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This review considers the possible events that can occur when cattle are exposed to Mycobacterium bovis and, where appropriate, draws on principles accepted for tuberculosis infection in humans and laboratory animal models. Consideration is given to the many complex factors which influence the outcome of challenge with tubercle bacilli. These include features inherent to the mycobacterium, the host and the environment. It is apparent that clinical disease probably occurs only in a relatively small, but undetermined, proportion of cattle that are exposed to Al. bovis. The majority of animals may clear infection or control the bacilli, possibly in a condition of latency. It is concluded that a better understanding of the dynamics of the events following M. bovis exposure and subsequent infection in cattle would be of significant benefit in developing new tools appropriate for disease control and to designing optimal approaches for their application.  相似文献   

An epidemiological study was carried out to determine the Mycobacterium bovis strains causing bovine tuberculosis (TB) in cattle in North West Cameroon. Suspected TB lesions from slaughtered cattle were cultured on Lowenstein–Jensen and Middlebrook 7 H9 media to isolate mycobacteria agents for molecular genotyping using deletion analysis and spoligotyping. PCR-based genomic deletion typing showed that 54 of 103 tubercle bacilli isolated from cattle tissue were M. bovis strains and the African 1 clonal complex was widespread in affected cattle. Spoligotyping analysis revealed a closely related group of five M. bovis strains. SB0953, the dominant spoligotype pattern, and four new patterns identified as SB2161, SB2162, SB2663 and SB2664 according to the www.Mbovis.org international spoligotype database were identified. These spoligotypes were similar to other M. bovis strains recovered from bordering regions and other parts of Africa. The findings provided useful facts on the zoonotic risks of bovine TB and overwhelming evidence of the significance of M. bovis infection to human TB in the North West Region of Cameroon. The study revealed that bovine TB was widespread in cattle destined for human consumption and also has important implications for the control of TB in animals and humans in Cameroon.  相似文献   

The molecular fingerprints of 878 isolates of Mycobacterium bovis collected from cattle between 2009 and 2010 in different regions of Mexico were used in this study. One hundred and ninety-four spoligotypes were observed in total with a high degree of heterogeneity. Sixty-four percent of the isolates grouped into just nine spoligotypes, and 27% fell into only two spoligotypes: SB0673 and SB0669; 149 were orphan spoligotypes. The two predominant spoligotypes were found in almost all states in Mexico, especially in central Mexico, where there is a high concentration of dairy cattle; however, some spoligotypes were closely associated with restricted geographical areas. The hypothetical evolutionary relationship among spoligotypes was estimated using the spoligoforest program in the spolTools webpage. Four trees with connected components and nine unconnected nodes were found. The biggest tree had SB0140 strain as a root, suggesting this as the oldest strain in the tree. However, the relationship of this spoligotype with SB0673 and SB0669 was weak. The discriminatory power of spoligotyping for this M. bovis sample of isolates was 0.94, and the recent transmission index (RTI) 0.83, suggesting a high rate of recent transmission of some strains of M. bovis in the population. This parameter indicates that new measures are required to stop the dissemination of tuberculosis in cattle.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, which includes Mycobacterium bovis, infrequently causes severe or lethal disease in captive wildlife populations. A dead coati from a wildlife triage center showing pulmonary lesions compatible with tuberculosis had raised suspicion of a potential disease caused by mycobacteria species and was further investigated. Four native coatis (Nasua nasua) with suspected mycobacterial infection were sedated, and bronchoalveolar lavages and tuberculin skin tests (TSTs) were performed. All animals tested positive upon TST. Mycobacterial culturing, Ziehl-Neelsen staining, and genetic testing were performed on postmortem samples and the etiologic agent was identified as M. bovis. Molecular genetic identification using a polymerase chain reaction panel was crucial to achieving a definitive diagnosis.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in the susceptibility of cattle to Mycobacterium bovis infection exists in differences between families and species, but not breeds. Susceptibility to M. bovis infection increases with age of cattle. Natural exposure to M. bovis or environmental mycobacteria may assist in the development of specific immunity, but there is no direct evidence for such immunological priming of tuberculosis resistance in cattle. This has, however, been demonstrated in humans and other animals. Since non-specific mechanisms have a role in protective immunity, developing an effective vaccine will be difficult, even though some protection of other species has been achieved. Immunological suppression in the periparturient period can produce anergic reactors, which may act as a constant source of infection for cattle-to-cattle transmission. Circumstantial evidence suggests that an adequate intake of mineral, vitamin and protein reduces the susceptibility of cattle. Although weather patterns have been implicated in the susceptibility of herds to M. bovis infection, there is insufficient information to determine the risk factors precisely. It is concluded that some reduction in the susceptibility of cattle to M. bovis infection can be achieved by modifications to the management system to minimize risk factors, but that a considerable amount of further research is required.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) genotyping was employed to analyze the population genetics of Mycobacterium bovis in Iran. One hundred and twenty-three isolates collected from slaughtered tuberculosis-suspect cattle and one clinically asymptomatic buffalo were subjected to RFLP analysis with probes of the polymorphic GC-rich sequence (PGRS) and the direct repeat sequence (DR) using DNA digested with PvuII and AluI. All these methods detected a large homogeneous population in which only a few isolates had variant genotypes. Only AluI-based RFLPs of both the PGRS and DR sequences were able to clearly differentiate between BCG and field strains of M. bovis. As in previous reports, these findings seem to reflect a recent dispersal of one or a few strains in Iran following the substantial expansion of Holstein-Friesian cattle over the last few decades.  相似文献   

The strategic use of the gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma) assay (Bovigam) can provide a means for the early identification of Mycobacterium bovis infected cattle, thus ensuring their removal from an infected herd. When used in parallel with the tuberculin test, it is capable of identifying infected cattle, which might otherwise not be detected until later, if at all. The early detection and removal of these animals reduces the risk that they will become a source of infection for other cattle. When targeted in herds of high prevalence the benefits to the herd owner directly concerned can be considerable as the assay provides a means of shortening the period of restriction for such herds. This serves to generate confidence among herd owners and other stakeholders that effective schemes, based on sound scientific principles, can be developed to eradicate tuberculosis from infected cattle populations.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was the design and validation of a rapid and easy single tube multiplex-PCR (m-PCR) assay for the unequivocal differential detection of Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Oligonucleotide primers were based on the uninterrupted 229-bp sequence in the M. bovis genome and a unique 12.7-kb insertion sequence from the M. tuberculosis genome, which is responsible for species-specific genomic polymorphism between these two closely related pathogens. The m-PCR assay was optimized and validated using 22 M. bovis and 36 M. tuberculosis clinical strains isolated from diverse host species and 9 other non-tuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) strains. The designed primers invariably amplified a unique 168-bp (M. bovis-specific) and 337-bp (M. tuberculosis-specific) amplicon from M. bovis and M. tuberculosis strains, respectively. The accuracy of the assay, in terms of specificity, was 100%, as none of the NTM strains tested revealed any amplification product. As little as 20 pg of genomic DNA could be detected, justifying the sensitivity of the method. The m-PCR assay is an extremely useful, simple, reliable and rapid method for routine differential identification of cultures of M. bovis and M. tuberculosis. This m-PCR may be a valuable diagnostic tool in areas of endemicity, where bovine and human tuberculosis coexist, and the distinction of M. bovis from M. tuberculosis is required for monitoring the spread of M. bovis to humans.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the mortality rate and movements of brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) with clinical tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) from a site in native podocarp/hardwood forest, in the Orongorongo Valley, Wellington. METHODS: Possums with clinical tuberculosis (Tb) were identified through routine trapping on live capture grids and were fitted with radio-collars, and located at approximately monthly intervals for 2.5 years. The survival times of radio-collared tuberculous and non-diseased possums were used to estimate the instantaneous additional mortality rate due to clinical Tb. The spatial behaviour of clinically tuberculous possums was compared with that of non-diseased possums, using both den and trap locations. The frequency of long-distance movements of both tuberculous and non-diseased possums was also determined. A possum was defined as having undertaken along-distance movement when it moved at least 200 m from the centre of its activity range and then returned to its established activity range or died. RESULTS: The mean survival time of clinically tuberculous possums was 4.7 (SE 0.79) months. The instantaneous additional mortality rate due to clinical Tb was estimated to be between 1.08 year-1 and 2.38 year-1, with the lower figure including an unknown portion of the incubation period in the estimate. Estimates of denning and activity ranges of tuberculous possums were approximately 22-30% larger, on average, than the ranges of non-diseased possums, but the differences were not significant. Both tuberculous and non-diseased possums undertook long-distance movements up to 700 m from the centre of their activity range. However, the majority of tuberculous possums died within or near their established activity range. CONCLUSIONS: This study estimated the mortality rate during the clinical stages of Tb and, as such, did not represent a true estimate of the disease-induced mortality rate (alpha) used in most epidemiological models of possums and Tb. However, the lower estimate of the additional mortality rate due to clinical disease could be considered an approximation to alpha. The movement patterns of clinically tuberculous possums were, overall, not substantially different from non-diseased possums. The occurrence of long-distance movements by tuberculous possums sometimes coincided with the advanced stage of clinical disease. However, the majority of tuberculous possums died within their established activity area. Long-distance movements by resident possums during the terminal stages of disease represent a direct risk for transmission of Tb to livestock on farms within approximately 1 km of infected possum populations.  相似文献   

The effects of high doses of the beta-2 agonists iso-prenaline, salbutamol and fenoterol on the myocardium were studied experimentally in sheep. Each drug was given intravenously in progressively increasing doses to four sedated animals and four controls. The experiments were repeated during hypoxaemia and animals were necropsied 3 days later.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium bovis, the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, persists within granulomas. Formation of granulomas involves a complex array of immune activation and cellular migration. To examine temporal changes in granuloma development, we inoculated 32 cattle with M. bovis of deer origin. Tissues from 4 calves each were examined at 15, 28, 42, 60, 90, 180, 270, and 370 days after inoculation. Granulomas in the medial retropharyngeal lymph node were staged (I-IV) on the basis of cellular composition and the presence or absence of necrosis and peripheral fibrosis. Immunohistochemistry for inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), CD68, CD4, CD8, and gamma/delta T cells was performed. Fifteen days after inoculation only stage I granulomas were seen, while between 28 and 60 days, there was a steady progression through granuloma stages such that by day 60, granulomas of all 4 stages were seen. Acid-fast bacilli were present in moderate-to-large numbers in stage I granulomas 15-60 days after inoculation. Stage IV granulomas contained large numbers of acid-fast bacteria. Abundant iNOS immunoreactivity was associated with granulomas from day 15 through day 60 but was minimal from day 90 to the termination of the experiment. The relative number of CD4+ and CD68+ cells remained constant throughout the study. In contrast, at time points >60 days, numbers of CD8+ and gamma/delta T cells diminished. Tuberculous granulomas are dynamic lesions that follow an orderly progression through disease stages. Diminished expression of iNOS and reduced numbers of CD8+ and gamma/delta T cells late in the progression of tuberculous granulomas may represent a failure of the host response to control infection.  相似文献   

Culture filtrate protein (CFP) vaccines have been shown to be effective in small animal models for protecting against tuberculosis while immunisation with these types of vaccines in cattle has been less successful. A study was conducted in cattle to evaluate the ability of selected adjuvants and immunomodulators to stimulate protective immune responses to tuberculosis in animals vaccinated with Mycobacterium bovis CFP. Seven groups of cattle (n=5) were vaccinated with M. bovis CFP formulated with either Emulsigen or Polygen adjuvant alone or in combination with a specific oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN), polyinosinic acid: polycytidylic acid (poly I:C) or poly I:C and recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor. Two additional groups were vaccinated subcutaneously with BCG or non-vaccinated. In contrast to the strong interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) responses induced by BCG, the CFP vaccines induced strong antibody responses but weak IFN-gamma responses. The addition of CpG ODN to CFP significantly enhanced cell-mediated responses and elevated antibody responses to mycobacterial antigens. Of the CFP vaccinated groups, the strongest IFN-gamma responses to CFP vaccines were measured in animals vaccinated with CFP/Emulsigen+CpG or CFP/Polygen+CpG. The animals in these two groups, together with those in the BCG and non-vaccinated groups were challenged intratracheally with virulent M. bovis at 13 weeks after the first vaccination and protection was assessed, by examination for presence of tuberculous lesions in the lungs and lymph nodes, 13 weeks later at postmortem. While BCG gave the best overall protection against tuberculosis, significant protection was also seen in animals vaccinated with CFP/Emulsigen+CpG. These results establish an important role for CpG ODN in stimulating protective Th1 responses to tuberculosis in cattle and indicate that a sub-unit protein vaccine can protect these animals against tuberculosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine necropsy and Mycobacterium bovis culture results in cattle from herds with tuberculosis, the role of the bovine NRAMP1 gene in resistance and susceptibility to infection with M bovis, and the association between magnitude of the tuberculous lesions and various types of M bovis isolates. ANIMALS: 61 cattle from herds with tuberculosis in Texas and Mexico. PROCEDURE: 61 cattle were evaluated by necropsy; 59 had positive and 2 had negative caudal fold tuberculin intradermal test (CFT) results. Thirty-three cattle with positive CFT results were genotyped to evaluate polymorphism of the 3' untranslated region of the bovine NRAMP1 gene, using single-stranded conformational analysis, 9 were resistant to M bovis with no tuberculous lesions and negative M bovis culture results, and 24 were susceptible with tuberculous lesions and positive M bovis culture results. Isolates of M bovis were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) on the basis of IS6110 sequences and direct-repeat fingerprinting patterns. RESULTS: 21 (35.6%; 21/59) cattle with positive CFT results had tuberculous lesions or positive culture results; in addition, 1 of 2 cattle with negative CFT results had tuberculous lesions and positive culture results. Tuberculous lesions were most common in the thorax (35/63; 55.5%) and lymphoid tissues of the head (10/63; 15.9%). Tuberculous lesions varied from 1 to 11/animal; 8 of 21 (38.1%) had solitary lesions. Associations were not found between resistance or susceptibility to infection with M bovis and polymorphism in the NRAMP1 gene or between the magnitude of the lesions and various RFLP types of M bovis isolates. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The NRAMP1 gene does not determine resistance and susceptibility to infection with M bovis in cattle.  相似文献   



A cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of Mycobacterium bovis skin positivity and associated risk factors in cattle in western Uganda.


Herds were selected using multi-stage cluster sampling. The comparative cervical intradermal tuberculin test (CCT) was used to determine cattle tuberculosis status using US Department of Agriculture protocols. Risk factor data were collected from cattle owners through questionnaires collected by in-person interviews. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to measure the association between risk factors and herd CCT reactor prevalence.


A total of 525 cattle from 63 herds were screened for M. bovis infection. Of the 525 cattle tested, 2.1 % were CCT reactors and 15.43 % were CCT suspects. Of herds tested, 14.28 % had at least 1 CCT reactor. Using a private water source for cattle and not introducing new cattle into the farm were associated with lower prevalence of M. bovis skin positivity. The herd-level prevalence of M. bovis reactors in Kashaari County of Mbarara District was 14.5 %, and the individual cattle prevalence was low (2.1 %).


Using communal sources of drinking water for cattle and introducing new cattle on the farm were farm management practices associated with increased risk of M. bovis exposure in cattle. Despite the low prevalence of bovine tuberculosis (TB), there is a need to educate the populace on the possibility of human infection with zoonotic TB and for educating farmers on practices to reduce the risk of acquiring M. bovis in the Mbarara District.  相似文献   

Although it is generally recognised that tuberculous lesions are present in lymph nodes associated with the respiratory tract in approximately 90 per cent of reactors with confirmed infection, lung lesions are found in only 1 to 2 per cent of such cases during abattoir examination. When lung lesions are not detected, it has been claimed that such cattle are non-excretors and thus unimportant in the epidemiology of the disease. In this study the lungs of 55 reactor cattle were sliced into sections approximately 0.5 cm thick. Tuberculous lesions were evident in over 70 per cent of lungs from reactors with concurrent lesions in lymph nodes of the respiratory system. Further, M bovis was isolated from single samples of nasal and, or, tracheal mucus taken at slaughter in 19 per cent of confirmed cases. Several of these reactors had a clear tuberculin test less than six months previously indicating recent infection. This study confirms the continued importance of the infected bovine in the epidemiology and current eradication of bovine tuberculosis. It is suggested that all tuberculous cattle with lesions in respiratory lymph nodes, rather than being regarded as non-excretors, should be considered as possible excretors and thus important sources of infection for other cattle both within and between herds.  相似文献   

The distribution of gross lesions of Mycobacterium bovis was examined in 94 tuberculous feral ferrets (Mustela furo) collected from 1992 to 1995 from areas of Otago endemic for bovine tuberculosis. Overall, 56.4% of tuberculous ferrets had single-site lesions, 24.5% had multiple infections and 19.1% had generalised infections. The mesenteric lymph node was the most common site of infection (34.5% of all lesions), with the retropharyngeal (17%) and the prescapular lymph nodes (16.4%) also frequently infected. Only 2.9% of lesions involved the respiratory tract. Of single-site lesions, 60.4% were in the mesenteric lymph node. The high proportion of lesions in the alimentary tract suggests that the ingestion of infectious material, possibly carrion or prey, is an important source of infection. Peripheral lymph nodes contributed to 24.5% of all infections, suggesting that within species transmission by social contact such as fighting and mating also occurs. Open and respiratory lesions were found in 11.7% of tuberculous ferrets, which suggests that ferrets are potentially infectious and therefore may be involved in the transmission of bovine tuberculosis to domestic stock and other mammals. The distribution of gross M. bovis lesions in ferrets is compared to those observed in possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and badgers (Meles meles).  相似文献   

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