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Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) supplemented with increasing amounts of sodium selenate were analyzed for glycoalkaloid (GA) content. GAs were extracted with 5% acetic acid from freeze-dried tubers of two potato cultivars, Satu and Sini, harvested 10 weeks after planting as immature. The GAs alpha-solanine and alpha-chaconine were quantified by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) with diode array detection. Two independent experiments were performed. In the first experiment, the total GA concentration +/- standard error of the tubers ranged between 105 +/- 9 and 124 +/- 10 mg kg(-1) fresh weight in Satu and between 194 +/- 26 and 228 +/- 10 mg kg(-1) fresh weight in Sini. The ratio of alpha-solanine to alpha-chaconine was 0.2 in Satu and 0.5-0.6 in Sini. In the second experiment, the total GA concentration +/- standard error was 75 +/- 4 to 96 +/- 11 mg kg(-1) fresh weight, and the ratio of alpha-solanine to alpha-chaconine was 0.3-0.4 in Satu. A high sodium selenate supplementation (0.9 mg of Se kg(-1) quartz sand) slightly decreased the GA content in Satu, but this decrease was not statistically significant. Furthermore, at this addition level the Se concentration increased to a very high level of 20 microg g(-1) dry weight, which cannot be recommended for human consumption. In both experiments, the Se concentration in tubers increased with increasing sodium selenate application levels. Our results show that acceptable application levels of selenate did not have an effect on the GA concentration in immature potato tubers.  相似文献   

Secondary metabolites in potato tubers include both phytonutrients and plant defense compounds. The extent these small molecules vary among different potato genotypes is not well characterized. LC-MS analysis of tuber extracts from seven potato genotypes showed that one large source of small molecule variation is the glycoalkaloids. Glycoalkaloids are involved in the resistance of potatoes to pathogens and pests, but they also have implications for human health and nutrition. This study focused on glycoalkaloids with solanidane or solanidane-like aglycones, of which over 50 were tentatively identified, many of which appeared to be novel glycoalkaloids. Results suggested the variety of glycoalkaloids in potatoes is considerably greater than previously thought. Dissecting the role of these many glycoalkaloids in human health or pest and pathogen resistance will be a formidable undertaking.  相似文献   


The proportionate distribution of fertilizer P amongst all organs of the potato plant was measured by frequent sampling of a field grown crop which had received labelled P fertilizer. The observed values of the proportions of P derived from the fertilizer in each organ were compared to the values predicted by three models. The results of the comparison indicated that differences in the proportionate distribution of fertilizer P amongst organs are to be expected whenever the proportion of fertilizer derived P in P entering the plant exceeds the proportion of fertilizer derived P in the P already present in the plant.  相似文献   


Phosphorus (P) is an essential element and its efficient use is of global importance. This study evaluated the effect of growing potato under legume intercrops on P uptake and use efficiency indices: P harvest index (PHI), P uptake efficiency (PuPE), P partial factor productivity (PPFP) and P partial balance (PPB). The experiment was carried out for four consecutive seasons with treatments comprising potato cultivated under legume intercrops: none (T1), dolichos (Lablab purpureus L) (T2), peas (Pisum sativum L) (T3) and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L) (T4). Across the seasons, the mean haulm P uptake for T2 (6.7?kg P ha?1), T4 (5.5) and T3 (4.5) were 6%, 23% and 36% lower than that observed in T1 (7.1?kg P ha?1), respectively. On the other hand, tuber P uptake was highest in T1 (21.8?kg P ha?1) and T2 (21.3?kg P ha?1) and were significantly higher than 13.2?kg P ha?1 in T3 and 15.1?kg P ha?1 in T4. This had a profound effect on PuPE, which was equally highest in T1 (0.26?kg total P uptake kg?1 P supply) and T2 (0.25) and lowest in T3 (0.16) and T4 (0.18). Similarly, PPFP, PHI and PPB followed a similar trend, with highest values in T1 (57?kg tuber dry matter yield kg?1 P supply, 76.4?kg tuber P uptake kg?1 total plant’s P uptake and 0.20?kg tuber P uptake kg?1 P supply, respectively). Among the tested legume intercrops, dolichos competed least for P with the main crop (potato) hence it can be integrated into potato-based cropping systems without compromising potato tuber yield.  相似文献   

A PVYO virus-resistant potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Golden Valley) was identified, and further, from its tubers, a small (5.57 kDa) antiviral peptide potide-G was isolated. Application of potide-G on virus susceptible potato (cv. Winter valley) expressed robust resistance to PVYO infection and showed no virus infected morphology. We found that PVYO infection spreads up completely within 3 days post inoculation (dpi) in susceptible cultivar. PVYO was more accumulated toward the basal leaves, when infection occurred longer. Combined results of morphology of PVYO infection, ELISA, RT-PCR, and real-time PCR showed the resistance to the PVYO infection depends on the expression of Ry gene. Indeed, the real-time PCR result showed that the Ry gene up-regulated to 3 times higher in PVYO infected cv. Golden valley. Golden crude protein was found to be active against PVYO infection in the in vivo test. In addition, application of potide-G in a virus susceptible potato potently reduced the viral infection actively with 50 times lower concentration than that of the Golden protein. Further identification of a host-specific resistant gene in a plant and the peptide derived from it offers new opportunities for the development of novel bio-pesticides against plant virus.  相似文献   

The simulation of developmental stages is an important part of many crop simulation models because photoassimilates partitioning to different organs varies with plant developmental stage. Developmental models can also help in pest control and fertilizer application programs, in breeding strategies, and in crop harvest programming. There are several models for simulating potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) development. These models have assumptions that are open to criticism, such as the thermal time approach to describe the effect of temperature on potato development, they assume a constant set of cardinal temperatures throughout the crop cycle and they do not take into account the effect of photoperiod on potato development. These assumptions have disadvantages, because they are not completely realistic from a biological viewpoint. The Wang and Engel (WE) model [Wang, E., Engel, T., 1998. Simulation of phenological development of wheat crops. Agric. Syst. 58, 1–24.] seems appropriate to overcome the disadvantages of current potato models, but it has been used to simulate development in annual crops where the reproductive organs are above ground, not in potato. The objective of this study was to adapt the WE model to simulate development of field grown potato. A series of field experiments was carried out at Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, with 15 planting dates: nine in the year of 2003 and six in the year of 2004. The WE model was superior to the thermal time approach for predicting the date of major developmental stages (tuber initiation, beginning of plant senescence, and harvest), with an average root mean square error (RMSE) of 10.4 days, which corresponds to a 28–45% decrease in the RMSE compared with the thermal time methods. Model predictions with the WE model were better for earlier (tuber initiation, RMSE = 3.7 days) than for later developmental stages (harvest, RMSE = 14.0 days).  相似文献   

An antifungal protein, AFP-J, was purified from tubers of the potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. L Jopung) by various chromatographic columns. AFP-J strongly inhibited yeast fungal strains, including Candida albicans, Trichosporon beigelii, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whereas it exhibited no activity against crop fungal pathogens. Automated Edman degradation determined the partial N-terminal sequence of AFP-J to be NH2-Leu-Pro-Ser-Asp-Ala-Thr-Leu-Val-Leu-Asp-Gln-Thr-Gly-Lys-G lu-Leu-Asp-Ala-Arg-Leu-. The partially sequence had 83% homology with a serine protease inhibitor belonging to the Kunitz family, and the protein inhibited chymotrypsin, pepsin, and trypsin. Mass spectrometry showed that its molecular mass was 13 500.5 Da. This protease inhibitor suppressed over 50% the proteolytic activity at 400 microg/mL. These results suggest that AFP-J is an excellent candidate as a lead compound for the development of novel antiinfective agents.  相似文献   


Earlier harvest of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) can be achieved by different treatments of the seed tubers. This can be important, for example, in areas with a short growing season and in organic farming. In a pot experiment, different pre-sprouting methods were evaluated for four cultivars. The experiment consisted of (a) untreated seed tubers stored at 4 °C until planting, (b) traditional pre-sprouted tubers (P) and (c) pre-sprouted tubers with stimulation of adventitious root formation (PR). Pre-sprouted seed tubers have earlier and faster tuber formation, but often lower yield than non pre-sprouted tubers if there is no restriction of the growing season. The PR method developed here, where tubers were sprayed with water to stimulate adventitious root formation and give faster development and tuber initiation than conventional pre-sprouting, can be of value when the growing season is restricted or if early harvest is important. Initial emergence of the pre-sprouted potatoes was monitored in two pot experiments. Emergence was faster for the pre-sprouted treatments compared with the control, but there were no significant differences between the two pre-sprouting methods. At harvest, the pre-sprouted treatments gave higher yield than the control for all growing periods, methods and cultivars, although the differences were not significant for every combination. The cultivars Matilda, Cicero, Ovatio and Superb seemed to respond more positively in terms of yield to PR treatments than cv. Ditta. The new method for stimulating adventitious root formation developed here will substantially help growers to achieve earlier harvests.  相似文献   

Expolinear growth equations are robust and simple models for the early and middle stages of crop growth. Those proposed by Greenwood and by Monteith were compared for potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crop biomass in well-managed fields in the Central Wisconsin Sand Plain, and the Monteith equation found preferable. A time-derivative form of the Monteith equation was coupled to daily solar radiation and air temperature. Solar radiation was linked to daily maximum absolute growth through light use efficiency, and daily maximum relative growth rate was made a function of temperature by assuming a doubling of biological processes with every 10 °C increase (Q10=2). The modified model predicted dynamic dry matter accumulation variation from year to year, and showed improved prediction of potato growth until senescence.  相似文献   

Four related phenolic amides previously undescribed from the species were revealed during metabolic profiling of potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers. N(1),N(12)-Bis(dihydrocaffeoyl)spermine (kukoamine A) and N(1),N(8)-bis(dihydrocaffeoyl)spermidine were positively identified by comparison with authentic standards, while the structures N(1),N(4),N(12)-tris(dihydrocaffeoyl)spermine and N(1),N(4),N(8)-tris(dihydrocaffeoyl)spermidine are proposed for the other two metabolites. Each amide was present at several tens of micrograms per gram of dry matter. Several of these compounds were subsequently detected in other solanaceous species, such as tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and Nicotiana sylvestris. They appeared not to be present in Arabidopsis thaliana or Beta vulgaris. Bis(dihydrocaffeoyl)spermine isomers have previously been identified in only a single plant, the Chinese medicinal species Lycium chinense (Solanaceae), where they may account for some of the described biological activity. The other compounds have not until now been reported in vivo, though some of the equivalent hydroxycinnamoyl derivatives are known. The surprising discovery of kukoamine and allies in a range of solanaceous species including potato, a common food crop that has a long history of scientific investigation, provides exemplary evidence for the potential of the nontargeted techniques of metabolomics in studying plant metabolites.  相似文献   

Several genetically modified (GM) cultivars are registered in Canada although they are not currently in commercial production. The GM cultivars can be distinguished from the non-GM and other GM cultivars by analyzing the DNA nucleotide sequence at the insertion site of the transgene corresponding to a single transformation event in the plant genome. Techniques based on modified polymerase chain reaction (PCR) strategies were used to generate sequence information from the plant genome flanking the insertion site of transgenic DNA for specific GM potato events. The plant genome sequence adjacent to the transgenic insertion was used to design PCR primers, which could be used in combination with a primer annealing to one of the nearby inserted genetic elements to amplify an event specific DNA fragment. The event specific PCR fragments generated were sequenced to confirm the specificity of the method.  相似文献   

近些年马铃薯土传病害发生严重,除了真菌、细菌等病原物引起的病害外,线虫病成为威胁马铃薯生产的又一大病害.危害马铃薯的植物寄生线虫主要有马铃薯腐烂茎线虫(Ditylenchus destructor)、鳞球茎线虫(Ditylenchus dipsaci)、马铃薯孢囊线虫(马铃薯白线虫(Globodera rostochi...  相似文献   

根据GenBank 核酸数据库中报道的紫苏myc mRNA基因保守序列设计引物,用RT-PCR方法从紫色马铃薯紫皮RNA中获得花青素转录激活类基因stmyc的5’端保守区域, 通过3’-RACE获得长为600bp左右的序列。测序结果表明:基因全长1106bp,含有完整的阅读框,编码326个氨基酸,命名为stmyc,其编码的蛋白与紫苏myc基因编码蛋白的同源性02为46.98%,并具有典型的bHLH结构域。RT-PCR表达分析结果显示stmyc基因在紫色马铃薯皮、肉、茎、叶、根中都有表达,其中在紫茎中的表达量最高,紫皮中表达量最低;且该基因在白色马铃薯的皮、叶和肉中都有表达,推测该基因在马铃薯中为组成型表达。  相似文献   

Three consecutive years of field experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of different root-zone temperatures, induced by the application of mulches, on the concentration and accumulation of Cd and Pb and on bioindicators (chlorophylls, catalase, peroxidase and cell wall fractions) in different organs of potato plants (roots, tubers, stems, and leaflets). Four different plastic covers were employed (T1, transparent polyethylene; T2, white polyethylene; T3, white and black coextruded polyethylene, and T4, black polyethylene), using uncovered plants as the control (T0). The different treatments had a significant effect on the mean root-zone temperatures (T0 = 16 degrees C, T1 = 20 degrees C, T2 = 23 degrees C, T3 = 27 degrees C, and T4 = 30 degrees C) and induced significantly different responses in the Cd and Pb concentrations and phytoaccumulation, with T2 (23 degrees C) and T3 (27 degrees C) giving high concentrations of Cd in the roots and low concentrations in other organs. In relation to Pb, T2 and T3 reached higher levels in the tubers and lower levels in the roots, stems, and leaves. In terms of phytoaccumulation, the roots and tubers were the most effective organs for Cd and Pb. On the other hand, the highest values of peroxidase and catalase activities were obtained for T3. In addition, most of the carbohydrate fractions in both the roots and the tubers were highest for T3. Meanwhile, the lowest pigment values were registered for T1 (20 degrees C). For phytoremediation, it is necessary to ascertain the relevance and control of the thermal regime of the soil to optimize the phytoextraction of pollutant elements (Cd and Pb).  相似文献   

Vegetable flavor is an important factor in consumer choice but a trait that is difficult to assess quantitatively. The purpose of this study was to assess the levels of the major umami compounds in boiled potato tubers, in cultivars previously assessed for sensory quality. The free levels of the major umami amino acids, glutamate and aspartate, and the 5'-nucleotides, GMP and AMP, were measured in potato samples during the cooking process. Tubers were sampled at several time points during the growing season. The levels of both glutamate and 5'-nucleotides were significantly higher in mature tubers of two Solanum phureja cultivars compared with two Solanum tuberosum cultivars. The equivalent umami concentration was calculated for five cultivars, and there were strong positive correlations with flavor attributes and acceptability scores from a trained evaluation panel, suggesting that umami is an important component of potato flavor.  相似文献   

The calystegines detected in tubers from 17 Phureja ( S. tuberosum Group Phureja) lines and five Tuberosum ( S. tuberosum Group Tuberosum) cultivars were identified as the A 3 and B 2 structural types. Their concentration in whole tubers was of a similar order of magnitude in both species, as was the variability in the ratio of B 2 to A 3. On average, calystegine concentrations in the peel were about 13 times that found in the flesh for the five Tuberosum cultivars, and 4 times higher for four Phureja lines. Removal of the peel reduced the calystegine content by an average of over 50% in Tuberosum but by only 30% in Phureja, despite the latter having the greater proportion of peel. The calystegine content of sprouts was also determined for five Tuberosum cultivars and four Phureja lines and was found to include small amounts of four additional types, B 3, B 4, N 1, and X 2, in addition to the more abundant A 3 and B 2. Concentrations in the sprouts of Tuberosum were on average 100 times higher than that in the tuber flesh and 8 times higher than in the peel, whereas for Phureja, the equivalent values were 30 and 7 times higher, respectively. No correlation was found between sprout concentration and either flesh or peel calystegine concentration.  相似文献   

The labeling of products containing genetically modified organisms (GMO) is linked to their quantification since a threshold for the presence of fortuitous GMOs in food has been established. This threshold is calculated from a combination of two absolute quantification values: one for the specific GMO target and the second for an endogenous reference gene specific to the taxon. Thus, the development of reliable methods to quantify GMOs using endogenous reference genes in complex matrixes such as food and feed is needed. Plant identification can be difficult in the case of closely related taxa, which moreover are subject to introgression events. Based on the homology of beta-fructosidase sequences obtained from public databases, two couples of consensus primers were designed for the detection, quantification, and differentiation of four Solanaceae: potato (Solanum tuberosum), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), pepper (Capsicum annuum), and eggplant (Solanum melongena). Sequence variability was studied first using lines and cultivars (intraspecies sequence variability), then using taxa involved in gene introgressions, and finally, using taxonomically close taxa (interspecies sequence variability). This study allowed us to design four highly specific TaqMan-MGB probes. A duplex real time PCR assay was developed for simultaneous quantification of tomato and potato. For eggplant and pepper, only simplex real time PCR tests were developed. The results demonstrated the high specificity and sensitivity of the assays. We therefore conclude that beta-fructosidase can be used as an endogenous reference gene for GMO analysis.  相似文献   

The influence of 2 weeks and 3 months of dark storage upon light-induced chlorogenic acid accumulation within tuber tissue of four potato cultivars and upon 5-, 4-, and 3-caffeoylquinic acid concentrations within cv. King Edward was determined. Storage period significantly affected (P < 0.05) the magnitude of the light-induced chlorogenic acid response with accumulation rates 3-4 times higher in tubers exposed to light after 2 weeks compared with those placed under light after 3 months. Comparison of chlorogenic acid concentrations in controls after 2 and 3 months of dark storage indicated that tuber chlorogenic concentrations decline during prolonged cold store at 5 degrees C. Rates of accumulation in response to light were cultivar-dependent with cv. Fianna the most light-sensitive and cv. Maris Piper relatively light-insensitive. In virtually all cases exposure to sodium and fluorescent light promoted higher rates of accumulation than did exposure to high-pressure mercury light sources. Chlorogenic acid values steadily increased over 15 days of illumination with, in the majority of cases, no indication of cessation. Light exposure increased 5-, 4-, and 3-caffeoylquinic acid accumulation rates in cv. King Edward. Irrespective of storage period and light source, ratios of 5-:4-:3-caffeoylquinic acid were ca. 85:15:0 at day 0 and 52:42:6 by day 15.  相似文献   

Peroxidases (POD; EC can cross-link cell wall polymers and may have an impact on the final textural quality of potato tubers. Because heat treatments are important during processing, the thermal properties of isoPODs from soluble and ionically and covalently bound fractions were studied from both potato tubers and sprouts. For both tissues, the ionically bound fraction was the most thermostable; approximately 20% of POD activity remained after a heat treatment of 10 min at 90 degrees C (for sprouts). The temperature profile of the ionically bound sprout fraction appeared to be nonlinear and suggested the presence of a very thermostable POD, which still showed activity after a heat treatment at 100 degrees C. Visualization by using isoelectric focusing confirmed the occurrence of a thermostable isoPOD with an IEP of 9.5, which displayed regeneration of activity after heat inactivation. This cationic POD was further purified by chromatography techniques, and by SDS-PAGE its molecular mass was estimated at 38 kDa.  相似文献   

Potato tubers were evaluated as a source of antioxidants and minerals for the human diet. A genetically diverse sample of Solanum tuberosum L. cultivars native to the Andes of South America was obtained from a collection of nearly 1000 genotypes using microsatellite markers. This size-manageable collection of 74 landraces, representing at best the genetic diversity among potato germplasm, was analyzed for iron, zinc, calcium, total phenolic, total carotenoid, and total vitamin C contents. The hydrophilic antioxidant capacity of each genotype was also measured using the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. The iron content ranged from 29.87 to 157.96 microg g-1 of dry weight (DW), the zinc content from 12.6 to 28.83 microg g-1 of DW, and the calcium content from 271.09 to 1092.93 microg g-1 of DW. Total phenolic content varied between 1.12 and 12.37 mg of gallic acid equiv g-1 of DW, total carotenoid content between 2.83 and 36.21 microg g-1 of DW, and total vitamin C content between 217.70 and 689.47 microg g-1 of DW. The range of hydrophilic ORAC values was 28.25-250.67 micromol of Trolox equiv g-1 of DW. The hydrophilic antioxidant capacity and the total phenolic content were highly and positively correlated (r = 0.91). A strong relationship between iron and calcium contents was also found (r = 0.67). Principal component analysis on the studied nutritional contents of the core collection revealed that most potato genotypes were balanced in terms of antioxidant and mineral contents, but some of them could be distinguished by their high level in distinct micronutrients. Correlations between the micronutrient contents observed in the sample and the genetic distances assessed by microsatellites were weakly significant. However, this study demonstrated the wide variability of health-promoting micronutrient levels within the native potato germplasm as well as the significant contribution that distinct potato tubers may impart to the intake in dietary antioxidants, zinc, and iron.  相似文献   

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