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Summary The Russian wheat aphid (=RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Kurdj.) is an exotic expansive aphid on the small grains determined in the Czech republic since 1993 (1995). Determination of RWA flight patterns by suction air traps (= SATs) between 1994-1998 indicated some banker, less important, or indicated RWA distribution areas. A comparison of the RWA monitoring by SATs and by crop samples in areas more or less distant from individual SAT locations manifested a high silmilarity of RWA evidence in its overall distribution and area-influenced population numbers. Owing to geographic area-dependent features of its life-cycle (holocycly) and host plant preferences, RWA seems to be most injurious to spring barley. In spite of the role of SATs in aphid forecasting, RWA samples are recommended to be taken also from the crops at the early ripening stage as the respective SAT evidence reflects only the emigration of the alate aphids originating from the decreasing populations. In general, RWA detection by SATs was either simultaneously or successively found to reflect the RWA presence in the more or less distant crops. The 30km perimeter of a SAT is agreed to be representative for mon-toring RWA populations in a sampled area.  相似文献   

An analysis of the Russian wheat aphid (RWA) (Diuraphis noxia Kurdj.), overpopulated due to extraordinary weather conditions (2000) in the Czech Republic, enabled the identification of several within-field situations ouside of the routine approach. This group, classified as within-field refugium, includes variation due to field relief, some injuries caused by the use of machinery, the unharvested field margins and, last but not least, the volunteer plants. Differences between the RWA populations in these situations and the normal grove are presented and recommended to be taken into consideration in the research on RWA population dynamics and movement.  相似文献   

Flight patterns of migrant alate Russian wheat aphids (=RWA),Diuraphis noxia (Kurdj.) during its expansion from the south-east to Central Europe were determined. Samples were taken by Rothamsted-type suction air traps in Hungary (one location, 1990–1997) and in the Czech Republic (5 locations, 1994–1998). The results document a progressive expansion of RWA, and population variation in the individual years and periods of the season. A comparison of the evidence on RWA in the individual years since its detection in Hungary and in the Czech Republic supports the presumption on the occurrence of an expansion route from the south-east (Turkey) to Central Europe. This expansion is classified as an adventive route of the over-all expansion that has covered the whole West-Mediterranean (South Europe, North Africa).  相似文献   

Two hot and dry weather periods during mid-spring and early summer caused severe drought-stress to barley groves in many districts of the Czech Republic in 2000. Although not generally taken into consideration as an injury-increasing factor, the Russian wheat aphid (=?RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Kurdj.), was discovered to contribute significantly to injury in the ripening stage of spring barley as well as to the substantial decrease of yield (up to 30?–?40?% of the calculated mean, in some districts). RWA increased considerably not only in the lowland banker areas but also in the higher altitudes, values in the latter case then manifesting those found in the lowland banker areas in the previous years.  相似文献   

A part of the territory of the Czech Republic represents the up-dated northern limit of distribution (status 1997) which the Russian wheat aphid (=RWA),Diuraphis noxia (Kurdj.) has reached during its expansion from the southeast to central Europe. The newly defined area is classified as one of the adventive routes which may be derived from the main expansion of RWA from its native home (central-western Asia) into the broader Mediterranean area. Distribution and its history, and ecology (life-cycle, host plants, seasonal history, both native and introduced natural enemies) of RWA are presented on ground of field evidence and trials obtained in 1995–1997 in the Czech Republic. The origin of RWA, its distribution and establishment in the target area, as well as prognosis of its further expansion, are reviewed and discussed. Steps and approaches to RWA detection in the crop, as well as some notes on its management, are added.  相似文献   

Quercus eduardii and Q. potosina are the most abundant tree species of the temperate forests of Sierra Fría, Aguascalientes, Mexico, in an area ranging between 2200 and 2600 m above see level. During the last century these clonal oaks were intensively exploited to obtain charcoal and firewood for local use; in addition, sections of the forest were transformed into grasslands for livestock. The effects of disturbance on the population dynamics of these species are poorly known. Therefore, a demographic study was carried out in order to: (a) evaluate the effects of disturbance on the population growth rate of these species; (b) assess the effects of inter-annual environmental variability on the long term population dynamics; (c) evaluate the relative importance of sexual reproduction and clonal propagation on population growth rate; (d) simulate the impact of different levels of tree harvesting on the population dynamics of these species, and (e) recommend a harvesting intensity, based on the information obtained above. Annual, mean and periodic matrices as well as stochastic simulations were used. These size-classified population matrix models also were employed to devise a schedule that maximizes the percentage of individual plants that can be harvested without affecting their population growth rates. For this reason specific entries of the matrices were modified to simulate different harvesting intensities. The study was carried out in two disturbed and two undisturbed sites during a 4-years period. Two plots were established inside each site; one plot was excluded from livestock and the other was left intact. Annual population growth rates were above or equal to unity in all sites, species and years, whereas mean, periodic and stochastic simulation matrix models showed no significant differences between species, years, sites or from unity, suggesting that logging and grazing did not have a negative effect on the population growth rate of these species. Both species produced clonal offspring during the 4 years of the study, but reproduced sexually only once, suggesting a masting reproduction. Elasticity analyses showed that the contribution of clonal propagation is more important than fecundity to the population growth rate of both species. Mean annual and periodic matrix models showed that extractions as low as 5% cause a population decline, while with stochastic simulations extractions of up to 5% are possible for both species; however, the environmental stochasticity will drive populations to local extinctions.  相似文献   

Historical logging, fire suppression, and an invasive pathogen, Cronartium ribicola, the cause of white pine blister rust (WPBR), are assumed to have dramatically affected sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana) populations in the Lake Tahoe Basin. We examined population- and genetic-level consequences of these disturbances within 10 sugar pine populations by assessing current population structure and trends for 1129 individuals, genetic diversity for 250 individuals, and frequency of WPBR-resistance for 102 families. Logging had occurred in 9 of 10 sites and fire suppression was evident in all stands. High density of white fir (Abies concolor) is often an indicator of fire suppression and we found a negative relationship between sugar pine survivorship and white fir basal area (r2 = 0.31). C. ribicola was present in 90% of stands (incidence range: 0-48%) and we found a significant relationship between mean host survivorship and disease incidence (r2 = 0.46). We estimated population growth rates (λ) from size-based transition matrices. For six of 10 sugar pine populations λ was ?1.0, indicating that these populations appear to be stable; for four populations, λ was <1.0, indicating populations that may be in decline. A population specific drift parameter, ci, which is a measure of genetic differentiation in allele frequencies relative to an ancestral population, ranged from 0.009 to 0.048. Higher values of ci indicate greater genetic drift, possibly due to a bottleneck caused by historical logging, other agents of mortality or much older events affecting population sizes. Effects of drift are known to be greater in small populations and we found a negative relationship between sugar pine density and ci (r2 = 0.36). Allele frequency of the Cr1 gene, responsible for WPBR-resistance in sugar pine, averaged 0.068 for all populations sampled; no WPBR infection was found in one population in which the Cr1 frequency was 0.112. Historical disturbances and their interactions have likely influenced the population biology of sugar pine in the Tahoe Basin; for some populations this has meant reduced population size, higher genetic drift, and poor survival of small- and intermediate-sized individuals. Possible management strategies include restoring population numbers, deploying WPBR-resistance, treating stands to promote natural sugar pine regeneration, and enhancing genetic diversity.  相似文献   


? Context

The Salzmann pine (Pinus nigra ssp. salzmannii) is an endemic subspecies of black pine native to the Western Mediterranean basin. In Spain, Salzmann pine covers extensive areas (approx. 350 000?ha), while in France where few scattered populations subsist, its distribution area is estimated at approx. 3 000?ha.

? Method

We used a dendroecological approach to understand the impact of climate fluctuations on Salzmann pine from France. Spatial and temporal variability of radial growth response was compared in three ecologically different populations (Conflent, Gorges du Tarn, Saint-Guilhem-le-D??sert).

? Results

The Conflent population showed a strong sensitivity to spring precipitation deficits (March to June), while at Gorges du Tarn and Saint-Guilhem sites, autumn (October) of the previous year and winter (February) temperatures explained more variance than precipitations and were, respectively, negatively and positively correlated to radial growth.

? Conclusion

Although covering a limited distribution range in France, Salzmann pine demonstrated large differences in radial growth response to climate and soil variations.  相似文献   

A supplementary research on Russian wheat aphid (= RVA), Diuraphis noxia (Kurdj.) between 1998-99 documented the pest distribution all over the Czech republic already. RVA abundance was proved to be significantly area-dependent within the state. The banker areas are in southern Moravia (district Znojmo, the frontier area near Austria) up to central Moravia. The determined RWA distribution area is much broader than presumed on grounds of climatic characteristics.The abundance of RVA generally decreases from the SE to the NW and N direction, as well as with the increasing altitude within the area.The highest altitude a.s.l. of RWA occurrence in the crop was 762 in. The re-classified main expansion route was determined to follow two directions (sourcing from Hungary and Austria) to southern-central-northem Moravia, and to southern Bohemia and further on to the central Bohemian lowland. The field information indicated the development of preference of RWA for barley.  相似文献   

For northern Europe’s climate, models predict an increase in periods of drought and waterlogging. Knowledge of variation between genotypes of Betula pendula (birch) and Populus tremula (aspen) to drought and excess soil moisture are unavailable but relevant for future development of forest ecosystems. We studied variation between genotypes to soil moisture in birch and aspen with plant material representing naturally regenerated populations and showed differences in acclimation to soil moisture conditions. Genotypes showing most growth and biomass accumulation across treatments maintained most leaf area, high gas exchange and water-use efficiency and grew most root mass but had the lowest root length per unit root dry mass compared to other genotypes. This indicates that these genotypes are more efficient in harvesting water from the soil under adverse conditions. We also showed that birch and aspen employ different strategies to cope with soil moisture conditions, with aspen investing more in perennial parts, while birch efficiently maintains foliar processes. When the expression of some known drought responsive genes was measured, only ACC oxidase was induced by the drought treatment at the beginning of the experiment, while surprisingly LEA5, RD22 and ADH1 did not respond to drought, but were up-regulated in prolonged wet conditions indicating oxidative stress and hypoxia and that these genes are responding to multiple stress factors. We conclude that in plants micro-propagated from naturally regenerated birch and aspen populations, there is variation between genotypes in acclimation efficiency to soil moisture conditions.  相似文献   

Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are of high socio-economic value for rural people in West Africa. Main factors determining the status of the populations of socio-economically important tree species providing those NTFPs are human activities. This study assesses the impact of human population density, land use, and NTFP-harvesting (pruning and debarking) on population structure and fruit production of the socio-economically important tree Lannea microcarpa that is normally conserved by farmers on fields. We compared L. microcarpa stands of protected sites with those of their surrounding communal sites in two differently populated areas in Burkina Faso. Our results reveal an opposed land use impact on the population structure of L. microcarpa in the two areas. In the highly populated area, the species population was more stable in the protected site than in the communal site, while the opposite was observed for the less populated area. Trees of the communal sites bore more fruits than trees of the protected sites. Debarking and pruning had a negative impact on fruit production of the species. We conclude that low intensity of human impact is beneficial for the species and that indirect human impact facilitates fruit production of L. microcarpa. In contrast, in the densely populated area, human impact has reached an intensity that negatively affects the populations of L. microcarpa. While the extent of protecting L. microcarpa on fields still seems to be enough to guarantee the persistence of this important species in the less populated area, it is no longer sufficient in the densely populated area.  相似文献   

Many oak decline events have been reported within the past century in the eastern U.S., and important causal factors often differ among them. Coincident with a recent decline event in upland oak-dominant forests of Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma was an unexpected outbreak of a native cerambycid beetle, Enaphalodes rufulus (Haldeman), the red oak borer. A large range in estimates of oak mortality throughout affected forests was presumably due to variation in species composition, where oak-dominant areas experienced the greatest mortality. We chose eight sites across the Ozark and Ouachita National Forests of Arkansas, similar both topographically and by oak dominance, to determine if other stand or tree characteristics were important factors in variation of E. rufulus infestations across these forests. At each site, we sampled ∼125 dead, declining or healthy host Quercus rubra L., northern red oak. We created an estimate of the E. rufulus population level at each site during the recent outbreak using counts of dated larval gallery scars within a subset (n = 120) of all Q. rubra sampled (n = 976). We used classification tree partitioning to determine host tree characteristics that differed among dead, declining, and healthy Q. rubra. We also used classification tree partitioning, followed by logistic regression to determine stand characteristics that varied significantly among high, moderate and low infestation stands as well as between forests. Models indicated that trees which died were smallest, grew the least during the borer outbreak, and were apparently suppressed. These dying trees were likely poor competitors for resources, allowing neighboring survivors to experience a growth release during the E. rufulus outbreak. Larval survivorship was higher in trees which died, though larval densities were not greatest within these trees, which suggests that resistance in these individuals was compromised. At the stand level, differences between forests were apparently more important than those due to borer infestation. E. rufulus populations were higher at sites with lower Q. rubra basal area. This reduced basal area was likely a result of greater Q. rubra mortality at these sites during the borer outbreak in the early 2000s.  相似文献   

We evaluated the impact of spatial heterogeneity resulting from disturbance and neighbor density on long-term population dynamics of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) in Brownfield Woods, an old-growth forest remnant in central Illinois. All trees with diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 7.6 cm in eight discrete quadrats (48 m × 68 m) and one large quadrat (216 m × 260 m) were mapped in Brownfield Woods in 1951, 1988, and 2001. Two sets of neighbor-specific transition matrices were constructed for two census periods (1951–1988 and 1988–2001) based upon historical maps of trees. Different neighborhoods defined by the occurrence of disturbance and neighbor density resulted in major differences in subsequent demography and population dynamics of A. saccharum in Brownfield Woods during 1951–2001. Disturbance subpopulations with high neighbor density demonstrated greater population growth than the other subpopulations and were characterized by relatively high recruitment and mortality. Dutch elm disease subpopulation shared similar characteristics. In contrast, non-disturbance subpopulations demonstrated census-specific demography. Using matrix modeling, we demonstrated the importance of spatial heterogeneity at the scale of neighboring trees to the dynamics at the scale of tree populations.  相似文献   

Part 3 deals with problems of hibernation ofCulex pipiens pipiens L. Investigations were made on: Seasonel changes in the gonoactivity and in the development of fat-body with regard to the hibernation; Period of beginning of hibernation; origin of the hibernatingCulex and possible migrations from breeding sites lying far away from the places of hibernation; accounts of the natural and artificial overwintering grounds in the open land and in buildings; behaviour of the autumnal flight into buildings before visiting the definite places of hibernation; the climatic and light conditions at the seats ofCulex in stables during the fall months; the readiness of flight of these mosquitoes; the autumnal behaviour of flight into dwelling houses and the demands ofCulex on the environment; the behaviour of hibernating mosquitoes in the area of dwelling especially their searching migrations after the impairment of conditions; loss of populations of overwinteringCulex and its causes; proceedings and circumstances leading to the termination of hibernation; period of flying out of dwelling houses.  相似文献   

Forest managers are increasingly expected to incorporate biodiversity objectives within forest landscapes devoted to timber production. However, data on which to base management recommendations for bats within these systems are limited. Although the red bat (Lasiurus borealis) is a widespread and common species in temperate forests of North America, little is known of its ecology within intensively managed pine (Pinus spp.) forests of the southeastern United States. Diurnal roost sites of red bats may be limiting on industrial pine forests due to a lack of large hardwoods within managed stands. Therefore, we investigated selection of day roosts by red bats at multiple spatial scales during June–September 2000 and May–August 2001 in an intensively managed pine landscape in east-central Mississippi, USA. We captured bats using 4-tier mist nets placed over water and attached 0.47–0.54 g radiotransmitters to captured red bats (n = 46). We located day roosts of red bats (n = 141 roosts of 27 bats) for the life of the transmitters. Red bats roosted in 16 species of hardwood trees (70% of day roosts) and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda; 30% of day roosts). In contrast to other studies in the southeastern United States, red bats roosted in pine trees and in midstory hardwood trees. Within thinned pine stands, red bats tended to prefer roost trees with a denser subcanopy and higher basal area as compared to random sites. Stand-level characteristics appeared more important than individual tree characteristics in choice of diurnal roosts. Except for adult males, logistic regression models of roost sites of red bats had high (≥79%) correct classification rates. Day roost site requirements of red bats may exhibit greater plasticity than previously thought. On our study area, intensive forest management appears compatible with diurnal roost needs of this species.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the effect of fragmentation and disturbance on the spatial genetic structure, heterozygosity and inbreeding in Tabebuia ochracea (Bignoniaceae) in a seasonally Neotropical dry forest in the medium São Francisco River basin, Centre-East Brazil, based on the polymorphism at seven microsatellite loci. Four populations with different histories of disturbance and fragmentation were sampled: two continuous population (CP1 and CP2), with no history of recent disturbance and two fragmented and isolated population (FP1 and FP2), with recent history of disturbance due to logging for pasture establishment. Fragmented and continuous populations did not differ in any estimated parameter. However, all populations showed low levels of polymorphism and genetic diversity and high levels of inbreeding. Also, no spatial genetic structure was detected for populations using SPAGeDI software and no differentiation between these four populations was detected by Bayesian analyses performed with STRUCTURE software (K = 1). Differentiation measure by Wright's θ (0.032) and Hedrick GST (0.032) were significant but low. Our results strongly suggest that continuous populations are seed sources for the fragmented populations and that fragmentation and disturbance have been affecting these populations of T. ochracea in the Centre-East Brazil, leading to low levels of polymorphism and genetic diversity, and high inbreeding. Therefore, conservation efforts should increase in this region, with a reduction of agriculture expansion and the remove of cultivated areas and cattle from the Mata Seca and Lagoa do Cajueiro State Parks.  相似文献   

An inability to predict population response to future habitat projections is a shortcoming in bird conservation planning. We sought to predict avian response to projections of future forest conditions that were developed from nationwide forest surveys within the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program. To accomplish this, we evaluated the historical relationship between silvicolous bird populations and FIA-derived forest conditions within 25 ecoregions that comprise the southeastern United States. We aggregated forest area by forest ownership, forest type, and tree size-class categories in county-based ecoregions for 5 time periods spanning 1963–2008. We assessed the relationship of forest data with contemporaneous indices of abundance for 24 silvicolous bird species that were obtained from Breeding Bird Surveys. Relationships between bird abundance and forest inventory data for 18 species were deemed sufficient as predictive models. We used these empirically derived relationships between regional forest conditions and bird populations to predict relative changes in abundance of these species within ecoregions that are anticipated to coincide with projected changes in forest variables through 2040. Predicted abundances of these 18 species are expected to remain relatively stable in over a quarter (27%) of the ecoregions. However, change in forest area and redistribution of forest types will likely result in changed abundance of some species within many ecosystems. For example, abundances of 11 species, including pine warbler (Dendroica pinus), brown-headed nuthatch (Sitta pusilla), and chuck-wills-widow (Caprimulgus carolinensis), are projected to increase within more ecoregions than ecoregions where they will decrease. For 6 other species, such as blue-winged warbler (Vermivora pinus), Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus), and indigo bunting (Passerina cyanea), we projected abundances will decrease within more ecoregions than ecoregions where they will increase.  相似文献   

The weevil, Curculio elephas (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), is one of the most abundant and widespread chestnut feeding pests in Greece. Together with the tortricid moths Cydia splendana and C. fagiglandana (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), C. elephas greatly affect chestnut production. This weevil occurs in a continuous range throughout Greece; however, its population structure is unknown. Information concerning its population structure could help in the future control of this pest. A 790 bp portion of the mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I gene was sequenced for 160 C. elephas larvae from ten populations. Compared to other Curculio species haplotype diversity with 31 haplotypes and nucleotide diversity with six nucleotide substitutions was low. The Bayesian inference of phylogeography in concert with nested clade analysis revealed a loose geographic distribution of genetic diversity that was likely the joint effect of isolation by distance and gene flow. In addition, population indices and Bayesian-based calculations showed that the populations of C. elephas in Greece are at the phase of expansion. Dating the phylogeny suggests about 300,000 years before present as the start of divergence among the populations of C. elephas in Greece.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine how four populations of paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), adapted to particular temperature, water and photoperiod regimes responded physiologically to different soil water and nutrient regimes. Seedlings of each of the four populations (Eaglet, LeeCreek, Porcupine and Skeena) from British Columbia were planted in pots and subjected to high and low water and nitrogen regimes for 4 months. Net photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (gs), water use efficiency (WUE) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) were measured and compared among treatments. Trade-offs between WUE and NUE were examined. Soil moisture was the major factor affecting A for all the populations. All populations showed relatively high A in the high-water and high-nitrogen (HWHN) treatment, ranging from 8.5 to 9.9 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1. Photosynthesis of trees in the low-water and high-nitrogen (LWHN) treatment was about 45% of that in the HWHN treatment. There was a linear increase in A as gs increased in all populations. A decreased with increasing vapor pressure deficit (VPD). The populations demonstrated significantly different relationships between A and gs, and VPD, with the LeeCreek population being the most conservative. This may provide a physiological basis for provenance selection and seed transfer. Eaglet and LeeCreek populations had lower WUE at the same level of NUE compared with Porcupine and Skeena populations. Porcupine and Skeena populations may be more suitable for moist sites due to their greater capacity to sequester water quickly, while the LeeCreek and Eaglet populations may be more suitable for drier interior sites where long drought periods can occur.  相似文献   

The population fluctuation of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus was studied, using the aggregation pheromone traps, during 2000 and 2001 in the United Arab Emirates. The insect population increased gradually from January to reach its peak in March, April, or May. The populations in three date palm plantations were much less in 2001 compared to 2000 with reductions of 29.7–51.7%. An evaluation of the performance of the pheromone traps showed that they could capture 4.4 to 20.7% of the resident populations of R. ferrugineus in the three different date palm plantations. No significant differences could be found in rates of capture between males and females. Individuals of marked weevils released in date palm plantations migrated 1–7 km from the plantations in which they were released. The released marked weevils were recaptured, mostly, within 3–5 days post release.  相似文献   

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