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<正>近年来,我国肉羊业发展较快,成为广大农民致富奔小康的一项主导产业。但很多养殖户对肉羊舍饲饲养技术的掌握仍不过关,生产水平不高,导致经济效益低下,在一定程度上影响了产业的发展。为了提高肉羊舍内饲养水平,我们结合"肉羊标准化养殖技术示范推广"项目的实施,研制了舍饲肉羊的饲料配方,并提出了在此配方下的管理要点。  相似文献   

通过本项目的实施,推广了肉羊颗粒饲料养羊技术,包括研制肉羊生长过程中各阶段的饲料配方,充分利用本地大量的秸秆资源,对育成羊瘤胃进行调理,通过调整饲料配方等综合措施预防尿结石等疾病,提高了肉羊的增重速度和饲料报酬,推进了山羊养殖标准化、规模化生产,优化了养殖业结构,实现传统产业的转型升级,取得了较高的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

肉羊在不同生长阶段对饲养管理要求有所差异,尤其是羔羊和妊娠母羊对环境和营养比较敏感,如果饲料营养缺乏、饲喂搭配不合理、日常管理不当等,都会影响肉羊生长速度和饲料报酬,甚至还会感染疾病而降低肉羊养殖效益。本文结合肉羊生长发育特点,通过羊场选址、饲料营养、日常管理和疾病防控等方面阐述了肉羊高效养殖关键技术措施,并且详细介绍了不同生长阶段的饲料配方和管理方案等技术要点,以期提高肉羊生产性能和产品质量,最终实现理想的养殖效益。  相似文献   

"五统一分"是目前应用较为广泛的肉羊养殖模式之一,其中的"五统"主要包括品种统一、饲料统一、用药统一、疾病防治统一和销售统一,"一分"主要指的是分散养殖。这样的养殖模式推动了肉羊饲养标准化生产技术的发展,确保肉羊的整体品质和安全。  相似文献   

近年来,由于市场需求的拉动,肉羊规模化、标准化养殖快速发展,而肉羊配合饲料生产相对滞后,远不能满足肉羊生产的需要。目前,羊场多使用自配饲料饲养肉羊,但由于饲料配制及使用不当,严重制约了规模化养羊的经济效益,有些羊场甚至出现营养代谢性疾病(如尿结石、瘤胃酸中毒、肥羔症、黄膘病等)。  相似文献   

肉羊采用限制活动饲养法,可以最大限度地减少肉羊的体能消耗,将肉羊从饲料中所吸收的热能最大限度的转化为脂肪,从而大大加快了肉羊的育肥速度,提早出栏,缩短饲养周期,提高饲养的经济效益。其具体是:1短桩拴系育肥在肉羊育肥生产中,广大农民常常对肉羊进行短桩拴系饲养,以达到减少肉羊活动、降低维持需要,加速肉羊生长和育肥的目的。2舍饲育肥应用这种饲养方式,不仅能对肉羊进行统一管理,实行标准化饲养,而且能降低饲料消耗,提高肉羊育肥的效益。3围栏育肥应用围栏育肥肉羊,可使100~200只品种、性别相同,体重、年龄近似的肉羊在同一围栏内…  相似文献   

柳强 《中国畜牧业》2022,(23):81-82
<正>随着社会快速发展,环境问题日益严峻,导致天然草场面积减少,牧草资源短缺。畜牧养殖行业中畜禽的饲养方式面临着由放牧到舍饲的巨大转变。作为羊肉生产大国,我国的肉羊养殖业正向标准化、集约化、规模化、机械化生产发展,饲养方式也由传统的放牧过渡到舍饲,以满足国民对各种高品质羊肉产品的需求。但舍饲肉羊可能由于饲料配方不合理、饲养密度较大、缺乏运动等原因导致一些疾病流行。面对这些问题,笔者就肉羊在舍饲环境下可能发生疾病的流行特点及如何防治进行了相关综述。  相似文献   

1前言 《肉羊良种快速繁育及标准化饲养科技示范基地建设项目》是由包头市科技局批准立项,包头市草原工作站承担的重大科技发展项目,项目实施期限为2005--2006年,现已圆满完成。项目组成员在本项目实施过程中,结合包头地区肉羊乍产中多汁饲料生产的实际,总结编写了《饲用甜菜生产技术规范》,对包头地区生产肉羊多汁饲料,特别是饲用甜菜的生产具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

饲用甜菜生产技术规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1前言 《肉羊良种快速繁育及标准化饲养科技示范基地建设项目》是由包头市科技局批准立项,包头市草原工作站承担的重大科技发展项目,项目实施期限为2005--2006年,现已圆满完成。项目组成员在本项目实施过程中,结合包头地区肉羊乍产中多汁饲料生产的实际,总结编写了《饲用甜菜生产技术规范》,对包头地区生产肉羊多汁饲料,特别是饲用甜菜的生产具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

当前,养羊业正悄悄由牧区养羊为主逐渐向农区发展,而农区传统的靠天养羊粗放管理方式很难获得最大经济效益。因此,随着农区养羊业的快速与规模化发展,舍饲肉羊业发展很快,已成为我区南北疆广大农牧民致富奔小康的一项主导产业。但是南疆贫困地区养殖户对肉羊舍饲饲养技术掌握不过关,生产力低,致使经济效益低下,在一定程序上影响了养殖户的积极性和我区肉羊业的发展。为了提高肉羊舍饲饲养管理水平,结合近年来对于舍饲肉羊生产方面的研究,特制订了舍饲肉羊饲料配方和饲养管理要点。  相似文献   

中国养羊业经历了从产毛为主到产肉为主、从散养为主到规模化养殖、从传统养殖到现代化养殖的根本改变,目前中国的养羊业已经进入到了一个全新的时代。文章对中国养羊业进行了简要的回顾,重点对国内肉羊发展和研究内容从遗传育种、饲养管理、繁殖以及疫病防控等方面进行了详细论述,以期为国内同行科研和生产提供参考。  相似文献   

Conclusions from narrative qualitative reviews on differences in total tract digestibilities between goats and sheep did not account for variability among studies. Therefore meta‐analytic techniques were used to describe the magnitude of these differences with numerical values. A unitless effect size (Hedges’ g) was applied within studies to measure differences in digestibilities of dry matter (DM; 104 comparisons), organic matter (OM; 93 comparisons), crude protein (CP; 85 comparisons), neutral detergent fibre (NDF; 74 comparisons), acid detergent fibre (ADF; 59 comparisons), cellulose (24 comparisons), hemicellulose (18 comparisons) and gross energy (GE; 29 comparisons). The absence and inability to describe independent factors which contributed to variation among studies necessitated the use of frequentist random effects and hierarchical Bayesian models in the calculation of summary statistics across studies. Digestibilities of DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF and hemicellulose were higher (p < 0.05) in goats than sheep when all‐forage diets were fed. When concentrates were included in the diets, there were no such differences. Differences between goats and sheep in DM intake were found to be non‐significant. Differences in nutrient digestibilities of forages as sole feed implies that species‐specific values have to be used in feed formulation and feeding strategies. However, caution is needed when extrapolating results from stall‐feeding, which is how digestibility data are usually measured, to grazing conditions.  相似文献   

热应激状态下羊的体温调节   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热应激是由高温环境所引起的,在炎热的气候条件下,当环境有效温度超过羊的等热区上限温度时,羊就会出现热应激。由热应激引发的不良影响广泛存在,不仅严重影响羊的生存质量,而且导致羊体温升高、生长性能降低、免疫力减弱以及肉品质下降。本文综述了导致羊产生热应激的因素以及热应激条件下的体温调节机制。在热应激的情况下,机体通过吸收环境辐射热和累积机体代谢产热,使机体获得很高的热负荷,超过了机体的散热能力。暴露在高温环境中的羊只,可通过增加机体散热消除过多的热负荷。当空气温湿度发生变化时,作为恒温动物,绵羊和山羊可以通过调整自身的产热量、采食量、饮水量、呼吸频率和行为等方式,来维持机体产热和散热的平衡。总之,羊可以利用复杂有效的散热机制维持体温平衡,适应高温环境。  相似文献   

The dry season in tropical regions urges livestock to feed on nutritionally very poor diets. It has not been explored how tropical sheep—assumed grazers—and tropical goats—intermediate browsers—cope with a high-fibre tannin-rich diet. This study was designed to determine the effects of a high-fibre and tannin-rich diet on the flow of important microminerals iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) throughout the digestive tract of tropical sheep and goats. The feeding trial was set up with twelve adult male animals, six sheep with mean body weight (BW) of 30.3 ± 1.6 kg and six goats with mean BW of 26.4 ± 2.2 kg. The feed consisted of 36% leaves of Millettia ferruginea, 61% hay and 3% concentrate and was offered at 3% of BW (all on dry matter (DM) basis). The total faecal collection was carried out for 7 consecutive days. At the end of the experimental period, the animals were slaughtered to collect liver and digesta samples from the gastrointestinal tract. Feed, digesta and faecal samples underwent analysis of Fe, Zn, and Cu and total tannins (TT). Goats had significantly higher reticulum Cu concentrations expressed on DM as compared to sheep. Faecal Cu concentrations were higher for goats compared to sheep. Reticulum and colon digesta Zn levels were higher in goats than sheep. Abomasum and colon Fe levels were higher in sheep than goats when expressed on DM. These results suggest differences in feed intake, micromineral absorption, secretion and excretion between sheep and goats, pointing to a divergent mineral metabolism as an adaptation to the challenge of a dry season diet having very low nutritive value.  相似文献   

In order to meet the requirement of the development of cashmere goat industry,and improve the matching accuracy and scientificity of breeding sheep selection and the production efficiency,it is needed to use information technology and modern breeding theory in cashmere goats accurate management and scientific breeding.Using MVC software design pattern,B/S three-tier network architecture,database,BLUP breeding and other technologies,a cashmere goat breeding and production management systems based on RFID was designed and developed in this study.The system contained information management,breeding analysis,production management,nutrition regulation and benefit analysis and other functional modules.In the system,WOMBAT genetic evaluation software was used in calculating cultivation and inbreeding coefficient,then based on this,the optimal combination parents were choosn;The system was designed for different breeding objectives,such us accelerating advances in genetic improvement of cashmere goat economic traits,and developing the production technology through the joint breeding.Based on cashmere goats individual information,the system could automatically generated recommendations for sheep grading,breeding,selecting and cluster grouping;It could also generat warnings on materials,diet formulation and other control points in production (such as pre-production period,light control for increase cashmere,grazing duration,prevention,feeding and so on),it would provide technical support for "1396" sheep breeding and efficient feeding,thus made cashmere goat breeding and production informationalized,standardized and scientific.  相似文献   

为满足中国绒山羊业发展需求,提高种羊选种选配的准确性和科学性、提升生产效率,运用信息技术和现代育种理论可对绒山羊进行科学化育种及精准化管理。本研究采用MVC软件设计模式、B/S三层网络结构、BLUP法育种及绒山羊增绒等技术,开发基于射频识别(RFID)的绒山羊育种生产管理系统,该系统主要包含信息管理、育种分析、生产管理、营养调控和效益分析等功能模块。系统运用WOMBAT遗传评估软件计算育种值和近交系数从而确定最优父母组合,通过联合育种加快绒山羊经济性状的遗传改良进展及相配套的生产技术,实现不同育种目标的生产。通过育种目标的设定及基于绒山羊个体信息,系统可自动生成种羊分级评定建议、配种建议、淘汰建议、分群整群建议、物料预警、日粮配方和对一些生产时间节点(如预产期、光控增绒放牧时长、防疫、补饲等)的提醒,为"1396"型绒山羊的育种及高效饲养提供技术支持,从而实现绒山羊育种和生产的信息化、规范化和科学化。  相似文献   

公羊和母羊从断奶到第1次配种前的阶段被称为育成羊,通常是指3~18月龄的幼龄羊,该阶段的羊群具有生长发育迅速,增重速度较快的特点,对饲养管理的要求相对较高,如果没有做好妥善的管理工作,羊群的增重放缓,生长发育不良,不利于提高经济效益,且易造成各种传染性疾病的发生。养殖管理人员应充分认识育成阶段生长发育不良会对羊群的繁殖造成的利影响,提高重视程度,构建完善的养殖管理方案,采取针对性措施将其解决,更好地促进育成羊的健康生长。该文主要论述舍饲养从育成阶段到成年阶段的饲养管理方案。  相似文献   

Research conducted since 1980 on the nutrition and feeding of Kacang goats and Javanese Thintail sheep for meat production in Indonesia is reviewed. Feeding practices in three villages were monitored, along with animal production criteria, to better understand the limitations imposed by feed resource availability. Village and experiment station data showed that native or cultivated tropical grasses fed alone did not support growth of young goats and that lambs fed napier grass alone grew at no more than 20 to 25 g/d. Supplementing these grasses with tree legume foliage or wilted cassava leaves at modest levels improved ADG to about 50 g for lambs and 20 g for kids. Faster gains were obtained with higher intakes of tree legume foliage, or with combinations of higher-energy supplements such as rice bran, cassava meal and molasses. A response to mineral supplementation also was shown. Reproductive performance of North Sumatran ewes grazing a native pasture under rubber trees also was improved with supplementation. These experiments show that economically effective options exist for improving small ruminant diets in the humid tropics.  相似文献   

本文选择武威市凉州区普康养殖有限公司从云南兰坪引进的乌骨羊,对其体形外貌、生长性能、繁殖性能、免疫与疾病等指标进行观察测定,分析其对武威市自然气候条件的适应性。结果表明,乌骨羊具有较强的适应性,能够适应武威地区的自然环境、气候和饲养管理条件,可以跟当地饲养的肉羊进行杂交利用,提升肉品质。  相似文献   

[目的]研究自由饮用18~20℃温水和每日饮用豆浆对补饲育肥藏北母绵羊(S)和藏北母山羊(G)的效果。[方法]试验用羊为淘汰的2~3岁藏北母绵羊和藏北母山羊。选择350只年龄接近、体重相近的藏北母绵羊,随机分为7组,每组50只。在试验期内,对照自由放牧组母绵羊50只,每日按照农牧民放牧习惯自由放牧,晚上不予补饲;绵羊6个试验组每日按照农牧民放牧习惯白天自由放牧,晚上收牧后给予一定补饲,补饲的精料颗粒料添加量为280 g/d,燕麦青干草为自由采食。经过预试验7 d,正式试验期49 d。试验前后,对每只试验羊称重。藏北山羊分组试验同藏北绵羊。试验结束后,随机在试验处理组和对照组中各选取母羊11只屠宰,随即测定试验羊的屠宰率。[结果]在相同饮水条件下,随10%豆浆饮用量的增加,体重和屠宰率差异显著(P<0.05);在10%豆浆饮用量相同的试验组,饮水由冰水换为温水,体重和屠宰率差异极显著(P<0.01)。在不计人工投入和电费的条件下,育肥藏北母绵羊各组效益差异极显著(P<0.01)。 S4、S5和S6共3个试验组有经济效益,且随着饮水温度和豆浆量的增加,经济效益也越高(P<0.01),S6试验组每只羊可带来高达105.95元的经济效益;育肥藏北母山羊各组效益差异亦显著(P<0.01),且只有G6试验组每只羊可带来21.35元的经济效益。[结论]藏北母绵羊和藏北母山羊体重和屠宰率仍有较大的提升空间。选择合适的饲养模式对藏北母绵羊和藏北母山羊进行短期育肥,能够带来可观的经济效益。该试验研究为今后在饲草料相对缺乏的藏北牧区短期育肥绵羊和山羊提供了技术和数据参考。  相似文献   

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