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SUMMARY Twenty-five Thoroughbred (TB) and 25 Standardbred (SB) stables were visited to determine their feeding practices. The ingredients of the main feed of the day for a mature gelding of average size in full training were weighed at each stable. Nutrient content of diets was calculated using published data for the individual ingredients. Results are expressed as mean±sd. The estimated body weight of TB horses was 493±34 kg and 437±32 kg for SB horses. There was considerable variation in diet composition and nutrient intake between stables. The TB trainers fed 11.0±2.4 kg and SB trainers 11.8±2.5 kg per day. The concentrate component of the diet weighed 7.8±1.6 and 7.7±2.3 kg for TB and SB stables, respectively, and the roughage component for TB horses 3.3±1.4 and SB horses 4.1±1.4 kg per day. The digestible energy intake of horses at TB stables was 129±29 MJ per day and at SB stables 132±31 MJ per day. Crude protein intake of TB horses was 1452±363 g and SB horses 1442±338 g per day. There were differences in some feeding practices at TB and SB stables. Standardbred trainers fed more roughage than TB trainers. Standardbred trainers fed chaffed lucerne (alfalfa) and cereal hays as the major roughage, whereas TB trainers fed more hay. The major hay type fed by TB trainers was lucerne, whereas many SB trainers preferred clover hay. Both trainers fed oats as the major grain, but TB trainers fed slightly more maize (corn) than SB trainers. The SB trainers fed barley as part of the concentrate component of the diet, whereas TB trainers usually fed boiled barley and linseed oil in winter only. Although many trainers used vitamin and mineral supplements, this appeared unnecessary in many Instances, especially with respect to Iron. Calcium and NaCI supplementation was necessary for some diets. We concluded that while there was a wide range in feed intake and diet composition for both TB and SB horses, average nutrient intakes were similar to National Research Council (1989) recommendations for horses performing intense work.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters of conformation traits in Iranian Thoroughbred race horses. The data set included the conformation records of 607 Thoroughbred horses. In this study, 10 conformation traits were recorded. The effect of sex was significant for length of back line (P < 0.05), withers height (P < 0.05), circumference of front cannon (P < 0.001), and circumference of hind cannon (P < 0.001). The effect of age was significant for all traits (P < 0.01). The genetic parameters were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method using DFREML program. The heritability estimates were for head length 0.39, length of back line 0.41, length of shoulder 0.24, heart girth 0.49, chest width 0.22, withers height 0.38, front cannon height 0.27, circumference of front cannon 0.30, hind cannon height 0.29 and circumference of hind cannon 0.34. The estimates of genetic correlation ranged from 0.18 to 0.96 and those of phenotypic correlation varied from 0.16 to 0.83.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the fertility of mares bred at various intervals relative to surgical management of rectovaginal fistula (RVF). Materials and Methods Surgical repair of RVF was performed in 28 mares at variable times relative to foaling (30 days to 24 months) and also relative to rebreeding (same cycle or delayed). Postoperative fertility was then evaluated. Results Two mares were already pregnant at the time of surgery and 20 of 23 mares (87%) that were bred immediately prior to or following surgery conceived from their first service. When mares were bred in the same cycle as surgery, the next cycle following surgery or in the following breeding season after surgery the pregnancy rate was 5/5, 5/6 and 10/12, respectively, and the foaling rates were 4/5, 4/6 and 7/12. The two mares already pregnant at the time of surgery foaled successfully. Conclusions Excellent fertility can be achieved following surgical repair of RVF and our results suggest that delaying breeding until the following breeding season is not necessary. In addition, breeding in the same cycle as the surgical repair is a previously unreported technique that should be considered to maintain normal fertility and a yearly foaling interval.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE Compare the career profiles of a cohort of Standardbred horses that first raced as 2-year-olds with those that started their racing careers at a later age. METHOD Retrospective analysis of the racing records of all foals born in New South Wales in the 2000 foaling season. RESULTS The career records of 999 horses were analysed. Almost half (43.9%) first raced as 2-year-olds and one-third (33.9%) as 3-year-olds. The median career duration for horses that first raced as 2-year-olds was 2.93 years (interquartile range (IQR) 2.70-3.16), which was significantly greater than the median for horses that first raced at 3, 4 or ≥5 years old (P < 0.001). Males, and horses that first raced as 2-year-olds, earned significantly more prize money than females or horses that started racing aged ≥3 years (P < 0.001). The population median number of career starts was 28.0 (IQR 8-64). Males, and horses that first raced as 2-year-olds, had significantly more career starts than females or horses that started racing aged ≥3 years (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION This study found no evidence suggesting that racing as a 2-year-old had a deleterious effect on a horse's racing career.  相似文献   

In humans, cardiorespiratory responses are widely evaluated from field incremental exercise tests. On the contrary, equine exercise physiology faces a huge lack of oxygen consumption measurements (VO2) in field conditions due to technical concerns. The aim of this study was to test the effects of two incremental continuous field tests on cardiorespiratory responses in Standardbred trotters. The two protocols were realized at trot and ended when horses galloped. The tests started at 4.2 m/s (T1) and 6.4 m/s (T2), with speed increments of 1.4 m/s every 3 min for T1 and 0.8 m/s every 2 min for T2. Velocity (v), heart rate (HR) and gas exchanges were recorded continuously, and blood lactate concentration [La?] was measured before and after tests. Values recorded at the end of the tests were considered as peak values. The vpeak values were 10.6 ± 0.3 and 10.7 ± 0.7 m/s for T1 and T2 respectively. Horses reached higher VO2peak (T1: 116.6 ± 11.5 ml/min/kg; T2: 88.9 ± 10.2 ml/min/kg; p < 0.05) and HRpeak (T1: 217 ± 5 bpm; T2: 209 ± 3 bpm; p < 0.05) during T1 compared with T2. T1 was significantly longer than T2 (17.5 ± 1.9 vs. 12.9 ± 1.6 min respectively, p < 0.01), and the number of steps entirely ran tended to be different (T1: 5.6 ± 0.6; T2: 6.2 ± 0.8, p = 0.07). Compared to T2, the design of T1 appeared easier to implement and allowed higher cardiorespiratory responses. The relationship between HR‐VO2 obtained through T1 gave a better correlation between the two variables than T2. These findings suggest that T1 might be better than T2 for evaluating cardiorespiratory adaptations to exercise and for estimating aerobic energy expenditure in exercising trotters.  相似文献   

Summary Bilateral superior check ligament desmotomy was performed on 31 Thoroughbred and 17 Standardbred horses as the sole method of treatment for superficial digital flexor tendonitis. Horses resumed racing between 6 and 19 months after surgery. Horses that were able to compete in 5 or more races without injury to the tendon again were considered to have had a successful return to racing. Twenty-five Thoroughbreds were suitable for later study and 13 of these (52%) raced on 5 or more occasions. Fifteen Standardbreds were suitable for later study and 10 of these (66%) raced on 5 or more occasions. Within the racing industry it is generally thought that about 20 to 30% of horses with superficial digital flexor tendonitis can return to racing after a prolonged rest. The results of this study suggest that bilateral superior check ligament desmotomy may improve the prognosis for a horse returning to racing after injury to the superficial digital flexor tendon.  相似文献   

目的 研究分析新疆昭苏地区不同性别、不同年龄段纯血马在不同月份的寄生虫感染情况,为纯血马的健康养殖以及科学驱虫提供参考。方法 随机选取不同年龄段纯血马122匹,分为5组,哺乳马驹30匹,青年母马25匹,青年公马20匹,繁殖母马35匹,种公马12匹。采用马场分栏群体舍饲和单厩饲养模式,保证不同年龄段纯血马饲料和饮水充足,分别在5月和10月采集粪便样品。使用虫卵计数法检测马匹粪便中的寄生虫,计算不同年龄纯血马在不同时间段的寄生虫感染率和感染强度。结果 5月纯血马马蛲虫以及马球虫感染率较高,除种公马外,感染率均在94.00%以上,其中,哺乳马驹马蛲虫的感染率高达98.89%,哺乳马驹马球虫的感染率高达98.33%。10月纯血马马副蛔虫以及马球虫的感染率均在93.00%以上,其中,繁殖母马马副蛔虫感染率高达99.52%,哺乳马驹马球虫感染率高达98.33%。5月哺乳马驹的马副蛔虫、毛圆线虫、盅口线虫与细颈三齿线虫感染强度均显著(P<0.05)高于其他年龄段的纯血马;马蛲虫、马球虫和埃氏腹盘吸虫的感染强度显著(P<0.05)高于种公马,与其他阶段纯血马相比差异不显著(P>0.05)。10月哺乳马驹马副蛔虫、毛圆线虫、裸头绦虫感染强度显著(P<0.05)高于除繁殖母马以外的其他年龄段纯血马,细颈三齿线虫感染强度显著(P<0.05)高于其他年龄段纯血马,马球虫和埃氏腹盘吸虫的感染强度显著(P<0.05)高于种公马。种公马马副蛔虫与细颈三齿线虫感染强度显著(P<0.05)低于其他阶段的纯血马。不同年龄段纯血马马蛲虫感染强度差异不显著(P>0.05)。结论 纯血马感染的肠道寄生虫主要有马蛲虫、马球虫、毛圆线虫、细颈三齿线虫、盅口线虫、马副蛔虫、裸头绦虫以及埃氏腹盘吸虫,不同年龄段、不同月份均有感染,且混合感染较为严重。哺乳马驹感染强度及感染率普遍高于其他年龄段纯血马。  相似文献   



To discuss how hypoxaemia might be harmful and why horses are particularly predisposed to developing it, to review the strategies that are used to manage hypoxaemia in anaesthetized horses, and to describe how successful these strategies are and the adverse effects associated with them.

Databases used

Google Scholar and PubMed, using the search terms horse, pony, exercise, anaesthesia, hypoxaemia, oxygen, mortality, morbidity and ventilation perfusion mismatch.


Although there is no evidence that hypoxaemia is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in anaesthetized horses, most anaesthetists would agree that it is important to recognise and prevent or treat it. Favourable anatomical and physiological adaptations of a horse for exercise adversely affect gas exchange once the animal is recumbent. Hypoxaemia is recognised more frequently in horses than in other domestic species during general anaesthesia, although its incidence in healthy horses remains unreported. Management of hypoxaemia in anaesthetized horses is challenging and often unsuccessful. Positive pressure ventilation strategies to address alveolar atelectasis in humans have been modified for implementation in recumbent anaesthetized horses, but are often accompanied by unpredictable and unacceptable cardiopulmonary adverse effects, and some strategies are difficult or impossible to achieve in adult horses. Furthermore, anticipated beneficial effects of these techniques are inconsistent. Increasing the inspired fraction of oxygen during anaesthesia is often unsuccessful since much of the impairment in gas exchange is a direct result of shunt. Alternative approaches to the problem involve manipulation of pulmonary blood away from atelectatic regions of the lung to better ventilated areas. However, further work is essential, with particular focus on survival associated with general anaesthesia in horses, before any technique can be accepted into widespread clinical use.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: High speed treadmill endoscopy provides a true assessment and diagnosis of the dynamic obstructions of the upper equine respiratory tract (DO‐URT). However, treadmills do not always allow reproduction of the exact conditions of dynamic collapse of the URT. The availability of on‐board endoscopes, which could be used without a treadmill, would make exercising endoscopy readily available to more equine practices. Objectives: To develop and validate an innovative endoscope which could be used for the examination of the URT at exercise in ridden and harnessed sport horses performing in natural conditions. Methods: Authors worked closely with engineers of a company manufacturing veterinary endoscopes. Over a 2‐year period several prototypes were tested on more than 20 cooperative horses performing either in trot, gallop, jumping or endurance. The final Dynamic Respiratory Scope (DRS) allows real‐time visualisation of the URT and video recordings for post test reviewing and archiving. The DRS was then tested in 2 equine livery yards. Performance horses presented for investigation of abnormal respiratory noises at exercise and/or poor performance were subjected to exercising endoscopy. Endoscopic images of the URT were recorded and video recordings of the URT were reviewed post test. Results: A total of 68 horses were examined: 39 harnessed Standardbred and 29 mounted horses (16 Thoroughbred and 13 saddle horses). Of these, 44 were diagnosed with a URT abnormality. Good quality videos were obtained even at maximum speed in all cases. The innovative insertion tube provided very stable images compared to those obtained with flexible video endoscopes on treadmills. Conclusions: This study validates the safety and the reliability of the DRS for imaging the equine URT during natural exercising conditions. Potential relevance: Most common causes of DO‐URT can be diagnosed easily during any type of performance without a treadmill and the DRS offers a great potential for further URT clinical research.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effect of collecting serial tracheal aspirate (TA) and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples on the cytological findings of subsequent fluid samples obtained from horses without clinical signs of respiratory disease. Study design Experimental. Study population Six healthy Standardbred horses. Methods Endoscopically‐guided TA samples, and BAL samples collected using the blind field technique were obtained from the six horses on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, and 17. On day 17, horses were sampled three times: at baseline and at 2.5 h and 4 h apart. The differential cytology of the fluid samples collected at each time point was expressed as percentages and compared statistically. Results There was a significant increase in neutrophil percentage in the TA samples taken at day 17 (at 2.5 h but not at 4 h apart). There was no significant change in the neutrophil percentages in the TA samples when repeated samples were taken ≥24 h apart. There was no significant change in the neutrophil percentages in the BAL fluid at any collection point. There were inconsistent changes in the percentages of lymphocytes and macrophages in the BAL fluid over time, but these remained within normal reference ranges and were considered clinically insignificant. Conclusions Serial TA and BAL samples can be taken at 24 h intervals without affecting the cytological findings of subsequent fluid samples collected using the techniques described.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Previous surveys of reproductive efficiency in British Thoroughbreds included only mares and stallions standing on studfarms in and around Newmarket. The present study was widened to compare Flatrace (FR) (Group A) and National Hunt (NH) (Group B) mares and stallions on studfarms throughout England. OBJECTIVES: To assess the influences of mare type, status and age, and veterinary manipulations on reproductive efficiency parameters. To compare the inherent fertility of stallions, based on singleton and twin pregnancy rates and pregnancy loss rates, in Groups A and B Thoroughbred breeding stock. METHODS: Managers of 24 FR and 9 NH public studfarms were asked to complete a questionnaire for each mated oestrous cycle shown by 2321 Group A and 1052 Group B mares throughout the 2002 mating season. Parameters such as per cycle singleton and twin pregnancy rates, and pregnancy loss rates were noted, and the success of hormone treatments to induce oestrus and ovulation assessed. The number of matings per oestrus and per pregnancy were recorded, together with the incidence and effectiveness of uterine and other veterinary treatments. The inherent fertility of 84 Group A and 43 Group B stallions in the study, as measured by the singleton and twin early pregnancy rates and the pregnancy loss rates recorded in the mares they mated, was also estimated. RESULTS: Per cycle early pregnancy (Days 13-16) was 63.2% for Group A and 65.3% for Group B mares; and 10.3% and 13.1%, respectively, of those pregnancies were twins or triplets. Early, middle and late pregnancy loss rates were 7.2% vs. 8.0% (Days 15-42), 3.6% vs. 6.1% (Days 42-1st October) and 2.7% vs. 2.1% (October-foaling), respectively. Matings per oestrus and per early pregnancy were significantly higher in Group B vs. Group A mares. For stallions that mated > or = 30 mares, overall early pregnancy rates per cycle in mares mated ranged from 30-89% across the 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS: No major differences in reproductive efficiency were identified between FR and NH mares and stallions. Increasing mare age was the single biggest limiting factor to an otherwise high rate of fertility in well-managed English Thoroughbreds. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: This study identified factors that influence reproductive efficiency in the Thoroughbred.  相似文献   

This work aims to study the relationship between variations of the Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) and the parameters of reproduction especially the first conception rate (FCR) and to determine the threshold THI value where cows’ fertility rate dropped in 12 Holstein dairy herds raised in the arid climatic conditions of Tunisia. THI values were calculated over 22 years (1996–2018), and the mean monthly temperature and relative humidity data were obtained from the Meteorological Institute of Tunisia. A total of 20,396 individual records (Insemination and calving dates) were extracted from the Livestock and Pasturing Office (OEP, Tunisia) with regard to the highest THI before breeding, on the breeding day, and after breeding. Statistical analysis was performed using the GLM procedure of SAS software. Results point to the fact that a summer heat stress exists in southeast Tunisia and lasts for 4 months starting from June until September with THI values fluctuating between 73 ± 2.38 and 79 ± 3.01 exceeding, therefore, THI threshold of 72. Increased THI from ≤70 to ≥80 units was associated with drops in conception rate (CR) and fertility rate (FR) of 49% and 45% giving a correlation with the THI of (r = −.72, p < .05) and (r = −.74, p < .05), respectively. When cows were inseminated on extremely hot days (THI ≥ 80) preceded by cooler temperatures, pregnancy by service (P/AI) was 7% points higher than for other cows that were exposed to high temperatures before breeding. The average number of insemination was higher (p < .05) from THI ≤ 70 (2.01) compared to THI ≥ 80 (3.41). Cows calving during an absence of heat stress (THI ≤ 70) have the shortest average calving intervals (CI: 420 ± 15.1 days). Contrastly, calving in the condition of heat stress (THI ≥ 80) has the longest CI (487 ± 12.8 days). For each point increase in the THI value above 67, there is a decrease in the first conception rate by 1.39%. In this particular arid environment, high-yielding Holstein cows’ breeding success is strongly affected by heat stress that takes place just before or after breeding.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the pharmacokinetics of ivermectin and its antiparasitic activity in two horse breeds. Eight Hutsul and 14 Toric horses were administered ivermectin orally at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg body weight. Blood samples were collected for 96 hr, and faecal samples were collected one day before and on days 14 and 21 after drug administration. Ivermectin concentrations in plasma samples were determined by high‐performance liquid chromatography. Ivermectin concentration was significantly higher in Toric than in Hutsul horses 90 min after ivermectin administration and was maintained at higher level for up to 96 hr. The area under the concentration versus the time curve from 0 to the last sampling point (AUC0→t) and the maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) were significantly higher in Toric than in Hutsul horses (1792.09 ± 246.22 μg × hr/L vs. 716.99 ± 255.81 μg × hr/L and 62.72 ± 17.97 ng/ml vs. 35.34 ± 13.61 ng/ml, respectively). No parasitic eggs were found in the faecal samples collected from both groups of horses on days 14 and 21 after drug administration. The obtained results indicate that although the pharmacokinetics of ivermectin may differ significantly between horse breeds, these differences do not affect the effectiveness of therapy.  相似文献   

AIM: To obtain initial baseline data on the management of Thoroughbred stud farms in the North Island of New Zealand.

METHODS: Data on the management of Thoroughbred stud farms were collected from a sample of 22 stud farms located in the south Auckland/Waikato region (n=15) and lower North Island (n=7) of New Zealand, using a face-to-face survey. The studmaster provided information on the size, scope and management of the farms during the 2004/2005 breeding season. Analysis was based on the location of the farm and size of the breeding operation (number of resident mares).

RESULTS: Effective farm size ranged from 20 to 526 ha and averaged 167 (standard error (SE) 36) and 88 (SE 49) ha in the south Auckland/Waikato and lower North Island areas, respectively. Some farms in the Auckland/Waikato region stood shuttle stallions. The median number of stallions per farm was three (range 0.9), and the median mare-to-stallion ratio was 43 (range 10.250). The farms had a mean of 50 (range 7.180) wet mares and 21 (range 0.100) dry mares. The number of mares per breeding stallion increased with increasing size of breeding operation (p=0.04), being 28 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 10.56) vs 40 (95% CI=16.74) vs 74 (95% CI=44.113) for moderate (≤70 mares), medium (90–199 mares) and large (≥200 mares in total) operations, respectively. Seventy-one percent of farms aimed to breed dry mares early in the breeding season, and used a combination of lights, hormone therapy, and rising plane of nutrition to achieve this.

Foaling took place in foaling paddocks monitored using a night foaling attendant (17/22) or with foaling alarms (5/22). At birth, 17/22 studmasters routinely administered antibiotics, 14/22 administered tetanus antitoxin, 9/22 administered an enema to foals, and 2/22 did not routinely administer prophylactic treatments. Weaning occurred at 5 (range 3.7–7) months of age, and foals were confined to a box for 1–2 weeks on 16/22 farms. Weaned foals were drenched with anthelmintics every 7 (range 4–9) weeks, and were fed 2.9 (range 1–6) kg of concentrate feed while at pasture until intensive management associated with preparation of the horses for auction began 13 (range 6–20) weeks before the yearling sales. Eight farms weighed the weanlings, at least monthly, to monitor growth.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The management of Thoroughbred horses was relatively consistent throughout the regions surveyed. Utilisation of breeding stallions tended to be more efficient on the larger stud farms in the south Auckland/Waikato region. Even though foals are grown at pasture they are often provided with large quantities of concentrate feed.  相似文献   

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