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Forest fragmentation affects seed production, but little is known about how seeds are distributed in fragmented forests after primary dispersion and how this affects their interactions with other organisms. This study addressed these issues in a fragmented oak forest of Quercus laeta where four habitat types were recognized: interior and edge of patches, deforested matrix around patches, and an abandoned field. Areas and distances to the abandoned field were measured for 40 patches, and acorns were sampled in all habitats. Only samples from the interior and edge of patches had acorns, which were classified as aborted, viable, and parasitized by insects or fungi. Acorns in all these classes were regressed against patch area and distance to the abandoned field. Field experiments were also conducted to determine whether acorn removal rates varied across habitats. Aborted acorns within patches were not related to area or distance, but they decreased with increasing values of both variables at patch edges. Within patches, viable acorns were positively related to increases in area and distance, while the converse occurred for insect-damaged acorns; fungal-infested acorns were not related to patch variables in this habitat. Complex interactions between area and distance explained how acorns in these classes were distributed across patch edges. Acorn removal was higher within patches and their edges when compared to human-disturbed habitats; both mice and birds were identified as potential acorn dispersers. These results suggest that forest fragmentation affects acorn-mediated processes and that this may influence the recovery of patch connectivity in the landscape.  相似文献   

Acorn transporting and hoarding, distribution, and utilization by mice of hoarded acorns were studied. Apodemus speciosus and A. argentus were observed to transport acorns. An individual A. speciosus observed scatterhoarded at least 49% of acorns transported. The rate of acorn utilization was higher in locations where two or more acorns were buried than where a single acorn was buried. Forty-seven percent of scatterhoarded acorns disappeared before snow cover and 99% before the next spring. Based on the extent of home ranges for mice, dispersal distance is presumed to be from 30 to 40 m.  相似文献   

Effects of two sets of factors on the disappearance of acorns of Q. mongolica var. grosserrata were investigated. Acorns were distributed on (a) the floor of a forest with its canopy intact, (b) the floor of a forest clearing, (c) the vegetated sloping bank of a forest road, and (d) a bare forest road. They disappeared fastest from the forest with intact canopy and slowest from the bare road, an effect thought to be directly related to amounts of cover.When the acorns were covered with frames having netting with different-sized apertures, a mesh of 3.0×4.0 cm did not appreciably alter the rate of acorn disappearance compared with the uncovered controls: a mesh of 0.5×0.5 cm totally inhibited the disappearance of acorns.Five species of small mammal were live-trapped. Of these, Clethrionomys rufocanus, Apodemus argentinus and A. speciosus are thought to be implicated in the disappearance of acorns. The rate of acorn disappearance seems to be directly related to total numbers of small mammals.Acorns disappeared more rapidly when distributed on the ground than when buried.  相似文献   

Concern about poor natural regeneration of blue oak in California has prompted efforts to artificially regenerate this species. Two studies examined the best time to collect acorns and the effect various pre-storage treatments, including soaking and drying, have on germination. Results indicated that acorns can be successfully collected over a fairly wide interval, extending from late August until late October. Acorns from all harvest dates had high germination, as long as they were not allowed to dry out before storage. However, the earlier the acorns were collected, the earlier they tended to germinate. Soaking acorns for a day prior to storage had little effect. Drying acorns, however, reduced both the rate and amount of germination. A 10% reduction in moisture content resulted in almost 40% less total germination, and all acorns that lost 25% or more of their mositure failed to germinate during the 10-week test interval. To ensure good seed quality, blue oak acorns should be collected directly from tree branches and placed immediately in cold storage.  相似文献   

The emergence and survival of pregerminated holm oak (Quercus ilex) and cork oak (Quercus suber) acorns from two ecologically different dehesas (Mediterranean open woodlands) were studied in two soils from these stands naturally infected with Phytophthora cinnamomi, and in the same soils previously sterilized in the autoclave. Phytophthora cinnamomi was consistently isolated from the radicles of all unemerged and all emerged but dead seedlings from the unsterilized substrates. Seedlings of holm oak were more susceptible to P. cinnamomi than those of cork oak. Mortality of holm oak seedlings was significantly different depending only on soil treatment (sterilized or unsterilized), and it was 100% in unsterilized soils, independent of acorn provenance and soil origin. Mortality of cork oak seedlings was significantly different depending on the acorn origin and soil treatment, and on the interactions acorn origin × soil origin and soil origin × soil treatment. The demonstrated high susceptibility of holm and cork oak young seedlings to P. cinnamomi could be a limiting factor in Mediterranean open woodlands (dehesas) not only in natural regeneration processes but also when reforestation by direct sowing is implemented.  相似文献   

A comparative study of pre- and post-dispersal damage to the acrons of two oaks,Quercus serrata Thunb. andQ. mongolica Fischer, was done over 3 years in a species-rich deciduous forest in central Japan. The numbers of acorns bored into by moth larvae and byKobuzo rectirostris (Roelofs) was low and relatively uniform each year for both oak species, but the numbers bored into byCurculio spp. varied from year to year. The proportions of acorns attacked were independent of the density of acorns produced for both oak species. The proportions of the dispersed acorns of both oak species on the forest floor that disappeared between autumn and spring were less than 27%, and were lower for species in the stand that belong to family Fagaceae. However, by the next summer, most dispersed sound acorns had been infested by moths that specialized on post-dispersal acorns.  相似文献   

Stem respiration was measured throughout 1993 on 56 mature trees of three species (Quercus alba L., Quercus prinus L., and Acer rubrum L.) in Walker Branch Watershed, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. A subset of the trees was remeasured during 1994. Diameter increments, stem temperatures and soil water were also monitored. Respiration rates in the spring and summer of 1993 tracked growth rate increments, except during a drought when growth dropped to zero and respiration increased to its highest rate. During the dormant season, rates of total stem respiration (R(t)) tended to be greater in large trees with thick sapwood but no such trend was observed during the growing season. Before and after the growing season, respiration rates correlated well with stem temperatures. Estimated values of Q(10) were 2.4 for the two oak species and 1.7 for red maple. The Q(10) values were used along with baseline respiration measurements and stem temperatures to predict seasonal changes in maintenance respiration (R(m)). In red maple, annual total R(m) accounted for 56 and 60% of R(t) in 1993 and 1994, respectively. In chestnut oak, R(m) accounted for 65 and 58% of R(t) in 1993 and 1994, respectively. In white oak, R(m) accounted for 47 and 53% of R(t) in 1993 and 1994, respectively. Extrapolating these data to the stand level showed that woody tissue respiration accounted for 149 and 204 g C m(-2) soil surface year(-1) in 1993 and 1994, respectively.  相似文献   

To determine the biochemical basis of osmotic adjustment, seasonal and treatment differences in foliar water- soluble organic solutes and inorganic ions were investigated for two hardwood species that exhibited osmotic adjustment in a Throughfall Displacement Experiment at the Walker Branch Watershed near Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Leaf samples of overstory and understory chestnut oak (Quercus prinus L.) and understory dogwood (Cornus florida L.) were collected during the 1994 (wet) and 1995 (dry) growing seasons from each of three treatments: dry (-33% throughfall), ambient (control) and wet (+33% throughfall). Foliar soluble carbohydrates and organic acids were measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. During May 1994, when the demand for sucrose was greatest, dogwood accumulated small amounts of glucose, quinic acid and Mg2+, offsetting a decline in nitrate concentration. As the mild drought continued and tree growth slowed, there was a significant accumulation of sucrose in dogwood in the dry treatment in June, and a trend toward increased K+. In overstory chestnut oak in the dry treatment over the same period, there were significant accumulations of fructose, glucose and K+, and a trend toward increased quinic acid accumulation. Sucrose did not become a key osmotically active compound in chestnut oak until August 1994. In 1995, with the exception of understory chestnut oak, there was no accumulation of K+ in either species. During the severe drought of 1995, monosaccharides, particularly glucose and fructose, accounted for most of the osmotic adjustment in both species. Among solutes, glucose constituted the largest accumulation in dogwood in the dry treatment in August 1995, followed by fructose and sucrose. There was only a moderate increase in solutes in chestnut oak trees in 1995, with fructose and glucose constituting over 50% of the predicted solute accumulation in July. Both species accumulated a wider array of solutes during the dry year than during the wet year, but treatment differences in solute accumulation in chestnut oak were partially limited by drought. The greater dehydration tolerance of chestnut oak than dogwood was evident in the higher baseline concentrations of organic solutes and the greater array of solutes accumulated in response to drought.  相似文献   

Ogaya  Roma; Penuelas  Josep 《Forestry》2005,78(3):279-283
A holm oak forest located in the Prades mountains (north-eastSpain) was subjected to an experimental drought, reducing soilwater moisture by 15 per cent by the use of plastic strips andfunnels that partially excluded rain throughfall and by ditchexclusion of water runoff. We monitored mushroom productionper plot once a week during 1999 and 2000. Drought treatmentdid not delay mushroom appearance, but reduced mushroom productionby 62 per cent on average. This suggests that in a drier environment– as predicted for Mediterranean areas in the near future– there is likely to be a decrease in mushroom production,and as a result, changes in some ecological parameters suchas soil organic matter decomposition, and also a reduction inthe economic and recreational value of these Mediterranean forests.  相似文献   

In Greece, deciduous oak forests usually provide both, wood production and grazing of understory vegetation. Grazing as a management tool was assayed in a deciduous oak coppice forest of 2000 ha under conversion during the management period of 1991–2005 in Central Macedonia, Greece. In this forest, 1340 cows and 3880 goats were grazing from May to October along the years. The impact of grazing pressure on forest growth was related to the difference of the overall wood stock in two sampling times conducted during the management period of 1991 and 2005. Three grazing pressures were distinguished in the forest: heavy, moderate and light. The moderate grazing improved tree growth and provided significant wood production during the management period. It has also resulted in a sustainable production of herbage and browse in the understory, supporting the maintenance of the livestock. It seems that the conversion of a deciduous oak coppice forest to a high forest along with livestock grazing in the understory is a very efficient management scheme for sustainable production in such a forest.  相似文献   


Plant–plant chemical interactions in forests can have a strong impact on the biodiversity and dynamics of these ecosystems, particularly in Mediterranean forests where plants exhibit a high secondary metabolite diversity. Allelopathic interactions in Mediterranean ecosystems have been mostly studied in the first stages of ecosystem dynamics, shrublands and pine forests, but little is known about these interactions in mature oak forests. In this study, the allelopathic effect of three main woody species of downy oak forests (Quercus pubescens, Acer monspessulanum and Cotinus coggygria) on germination and growth of two herbaceous species (Festuca ovina and Linum perenne) was tested through aqueous extracts obtained from different leaf phenological stages (green, senescent and litter). The germination velocity of the two target species was inhibited by the aqueous extracts of senescent leaves from all the woody species. The growth of F. ovina seedlings was affected by aqueous extracts of green leaves of all the woody species, while the growth of L. perenne was only affected by aqueous extracts of green leaves of A. monspessulanum. This shows that (i) allelochemicals released by leaf leachates of the dominant woody species could control the dynamic of the herbaceous species, and then their potential competition with trees and (ii) allelopathic effects of woody species are related to their phenological stage and seem consistent with the development stage of target species.


Forest floor CO(2) efflux (FF(cer)) is an important component of global carbon budgets, but the spatial variability of forest floor respiration within a forest type is not well documented. Measurements of FF(cer) were initiated in mid-March of 1991 and continued at biweekly to monthly intervals until mid-November. Observations were made at 45 sites along topographic gradients of the Walker Branch Watershed, Tennessee including northeast and southwest facing slopes, valley-bottoms, and exposed ridge-top locations. The FF(cer) measurements were made with a portable gas-exchange system, and all observations were accompanied by soil temperature and soil water content measurements. As expected, FF(cer) exhibited a distinct seasonal trend following patterns of soil temperature, but soil water content and the volume percent of the soil's coarse fraction were also correlated with observed rates. Over the entire measurement period, FF(cer) ranged from a typical minimum of 0.8 micro mol m(-2) s(-1) to an average maximum near 5.7 micro mol m(-2) s(-1). No significant differences in FF(cer) were observed among the ridge-top and slope positions, but FF(cer) in the valley-bottom locations was lower on several occasions. An empirical model of FF(cer) based on these observations is suggested for application to whole-stand estimates of forest carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Established trees influence the growth and physiology of seedlings by altering above- and belowground conditions; however, tree influences on seedling physiology via belowground interactions are not well understood. We used soil transfers to an open field to examine the belowground influences of a Quercus ellipsoidalis E.J.Hill dominated forest on Q. ellipsoidalis seedling mycorrhizal infection, nutrient uptake, growth and photosynthesis over three years. After two years, seedlings planted with large quantities of forest soil (HF treatment) had greater leaf mass and foliar N concentrations than seedlings receiving smaller quantities of forest soil (LF) and control treatments. Mycorrhizal infection was greater in the HF treatment after one year compared with the LF and control treatments, with a positive correlation of foliar N and mycorrhizal infection in Year 2. There were marked effects of treatments on seedling spring phenology with HF seedlings breaking bud up to 17 days earlier than seedlings in the other treatments. The HF seedlings also had more rapid leaf expansion and larger leaves, and an increase in net photosynthetic rates. These results highlight complex linkages between above- and belowground physiology: forest soil had substantial effects on seedling physiology, including traits such as phenology that have previously been considered to be under aboveground control. Belowground influences of trees on conspecific seedlings may play a critical role in early seedling establishment.  相似文献   

Sudden oak death is a disease affecting coastal forests in California and southern Oregon. The spatial pattern of disease dynamics is important for forest and landscape pathology; in this work we investigated the interaction across landscape scales of disease symptomology in coast live oaks, Quercus agrifolia, (trunk bleeding, presence of beetles, and presence of the fungus Hypoxylon thouarsianum) and tree mortality through time. We used two-dimensional spatial analysis tools with data gathered in point-centered-quarter format in 2001 and 2004 to quantify the population density of the disease through time; to examine the spatial pattern of tree mortality across scales through time; and to examine the spatial co-occurrence of disease symptoms with crown mortality through time. Early in the study period dead trees were strongly clustered at smaller scales (~300 m) and after three years this clustering was less pronounced. Bleeding on trees occurred in clusters away from dead trees, particularly in 2004, likely indicating a new cohort of infected trees. The presence of H. thouarsianum was strongly related to overstory mortality through time. Beetle-infested trees co-occurred with mortality in 2001. By 2004, they occurred throughout the forest, and were less strongly correlated with overstory tree mortality, suggesting a future peak of tree mortality.  相似文献   

Annual changes in structural attributes and seasonal dynamics in water content, photosynthetic rate and light-use efficiency (LUE) were assessed by spectral transmittance for 4 years (1999-2003) in six stands of a Mediterranean holm oak forest. Green biomass, total biomass and leaf area index (LAI) were determined. In 1999, seasonal dynamics of net carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange and water content were measured. We recorded photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) transmittance and hyperspectral transmittance in the 400-1100 nm region and derived reflectance-based vegetation indices. Transmittance over the PAR region derived from either ceptometer or spectroradiometer measurements (PART and TPAR, respectively) was related to green and total biomass. Both PART and TPAR were also related to LAI (r=0.79 and r=0.70, respectively, P <0.001) and were appropriate for comparison among stands, whereas subtle changes in LAI within a stand were better assessed by the transmittance amplitude in the red edge region (TRE) (within a stand, r=0.77-0.99, P <0.001). Spectral transmittance-based indices successfully captured physiological processes that occurred on temporal (seasonal) and spatial scales. The transmittance-based water index (TWI) was related to both foliage and canopy water content (r=0.69, P <0.001). Estimates of foliage and canopy water content improved in dense (closed) stands (r=0.84 and r=0.87, respectively, P <0.001) compared with low-density stands. Under non-drought conditions, transmittance-based photochemical reflectance index (TPRI) was related to LUE (r=0.58, P <0.05) and net CO2 exchange (r=0.72, P <0.01), and the combined TPAR x TPRI index greatly improved these relationships (r=0.93 and r=0.84, respectively, P <0.01), indicating that both structural and physiological adjustments modified CO2 fixation capacity in these forest stands. Our novel approach to the study of transmitted radiation provides a tool for estimating structural and functional variables such as LAI, LUE and water content, which are key determinants of terrestrial productivity.  相似文献   

In an oak forest (Quercus frainetto) flight barrier traps baited with ethanol were used in order to attract wood and bark boring insects and study their flight pattern. There were trapped 19 species from which 9 were Scolytidae, 3 Bostrychidae, 2 Anobiidae, 1 Platypodidae and 1 Buprestidae. The most frequently species trapped was Xyleborus saxeseni. Totally 5 scolytid species (X. saxeseni, X. dispar, X. monographus, X. dryographus and Trypodendron signatum) were trapped in relatively high numbers. Their flight pattern is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

火地塘锐齿栎林群落区系初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火地塘位于秦岭中段南坡的腹地,锐齿栎林是该林区的主要森林类型之一。通过对本区锐齿栎林群落的野外调查,报道了组成该群落的植物种类183种,隶属于60科,131属,并在此基础上对该群落区系特点作了较为详细的分析。表明:该群落区系具有明显的温带性质;该群落区系是奠基在秦岭古老植物区系的基础上,通过种间竞争,群落演替形成的;锐齿栎本身不是一个古老的类群,其出现的时间不会早于上新世。  相似文献   

The necessity,basis,characteristic and methods of restoring and reestabling broadleaved/coniferous mixed forest ecosystem from the secondary forest of Mongolian oak(Quercus mongolica)are briefly set forth;then several effective methods of restoration and reestablishment are put forward and discussed as follows:openning up effect belt or island to establish horizontal order mixture;replenishing the blank niche to make vertical orderly mix-ture;planting artificial mixed forest to create biological diversity;developing ecological forestry,establishing integrated agroforestry ecosystem;and closing the land for forest and pre-serving some stands considering special conditions and demads.  相似文献   

Ogaya  Roma; Penuelas  Josep 《Forestry》2007,80(3):351-357
A holm oak forest was exposed to an experimental drought (reductionof 15 per cent soil moisture as predicted for this area forthe next decades by General Circulation Models and ecophysiologicalmodels) during 7 years to elucidate the reproductive responsesof the dominant species Quercus ilex L., Arbutus unedo L. andPhillyrea latifolia L. Soil moisture was partially reduced byplastic strips intercepting rainfall and by ditch exclusionof water runoff. During the period studied, meteorological conditionsand soil moisture were continuously monitored, together withflower and fruit production in the three dominant species. InQ. ilex and A. unedo, flower and specially fruit productionwere strongly correlated with annual rainfall, but not in P.latifolia. The experimental drought reduced flower and fruitproduction in Q. ilex by 30 per cent and 45 per cent, respectively.Reductions in flower and fruit production were not significantin A. unedo and were not observed in P. latifolia. A decreasein production of reproductive structures and the different responseof the species studied to a decrease in water availability couldinduce important changes in the competitive ability of the differentspecies and in the long term in the community species compositionand future distribution of these Mediterranean species.  相似文献   

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