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将剩余产量模型和时滞差分模型分别应用于南大西洋长鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus alalunga)渔业数据,结果表明,比起剩余产量模型,时滞差分模型拟合的单位捕捞努力渔获量(catch per unit effort,CPUE)曲线能够更好地捕捉到CPUE随着时间的波动。赤池信息量准则(Akaike information criterion,AIC)的结果显示,时滞差分模型比Schaefer模型的评估效果要好。时滞差分模型评估的最大可持续产量(maximum sustainable yield,MSY)中值为22 490 t,80%置信区间为21 756~23 408 t;剩余产量模型评估的MSY中值为27 520 t,80%的置信区间为26 116~28 959 t。生物学参考点的结果表明目标群体在1985年以前资源状态较好;1985年~2005年的20年里处于过度捕捞状态;2005年后资源状况得到改善,但仍需加强管理。比起剩余产量模型,时滞差分模型给出了更为有效且保守的评估结果。  相似文献   

应用贝叶斯状态空间建模对东海带鱼的资源评估   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
张魁  陈作志 《中国水产科学》2015,22(5):1015-1026
将贝叶斯状态空间建模方法应用于东海带鱼的资源评估,状态过程使用Pella-Tomlinson形式的剩余产量模型,同时考虑了过程误差与观测误差。建立了4种有、无先验信息的混合模型,进行马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗(Markov chain monte carlo,MCMC)模拟。结果显示,有内禀增长率r、环境容量K先验信息的模型1通过了收敛和自相关诊断,并得到了最小的DIC(deviance information criterion)值;不同先验分布对参数r、K输出结果影响较大,说明数据对r、K的先验分布比较敏感;3种P-T模型中,r、K的后验分布与先验分布类型都相差较大,这表明与先验分布相比,数据对参数r、K的后验分布产生了较大影响。生物学参考点的结果显示,东海带鱼在1995—2010年处于过度捕捞状态(产量超过最大持续产量MSY),在2000—2006年情况恶化(捕捞死亡系数FFMSY),2012年状况较好,但仍需要加强管理。  相似文献   

根据1950―2016年的渔获量数据及1955―2016年的单位捕捞努力量(Catch Per Unit Effort,CPUE)数据,采用贝叶斯状态空间剩余产量模型框架JABBA(Just Another Bayesian Biomass Assessment)对印度洋大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)的资源状况进行评估,分析了渔船效应、CPUE数据尺度对评估结果的影响。结果表明,模型拟合效果对于不同时间跨度下CPUE数据的选择比较敏感。当选用时间跨度为1979―2016年的CPUE数据且考虑渔船效应时,模型拟合效果最好。2016年大眼金枪鱼的资源量为812 kt,最大可持续产量(Maximum Sustainable Yield,MSY)为163 kt,远高于同年渔获量86.81 kt,其资源量具有82.50%的概率处于"健康"状态。当总允许可捕量为69.45~104.17 kt时(2016年渔获量的80%~120%),未来10年大眼金枪鱼的资源量仍高于B_(MSY)(达到MSY所需的生物量)。回顾性分析结果表明,该资源评估结果存在一定程度的回顾性问题,捕捞死亡率和资源量分别存在被低估和高估的现象。将来需要在模型结构设定、CPUE数据选择及模型参数的先验分布设置等方面进一步优化。  相似文献   

连续形Fox产量模型在模拟和实际渔业评估中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔鹤  刘群  王艳君 《南方水产》2008,4(2):34-42
剩余产量模型因为具有形式简单和所需数据少的特点,在渔业资源评估中被广泛应用。文章应用连续形Fox产量模型对3种模拟渔业以及北大西洋剑鱼渔业进行了评估,并对模拟渔业的评估结果进行了比较,以发现连续Fox产量模型比较适宜的渔业条件。蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)分析表明,模型在产量和捕捞努力量随时间波动的波动性渔业中评估效果最好,可能是由于该类型渔业过程比较完整,数据中包含的信息比较丰富。比较不同的白色噪音水平,当白色噪音小于10%时评估结果偏差较小,小于3.3%;当白色噪音为50%时,评估结果偏差较大,最大偏差为36.7%。  相似文献   

Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) has generally been accepted as one of the target biological reference points. Albacore, Thunnus alalunga Bonnaterre, is a temperate tuna species widely distributed in marine waters. The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) and the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) had reported the southern Atlantic albacore stock status with different MSY reference points. In addition, the European Commission's Advisory Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture (ACFA), on 15 September 2006, proposed to amend the Common Fisheries Policy according to the MSY principle, but there is little information on the verifier of the MSY estimates of this albacore stock. This study verifies the MSY estimates of this albacore (T. alalunga) stock to support the management (i.e. setting of MSY) for the southern Atlantic albacore (T. alalunga) stock. The MSY estimates of the albacore stock were evaluated and verified by different models (i.e. Bayesian surplus production model [BSPM], continuous time delay‐difference model [CD‐DM] and Fox surplus production model [SPM]). The MSY estimates from BSPM and CD‐DM were lower than those from conventional estimates; the relative biomass ratio (B2011/BMSY) and relative fishing mortality ratio (F2011/FMSY) from BSPM and CD‐DM were higher than those from ICCAT, which showed that measures should be taken for the sustainable utilisation of this fish stock.  相似文献   

Abstract  Worldwide, populations of catadromous eels are in decline. Knowledge on downstream migration patterns is needed to mitigate damage caused by hydroelectric stations. Silver eel migration and its relation with environmental factors were investigated using data from a fishery located in the lower reaches of a large catchment (110 000 m2). Migration days, indicative of different proportions (50%, 75% and 95%) of the annual run of eels (i.e. represented by the annual catch), were predicted using discriminant analyses. Efficiency of prediction was 58–95% depending on the proportion of the run targeted. The onset of migration was correlated with sunshine hours, August temperature and discharge. Julian days (i.e. photoperiod) was significantly correlated with migration days, indicating between-year similarity in the dynamics of the runs. The size of migrants varied within the migration season, reflecting differences in their initial spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Defining the oceanic habitats of migratory marine species is important for both single species and ecosystem‐based fisheries management, particularly when the distribution of these habitats vary temporally. This can be achieved using species distribution models that include physical environmental predictors. In the present study, species distribution models that describe the seasonal habitats of two pelagic fish (dolphinfish, Coryphaena hippurus and yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi), are developed using 19 yr of presence‐only data from a recreational angler‐based catch‐and‐release fishing programme. A Poisson point process model within a generalized additive modelling framework was used to determine the species distributions off the east coast of Australia as a function of several oceanographic covariates. This modelling framework uses presence‐only data to determine the intensity of fish (fish km?2), rather than a probability of fish presence. Sea surface temperature (SST), sea level anomaly, SST frontal index and eddy kinetic energy were significant environmental predictors for both dolphinfish and kingfish distributions. Models for both species indicate a greater fish intensity off the east Australian coast during summer and autumn in response to the regional oceanography, namely shelf incursions by the East Australian Current. This study provides a framework for using presence‐only recreational fisheries data to create species distribution models that can contribute to the future dynamic spatial management of pelagic fisheries.  相似文献   

Donax trunculus is a much‐appreciated commercial clam whose natural populations have been overexploited in southern–western Spain during the last decades. In order to control the decrease of natural beds, local governments establish annual closed seasons based on socioeconomic reasons, such as economic necessity or tourism interest. The objective of this study was to develop an efficient tool for predicting gonadal stages based on environmental condition data. This tool will allow for an improvement in fishery management since in this manner the closed season can be based on the reproductive cycle. The natural population's reproductive cycle was studied for more than 2 years. The obtained gonadal and condition indexes (GI and CI) values were statistically related to environmental conditions, specifically surface seawater temperature (SST) and chlorophyll‐a (Chlo‐a) levels with these data being provided from satellite remote sensing observations (SRS). The best statistical relationship was obtained between GI and the SST registered 60 days before bivalve sampling (SST‐60). The regression equation allows for an estimate of GI value based on the SST‐60 and, as each value is related with one gonadal stage (resting, maturation, ripe), for prediction of the reproductive cycle. Therefore, the closed season can be established when most of the population is in the ripe stage and can be adjusted taking into account the possible temperature variations across the years. For ease of use, GI values estimated with this tool have also been converted using different colours onto a map of wedge clam reproductive stages in its natural beds.  相似文献   

基于多源数据的东海小黄鱼资源评估与管理   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  

为建立稳定环境和波动环境机制下预防性渔业管理生物参考点, 整合调查设计和渔捞日志等多源资源指标构建混合矩阵, 利用logisticFox剩余产量模型的两步分析技术, 对东海区小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)渔业资源动态进行评估模型估算参数和管理参考点显示, Fox模型对渔获量和CPUE拟合的方差贡献率高于logistic模型, 两者分别为68%57%, 环境承载力和内禀增长率相差较大。logistic模型估算了相对较低的承载力和较高的内秉增长率、初始开发率以及MSY。稳定环境下资源状况评判结果表明: 19992008年间多数年份的捕捞强度超过捕捞水平限制参考点, 渔业遭受过度开发, 平均资源量保持在中位水平且未达到过度捕捞状态, 但已超过目标参考点; 波动环境条件下的判别结果显示: logisticFox模型拟合的渔业水平均已达到过度捕捞。采用保护性捕捞参考点可增强渔业资源稳定性, 当捕捞死亡从参考点FMSY降至预防性参考点Fopt, logistic模型估算资源量从8.1 t上升到10.1 t, 而渔获量从13.1 t下降至12.3 t; Fox模型资源量则从11 t增加到15.9 t, 相应的捕捞产量从12.8 t下降到11.6 tFox模型评估结果较为保守, 适合预防性渔业管理。


The metapopulation paradigm has been central to improve the conservation and management of natural populations. However, despite the large number of studies on metapopulation dynamics, the overall support for the relationships on which the paradigm is based has not been strong. Here, we studied the occupancy dynamics of two Neotropical fishes (i.e., Pimelodella gracilis and Leporinus friderici) to investigate two fundamental premises of the metapopulation paradigm, that is, that isolation and area/habitat quality affect colonisation and extinction probabilities in predictable ways. In order to do this, we used a modification of occupancy models that allows modelling the probability of a site's occupancy as a function of the occupancy of its neighbourhood. We found a weak positive effect of neighbourhood occupancy on Pgracilis colonisation, which is consistent with the propagule rain metapopulation, that is, colonists arriving from outside the studied system. However, we found a strong negative neighbourhood effect on extinction probability, suggesting that declining populations from stream sections are rescued from extinction by neighbouring patches. In contrast, the effect of neighbourhood occupancy on the metapopulation dynamics of L. friderici was in the opposite direction, affecting positively colonisation but not affecting extinction rates, which is consistent with the classical metapopulation model. In addition, the occupancy dynamics of both species were affected by water velocity. To our knowledge, this is the first study to link directly dispersal to local population dynamics in Neotropical fishes, and one of the few studies doing inferences on spatial population dynamics based on direct estimates of neighbourhood occupancy.  相似文献   

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