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[目的]通过连续12 a对金斑喙凤蝶的野外调查观察,研究成虫活动规律,并利用仿生态养殖,观察金斑喙凤蝶卵和幼虫的形态特征与生活习性,研究其生物学特性,以期为金斑喙凤蝶研究与保护提供有效数据。[方法]根据2004—2012年对金斑喙凤蝶成虫活动规律的观察研究,2013—2015年,在金斑喙凤蝶成虫活动期,采用样线踏查的方法,自海拔450 m往山顶海拔1 200 m搜索,调查视野内木兰科植物分布情况,寻找卵和幼虫,收集后带回驻地进行仿生态养殖,观察其形态特征和生活习性。[结果]金斑喙凤蝶在九连山为一年二代,以蛹越冬,第一代成虫发生期为4月上旬至5月中旬,第二代成虫发生期为8月下旬至9月中旬;2013年在木兰科植物金叶含笑上发现卵和幼虫,2014和2015年在深山含笑上发现卵和幼虫,深山含笑为新发现寄主植物,目前除九连山外尚未有报道;幼虫5龄,各龄级幼虫差异较大;预蛹成蛹经历两次蜕皮过程,这是金斑喙凤蝶研究中的一项重大发现。[结论]1)金斑喙凤蝶卵和幼虫的分布与寄主植物分布密切相关,且对生境质量有较高要求,成虫活动范围主要在寄主植物分布范围及其周边;2)金斑喙凤蝶选择生长良好的金叶含笑和深山含笑叶片上产卵,或嗜食深山含笑;3)温度、湿度等环境因子对卵的孵化、幼虫的生长发育以及化蛹和羽化影响较大;4)金斑喙凤蝶雌蝶少,卵孵化率低,幼虫发育历期长,幼虫成活率低,化蛹和羽化率低等是导致其种群数量稀少的主要原因。5)据查,目前尚未有其它蝶类化蛹过程中经历两次蜕皮的报道,预蛹化蛹蜕两次皮是金斑喙凤蝶异于其他蝶类的特殊现象。  相似文献   

正它时而飞翔在林间的高空,时而停在花丛之间。它是"会飞的花朵"、"大自然的舞姬",也是人们梦寐以求的"梦幻蝴蝶"。它的名字叫金斑喙凤蝶。金斑喙凤蝶属鳞翅目凤蝶科。本种是世界上最名贵、极为罕见的蝴蝶,中国特有种,是中国唯一的蝶类国家一级保护动物,名列世界八大名贵蝴蝶之首。金斑喙凤蝶体长30毫米左右,两翅展开有110毫米  相似文献   

走进广西金秀大瑶山,映入眼帘的是满目苍翠,火红的杜鹃花竞相开放,五色斑斓的金斑喙凤蝶成双成对翩翩起舞……你可知道,这人与自然和谐相处的美景中凝聚着多少森林卫士的心血,他们默默地保护着大瑶山珍稀美丽的金斑喙凤蝶、世界植物活化石银杉和大瑶山特有的世界动物活化石瑶山鳄蜥,保护  相似文献   

<正>中国蝴蝶种类丰富,目前已有记录的蝶种约为2000种,约占全球蝶种的1/10。在中国众多的蝴蝶种类中,有一些珍稀的蝶种,如果你了解蝴蝶的行为习性,那么你就有可能在野外见到它们。金斑喙凤蝶:顶级保护中国唯一被列入国家一级保护动物行列的蝴蝶就是金斑喙凤蝶。它生活习性古怪,对环境要求极高,珍贵而稀少,排世界八大名贵蝴蝶之首。金斑喙凤蝶体长30毫米左右,两翅展开有110毫米以上,是一种大型凤蝶。雄蝶一身暗绿色,身体与双翅表面散布着金绿色的鳞片。后翅中域有一个大型的金黄色斑,这也是它名字的由来。亚外缘各室还具有一列浅蓝色月芽  相似文献   

广西金秀大瑶山的莽莽林海,让世人感到神秘,其中最具神秘感的莫过于“梦幻中的蝴蝶”——金斑喙凤蝶了。它非常珍稀,姿形艳丽高贵,是唯一被列为国家一级重点保护野生动物的蝴蝶,被很多专家提议为“中国的国蝶”,但人们对它竟然所知极少极少。2004年,世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)濒危物种红色名录将金斑喙凤蝶列为“数据缺乏”物种,  相似文献   

一只蝴蝶标本,要价2万美金,最后以12万元人民币成交。当贩蝶人杨某、邓某正得意洋洋地将钱装入口袋时,森林公安民警突然从天而降,将杨、邓二人团团围住,他俩不得不束手就擒。一个想靠贩卖国家一级保护动物金斑喙凤蝶而发横财的蝴蝶金钱梦就这样在金城——兰州破灭了。  相似文献   

正一个感天动地的生死爱情的真实故事,一种被誉为"蝶中皇后"的金斑喙凤蝶,和一株被称之为"世界银杉王"的银杉树的闪亮登场,时刻召唤着记者前往金秀瑶族自治县,去追寻故事主人翁的历史足音,去一睹"蝶中皇后"和"世界银杉王"的美丽身姿,去探访一  相似文献   

金斑喙凤蝶Teinopalpus aureu Mell本种在《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》中列为R级,我国《国家重点保护野生动物名录》中列一级保护种。翅展80~95mm,雌雄异型,雄全省密布金绿色鳞片,典雅美丽。江西省仅见武夷山和九连山国家级自然保护区高山地带,十分罕见。我国分布于福建、广东、广西、海南山地;国外越南北部有分布。  相似文献   

在大自然翩翩飞舞的蝴蝶中,有许多色彩斑斓的名蝶,如中国的国蝶“金斑喙凤蝶”、美国的国蝶“君主斑蝶”、日本的国蝶“大紫蛱蝶”、巴西的国蝶“太阳闪蝶”等等,它们受到人们的欢迎和喜爱。这里介绍一种会远距离迁飞的君主斑蝶。君主斑蝶属中型蝶类,分布于美洲、欧洲及大洋洲,  相似文献   

覃琨 《森林与人类》2014,(1):118-121
<正>瑶山鳄蜥,国家一级重点保护动物。大瑶山物种的独特性在于其特有种相当丰富,有100种以上的特有种,其中以"瑶山"命名的植物有40种以上,如瑶山苣苔、瑶山润楠、瑶山苔草、瑶山七姊妹、瑶山金耳环等等,这些都是大瑶山独有,或者至少首先是在这里发现的植物。大瑶山陆生脊椎动物种类也非常丰富,两栖、和爬行动物尤为突出,国家重点保护动物有鳄蜥、金斑喙凤蝶、云豹、蟒等。大瑶山还是鳄蜥的模式标本产地。  相似文献   

描述金斑喙凤蝶4个虫态的形态特征;通过野外考察和实验室的观察,研究了该蝶的生物学特性,该蝶在井冈山保护区1年发生2代,第一代成虫为越冬蛹羽化而成,时间为每年的4~6月,第二代成虫发生期为7~9月,幼虫5龄,较为准确的记录了各幼虫龄的体长、头壳宽度、取食量。  相似文献   

Teratosphaeria gauchensis (Capnodiales) causes a serious stem canker disease on commercially propagated Eucalyptus species in South America. Recently, this pathogen was detected for the first time in Africa. Very little is known regarding the biology or origin of Tgauchensis, but it has been suggested that it is native to South America. The aim of this study was to compare isolates from Africa and South America using microsatellite markers. Bayesian analysis conducted in STRUCTURE, principal coordinates analysis and a UPGMA dendrogram revealed two distinct genetic groups for these isolates. The South American isolates were more genetically diverse than those from Africa. Patterns of genetic diversity in Africa suggest that T. gauchensis could have been introduced into Zimbabwe before spreading north‐eastwards. The existence of the two genetic groups and high haplotype richness associated with the South American and Zimbabwean populations suggest that it will be more difficult to reduce the impact of disease caused by T. gauchensis in these regions than in those areas where there is limited genetic diversity.  相似文献   

A number of various species of blue-stain fungi were isolated fromTomicus piniperda adults at various stages of development, as well as from the galleries, pupal chambers and sapwood underneath galleries on Japanese red pine. This study was an attempt to identify the species, composition of blue-stain fungi associated withT. piniperda, the frequency of occurrence of the fungi, and their role in the sapwood-staining of Japanese red pine in Tsukuba City, central Japan. Among the seven species of blue-stain fungi isolated, an undescribed species ofOphiostoma together withO. minus were the dominant species and closely associated withT. piniperda. These two species occurred on newly emerging adults more frequently than the overwintered adults.Hormonema dematioides was also associated with the beetle, however, its frequency of occurrence from the emerged new adults was very low. Although the two other species,O. ips andGraphium sp. were also isolated from emerged beetles, the frequency of these fungi from gallery systems suggested that they were accidentally carried byT. piniperda. Leptographium wingfieldii, known to be associated with the beetle in Europe, was also isolated at a very low frequency and the fungus seemed not to be closely associated with the beetle.Ophiostoma sp. andO. minus appear to be the most important causes of blue-stain of Japanese red pine sapwood after infestation byT. piniperda.  相似文献   

南方红豆杉与云南红豆杉的引种栽培试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究在广东省惠州地区引种红豆杉科红豆杉属植物的营林技术,结果表明,南方红豆杉与云南红豆杉能够适应惠州地区的气候、土壤条件,且生长良好,有一定的发展潜力。但引种时需注意适时造林,防治白蚁,防治积水和干旱。  相似文献   


Rates of litter decomposition and nutrient release from litter provide valuable information on the capacity of different tree species to replenish soil nutrients in degraded tropical areas. Leaf litter decomposition, leaf litterfall, plantation floor leaf litter, and mulch performance were studied for four indigenous timber species, Virola koschnyiWarb, Dipteryxpanamensis(Pittier) Record and Mell, Terminalia amazonia(J.F. Gmel.) Exell., and Albizia gua-chapele(H.B.K.) Little, grown in mixed and monospecific plantations in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica. Terminalia amazonialitter decomposed the fastest: no litter remained after 6 months. After 12 months, D. panamensis, A. guachapele, and the mixed litter decomposed completely, while 15% of the original weight of V. koschnyilitter remained. Differences in decomposition rates were closely related to leaf nutrient content. Total annual leaf litterfall was highest in T. amazonia(872.9 g/m2), followed by D. panamensis, V. koschnyi, and the mixed plots. A. guachapelehad the lowest leaf litterfall (236.0 g/m2). The highest plantation-floor leaf litter was found in V. koschnyiand D. panamensis.Both litterfall and plantation-floor litter accumulation fluctuated least in the mixed plots. A. guachapeleand D. panamensismulch most positively affected maize seedling growth, followed by the mixed mulch. Recommendations are drawn from the results to suggest species choice for sustainable land management in the region.  相似文献   

Taxus chinensis and T. wallichiana in have been threatened in their distribution areas in recent decades because of their over-exploitation and reduction and destruction of native habitats. Determining the genetic diversity in populations of the two species will provide guidelines for their protection and preservation. Two hundred and fifteen trees from six populations of T. chinensis and150 sampled trees of T. wallichiana were sampled. Six microsatellite primer pairs selected from 16 primer pairs were used to investigate genetic variation at the population and species levels. Five yielded polymorphic alleles, and among the 13 putative alleles amplified, 11 were polymorphic(accounting for 76.33 %).Shannon's information index(I) and percentage of polymorphic bands(PPB)(I = 0.202 and PPB = 67.22 % for T. chinensis; I = 0.217 and PPB = 65.03 % for T. wallichiana). Both species had low levels of genetic diversity(mean H_o= 0.107, H_e= 0.121 for T. chinensis; H_o= 0.095, H_e= 0.109 for T. wallichiana). Genetic differentiation among populations was higher(FST= 0.189) for T. chinensis and lower(0.156) for T.wallichiana, indicating limited gene flow(Nm) among populations for T. chinensis(0.68) and T. wallichiana(0.65).Variation among individuals of T. chinensis was 63.59 and73.12 % for T. wallichiana. Thus, the threatened status of the two conifers is related to a lack of genetic diversity. All populations are isolated in small forest remnants. An ex situ conservation site should be established with a new population for these species that comprises all the genetic groups for the best chance to improve their fitness under environmental stresses.  相似文献   

于2017年5-8月对雷公山、高黎贡山和星斗山3个不同纬度自然保护区的秃杉Taiwania flousiana群落分别设20 m×50 m样地1个进行对比研究,探讨其动态规律。结果表明,3个保护区的秃杉群落中维管植物共有77科148属243种,其中雷公山的秃杉种群(重要值为0.363 5)占主要优势,其次是高黎贡山,星斗山的秃杉种群处于劣势;多样性优势度(d)指数和丰富度指数(d Ma)在乔木层为雷公山大于高黎贡山和星斗山,物种多样性指数(Dr,He’和H2’)在乔、灌、草的排序均为:雷公山>高黎贡山>星斗山,3个保护区的秃杉群落均匀度指数(Je)相差不大,都在0.70~0.95之间。根据吴征镒的中国种子植物属的分布区类型进行进行植物区系分析,3个保护区的秃杉群落的植物区系复杂,划分为24个类型,分布特点以热带分布属为主,温带分布属为辅,世界分布属最少;中国特有2属。  相似文献   

During the last few years following the invasion of European tomato crops by the invasive South American tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), several indigenous larval parasitoid species were recorded as natural enemies of this pest. Necremnus cf. artynes (Walker) and to a lesser extent Stenomesius sp. nr. japonicus (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) have been frequently reported attacking T. absoluta in tomato greenhouses in Europe and they are considered as possible biocontrol agents. Few biological data are available on these two species, notably when they parasitize T. absoluta. Therefore, the present study documents their biology when parasitizing T. absoluta, and provides scientific bases for potential development of biological control programs relying on larval ectoparasitoids in invaded areas. We demonstrated the ability of the two parasitoid species to reproduce on T. absoluta as host on tomato plants. On average, N. cf. artynes female parasitized 28.5 larvae and killed 26.2 larvae during its life time whereas S. sp. nr. japonicus female was more long-lived and consequently more efficient; it parasitized 144.3 larvae and killed 90.1 larvae. In a second step, we also explored the effect of T. absoluta larvae instar on parasitism by S. sp. nr. japonicus and subsequent development of the parasitoid offspring. Best results were obtained with the third larvae instar with a higher number of offspring produced, bigger individuals and a higher proportion of females. Our results support the hypothesis that the two species are good candidates for biological control programs targeting T. absoluta in Europe.  相似文献   

Panama has the highest rate of change in the area of primary forests within Central America. However, to meet growing timber demands, it became popular over the last decades to establish plantations made up of foreign species such as Tectona grandis or Pinus spp. In the majority of the cases the species used are well known; their characteristics such as growth performance have been reviewed intensively and can be accessed in numerous publications. Characteristics of Panama’s native tree species of commercial relevance such as Hieronyma alchorneoides, Swietenia macrophylla and Terminalia amazonia are largely unknown and have been investigated within the study at hand. Using valuation methods of financial mathematics, the competitive position of these three indigenous species was assessed, the results compared to those of T. grandis stands in the same area. Land costs and taxes were not considered, as they would be the same for all species. Financial estimates for indigenous species will enlarge their acceptance for use in reforestation and plantation projects. Using the NPV method and applying the standard scenario, the profitability of T. grandis is lower than that of T. amazonia and S. macrophylla and lies only slightly above the profitability calculated for H. alchorneoides. This result clearly indicates that the investigated native tree species are comparable with T. grandis regarding their economic profitability. Besides its ecological impact, growing native tree species is now also economically legitimate. By calculating land expectation values for all tree species, ideal rotation lengths could be determined. For these species, considerable flexibility exists regarding the optimal rotation length.  相似文献   

关于国产高山竹类命名之我见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文旨在讨论我国高山竹类命名上的问题,尤其是对Sinarun-dinaria Nakai(1935)这一属名能否成立或承认的争议给以澄清。我国的高山竹类种系繁多,计可包括在数属之内,其中尤以筱竹、箭竹、玉山竹三个属的种类为主要成份。1935年日本中井博士发表了Sinarundinaria属,系以我国西部高山区所产的两种竹类作为建立此属的依据。它们原先都是作为北美箭竹属ArundinariaMichaux(1803)的种类,即A.nitida Mitford和A.murielaeGamble,他在发表时业已选定前一种为该属的模式种。惜乎当时此二种均处于尚未开花的营养体时期,所以中井虽用拉丁文写下了Sinarundinaria和苦竹属Pleioblastus Nakai(1925)及北美箭竹属相比较的特征集要与其新属的特征描述,但这两者均是仅限于营养体部分而缺少生殖相方面的任何内容。就此点而论,这是历来植物界发表高等植物之新属极为异常而罕见的现象。因此本文作者认为Sinarundinaria乃是一个应予废弃或要加以否定的属名。更何况后来已知道了上述两种竹类之花部构造,也查明了它们的地下茎情况,其模式种A.nitida现已更名为Fargesia nitida(Mitf.)Kengf.ex T.P.Yi,另一种亦改称Fargesia murielae(Gamble)T.P.Yi,故Sinarundinaria乃是箭竹属Fargesia Franchet(1893)之一异名。  相似文献   

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