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对4个不同奶牛场20头产后健康状况良好的奶牛每头奶牛采样器采集子宫样品,通过细菌培养、分离、鉴定等常规方法,对其子宫内细菌的动态变化规律进行了研究,以探讨产后健康奶牛子宫内细菌的动态变化规律及不同奶牛场之间的比较差异。结果表明,本试验还对产后不同阶段所分离到的细菌的种类和数量进行了详细的比较分析,在产后第2天,子宫内呈污染状态,细菌数量迅速增加,四组试验的计数结果分别达到了8.34×105、2.15×105、1.90×105、2.97×105,此后细菌数量呈缓慢增长趋势,在产后第8天时子宫内细菌计数达到最高,四组试验技术结果的平均数分别为:4.25×107、4.01×107、3.95×107、3.05×107。  相似文献   

产后正常奶牛子宫内细菌的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究不同产后时期正常奶牛子宫内细菌的数量变化、种类及细菌与子宫复旧的关系。实验发现 ,产后第 2 ,7,14,2 4d子宫内细菌平均数量为 (1.91±0 .44 )× 10 5,(3.93± 1.6 1)× 10 6,(3.40± 0 .94)× 10 3 ,(2 .49± 2 .92 )× 10 2 个/mg子宫样品 ,而产后 39d时子宫内细菌数量均小于 1× 10个 /mg子宫样品 ;共分离到细菌 5 7株 ,其中葡萄球菌 2 4株 (占 42 .1% )、大肠杆菌 11株 (占 19.3% )、链球菌 7株 (占 12 .3% )、芽孢杆菌 8株 (占 14% )及微球菌 7株 (占 12 .3% ) ;经直肠检查在产后 39d时所有受试牛均完成了子宫复旧。结果表明 :细菌从分娩前的无菌状态增加到最高点较迅速 ,约 7d左右 ,而下降比较缓慢 ,到复旧完成 (39d)时 ,才接近于无菌状态 ;产后奶牛子宫内的细菌有葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、链球菌、芽胞杆菌和微球菌 ;产后子宫内一定数量的细菌对子宫复旧无显著影响。  相似文献   

产后奶牛子宫内细菌的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产后奶牛的子宫易受细菌感染 ,这些细菌是通过松驰的阴门和阴道及扩张的子宫颈进入子宫的。同时产后初期子宫内的物质条件和温度条件对细菌生长十分有利[1] ,从而为侵入细菌的繁殖提供了保障。有人曾报道产后初期子宫内容物的细菌检出率达到了 10 0 % [2 ] 。子宫内细菌、子宫内容物和子宫自净机能三者之间相互作用 ,相互影响 ,并构成一个对奶牛健康产生一定影响的复杂环境体系。正常情况下大多数母牛依靠自身的防御机能 ,便可使子宫逐渐净化 ,并在正常时间内复旧完全 ;另有一部分子宫受到细菌污染的母牛因体质差、防卫机能降低或污染严重等…  相似文献   

本文旨在研究奶牛产后子宫内优势菌群随时间的动态变化及细菌种类与子宫黏液性状之间的关系,以便于临床的快速诊断及治疗。选取分娩日期临近、产后子宫黏液性状不同的荷斯坦奶牛42头,于分娩后10、20、30和40d采集子宫黏液,体外培养法进行细菌分离、鉴定。结果显示,产后奶牛子宫内分离率最高的细菌分别为大肠杆菌(85.7%)、变形杆菌(64.3%)和葡萄球菌(61.9%);除大肠杆菌在整个试验期分离率均较高外,产后10、20、30和40d优势细菌分别为葡萄球菌、产气荚膜梭菌、沙门氏菌和葡萄球菌。白色或灰白色脓性黏液,黄色或土黄色黏液中细菌平均分离株数(5.6±0.4,5.5±1.4)高于清亮透明黏液(3.5±1.6),其中沙门氏菌、变形杆菌、链球菌和化脓隐秘杆菌产后30和40d的分离株数高于清亮黏液,说明其可能与白色或黄色脓性黏液的出现相关;产后40d黄色或土黄色化脓性黏液可能与产气荚膜梭菌的出现相关;而粪肠球菌和嗜酸乳杆菌产后20、30、40d在脓性黏液中分离数高于清亮黏液,说明其作为有益菌可能在分泌不正常黏液的子宫内具有抵抗病原菌的作用。结果表明,产后奶牛子宫内优势菌群呈动态变化,子宫黏液性状与特异病原菌的出现有关。  相似文献   

选拔100头分娩奶牛,从产后第1~25d采取子宫分泌物,观察细胞动态变化,结果认为,产后子宫内细胞动态变化反了子宫净化过程,红细胞和上皮细胞的变化,反映了出产后子宫收缩状态,白细胞的波动变化及噬菌变化,表明了个体抗病能力及感染程度。  相似文献   

蔡宜才 《畜牧与兽医》1991,23(5):212-213
<正> 奶牛产后子宫粘连,在产科病中较为少见,也很少有过这方面的报道,根据笔者在四年的临床诊治,该病的发病率一般在1%左右,所见的7头病例中,子宫粘连的部位、面积和程度各有不同,且有子宫内粘连和外粘连之分,如果临床上不能给予及时和必要的诊治,将会导致母牛产后繁殖机能丧失,故而对这类疾病应该引起重视。  相似文献   

通过子宫内膜活检采样器得到子宫腔内液,应用细菌分离培养鉴定技术,研究10只小尾寒羊产后不同时期子宫内细菌的种类和数量的变化规律。结果发现:在产后1~25 d,小尾寒羊子宫腔内存在4个属的细菌,这些细菌是以芽孢杆菌属、葡萄球菌属、微球菌属为主的革兰氏阳性菌和以大肠杆菌群为主的革兰氏阴性菌等。产后子宫细菌数量和种类随着子宫内环境的改变而有规律地变化:从无菌状态增加到最高点约7 d左右,而下降比较缓慢,到子宫颈管复旧完成(22 d)后,才接近于无菌状态。产后子宫内一定数量的细菌对子宫复旧无显著影响。  相似文献   

溶菌酶治疗奶牛产后子宫内膜炎试验   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
经临床136例病例观察,溶菌酶对奶牛子宫内膜炎的总治愈率、溶菌酶治疗后各组子宫恢复程度均较抗生素治疗组和空白对照组明显好,对治疗子宫内膜炎的治愈率在82.35%-88.24%,明显好于在临床中常规使用药物金霉素的治愈率56.25%。溶菌酶试验组平均受胎率为75.38%,明显高于抗生素对照组的56.25%,空白对照组的15.63%。治愈牛产后至初配平均天数也较短。结果表明溶菌酶是一种取代抗生素药物治疗子宫内膜炎的生物类药品。  相似文献   

在小鼠〔1〕、人〔2〕和牛〔3〕的妊娠期间,随着妊娠时间的延长和胎儿的生长,子宫的重量不断增加,子宫内的组织也增加,这其中主要是子宫内胶原蛋白量的增加。但是,子宫胶原蛋白在妊娠期间为什么能够合成的机理并不清楚。在胶原蛋白增加的同时,妊娠子宫的肌纤维组织也肥大增生。  相似文献   

奶牛产后子宫弛缓是奶牛产后疾病中常见多发的疾病之一。主要临床症状是产后子宫没有恢复正常 ,复位时间推后 ,子宫体积增大 ,收缩反应消失或减弱 ,急需给予合理的治疗 ,以加快繁殖力的恢复。本病是造成奶牛不妊症常见原因之一。治疗措施如下 :1 改善饲养管理 ,给予全价饲料 ,加强营养 ,给予富含蛋白质及维生素的饲料 ,增加放牧和运动时间 ,以增强体质和抵抗力。用 3%盐水 ,加温 15~ 2 0℃灌入阴道内 ,促进子宫收缩能力 ,排出恶露和各种污物。3 注射子宫收缩剂 ,如脑垂体后叶素 ,以及麦角新碱等药物 ,以加强子宫的收缩力。4 用 1%盐水冲…  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that the decrease in fertility of dairy cows is related to the increase in milk yield and associated with fatty liver and increased vulnerability for both infection and metabolic diseases. To elucidate the mechanisms behind this complex of health and reproductive problems an Animal Model, based on overfeeding in the dry period, has been developed. In an experiment carried out in 1996 sixteen animals were fed 119 MJ/d net energy to lactation (NEL) (experimental group) and another sixteen just 49 MJ/d NEL (control group) in the last 8 weeks before parturition. During lactation the cows from both groups were given the lactation ration ad libitum. After parturition both groups differed significantly in level and duration of the NEB, in weight loss, increased concentrations of NEFAs and bHBB in the blood and TAG in the liver. Although the insulin level was lower in the experimental animals during the first week, the difference was not significant. The number of ovulations within the first 100 days pp was significant lower in the experimental group and was related to depth and duration of the NEB and the weight loss: more NEB leads to less ovulations. The interval partus-le ovulation was also significant different but related to the TAG level in the liver: more TAG leads to a longer interval. The experimental group with the fatty liver suffered more incidenses of metabolic diseases. It has been concluded that the Model leads to a severe NEB, to Fatty Liver and to more incidences of diseases. Both the NEB and the fatty liver influence the fertility of the cows pp and it can not be excluded that some diseases have an effect too. More studies are planned to unravel the factors that affect the fertility of high yielding cows.  相似文献   

Altogether 156 equine endometrial biopsies were carried out during the post partum (p.p.) period: immediately after parturition until 15 days after foaling. The histological changes are described.The rapid restoration of the equine endometrium is remarkable. The destruction of the luminal epithelium is minor and regeneration takes place rapidly. Remnants of the placenta, the microcotyledons and desquamated cells, have disappeared by 5 p.p. The transformation of glands from a pronounced secretory pattern to normal appearance also takes only 5 days. The occurrence of neutrophils and lymphocytes is normally connected with the restoration of the endometrium and should not always be interpreted as a sign of infection.  相似文献   

母猪分娩后子宫感染疾病直接影响着仔猪断奶后该母猪的发情与受胎。正常情况下,经产母猪断奶后7天左右即发情、配种受孕,但在平时的工作中,我们常发现部分母猪、特别是引进的纯种母猪,在仔猪离乳后不及时发情、迟迟不发情或虽发情但屡配不孕。为了减少这一现象的发生,缩短胎间距,提高受胎率,我们在加强饲养管理、保证正常膘情的基础上,对产后母猪进行药物处理子宫试验,观察其对断奶后的发情及受胎的影响。  相似文献   

进行了头孢拉定对母猪产后肺炎混合感染的疗效试验,并设对照组进行比较.结果:静脉注射头孢拉定组治愈率、死亡率、仔猪发病率、仔猪成活率、仔猪断奶体质量分别为86.67%、0、12.5%、90.5%和6.3 kg;统计学分析结果显示,静脉注射头孢拉定组的治愈率、仔猪成活率和仔猪断奶重显著高于对照组(P<0.01),死亡率、仔猪发病率明显低于对照组(P<0.01),疗效显著.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the pathogenesis of cystic ovarian disease (COD) in high-yielding dairy cows postpartum (pp). Hormonal and metabolic profiles during the first 3 weeks pp as well as during the final week prior to ovulation/cyst formation, were compared between dairy cows that developed either an ovulatory follicle (OV) or a cyst (CYST) < day 60 pp. Thirty-four lactations of 28 high-yielding (9500 kg/305 days) Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were studied. Ovaries of cows were scanned twice a week from day 10 pp on, until ovulation/cyst formation. Milk yield data, body condition scores and blood samples, for determination of oestradiol-17beta, insulin, beta-OH-butyrate and non-esterified fatty acids, were collected simultaneously. Milk samples for progesterone analysis were collected daily. Four lactations were excluded from further analysis because of irregular pp ovarian cyclicity, excluding COD. Eight lactations (26.7%) developed a cyst, while 22 lactations ovulated < days 60 pp. Ovulation and cyst formation occurred at similar times pp. Metabolic and hormonal profiles did not differ between CYST and OV lactations during the first 3 weeks pp. In the final week prior to cyst formation/ovulation, insulin concentrations were lower in CYST than in OV lactations while no differences were observed for any of the other parameters tested. In two lactations, cyst formation was preceded by suprabasal progesterone and increased oestradiol-17beta concentrations. These results suggest that cyst formation in high-yielding dairy cows pp is associated with lower insulin levels but not with other distinct hormonal and metabolic alterations. However from this study, we cannot exclude the involvement of subtle hormonal and metabolic changes in the pathogenesis of ovarian cysts. Suprabasal progesterone, and altered oestradiol-17beta concentrations, seem to play a minor role in cyst formation.  相似文献   

Post‐partum period has an important role in cows' breeding due to its effects on reproductive efficiency and subsequent pregnancy. Escherichia coli, Trueperella pyogenes (Arcanobacterium pyogenes), Fusobacterium necrophorum and Prevotella melaninogenicus are recognized as major pathogens associated with uterine endometrial lesions. The objective of this study was to identify these pathogens using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as a culture‐independent sensitive method. A total of 172 cows were examined 25–35 days post‐partum, and 128 cows were examined at 2 weeks later (39–49 days post‐partum). Uterine discharges were collected by covered plastic infusion pipettes. The prevalence of endometritis was greater in the first examination than the second (35.5% vs. 16%). E. coli was detected in eight of the samples, T. pyogenes was detected in 13 of the samples and F. necrophorum was detected in 11 of the samples. There was no positive sample of P. melaninogenicus. Uterine contamination by T. pyogenes and F. necrophorum in the first examination was higher than the second examination. T. pyogenes affected as a tendency the prevalence of clinical endometritis in first examination. Primiparous cows showed 4.02 times higher odds of clinical endometritis compared with second‐parity cows in first examination. A multiplex PCR protocol as a simple, less expensive, fast assay was introduced to identify E. coli, T. pyogenes and F. necrophorum.  相似文献   

The objective was to examine the effect of lactation on uterine involution in post‐partum dairy cows. Holstein primiparous cows were used (n = 19, mean age: 3.9 ± 0.1 years). At calving, cows were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups, lactating (n = 11) or non‐lactating (i.e. dried off at calving, n = 8). Examination of the reproductive tract was carried out by ultrasonography twice weekly until week 7 post‐partum. Blood samples were collected twice weekly for the analysis of progesterone to indicate the resumption of cyclicity and metabolites indicative of energy status. Uterine involution was assessed in terms of size of the uterine horns, uterine body diameter and uterine fluid volume as assessed by the amount of non‐echogenic material measured by ultrasound and position of the uterus. Vaginal mucous score was taken on day 28 post‐partum for the assessment of uterine inflammation. Resumption of cyclicity (serum progesterone > 1 ng/ml) had occurred in both groups on average by day 21 post‐partum. Concentrations of non‐esterified fatty acids and beta‐hydroxybutyrate were higher, whereas concentrations of glucose, insulin and IGF‐1 were lower (p < 0.05) in lactating compared to non‐lactating cows. Lactating cows had a smaller mean uterine body diameter (p < 0.05) than non‐lactating cows from days 28 to 42 post‐partum (day 28: 20.2 ± 1.3 vs 24.9 ± 1.5 mm, respectively) and had a lower mean uterine fluid volume up to day 49 (p < 0.05). By day 49, there was no difference in uterine diameter (15.2 ± 1.8 vs 15.2 ± 1.6 mm) or uterine fluid volume (0.11 ± 0.38 vs 0.18 ± 0.46) between lactating and non‐lactating cows, respectively. Vaginal mucous score revealed no evidence of uterine inflammation in either group. In conclusion, while lactation induced significant alterations in metabolic status, it did not have a major effect on the rate of uterine involution as defined in this study.  相似文献   

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