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Despite an increasing number of case reports published using computed tomography (CT) in foals only limited data on its diagnostic utility are available. Medical and imaging records of 10 foals that had a CT examination between May 2008 and December 2010 were retrieved and studied. Three out of 10 cases were examined for orthopaedic problems, 3 were referred for medical disorders, 3 for both orthopaedic and medical problems, and one case was presented for a follow‐up of an abdominal mass. In this series CT was an accurate diagnostic tool in identifying abscesses, osteomyelitis, arthritis, physitis and fractures, bone ossification defects, intracranial haematomas and sinusitis. An indication for the best medical and/or surgical approach was obtained.  相似文献   

This article describes the findings in three dogs with histopathologically confirmed pancreatic insulinoma using dual-phase computed tomographic angiography (CTA). In all three dogs, dual-phase CTA findings identified lesions not seen on ultrasonography, including the actual identification of the primary pancreatic neoplasm in two dogs. CTA findings were in agreement with the surgical and histopathological findings. In two dogs, the insulinomas were found to have a strong enhancement during the arterial phase of the study but not at the other phases, which stresses the importance of dual-phase computed tomography for the diagnosis of this type of pancreatic neoplasia, in agreement with current knowledge in humans.  相似文献   

In veterinary medicine, general anesthesia or sedation is generally required to immobilize patients during computed tomography (CT) scanning. This may not be suitable in all patients because of risks of anesthesia. We evaluated the feasibility of pelvic CT examination in 14 awake animals with pelvic trauma. Physical restraint was applied by wrapping the patient in a towel and then taping to the CT table or by directly taping the patient to the CT table. The effect of patient positioning, cooperation on the CT table, preparation time for scanning, scanning time, frequency of repeat scans, image quality, and complications related to physical restraint were evaluated. Fractures were recorded and compared between radiography and CT. Ten of 14 dogs were scanned in lateral recumbency and four in sternal recumbency. All patients were cooperative with the exception of one that moved slightly during the scan. Both physical restraint methods were adequate for CT scanning. Patient preparation took less than 5 min while the scan time was typically less than 1 min. No repeat scans were required in any patient. The transverse CT image quality was good (10/14) or fair (4/14) for interpretation. When comparing the CT images to radiographs, more pelvic fractures were identified with CT than with radiography and a few patients were overdiagnosed based on radiographs. No complications or additional injuries associated with physical restraint were noticed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the association between caudal vena cava (CVC) size and circulatory dynamics in dogs using computed tomography (CT) under general anesthesia. The subjects were 104 dogs who had undergone CT under general anesthesia in the past. The ratio of short diameter of the CVC to aortic diameter (CVCS/Ao) and the ratio of long to short diameter of the CVC (CVCL/CVCS) in the thorax and abdomen, respectively, were calculated using factors such as mean blood pressure (MBP), shock index (SI), anemia, hypoproteinemia, presence of intra-abdominal mass, and cardiac disease. There was a significant but negligible negative correlation between CVCS/Ao and MBP. In contrast, no significant correlation was found between CVC size and SI. The low MBP group had significantly higher CVCS/Ao of the thorax than the normal MBP group. The group with intra-abdominal mass had significantly lower CVCS/Ao of the abdomen than the group without intra-abdominal mass. The group with cardiac disease had significantly lower CVCL/CVCS of the thorax than the group without cardiac disease. In multiple regression analysis, low MBP, cardiac disease, intra-abdominal mass, and anemia were significant factors for CVCS/Ao of the thorax, CVCL/CVCS of the thorax, CVCS/Ao of the abdomen, and CVCL/CVCS of the abdomen, respectively. In conclusion, CVC size assessment using CT in dogs under general anesthesia is influenced by various factors.  相似文献   

In this prospective study, we hypothesized that computed tomography (CT) would identify more normal and abnormal iliosacral lymph nodes (LNs) than abdominal ultrasound in dogs with anal sac gland carcinoma (ASGC). Twelve client‐owned dogs with ASGC but without distant metastasis were enrolled. Abdominal ultrasound and contrast‐enhanced CT scans of the abdomen were obtained. Iliosacral LNs were counted and assessed for location, laterality and size. Significantly (P < 0.00001) more iliosacral LNs were identified with CT (61) than ultrasound (30), including significantly (P = 0.00012) more medial iliac LNs with CT (33) than ultrasound (19). There was no difference in number of internal iliac LNs identified with CT versus ultrasound. Significantly (P = 0.000061) more sacral LNs were identified with CT (15) than ultrasound (0). Ultrasound identified slightly more (7) abnormal iliosacral LNs than CT (5). Contrast CT was able to identify more normal but not more abnormal LNs than ultrasound.  相似文献   

Cryptorchidism is defined as the failure of the testis to descend into the scrotal position. Bulls with cryptorchidism have problems in both meat quality and husbandry management; thus, it is greatly important to accurately identify the retained testis and remove it during the early stage. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) was performed under general anesthesia in 34 bulls aged 3–9 months with cryptorchidism. All bulls underwent laparoscopic or incision approach for cryptorchidectomy, and 40 testes were dissected. The detection rates of retained testes were 64.5% in the abdominal cavity and 100% in the subcutaneous inguinal region, and the total detection rate was 72.5%. Furthermore, all cases in this study were suspected to have intra-abdominal cryptorchidism in primary care, but CT revealed that 22.5% of cases had cryptorchidism in the subcutaneous inguinal region. The CT value (mean ± standard deviation) of the retained testes was 20.96 ± 7.54 Hounsfield Unit, and the CT value and size of the retained testes showed a positive weak correlation with bovine age. Therefore, there is the demerit that general anesthesia and a huge device are necessary; nevertheless, CT is suggested to be useful in identifying the location of retained testes and selecting an appropriate surgical approach in bulls with cryptorchidism. Moreover, CT findings suggested that the maturation of the retained testes might depend not on the descending process but on age.  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to determine individual and global glomerular filtration rates (GFRs) using dynamic renal computed tomography (CT) in Beagle dogs. Twenty-four healthy Beagle dogs were included in the experiment. Anesthesia was induced in all dogs by using propofol and isoflurane prior to CT examination. A single slice of the kidney was sequentially scanned after a bolus intravenous injection of contrast material (iohexol, 1 mL/kg, 300 mgI/mL). Time attenuation curves were created and contrast clearance per unit volume was calculated using a Patlak plot analysis. The CT-GFR was then determined based on the conversion of contrast clearance per unit volume to contrast clearance per body weight. At the renal hilum, CT-GFR values per unit renal volume (mL/min/mL) of the right and left kidneys were 0.69 ± 0.04 and 0.57 ± 0.05, respectively. No significant differences were found between the weight-adjusted CT-GFRs in either kidney at the same renal hilum (p = 0.747). The average global GFR was 4.21 ± 0.25 mL/min/kg and the whole kidney GFR was 33.43 ± 9.20 mL/min. CT-GFR techniques could be a practical way to separately measure GFR in each kidney for clinical and research purposes.  相似文献   

This study demonstrated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography for large-sized splenic hemangiosarcoma. Radiography and ultrasonography revealed the presence of a large-sized soft-tissue mass in the cranial abdomen. Computed tomography showed hypoattenuating mass. The mass was located in contact with liver, spleen and stomach, and the origin of the mass remained ambiguous. The mass was T2-hyperintense and T1-hypointense with mild contrast enhancement. MRI allowed a differentiation between large-sized tumor and neighboring normal structure, and the mass was consequently identified as arising from spleen. These results suggested that MRI might be a useful tool to visualize large-sized splenic tumors and improve the accuracy of diagnosis.  相似文献   

The development of veterinary dentistry has substantially improved the ability to diagnose canine and feline dental abnormalities. Consequently, examinations previously performed only on humans are now available for small animals, thus improving the diagnostic quality. This has increased the need for technical qualification of veterinary professionals and increased technological investments. This study evaluated the use of cone beam computed tomography and intraoral radiography as complementary exams for diagnosing dental abnormalities in dogs and cats. Cone beam computed tomography was provided faster image acquisition with high image quality, was associated with low ionizing radiation levels, enabled image editing, and reduced the exam duration. Our results showed that radiography was an effective method for dental radiographic examination with low cost and fast execution times, and can be performed during surgical procedures.  相似文献   

Pharyngeal collapsibility has been used as diagnostic criteria in dogs, whereas the normal range and quantitative method have not been studied. Dynamic and static computed tomography (CT) was performed in 23 normal Beagle dogs to quantify the nasopharyngeal collapsibility at different locations. Using dynamic CT, maximum and minimum nasopharyngeal cross-sectional areas (CSAs) were measured at the level of the cranial end of the soft palate, pterygoid hamulus, foramen lacerum, bony labyrinth, and caudal end of the soft palate. The ratio of all maximum and minimum CSA to nasopharyngeal CSA at the level of the caudal hard palate (rCSAmax and rCSAmin) and the nasopharyngeal collapsibility were calculated. The differences of rCSAmax, rCSAmin, and nasopharyngeal collapsibility were analyzed at various locations. The nasopharyngeal collapsibility at the level of foramen lacerum, bony labyrinth, and caudal end of soft palate were higher than the others. At the level of the caudal end of the soft palate, rCSAmin was lower than that of the foramen lacerum and bony labyrinth, whereas rCSAmax at foramen lacerum was higher than that of the caudal end of the soft palate. These results indicated that the nasopharynx at the level of foramen lacerum and caudal end of the soft palate were considered notable locations for evaluating collapsibility. Dynamic CT could show the nasopharyngeal dynamic profile and will be an adequate modality for evaluating nasopharynx. Our results will be helpful for further comparative studies in dogs with and without nasopharyngeal collapse.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the optimal placement of the region of interest (ROI) among four anatomical sites—pulmonary artery (PA), pulmonary vein (PV), aortic arch (AA), and carotid artery (CA)—in computed tomography (CT) brain angiography with automatic bolus tracking in healthy beagle dogs. Six beagles were included, and CT brain angiography was performed four times for each dog, to cover each ROI. The scan parameters, amount, and injection rate of the contrast medium were the same. The major intracranial arteries were selected for quantitative and qualitative evaluation: caudal cerebellar artery (CcA), basilar artery (BA), rostral cerebellar artery (RcA), caudal cerebral artery (CCA), middle cerebral artery (MCA), and rostral cerebral artery (RCA). Quantitative evaluation showed significantly higher CT attenuation values for the RcA, CCA, and MCA in the PA group and RcA and MCA in the PV group than in the CA group. Qualitative analysis revealed significantly higher scores for the BA, CCA, and MCA in the PA and PV groups than in the CA group. Venous contamination did not differ significantly among the ROIs, but the mean scores of the AA and CA groups were higher than those of the PA and PV groups. CT brain angiography using bolus tracking in the beagle dogs showed that the ROI should be placed at the PA or PV rather than at the CA for optimal images with strong contrast enhancement of the BA, RcA, CCA, and MCA and minimal venous contamination.  相似文献   

Chronic nasal disease is often a challenge to diagnose. Computed tomography greatly enhances the ability to diagnose chronic nasal disease in dogs and cats. Nasal computed tomography provides detailed information regarding the extent of disease, accurate discrimination of neoplastic versus nonneoplastic diseases, and identification of areas of the nose to examine rhinoscopically and suspicious regions to target for biopsy.  相似文献   

Accurate preoperative detection, localization, and staging of the primary tumor and metastases are essential for the selection of appropriate candidates for surgery. In dogs with insulinoma, preoperative assessment usually is performed with transabdominal ultrasonography (US). There are no reports on the use of computed tomography (CT) for this purpose. The preoperative use of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS) recently has been advocated for the identification of insulinoma and gastrinoma in dogs, but its accuracy remains to be established. In this report US, CT, and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with [111In-DTPA-D-Phe1]-octreotide (a specific form of SRS) were compared for their effectiveness in detecting and localizing primary and metastatic insulinoma in dogs. Findings at surgery or postmortem examination served as control. Of 14 primary insulinomas, 5, 10, and 6 were correctly identified by US, CT, and SPECT, respectively. No lymph node metastases were detected by US or SPECT. CT identified 2 of 5 lymph node metastases but also identified 28 false-positive lesions. Two of 4 livers were found to be positive for metastases by 1 of the imaging techniques. US can be used for the initial evaluation of dogs with hypoglycemia. Although CT identifies most primary tumors, intraoperative inspection and palpation of the pancreas is still superior. SPECT appears as effective as US and CT in detecting insulinomas. Future developments in preoperative imaging techniques might improve current methods of canine insulinoma detection.  相似文献   

A Bengal tiger was presented for evaluation of weakness, ataxia and inappetance. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a mass extending from the T7-8 vertebral body to the left rib and compressing the spinal cord. On CT, the bone destruction and sequestrum were shown. On MRI, the multilobulated mass appeared hypo- to isointense in T1-weighted and hyperintense in T2-weighted images. The tiger died after imaging, most likely from renal failure. Chordoma without metastasis was diagnosed on necropsy. The imaging characteristics were similar to those found in chordoma in humans. This report describes the use of CT and MRI in an exotic species.  相似文献   

The equine head is an anatomically highly complex area affected by a range of disorders, making the diagnosis of head conditions challenging. Imaging techniques play a crucial role in the diagnostic work-up of head disorders. Tomographic imaging methods, such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are particularly useful in avoiding problems associated with superimposition of multiple structures in this highly complex region. Both techniques are becoming more widely available in equine medicine. However, the choice between CT and MRI for imaging the equine head is not always straightforward. Each modality has advantages and disadvantages in terms of practicality, costs and diagnostic value for particular problems. The aim of this review is to describe the application of CT and MRI for imaging the equine head and to provide a practical guide for their use in different anatomical structures and clinical indications. This should allow the equine practitioner to make an informed decision on which modality to choose.  相似文献   

The case of a one‐year‐old colt with acute onset of neurological dysfunction and epistaxis after a traumatic event is presented. After initiating emergency treatment, the colt was anaesthetised for diagnostic imaging. Radiographic examination of the head was suggestive of soft tissue opacity in the area of the guttural pouches, but was inconclusive about osseous involvement. A computed tomography (CT) scan, used to obtain further details, showed a comminuted basilar skull fracture with 2 displaced fragments that were not detected by radiography. Because of the poor prognosis for survival and return to athletic function, the horse was subjected to euthanasia. CT imaging provided the most useful diagnostic information about type, localisation, extension and severity of the basilar skull fracture.  相似文献   

Background: The measurement of adrenal gland size on computed tomography (CT) scan has been proposed for the etiological diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) in dogs. Symmetric adrenal glands are considered to provide evidence for ACTH‐dependent hyperadrenocorticism (ADHAC), whereas asymmetry suggests ACTH‐independent hyperadrenocorticism (AIHAC). However, there are currently no validated criteria for such differentiation. Objective: The aim of this retrospective study was to compare various adrenal CT scan measurements and the derived ratios in ADHAC and AIHAC cases, and to validate criteria for distinguishing between these conditions in a large cohort of dogs. Animals: Sixty‐four dogs with HAC (46 ADHAC, 18 AIHAC). Methods: Dogs with confirmed HAC and unequivocal characterization of its origin were included. Linear measurements of adrenal glands were made on both cross‐sectional and reformatted images. Results: An overlap was systematically observed between the AIHAC and ADHAC groups for all measurements tested. Overlaps also were observed for ratios tested. For the maximum adrenal diameter ratio derived from reformatted images (rADR), only 1/18 AIHAC dogs had a rADR within the range for ADHAC. For a threshold of 2.08, the 95% confidence intervals for estimated sensitivity and specificity extended from 0.815 to 1.000 and from 0.885 to 0.999, respectively, for AIHAC diagnosis. Conclusion and Clinical Importance: Measurements from cross‐sectional or reformatted CT scans are of little use for determining the origin of HAC. However, rADR appears to distinguish accurately between ADHAC and AIHAC, with a rADR > 2.08 highly suggestive of AIHAC.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: No previous study compares computed tomography (CT), contrast‐enhanced computed tomography (CECT) and standing low‐field magnetic resonance imaging (LFMRI) to detect lesions in horses with lameness localised to the foot. This study will help clinicians understand the limitations of these techniques. Objectives: To determine if CT, CECT and LFMRI would identify lesions within the distal limb and document discrepancies with lesion distribution and lesion classification. Methods: Lesions in specific structures identified on CT and MR images of feet (31 limbs) from the same horse were reviewed and compared. Distributions of lesions were compared using a Chi‐squared test and techniques analysed using the paired marginal homogeneity test for concordance. Results: Lesions of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) were most common and CT/CECT identified more lesions than LFMRI. Deep digital flexor tendon lesions seen on LFMRI only were frequently distal to the proximal extent of the distal sesamoid and DDFT lesions seen on CT/CECT only were frequently proximal to the distal sesamoid. Lesions identified on LFMRI only were core (23.3%) or splits (43.3%), whereas lesions identified only on CT were abrasions (29.8%), core (15.8%), enlargement (15.8%) or mineralisation (12.3%). Contrast‐enhanced CT improved lesion identification at the DDFT insertion compared to CT and resulted in distal sesamoidean impar ligament and collateral sesamoidean ligament vascular enhancement in 75% of cases. Low‐field MRI and CT/CECT failed to identify soft tissue mineralisation and bone oedema, respectively. Conclusions and potential relevance: Multiple lesions are detected with CT, CECT and LFMRI but there is variability in lesion detection and classification. LFMRI centred only on the podotrochlear apparatus may fail to identify lesions of the pastern or soft tissue mineralisation. Computed tomography may fail to identify DDFT lesions distal to the proximal border of the distal sesamoid.  相似文献   

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