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畜产品安全主要包含2个方面,一方面是动物疫病,另一方面是畜产品中的有毒有害物质。畜产品中的有毒有害物质主要包括重金属及药物残留。本文就我国畜产品质量安全标准及国内外药物残留的监控状况作一简述。1畜产品质量安全标准我国对畜产品安全比较重视。1991年,国务院办公厅就以国办发[1991]67号《关于加强农药、兽药管理的通知》提出了加强兽药及兽药残留管理的要求。根据国务院的分工,农业部负责制订兽药在动物性食品中的最高残留限量。1994年,农业部以农(牧)字第5号文发布了42种兽药在动物性食品中的最高残留限量。3年后,农业部又以农牧…  相似文献   

双烯雌酚是一种人工合成的雌激素,因其残留对人体有明显的毒害,故而其在相关动物性产品中的残留受到世界各国的共同关注。目前,双烯雌酚残留检测方法主为仪器分析法,但其繁琐的分析步骤不适合药物的及时监控,而免疫学分析方法以其耗费低、特异强、灵敏高等优点,可作为兽药残留的筛选方法,因而具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

长期食用磺胺类药物残留的动物源性食品会对人体产生严重的危害,因此动物源性食品中磺胺类药物残留的监控日益受到重视。本文阐述了磺胺类药物残留对人体的危害,列举目前我国磺胺类药物残留监控存在的问题,并对其提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

畜牧产品中药物残留监控的意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

已烯雌酚在动物食品中残留检测方法简述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
已烯雌酚为一种具有酚羟基结构的人工合成雌激素,欧美等许多国家禁止将其用于动物饲料中,因此已烯雌酚在动物性食品中的残留普遍受到各国的高度重视。本文就已烯雌酚在动物性食品中的残留检测方法作了综述,着重介绍了放射免疫法,气相色谱法以及液相色法等检测方法。  相似文献   

随着禽畜养殖规模不断扩大,用作治疗兽药和饲料添加剂的兽药在种类和数量上均有相当大的增长,由此引发了严重的食品安全问题。20世纪90年代初,我国动物性食品开始进入国际市场,但由于药物残留被有关国家相继退货或销毁:出口日本的肉鸡,由于“克球粉”在鸡肉中残留超标被退货,导致出口受阻,1996年8月欧盟以中国饲料中用药过滥,残留超标等原因,停止进口中国的动物性食品,  相似文献   

畜禽产品中药物残留监控的进展及重要意义   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
随着畜牧业的飞速发展和人类对畜禽产品需求量的不断增长,动物保健品的品种和数量不断增多,并得到广泛使用。目前,虽然我们力求生产绿色畜禽产品,但兽药与药物饲料添加剂大剂量与大范围应用在我国现有生产条件下仍不可避免,甚至个别滥用违禁药物的事件也屡有发生。畜禽产品中药物残留已越来越严重并成为人们健康的一大隐形祸害。1 畜禽产品中药物残留的危害1.1 畜禽产品出口受阻 1999年,我国出口肉类402277吨,蛋类339109吨,奶类133628吨,水产类776102吨,出口肉类占全国肉类总产量的0.8%,蛋类1.8%,奶类1.8%,水产类0.4%,畜禽水…  相似文献   

畜产品中兽药残留的监控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就国内外畜产品残留量产生的原因,危害及监控现状进行了分析和阐述,提出了监督控制的措施。  相似文献   

兽药残留对动物性食品的污染及监控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物性药物残留(ani mal drugresidues)又称兽药残留,是指给动物使用药物后蓄积和贮存在细胞、组织和器官内的药物原形、药物杂质和代谢产物,包括兽药在生态环境中的残留和兽药在动物性食品中的残留,残留量一般很低,但由于蓄积对人体健康的潜在危害严重,影响深远。近年来,我国的畜牧业生产得到了长足发展,在许多地方畜牧业已经成为发展农村经济的支柱性产业,动物性食品在膳食结构中所占比重越来越大。然而,在畜牧业迅速发展的同时,畜产品药物残留超标所带来的问题也日趋严重,不仅对肉、蛋、奶等畜产品和畜禽安全及健康造成影响,而且直接影响…  相似文献   

苏氨酸在肉鸡蛋鸡饲料中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯杰  胡倡华 《中国家禽》2001,23(16):28-29
苏氨酸的化学名称为α-氨基-β羟丁酸,分子式为NH-CH(COOH)-CHOH-CH,分子量为119,它有四种异构体,其中D-苏氨酸难以被动物吸收和利用(Baker.D.H等,1998),天然存在的是L-苏氨酸,我们所添加的苏氨酸一般都指L-苏氨酸,它是动物维持和生长所必需的氨基酸。由于这种重要性,苏氨酸逐渐成为影响肉鸡、蛋鸡生产性能的一个限制性因素,在日粮中添加适量苏氨酸已越来越为人们所重视。1 肉鸡、蛋鸡苏氨酸缺乏症以及日粮中添加苏氨酸的效果鸡日粮缺乏苏氨酸时整体表现是采食量下降(Wtanabe.R等,1997),关于苏氨酸…  相似文献   

近年来,随着养鸡业的迅速发展,特别是城郊养鸡规模的不断扩大,鸡病越来越多,对养鸡业本身和环境都已造成了严重影响,急需解决.现就我县为例,谈谈鸡病防治中存在的问题及对策.  相似文献   

1. A procedure was developed to separate high and medium molecular weight myofibrillar proteins from chicken muscular tissue with a high resolution by flat bed sodium-dodecyl-sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and subsequent detection by either a general protein stain or Western blotting. These procedures were used to analyse the degradation process of cytoskeletal proteins in chicken breast and leg muscles during meat ageing. 2. This study demonstrates the degradation of all the examined cytoskeletal proteins: titin, nebulin and desmin as well as vinculin, a protein component of the costamere structure. All the examined proteins were found to be degraded during ageing of chicken breast and leg muscles. 3. Degradation of titin, nebulin and desmin started at 3 h post mortem in breast muscle. Intact titin and nebulin disappeared within 1 d. Intact desmin and vinculin were not detectable after 3 d post mortem. In leg muscle, the degradation process of all the examined proteins evolved much more slowly than in breast chicken muscles. 4. The changes observed in shear force, myofibrillar fragmentation and cooking loss were related to changes in cytoskeletal proteins and used to identify marker proteins or degradation products for the purpose of monitoring the development of meat ageing. The ageing process was faster in breast muscle than in leg muscle. 5. Significant correlations were found between degradation processes of titin, nebulin, and desmin and shear force, as well as myofibril fragmentation index of breast and leg muscles.  相似文献   

A bio-economic model was developed to evaluate the utilisation of indigenous chickens (IC) under different production systems accounting for the risk attitude of the farmers. The model classified the production systems into three categories based on the level of management: free-range system (FRS), where chickens were left to scavenge for feed resources with no supplementation and healthcare; intensive system (IS), where the chickens were permanently confined and supplied with rationed feed and healthcare; and semi-intensive system (SIS), a hybrid of FRS and IS, where the chickens were partially confined, supplemented with rationed feeds, provided with healthcare and allowed to scavenge within the homestead or in runs. The model allows prediction of the live weights and feed intake at different stages in the life cycle of the IC and can compute the profitability of each production system using both traditional and risk-rated profit models. The input parameters used in the model represent a typical IC production system in developing countries but are flexible and therefore can be modified to suit specific situations and simulate profitability and costs of other poultry species production systems. The model has the capability to derive the economic values as changes in the genetic merit of the biological parameter results in marginal changes in profitability and costs of the production systems. The results suggested that utilisation of IC in their current genetic merit and production environment is more profitable under FRS and SIS but not economically viable under IS.  相似文献   

A total of 444 samples of raw chicken meat (thighs, breasts, wings, livers, gizzards, hearts and ovaries) that retailed at 145 different supermarkets in 47 prefectures in Japan were examined for contamination with Staphylococcus aureus in association with its enterotoxigenicity. S. aureus was isolated from 292 (65.8%) of the samples, and from 131 of the 145 supermarkets. There was no significant difference in the detection rate of S. aureus according to the type of meat examined. About 80% of 714 isolates belonged to the poultry (57.1%) and human biotypes (22.1%). Seventy-eight (21.7%) of 360 isolates were enterotoxigenic and isolated from 78 samples in 53 supermarkets in 31 prefectures. Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) produced were SEB (50 isolates), SEA (14), SEC (8), SED (2), SEA+SEB (2), and SEA+SEC (2). Most of the enterotoxigenic isolates belonged to the human and poultry biotypes, coagulase type VII, VIII or IV, and were lysed by phages of group III. Identical SE types, biotypes, coagulase types and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns were shown in isolates from different types of meat at the same supermarket and from samples taken from different supermarkets in the same prefectures or in isolates from samples obtained from several different prefectures. Among the 50 SEB-producing isolates, 27 yielded three similar PFGE patterns that differed by only a few fragments, suggesting that they were closely related genetically. The three patterns were found in isolates of samples that retailed at 17 supermarkets in 11 prefectures, indicating that they may be disseminated among raw chicken meat in Japan.  相似文献   

1. The effect of butyric acid glycerides (BAGs) with and without clopidol (CLP) on Eimeria maxima on growth and associated biochemical variables was investigated in broiler chickens.

2. One-day-old chicks were divided into 6 equal groups (Gps) of 30 chicks each; each group was subdivided into 6 equal subgroups. Gp 1 was not infected and not treated. Chicks in Gp 2 were not infected and fed on a ration mixed with 4 g BAGs/kg for 6 successive weeks. Chicks of the other groups were directly inoculated intra-crop with 1 × 104 sporulated oocysts of E. maxima at 14 d of age. Gp 3 was infected and not treated. Chicks in the remaining three groups were given diets mixed with the tested drugs for 6 successive weeks. Gp 4 was fed on a diet mixed with CLP (125 g/kg). Gp 5 was given a diet mixed with BAGs (4 g/kg diet). Gp 6 was fed on a diet mixed with both BAGs (4 g/kg diet) and CLP (125 g/kg).

3. Birds in Gps 5 and 6 showed a reduction in the mean oocyst count, lesion scores and developmental stages in the lamina propria and improved growth and biochemical variables. BAG supplementation enhanced growth and production of healthy broilers.

4. It was concluded that BAGs were a useful supplement in broiler diets as an alternative to growth promoters and antimicrobial drugs.  相似文献   

Summary Game animals are unlikely to compete directly with domestic animals as meat producers. The evidence so far has indicated that they are not as efficient in converting feed into liveweight and doubts remain concerning disease and their management in this and other respects. On the other hand, game-ranching could supplement other forms of meat production and even replace existing farming methods in arid regions. Certain species (eland, springbok) do feed on plants and shrubs not eaten by domestic stock and game give a higher yield of lean meat. Game should be regarded as complementary, not competitive and there is urgent need for more research with this approach as well as into the basic difficulties of marketing fresh meat in sophisticated markets.
Sumario Es improbable que los animales silvestres compitan directamente con los animales domésticos como productores de earne. La evidencia hasta hoy obtenida indica que ellos no son tan eficientes en convertir el alimento en peso vivo y permanecen las dudas en lo que se refiere a enfermedades y sus manejos entre otros. Sin embargo, los ranchos de animales silvestres podr?an suplementar otras formas de producción de carne y azn reemplazer métodos de explotació, existentes en algunas regiones áridas. Algunas especies (eland, springbok) se alimentan de plantas y malezas que no son utilizades por los animales domésticos y los animales silvestres dan un mayor porcentaje de carne magra. Los animales silvestres deben ser considerados como co plementarios y no competitivos y existe una urgente necesidad por mas investigación con este prunto de vista y también investigación sobre las dificultades básicas en la comercialización de carne fresca en mercados sofisticados.

Résumé Il est peu probable que le gros gibier puisse concurrencer directement les animaux domestiques comme producteurs de viande. Il s’est montré évident jusqu’à présent qu’il n’avait pas la même efficacité à transformer la nourriture en viande sur pied; en outre il reste beaucoup apprendre sur ses maladies et la fa?on de l’entretenir, sous cet aspect et bien d’autres. D’un autre point de vue, l’exploitation du gros gibier pourrait s’ajouter à d’autres formes de production de viande et même remplacer les méthodes d’élevage existantes dans les zones arides. Certaines espèces (eland, springbok) se nourrissent de plantes et d’arbustes non consommés par le bétail et le gibier a un meilleur rendement en viande maigre. Le gibier doit donc être considéré comme une source de viande complémentaire et non concurrentielle et il est urgent d’entreprendre davantage de recherches à cette fin aussi bien qu’au sujet des difficultés majeures de l’approvisionnement en viande fra?che sur les marchés raffinés.

Demands which have to be made on virus vaccines and possible control methods are described in this study. Particular reference is made to demands on live vaccines and to side-effects caused by virus vaccines. The need is stressed for public control of virus vaccines, since this is considered to be the only way to comprehensive satisfaction of the demands.  相似文献   

Despite the extraordinary success in the development of anthelmintics in the latter part of the last century, helminth parasites of domestic ruminants continue to pose the greatest infectious disease problem in grazing livestock systems worldwide. Newly emerged threats to continuing successful livestock production, particularly with small ruminants, are the failure of this chemotherapeutic arsenal due to the widespread development of anthelmintic resistance at a time when the likelihood of new products becoming commercially available seems more remote. Changing public attitudes with regards to animal welfare, food preferences and safety will also significantly impact on the ways in which livestock are managed and their parasites are controlled. Superimposed on this are changes in livestock demographics internationally, in response to evolving trade policies and demands for livestock products. In addition, is the apparently ever-diminishing numbers of veterinary parasitology researchers in both the public and private sectors. Industries, whether being the livestock industries, the public research industries, or the pharmaceutical industries that provide animal health products, must adapt to these changes. In the context of helminth control in ruminant livestock, the mind-set of 'suppression' needs to be replaced by 'management' of parasites to maintain long-term profitable livestock production. Existing effective chemical groups need to be carefully husbanded and non-chemotherapeutic methods of parasite control need to be further researched and adopted, if and when, they become commercially available. This will require veterinary parasitology researchers from both the public and private sectors to work in close co-operation to ensure 'sustainability' - not only of the livestock industries that they service - but also for their very own activities and enterprises.  相似文献   

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