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在黄土高原,细沟侵蚀量占坡面总侵蚀量的70%左右。细沟侵蚀作为坡面侵蚀的主要形式,是坡面水蚀物理过程的重要组成部分[2]。长期以来,尽管国内外学者针对细沟侵蚀已经进行了大量的研究工作,但人们还未充分理解和掌握细沟侵蚀的形成和演化机理。现有研究大都将动态复  相似文献   

细沟侵蚀动态过程模拟室内试验和模型验证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行了一系列室内试验,以验证模拟细沟演变动态过程的数学模型。该模型模拟了细沟水流的动态过程、水力学特性参数的空间变化、细沟中土壤的剥离、运输及沉积过程;模拟了细沟在侵蚀过程中的形态演变,其中包括沟宽、沟深、局部坡度在空间上的差异及其随时间的变化;模拟了细沟侵蚀/泥沙沉积后局部细沟形态的变化对细沟水流反馈效应。试验土壤为砂壤土,采用的坡度为:3%,5%,7%;3个流量:7.6,11.4,15.2 L/min。在同一试验条件不同工况下对模型进行了验证,同时对细沟中沿程水流速度和细沟末端的侵蚀产沙量进行了模拟值和试验实测值的对比。结果表明,模型预测值和实测细沟形态演变值具有很好的一致性,模型中提出的侵蚀、沟床形态变化和水力学特性参数间的互反馈环效应可以反映细沟侵蚀的动态演变过程和发展趋势。  相似文献   

WEPP模型中细沟可蚀性参数估计方法误差的理论分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
细沟土壤侵蚀在坡面土壤侵蚀占有重要地位。土壤可蚀性参数是WEPP模型中计算预报/计算细沟土壤侵蚀中极其重要的参数。WEPP模型现在采用的可蚀性参数是用长的细沟/径流小区试验以细沟侵蚀产沙估计得到的最大可能剥蚀率为基础获得的。该文分析了细沟侵蚀产沙随沟长的变化关系,分析了可蚀性参数估计误差的来源。从理论上推导出了计算现有WEPP可蚀性参数估计误差的计算方法。理论分析表明,对于限定性细沟,可蚀性参数的估计误差主要来源于细沟最大可能剥蚀率的估计值。最大可能剥蚀率的理想估计值是水流载沙量与细沟长度的函数关系在细沟  相似文献   

水力梯度影响下WEPP模型估计细沟侵蚀参数的可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为分析近地表水文条件影响下WEPP(Water Erosion Prediction Project)模型估计细沟可蚀性和临界剪切力的可行性,该研究选取长江中上游地区典型黄壤为研究对象,采用不同水力梯度值模拟饱和/渗流(水力梯度为0、0.71和1.43 m/m)和排水(水力梯度为?0.71和?1.43 m/m)2种近地表水文条件,并设置3个放水流量(0.55、1.58、2.51 L/min),利用"V"形试验土槽测定不同条件下细沟产流产沙,以WEPP模型估算的土壤可蚀性和临界剪切力为计算值。测定增大流量直到侵蚀开始并出现连续不断的土壤颗粒分离时所对应的流量,将基于此流量计算获得的临界剪切力作为实测值。比较临界剪切力计算值与实测值验证WEPP模型估算的可靠性。结果表明,在饱和/渗流条件下,土壤剥蚀率随着冲刷历时的增加逐渐减小;在排水条件下,放水流量为0.55 L/min的土壤剥蚀率随冲刷历时的增加快速减少并逐步稳定,而随着放水流量增大土壤剥蚀率波动的更为剧烈。5个水力梯度平均细沟可蚀性为2.51×10?2 s/m。饱和/渗流条件下细沟可蚀性为3.07×10?2 s/m,是排水条件的1.78倍。除水力梯度为?1.43 m/m时临界剪切力在WEPP模型中的计算值与实测值相符外,在?0.71~1.43 m/m范围内,临界剪切力的计算值均高估了实测值,平均高估了36.85%。临界剪切力实测值与计算值呈指数函数关系(R2=0.77,P0.01)。该研究可为黄壤的侵蚀防治及WEPP细沟侵蚀模型临界剪切力修正提供理论支持和科学指导。  相似文献   

土壤质地对坡面侵蚀产沙与细沟形态具有重要影响。为明确不同质地土壤坡面的细沟形态与侵蚀产沙特征的关系,该研究以土沙混合配制不同颗粒组成的重塑土坡面为研究对象,采用室内放水冲刷动床试验,选取了平均沟深、平均沟宽及断面宽深比等作为细沟基本形态参数,分析了坡面细沟形态与水力学特性、侵蚀产沙的定量关系,并建立坡面侵蚀经验预测方程。结果表明:1)沟深随坡度增大而增大,沟宽随坡度增大而减小,两者随流量的变化不明显,细沟断面宽深比随坡度和流量的增加逐渐减小;2)同一试验条件下,坡面含沙量的增加使细沟断面形态整体由"窄深式"趋向"宽浅式";3)单位水流功率、水流功率与坡面细沟形态参数的关系最为密切(r0.784,p0.01),平均沟宽与水力学参数关系不显著;4)平均沟深与细沟形态综合量化参数对坡面产沙有较好的预测效果(R20.747,NES0.755,p0.01);5)引入坡面土壤黏粒含量参数后,基于细沟形态参数与坡面土壤黏粒含量的坡面侵蚀经验预测方程可信程度与预测精度显著提高(R20.879,NES0.887,p0.01)。该研究为坡面侵蚀预测与侵蚀机理研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Soil erosion is an important geomorphological process with potential negative consequences especially on land agricultural potential. Unsuitable agricultural practices may increase soil erosion, leading to rapid loss of soil fertility and decrease of crop production. It is therefore important to correctly quantify soil erosion rates in order to adapt agricultural practices and implement proper conservation measures. This study attempts to assess the rill and interrill erosion in Romania, using the Romanian soil erosion model and GIS techniques. The database includes the digital terrain model, the soil map of Romania, the land use map of Romania and the rainfall erosivity regions. The results show that the high and very high erosion risk classes include 4.1% of the Romanian territory (9,627 km2). Most of this land is present in the hilly and plateau areas (Subcarpathians, Moldavian Plateau, Getic Plateau, Western Hills, Dobrogea Plateau). The model was validated by comparison of its predictions with long‐term erosion measurements from different locations in the country. Comparison with previous non‐GIS assessments of soil erosion at national level shows that the total estimated rill and interrill erosion in our study was very close to previous estimates. Comparison with the RUSLE 2015 model computed for Europe as a whole reveals that the two models assign almost 54% of their shared area to the same erosion class, while for 39% of the territory there is one class difference between the models. The results can be used for evaluations of erosion risk at national and regional scales.  相似文献   

黄土坡面细沟侵蚀发育过程与模拟   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
以坡面细沟侵蚀过程为研究对象,利用人工模拟降雨试验和三维激光扫描技术,研究了同一坡面三场间歇性降雨下细沟侵蚀发生、发展和演化的图形化过程;同时,采用已有细沟侵蚀过程模型(CARill),结合Net Logo软件,将试验结果与模型模拟结果进行对比分析。结果表明:(1)扫描三场降雨图形化过程显示:侵蚀阶段呈现出溅蚀—片蚀—跌坑—断续细沟—连续细沟—细沟崩塌过程,沟长发育迅速,沟宽和沟深发育相对缓慢,细沟沟网形成迅速,降雨结束后侵蚀强度达到22.11 kg m-2,较初期降雨侵蚀增加了22.04倍。(2)CA-Rill模型模拟结果显示,在细沟侵蚀演化图形化过程方面,该模型可较完整地模拟细沟形态发育过程,实现细沟侵蚀的发生、发展以及演化过程中细沟形态的可视化模拟;(3)模型模拟三场降雨细沟侵蚀参数t检验结果发现:最长平均沟深、最大沟深、最长沟平均沟宽模拟效果不好;而细沟平面密度、最长沟长、侵蚀强度模拟效果较好。  相似文献   

Rill hydraulics (and hence, flow detachment) are modified by the presence of incorporated vegetation residue. Typically, water flow in the rill is retarded due to the extra shear stress generated by the residue. The main objective of this study was to develop an approach to predict soil detachment by rill flow in the presence of freshly incorporated vegetation residue that is compatible with our current understanding of rill hydraulics and requires no additional information on rill geometry. Laboratory experiments were carried out to collect a dataset on rill flow detachment on surfaces with incorporated straw that was compatible with existing dataset on bare soils (Giménez and Govers, 2001). Interaction between bed roughness and flow hydraulics in eroding rills. Water Resources Research, Vol. 37 No. 3, 791–799).  相似文献   

Soil moisture is considered the main limiting factor governing the structure and dynamics of vegetation in drylands. Soil erosion is perceived as a critical process affecting these systems, especially when rill formation occurs, as rill networks can condition the availability and spatial distribution of soil moisture. To assess the impact of soil erosion processes on the dynamics of Mediterranean-dry reclaimed systems, during the 2005–06 hydrological year we monitored the soil moisture regime (temporal availability and spatial distribution) and the associated responses describing vegetation performance (plant water status and potential seed germination) and vegetation structure in five coal-mining reclaimed slopes subjected to different rill erosion rates (from 0 to about 70 t ha? 1 year? 1). Rill network development leads to increased runoff connectivity and to concentration of water flow along the channeling network. As a result, water loss from the slope system is maximized. Simultaneously, the spatial distribution of soil moisture is ruled by the pattern of geomorphic forms (rill and interrill units). The ecological consequences are led by the intensification of water stress and the occurrence of unfavorable conditions for plant recruitment and natural colonization, causing a non-linear decline of species richness and aboveground biomass at the slope scale level. When dense rill networks are developed, long-term effects of erosion result in a sharp ecosystem transition to a very simple and low productive plant community spatially organized in downward spots adjacent to the rills, where plants minimize simultaneously water stress and the mechanical disturbance associated to concentrated flows.  相似文献   

The magnitude of interrill and rill erosion was determined on the northern slopes of the Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania which is representative for larger areas of East African Arch Mountains, where population pressure is high and land degradation is severe. The aim of the study was to develop a database to support soil conservation in the area. The study was done on two distinct geomorphic units with respect to altitude and hence rainfall distribution pattern: mountain ridges with an altitude ranging from 1000 to 1500 masl and mean annual rainfall of 2300 mm and mountain foothills whose altitude and mean annual rainfall are 550 to 900 masl and 900 mm, respectively. Total soil loss was measured on 36 individual bounded plots measuring 1.2 m × 20 m using Gerlarch troughs on each day with rain from July 2000 to June 2001. The plots were located on six different geopedologic units, nine on mountain ridges and the rest on the mountain foothills. The slope gradient on the terrain ranged from 30% to 70%. The plots were put under maize cultivation as the main crop. Soil loss through rill erosion was estimated by volumetric measurements of rills on each soil erosion plot. The soil loss due to interrill erosion was obtained by subtracting soil loss through rill erosion from the total soil loss measured in the Gerlarch troughs. The results indicate that soil loss due to both interrill and rill erosion was very high with mean soil loss of 69 and 163 t/ha/year, respectively. Rill erosion accounted for about 58% of the total soil loss while interrill erosion contributed to the remaining 42%. Both interrill and rill erosion were higher in the mountain ridges with mean soil loss of 88 t/ha/year and 210 t/ha/year compared to 49 and 116 t/ha/year in the mountain foothills, respectively. Rill erosion was significantly higher (P ≤ 0.001) in all geopedologic units with slope gradient above 40% (mean soil loss ranged between 91 and 258 t/ha/year) compared to interrill erosion with mean soil loss varying from 41 to 115 t/ha/year. In geopedologic units with slope gradient above 60% both interrill and rill erosion were highly active while in geopedologic units with slope gradient below 40% the two processes were less active. The results demonstrate that rill erosion is more important than interrill erosion in the study area particularly where the slope gradient exceeds 40%. The results further show that the major part of the studied area has moderate interrill erosion (10–50 t/ha/year) and severe to very severe (> 100 t/ha/year) rill erosion. This study clarifies the magnitude of interrill and rill erosion which is important for designing soil conservation on agricultural fields.  相似文献   

基于三维激光扫描仪的坡面细沟侵蚀动态过程研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
 利用三维激光扫描仪探索多场降雨情况下同一坡面细沟侵蚀的动态过程,为解释细沟侵蚀过程提供一定的理论依据。采用室内人工模拟降雨,在坡度为15°的土槽上进行恒降雨强度的7场降雨冲刷实验,利用三维激光扫描仪对每场降雨冲刷后的坡面形态进行了监测,定量分析坡面细沟侵蚀的动态发育过程。结果表明:前2场降雨与后5场降雨产流产沙过程和细沟侵蚀发育过程有较大差异,细沟从第3场降雨开始明显发育。表现为小跌水一下切沟头一断续细沟一连续细沟一细沟沟网的发育过程。通过三维激光扫描仪精确监测7场降雨坡面各点微地形变化,发现细沟平均沟宽、平均沟深、沟长最大值、细沟平均密度在前2场降雨增长幅度较小,至第3场降雨后开始迅速增人,细沟侵蚀强度不断加强。侵蚀强度由第1场降雨的0. 103 kg/m2发展至第7场降雨的8.788 kg/m2,增加了84倍。  相似文献   

玉米秸秆缓冲带防治黄土坡面细沟侵蚀的效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用室内人工模拟降雨试验,设计降雨强度100 mm/h,坡度20°,在2个玉米秸秆缓冲带布设坡位(斜坡长4.5~5.5 m和6.5~7.5 m)与2个降雨历时(单次降雨30 min和2次连续降雨30 min+30 min)的试验处理组合,研究在黄土坡面不同坡位布设玉米缓冲带对防治细沟侵蚀的影响。结果表明:1)玉米秸秆缓冲带可减少坡面侵蚀量和细沟侵蚀量,其中,坡面侵蚀量减少7.3%~14.2%,细沟侵蚀量减少11.0%~30.6%,细沟侵蚀量对坡面侵蚀的贡献率减少3.4%~15.0%,径流含沙量降低5.5%~12.8%;2)单次降雨情况下在斜坡长4.5~5.5 m处布设玉米秸秆缓冲带防治侵蚀的效果最佳,坡面侵蚀量、细沟侵蚀量和径流含沙量分别减少14.2%、30.6%和11.6%,细沟平面密度和细沟平均深度分别减少12.9%和21.9%;3)2次连续降雨情况下在斜坡长6.5~7.5 m处布设玉米秸秆缓冲带防治侵蚀的效果较好,坡面侵蚀量、细沟侵蚀量和径流含沙量分别减少13.5%、25.0%和5.5%,细沟平面密度和细沟平均深度分别减少15.5%和16.3%。  相似文献   

Snowmelt-induced rill erosion could bring serious harm for soil quality and agricultural productive conditions of slope farmland in the black soil zone of Northeast China. In this study, we conducted laboratory experiments to investigate the effects of the freeze-thaw (FT) temperature, number of FT cycles, water content, flow rate, and thaw depth on rill morphology and erosion amount in two common soil (black soil and albic soil). The thaw depth obtained the maximum range, which was the primary factor for the width-to-depth ratio of rills in the black soil; whereas, the flow rate obtained the maximum range as the primary factor for rill erosion in black soil and albic soil. The number of FT cycles had a minor effect on rill erosion in the two soils. Under the same conditions, the rill morphology showed a large difference between the two soils, and higher rill erosion occurred in albic soil than black soil. Rill erosion was relatively high in black soil and albic soil when the FT temperature fluctuated around 0°C during freezing-thawing. The water content exhibited a greater effect on rill erosion in black soil than in albic soil. The unthawed frozen layer could promote rill erosion during snowmelt period to some extent. The results could provide some reference for future study snowmelt-induced rill erosion mechanism and preventive measures.  相似文献   

To properly assess soil erosion in agricultural areas, it is necessary to determine precisely the volume of ephemeral gullies and rills in the field by using direct measurement procedures. However, little information is available on the accuracy of the different methods used. The main purpose of this paper is to provide information for a suitable assessment of rill and ephemeral gully erosion with such direct measurement methods. To achieve this objective: a) the measurement errors associated to three methods used for field assessment of channel cross sectional areas are explored; b) the influence of the number of cross sections used per unit channel length on the assessment accuracy, is analysed and; c) the effect of the channel size and shape on measurement errors is examined. The three methods considered to determine the cross sectional areas were: the micro-topographic profile meter (1); the detailed measurement of section characteristic lengths with a tape (2); and the measurement of cross section width and depth with a tape (3). Five reaches of different ephemeral gully types 14.0 or 30.0 m long and a set of six 20.4 to 29.4 m long rill reaches were selected. On each gully reach, the cross sectional areas were measured using the three above mentioned methods, with a separation (s) between cross sections of 1 m. For rills, the cross sectional areas were measured with methods 1 and 3, with s = 2 m. Then, the corresponding total erosion volumes were computed. The volume calculated with method 1 with s = 1 m for gullies and s = 2 m for rills was taken as the reference method. For each channel, and for each one of the possible combinations of s and measurement method (m), the relative measurement error and the absolute value of the relative measurement error (Esmr and |Esmr|), defined with respect to the reference one, was calculated. |Esmr| much higher than 10% were obtained very easily, even for small s values and for apparently quasi prismatic channels. Channel size and shape had a great influence on measurement errors. In fact, the selection of the more suitable method for a certain gully shape and size seemed to be much more important than s, at least when s < 10 m. Method 1 always provided the most precise measurements, and its results were the less dependent on s. However, s must be < 5 m to guarantee an error smaller than 10%. Method 2 is not recommended, because it is difficult, time consuming and can lead to large errors. Method 3 seems to be enough for small, wide and shallow gullies, and for small rills, but only if s is shorter than 5 m. Results obtained after the analysis of rill measurement errors were similar to those of gullies. The analysis of Esmr and |Esmr| when calculating channel volumes using a unique representative cross section highlighted the importance of correctly selecting the adequate cross section. Due to the high error values that this method can entail, it is not considered as advisable whenever accurate erosion measurements are pursued.  相似文献   

土壤侵蚀预报模型对于定量评价水土保持效果,合理制定水土保持措施等具有重要意义。细沟侵蚀模型是土壤侵蚀预报模型的重要组成部分。本研究建立了一个以物理概念为基础的细沟侵蚀预报模型,模型包括水流连续性方程、水流动力学方程和泥沙运移方程;同时,模型改进了部分参数的计算方法,以线性形式的水流输沙能力计算方法取代原有的对数形式方法,将土壤最大剥蚀率用于土壤可蚀性参数的计算;采用有限元方法对模型进行顺序求解;Visual C++语言数值计算程序被用来模拟细沟侵蚀产沙变化过程,并进行了一系列室内试验验证该数学模型、模型参数及数值计算方法。结果表明,模型预测值和实测值具有很好的一致性,改进的模型参数计算方法能够准确地反映土壤可蚀性参数与水流输沙能力对细沟侵蚀过程的调控作用。  相似文献   



This study aims to verify the performances of Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) rill erosion equation using loess material by investigating the variations of soil detachment rate with sediment load by rill flow, quantifying the response of soil detachment rate to sediment load, and comprehensively examining WEPP rill erosion equation, so as to provide scientific basis for the application of WEPP model on the loess plateau and to sufficiently understand the response of soil detachment rate to sediment load.

Materials and methods

The experiment was conducted in a rill flume with a soil-feeding hopper and was specifically designed to isolate the effect of sediment load on detachment rate. Loess material was collected from a typical hilly region of the Loess Plateau, Ansai, Shaanxi, China. The test soil was quantitatively fed into rill flow by a soil-feeding hopper to produce different sediment loads. Seven unit flow discharges (1.11, 1.56, 2.00, 2.44, 2.89, 3.33, and 3.78?×?10?3 m2 s?1) were combined with six slopes (10.51, 15.84, 21.26, 26.79, 32.49, and 38.39 %). The sediment transport capacity was measured for each combination. The detachment rate was measured for each combination under seven sediment loads, which were 0, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, and 100 % of the sediment transport capacity.

Results and discussion

Soil detachment rate decreased with the increase of sediment load. Levels of sediment load in 0, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, and 100 % reduced detachment rate in rates of 0, 18.93, 36.36, 56.28, 70.15, 83.42, and 92.19 %, respectively. The response relationship of detachment rate to sediment load by rill flow was described well by a negative linear equation (R 2 range from 0.8489 to 0.9982, P?<?0.01), and the vertical and horizontal intercepts of the linear equation represented the detachment and transport capacities, respectively (R 2?=?0.9955, NSE?=?0.9788 for D c ; R 2?=?0.9957, NSE?=?0.9635 for T c ), as expressed by the WEPP rill erosion equation. The WEPP rill erosion equation predicted the soil detachment rate very well (R 2?=?0.9667, NSE?=?0.9611).


Sediment load transported by rill flow has a negative influence on soil detachment rate in rills. Introducing sediment load as a factor in model equation of detachment is essential for developing an accepted erosion model. The WEPP rill erosion equation could correctly reflect the response relationship of detachment rate to sediment load in this flume experiment and has a good applicability to loess material.

玉米秸秆覆盖缓冲带对细沟侵蚀及其水动力学特征的影响   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
玉米秸秆覆盖缓冲带是一项有效的坡面水土保持措施,为探究其减少细沟侵蚀的效果及水动力学机理,在室内人工模拟连续降雨条件下,选取黄土高原高强度侵蚀性降雨标准和细沟发育活跃的典型坡度,根据细沟发育的不同阶段,研究了不同布设部位(坡面中部5 m和坡面下部7 m)的秸秆覆盖缓冲带对细沟侵蚀及其水动力学特征的影响。结果表明:与裸露处理相比,玉米秸秆覆盖缓冲带可以减少坡面侵蚀量27.2%~54.8%,减少细沟侵蚀量40.8%~59.2%,减小细沟侵蚀量对坡面总侵蚀量的贡献率。对于细沟形态,缓冲带可减少细沟割裂度23.0%~32.0%,减少细沟平均深度6.7%~10.5%。比较2种布设部位,在坡面细沟发育后期,坡面下部7 m处布设的秸秆缓冲带可以取得更好地减少侵蚀和约束细沟形态变化的效果。对于单条细沟,裸露坡面上的细沟宽度沿坡长方向呈现约1.2 m长的周期性变化规律,而秸秆缓冲带改变了细沟宽度沿坡长方向的周期性变化趋势,此外还通过拦截淤积上方来沙减小了布设位置细沟侵蚀深度,通过拦截径流保护下方有限长度内的细沟。分析其水动力学原因可知,玉米秸秆覆盖缓冲带可使细沟水流向缓层流流态方向延伸,与缓冲带上方相比,秸秆缓冲带下方的细沟水流流速显著减小19.6%~21.9%,雷诺数和佛汝德数分别减少了29.6%~37.9%和8.3%~18.5%,而通过秸秆缓冲带后,细沟水流Darcy-weisbach阻力系数增加了22.4%~43.3%,水流剪切力、单位水流功率和断面单位能量分别减小13.6%~21.5%、20.0~21.0%和9.5%~21.0%,径流能量和侵蚀能力的降低最终导致了坡面总侵蚀量的减小。因此,在坡面上每隔5~7 m布设缓冲带可以有效的削弱坡面径流侵蚀能力,减少坡面细沟侵蚀量和总侵蚀量。该研究结果可为类似地形条件下的坡面水土保持措施合理配置提供理论基础。  相似文献   

An attempt is made, using literature data, to clarify the relationship between the detachment capacity of overland flow and its hydraulic characteristics. Attention is paid to the influence of sediment properties and rainfall.
Using these relationships and the concept of effective shear velocity, it was possible to establish a relationship for rill prediction which covers a variety of soils and a wide range of field conditions. Raindrop impacts do not seem to have an important influence on rill generation on cohesive materials.  相似文献   

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