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Canine heartworm has been known to exist in the Americas for more than 150 years (1847), and the first South American report was published approximately 30 years later (1875). The first human case was reported in 1887 and the first feline case in 1921. Coincidently, these two reports were from Brazil, where most surveys of the disease during the past two decades have been conducted in dogs. Feline cases are seldom found in the South American literature, although feline heartworm disease has been reported in Venezuela and Brazil. The prevalence in Mexico seems to be stable over the past 10 years (7.3-7.5%). Only 5 of the 13 South American countries have reported on canine heartworm infection prevalence. In Argentina, the national prevalence ranges from 3.5 to 12.7%; however, there was a much higher prevalence (17.7 and 23.5%) reported for two sections of Buenos Aires. In Lima, Peru, the prevalence is 4.35%, and Colombia reports 3.8-4.8% of dogs are infected. No infections were detected in 1056 dogs sampled in Chile. In Brazil, the national prevalence has declined from 7.9% in 1988 to 2% in 2001. The downward trend observed for canine heartworm in Brazil suggests that multiple pressures may be affecting the nematode transmission, including a possible decrease in mosquito vector population due to better control programs, reduction of transmission due to effective chemoprophylaxis, reduction of microfilaremic dog populations with the off-label use of injectable ivermectin, or reduction of the reproductive capacity of worms from tetracyclines used to control ehrlichiosis. Survey of a large population of captured mosquitoes indicated the most frequent species captured were vectors of heartworms (Aedes taeniorhynchus (73.9%), Aedes scapularis (20%) and Culex quinquefasciatus (2.5%), suggesting that the composition of the mosquito population is not a critical factor in the decrease in heartworm infections in dogs in South America.  相似文献   

Screening of 25,822 dog blood samples indicated approximately a 1% infection rate with Dirofilaria immitis. Dipetalonema reconditum microfilariae were found in approximately 2% of 1,876 feral dogs examined. Laboratory experimentation indicated that 6 of 10 local mosquito species examined allowed successful extrinsic incubation of D immitis. Indices of experimental infection indicated Aedes triseriatus and Anopheles quadrimaculatus were excellent hosts for D immitis, but other factors considered, Aedes vexans probably served as the primary vector of D immitis. Coquillettidia perturbans and Culex pipiens-restuans group were considered unsuitable hosts and thus unlikely vectors of canine heartworm. Natural filarial infections were found in An quadrimaculatus and Ae vexans.  相似文献   

Data from the IDEXX Laboratories Reference Laboratory Network were retrospectively examined for feline heartworm testing trends in testing frequency, geographic bias, and prevalence for the years 2000--2006. Examination of the data supports the commonly held view that veterinarians do not embrace heartworm disease testing or prevention in cats to the same degree they do in dogs. Despite significant awareness and adoption of heartworm testing and prevention in dogs, we hypothesized that heartworm testing rates are lower for cats than for dogs despite a significant prevalence of feline infection. This is important because a perceived low rate of infection in cats is likely to manifest in a low adoption of testing and prevention. In reality, the overall feline heartworm antigen-positive rate is significant--on average 0.9% over the period studied--and in some regions was estimated to be as high as 4.6%. This compares with an average canine heartworm prevalence rate of 1.2%, a feline leukemia virus prevalence of 1.9%, and a feline immunodeficiency prevalence of 1.0%. Based on the low rate of testing and these prevalence rates, practitioners are routinely missing cases of adult feline heartworm infections and the recently defined heartworm-associated respiratory disease (H.A.R.D). Increased antigen testing would result in detection of a significant number of positive cases. In addition, this population of infected cats would represent the "tip of the iceberg" relative to the greater number of cats that have early infection or are at risk for infection.  相似文献   

Six local species of culicides were identified as the common mosquitoes in Zaria, out of 15 species captured using various adult and larval collection methods. These common culicides are Culex pipiens fatigans, Anopheles gambiae grp., Mansonia africana, Culex pipiens pipiens, Aedes (stegomyia) aegypti and Aedes vittatus. They were each fed directly on a local dog naturally infected with Dirofilaria repens to evaluate their refractoriness/susceptibility to dirofilarial infection. In a number of donor-feeding trials, 39. 4% Culex pipiens fatigans; 58.9% An gambiae grp.; 60.5% Mansonia africana; 1.8% of Culex pipiens pipiens; 23.4% Ae aegypti and 3.3% of Ae vittatus successfully fed on the microfilaraemic host. Only Aedes aegypti was susceptible to the infection as all 40 (100%) Ae aegypti reaching 10-14 day post-blood meal had infective (L(3)) larvae of D. repens. The remaining five species were refractory. The microfilariae in the five non-susceptible mosquitoes were always found trapped in the blood meal in the insects midgut (stomach). These trapped microfilaria were dead by the 2nd day in the insect's midgut. However, in the susceptible Ae aegypti, the microfilariae were set free from the blood meal in the midgut and within 24h migrated to the malpighian tubules (MT) of the mosquitoes. All Ae aegypti dissected 5-7 day post-infective blood meal showed the typical quiescent sausage stage (L(2)) larvae in the malpighian tubules. At day-10 post-blood meal, relatively active infective (L(3)) larvae of D. repens were found in the MT; and by day 12-14, highly motile infective larvae had reached the insect's head and proboscis, with infective larvae occasionally oozing out during dissection through the tip of the proboscis. The rate of development of D. repens to infective larvae was faster in mosquitoes infected in July when the environmental temperature was 24.5 degrees C than those infected in November when the temperature was 22.5 degrees C. The latter were delayed for 4 days. The breeding sources of Ae aegypti, the local vector implicated were also identified. As no particular vector of this zoonotic filaria has been identified previously in Nigeria, these findings could make any control programme more focussed and easier.  相似文献   

Argentina is one of the four South American countries where the presence of Dirofilaria immitis is currently confirmed. The objective of this study was to review information on dirofilariasis in the country, and to report our recent findings on mosquito vectors. Since the first report of dogs with unidentified microfilariae in 1926, D. immitis was found in seven provinces and canine prevalence ranged 0-71% at local scale. National prevalence was 8% by the end of the 1980s and current information is available only for Buenos Aires Province. Four pulmonary human infections of D. immitis and one subcutaneous of Dirofilaria sp. were documented. The common coati was the only wild host found, and natural infection in mosquitoes was not previously reported in the country. In our recent mosquito survey in Greater Buenos Aires, we captured and dissected 2380 mosquitoes belonging to 20 species. According to a minimum temperature of 14 degrees C, the potential transmission period (PTP) for D. immitis in Buenos Aires covers 6 months, and the most favourable period (mean temperature above 20 degrees C) takes place from the middle of November to the beginning of April. To identify potential vectors of the parasite, we assessed weekly abundances of mosquito species during those PTP estimated previously. We found two specimens of Culex pipiens and one of Aedes aegypti carrying non-infective stages of D. immitis. These two highly anthropophilic mosquitoes may enhance the role of D. immitis as zoonotic agent in temperate Argentina.  相似文献   

Feline heartworm disease is caused by the filarial nematode Dirofilaria immitis, and is transmitted by mosquitoes in heartworm-endemic areas worldwide. While dogs are the definitive hosts for this parasite, cats can also be infected, and the overall prevalence in cats is between 5% and 10% of that in dogs in any given area. The spectrum of feline presentations varies from asymptomatic infections to chronic respiratory signs, sometimes accompanied by chronic vomiting to acute death with no premonitory signs. Ante-mortem diagnosis can be challenging and relies on a combination of tests, including antigen and antibody serology, thoracic radiography and echocardiography. As treatment with heartworm adulticidal drugs can be life-threatening and heartworm infection in cats is often self-limiting, infected cats are frequently managed with supportive treatment (corticosteroids, bronchodilators, and anti-emetics). Surgical removal of filariae using extraction devices may be considered in some acute cases where immediate curative treatment is necessary, but filarial breakage during the procedure may result in an acute fatal shock-like reaction. Necropsy findings are mainly pulmonary and include muscular hypertrophy of the pulmonary arteries and arterioles on histopathology. A number of safe and effective macrocytic lactone drugs are available for prophylaxis in cats. These drugs can kill a range of larval and adult life-cycle stage heartworms, which may be advantageous in cases of owner compliance failure or when heartworm infection status is undetermined at the time prophylaxis is commenced. An index of suspicion for feline heartworm disease is warranted in unprotected cats with respiratory signs, and perhaps chronic vomiting, in areas where canine heartworm disease is endemic. Many cats, once diagnosed and with appropriate supportive care and monitoring, will resolve their infection and be free of clinical signs.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in Macon County, Alabama (east-central) during the mosquito breeding seasons of 1978 and 1979 to determine the potential vector(s) of Dirofilaria immitis. Live mosquitoes were collected with CO2-baited, miniature light traps, and small hand aspirators. These mosquitoes were subsequently dissected to determine whether immature stages of the heartworm were present. Specific communities were selected based on their having at least 4 known cases of D immitis infection present in the local dog population. All positive collections were made between the months of May and September. Of 326 Anopheles punctipennis females dissected, 34 were positive, and of 84 Aedes vexans 6 were positive for infective (L3) larvae. Of 520 Culex quinquefasciatus females tested, 14 contained 2nd-stage larvae only. Immature stages of D immitis were collected during most of the mosquito breeding season. Data collected during the survey indicate that An punctipennis and to a lesser extent, Ae vexans are probably the principal vectors of D immitis in Macon County, Ala.  相似文献   

The distribution of canine dirofilariosis in Southern Ticino (Switzerland) and in the neighbouring provinces of Varese and Como (Italy) was investigated. Blood samples were collected from 308 dogs which had remained in the local area and were outdoor-housed, older than 1.5 years and had not been treated previously with preventive or microfilaricidal drugs. Microfilariae of Dirofilaria immitis and D. repens were found in 33 (10.7%) and 17 (5.5%) dogs, respectively. Ten more dogs (3.2%) tested positive for circulating antigens. Four infected dogs lived in Southern Ticino: two harboured D. immitis, one D. repens and one had a mixed infection. In addition, 3887 mosquitoes were captured in five sample sites by means of dog-baited traps. Culex pipiens, Aedes geniculatus and Ae. vexans were the most abundant species. Infective stages of D. immitis were observed in local strains of Ae. geniculatus and Cx. pipiens, following engorgement on a microfilaraemic dog and the successive rearing in laboratory conditions. A chemo-prophylactic scheme in four administrations between July and October is recommended for Southern Switzerland.  相似文献   

Cats are at risk for heartworm infection (Dirofilaria immitis) wherever the disease is endemic in dogs. Diagnosis is more difficult in cats, and little information is available regarding effective palliative and curative treatments for infected cats. In contrast to the challenges of diagnosis and treatment, chemoprophylaxis is highly effective, and current guidelines call for preventive medications to be administered to all cats in endemic areas. The purpose of this study was to survey feline heartworm management protocols used by 400 animal shelters and foster programs in the endemic states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi. Only 23% of shelters performed feline heartworm testing. The most common reasons for not testing were expense (36%), lack of treatment options for infected cats (18%), and because the agency considers heartworm infections in cats to be less important than in dogs (12%). Most agencies (69%) did not provide preventive medication to cats. Reasons included because testing was not performed (36%), expense (35%), and the perception that local heartworm risk was low (10%). When preventive was provided, feline-labeled broad-spectrum products were used more commonly (81%) than livestock products (14%). The survey also indicated that many policy decisions were based on inaccurate knowledge of feline heartworm prevalence and pathogenesis. Issues of cost, feasibility, and education prevent most Southeastern sheltering agencies from adequately protecting cats against heartworm disease. Practical guidelines tailored to the needs of these agencies should be developed. Subsidized testing and preventive products may facilitate implementation of feline heartworm management protocols in sheltering agencies.  相似文献   

Aedes albopictus and Culex quinquefasciatus were fed canine blood with different microfilarial density of Dirofilaria immitis ranging from 2500 to 25,000 mff/ml. Larval development in these two mosquito species did not differ significantly. Although C. quinquefasciatus ingested more microfilariae, the number of larvae which developed in A. albopictus was invariably greater than in C. quinquefasciatus. Mortality of the engorged A. albopictus was significantly greater than that of C. quinquefasciatus, and higher microfilarial density raised the mortality in both species. The vector efficiency index of A. albopictus was greater than C. quinquefasciatus at all microfilarial densities, but its survival time was much reduced. Thus, dogs with low microfilarial density are implicated as the main source for the transmission of D. immitis from dogs to mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Mass testing of dogs in Canada for the presence of Dirofilaria immitis has been ongoing since 1977. Since that time, there have also been changes in the diagnostic tests available to detect the presence of heartworm and changes in the therapy for heartworm, which necessitate a reevaluation of heartworm screening as currently practiced in Canada. The principles of evidence-based medicine were used to determine the prevalence of heartworm infection in various dog populations, and the effectiveness of screening these populations. The annual surveys of heartworm testing have shown that Canada is a low prevalence area (0.16%), with most of the test-positive dogs located in southern Ontario (0.19%), southern Manitoba (0.18%), southern Quebec (0.09%), and the southern Okanagan Valley (0.04%). Foci of higher prevalence are found within these 4 main geographic areas. Furthermore, the prevalence of heartworm infection is higher in the population of dogs not on preventative medication (0.62%), when compared to the population of dogs on preventative medication (0.04%). The evidence indicates that a heartworm diagnostic test applied to an asymptomatic dog on preventative medication contributes little information regarding the heartworm infection status of that dog. However, testing of a dog characterized as being high risk will provide clinically useful information. Recommendations regarding the testing of dogs for heartworm in Canada are derived on the basis of available evidence.  相似文献   

A study was conducted during 1985 and 1986 to evaluate the roles of mosquito species as possible vectors of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus in Hokkaido. The number of Culex tritaeniorhynchus was very low among the four pig farms where outbreaks of abortion caused by JE virus were observed in swine populations. At one farm near Sapporo, only one Cx. tritaeniorhynchus was found among a total of 510 mosquitoes collected during the survey period from July to October 1985, even when JE virus activity among sentinel pigs was revealed by seroconversion. At another farm in the south, no individuals of this mosquito species were found among 987 mosquitoes collected at the time of the outbreaks of abortion. Cx. pipiens pallens, Anopheles species, Aedes vexans nipponii, and Ae. japonicus were predominant over Cx. tritaeniorhynchus. Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, almost a solve vector species of JE virus in the southern part of Japan, is probably not a vector of the virus in Hokkaido. The collected mosquitoes (2,332 from 1985 and 1,403 from 1986) were processed for virus isolation but no JE virus was isolated. More extensive field studies are necessary to provide further information on the role of mosquito species other than Cx. tritaeniorhynchus in the transmission of JE virus in the northern limits of its range including Hokkaido.  相似文献   

Necropsies were performed on 630 adult cats in northern Florida to determine the prevalence and risk factors for heartworm infection in cats of this region. Heartworms were identified in 4.9% of cats, and serological evidence of heartworm exposure was present in 17% of cats. Not all cats from which heartworms were recovered were seropositive for heartworm antigen or antibody. There was no association between heartworm infection and co-infection with feline leukemia virus (FeLV) or feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Male cats were at higher risk of infection with heartworm, FeLV, or FIV than were females. Because even a single heartworm can cause clinical disease or death in cats, the authors conclude that cats in this region should receive heartworm prophylaxis to prevent heartworm infection.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of heartworm in domestic dogs in Madera and Fresno Counties, California, dependent on habitat and other host and environmental factors. Dogs were screened for presence of heartworm antigen using the PetChek® ELISA on blood samples (N = 519) collected at seven sites during April-July 2009. Eighteen dogs were heartworm antigen positive. Pearson Chi-square analyses were conducted testing the presence of heartworm antigen against the following independent variables: elevation range, percentage of time spent outdoors during the day, percentage of time spent outdoors during the night, pet coat length, weight class, prevention status, and sex. Dogs that spent at least 50% of their time outdoors during the day were significantly more likely to have heartworm that those who spent less time outside (N = 519, df = 1, p = 0.031). Overall prevalence (3.47%) was lower than expected, with Madera County having 3.8% positive samples and Fresno County 3.5%; this prevalence is lower than in many previous studies. The effect of time spent outdoors on heartworm prevalence was similar to previous studies. The impact of elevation on infection, though not significant, requires further investigation, as does the prevalence and viability of larval stages in mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Combinations of imidacloprid and permethrin were frequently used to control harmful arthropod of companion animals. The inhibitory effects on blood-feeding activity of mosquitoes in dogs raised under outdoor conditions were evaluated by using combination of 10% (w/v) of imidacloprid and 50% (w/v) of permethrin as spot-on form. Dogs in the treated group received the combination imidacloprid/permethrin spot-on. After treatment, dogs in the control and treated groups were kept separately from the evening (17:00) to the morning of the following day (09:00) in two different kennels installed outdoors to mimic realistic dog-raising conditions. Mosquitoes in the kennels were collected by light traps placed in the kennels and a sweep net to determine evidence of blood feeding, and for species identification. Mosquitoes were collected at Days 5, 3 and 1 before agent treatment, and the Day of treatment, and Days 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 after treatment. The percentages of blood-fed mosquitoes measured at Days 0, 3, 21, 28 and 42 after treatment were statistically significantly lower (p<0.01) in the treated group than in the control group. The most commonly collected mosquito, Culex tritaeniorhynchus, revealed statistically significant lower percentages (p<0.01) of blood-fed mosquitoes in the treated group than in the control group at the Day of treatment, and Days 3, 7, 21, 28 and 42 after treatment. It appeared that the test agent was effective in inhibiting blood feeding by adult female mosquitoes, and the efficacy lasts for 42 days after treatment under outdoor conditions.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at understanding some aspects of the canine heartworm epidemiology in the southern distribution limit of the parasite in South America. With this objective, 19,298 blood samples of owned dogs from 65 localities of 13 municipalities of Buenos Aires Province were tested for Dirofilaria immitis circulating microfilariae and/or female antigens. The overall heartworm prevalence was 1.63% by microhematocrit tube technique (n=19,136), 3.65% by modified Knott (n=713), and 14.41% by antigen test kit (n=118). Microfilaremic dogs showed a median of 1933 microfilariae per millilitre (q1=375, q3=5625, n=100). Male dogs belonging to breeds of short hair and large size recorded significantly higher prevalences than the other categories. Also, the prevalence increased significantly with the age and only dogs younger than 12 months were not found infected. A clear decreasing trend of the annual prevalence was observed during the whole study period, from 3.91% in 2001 to 1.17% in 2006. D. immitis-infected dogs were detected in 32 localities of 9 municipalities (prevalence range: 0.2-6.7%). Generalized linear models were used to assess associations between heartworm prevalence and environmental variables. The resulting significant models were univariate and included variables related with soil cover and human population density. The best model predicted maximum heartworm prevalences around middle values of bare soil cover, and lower at high and low covers. According to our analyses, canine heartworm infection in urban temperate Argentina could be described as relatively low, endemic, and spatially heterogeneous. Host and environmental factors affecting heartworm transmission at local level were identified and discussed.  相似文献   

The present study determined the prevalence and geographical distribution of Dirofilaria immitis and other filariae, from dogs in littoral areas of Paraná state, in Brazil. This survey spanned eight months, between 1998 and 1999, and was also designed to compare the efficacy of different tests for diagnosis of heartworm infection in that area. Blood samples were collected from 256 native-owned dogs distributed along the Paraná coastal area. Five diagnostic procedures were used: direct smear examination, the Knott's modified test, filtration assay, and two heartworm antigen detection kits. A follow-up imaging exam was performed to support the heartworm diagnosis. The imaging diagnosis included radiographic and ultrasonographic exams of six dogs that had positive results for the heartworm antigen detection kits, but showed different microfilarial burdens. The presence and severity of radiographic and ultrasonographic signs were compared with the results obtained in microfilariae detection and antigen tests. Diagnostic parasitology results indicated that 31.25% of the dogs were microfilaremic. Three different microfilariae were recovered: D. immitis, Dipetalonema reconditum, and the third (mf3) was not identified. D. reconditum was the species with the highest prevalence: 22.6%. In general, D. immitis prevalence was 5.47% (28.57% occult infections), but it varied along the coast and the range was from 0 to 20%. No correlation could be established between the overall scores for microfilarial counts (small or large numbers) and the severity of radiographic results or the likelihood of detecting filariae in the pulmonary artery using echocardiography. The finding of a different type of microfilaria (mf) suggested the existence of a third species in Paraná state, whose prevalence was 4.68%. These results show that to obtain a reliable diagnosis of heartworm infection, antigen detection kits are indicated. Knott's test or filtration should be performed to confirm microfilaremia and not for diagnosis of heartworm infection. Imaging tests support parasitology exams and add more about severity of infection. The northern areas, specially Guaraque?aba and Ilha das Pe?as, presented the highest number of heartworm-infected dogs.  相似文献   

Feline heartworm disease is a very different clinical entity from canine heartworm disease. In cats, the arrival and death of immature heartworms in the pulmonary arteries can cause coughing and dyspnea as early as 3 months postinfection. Adult heartworms suppress the function of pulmonary intravascular macrophages and thus reduce clinical disease in chronic feline heartworm infection. Approximately 80% of asymptomatic cats self-cure. Median survival time for symptomatic cats is 1.5 years, or 4 years if only cats living beyond the day of presentation are considered. Aberrant worm migration is more frequent than it is in dogs, and sudden death can occur with no prior clinical signs. The bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachia likely contributes to the inflammatory pathology of heartworm disease, but its role is not yet fully clear. Unfortunately, the diagnosis, treatment, and management of feline heartworm disease are far from simple. Antemortem diagnosis is hampered by low worm burdens, the frequency of all-male infections, and nonspecific radiographic lesions. It is up to the veterinarian to determine the correct index of suspicion and choose the right combination of diagnostic tests to achieve an answer. Treatment is symptomatic because adulticide therapy is risky and does not increase survival time. Despite the dangers of feline heartworm disease, less than 5% of cats in the United States are on chemoprophylaxis. It is important for veterinarians to take a proactive preventive stance because heartworm infection in cats is a multisystemic disease that has no easy cure.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis infection and to investigate the risk factors related to heartworm disease in dogs from Kayseri, Turkey. Blood samples were collected from 280 dogs from May 2005 to March 2006 and were examined by membrane filtration-acid phosphatase histochemical staining and antigen Elisa techniques to detect circulating microfilariae and antigens of D. immitis, respectively. Of the total of 280 dogs, 27 were positive for D. immitis with a prevalence value of 9.6%. In addition 29.6% of positive dogs determined to have occult D. immitis infections. D. immitis was the only canine filarial parasite present in the study area. The mean number of microfilariae in infected dogs was 4730+/-5479 per ml of blood. The highest heartworm prevalence were observed in 7-10 age group (28.6%) followed by 4-6 (17.1%) and 0.5-3 (4.8%) age groups. The differences between 0.5-3 and other age groups were found significant, whereas no statistically significant difference was observed between 4-6 and 7-10 age groups. The infection was more prevalent in males, larger breeds and the dogs not on prophylaxis. No statistically significant difference was observed between stray and owned dogs. Our results suggest that heartworm treatment and prophylaxis should be considered in Kayseri Province.  相似文献   

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