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Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Symptoms of foot rot were observed on hemp (Cannabis sativa) plants in Campania region (Southern Italy) in 2018. The symptoms consisted of brownish areas...  相似文献   

Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is grown in more than 30 countries for fibre, seed and flowers, and acreage of cultivation is increasing globally. Hemp has long been promoted as a crop that competes well with weeds and requires little intervention to prevent yield losses. We conducted a literature review and found little peer‐reviewed research to support this claim. We identified only three articles that specifically addressed weed management under field conditions and none provided information on hemp yield losses from weeds. These findings highlight a clear need for research‐based information on interactions between weeds and hemp to address potential yield losses under various production conditions and provide a research‐based framework for weed management in industrial hemp.  相似文献   

经亚麻荠叶片表面形态及其表面细胞结构观察发现,亚麻荠叶正面上刚毛密度平均为76.13根/cm2,而背面仅为1.63根/cm2;表皮细胞层较厚,结构紧密,其上有一层较厚的角质层。通过亚麻荠叶片饲喂小菜蛾幼虫明确,小菜蛾幼虫在亚麻荞叶片的正面和背面的取食叶面积差异极显著。表明亚麻荠叶片表面的毛状物对小菜蛾幼虫有一定的拒食作用。  相似文献   

The feasibility of achieving selective wild oat (Avena fatua L.) control in a stand of the Australian oat (Avena sativa L.) cv. Savena I was examined. Diclofop-methyl was applied at rates of 0·4–0·7 kg a.i. ha?1 at the three- and five-leaf stages of A. fatua (84–132 culms m2). Although all rates of diclofop-methyl caused initial chlorosis and necrosis to the crop, the subsequent control of A. fatua permitted increased crop tillering. Avena fatua control and crop yield response were maximized when diclofop-methyl was applied at the three-leaf stage. Crop grain yield was increased by as much as 32% and 22% during 1984 and 1985, respectively. In the absence of A. fatua competition, crop shoot dry weight at ear emergence was reduced only where diclofop-methyl was applied at 0·6 or 0·7 kg ha?1. However, final grain yield was not reduced by any treatment. Only 11 of 240 cultivars or lines tolerated diclofop-methyl, and none reached the level attained by Savena I and a closely related Australian line [(Irwin × (West × New Zealand Cape/42)) × West]/24. The nature of the inheritance of diclofop-methyl tolerance was examined (1983–1985) by crossing and backcrossing (BC) Savena I with four diclofop-methyl susceptible, but agronomically superior, lines. Inheritance of diclofop-methyl tolerance appeared to be controlled by two genes, with susceptibility being dominant to tolerance in F3, BCIF2 and BCIF3 lines.  相似文献   

Inhibitory and promotive allelopathy in rice (Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Studies on allelopathic rice, which inhibits the germination and development of weeds such as barnyardgrass ( Echinochloa spp.) and ducksalad [ Heteranthera limosa (Sw.) Wild.], have been strongly conducted in the USA, the Philippines, Japan, Korea, and other countries since the 1980s. Weed-suppressing rice plants can compete with weeds for light and mineral nutrients by their rapid and thick growth characteristics, and probably also by their allelopathic effects. It was suggested that allelopathic properties were inherited from parents. Different screening methods for finding allelopathic rice simply and rapidly have been proposed. In contrast, stimulative allelopathy in rice, which promotes germination of the dormant and dormancy-awakened seeds of Monochoria vaginalis (Burm. f.) Kunth var. vaginalis , has been investigated by the authors since the 1990s. Rice seeds promoted the germination in the dark and in light under submerged conditions. Our experiments suggested that rice seeds, hulls, plants and straw contain stimulative substance(s) that promote seed germination of M. vaginalis .  相似文献   

Chemical and non-chemical or cultural approaches for the control of Scirpus maritimus L. (bulrush) and of annual weeds in lowland rice were examined in the field. Herbicides such as bentazon [3-isopropyl-1H-H-2,1,3-benzothiadiazin-4(3H)-one 2,2-dioxide] and 2,4-D [2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid] effectively controlled S. maritimus but not the annual grasses [Echinochloa glabrescens Munro ex Hook. f. and Echinochloa crus-galli ssp. hispidula [(Retz.) Honda] when applied at the six- to eight-leaf stage 20–28 days after transplanting or seeding rice). S. maritimus was not adequately controlled when the herbicides were applied pre- or early post-emergence. A granular formulation of bensulfuron-methyl [(methy1–2-[[(4,6-dimethoxypirimidin-2-yl)aminosulfonylmethyl]benzoate)] applied 6 or 8 days after transplanting or seeding (two- to four-leaf stage of the weed) effectively controlled S. maritimus and the annuals E. glabrescens, E. crus-galli ssp. hispidula, and Monochoria vaginalis, Presl. (Burm. f.) S. maritimus stand was drastically reduced by shifting land preparation back and forth from wet to dry. Neither tillage intensity nor use of intermediate-statured modern rice cultivars affected the weed stand. La lutte chimique et culturelle contre le scirpe (Scirpus maritimus L.) et les mauvaises herbes annuelles en culture de riz (Oryza sativa L.) Des possibilitiés chimiques et culturelles dans la lutte contre Scirpus maritimus L. (le scirpe) et les mauvaises herbes annuelles en culture de riz ont fait l'objet d'une étude sur le terrain. Appliqués au stade 6- à 8-feuilles des graminées annuelles, Echinochloa glabrescens Munro ex Hook. f. et Echinochloa crus-galli ssp. hispidula [(Retz) Honda] (20 à 28 jours après le repiquage ou le semis du riz), les herbicides, tel le bentazone [isopropyl-3 1H 3H-benzothiadazine-2,1,3 one-4 dioxyde-2,2] et le 2,4-D [acide 2,4-dichlorophénoxyacétique] ont permis une lutte efficace contre S. maritimus mais pas contre les graminées. La maîtrise de S. maritimusétait insuffisante quand les traitements herbicides ont été appliqués en prélevée ou en postlevée précoce. Une forme granulée de bensulfuron-methyl, appliquée 6 ou 8 jours après le repiquage ou le semis (stade deux- à quatre-feuilles de l'adventice) a permis une lutte efficace contre S. maritimus ainsi que les adventices annuelles E. glabrescens, E. crus-galli ssp. hispidula et Monochoria vaginalis (Burm. f.) Presl. Une réduction dramatique dans le peuplement de S. maritimus a suivi l'emploi alterné de techniques humides el sèches dans la préparation du sol. Ni l'intensité du labourage ni l'emploi de variétés de riz modernes de hauteur moyenne n'ont eu d'influence sur l'enherbement. Bekämpfung der Strand-Simse (Scirpus maritimus L.) und einjähriger Unkräuter in Nass-Reis (Oryza saliva L.) mit chemischen und Kulturmethoden Mit Herbiziden wie Bentazon und 2,4-D konnte Scirpus maritimus, nicht aber die einjährigen Gräser Echinochloa glabrescens Munro ex Hook, und Echinochloa crus-galli ssp. hispidula (Retz.) Honda bekämpft werden, wenn sie im 6- bis 8-Blatl-Stadium (20 bis 28 Tage nach dem Pflanzen oder der Saat des Reises) behandelt wurde. Die Bekämpfung war aber unzureichend, wenn die Herbizide vor oder kurz nach der Keimung ausgebracht wurden. Mit bensulfuron-methyl Granutat 6 oder 8 Tage nach dem Pflanzen oder der Saat (2- bis 4-Blatt-Stadium der Unkräuter) konnten Scirpus maritimus und Echinochloa glabrescens sowie E. crus-galli ssp. hispidula und Monochoria raginalis (Burm. f.) Presl. Bekämpft werden. Die Verschiebung der Bodenbearbeitung von nass nach troeken verringerte die Verunkrautung mit Scirpus maritimus erheblieh. Der Unkrautbestand wurde weder durch verschiedene Intensität der Bodenbearbeitung noch durch die neuen mittellangen Reissorten herabgesetzt.  相似文献   

Pot experiments were conducted to evaluate the level of imazamox tolerance in five red rice ( Oryza sativa L.) and four barnyardgrass (three Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. and one Echinochloa oryzoides (Ard.) Fritch) morphologically distinct biotypes collected from rice fields in northern Greece. The susceptibility of barnyardgrass biotypes to propanil was also studied. Red rice biotypes were not controlled by imazamox applied at 40 g ha−1. In contrast, 80 g imazamox ha−1 provided 56–84% red rice control (averaged across shoot number and fresh weight reduction). Not all barnyardgrass biotypes were susceptible to imazamox applied postemergence. However, propanil applied at 2.6 kg ha −1 controlled the E. crus-galli biotypes well, but propanil applied at rates of 2.6 and 5.2 kg ha −1 was not effective in reducing the shoot number and fresh weight of the E. oryzoides biotype. Propanil applied at 10.4 kg ha −1 reduced the shoot number and fresh weight of this biotype by 78 and 85%, respectively. In most cases, a linear equation ( y  = % of control, x  = g ha−1) provided the best fit for regressions between red rice or barnyardgrass shoot number or fresh weight and imazamox rates. The results of this study suggest that postemergence application of imazamox is not effective against all red rice and barnyardgrass biotypes found in the rice fields of Greece and that significant variability regarding herbicide efficacy among biotypes might exist.  相似文献   

In growth chambers the phytotoxicity of binary mixtures of four herbicides was compared using an Additive Dose Model as reference. Of the four herbicides used, lenacil was the most potent whereas ethofumesate was the least potent herbicide; chloridazon and metamitron were equally potent. The Additive Dose Model implicitly presupposes that at any one response level the herbicides of a mixture can replace each other in proportion to their relative potency when applied separately. Metamitron and chloridazon mixtures appeared to follow the reference model. The efficacy of mixtures of lenacil and chloridazon or lenacil and metamitron, however, were increased in comparison with the herbicides applied separately. On the other hand, lenacil and ethofumesate or metamitron and ethofumesate were less phytotoxic than expected from the Additive Dose Model. The results are discussed in relation to the mode of action of the compounds. Action combinée de certains herbicides absorbés par les racines en culture d'avoine Avena sativa L. La phytotoxicité de mélanges binaires de quatre herbicides a fait l'objet d'une comparaison en phytotron, utilisant comme témoin un Modèle Dose Additive. Parmi les quatre herbicides utilisés, le lénacile s'est révélé le plus et l'éthofumésate le moins actif; le chloridazone et le métamitrone ont fait preuve d'une activitéégale. Le Modèle Dose Additive présuppose qu'à tout niveau d'activité chaque herbicide faisant partie d'un mélange puisse se substituer à l'autre en fonction de son efficacité relative en traitement simple. Les mélanges métamitrone–chloridazone semblent s'accorder au modèle de référence. Cependant, l'efficacité des mélanges chloridazone–lénacile et lénacile–métamitrone a augmenté par rapport à l'application de chaque élément séparément. D'autre part, les mélanges lénacile–éthofumesate et métamitrone–éthofumesate ont fait preuve d'une phytotoxicité moindre que celle qu'annonçait le modèle. Ces résultats sont discutés par rapport au mode d'action des composés. Kombinierte Wirkung verschiedener wurzelwirksamer Herbizide auf Avena sativa L. In Klimakammern wurde die Phytotoxizität von Zweier-Mischungen von vier Herbiziden untersucht und mit einem Modell additiver Dosierungen verglichen. Von den vier untersuchten Herbiziden war Lenacil das wirksamste und Ethofumesat das schwächste; Chloridazon und Metamitron wirkten gleich stark. Das Modell additiver Dosierungen setzt stillschweigend voraus, dass auf jedem Wirkungsniveau die Herbizide einer Mischung einander im Verhältnis ihrer relativen Wirksamkeiten, wenn allein appliziert, ersetzen können. Metamitron + Chloridazon Mischungen scheinen dem Vergleichsmodell zu folgen. Die Wirkungen der Mischungen von Lenacil + Chloridazon oder Lenacil + Metamitron, hingegen, waren im Vergleich zu den Effekten der einzeln applizierten Komponenten gesteigert. Andrerseits waren Lenacil + Ethofumesat oder Metamitron + Ethofumesat weniger phytotoxisch, als das Modell hätte erwarten lassen. Die Resultate werden mit Bezug auf die Wirkungsmechanismen der Komponenten diskutiert.  相似文献   

The metabolism of the herbicide diclofop-methyl and the distribution of it and its metabolites have been investigated in a system utilizing isolated oat protoplasts (Avena sativa L. ‘Cascade’). Accumulations of 14C-diclofop-methyl were found in membrane fractions of the protoplasts. Diclofop-methyl partitioned into the lipid phase of the protoplast plasma membrane. Comparatively small amounts of diclofop were found associated with the protoplasts. Diclofop-methyl was converted to diclofop in the treatment solution by hydrolytic enzymes associated with the external surface of the protoplast. Approximately 78% of the radiolabel recovered from the treatment solution was diclofop. The two major accumulations of radiolabel were found in the water insoluble portion (membrane fraction) of the protoplast as diclofop-methyl and in the treatment solution as diclofop. Repartition du diclofop-methyl et de ses métabolites dans les protoplastes d'avoine (Avena sativa L.) Le métabolisme de l'herbicide diclofop-methyl (DM) et la répartition du DM et de ses métabolites ont étéétudiés dans un système faisant appel à des protoplastes d'avoine isolés (Avena sativa L.) ‘Cascade’. Des accumulations de 14C-diclofop-methyl ont été trouvées dans la fraction membranaire des protoplastes. Le diclofop-methyl est passé dans la phase pidique de la membrane plasmique du protoplaste. En comparaison, de petites quantités de diclofop ont été trouvées en association avec les protoplastes. Le diclofop-methyl a été converti en diclofop par des hydrolases associées à la surface externe des protoplastes. Approximativement 78% des traces radioactives retrouvées dans la solution de traitement étaient du diclofop. Les deux principales accumulations de radioactivitéétaient trouvées dans la fraction insoluble dans l'eau des protoplastes (fraction membranaire) sous forme de diclofop-méthyl et, dans la solution de traitement, sous forme de diclofop. Verteilung von Diclofop-methyl und Metaboliten in Hafer- (Avena sativa L.)-Protoplasten Der Abbau von 14C-markiertem Diclofop-methyl und die Verteilung des Wirkstoffs sowie eines Metaboliten wurden in isolierten Protoplasten von Hafer (Avena sativa L. ‘Cascade’) untersucht. Der Wirkstoff war in den Protoplastenmembranen angereichert, wobei eine Anlagerung an die Lipidphase der Plasmamembran festgestellt wurde. Von Diclofop waren vergleichsweise geringe Mengen an die Protoplasten gebunden. Diclofop-methyl wurde in der Versuchslösung durch hydrolytische Enzyme, die an der Protoplastenaussenfläche lagen, zu Diclofop umgewandelt. Radioaktiv markierte Stoffe wurden hauptsächlich als Diclofop-methyl am Protoplasten-membransystem und als Diclofop (mit 78% der eingebrachten 14C-Aktivität) in der Lösung gefunden.  相似文献   

Vicia sativa (L.) was subjected to pre-emergence treatments of alachlor, fluchloralin, nitrofen and prometryne. A study of stomatal index was made by collecting leaves from the fourth and fifth nodes of plants. Nitrofen and prometryne, although increasing the number of epidermal cells and stomata per unit area, did not lead to changes in the stomal index compared to control values. Alachlor and fluchloralin reduced the stomatal index greatly because the density of epidermal cells was increased more than the density of stomata. The results are discussed. Effet de quelques herbicides sur l'épiderme de Vicia sativa (L.) Vicia sativa (L.) a été soumise à des traitements en prélevée avec l'alachlor, la fluchloraline, l'azote et la prométryne. Une étude de l'index stomatal a été faite en récoltant des feuilles sur les quatriéme et cinquiéme n?uds des plantes. L'azote et la prométryne, bien que provoquant un accroissement du nombre des cellules épidermiques et des stomates par unité de surface, n'ont pas amené de changement de l'index stomatal comparativement aux valeurs du témoin. L'alachlor et la fluchloraline ont fortement réduit l'index stomatal parce que la densité des cellules épidermiques s'est plus accrue que la densité des stomates. Les résultats sont discutés. Effet de quelques herbicides sur l'épiderme de Vicia sativa (L.) Vicia saliva (L.) a été soumise à des traitements en prélevée avec l'alachlor, la fluchloraline, l'azote et la prométryne. Une étude de l'index stomatal a été faite en récoltant des feuilles sur les quatrième et cinquième nceuds des plantes. L'azote et la prométryne, bien que provoquant un accroissement du nombre des cellules épidermiques et des stomates par unité de surface, n'ont pas amené de changement de l'index stomatal comparativement aux yaleurs du témoin. L'alachlor et la fluchloraline ont fortement réduit l'index stomatal parce que la densité des cellules épidermiques s'est plus accrue que la densité des stomates. Les résultats sont discutés. Die Wirkung einiger Herbizide auf die Epidermis von Vicia sativa (L.) Alachlor, Fluchloralin, Stickstoff und Prometryn wurden vor dem Auflaufen von Vicia sativa (L.) appliziert. Um den Stomataindex festzustellen, wurden Blätter vom 4 und 5 Nodium entnommen. Die Stickstoff- und Prometrynbehandlungen bewirkten zwar eine Zunahme der Epidermiszellen und der Stomata je Flächeneinheit, hatten aber im Vergleich zur Kontrolle keine Veränderungen des Slomataindex zur Folge. Alachlor und Fluchloralin verkleinerten den Stomataindex sehr stark, da die Dichte der Epidermiszellen stärker zunahm als die Dichte der Stomata. Die Ergebnisse werden diskutiert.  相似文献   

In the present study, 98.8 mm of bentazon was applied to 3‐leaf stage rice seedlings. Two tolerant lines, M202 and cv. TNG67, showed slightly visible injury, photosystem II inhibition, as well as a low level of lipid peroxidation 7 days after application compared with the susceptible lines. Further physiological study of the mechanism of differential tolerance among Japonica and Indica types indicated that, although the tolerant Japonica lines M202 and cv. TNG67 absorbed more 14C‐bentazon, most of the 14C remained in the treated leaf or translocated to older leaves. However, two susceptible lines, FSK (Japonica) and IR36 (Indica), absorbed less 14C‐bentazon throughout the experiment, and most of the 14C was translocated from the treated leaves to younger leaves, which might result in the death of developing tissues. In addition, more bentazon residue and less polar metabolites were detected in these two susceptible lines. It is proposed that the higher tolerance of lines M202 and TNG67 to bentazon could be mainly due to a higher rate of metabolism of this herbicide, and partially due to less translocation to developing tissues.  相似文献   

The infection process of Colletotrichum destructivum, a cause of anthracnose in lucerne (= alfalfa, Medicago sativa) was studied by light microscopy. At the onset of the host-pathogen interaction, the fungus produced large, multilobed, multiseptate infection vesicles with elongated neck regions. Each infection structure packed the lumen of the initially-infected epidermal cell and remained confined within its walls for 48 h. Subsequently, narrow, invasive secondary hyphae radiated from the multilobed vesicles, grew through the walls of host cells and rapidly colonized the surrounding tissues. Acervuli emerged on the surface of colonized leaves 96 h after inoculation. These observations are discussed in relation to the infection process and specificity of a genetically closely-related isolate of Colletotrichum destructivum causing anthracnose in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata).  相似文献   

Growth indices describing the nature of the competitive relationship between Silene vulgaris and alfalfa during crop establishment were determined from experiments conducted outdoors in southem Manitoba in 1986 and 1987. The results of the experiments indicated that alfalfa dry matter yields were influenced more by intra- than interspecific competition. In comparison S. vulgaris was affected more by interspecific competition. Replacement diagrams and aggressivity indices both demonstrated that alfalfa and S. vulgaris were the aggressor and sub-ordinate species, respectively. Relative replacement rates for alfalfa versus S. vulgaris were significantly greater than unity, indicating that alfalfa exerted a greater replacement pressure on S. vulgaris than did S. vulgaris on alfalfa. Over time alfalfa could be expected to replace S. vulgaris as the dominant species within a population. Barley was more competitive than alfalfa with S. vulgaris. Not only was S. vulgaris shoot dry weight reduced more by barley than by alfalfa during the establishment year, but fewer S. vulgaris seedlings emerged the following year in plots that had been seeded to barley than in those that had been seeded to alfalfa.  相似文献   

S-Cysteinyl and glutathione conjugates of isopropyl-3′-chloro-4′-hydroxycarbanilate (4-hydroxychlorpropham) were synthesized directly in the presence of soluble enzyme systems isolated from etiolated shoots of oat seedlings. The enzyme systems responsible for these reactions were partially purified and charaterized. Enzyme A appeared to be a multicomponent system, equally reactive with either cysteine or glutathione. Enzyme B was twice as active as enzyme A in the formation of S-cysteinyl-hydroxychlorpropham. Affinity chromatography of enzyme A produced an enzyme fraction with properties similar to those of enzyme B. Both enzymes (A and B) were significantly inhibited by increased cysteine concentrations. The reaction of glutathione with enzyme B was limited. However, when low concentrations of a nonreacting effector, cysteine ethyl ether, were added, glutathione conjugation increased significantly. At higher concentrations, cysteine ethyl ester formed a conjugate with 4-hydroxychlorpropham. Isopropyl-5′-chloro-2′-hydroxycarbanilate (2-hydroxy-5-chlorpropham) did not conjugate with either cysteine or glutathione but did react with cysteine ethyl ester. Isopropyl-3′-chlorocarbanilate (chlorpropham) was not a substrate for thioether conjugation. These data suggest that para- and/or ortho-hydroxylated carbanilates and cysteine-related substrates may form thioether conjugates when incubated under appropriate conditions with these complex enzyme systems.  相似文献   

紫花苜蓿下胚轴愈伤组织诱导及再生植株的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以培养4~5d的紫花苜蓿无菌苗的下胚轴为材料,改良SH(SH大量元素+MS微量元素+MS铁盐+UM有机)+水解酪蛋白(CH)2000 mg/L为基本培养基,对紫花苜蓿愈伤组织诱导和植株再生进行了研究。愈伤组织诱导和继代培养基分别为2,4-D 1.0 mg/L+KT 0.5 mg/L+蔗糖30 g/L及2,4-D 0.05 mg/L+BA0.5 mg/L+蔗糖30 g/L,将获得的愈伤组织转入正交设计的培养基上进行筛选,得到了愈伤组织分化率相对较高的培养基配方:基本培养基+KT 0.4 mg/L+蔗糖20 g/L,其分化率为73.0%。获得的再生芽在生根培养基上(1/2MSO)培养约10d便能获得具有根和叶的再生植株。本试验结果为下一步将来自蓝藻的Na+/H+ an-tiporter基因转入苜蓿,获得转基因耐盐苜蓿奠定了基础。  相似文献   

杂草稻落粒粳种子的耐冷性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用低温处理方法评价了杂草稻落粒粳(Orayza sativaL.)种子的耐冷潜力。浸种0~48 h,落粒粳种子平均含水量为17.038%,显著低于栽培稻春江11的20.533%和赣早籼的20.180%,落粒粳颖壳具有比两种栽培稻更强的水分阻隔能力。在相同含水量条件下,经过低温-20℃处理3 h和28℃条件下培养4 d的落粒粳种子发芽率显著高于春江11和赣早籼,落粒粳种子具有更强的耐冷能力。  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to compare the physiological effects of two herbicides: fluazifop-butyl {butyl ( RS )-2-[4-(5-trifluoromethyl-2-pyridyloxy)phenoxy]-propionate} and sethoxydim {(±)-2-[1-(ethoxyimino)butyl]-5-[2-(ethylthio)propyl]-3-hydroxy-2-cyclohexen-1-one} on oat ( Avena sativa L. cv. Zenshin). The herbicides strongly inhibited growth of oat and induced chlorosis at the basal part of shoots and ethylene production from the seedlings. The phytotoxicity of these herbicides in oat seedlings was alleviated by 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), but not by IAA (indole-3-acetic acid). Coleoptile elongation induced by 2,4-D or IAA was inhibited by fluazifop-butyl and sethoxydim, suggesting both herbicides possess the activity to inhibit this auxin action. Fluazifop (free acid) and sethoxydim inhibited proton excretion from oat roots but fluazifop-butyl did not. This proton excretion was not restored by 2,4-D or IAA. Furthermore, cellular electrolyte leakage in oat shoots was increased by both herbicides, indicating that the membrane permeability was increased. We conclude that fluazifop-butyl and sethoxydim may have the same mechanism of action which leads to disruption of membrane integrity, although fluazifop-butyl acts as a free acid after hydrolysis (fluazifop).  相似文献   

燕麦DNA导入普通小麦变异观察及RAPD分子验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用花粉管通道将健壮燕麦(Avera sativaL.)的总DNA导入普通小麦宁春4号中,获得12个稳定变异的品系。农艺性状变异观测结果显示多数变异品系的叶面积、穗长、主穗粒数、主穗粒重和千粒重等性状都显著地超过了受体宁春4号小麦;对受体、供体和稳定变异的品系进行RAPD分析,在68个随机引物中有8个引物检测出DNA的多态性,并且在后代基因组中找到了受体没有而供体特有的DNA片段,从DNA分子水平上证明了燕麦DNA可以通过花粉管通道进入受体,并与其基因组DNA整合,在后代中遗传和表达。  相似文献   

杂草稻的分类、起源及利用研究进展   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
杂草稻是稻田中与栽培稻相伴生的一种杂草,严重影响水稻的产量和品质。同时杂草稻拥有丰富的遗传资源,是水稻遗传改良的重要资源。该文对有关杂草稻的特征、分类、起源和利用研究的进展作了概述。  相似文献   

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