NPK和NKM)的稻田CH4和N2O排放进行了观测。结果表明,稻田CH4和N2O排放季节变化规律明显不同,二者排放通量季节变化呈显著负相关(p<0.01)。与单施化肥和CK相比,施用有机肥显著促进CH4排放,排放量最高的NPKS处理早晚稻田排放量分别是:526.68 kg/hm2和1072.92 kg/hm2。对于N2O排放,早稻田各处理间差异不显著,NPK处理排放量最大,为1.48 kg/hm2;晚稻田各处理差异极显著(p<0.01),NPKS处理排放量最大,为1.40 kg/hm2。晚稻田CH4排放通量和10 cm土层温度及土壤pH值相关极显著(p<0.01),并与二者存在显著的指数关系。没发现N2O排放通量与温度及pH值间存在显著相关。稻田CH4和N2O排放受多种因素影响,但对全球变暖的贡献率CH4远大于N2O。NPKS处理的增温潜势最大,NPK处理的最小。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of forest clearfelling on the fluxes of soil CO2, CH4, and N2O in a Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) plantation on an organic-rich peaty gley soil, in Northern England. Soil CO2, CH4, N2O as well as environmental factors such as soil temperature, soil water content, and depth to the water table were recorded in two mature stands for one growing season, at the end of which one of the two stands was felled and one was left as control. Monitoring of the same parameters continued thereafter for a second growing season. For the first 10 months after clearfelling, there was a significant decrease in soil CO2 efflux, with an average efflux rate of 4.0 g m−2 d−1 in the mature stand (40-year) and 2.7 g m−2 d−1 in clearfelled site (CF). Clearfelling turned the soil from a sink (−0.37 mg m−2 d−1) for CH4 to a net source (2.01 mg m−2 d−1). For the same period, soil N2O fluxes averaged 0.57 mg m−2 d−1 in the CF and 0.23 mg m−2 d−1 in the 40-year stand. Clearfelling affected environmental factors and lead to higher daily soil temperatures during the summer period, while it caused an increase in the soil water content and a rise in the water table depth. Despite clearfelling, CO2 remained the dominant greenhouse gas in terms of its greenhouse warming potential.  相似文献   

Methane consumption by temperate forest soils is a major sink for this important greenhouse gas, but little is known about how tree species influence CH4 uptake by soils. Here, we show that six common tree species in Siberian boreal and temperate forests significantly affect potential CH4 consumption in laboratory microcosms. Overall, soils under hardwood species (aspen and birch) consumed CH4 at higher rates than soils under coniferous species and grassland. While NH4+ addition often reduces CH4 uptake, we found no effect of NH4+ addition, possibly because of the relatively high ratio of CH4-to-NH4+ in our incubations. The effects of soil moisture strongly depended on plant species. An increase in soil moisture enhanced CH4 consumption in soils under spruce but had the opposite effect under Scots pine and larch. Under other species, soil moisture did not affect CH4 consumption. These results could be explained by specific responses of different groups of CH4-oxidizing bacteria to elevated moisture.  相似文献   

Nitrification associated with the various components [subsurface soil from unplanted and planted (rhizosphere) fields, standing water and surface soil from planted and unplanted fields and leaf sheath suspensions] of submerged rice paddies was examined in incubation experiments with solutions inoculated with soil or water samples. Substantial nitrification occurred in all samples, standing water and surface soil samples in particular, during their 40-day incubation with NH 4 + –N. Almost all the NH 4 + –N, disappeared during incubation with standing water, was recovered as NO inf3 sup- –N. This, compared to 70–80% from all soil samples and only 29% from leaf sheath suspensions. Significant loss of nitrogen, especially from leaf sheath suspensions, is probably due to nitrification-denitrification as evidenced by its complete recovery in the presence of N-Serve. Nitrification potential of the soil and water samples varied with the crop growth stage and was more pronounced at tillering and panicle inititation stages than at other stages. Nitrification potential of samples from green-manure-amended plots was distinctly less than that of samples from control and urea-amended plots. Most probable number (MPN) estimates of ammonium-oxidizing bacteria were always higher in surface soil in both planted and unplanted plots at all stages of crop growth.Dedicated to Professor J. C. G. Ottow on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

The role of rice plants in regulating mechanisms of methane missions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 Rice plants play a pivotal role in different levels of the methane (CH4) budget of rice fields. CH4 production in rice fields largely depends on plant-borne material that can be either decaying tissue or root exudates. The quantity and quality of root exudates is affected by mechanical impedance, presence of toxic elements, nutrient deficiencies, water status of growing medium, and nitrogenase activity in the rhizosphere. CH4 oxidation in rice fields is localized in the rhizosphere where the concentration gradients of CH4 and oxygen overlap. CH4 oxidation capacity is a function of the downward transport of oxygen through the aerenchyma, which, in turn, also acts as a conduit for CH4 from the soil to the atmosphere. The decisive step in the passage of CH4 through rice plant is the transition from root to stem. However, rice plants show an enormous variety of morphological and physiological properties, including differences in root exudation and gas transfer capacity. Comparative studies on different cultivars are deemed crucial for accomplishing a better understanding of the mechanisms of CH4 consumption in the rhizosphere and CH4 transport through the rice plant as well as the interaction of these processes. The results of such studies are considered tools for devising mitigation options. Received: 7 April 1999  相似文献   

Agricultural factors affecting methane oxidation in arable soil   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
CH4 oxidation activity in a sandy soil (Ardoyen) and agricultural practices affecting this oxidation were studied under laboratory conditions. CH4 oxidation in the soil proved to be a biological process. The instantaneous rate of CH4 consumption was in the order of 800 mol CH4 kg–1 day–1 (13 mg CH4 kg–1 day–1) provided the soil was treated with ca. 4.0 mmol CH4 kg–1 soil. Upon repeated supplies of a higher dose of CH4, the oxidation was accelerated to a rate of at least 198 mg CH4 kg–1 day–1. Addition of the plant-growth promoting rhizopseudomonad strains Pseudomonas aeruginosa 7NSK2 and Pseudomonas fluorescens ANP15 significantly decreased the CH4 oxidation by 20 to 30% during a 5-day incubation. However, with further incubation this suppression was no longer detectable. Growing maize plants prevented the suppression of CH4 oxidation. The numbers of methanotrophic bacteria and fungi increased significantly after the addition of CH4, but there were no significant shifts in the population of total bacteria and fluorescent pseudomonads. Drying and rewetting of soil for at least 1 day significantly reduced the activity of the indigenous methanotrophs. Upon rewetting, their activity was regained after a lag phase of about 3 days. The herbicide dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) had a strong negative effect on CH4 oxidation. The application of 5 ppm increased the time for CH4 removal; at concentrations above 25 ppm 2,4-D CH4–oxidizing activity was completely hampered. After 3 days of delay, only the treatments with below 25 ppm 2,4-D showed recovery of CH4–oxidizing activity. This finding suggests that it can be important to include a CH4–removal bioassay in ecotoxicology studies of the side effects of pesticides. Changes in the native soil pH also affected the CH4–oxidizing capacity. Permanent inhibition occurred when the soil pH was altered by 2 pH units, and partial inhibition by 1 pH unit change. A rather narrow pH range (5.9–7.7) appeared to allow CH4 oxidation. Soils pre-incubated with NH 4 + had a lower CH4–removal capacity. Moreover, the nitrification inhibitor 2-chloro-6-trichloromethyl pyridine (nitrapyrin) strongly inhibited CH4 oxidation. Probably methanotrophs rather than nitrifying microorganisms are mainly responsible for CH4 removal in the soil studied. It appears that the causal methanotrophs are remarkably sensitive to soil environmental disturbances.  相似文献   

Rice fields are intensively managed, unique agroecosystems, where soil flooding is general performance for rice cultivation. Flooding the field results in reductive soil conditions, under which decomposition of organic materials proceeds during the period of rice cultivation. A large variety of organic materials are incorporated into rice soils according to field management. In this review, the kind and abundance of organic materials entering carbon cycling in the rice field ecosystem are evaluated first. Then, decomposition of plant residues and soil organic matter in rice fields is reviewed quantitatively. Decomposition of plant residues is shown to be the active process in carbon cycling in rice fields. Rice releases photosynthates into the rhizosphere (rhizodeposition), and they follow a different avenue of decomposition in soil from that of plant residues. Incorporation of rhizodeposition into microbial biomass and soil organic matter during the period of rice cultivation, and their fates after harvesting are evaluated quantitatively from 13C pulse labeled experiments. Percolating water transports inorganic and organic carbon from the plow layer to the subsoil layer. The amounts of their transport and accumulation in the subsoil layer are evaluated in relation to the amounts of soil organic C in the plow layer. Not only CO2 but also CH4 are produced in the decomposition process of organic materials in flooded rice fields. CH4 evolution from rice fields is of global concern from the viewpoint of global warming. Origins of CH4 evolved from rice fields are estimated first, followed by the fates of CH4 in rice field ecosystems. Rhizodeposition is shown to be the main origin of CH4 evolved from rice fields. Evolution to the atmosphere is not the sole pathway of CH4 produced in rice fields. The amounts of CH4 retained in soil, percolated to the subsoil layer and decomposed in soil are evaluated in the context of the amounts of CH4 efflux. Thus, this review focuses on carbon cycling in the rice field ecosystem from the viewpoints of input, decomposition, and translocation of organic materials and the fates of their end products (CO2 and CH4).  相似文献   

综述:土壤甲烷生成及其营养的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Global warming,as a result of an increase in the mean temperature of the planet,might lead to catastrophic events for humanity.This temperature increase is mainly the result of an increase in the atmospheric greenhouse gases(GHG)concentration.Water vapor,carbon dioxide(CO2),methane(CH4)and nitrous oxide(N2O)are the most important GHG,and human activities,such as industry,livestock and agriculture,contribute to the production of these gases.Methane,at an atmospheric concentration of 1.7μmol mol-1currently,is responsible for 16%of the global warming due to its relatively high global warming potential.Soils play an important role in the CH4cycle as methanotrophy(oxidation of CH4)and methanogenesis(production of CH4)take place in them.Understanding methanogenesis and methanotrophy is essential to establish new agriculture techniques and industrial processes that contribute to a better balance of GHG.The current knowledge of methanogenesis and methanotrophy in soils,anaerobic CH4 oxidation and methanotrophy in extreme environments is also discussed.  相似文献   

The interactive effects of moisture and organic amendments (farmyard manure (FYM), crop residue (CR) and green manure (GM) (Sesbania aculeata) on gaseous carbon (C) emission, soil labile C fractions, enzymatic activities and microbial diversity in tropical, flooded rice soil were investigated. The amendments were applied on equal C basis in two moisture regimes, that is, aerobic and submergence conditions. The CO2 production was significantly higher by 22% in aerobic than in submergence condition; on the contrary, the CH4 production was 27% higher under submergence condition. The labile C fractions were significantly higher in GM by 26% under aerobic and 30% under submergence conditions, respectively, than control (without any kind of fertilizer or amendments). Eubacterial diversity identified by PCR-DGGE method (polymerase chain reaction coupled with denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis) was higher under GM followed by FYM, CR, and control and it is pronounced in submerged condition. GM favored the labile C accumulation and biological activities under both submergence and aerobic conditions, which makes it most active for soil–plant interactions compared to other organic amendments. Considering environmental sustainability, the use of GM is the better adoptable option, which could enhance labile C pools, microbial diversities in soil and keep soil biologically more active.  相似文献   

 Application of a commercial formulation of the herbicide butachlor (N-butoxymethyl-2-chloro-2′,6′-diethyl acetanilide) at 1 kg a.i. ha–1 to an alluvial soil planted with direct-seeded flooded rice (cv. Annada), significantly inhibited both crop-mediated emission and ebullition fluxes of methane (CH4). Over a cropping period of 110 days, the crop-mediated cumulative emission flux of CH4 was lowered by ∼20% in butachlor-treated field plots compared with that of an untreated control. Concurrently, ebollition flux of CH4 was also retarded in butachlor-treated field plots by about 81% compared with that of control plots. Significant relationships existed between CH4 emission and redox potential (E h) and Fe2+ content of the flooded soil. Application of butachlor retarded a drop in soil redox potential as well as accumulation of Fe2+ in treated field plots. Methanogenic bacterial population, counted at the maturity stage of the crop, was also low in butachlor-treated plots, indicating both direct and indirect inhibitory effects of butachlor on methanogenic bacterial populations and their activity. Results indicate that butachlor, even at field-application level, can effectively abate CH4 emission and ebollition from flooded soils planted to rice whilst maintaining grain yield. Received: 15 March 2000  相似文献   

用土壤温度估算表层土壤导温率与热通量的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对比研究了6种用土壤湿度计算表层土壤导温率的方法结果表明,振幅法、相位法、反正切法、对数法虽需较少观测值,计算简单,但结果却不太稳定;谐波法计算过程虽较复杂,但导温度的估算值较稳定,是最可靠的方法之一。利用计算的土壤导温率估算近地表土壤热通量,结果与由温度积分法决定的土壤热通量值非常一致。  相似文献   

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