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Mycorrhizal fungi influence plant nutrition and therefore likely modify competition between plants. By affecting mycorrhiza formation and nutrient availability of plants, Collembola may influence competitive interactions of plant roots. We investigated the effect of Collembola (Protaphorura fimata Gisin), a mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus intraradices Schenck and Smith), and their interaction on plant growth and root structure of two plant species, Lolium perenne L. (perennial ryegrass) and Trifolium repens L. (white clover). In a laboratory experiment, two individuals of each plant species were grown either in monoculture or in competition to the respective other plant species. Overall, L. perenne built up more biomass than T. repens. The clover competed poorly with grass, whereas the L. perenne grew less in presence of conspecifics. In particular, presence of conspecifics in the grass and presence of grass in clover reduced shoot and root biomass, root length, number of root tips, and root volume. Collembola reduced shoot biomass in L. perenne, enhanced root length and number of root tips, but reduced root diameter and volume. The effects of Collembola on T. repens were less pronounced, but Collembola enhanced root length and number of root tips. In contrast to our hypothesis, changes in plant biomass and root structure in the presence of Collembola were not associated with a reduction in mycorrhizal formation. Presumably, Collembola affected root structure via changes in the amount of nutrients available and their spatial distribution.  相似文献   

When plants establish in novel environments, they can modify soil microbial community structure and functional properties in ways that enhance their own success. Although soil microbial communities are influenced by abiotic environmental variability, rhizosphere microbial communities may also be affected by plant activities such as nutrient uptake during the growing season. We predicted that during the growing season, plant N uptake would explain much of the variation in rhizosphere microbial community assembly and functional traits. We grew the invasive C3 grass Bromus tectorum and three commonly co-occurring native C3 grasses in a controlled greenhouse environment, and examined rhizosphere bacterial community structural and functional characteristics at three different plant growth stages. We found that soil N availability and plant tissue N levels strongly correlated with shifts in rhizosphere bacterial community structure. It also appeared that the rapid drawdown of soil nutrients in the rhizosphere during the plant growing season triggered a selection event whereby only those microbes able to tolerate the changing nutrient conditions were able to persist. Plant N uptake rates inversely corresponded to microbial biomass N levels during periods of peak plant growth. Mechanisms which enable plants to influence rhizosphere bacterial community structure and function are likely to affect their competitive ability and fitness. Our study suggests that plants can alter their rhizosphere microbiomes through influencing nutrient availability. The ways in which plants establish their rhizosphere bacterial communities may now be viewed as a selection trait related to intrinsic plant species nutrient demands.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2003,22(1):29-37
An evaluation of the mycorrhizal status of desertification-threatened ecosystems has been recommended as a first step in rehabilitation/restoration approaches based on revegetation strategies using arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) technology. Representative desertified semiarid areas were selected from southeast Spain where the vegetation is dominated by grasses, with Stipa tenacissima usually present, and with some patches of the shrubs Pistacia lentiscus, Rhamnus lycioides, Olea europaea subsp. sylvestris and Retama sphaerocarpa. The objective of this study was to evaluate the mycorrhizal potential in these soils, the contribution of the different species established to the mycorrhizal potential of the soils and to assess the main mycorrhizal propagules involved. There were more AM fungal propagules in the rhizospheres of all the shrub species studied compared with adjacent fallow soils, suggesting that AM propagules can be considered as a functional component of the resource islands developing around plant roots. R. sphaerocarpa and O. europaea had a higher capacity to enhance the development of mycorrhizal propagules in their rhizospheres than R. lycioides and P. lentiscus. Correlation analyses showed that the number of spores of the most representative AM fungal species, i.e. Glomus constrictum, and the total length of extraradical AM mycelium are the propagule sources which were best correlated with the mycorrhizal potential in terms of the number of “infective” AM propagules in the rhizosphere of the target plant species. The contribution of AM symbiosis to the potentiality of S. tenacissima as nurse plant was site dependent. Diversity of AM fungi present in the test area is rather low, indicating the high degree of degradation of the ecosystem. At most, only four AM fungal spore morphoecotypes were consistently detected in the rhizosphere of the target plant species.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2005,28(3):259-269
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi influence interactions among plant species through enhancing nutrient uptake and possibly facilitating nutrient transport among plants. However, the effects of one plant species on coexisting plant species with regard to mycorrhizal colonization are not well understood. We examined root mycorrhizal colonization and phosphorus (P) acquisition of plants in a highly P-limiting soil in Lanxi city, Zhejiang, China from the year 2000 to 2002. Three dominant native plant species with different mycorrhizal properties, Digitaria ciliaris (poorly mycorrhizal species), Ixeris denticulate (moderately mycorrhizal species) and Kummerowia striata (highly mycorrhizal species), were planted in experimental plots. In the monocultures, K. striata was found to have the highest infection and D. ciliaris the lowest mycorrhizal infection, but shoot P-concentration was higher in both I. denticulate and D. ciliaris than that in K. striata. In the mixtures, D. ciliaris and I. denticulate did not significantly affect the mycorrhizal colonization, spore production and shoot P-concentration of K. striata plants, but K. striata and I. denticulate significantly increased root mycorrhizal colonization and shoot P-concentration of D. ciliaris. K. striata enhanced but D. ciliaris reduced mycorrhizal infection and shoot P-concentration of I. denticulate. These results suggested that highly mycorrhizal plant species may positively impact coexisting species with respect to mycorrhizal colonization and P acquisition, but the effects on poorly mycorrhizal species are less predictable.  相似文献   

Root-feeding nematodes play an important role in structuring the composition of natural plant communities. Little is known about the role of intra- and interspecific interactions in determining the abundance of root-feeding nematodes in natural ecosystems. We examined interactions between two ectoparasitic root-feeding nematodes on two plant species: a good host plant for both nematode species and a good host for only one of the nematodes. We tested the hypothesis that root herbivore competitiveness depends on host suitability and related the experimental results to field data. In a greenhouse, we added different densities of the nematodes Tylenchorhynchus microphasmis and Tylenchorhynchus ventralis to Ammophila arenaria (the good host for both) and Carex arenaria (a good host for T. microphasmis only). Addition of T. ventralis did not significantly affect multiplication of T. microphasmis on both plant species. In contrast, on A. arenaria, T. ventralis experienced interspecific competition. However, on C. arenaria, T. microphasmis facilitated multiplication of T. ventralis. To explain this effect, we studied systemic plant-mediated effects in a split-root experiment. Nematode addition to one root compartment did not significantly influence nematode multiplication in the other root compartment, irrespective of nematode species identity. Therefore, the observed nematode interactions were not related to induced changes in the roots. In a two-choice experiment we tested whether host suitability was related to root attractiveness. Both nematode species were attracted to seedlings of A. arenaria, but not to C. arenaria. The low multiplication of T. ventralis on C. arenaria could be related to poor attraction to the roots. However, the poor attraction of T. microphasmis cannot be related to poor host suitability. Adding T. ventralis reduced shoot biomass of A. arenaria more than T. microphasmis did, whereas for C. arenaria the effect was the reverse. The interaction of the two nematodes on A. arenaria and C. arenaria shoot biomass was insignificant. However, the effect on root biomass of A. arenaria was interactive; adding T. ventralis to plants with high inoculation densities of T. microphasmis further decreased root biomass. Adding T. microphasmis further decreased root biomass of plants inoculated with low levels of T. ventralis. Depending on host plant identity, interactions between root-feeding nematodes may lead to competition or facilitation. Our results suggest that facilitation by T. microphasmis contributes to persistence of T. ventralis on C. arenaria. Thus, the population dynamics of root-feeding nematodes is influenced both by host plant identity and the presence of other root-feeding nematodes.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the effects of species diversity within taxonomic groups on nutrient cycling is important for understanding the role of soil biota in sustainable agriculture. We hypothesized that earthworm species specifically affect nitrogen mineralization, characteristically for their ecological group classifications, and that earthworm species interactions would affect mineralization through competition and facilitation effects. A mesocosm experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of three earthworm species, representative of different ecological groups (epigeic: Lumbricus rubellus; endogeic: Aporrectodea caliginosa tuberculata; and anecic: Lumbricus terrestris), and their interactions on the bacterial community, and on nitrogen mineralization from 15N-labelled crop residue and from soil organic matter.Our results indicate that L. rubellus and L. terrestris enhanced mineralization of the applied crop residue whereas A. caliginosa had no effect. On the other hand, L. rubellus and A. caliginosa enhanced mineralization of the soil organic matter, whereas L. terrestris had no effect. The interactions between different earthworm species affected the bacterial community and the net mineralization of soil organic matter. The two-species interactions between L. rubellus and A. caliginosa, and L. rubellus and L. terrestris, resulted in reduced mineral N concentrations derived from soil organic matter, probably through increased immobilization in the bacterial biomass. In contrast, the interaction between A. caliginosa and L. terrestris resulted in increased bacterial growth rate and reduced total soil C. When all three species were combined, the interaction between A. caliginosa and L. terrestris was dominant. We conclude that the effects of earthworms on nitrogen mineralization depend on the ecological traits of the earthworm species present, and can be modified by species interactions. Knowledge of these effects can be made useful in the prevention of nutrient losses and increased soil fertility in agricultural systems, that typically have a low earthworm diversity.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2007,35(1):213-225
Rhizosphere soils from 12 different plant species grown as monocultures at a field site of biodiversity and ecological processes in terrestrial herbaceous ecosystems (BIODEPTH) in northern Sweden were used as inoculum on potato to investigate mycorrhizal traits. Potato roots showed significantly higher mycorrhizal colonization when inoculated with soil samples from Festuca ovina and Leucanthemum vulgare compared to soil samples from other plants. The soil samples of F. ovina, L. vulgare, Phalaris arundinacea and Trifolium pratense rhizospheres were chosen for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi identification based on spore morphology and large subunit (LSU) ribosomal DNA sequences amplified from single spores and roots. Spore morphological identification showed that Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices were found in F. ovina and L. vulgare soils at the site as well as in our potato trap experiment. Also, Glomus geosporum spores were present in all four plants’ soils in the potato trap experiment. LSU rDNA sequences were obtained from AM fungal spores from the collection site or potato trap experiment and colonized potato roots inoculated with L. vulgare soil. Sequences showed highest similarity to G. mosseae. Our results suggest that the host F. ovina and L. vulgare could be considered in crop rotation to enhance AM fungal inocula for potatoes.  相似文献   

Soil microorganisms may play an important role in the uptake of heavy metals from soils. However, assessments of bacterial activity and community composition in the rhizosphere of accumulators have been largely ignored. We studied potential effects of a copper (Cu)-accumulator, Elsholtzia splendens, and a non-Cu-accumulator plant, Trifolium repens, on soil microbial activity and community composition with increasing Cu addition. The results showed that concentrations of Cu in the shoots of E. splendens were 2.1, 2.2 and 2.4 times those of T. repens under the treatment of different Cu concentrations. Soil microbial biomass and phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere of E. splendens were higher than those of T.repens. PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) fingerprint analysis revealed that addition of Cu decreased the number of bands in bare soil and soil with T. repens. However, there was a significant increase in the number of bands in soil with E. splendens incorporated with either 200 or 500 mg kg−1 Cu. The abundances of five phylogenetic groups related most closely to -, β-, γ-proteobacteria, Gram-positive bacteria and CFB group, respectively, were determined in the rhizosphere of plants. Some specific clone such as E13 (metal-contaminated soil clone K20-64) was found in the rhizosphere of E. splendens. Results indicated that E. splendens, as a Cu-accumulator, played an important role in governing soil microbial activity and bacterial community composition in the rhizosphere in response to Cu stress.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and their bacterial associates are essential living components of the soil microbiota. From a total of 385 bacteria previously isolated from spores of AM fungi (AMB), 10 were selected based on ability to inhibit growth of plant pathogens. Effects of these isolates on AM fungal colonization, plant growth in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and inhibition of pathogens was investigated. AM fungal root colonization of potato was 7-fold higher in the presence of the Pseudomonas FWC70 isolate in a greenhouse and was 6–9-fold higher in the presence of the three isolates Pseudomonas FWC70, Stenotrophomonas FWC94 and Arthrobacter FWC110 in an outdoor pot experiment. Several growth traits of potato were stimulated by the Pseudomonas isolates FWC16, FWC30 and FWC70 and by the Stenotrophomonas isolate FWC14. All three Pseudomonas isolates showed inhibition against Erwinia carotovora, Phytophthora infestans and Verticillium dahliae but Stenotrophomonas isolates were variable. Protease(s), siderophores and indole acetic acid were produced by all isolates. Chitinase(s) were produced by all Stenotrophomonas and phosphate-solubilizing activity by all Pseudomonas isolates, the Stenotrophomonas FWC14 isolate and the Arthrobacter FWC110 isolate. We conclude that some AMB are multifunctional and production of extracellular enzymes and bioactive compounds are likely mechanisms for their multifunctional activities. Our results show that some AMB are likely to contribute to the often described ability of AM fungi to inhibit pathogens, acquire mineral nutrients and modify plant root growth.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2005,28(3):191-201
Annual plant species differ in their rhizosphere microbial community composition. However, rhizosphere communities are often investigated under controlled conditions, and it is unclear if perennial plants growing in the field also have rhizosphere communities that are specific to a particular plant species. The aim of our study was to determine the bacterial community composition of three species of Banksia (B. attenuata R. Brown, B. ilicifolia R. Brown and B. menziesii R. Brown) growing in close proximity in a native woodland in Western Australia and to relate community structure to function. All three species are small trees that produce cluster roots in the field following winter rains. Cluster roots and rhizosphere soil were sampled in early spring (August 2001) and again four weeks later (September 2001). Many new cluster roots were formed in the period between the August and the September sampling. Rhizosphere soil pH, percent soil moisture and C and N content did not differ significantly among species or sampling times. However, the bacterial community composition on the cluster roots and in the rhizosphere soil, studied by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), differed among the three species, with cluster root age class (young or mature to senescing) and also between sampling times. These changes in community composition were accompanied by changes in the activity of some of the enzymes studied. The activities of β-glucosidase and protease increased over time. The three species differed in asparaginase activity, but not in the activity of acid and alkaline phosphatase in the rhizosphere. These results suggest a relationship between the changes in composition and function of bacterial communities.  相似文献   

Intracellular arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization was compared between nitrogen (NH4NO3) fertilized (10 g N m–2) and nonfertilized tallgrass prairie plots. In the microscopic analyses of host roots, only intracellular coils showed an increasing trend as a result of N fertilization, whereas intracellular colonization by arbuscules, hyphae, or vesicles did not differ between the N treatments. Clone libraries established from pooled PCR products of AM fungi contained exclusively species of Glomus; no other genera were detected indicating that Glomus spp. dominated the host roots. Comparisons between observed and random topologies indicated that cloned sequence placement covaried with N treatment: unique clades within Glomus originated exclusively from N-fertilized or nonfertilized treatments. We conclude that the communities of dominant and most commonly occurring AM fungi changed in response to N amendment, although the root colonization showed minimal or no response.  相似文献   

Lindane ( γ‐hexachlorocyclohexane or γ‐HCH) is an organochlorine insecticide previously used extensively for the control of agricultural pests. We studied the effects of soil HCH contamination on vegetation and its associated arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM). The polluted and unpolluted plots had similar plant cover, with the same species richness and abundance. Plantago lanceolata plants were selected for mycorrhizal analysis because of their presence in both plots and known mycotrophy. The presence of HCH appeared to have no significant effect on the extent of colonization of Plantago roots by AM, suggesting a similar functionality of the fungal symbionts. However, infective AM propagules, the density of AM spores and viable AM hyphae in the rhizosphere were much less in the HCH‐polluted soil than in the unpolluted plot. Pre‐inoculation of four plant species with an isolate of Glomus deserticola obtained from the HCH‐contaminated soil resulted in increased growth and fungal colonization of roots compared with plants pre‐inoculated with the introduced fungus G. macrocarpum or colonized by the consortium of indigenous AM fungal species, when those plants were transplanted to an HCH‐contaminated soil. This suggests that the fungus increases the tolerance of plants to the toxic soil environment. We conclude that herbaceous and woody plants can grow in soil with little P contaminated with <100 mg HCH kg?1 with the help of tolerant AM, despite the detrimental effect of HCH on AM fungal propagules in soil. The effects of AM fungi on plant growth and soil microbial community structure in HCH‐polluted sites could be important for remediation of the pollutant through the microbial activity in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

The impact of ectomycorrhizal fungi or rhizosphere bacteria on tree seedling growth and nutrient uptake is well known. However, few studies have combined those microorganisms in one experiment to clarify their relative contribution and interactions in nutrient acquisition. Here, we monitored the respective contributions of pine roots, two ubiquitous forest ectomycorrhizal fungi Scleroderma citrinum and Laccaria bicolor, and two S. citrinum-mycorrhizosphere bacterial strains of Burkholderia glathei and Collimonas sp., on mineral weathering, nutrient uptake, and plant growth. Pinus sylvestris plants were grown on quartz–biotite substrate and inoculated or not with combinations of mycorrhizal fungi and/or bacterial strains. Magnesium and potassium fluxes were measured and nutrient budgets were calculated. Both ectomycorrhizal fungi significantly increased Mg plant uptake. No significant effects of the two bacterial strains were detected on the K and Mg budgets, but co-inoculating the mycorrhizal fungus S. citrinum and the efficient mineral-weathering B. glathei bacterial strain significantly improved the Mg budget. Similarly, co-inoculating S. citrinum with the Collimonas sp. bacterial strain significantly improved the pine biomass compared to non-inoculated pine plants. In order to better understand this process, we monitored the survival of the inoculated bacterial strains in the quartz–biotite substrate, the pine rhizosphere, and the mycorrhizal niche. The results showed that the two bacterial strains harboured different colonization behaviours both of which depended on the presence of the ectomycorrhizal partner. The populations of the Burkholderia strain were maintained in all these environments with a significantly higher density in the mycorrhizal niche, especially of S. citrinum. In contrast the population of the Collimonas strain reached the detection level except in the treatment inoculated with S. citrinum. These results highlight the need for taking into account the ecology of the microorganisms, and more specifically the fungal–bacterial interactions, when studying mineral weathering and plant nutrition.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test whether variations in the root environment affect the content of health-related organosulfur compounds, total phenolic compounds, and flavonol glycoside concentrations in onions. For this purpose, greenhouse-grown onions ( Allium cepa L.) were either inoculated with a commercial arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculum or a sterile inoculum and were provided with two NH(4)(+):NO(3)(-) ratios as a nitrogen source. Onion growth, arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization rate, sugars, and nutrient element concentrations were also quantified. The plant antioxidant activity and quercetin monoglucoside and organosulfur compound concentrations increased with dominant nitrate supply. Furthermore, mycorrhizal colonization increased the antioxidant activity and also concentrations of the major quercetin glucosides. The present study provides clear evidence that antioxidant activity, quercetin glycosides, and organosulfur compounds can be increased in sufficiently supplied onion plants by dominant nitrate supply or application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. This was probably due to increased precursor production and induced defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

Canola crops have been shown to inhibit soil-borne pathogens in following crops. This effect is mainly attributed to the release of low molecular S-containing compounds, such as isothiocyanates, during microbial degradation of the crop residues. We have assessed the effect of low concentrations of phenylethylisothiocyanate (PEITC) on soil microbial communities as well as its rate of degradation in soil and determined the concentration of PEITC and the microbial community structure in the rhizosphere of canola. PEITC was degraded within 96 h by soil microorganisms. PEITC added to the soil daily for 5 d affected both bacterial and eukaryotic community structure, determined by PCR-DGGE. Community structures of bacteria and eukaryotes changed at PEITC concentrations between 1300 and 3790 pmol g−1 soil fresh weight but was unaffected at lower concentrations. The PEITC concentration in the rhizosphere of living canola roots was greater in first order laterals than in second order laterals. The maximal PEITC concentration detected in the rhizosphere was 1827 pmol g−1. Redundancy analysis of the DGGE banding patterns indicated a significant correlation between the PEITC concentration in the rhizosphere and the community structure of the active fraction of eukaryotes and bacteria in the rhizosphere. Other important factors influencing the microbial community structure were soil moisture and plant dry matter. It is concluded that canola may affect the soil microbial community structure not only after incorporation of canola residues but also during active growth of the plants.  相似文献   

Summary The vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus monosporum was inoculated on grapevine (Vitis vinifera), red clover (Trifolium pratense), meadow grass (Poa pratensis) and onion (Allium cepa) as hosts in two experiments carried out in different environments. Grapevine and clover showed the largest growth response and spore production. Mycorrhizal infection was lowest in meadow grass. Very poor correlations were observed, on an overall basis, between spore production and per cent root infection or infected root length. Spore production per unit infected root length for each host species was a comparatively stable parameter; it was largest for grapevine and smallest for meadow grass in both experiments. Sporulation was positively correlated with growth enhancement by mycorrhizal plants, and growth increments per unit infected root followed the same trend as spore numbers per unit infected root, i.e. largest for grapevine and lowest for meadow-grass. It is concluded that the ability of G. monosporum to produce spores and to enhance plant growth per unit infected root length depends on the host plant species.  相似文献   

In recent years, interest has grown in cultivating Allium species with enhanced health benefits and/or distinct flavor. Concentrations of phytochemicals determining these desired characteristics may be influenced by nitrogen forms (ammonium or nitrate) and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. We examined these relations with the test plant bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.). Three different ammonium‐to‐nitrate (NH : NO ) ratios were supplied in combination with or without inoculation with an AM fungus (Glomus mosseae). The plants were evaluated for dry weight, leaf number, and content of nutrients (N, NO , P, S), sugars (glucose, fructose, and sucrose), and organosulfur compounds (measured as pyruvic acid). The experiment was carried out under controlled conditions in a greenhouse. Plants were grown on perlite amended twice a day with nutrient solution. In nonmycorrhizal plants, the application of nutrient solution with predominant NO or NH4NO3 as N source supported adequate growth of Allium fistulosum while predominant NH supply resulted in decreased growth and occurrence of wilting symptoms. Mycorrhizal inoculation significantly increased dry weight and leaf number of predominantly NH ‐fed or NH4NO3‐fed plants. While shoot P concentration increased with higher NH supply, shoot N concentration increased in predominantly NH ‐fed plants only. Nitrogen form and AM colonization had little effect on shoot S or sugar concentrations. The total content in organosulfur compounds was significantly affected by both, N form and AM colonization. The optimal growth condition for a high formation of organosulfur compounds in this experiment was a nutrient solution with predominant NO supply, but when supported by AM fungi, Allium fistulosum produced similar amounts of pyruvic acid in NH4NO3‐fed plants.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in good agriculture practices that address the issues of sustainability, reduction in inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides while maintaining crop yield and soil fertility. It is important that soil microbial diversity and function are not impaired by altered agricultural practice. In this study, as indicators of soil quality, the bacterial community structure was evaluated from a long-term field trial managed with conventional and low-input fertilization/pesticide regimes. The low-input plots under study received approximately one fifth less N fertilizer than the conventional-input plots, a maximum of half the recommended application rates of fungicides and pesticides and no externally added P source. A non-culturable approach was taken using polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of 16S rRNA and alkaline phosphomonoesterase [phosphatase] (ALP) genes in an attempt to relate bacterial community structure to respective field management regimes. To identify the ALP bacteria in these plots, randomly selected ALP clones were sequenced. The results based on Shannon diversity indices and community structure analysis of ALP genes suggest differences in community diversity and structure under conventional and low-input barley sites in most sampling seasons. We conclude that soil fertilization management affects the ALP bacteria in the barley rhizosphere, while the overall changes in bacterial community in these sites are prominently due to seasonal variation compared to crop or input regimes. The randomly selected ALP sequences identified from these sites were mostly from the Alpha and Gamma classes of Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

The effects of bacterial-feeding nematodes on bacterial number, activity, and community composition were studied through a microcosm experiment using sterilized soil inoculated with soil bacteria (soil suspension) and with bacteria and three species of bacterial-feeding nematodes ( Cephalobus persegnis, Protorhabditis filiformis, and Caenorhabditis elegans). Catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization, CO2 evolution, and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR ampli- fied 16S rRNA gene fragments were used to investigate bacterial numbers, antivity, and community composition, respectively. Our results showed that bacterial numbers and activity significantly increased in the presence of bacterial-feeding nematodes, which indicated that bacterial-feeding nematodes had a significant positive effect on soil bacteria. The different nematode species had different effects on bacterial numbers and activity. C. persegnis and P. filiformis, isolated from native soil, increased the bacterial number and activity more than C. elegans. The DGGE analysis results showed that dominant bacterial species significantly differed among the treatments, which suggested that bacterial-feeding nematode species modified the bacterial community composition in soil. Further gene sequence analysis results showed that the dominant bacterial species in this study were gram-negative bacteria. Given the completely same conditions except nematode species, the varied selective feeding behavior of different nematode species was the most likely reason for the altered bacterial community composition. Overall, the alteration of bacterial numbers, activity and community composition resulting from the bacterial-feeding nematodes may ult!mately affect soil ecological functioning and processes.  相似文献   

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