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Increased abundances of a number of seabird species have been found in areas of mussel longline aquaculture (compared to control sites) in a recent study at Bantry Bay, southwest Ireland. The aim of this study was to investigate whether this form of mussel aquaculture also affects the activity budgets and foraging behaviour of these seabirds. Scan-sampling was used to compare seabird activity budgets between three areas of mussel longline aquaculture and three control sites. Foraging activities of Great-Northern Divers Gavia immer, an Annex 1 species under the Euopean Union's Birds Directive, were also compared between sites using focal sampling. The behaviour of gulls (Larus sp.), Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo, Shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis and Great-Northern Divers (but not auks, Alcidae) differed significantly between areas of mussel aquaculture and control sites in this study. Mussel suspension buoys were heavily utilized by gulls, cormorants and shags as safe perching platforms for preening activities. Gulls also fed extensively on epifauna attached to the buoys. Great-Northern Divers spent more time snorkelling (head submerged in search of food) in mussel sites than in the control sites, however dive duration and visible foraging success rates did not differ significantly between sites. Overall, the environmental impact of mussel suspension culture appears to be positive or neutral on marine bird species occurring at this study site.  相似文献   

The loading by currents and waves of a submerged mussel longline and the resulting motions of the structure were monitored during 40 days at an open ocean site. Current velocity did not exceed 24 cm/s and the wave field alternated between calm and moderate conditions (maximum wave height of 3.5 m). Legs on the longline maintained the mainline between 10 and 12.5 m above the seabed (around 10 m below the surface). The loading and motion of the longline were relatively small. Tension in the mooring lines (semi-hourly averaged maximum of 580 N) was limited by the combined effect of a small pretension, current shielding between mussel droppers, flow blockage by surrounding longlines and leg resistance. Significant longline displacement occurred only during short periods of time when the predicted drag force transmitted to the legs exceeded their predicted holding capacity. Mussel dropper vertical acceleration (maximum of 1/20 g) was limited by the exponential attenuation of wave loading with depth.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation and design of an inflatable open-ocean-aquaculture cage is presented using nonlinear finite element analysis of membrane structures. Numerical instability caused by the tension-only membrane has been removed by adding an artificial shell with small stiffness. The material properties of a fabric material are obtained from tensile tests in both hoop and longitudinal directions, assuming the material is anisotropic. Wrinkling, defined as an onset of compressive stress, is monitored as design criteria. The finite element model is validated using a modified beam theory for the inflatable structure by comparing the maximum deflection and stress. Good agreement is observed between the numerical and theoretical results. A full-scale cage model is created using membrane, shell, and string elements to test the stiffness and integrity of the system. The feasibility study indicates that the inflated structure has sufficient stiffness to be used as the structural support within a fish cage. Based on the parameter study, several designs are suggested.  相似文献   

基于有限元理论及最小势能原理,以2008年9月到2009年1月海上实测的188枚钓钩的深度、24个站点不同深度的三维海流数据、渔具参数和作业参数为基础,建立并验证了延绳钓三维最小势能模型。结果表明:(1)建立的延绳钓最小势能模型可以计算得出任何三维分层海流作用下延绳钓的三维形状和钓钩的深度,大部分钓钩的实测深度与数学模型数值深度之间的差别不大,其平均差值为12.03 m,差值范围为0.02~40.36 m(方差S2=100.30,标准差S=10.01,n=188),通过成对双样本均值分析,实测深度与数值深度无显著性差异(P>0.05);(2)延绳钓渔具的干线在海水中稳定后并不是呈平滑的悬链线,而是波浪形的曲线;(3)圆柱体轴线与流向垂直时的阻力系数(CN90)取值对于数值模拟的结果有一定的影响,CN90值的选取与研究对象的雷诺数有关。延绳钓最小势能数值模型能够有效模拟并预测延绳钓在不同深度的三维海流作用下的形状、钓钩深度并达到可视化。  相似文献   

基于聚类分析和主成分分析法的淡菜醇提物红外指纹图谱   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王燕  王斌  徐焕志  郑斌  杨会成  徐银峰 《水产学报》2012,36(7):1146-1152
利用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪采集6个不同地区的24个淡菜样品的醇提物红外光谱,原始光谱经过多点基线校正、聚类分析,采用平均值法建立淡菜的红外指纹图谱共有模式。相似度分析表明,各样品红外光谱与所建立的指纹图谱共有模式比较相似度良好,所选用建立共有模式的21批样品相似度均大于0.9,符合指纹图谱要求;而聚类分析中剔除的3个样品(S7、S10和S21)相似度均低于0.9,不符合指纹图谱研究要求,相似度分析和聚类分析结果相吻合。主成分分析建模结果表明,前两个主成分能代表原始数据96%的信息,相同产地的样品在主成分散点图上聚集为同一的类群,基本实现不同产地淡菜的鉴别。载荷因子分析结果表明,不同产地淡菜醇提物的差别主要体现在不饱和脂肪酸和磷脂的含量上。海口、厦门产区的淡菜样品所含不饱和脂肪酸含量较高;大连、烟台产区的淡菜样品含有较多的磷脂成分,舟山产区不饱和脂肪酸及磷脂含量均较低。因此,红外光谱指纹图谱结合聚类分析和主成分分析法可以快速、无损地鉴别不同产地淡菜,并且能反映不同产地淡菜醇提物中不饱和脂肪酸和磷脂含量的差异。  相似文献   

Novel design and analysis procedures are needed for engineering of the offshore fish farms utilizing copper alloy netting. Existing technologies developed for fish cages with polymer nets are not directly transferrable to the fish cages with copper netting. In particular, the structural integrity of fish cage/mooring systems, and initial high costs of fish cages with copper netting are two major concerns in the engineering for open ocean aquaculture. We propose the modified engineering procedures, which address these concerns and allow for retrofitting of existing fish farming systems with polymer nets. These procedures are illustrated by considering two case studies: design of a rigid-frame and flexible gravity-type fish cages. Performance of both designs is analyzed after the field trials in the North Atlantic and South Pacific oceans, correspondingly.  相似文献   

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