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Effects of ractopamine on genetically obese and lean pigs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Twenty-eight genetically obese and 24 lean barrows (65.0 and 68.7 kg average BW, respectively) were allotted within genotype to a 16% CP corn-soybean meal basal diet or this basal diet + 20 ppm ractopamine (a phenethanolamine beta-adrenergic agonist) and allowed ad libitum access to feed for 48 d. Compared to lean pigs, obese pigs had lower ADG, gain to feed ratio, longissimus muscle area, predicted amount of muscle, and weights of trimmed loin and ham, ham lean, heart, spleen, kidney and gastrointestinal tract (P less than .05). Obese pigs also had shorter carcass but higher dressing percentage, backfat thickness, fat depth, fat area, untrimmed loin weight and fasting plasma urea N concentration (P less than .05). Dietary supplementation with 20 ppm ractopamine reduced daily feed intake and improved gain to feed ratio in both lean and obese pigs (P less than .05). Pigs fed ractopamine had shorter carcasses, less fat depth and fat area, smaller weights of stomach and colon plus rectum, but higher dressing percentages, longissimus muscle areas, weights of trimmed Boston butts, picnics and loins, ham lean and predicted amounts of muscle than pigs not fed ractopamine (P less than .05). Supplemental ractopamine had no effect on fasting plasma concentrations of urea N, nonesterified fatty acids, triglyceride or glucose (P greater than .05). No genotype x ractopamine interactions for the criteria described above were detected (P greater than .05). These results suggest that ractopamine will improve the efficiency of feed utilization and carcass leanness in swine with different propensities for body fat deposition.  相似文献   

Pig breeding is aimed at improving lean meat production ability as well as meat quality, and muscle fibre characteristics may be important for enhancing these traits. Therefore, new molecular markers have been demanded for selecting lean meat production ability and meat quality in live animals. Myogenin belongs to the MyoD gene family, and is a candidate gene responsible for muscle fibre characteristics. We identified a new single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) site in the 5' upstream region of the myogenin gene (nucleotides C and T). A total of 252 pigs of three breeds were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism using BspCNI . Additionally, they were genotyped for the previously detected Msp I site in the 3'-flanking region (alleles A and B). The CCBB diplotype had the highest frequency over breeds, followed by TCBB and CCAB. The other diplotypes were not found in studied pigs. Association analysis performed for the markers found that the TCBB diplotype has desirable effects on the total number of fibres (p   < 0.002), fibre cross-sectional area (p   < 0.06), and loin eye area (p   < 0.001) than the other diplotypes. Moreover, the diplotype had the highest muscle pH value (p   < 0.07) and all meat quality traits were near the upper limit of the normal range as a reddish pink, firm and non-exudative (RFN) pork. Therefore, we suggest that selection for the myogenin diplotypes could improve total muscle fibre number, size and lean meat production ability with good meat quality.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to determine if increased space and exercise for finisher pigs (0.90 vs 9.45 m2/pig) affects performance, meat quality, or muscle fiber characteristics. Newsham barrows (n = 32, 4 pens/treatment) were placed in one of two space allocations: control space allowance (CONT) or in a long pen with increased space allowance (10x). Pigs were weighed every 28 d and feed intake/pen was calculated. Pigs were filmed for behavioral analysis on d 70 and 100 using video recorders to determine walking distances over a 24-h period. After a 5-h transport and 2-h rest period, pigs (approximately 115 kg) were slaughtered on the same day at a commercial facility. Muscle samples were obtained from the longissimus lumborum (LL) and semimembranosus (SM) muscles within 1 h postmortem for muscle fiber typing. Backfat thickness and pH decline were measured on the left side of each carcass. After 24-h chilling, a boneless loin was collected from each pig and stored at 2 degrees C until analyzed. On d 14 postmortem, loins were cut at the 10th rib for color evaluations, and chops were cut for Warner-Bratzler shear (WBS) force and sensory analysis. Histochemical staining methods were used for the detection of type I, IIA, and IIB/X muscle fiber types. There were no significant differences (P > 0.10) in live weight, ADG, ADFI, or G:F ratio of the two experimental groups evaluated. Pigs finished in 10x pens walked a greater (P < 0.01) distance over a 24-h period than pigs finished in the CONT pens. Pigs finished in the lOx pens were fatter (P < 0.05) at the last lumbar vertebra than pigs finished in the CONT pens, but no significant differences were found in loineye area, loin color, marbling scores, WBS, sensory panel scores, retail display measures, or muscle fiber type percentages. Expanded space allowance to increase exercise resulted in no improvements in pig performance, pork loin measures, or muscle characteristics.  相似文献   

Generally obese and lean pigs in both the fed and fasted states were anesthetized and then acutely infused with increasing concentrations of the beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol. Plasma free fatty acid (FFA), blood glycerol, glucose and lactate, and heart rate were monitored during the infusion period. Data were reduced by estimating the parameters of the generalized logistic function (minimum, maximum, ED50 and slope) and subsequently analyzed to compare the lean and obese genotypes within nutritional state. Lactate data could not be fitted to this function because the upper asymptote was not approached during the experiment. The minimum plasma concentration of FFA tended (P less than .1) to be less in obese than in lean pigs. The maximum, ED50 and slope for the responses of FFA were similar for obese and lean pigs in fed pigs and in fasted pigs. In fed pigs, the minimum glycerol concentration was greater in obese than in lean pigs, and the ED50 for heart rate tended to be lower in lean than in obese pigs. All other estimated parameters for the variables were similar in fed obese and lean pigs. In fasted pigs, the maximum glucose concentration was greater in obese than in lean pigs. All other parameters for the variables were similar in fasted obese and lean pigs. The results suggest that there was no major defect in lipid mobilization in these obese pigs (only a lower minimum FFA concentration was detected) and that an increased maximum blood glucose concentration in the fasting state might contribute to the obesity.  相似文献   

Danish pigs that are within optimal weight limits and have a high lean meat percentage (LMP) obtain the best prices at slaughter. Another reason to consider the variation in LMP is the assumed association between LMP and average daily weight gain (ADG) at the individual level. The aim of this study was to test whether high ADG was associated with low LMP and vice versa. A cohort of 99 pigs from a conventional Danish herd was followed from 30kg to slaughter. The data included days in the herd, start- and end-weights, calculated ADG and LMP, reported from the abattoir. The study also included existing data from 13,057 boars from a Danish boar test station. The results of the study demonstrated a significant negative association between LMP and ADG: Pearson's correlation coefficient (r)=-0.42 (95% CI: -0.57; -0.24) (p<0.0001) for the cohort and r=-0.42 (95% CI: -0.48; -0.36) (p<0.0001) for the boars.  相似文献   

Wild boars, because of their large size and ability to survive adverse conditions, are usually used to cross with domestic breeds to improve the quality of domesticated pigs. This study aimed to investigate the growth performance, slaughter performance, and meat quality of Ziwuling crossbred pigs. Crossbred pigs in four groups (n = 8 per group, 4 boars and 4 sows, all aged 100 days), F1 [wild × B (Bamei)], F1 × B, F1 × Y (Yorkshire), and F1 × F1, were selected at a commercial pig farm. Growth performance, slaughter performance, and meat quality of these crossbred pigs were determined. Characteristics of fatty acids, amino acids, and longissimus muscle fiber in relation to growth, carcass, and meat quality traits were also investigated. Pigs in F1 and F1 × F1 groups had lower average daily weight gain, water and storage loss rates, larger meat color score, higher muscle amino acid levels, larger muscle fiber diameter, and higher ratio of flavor amino acids to unsaturated fatty acids compared to other groups. Crossbred pigs with higher rate of wild boar’s consanguinity could improve production performance, slaughter performance, and meat quality. Thus, crossbreeding wild pig with domestic breeds might be an effective method to improve meat quality and flavor.  相似文献   

A 2 X 2 factorial arrangement with two genotypes of pigs (genetically obese and lean) and two dietary treatments (basal, a 16% protein corn-soybean meal standard grower diet, and basal +220 ppm thyroprotein as iodinated casein) was used. The 28 gilts were housed individually and fed ad libitum from 121 d of age until slaughtered at 99 kg body weight. Compared with lean pigs, genetically obese pigs had significantly lower average daily gain and gain/feed, greater backfat thickness, smaller loin eye area, shorter carcass length and lower circulating plasma triiodothyronine (T3) concentration. However, both total plasma and free thyroxine (T4) concentrations were similar comparing obese and lean pigs. Supplementation with thyroprotein increased circulating plasma concentration of both total and free T4 and produced interactions with genotype in affecting daily gain and gain/feed of pigs. Thyroprotein reduced both daily gain and gain/feed in obese pigs, but increased daily gain and gain/feed in lean pigs. It is suggested, similar to the case with obese mice, that heat production of our genetically obese pigs may be more sensitive to thyroprotein administration compared with similar treatment of lean animals.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The objective of the current study was to assess the carcass traits and meat quality in three different Japanese quail strains. A total of 90 1-day-old...  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The objective of this study was to evaluate carcass characteristics, meat quality, and organ and viscera weight of forty male sheep, not castrated, initially...  相似文献   

The development of obesity in porcine fetuses was investigated using a lean and obese strain of pigs at 80, 90, 100 and 110 d of gestation. In absolute terms, fetuses of obese gilts (FO) generally had lower carcass weight and contained less total protein, dry matter and ash than fetuses of lean gilts (FL). In relative terms (percentage of wet carcass weight) FO, compared with FL, generally had decreased percentages of water and increased percentages of protein and lipid. Comparisons based on absolute terms revealed body composition of the strains to be different at 90 d, indicating that factors responsible for obese-type growth were active before that time. Both body composition and hormone concentration differences were most pronounced at later gestation ages. Depressed growth hormone, elevated cortisol, and a tendency toward elevated insulin concentrations in fetal plasma were apparent in late gestation for FO compared with FL. These hormonal patterns are consistent with onset of obesity in FO in late gestation. Greater weights of semitendinosus and longissimus muscles were observed in FL vs FO at 90, 100 and 110 d of gestation (P less than .05). These greater muscle weights were generally accompanied by greater contents of RNA, DNA and protein in FL muscles at these same ages. However, at 80 d, FL had greater absolute DNA content in semitendinosus muscle whereas muscle weight was similar between the strains. This suggests that greater muscle weights for FL than FO were caused by more nuclei in muscle of FL. In general, indices of hypertrophy (protein/DNA) and protein synthetic capacity (RNA/DNA) of muscle were usually similar for both strains at all gestation ages. It is concluded that decreased muscle growth in late gestation of FO compared with FL is more related to fewer total nuclei and perhaps fewer myofibers than to an impaired cellular capacity for protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Genetically lean and obese swine were used to investigate the control of preadipocyte growth in culture by porcine serum. Sera were collected from fetuses from obese and lean strains at 70, 90 and 110 d of gestation. Postnatal serum samples were collected from both lines of pigs at 23 to 27 kg. Rat preadipocytes were isolated and grown in culture. Preadipocyte and stromal-vascular cell proliferation was greater in cultures grown in sera obtained postnatally than in cultures grown in sera from fetuses. Sera from lean and obese fetuses were equipotent in promoting cell proliferation. Glycerol-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) activity was higher in cultures fed serum from obese pigs and fetuses than in cultures fed serum from lean pigs and fetuses. Cultures grown in serum from obese fetuses and pigs had soluble protein levels similar to cultures grown with serum from lean pigs and fetuses. These results demonstrate that serum from genetically obese swine, in the pre-obese (fetal) and obese (postnatal) state, caused increased adipogenic activity in adipocytes in culture.  相似文献   

The present experiment was conducted to determine the effect of muscle temperature during the prerigor and early postrigor period on meat tenderness, postmortem proteolysis, calpain system activity, water-holding capacity, and color. Lamb longissimus muscle (n = 14) from the right and left carcass sides was excised immediately after dressing, divided into an anterior and posterior sample, vacuum-packaged, and stored overnight at 5 to 35 degrees C. Further storage, up to 14 d postmortem, was at 2 degrees C. Tenderness at 1 d postmortem, tenderization during further storage, and postmortem proteolysis were negatively affected by overnight incubation above 25 degrees C. This effect could be explained by an effect of temperature on muscle contraction and activity of the calpain system. Muscle contraction was at a minimum after incubation at 15 degrees C. Water-holding capacity was negatively affected by incubation above 25 degrees C. Color scores improved with increasing incubation temperature at 1 d postmortem. However, after 14 d of postmortem storage, no differences in color scores were observed. Based on the present results and results of other groups, a temperature around 15 degrees C at the onset of rigor seems optimal to maximize tenderness without having detrimental effects on water-holding capacity or color.  相似文献   

为研究天然植物饲料对育肥猪生长性能、血液生化指标、抗氧化指标及肉质的影响,试验选取25kg左右的生长育肥猪152头,随机分为2组,每组4个重复,每个重复19头猪。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组饲喂添加500g/t天然植物饲料的日粮,试验期110d。结果表明:天然植物饲料可促进育肥猪的生长发育;试验组育肥猪血清中白蛋白(ALB)和碱性磷酸酶(ALP)水平显著高于对照组(P<0.05);与对照组相比,试验组血清总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)提高了3.19%(P<0.05),血清丙二醛(MDA)降低了6.43%(P<0.05);与对照组相比,试验组育肥猪肉pH24、肉色红度值和熟肉率分别提高了3.30%、10.99%和4.16%(P<0.05)。试验结果表明,天然植物饲料可促进育肥猪的生长,提高血清生化指标及抗氧化能力,显著改善肉质。  相似文献   

采用PCR-RFLP方法对72头苏太猪的钙蛋白酶抑制蛋白(calpastatin,CAST)基因遗传多态性与肉质性状的相关性分析。对CAST基因第6内含子上MspⅠ、HinfⅠ、RsaⅠ三种酶切位点进行检测,结果表明:CAST基因第6内含子上,MspⅠ酶切位点的3种基因型间在肌肉的嫩度、pH值、系水力水平指标上均差异显著(P0.05);HinfⅠ酶切位点的3种基因型间在肌内脂含量指标上差异显著(P0.05),在肌肉嫩度上差异极显著(P0.01)。RsaⅠ酶切位点上也发现了3种基因型,但各基因型的不同性状间差异不显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

In several countries slaughter pigs are paid for individually, according to slaughter weight and lean meat percent (LMP). Production of uniform batches of pigs within the optimal weight and LMP limits will obtain the best price. Therefore, all pigs should have a similar growth rate (average daily gain, ADG) and reach an appropriate slaughter weight within the same time period. LMP may serve as a proxy for ADG since pigs with low LMP have significantly higher ADG than pigs with high LMP and vice versa. Both breeding strategy and feeding system may influence the range of variation among pigs. The aim of this study was to test the two following hypotheses: (1) Herds purchasing breeding gilts have a higher mean value and a lower variation (standard deviation) in LMP than herds producing their own breeding gilts and (2) Herds using restricted feeding of finishers have a higher mean value and a lower variation (standard deviation) in LMP than herds with ad libitum feeding of finishers. The study included 72 herds and a total of 345,132 pigs slaughtered during one year. Among the 72 herds, 40 were home-breeders and 32 purchased breeding gilts from a breeding company. Nineteen herds used restricted feeding, of which 8 (42%) were home-breeders. Fifty-three herds used ad libitum feeding, of which 32 (60%) were home-breeders. Breeding strategy had a significant effect on SDLMP (p=0.003), where purchase of breeding gilts resulted in a significantly lower standard deviation of the monthly LMP compared to home-bred gilts (a difference in median SDLMP of 0.2 percentage points or 8% difference between groups). Feeding system had a significant effect on the meanLMP (p<0.001), with a significantly higher meanLMP in herds using restrictive feeding compared to ad libitum feeding (60.7% versus 60.0%). Restrictive feeding also resulted in a significantly lower SDLMP (p<0.001) compared to ad libitum feeding (2.2% versus 2.5% or a 12% difference between groups).  相似文献   

Q. Wang  Y.J. Chen  J.S. Yoo  H.J. Kim  J.H. Cho  I.H. Kim   《Livestock Science》2008,117(2-3):270-274
A total of forty-eight finishing pigs were used to determine the effects of humic substances (HS) on growth performance, blood characteristics, and meat quality. The finishing pigs were assigned randomly by weight to three treatments. The dietary treatments included: 1) Control (CON; basal diet), 2) HS1 (basal diet + 5% humic substances) and 3) HS2 (basal diet + 10% humic substances). Results of the whole experimental period showed that addition of 10% HS to the diet, significantly increased average daily gain (ADG) and gain/feed (G:F) (P < 0.05). At the end of the experiment, the relative lymphocyte counts (% of total white blood cells) of pigs fed HS2 diet were higher (P < 0.05) than that of pigs fed CON diet. The Minolta color parameter a of pigs fed HS2 was similar to that of pigs fed HS1, however, it was higher (P < 0.05) than that of pigs fed CON diet. The inclusion of either 5% or 10% HS significantly decreased backfat thickness (P < 0.05). The marbling score was increased significantly (P < 0.05) when diets were supplemented with HS at a level of 10%. The results of this study suggest that HS might be utilized as a feed additive in the diet. It could improve growth performance, relative lymphocyte counts and meat quality.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the growth, carcass, histochemical, and meat quality characteristics in Large White pig groups that were categorized by live weight (Heavy and Light) and type I fiber percentage (High and Low), a procedure which resulted in four groups (Heavy-High, Heavy-Low, Light-High, and Light-Low). As expected, the Heavy group showed heavier live weight (114 vs. 94.7 kg, P<0.001) and larger loin eye area (53.3 vs. 47.8 cm2, P<0.001), as well as, higher total number (1,223,000 vs. 1,140,000, P<0.05) and greater mean value cross-sectional area (CSA; 4031 vs. 3798 μm2P<0.05) of muscle fibers than the Light group. However, there were no significant differences in start and finish days among the groups (P>0.05). Heavier pigs harboring a higher percentage of type I fibers (HH) exhibited a similar mean CSA (3894 vs. 4101 μm2) and total number (1,249,000 vs. 1,198,000) of muscle fibers, even though these pigs had a greater CSA of type I fibers (3181 vs. 2719 μm2, P<0.05) and a smaller CSA of type IIB fibers (4048 vs. 4457 μm2, P<0.05) compared to heavier pigs harboring a lower percentage of fiber type I (HL). Both the HL and Light-Low groups exhibited a rapid decline of muscle pH at the early postmortem period (5.90 and 5.85 vs. 6.08, P<0.05), paler surfaces (43.07 and 43.55 vs. 40.73,P<0.05), and higher degrees of fluid loss by exudation (6.26 and 6.39 vs. 4.22%, P<0.05) compared to the HH group due to their muscle fiber type composition. Thus, the HH pigs showed better meat quality characteristics without significant differences in growth and carcass performance compared to the HL pigs. Therefore, selection for increased live weight at the same age and muscle fiber characteristics, especially the increased type I fiber CSA and proportion, is one of the relevant indicators to improve and control meat quality without reducing the growth and carcass performance.  相似文献   

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