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1 鸡舍温度管理 温度的好坏直接影响鸡的健康生长和饲料利用。温度过高,鸡只采食量减少,饮水量过多,生长缓慢:温度过低,雏鸡卵黄吸收不良,易引起消化不良等疾病,增加饲料消耗量。温度过高、过低都会降低饲料报酬,从而降低经济效益。  相似文献   

1温度 温度是鸡舍环境控制的最直接、最重要,也是最艰难的参数。环境控制的适宜与否直接影响肉鸡生产性能好坏等。温度过高,鸡只采食量减少,饮水量过多,鸡只热应激增加,鸡只要消耗一部分体能用于抵抗热应激,最终造成鸡群生长缓慢;温度过低,易引起消化不良等疾病,增加饲料消耗量,育成鸡也会消耗体能抵御冷应激。温度过高、过低都会降低饲料报酬,从而降低经济效益。  相似文献   

1潮湿季节养鸡的问题和困难 1.1影响鸡的生长发育湿度过大、地面垫料潮湿时,容易造成雏鸡、肉鸡生长发育受阻,饲料报酬低。在湿度高加上温度高时,鸡体感温度提高,体温散发减少,因闷热而厌食,影响增重;在湿度高加上温度低时,湿度会降低体感温度,体温散发增加,容易受寒。这两种情况均妨碍了鸡的生长发育。  相似文献   

产蛋鸡舍环境控制的几个方面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1温度气温不但影响鸡的生长,而且也影响鸡产蛋和健康。雏鸡生长最适宜的温度随日龄的增长而降低,1日龄为34.4~35.0℃,此后逐渐下降到18日龄4的26.7℃。温度过低,饲料利用率下降;温度过高,生长缓慢,死亡率上升。在一般鸡产蛋适宜的温度为13~23℃,在管理中应做好夏季防暑降温和冬季防寒保暖。  相似文献   

1潮湿季节养鸡的问题和困难1.1影响鸡的生长发育湿度过大、地面垫料潮湿时,容易造成雏鸡和肉鸡的生长发育受阻,饲料报酬降低。在湿度高加上温度高时,鸡体感温度提高,体温散发减少,因闷热而厌食,影响增重;在湿度高加上温度低时,湿度会降低体感温度,体温散发增加,容易受寒。这两种情况均妨碍了鸡的生长发育。1.2繁殖性能下降从营养方面看,在潮湿季节,种鸡摄食减少,加  相似文献   

<正>1温度温度是鸡舍环境控制的最直接、最重要,也是最艰难的参数。环境控制的适宜与否直接影响肉鸡生产性能好坏等。温度过高,鸡只采食量减少,饮水量过多,鸡只热应激增加,鸡只要消耗一部分体能用于抵抗热应激,最终造成鸡群生长缓慢;温度过低,易引起消化不良等疾病,增加饲料消耗量,育成鸡也会消耗体能抵御冷应激。温度过高、过低都会降低饲料报酬,从而降低经济效益。因此,只有根据鸡群发育特点,使环境达到最佳温度控制范围,才能最大限度  相似文献   

夏季的集约化养鸡生产 ,在鸡易发生热应激期间 ,可通过在饲料中添加抗应激添加剂和调整饲料的营养标准 ,提高鸡体抗热应激能力 ,来缓解对生产造成的影响。1 调整饲料的营养水平1 1 提高饲料的能量 能量摄入量降低是热应激期间鸡生产性能下降的原因之一。夏季温度高 ,鸡采食量减少 ,因此提高日粮的能量 ,尽量增加鸡体的能量摄入量 ,可在一定程度上克服热应激造成的不良影响。在实际生产中可添加脂肪以提高日粮能量。脂肪热增耗低 ,使能量在体内的潴留量增加 ,同时 ,日粮中添加油脂能改善适口性 ,降低饲料在胃肠道的流通速度 ,从而提高家…  相似文献   

1温度产蛋鸡的适宜温度为15~25℃,过高或者过低都能使鸡群采食量减少,导致产蛋下降。温度过低在10℃时,气温每下降1℃,母鸡的耗料量增加0.25~0.50饲料单位。偏离适宜温度12~15℃时,气温下降会导致鸡体内的总代谢发生不利的变化,耗氧量上升2%~18%,产热量增加15%~31%,呼吸深度增加7%~74%,结果导致产蛋率下降,饲料转化率降  相似文献   

饲料费用的开支约占养鸡生产费用的70%左右。在其他成本不变的情况下,既能养好鸡,多产蛋、多长肉,又能减少饲料浪费,降低生产成本,成为每个养鸡场管理者最关心的内容。而在实际工作中,由于饲养管理不科学,常造成饲料的大量浪费。为有效地减少鸡场饲料浪费,本文提出以下几点措施。1饲料的投放饲料配合一定要按照饲养标准,否则营养含量过高易造成浪费,不足又会影响鸡生产性能的充分发挥。不合理的料槽结构及放置高度,饲料浪费量很大,可达12%左右。如料槽过小、过浅、无檐或放置过低,鸡易拨弄饲料外溢;过大、过深或放置过高会影响鸡的采食和生…  相似文献   

1 温度 温度对鸡的生长、产蛋、蛋的品质及饲料转化率有明显影响。对产蛋适宜温度为13~20℃,过高过低对产蛋都不利。鸡无汗腺,通过蒸发散热有限,只有靠呼吸散热。所以高温对鸡极不利,当环境温度高于37.8℃时,鸡有发生热衰竭的危险,因此,夏季应注意鸡舍通风,舍内喷凉水,适当减小饲养密度,尽量使舍温降至29℃以下。冬季应注意保温,适当增加饲料密度,尽量保证舍温在8℃以上。  相似文献   

Infectious diseases are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in horses, along with economic costs and broader impacts associated with the loss of members of a species that generates income, acts as a working animal and is a companion. Endemic diseases continue to challenge, emerging diseases are an ever‐present threat and outbreaks can be both destructive and disruptive. While infectious diseases can never be completely prevented, measures can be introduced to restrict the entry of pathogens into a population or limit the implications of the presence of a pathogen. Objective research regarding infection control and biosecurity in horses is limited, yet a variety of practical infection prevention and control measures can be used. Unfortunately, infection control can be challenging, because of the nature of the equine industry (e.g. frequent horse movement) and endemic pathogens, but also because of lack of understanding or motivation to try to improve practices. Recognition of the basic concepts of infection control and biosecurity, and indeed the need for measures to control infectious diseases, is the foundation for successful infection prevention and control.  相似文献   

Mastitis control     

Sir,—There are two unrelated measures in mastitis control which are worth mention.  相似文献   

Two main methods are currently being used by farmers in the heartwater regions to control this disease in cattle and other stock, namely strategic control of ticks and total control of ticks. Some farmers make successful use of the latter method, particularly in areas which are marginal for the disease. Total tick control requires top managerial skills, which includes continual expert supervision, a relatively rare asset. The majority of farmers, often unintentionally, apply strategic control of ticks to control heartwater, either without or with vaccination against the disease. In this case the objective of tick control is to minimize "tick worry" without interfering too drastically with natural transmission of the disease. This method would make provision for natural immunization of young animals (a more uncertain method than vaccination) and the maintenance of immunity. In practice these methods appear to diminish deaths from heartwater appreciably, but do not protect all animals from the disease. Furthermore, they appear to be more effective in cattle than other stock. Although strategic control has an evolutionary background and considerable merit under African conditions, it is being applied in an empirical way because of paucity of information on the epidemiology of heartwater. More information on the infection rate in and infectivity of ticks (percentage of infected ticks) offer challenging research possibilities.  相似文献   

We sought to (1) survey sexually intact street dogs for a wide range of diseases in three cities in Rajasthan, India and (2) evaluate links between the health of non-treated dogs and both the presence and duration of animal birth control (ABC) programs. ABC regimes sterilize and vaccinate stray dogs in an attempt to control their population and the spread of rabies. They are commonly suggested to improve the health of those dogs they serve, but here we provide evidence that these benefits also extend to untreated dogs in the community.  相似文献   

Wingfield A  Miller H  Honhold N 《The Veterinary record》2006,158(20):706-7; author reply 707-8

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