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Prevalence and distribution of caseous lymphadenitis in feral goats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A total of 2,920 feral goats from pastoral areas of Western Australia were examined and the prevalence of caseous lymphadenitis was estimated to be 7.8 +/- 0.9% in goats presented for slaughter. Head, body and visceral lesions were present in 49.3%, 46.7% and 12.3% of affected goats, respectively. A comparison with previously reported data from sheep has been made and significant differences are discussed. Lung lesions were relatively uncommon in goats, whereas the distribution of carcase lesions was similar between the species. Multiple lesions appear to be less common in goats than in sheep.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis of caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goats   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The progress of caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goats is described as involving primary wound infection, lymphatic and haematogenous dissemination, and secondary infection of lymph nodes and various visceral organs. This is followed by elimination or containment of infection, the latter being represented by the characteristic caseous lesions. Resistance to infection is complex involving components of both the specific and non-specific host response. The role of these in pathogenesis is discussed. Bacterial factors including the phospholipase exotoxin and cytotoxic lipid contribute to pathogenesis at a local level with little likelihood of systemic effect in the natural disease. In a disease such as caseous lymphadenitis, lesion site, size or number do not indicate severity of disease but rather, reflect the ability of the host to mount a cellular response to infection.  相似文献   

A total of 8,711 sheep in 3 distinct age/sex groups were examined to determine for occurrence and extent of caseous lymphadenitis after slaughter at a major Western Australian abattoir. An adaptation of current mean inspection procedures to provide a numerical weighted evaluation according to number, site, and size of lesions was used to determine extent of involvement. Frequency in slaughter populations was estimated to be 3.4 +/- 0.6% for lambs, 41.8 +/- 3.9% for mixed-age rams, and 53.7 +/- 1.5% for adult ewes at 95% confidence intervals. The results confirmed that frequency increased with age, but also revealed increases in extent of involvement and occurrence of visceral lesions, particularly in association with lesions of the body. Nevertheless, lesions occurred more frequently in the body than in the viscera. However, the mean visceral involvement was greater than mean body involvement in all groups, and the ratio was found to be more or less constant. Visceral involvement was found to be more extensive in rams than in ewes. Difficulties associated with complexity of current inspection procedures were also recorded. The relevance of these findings to pathogenesis and postmortem disposition after slaughter is discussed. It is suggested that current postmortem inspection criteria should be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Numbers of lymphoid cells bearing markers for peanut agglutinin, wheat germ agglutinin, and anti-immunoglobulin G in healthy goats and in goats with caseous lymphadenitis were determined by use of immunofluorescent techniques. Results indicated that, when compared with healthy goats, diseased goats had normal numbers of anti-immunoglobulin G-positive cells (B cells), had significantly reduced numbers of peanut agglutinin-positive cells (T cells), and had fewer cells with receptor sites for Lens culinaris agglutinin and concanavalin A. Compared with healthy goats, numbers of peanut agglutinin-positive cells in goats with caseous lymphadenitis indicated that the goats may have had a compromised cell-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

Values for total serum proteins and relative percentages of albumin, alpha 1-globulin, alpha 2-globulin, beta-globulin, and gamma-globulin were determined for the goat. These normal values were compared with those obtained for goats infected with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Goats chronically infected with C pseudotuberculosis show significantly higher total serum protein values than normal goats, apparently due to increased gamma-globulins. This higher protein value is also associated with a decrease in serum alpha 2- and beta-globulins.  相似文献   

An outbreak of caseous lymphadenitis in which three herds of goats were involved is described. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis was shown to be the causative organism. The outbreak was associated with imported goats. As this first report of C. pseudotuberculosis causing caseous lymphadenitis as a clinical entity in small ruminants in the Netherlands, clinical and epizootiological aspects as well as possible methods of control are discussed.  相似文献   


An outbreak of caseous lymphadenitis in which three herds of goats were involved is described. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis was shown to be the causative organism. The outbreak was associated with imported goats. As this first report of C. pseudotuberculosis causing caseous lymphadenitis as a clinical entity in small ruminants in the Netherlands, clinical and epizootiological aspects as well as possible methods of control are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This study reports the incidence of abscesses in relation toCorynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in goats in north-east Brazil. Among 656 goats examined periodically over almost two years 41·6% were found with superficially palpable abscesses. Most of the infected areas were in the anterior half of the body in front of the pre-scapular region; the inguinal region formed the other prominent area. Among 486 dead or slaughtered goats, 56 (11·5%) revealed abscesses in the internal organs. Lungs and epididymis were affected most, liver, spleen, udder and lateropharyngeal nodes were next in order and kidneys and mediastinal nodes were least affected. Thus the overall incidence of external and internal abscesses was 28·8%; of all the abscesses 27·7% were due toC. pseudotuberculosis and the rest due to infections ofCorynebacterium pyogenes and several species of streptococci or staphylococci. The growth ofC. pseudotuberculosis-infected and non-infected goats was of the same order and it seems that caseous lymphadentitis is not the cause of much financial loss in north-east Brazil but in view of its high incidence remedial measures should be considered necessary in regions where the goat meat industry is likely to become more intensive and important.
Resumen Este estudio informa sobre la incidencia de abscesos en cabras del nordeste de Brasil. Se examinaron 656 cabras periódicamente durante dos a?os, de las cuales 41·6% se encontraron con abscesos superficiales palpables. Las áreas infectadas correspondieron a la mitad anterior del cuerpo, frente a la región pre-escapular y a la región inguinal. De 486 cabras muertas o faenadas, 56 (11·5%) revelaron abscesos en los órganos internos. De estos, los mas afectados, en orden descendente fueron: pulmones, epididimos, hígado, bazo, ubre, nódulos linfáticos faríngeos, ri?ones y nódulos linfáticos mediastínicos. La incidencia general de abscesos externos e internos fue de 28·8%. De todos los abscesos 27·7% se debieron aCorynebacterium pseudotuberculosis y el resto aC. pyogenes y a especies deStreptococcus y Staphylococcus. El crecimiento de cabras infectadas y no infectadas conC. pseudotuberculosis fue similar, lo que sugiere que la linfadenitis caseosa no ocasiona muchas pérdidas económicas en el nordeste de Brasil pero en vista de su alta incidencia medidas de control deben ser consideradas en regiones donde la industria de carne caprina pueda llegar a ser mas intensiva e importance.

Résumé Parmi 656 caprins examinés périodiquement pendant presque deux ans, 41,6 p. 100 ontété trouvés porteurs d'abcès palpables superficiels. Dans la plupart des cas, la zone infectée se trouvait dans la moitié antérieure du corps, à l'avant de la région pré-scapulaire. La région inguinale constituait la deuxième zone la plus infectée. Sur 486 animaux morts ou abattus 56 (11,5 p. 100) ont montré des abcès internes affectant en premier lieu les poumons et l'épididyme. Le foie, la rate la vessie, les ganglions pharyngienslatéraux venaient ensuite dans l'ordre. Les ganglions rénaux et médiastinaux étaient les moins affectés. La incidence des abcesses externes et internes a étè de 28,8 p. 100. Globalement, 27,7 p. 100 des abcès étaient dus àC. pseudotuberculosis. le reste àC. pyogenes et à quelques espèces de staphylocoques et streptocoques. la croissance des caprins infectés ou non parC. pseudotuberculosis était à peu près identique et il semble que la lymphadénite caséeuse n'entra?ne pas beaucoup de pertes financières dans le Nord-Est brésilien mais étant donné sa fréquence élevée, des mesures curatives devraient être considérées comme nécessaires dans les régions où l'industrie de la viande de chèvre a des chances de devenir plus intensive et plus importante.

A survey of caseous lymphadenitis was conducted at a goat and sheep slaughterhouse in Northeastern Brazil One hundred and fifty-eight goats and 43 sheep were examined for the presence of abscesses, with bacterial culturing of purulent material to define the etiological agent. Blood was collected simultaneously for determination of serological titer via the synergistic hemolysis-inhibition test which measures antibodies to an exotoxin of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Thirteen and nine-tenths percent of the goats had abscesses, with a high proportion having mediastinal or pulmonary lesions (9.5%). Two sheep had abscesses, both with internal organ involvement. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis was the most frequently isolated organism. Of 22 goats with abscesses, 20 were positive via the synergistic hemolysis-inhibition test. Both of the sheep with abscesses had positive synergistic hemolysis-inhibition titers. The proportion of serological reactors was greater than the proportion of animals with abscesses. The synergistic hemolysis-inhibition test may be detecting subclinically infected animals.  相似文献   

The precalen-ce of caseous lymphadenitis was surveyed in 36 goat herds in Northern Norway. In each herd, information concerning the occurrence of the disease was obtained from the farmer. Adult animals (1 year of age or older) in 35 herds were examined for superficial swellings, and serum samples were collected from most animals in the herds. The sera were examined for antibodies to Corynebacterium pseudotuber-culosis using the bacterial agglutination test (BAT) and the hemolysis inhibition test (HIT).Gaseous lymphadenitis was diagnosed with certainty in 19 herds. Information from the farmers indicated that the disease indeed oc-curred in these herds, and that the majority had been infected with the disease for many years. The herds had apparently become infected through contact with animals from infected herds. Clinical examina-tions were carried out in 18 of these herds and superficial swellings were found in 26 % of the examined animals. The prevalence of ani-mals with lesions varied from 11 to 40 % among the herds. Of the animals in these herds, 81 % were positive in BAT and 84 % in HIT. The prevalence of positive animals varied from 26 to 99 % in BAT and 28 to 99 % in HIT. The prevalence of seropositive animals was lowest in a herd in which animals were kept separately in stalls.Caseous lymphadenitis could not be diagnosed in 16 herds. In-formation from the farmers indicated that the disease indeed seemed to be absent in 14 of these herds. These 14 herds had no history of contact with animals from herds considered to be infected. However, in the remaining 2 herds, the farmers were somewhat uncertain about the occurrence of the disease. One of these 2 herds had a history of contact with infected herds through participation in a goat “breeding circle”. Only a few of the animals were, however, seropositive and all these had low antibody titres.In 1 newly established herd, a single animal showed a high posi-tive titre in BAT only. All the other animals were negative in both tests. This particular herd consisted of animals obtained both from herds with caseous lymphadenitis and from herds in which the disease was not considered to occur.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA), determine the current usage of vaccines against CLA and to measure the effectiveness of these vaccines on sheep farms. DESIGN AND POPULATION: A survey was undertaken on 223 sheep flocks in New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia. METHOD: The prevalence of CLA was measured by conventional inspection techniques at abattoirs in lines of sheep that could be traced back to a farm. Managers of the flocks were sent a questionnaire about their vaccine practices, management practices and knowledge of CLA. RESULTS: The average prevalence of CLA in adult sheep in these flocks was 26% and varied from 20% in Western Australia to 29% in New South Wales. About 43% of sheep producers used CLA vaccines; only 12% used them as recommended. Awareness of CLA was highest in Western Australia. More producers would use CLA vaccine if they knew the prevalence of CLA in their flock and producers obtained most information about CLA from vaccine resellers. CONCLUSIONS: Only 10 to 15% of producers are currently achieving effective CLA control through the use of recommended CLA vaccination programs. In Western Australian flocks more than 25% of effectively vaccinated ewes will be sent to abattoirs in the 2 to 3 years after this study. However, large decreases in the prevalence of CLA can be achieved by about 70% of producers by either making adjustments to their vaccination programs or buying a vaccine with a CLA component. Two or three key facts on effective CLA vaccination could be made available at the point of sale of vaccines and from abattoirs that reported the prevalence of CLA to farmers.  相似文献   

The synergistic hemolysis-inhibition (SHI) test, a serologic test for the detection of infection with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, was applied to serum samples from 196 goats and 76 sheep, including animals both with and without C pseudotuberculosis abscesses. Fifty-one of 52 (98%) goats and 27 of 28 (96%) sheep with abscesses caused by C pseudotuberculosis had seropositive titers. Seropositivity continued on subsequent samplings, even after superficial lesions were completely healed. The SHI test may detect subclinically infected animals, as well as animals with clinically recognizable lesions. Of the animals without abscesses, 53 of 186 (28%) goats and 4 of 41 (10%) sheep were seropositive. Either the SHI test is lacking in specificity or these titers are a reflection of a past or a current infection without any grossly visible abscesses.  相似文献   

Faecal samples were examined from 497 domestic and 318 feral goats in South Australia. Oocysts of Eimeria species were detected in 97% of the domestic goats and 3% of the fetal goats. The species of Eimeria identified from domestic goats (and their prevalences) were E. hirci (82%), E. arloingi (81%), E. ninakohlyakimovae (51%), E. alijevi (49%), E. caprina (32%), E. christenseni (29%), E. caprovina (12%), E. jolchijevi (9%) and E. apsheronica (6%). Two of these species, E. caprina and E. jolchijevi, were not found in the feral goats. E. christenseni, E. caprovina and E. jolchijevi were more prevalent in domestic goats < 12 months old than in adults.  相似文献   

A double antibody sandwich ELISA (ELISA A) developed for the detection of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in sheep and goats was modified to improve its sensitivity. To establish the sensitivity and specificity of this modified ELISA (ELISA B), sera from 183 sheep and 186 goats were tested using ELISAs A and B. Comparison was also made with two further ELISAs (C and D) developed in Australia that, respectively, detect antibodies to cell wall antigens or toxin.ELISA B had the best performance of the four tests. Its specificity was 98+/-1% for goats and 99+/-1% sheep. Its sensitivity was 94+/-3% for goats and 79+/-5% for sheep. ELISA B will now be tested for use in caseous lymphadenitis eradication and control programmes in The Netherlands. It will also be used in experimental studies of CL in Scotland.  相似文献   

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