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A total of 84 farmers in 31 villages of Guadalcanal, Western, Malaita and Central Provinces of the Solomon Islands were surveyed to obtain baseline information on the current feeding practices and farmer attitudes to village poultry production. Farming of village chickens in the Solomon Islands is conducted on a small scale. Most surveyed farmers thought chickens were easy to care for, provide food for the family and was a good cash income enterprise. Some farmers were interested in keeping local chickens, but found it difficult to obtain the birds. The main feed sources are fresh coconut, copra meal, fish meal, mill run, food scraps and forage sources from the range. Some villagers believe that chickens only need to eat household scraps and did not provide drinking water. Many villagers lacked the knowledge of managing a village poultry enterprise. Some chicken houses were built by using bush materials or by purchasing construction materials. Farmers indicated they would like the government to provide funds for establishing a smallholder poultry enterprise and to provide information on feeding and management of birds.  相似文献   

2019年9月,为了保障后续生猪的有效供给,山东省出台政策刺激加快生猪养殖。9月2日,山东省副省长于国安召开生猪养殖企业座谈会,邀请新希望六和、温氏集团和牧原集团等10家规模企业主要负责人,征求生猪养殖企业对非洲猪瘟防控和生猪产业发展的意见建议,研究探讨稳定生猪生产、保障市场供应的对策。9月4日上午,召开全省防控非洲猪瘟稳定生猪生产保障市场供应电视电话会,会前省委书记刘家义、省长龚正分别提出要求,副省长于国安出席会议并讲话,鼓励加大补栏力度,从土地、融资、保险等方面给予生猪生产优惠政策。  相似文献   

生猪产地检疫是基层动物卫生监督机构的一项重要工作,是防控重大动物疫病尤其是防止疫病通过运输进行远距离传播的重要措施.然而,由于我国动物防疫体系不完善、队伍不健全,尤其是基层负责产地检疫等业务工作存在人手严重不足、检疫设备落后、交通不便等问题.因此利用现代信息技术做好生猪产地检疫工作,能够解决当前因养猪场位置偏远、人手不...  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了LIFE-SIM生猪生产模拟模型的结构、特点,运用该模型对生猪养殖场进行了模拟评估,并通过饲养试验验证该软件的模拟结果,通过卡方检验,证明模拟结果与饲养结果差异不显著,模拟软件的拟合度好,对养猪场优化饲养方案具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

养猪生产是我国畜牧业中最大的养殖项目,全世界每年上市肉猪9亿多头,而我国就有近5亿头,其养殖数量和产值均位居世界之首.随着农业产业结构的调整,我国的养猪业又将迎来更大的发展空间,未来养猪业的发展机遇将多于挑战,只要我们正视目前养猪业的现状,认真分析国内外的发展变化,我国的生猪生产前景是光明的.  相似文献   

2014年,辽宁省乃至全国生猪生产遭遇寒冬,出现量价齐跌现象,小规模养殖户被迫退出生产,大中规模养殖场艰难运营,全年亏损严重。本文从价格、效益、生产三方面分析了2014年辽宁省生猪生产形势变化情况,并综合多方因素对2015年生猪生产形势进行预测,希望能给养猪人士带来启示。  相似文献   

近几年,浙江省临海市生猪产业起落较大.据调查统计,2006年底,存栏量14.1万头,2007年,生猪存栏量达到16.5万头,出栏量17.5万头.2008年年底,存栏量达到193万头,出栏量达18.3万头.生猪价格波动也较大.毛猪从2006年6月底6.20元/kg的最低谷涨到2007年的19元/kg.而2008年又连续下滑.目前,临海市毛猪价格只有10元/kg,养猪业有可能再次出现滑坡.  相似文献   

This study investigated the productive adaptability of pig breeds under different smallholder production conditions in Vietnam, comparing an indigenous with a Vietnamese improved breed. Fieldwork was conducted in four villages with different remoteness in North Vietnam from 2001 to 2002, in 64 households keeping the improved Mong Cai or indigenous Ban as sow breeds and progeny for fattening. Four visits per farm yielded 234 structured interviews. Reproductive performances were derived from 135 litters. Individual weights of pigs (n = 755) were obtained. Data were analysed by regression, linear and generalised linear, especially loglinear models.

Two distinct pig production systems were identified, that differed in remoteness, market access, resource availability, distribution of pig breeds and pig production intensity. Higher performances of 1.4 and 1.5 litters year− 1, 8.4 and 8.4 piglets weaned litter− 1, 66.6 and 93.0 kg piglets weaned sow− 1 year− 1, and 136 and 177 g day− 1 ADG were found in two villages near town with semi-intensive production conditions and a high rate of improved Mong Cai sows and MC and LW × MC offspring in the observed population. Lower performances of 1.1 and 1.1 litters year− 1, 4.6 and 5.5 piglets weaned litter− 1, 20.5 and 30.9 kg piglets weaned sow− 1 year− 1, and 66 and 85 g day− 1 ADG were observed in parallel to higher incidences of indigenous Ban pigs away from town under extensive conditions. Total live weight offtake per household per year was higher near town and in one village distant to town. MC and LW × MC remained even under demand-driven conditions below the performance potential reported for improved genotypes. Under resource-driven conditions with a saving-oriented production pattern, the higher-yielding but more demanding Mong Cai might not be an efficient production alternative as a further performance reduction can be assumed. A considerable live weight output was observed under resource-driven conditions and with a higher percentage of crossbred LW × Ban offspring in the population, possibly representing a promising production alternative. Factors influencing the performance expression of pigs, and the suitability of different methods for the assessment of performance parameters on-farm are discussed.  相似文献   

猪的行为是猪对其生活环境和饲养方式等综合反应的表现,在集约化饲养条件下,猪的行为问题非常严重。主要概述了猪的采食行为、排泄行为、社会行为、母性行为和异常行为,并分析其在饲养管理过程中的应用,旨在为养猪从业人员正确认识猪的行为表现,并施以科学的饲养管理和利用措施提供参考,从而提高猪群生产性能和养猪效益。  相似文献   

汪善锋  邢军  赵勇  陈军 《家畜生态》2010,(1):109-112
通过对动物福利的概况阐述,分析了我国猪饲养环境中存在的动物福利问题以及放牧养猪对猪只福利的影响,提出了发展放牧养猪的思路。  相似文献   

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