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The effect of apple cultivar on the distribution of Amblyseius andersoni was studied in an experimental orchard where tetranychids were virtually absent and eriophyids reached low to moderate populations. Seven apple scab-resistant cultivars, showing some differences in their leaf morphology, were compared. Each cultivar was grafted onto three different rootstocks inducing increasing vigor. The intraplant distribution of A. andersoni was also studied by monitoring predator densities on basal and apical leaves. In the first year, the colonization of different cultivars by A. andersoni showed definite patterns, sometimes associated with the abundance of the eriophyid Aculus schlechtendali. In the second experimental season, eriophyids reached negligible levels and the effect of cultivar on A. andersoni abundance was less clear. Florina and N.Y. 18?491 cultivars were colonized in both years by relatively high phytoseiid numbers, while TSR 29T219 and Priscilla showed low populations in at least one season. The results observed on the remaining cultivars were intermediate or indefinite. The role of leaf pubescence on phytoseiid colonization is discussed.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates a laboratory induction of a malathion - resistant strain in Amblyseius cydnodactylon Shehata & Zaher and effect of selection on reproduction. Initially 500 sensitive females obtained from a laboratory mass culture were exposed to malathion at LC70. Subsequent selections were conducted every two generations at progressive LC70 values and number of eggs/female/day was recorded at each selection. Experiments were carried out under laboratory conditions of 24-28°C and 70-80 % R. H. The LC70 in the parent generation was 5.19 ppm and increased to 20 ppm in F4 selection generation. The dosage mortality relationships continued to increase up to a maximum of 282.3 ppm in F16. The rate of developing resistance increased from 1.75 folds in F2 to 1.97 folds in F4 and gradually reached a maximum of 54.39 folds in F16. There was an obvious decrease in reproduction corresponded to increasing resistance. For example, the number of eggs/female/day in F 16 was 8 eggs, contrasting 3 eggs in the parent generation.  相似文献   

芬兰钝绥螨对针叶小爪螨的捕食作用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
芬兰钝绥螨的雌成螨对针叶小爪螨幼螨、若螨和成螨的捕食功能反应均属HollingⅡ型。针叶小爪螨的螨态、芬兰钝绥螨的饥饿程度、生境大小等因素均可引起功能反应参数的变化。芬兰钝绥螨的雌成螨喜食针叶小爪螨的幼螨和若螨,而对雌成螨的良能力较弱。  相似文献   

The effects of fungicides containing mancozeb or copper oxychloride, as principal active ingredients, on phytoseiid mites were investigated in a vineyard comprising four varieties (Prosecco, Cabernet Franc, Pinot gris and Merlot) and located in north-eastern Italy. Phytoseiid colonisation was different among the four varieties: Amblyseius andersoni and Kampimodromus aberrans were dominant on Pinot gris and Merlot, respectively, while Typhlodromus pyri was more common than the above species on Prosecco and Cabernet Franc. Applications of mancozeb fungicides significantly affected K. aberrans populations. Concerning T. pyri, a significant effect was observed on Cabernet but not on Prosecco. The effects of mancozeb fungicides on A. andersoni were less clear. The response of phytoseiids to fungicides containing mancozeb appeared to be mediated by the variety. Therefore, the choice of one or two varieties as a standard reference for field tests is recommended. These results also suggest that the side effects of fungicides on predatory mites should be studied on different phytoseiid species and, possibly, on susceptible and resistant strains in order to gain useful insights.  相似文献   

应用生命表方法分析吡虫啉、木虱净、稻虱净3种化学农药对橄榄星室木虱的控制效果。结果表明:吡虫啉、木虱净、稻虱净和对照的种群趋势指数分别为0.4148,0.8328,4.9908,6.3925。说明吡虫啉和木虱净处理区的橄榄星室木虱种群数量呈下降趋势,稻虱净和对照区的橄榄星室木虱种群数量以4.9908和6.3925倍的速度增长;吡虫啉、木虱净和稻虱净的干扰作用控制指数分别为0.0649,0.1303和0.7807。表明吡虫啉和木虱净施用区种群数量相当于对照区的6.49%和13.03%,取得了很好的防治效果;稻虱净施用区种群数量是对照的78.07%,不是防治橄榄星室木虱的理想药剂。  相似文献   

The research into the side effect of fungicides used in the control of the most serious disease in apples (Venturia inaequalis) i. e. the research into the influence of fungicides on the population of phytophagous mites, was carried out at Nedeli??e (North-West Croatia) during 1997 and 1998. The study is related to the population of the mites most present in apple orchards, such as red spider mite (Pananychus ulmi) and other mites (Aculus schlechtendali andTetranychus urticae). Fungicides which are known to be effective against scab, i. e.Venturia inaequalis, and used in fruit production in Croatia, were tested in order to investigate their secondary properties which have not yet been studied. The following fungicides were used: cyprodinil, dodine, dichlofluanid + bitertanol (as tank mix), and kresoxim-methyl. The tests were repeated three times; the application time was determined by monitoring the conditions for infection. The treatments were done curatively, i. e. up to 96 h after the onset of infection conditions. The mite population was estimated by the pressing method, which yielded the average number of mites per leaf. All the results were statistically processed by variance analysis and by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test, and are presented graphically and in tables. The paper also presents graphically the climatic conditions, scab infections and application time. The research over two years have shown a pronounced suppressive effect of dichlofluanid + bitertanol on populations of phytophagous mites, while the other fungicides used in the research had a neutral effect on the mite papulation.  相似文献   

植物园建设与生态旅游探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
当代植物园具有保护、科研、科普、游憩等四大功能,也正是其生态旅游资源的特色所在:自然优美的植物景观,独特的生态文化,丰富的科学内涵,植物园生态旅游定位是以吸引本市居民为主的休闲观光旅游,植物园建设与发展旅游中应注意保持植物园生态旅游特色,丰富和完善植物园的基本功能,强化生态文化建设。  相似文献   

The development time, survival and fecundity of the generalist predatory mite, Neoseiulus umbraticus Chant, were determined at 20, 25, and 30?°C and 65?±?10?% RH. N. umbraticus females completed development in 9.7, 8.0 and 5.9 days, respectively, using a diet of all life stages of Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval. Total developmental times of males were relatively shorter at 25 and 30?°C than at 20?°C. In general, preoviposition, oviposition, and postoviposition periods of N. umbraticus shortened as temperature increased. The longest survival rate of N. umbraticus of 80.5 days occurred at 20?°C, followed by 67.0 and 57.6 days at 25 and 30?°C, respectively. Mated females laid an average 0.9, 1.3 and 1.4 eggs per female per day and 33.1, 44.0 and 43.6 eggs over their entire lives at 20, 25 and 30?°C, respectively. The sex ratios of this species were 0.57, 0.57 and 0.54 female (female+male) at 20, 25 and 30?°C, respectively. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) became greater with rising temperatures from 0.123 at 20?°C to 0.180 at 30?°C. The net reproduction rate (Ro) was highest at 25?°C (25.0 females/female) and lowest at 20?°C (18.8 females/female), while To decreased with increasing temperatures, from 23.8 days at 20?°C to 17.5 days at 30?°C.  相似文献   

A laboratory study revealed that females of the phytoseiid mite, Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot, fed on protonymphs of their own species or of other predatory mites i.e. Agistemus exsertus Gonzales and Euseius scutalis Athias-Henriot exhibited a marked decline in their fecundity and a shortening in their longevity. Moreover, the rate of predation was also reduced. When A. swirskii females were fed on nymphs of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch after having been fed previously on protonymphs of either A. swirskii or A. exsertus increases in the rates of oviposition and consumption were observed, although these rates were lower than those of conspecific females reared continuously on the two-spotted spider mite only.  相似文献   

采用0.26%苦参碱水剂、2%噻虫啉微胶囊悬浮剂、25%灭幼脲悬浮剂3种药剂,利用室内药浸法和林内常规喷雾法进行橡实象甲防治试验,结果表明:0.26%苦参碱水剂对橡实象甲的药效最差,室内死亡率仅为25.0%,林间防治效果也只有20.8%;2%噻虫啉微胶囊悬浮剂和灭幼脲悬浮剂对橡实象甲成虫的控制作用明显,室内死亡率分别为100.0%和87.5%,林间防治效果分别为77.1%和74.3%。考虑到防治成本和施药的难易程度,在大面积防治橡实象甲时建议选用灭幼脲。  相似文献   

应用实验种群生命表数据分析毛竹林本土优势种竹盲走螨和引进种胡瓜钝绥螨对毛竹4种害螨南京裂爪螨、竹裂爪螨、竹缺爪螨、竹刺瘿螨的控制能力。结果表明①胡瓜钝绥螨取食上述4种害螨的世代存活率分别为90.4%、77.55%、87.93%、81.63%,每雌总产卵量分别为38.12粒、45.77粒、35.59粒、30.26粒,而乡土优势种竹盲走螨取食上述4种害螨的世代存活率分别为95.23%、100%、87.7%、80.48%,每雌总产卵量分别为44.5、46.8、41.15、20.1粒;②竹盲走螨以南京裂爪螨为猎物时其内禀增长率(0.155)与引进种胡瓜钝绥螨(0.154)相近,均明显高于南京裂爪螨(0.1089);③竹盲走螨以竹裂爪螨为猎物其内禀增长率(0.152)与胡瓜钝绥螨(0.152)相同但明显低于竹裂爪螨(0.192);④竹盲走螨以竹缺爪螨为猎物时其内禀增长率为(0.148)明显低于引进种胡瓜钝绥螨(0.175)和其猎物(0.185);⑤竹盲走螨取食竹刺瘿螨易大量逃跑,雌螨产卵量低,引进种胡瓜钝绥螨取食竹刺瘿螨能正常生长发育,但是其内禀增长率(0.144)明显低于其取食上述其余3种害螨的内禀增长率,产卵量高于当地种竹盲走螨,并描述1998年以来每年5—6月助迁人工繁殖的胡瓜钝绥螨控制毛竹害螨蔓延的效果。  相似文献   

应用昆虫生命表技术,评价4种生物杀虫剂对杨扇舟蛾种群的控制作用。结果表明,0.3%印楝素乳油、1.8%阿维菌素乳油和Bt乳剂对杨扇舟蛾种群直接毒杀作用较好,但只施用1次不能将1代杨扇舟蛾种群趋势指数(I)降至1.000以下。0.3%印楝素乳油+Bt乳剂、0.3%印楝素乳油+1.8%阿维菌素乳油,对杨扇舟蛾的联合控制作用显著,I值均小于1.000,同时表明4种生物杀虫剂对天敌无毒副作用。  相似文献   

As very little is known about the impact of cold pre-treatments on insecticidal toxicity to the surviving stored-product insects, we examined the effects of cooling (?5 °C) on the toxicity of five contact insecticides to Sitophilus granarius adults from three populations (laboratory, field and selected). We determined: (a) weevil lethal time after exposure to ?5 °C, (b) the effects of two cold pre-treatments (LT20 and LT50—lethal time for 20 and 50 % of exposed adults) on 24 and 72 h recovery rates of laboratory adults after exposure to five insecticides and (c) deltamethrin, dichlorvos and malathion toxicity to two weevil populations with altered insecticide susceptibility after exposure to the LT20 and LT50 pre-treatments. The tested S. granarius populations showed no significant differences in their susceptibility to cooling. All insecticides except dichlorvos were more toxic to the laboratory weevils after 24 h than after 72 h recovery from the LT20 pre-treatment. Dichlorvos and deltamethrin were more toxic to the other two populations after 72 h of recovery. Comparing the effects of cold pre-treatment and non-treatment on the laboratory strain, no significant increase in the toxicity of insecticides was detected, while only deltamethrin was significantly more toxic to the field and selected populations recovering for 24 h (12.1 and 11.0 times, respectively) and 72 h (6.9 and 36.6 times) from the LT20 pre-treatment. In conclusion, only the shorter of the two cold pre-treatments was found effective in terms of increasing the insecticidal toxicity, especially against the populations with altered susceptibility to insecticides.  相似文献   

In the course of the alignment of national registration procedures with general EU guidelines, changes, improvements and validation of current test guidelines are advisable. The following is intended to contribute to the improvement of the present standard laboratory test procedure with predatory mites, as described byOvermeer (1988). Changes in the design of the test arena are described and discussed. They provide an open test system, conform with the requirements of the ESCORT Guidance Document (Anonymus 1994), avoiding uncontaminated areas on the test unit, easy to handle, and enabling reproducible assessments of the impact of agrochemicals.  相似文献   

A paper published byKniehase & Zoebelein (1990) describes a new laboratory method to test the side effects of pesticides on the predatory mitePhytoseiulus persimilis and criticizes the laboratory test developed by the International Working Group pesticides and beneficial organisms of the International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC), West Palaearctic Regional Section (WPRS). The present publication discusses the advantages and disadvantages of both methods, responds to the criticism and mention the overall concept of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group including semifield and field test methods.
Zusammenfassung In einer Arbeit vonKniehase undZoebelein (1990) wird ein neues Laborverfahren zur Prüfung der Nebenwirkung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln auf die RaubmilbePhytoseiulus persimilis beschrieben. Die genannten Autoren äußern sich kritisch über das seither von der Arbeitsgruppe Pflanzenschutzmittel und Nutzorganismen der International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC), West Palaearctic Regional Section (WPRS) praktizierte Verfahren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Vor- und Nachteile der beiden Prüfmethoden diskutiert. Einer Reaktion auf die Kritik folgt eine kurze Beschreibung der gesamten Konzeption der genannten Arbeitsgruppe, die auf einer Kombination aus Labor-, Halbfreiland- und Feldprüfverfahren beruht.

A diet-incorporation larval bioassay was used to evaluate the response of the leafroller Pandemis heparana (Denis and Schiffermüller) to seven insecticides: tebufenozide (Mimic 23% a.i., Bayer), methoxyfenozide (Prodigy 23% a.i., Bayer), flufenoxuron (Cascade 50 DC 4.7% a.i., BASF), lufenuron (Match 5.32% a.i., Syngenta), indoxacarb (Steward WG 30% a.i., Du Pont), abamectine (Vertimec EC 1.9% a.i., Syngenta) and spinosad (Laser 44.2% a.i., Dow Agro Science). Both neonate and 12-day-old (third to fourth instar) larvae were used in the bioassay. The obtained efficacy baselines were compared with the response of the pest exposed to leaves treated with the same insecticides. The persistence of field-aged leaf residues of the seven insecticides was bioassayed on neonate larvae. Given the obtained LC50 values in the diet-incorporation bioassays larval age was not always a significant factor affecting the response of P. heparana larvae. Differences in LC50 values between neonate and 12-day-old larvae were not statistically significant for abamectine, tebufenozide and methoxyfenozide. Young larvae seemed to be more susceptible than older larvae to spinosad, indoxacarb and lufenuron, while flufenoxuron was more effective against 12-day-old than neonate larvae. When the larvae were exposed to the insecticides on treated leaves, all the tested compounds were less effective on older larvae than on neonates. When applied at the recommended field rates, all seven insecticides can be considered highly effective against both neonate and 12-day-old larvae of P. heparana because their security index (SI = recommended field rate/LC90) always exceeded the threshold value of 1. The high persistence of insect growth inhibitors (IGIs) and moulting accelerating compounds (MACs) in the field compensates for their relatively low SI values. For this reason and given their activity against Cydia pomonella, IGIs and MACs are the most interesting insecticides for spring treatments for the combined control of both species, P. heparana and C. pomonella.  相似文献   

Field experiments have been carried out to evaluate the potency of the biological control agentBacillus thuringiensis (Dipel), the pyrethroid Fenvalerate and their combinations for the control of the lesser cotton leafwormSpodoptera exigua on soybeans in Qualubia governorate. Molasses was combined with all treatments to enhance their effectiveness. One spray application with either Dipel or Fenvalerate showed an obvious reduction in larval counts ofS. exigua, associated with a significant increase in the crop yield but in varying degrees, in correlation with the tested dose. Treatments with combinations of both biological and chemical insecticides at the lowest tested doses (62 g ofB. t. +50 ml of Fenvalerate/feddan) showed to be highly potential, and caused 2.8 fold increase in the crop yield. It may be recommended that a combination of both preparations may be used for the control ofS. exigua.  相似文献   

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