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Objective To evaluate the fertility of mares bred at various intervals relative to surgical management of rectovaginal fistula (RVF). Materials and Methods Surgical repair of RVF was performed in 28 mares at variable times relative to foaling (30 days to 24 months) and also relative to rebreeding (same cycle or delayed). Postoperative fertility was then evaluated. Results Two mares were already pregnant at the time of surgery and 20 of 23 mares (87%) that were bred immediately prior to or following surgery conceived from their first service. When mares were bred in the same cycle as surgery, the next cycle following surgery or in the following breeding season after surgery the pregnancy rate was 5/5, 5/6 and 10/12, respectively, and the foaling rates were 4/5, 4/6 and 7/12. The two mares already pregnant at the time of surgery foaled successfully. Conclusions Excellent fertility can be achieved following surgical repair of RVF and our results suggest that delaying breeding until the following breeding season is not necessary. In addition, breeding in the same cycle as the surgical repair is a previously unreported technique that should be considered to maintain normal fertility and a yearly foaling interval.  相似文献   

Two cloned mares, produced from the same sample of skin fibroblasts, were bred during four breeding seasons from their second year of age, as embryo donors, in exactly the same conditions, using the same stallions for both cloned mares. The aim of this study was to test the embryo donor potential of cloned mares and to compare the results obtained from two cloned mares of the same mare with other embryo donor mares (n = 31–39 per breeding season) at the same stud. For both cloned mares, 19 embryos were recovered by 43 collection attempts (44%) (7/22 for one; 12/21 for the other), 16 (84%) pregnancies (5/7 for one, 11/12 for the other) were obtained at day 14 post-ovulation (D14), and 12 (3/7 for one; 9/12 for the other) foals were born. One cloned mare was a less efficient donor mare than the other (p < .05), In control donor mares, 623 embryo collections were performed, with a recovery rate (80%—496/623) significantly higher than for cloned mares. The recovery rate in the subpopulation of 2–5-year-old control donor mares (same age of cloned mares) (89%—127/143) and The recovery rate in the subpopulation of 12 control mares bred with the seven same stallions as clones (55%—17/31), were both higher than for cloned mare (p < .05). The success rate of transfer was not different between embryos produced by cloned mares (84%—16/19) and those produced by control donor mares (79%—392/496). However, the foaling rate per embryo collection was significantly lower for cloned mares (28%—12/43) than for control donor mares (52% - 325/623) (p < .05).  相似文献   

Orientation of the embryo proper at the periphery of the equine embryonic vesicle is normally antimesometrial or on the ventral aspect of the embryonic vesicle (6 o'clock relative to 12 o'clock at the center of the mesometrial attachment). An early ultrasonographically detectable vascular endometrial indicator of the future position of the embryo proper has been reported previously and was first detected in a mean 2.5 days before detection of the embryo proper. In the current study, four occurrences of disorientation of the embryo proper were found in a group of 30 mares (incidence, 13%). When first detected, the early indicator of the clock-face position of the embryonic pole for the disorientation and normal orientation group, respectively, was 1.3 ± 0.3 and 0.4 ± 0.1 hours from the 6 o'clock position (P < .008). The extent of disorientation increased progressively over days 16 to 19, so that the embryo proper was at 3, 9, 9, or 10 o'clock. Disorientation was associated with a flaccid uterus and defective encroachment of the dorsal endometrium on the vesicle in three of the four mares. In a second study, disorientation of the embryo proper occurred in two mares with apparently normal uterine tone and endometrial encroachment. When first detected, the embryo proper was at 9 or 10 o'clock. However, asymmetric enlargement of the allantoic sac spontaneously corrected the disorientation, so that orientation of the umbilical cord attachment was at a normal position near 12 o'clock.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the changes in composition and physicochemical features (pH, density, thermostability and acidity) of mare colostrum and milk, and of protein fraction contribution (serum albumin, β-casein, γ-casein, α-lactalbumin, G class immunoglobulins) depending on lactation stage. The research material was colostrum and milk samples from 12 Arabian mares. Colostrum samples were collected within 2 h after parturition and milk samples were collected twice, in the 3rd and 6th weeks of lactation. The level of basic milk components decreased significantly (only lactose content increased) as compared to colostrum. Total bacteria count and somatic cell count decreased significantly with an increase in resistance and urea level. The changes observed were connected to differentiated contribution of particular protein fractions and their relative proportions. Lower levels of γ-casein (P ≤ 0.05), β-casein, serum albumin as well as α-lactalbumin were observed in colostrum as compared to those in milk. Any relationship between lactation stage and β-casein content was observed. Serum albumin and α-lactalbumin content increased in subsequent milkings. The level of G class immunoglobulins decreased significantly and its highest level was noted in colostrum. Any significant differences between the 3rd and 6th lactation weeks were obtained.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the analgesic, hemodynamic and respiratory effects, sedation and ataxia in mares of caudal epidural administration of ropivacaine hydrochloride solution. Study design Prospective, single‐dose trial. Animals Ten healthy mares weighing from 475 to 565 kg. Methods Intravascular catheters and an epidural needle were placed after infiltration of the skin and subcutaneous tissues with 2% lidocaine. Ropivacaine (0.5%, 8 or 9 mL) was then injected epidurally at the fifth sacral or sacrococcygeal vertebrae, respectively. Analgesia was determined by lack of sensory perception to electrical stimulation (> 40 milliamps) and absence of response to needle pricks extending from coccyx to S2 dermatomes. Electrocardiogram, heart and respiratory rates, rectal temperature, arterial blood pressure, arterial acid‐base (pH, standard bicarbonate and base excess), gas tensions (PO2, PCO2), PCV, oxyhemoglobin and total solids concentrations, and numerical scores of perineal analgesia, sedation (head drop), and ataxia (position of pelvic limbs) were determined before and during a 5‐hour testing period. Analysis of variance (anova ) with repeated measures was used to detect significant (p < 0.05) differences of mean values from baseline. Results Epidurally administered ropivacaine induced variable analgesia extending bilaterally from coccyx to S2 (three mares), coccyx to S3 (four mares), and coccyx to S4 (three mares), with minimal sedation, ataxia, and cardiovascular and respiratory disturbances of mares. Perineal analgesia was attained at 10 ± 4 minutes and lasted for 196 ±42 minutes (mean ± SD). Five mares demonstrated inadequate perineal analgesia, probably attributable to deviation of the spinal needle from the midline. They were successfully blocked with ropivacaine on another occasion. Epidural ropivacaine significantly reduced repiratory rates of mares and did not change other variables from baseline. Conclusions and clinical relevance Ropivacaine (0.5%, 8 mL 500 kg?1) can be administered caudal epidurally to produce prolonged (> 2.5 hours) bilateral perineal analgesia with minimal sedation, ataxia, and circulatory and respiratory disturbances in standing mares.  相似文献   

In study I, plasma progesterone concentrations were evaluated in anoestrous mares that received an intravaginal progesterone release device (IPRD) for 10 days. Mares were divided into 3 groups based on the dosage of progesterone (0 g, n=3; 1.38 g, n=5; and 1.9 g, n=5). No statistical differences were found in plasma progesterone concentrations between the two doses tested. In study II, the effects of a protocol based on a short program of artificial light combined with an IPRD containing 1.38 g of progesterone on oestrous behaviour and onset of ovulation were evaluated. IPRDs were inserted into 31 late transitional mares (10 days of treatment). The mares were divided into a control group (n=9, IPRD with 0 g of progesterone) and two treatment groups (T1, n=10, IPRD with 0 g of progesterone and artificial light; T2, n=12, IPRD with 1.38 g of progesterone and artificial light). The percentages of mares in heat within the first 14 days after treatment were 100%, 70%, and 100% in the control, T1, and T2 groups, respectively (P=0.097), and their ovulation rates were 44%, 60%, and 100%, respectively (P≤0.01). In conclusion, a protocol based on artificial light and an IPRD containing 1.38 g of progesterone for 10 days could be considered to advance the first ovulation of the year in late transitional mares, as it ensures a higher rate of ovulation within the first 14 days after treatment.  相似文献   

Friesian horses appear to suffer a relatively high incidence of dystocia but there are, to the authors' knowledge, no published reports on the incidence or types of dystocia in Friesian horses. A retrospective survey of clinical details and post treatment recovery was performed for 66 mares referred to Wolvega Equine Hospital for dystocia during 2001–2006. Friesian mares appear to be particularly prone to dystocia due to fetal ankylosis or transverse presentation. However, despite dystocia of relatively long duration prior to caesarean section, post operative survival and fertility of mares and, more surprisingly, survival of foals were similar to those reported in surveys for other breeds.  相似文献   

A series of abortions occurred in mares in New South Wales during 2004 that involved similar and unusual findings on post mortem examination of aborted fetuses and fetal membranes. The term Equine Amnionitis and Fetal Loss (EAFL) was developed to describe the condition. This form of abortion had not been previously recognised in Australia. The pathology alone is not specific for EAFL and diagnosis requires demonstration of a combination of certain pathological and bacteriological features. The purpose of this paper is to describe patterns considered consistent with EAFL cases as a working case definition for use by veterinarians and veterinary pathologists in identifying future cases of EAFL. More detailed papers are in preparation to fully describe the epidemiological, histopathological, and microbiological aspects of EAFL.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report on the outcome of surgical treatment of uterine torsion in preterm mares. DESIGN: Retrospective case series of pregnant mares with uterine torsion presented to the Clinic for Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Andrology of Large and Small Animals. METHODS: Hospital records of all pregnant mares that underwent ventral midline laparotomy for uterine torsion between 1998 and 2004 were reviewed. The signalment, history, clinical signs, results of diagnostic procedures, direction and degree of the uterine twist, treatment and outcome were retrieved from each case record. RESULTS: This study comprised 19 mares between months 5 and 11 of pregnancy (8.7 +/- 1.9) and suffering from uterine torsion. In all cases ventromedian laparotomy was carried out under general anaesthesia. Gastrointestinal disorders were also present in 52.6% of horses. Postoperative complications included subcutaneous seromas (five mares), peritonitis (one mare) and abortion (two mares). In four mares (21%) the operation was unsuccessful (i.e. these mares had to be euthanased intra- or postoperatively). Of the surviving 15 mares, 13 (86.6%) gave birth to viable foals at full term. The foals developed normally. Only two mares aborted. CONCLUSIONS: Because of its versatility the ventral midline approach should be considered for correction of uterine torsion. The approach has many advantages, including rapid and clear access to the abdominal cavity, safety, visual assessment of uterine wall viability, correction of concomitant gastrointestinal tract problems, and performance of hysterotomy or hysterectomy, if indicated. In this study, managing uterine torsion in this way resulted in a high percentage of cases (86.6%) in which pregnancy was maintained, with the birth of a viable, mature foal.  相似文献   

Reproductive phenology is an important trait subjected to natural selection. Current horses in America belong to the Palearctic original populations after being introduced by European colonizers. Photoperiod variation is the main environmental factor for the adjustment of reproductive timing in horses, but is absent in equatorial areas. Here we hypothesize that seasonality of green‐grass availability may influence breeding phenology in equatorial regions. We used data of 929 services to mares from 2006 to 2011 in a thoroughbred equine exploitation in Ecuador that experienced strong grass seasonality. Actual births could not be used to infer natural phenology because they were influenced by management decisions. Instead, we used variations in the probability of pregnancy after a service as a measure of the natural tendency of mares to show breeding phenology. We found that although managers tended to schedule pregnancies in two periods within the year, mares were more prone to become pregnant after the increase in grass greenness that takes place at the beginning of the year (February). Our finding has potential applications to improve the success of services and the welfare of animals, by providing green‐grass stimuli in the appropriate season.  相似文献   

In the horse, breeding induces a transient endometrial inflammation. A subset of mares are unable to resolve this inflammation, and they are considered susceptible to persistent mating‐induced endometritis PMIE Select seminal plasma proteins cysteine‐rich secretory protein‐3 (CRISP‐3) and lactoferrin have been shown to affect the innate immune response to sperm in vitro. The objective of this study was to determine whether the addition of CRISP‐3 and lactoferrin at the time of insemination had an effect on the mRNA expression of endometrial cytokines in susceptible mares after breeding. Six mares classified as susceptible to PMIE were inseminated during four consecutive oestrous cycles with treatments in randomized order of: 1 mg/ml CRISP‐3, 150 μg/ml lactoferrin, seminal plasma (positive control) or lactated Ringer's solution (LRS; negative control) to a total volume of 10 ml combined with 1 × 109 spermatozoa pooled from two stallions. Six hours after treatment, an endometrial biopsy was obtained for qPCR analysis of selected genes associated with inflammation (pro‐inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)‐1β, IL‐8, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)‐α, interferon (INF)‐γ, anti‐inflammatory cytokines IL‐1RN and IL‐10, and inflammatory‐modulating cytokine IL‐6). Seminal plasma treatment increased the mRNA expression of IL‐1β (p = .019) and IL‐8 (p = .0068), while suppressing the mRNA expression of TNF (p = .0013). Lactoferrin also suppressed the mRNA expression of TNF (p = .0013). In conclusion, exogenous lactoferrin may be considered as one modulator of the complex series of events resulting in the poorly regulated pro‐inflammatory response seen in susceptible mares.  相似文献   

Fertility health disorders from the early lactation period including retained placenta (REPLA), metritis (MET), corpus luteum persistence (CLP), anoestria/acyclia (AOEAC) and ovarial cysts (OC), as well as overall disease categories (disorders during the postpartal period (DPP), ovary infertility (OINF), overall trait definition “fertility disorders” (FD)), were used to estimate genetic (co)variance components with female fertility and test‐day traits. The disease data set comprised 25,142 Holstein cows from parities 1, 2 and 3 resulting in 43,584 lactations. For disease traits, we used the binary trait definition (sick or healthy) and disease count data reflecting the sum of treatments for the same disease within lactation or within lactation periods. Statistical modelling included single and multiple trait repeatability animal models for all trait combinations within a Bayesian framework. Heritabilities for binary disease traits ranged from 0.04 (OC) to 0.10 (REPLA) and were slightly lower for the corresponding sum trait definitions. Correlations between both trait definitions were almost one, for genetic as well as for permanent environmental effects. Moderate to high genetic correlations were found among puerperal disorders DPP, REPLA and MET (0.45–0.98) and among the ovarian disorders OINF, AOEAC, CLP and OC (0.59–0.99). Genetic correlations between puerperal and ovarian disorders were close to zero, apart from the REPLA–OC association (0.55). With regard to fertility disorders and productivity in early lactation, a pronounced genetic antagonistic relationship was only identified between OC and protein yield. Genetic correlations between fertility disorders and test‐day SCS were close to zero. OINF and all diseases contributing to OINF were strongly correlated with the female fertility traits “interval from calving to first service,” “interval from service to pregnancy” and “interval from calving to pregnancy.” The strong correlations imply that fertility disorders could be included in genetic evaluations of economic fertility traits as correlated predictors. Vice versa, a breeding focus on female fertility traits will reduce genetic susceptibility to OC, CLP and AOEAC.  相似文献   

With the objective of testing the hypothesis if animals with a stable layer of body fat (FAT) during the peripartum have a better chance of becoming pregnant after calving, fifty‐nine multiparous Brahman cows in their last trimester of pregnancy were used. Animals averaged four parturitions and were stocked at a rate of 1.25 animal units per hectare and divided into two groups depending on the time postpartum (dpp) that the intravaginal releasing device CIDR was inserted; Group 1 (<30 dpp; n = 30) received the implant at 25.2 ± 4.21 and withdrawn 9 days later. Group 2 (≥30 dpp; n = 29) received the CIDR at 38.41 ± 5.8. Animals were AI at detected oestrus until 170 dpp and calculated as pregnant at first service or requiring more than one service (1s and >1s), not pregnant but cycling (not pregnant) and those not cycling at all (anestrus). The FAT measurements were taken twice each month from the last trimester of gestation until 96 dpp. The onset of ovarian activity was monitored through blood levels of progesterone (P4) at days 14 and 9 prior to CIDR insertion and days 10, 13, 30 and 33 after CIDR withdrawal. Animals pregnant did not have any major changes in their fat thickness. In contrast, cows pregnant in the group ≥30 dpp had changes in their FAT homoeostasis, and pregnant animals in the 1s and >1s groups did not show differences in dorsal back fat in the last trimester of pregnancy and early postpartum. In contrast, animals not pregnant and in anestrus FAT values decreased considerably after parturition. Overall, fertility was 49%, but 18% of all the animals remained anestrus losing FAT. Thus, animals with adequate metabolic conditions will have a better chance of pregnancy regardless of the time postpartum when the reproductive programme starts.  相似文献   

通过对玉林市荔枝主产区果园73份土壤样本养分含量分析,评价当地荔枝园土壤养分肥力现状。结果表明,当地荔枝园土壤养分有机质、碱解氮、速效钾、有效钙、有效镁、有效硼、有效钼含量偏低,有效磷和有效锌含量中偏低,有效铜含量中等,有效硫含量偏高,土壤pH值偏强酸性。栽培中要注意增施有机质肥、氮肥、钾肥、适施磷肥,重视钙镁肥的施用,及时补充硼肥;特别是含量属于缺乏水平的荔枝园,适量使用石灰,提高土壤酸碱度。本文旨在通过对玉林市荔枝园土壤养分含量分析及养分肥力现状评价,为当地荔枝栽培进行科学施肥提供指导。  相似文献   

畜禽遗传育种学和动物营养学是国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部六处畜牧学科面上项目的重要组成部分,本文对2004—2007年畜牧学科面上项目中的遗传育种学、动物营养学和饲料资源学的申请和资助情况进行了总结,对申请和资助项目快速增长情况进行了分析,并针对2008年基金委资助格局发生变化的状况,建议项目申请者明确定位,撰写申请书时要在突出创新思想的基础上,以提出的科学问题为主线,阐明拟解决科学问题的方法和手段。本文旨在为从事该专业的科研人员申报科学基金提供参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this retrospective study is to describe in detail a novel ventral approach for mandibulectomy and the results in 19 dogs. The medical records of 19 dogs that received a partial or total unilateral mandibulectomy with the new ventral approach were reviewed. Information obtained included signalment, tumour type, extent of mandibulectomy, removal of regional lymph nodes, intrasurgical complications, immediate postoperative complications, histopathological diagnosis and study of margins. Intrasurgical complication occurred in one dog (haemorrhage) and required a blood transfusion. Postoperative morbidity was minor and included transient ventral cervical swelling and self‐limiting sublingual swelling (two dogs). All 19 animals were discharged between 24 and 48 hours of the procedure, and appetite was considered normal at discharge. Some perceived advantages of this procedure include easy identification of all the important anatomic structures in the area, including the inferior alveolar artery and temporo‐mandibular joint, and the fact that osteotomy of the zygomatic arch is not necessary (in case of caudal mandibulectomy). In addition, dissection of both mandibular and retropharyngeal lymph nodes is easily achieved by caudal extension of the same skin incision.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Standing fracture repair in the horse is a recently described surgical procedure and currently there are few follow‐up data. This case series contains 2 novel aspects in the standing horse: repair of incomplete sagittal fractures of the proximal phalanx and medial condylar repair from a lateral aspect. Objectives: To describe outcome in a case series of horses that had lower limb fractures repaired under standing sedation at Rossdales Equine Hospital. Method: Case records for all horses that had a fracture surgically repaired, by one surgeon at Rossdales Equine Hospital, under standing sedation and local anaesthesia up until June 2011, were retrieved. Hospital records, owner/trainer telephone questionnaire and the Racing Post website were used to evaluate follow‐up. Results: Thirty‐four horses satisfied the inclusion criteria. Fracture sites included the proximal phalanx (incomplete sagittal fracture, n = 14); the third metacarpal bone (lateral condyle, n = 12, and medial condyle, n = 7); and the third metatarsal bone (lateral condyle, n = 1). One horse required euthanasia due to caecal rupture 10 days post operatively. Twenty horses (66.7% of those with available follow‐up) have returned to racing. Where available, mean time from operation to return to racing was 226 days (range 143–433 days). Conclusions: Standing fracture repair produced similar results to fracture repair under general anaesthesia in terms of both the number of horses that returned to racing and the time between surgery and race. Potential relevance: Repair of lower limb fracture in the horse under standing sedation is a procedure that has the potential for tangible benefits, including avoidance of the inherent risks of general anaesthesia. The preliminary findings in this series of horses are encouraging and informative when discussing options available prior to fracture repair.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old Tennessee Walking Horse mare displaying signs of severe colic for 48 h was found during an exploratory celiotomy to have entrapment of a cranially displaced large colon and the caecum through a rent in the mesoduodenum. The entrapment was relieved, and 24 h later, the mesoduodenal rent was closed laparoscopically, with the mare standing. The owner reported 6 months later that the mare had displayed no signs of colic since being discharged from the hospital 11 days after surgery.  相似文献   

The aim of this article was to study opportunities for improvement of the indigenous and threatened Red Maasai sheep (RM) in Kenya, by comparing purebreeding with crossbreeding with Dorper sheep (D) as a terminal breed, in two different environments (Env. A and a harsher Env. B), assuming different levels of genotype‐by‐environment interaction (G × E). Breeding goals differed between environments and breeds. Four scenarios of nucleus breeding schemes were stochastically simulated, with the nucleus in Env. A. Overall, results showed an increase in carcass weight produced per ewe by more than 10% over 15 years. Genetic gain in carcass weight was 0.17 genetic SD/year (0.2 kg/year) across scenarios for RM in the less harsh Env. A. For survival and milk yield, the gain was lower (0.04–0.05 genetic SD/year). With stronger G × E, the gain in the commercial tier for RM in the harsher Env. B became increasingly lower. Selection of females also within the commercial tier gave slightly higher genetic gain. The scenario with purebreeding of RM and a subnucleus in Env. B gave the highest total income and quantity of meat. However, quantity of meat in Env. A increased slightly from having crossbreeding with D, whereas that in Env. B decreased. A simple and well‐designed nucleus breeding programme would increase the genetic potential of RM. Crossbreeding of RM with D is not recommended for harsh environmental conditions due to the large breed differences expected in that environment.  相似文献   

家畜mtDNA具有大小恒定、核苷酸替代率多,以母性方式遗传、密码不通用性、基因排列相当经济、同源性高等基本特点,其多态性很丰富,可用于基因工程,家畜品种起源进化、亲缘关系、畜群遗传结构、及其与家畜生产性能的关系等方面的研究,这将为mtDNA广泛应用于家畜遗传能种领域提供重要的理论价值和实际意义。  相似文献   

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