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A field experiment was conducted to study the impact of tillage, crop residue management and nitrogen (N) splitting on spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield over 2 yr (2010-2012) in a rice (Oryza sativa L.)-wheat system in northwestern Pakistan. The experiment was conducted as split plot arranged in randomized complete blocks design with three replications. Treatments comprised six tillage and residue managements: zero tillage straw retained (ZTsr), zero tillage straw burnt (ZTsb), reduced tillage straw incorporated (RTsi), reduced tillage straw burnt (RTsb), conventional tillage straw incorporated (CTsi), and conventional tillage straw burnt (CTsb) as main plots and N (200 kg ha−1) was applied as split form viz., control (no nitrogen & no splitting, N0S0); 2 splits of total N, half at sowing and half at the 1st irrigation (i.e., 20 d after sowing (DAS)) (NS1); 3 splits of total N, 1/3 at sowing, 1/3 at the 1st irrigation, and 1/3 at the 2nd irrigation (NS2); 4 splits of total N, 1/4 at sowing, 1/4 at the 1st irrigation, 1/4 at the 2nd irrigation (45 DAS), and 1/4 at the 3rd irrigation (70 DAS) (NS3); and 4 splits of total N, 1/4 at the 1st irrigation, 1/4 at the 2nd irrigation, 1/4 at the 3rd irrigation, and 1/4 at the 4th irrigation (95DAS) (NS4) as sub plots. The results showed that the most pikes m−2, grains/spike, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, and N use efficiency (NUE) were obtained at zero tillage, straw retained and 4 splits application of total N (i.e., at sowing 20, 45 and 70 d after sowing). The results indicated that ZTsr with application of 200 kg N ha−1 in 4 equal splits viz. at sowing 20, 45 and 70 d after sowing is an appropriate strategy that enhanced wheat yield (7436-7634 kg ha−1) and N efficiency (28.6-29.5 kg kg−1) in rice-wheat system.  相似文献   

Zero tillage with residues retention and optimizing nitrogen fertilization are important strategies to improve soil quality and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.)-wheat system. Field experiments were conducted on silty clay soil (Hyperthermic, and Typic Torrilfuvents) in D. I. Khan, Pakistan, to explore the impact of six tillage methods (zero tillage straw retained (ZTsr), ZT straw burnt (ZTsb), reduced tillage straw incorporated (RTsi, including tiller and rotavator), RT straw burnt (RTsb), conventional tillage straw incorporated (CTsi, including disc plow, tiller, rotavator, and leveling operations), CT straw burnt (CTsb)) and ifve nitrogen rates, i.e., 0, 100, 150, 200, and 250 kg ha-1 on wheat yield. Mean values for N revealed that spikes m-2, grains/spike, 1 000-grain weight (g), and grain yield (kg ha-1) were signiifcantly higher at 200 kg N ha-1 in both the years as well as mean over years than all other treatments. Mean values for tillage revealed that ZTsr produced highest number of spikes m-2 among tillage methods. However, grains/spike, 1 000-grain weight, and grain yield were higher in tillage methods with either straw retained/incorporated than tillage methods with straw burnt. Interaction effects were signiifcant in year 1 and in mean over years regarding spikes m-2, 1 000-grain weight, total soil organic matter (SOM), and total soil N (TSN). ZTsr produced the most spikes m-2 and 1 000-grain weight at 200 kg N ha-1. ZTsr also produced higher SOM and TSN at 200-250 kg N ha-1 at the end of 2 yr cropping. Thus ZTsr with 200 kg N ha-1 may be an optimum and sustainable approach to enhance wheat yield and soil quality in rice-wheat system.  相似文献   

[目的]明确旱地小麦增产提质和环境友好协同的耕作与氮肥组合模式.[方法]2016-2017年(欠水年)和2017-2018年(丰水年),在豫西典型旱地小麦种植区设置夏闲季深松(ST,麦收后2周左右并隔年进行)和翻耕(PT,传统的7月底8月初等雨连年进行)2种耕作方式为主处理和小麦播种前施氮0(N0)、120 kg-hm...  相似文献   

Conservational tillage (CT) in combination with broad spectrum herbicide may be more efficient and economical in controlling weeds,reducing cost of cultivation,and enhancing wheat yield.Field experimen...  相似文献   

不同菌渣肥施用量对小麦产量及其构成因素的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为筛选适宜的菌渣肥配方,减轻农业副产物对环境的危害,提高农业生产的可持续性,以不施菌渣肥为对照(CK-JZ0),探讨了菌渣、牛粪不同体积配比的菌渣肥(JZA(纯菌渣)、JZB(菌渣/牛粪=0.5)、JZC(菌渣/牛粪=1)、JZD(菌渣/牛粪=2)在3 000(JZ1)、6 000(JZ2)、9 000(JZ3)kg/hm23个施用量水平上对小麦产量及其构成因素的影响。结果表明,采用菌渣和牛粪配合施用时,在施用量较低(3 000 kg/hm2)或两者配比不适宜(JZD)时对产量有抑制作用,在适宜的施用量(6 000 kg/hm2、9 000 kg/hm2)和适宜的配比(JZA、JZB、JZC)下才表现出较为明显的增产效果。与CK-JZ0相比,当菌渣和牛粪配合施用量为6 000 kg/hm2时,JZB处理对小麦株高、总干物质量、穗粒数以及JZA处理对小麦的穗粒数有连续稳定的促进作用,JZA处理平均较CK-JZ0增产4.7%;当菌渣和牛粪配合施用量为9 000 kg/hm2时,JZA、JZB、JZC处理对株高、穗长、穗粒数以及JZD处理对穗粒数有持续稳定的促进作用,其中JZB、JZC处理表现出稳定的增产效果,平均分别较CKJZ0增产6.7%、15.9%。  相似文献   

[目的]分析我国北方麦区不同土壤硝态氮残留梯度下减施氮肥后小麦籽粒产量、蛋白质含量变化,为保证合理减施氮肥,有效降低麦田土壤硝态氮残留提供理论依据.[方法]于2018—2019年在我国北方麦区43个地点进行田间试验,研究不同硝态氮残留情况下氮肥减施对小麦产量、蛋白质含量、产量构成及氮素吸收利用的影响.[结果]与农户施肥...  相似文献   

【目的】黄土旱塬半湿润易旱区属于雨养农业区,水分亏缺为主要限制因素,因此,有必要筛选适于黄土旱塬半湿润易旱区春玉米综合栽培模式,从而提高旱地春玉米水分利用效率和产量。【方法】2017—2018年玉米生长季,探讨不同耕作方式(翻耕、免耕、深松)、施氮(0、150、225 kg·hm-2)和种植密度(52 500、67 500株/hm2)对春玉米田土壤水分动态、水分利用效率、春玉米生长、产量及其构成因素的互作效应,提高玉米综合生产力。【结果】(1)2017—2018年春玉米播种期0—200 cm土层土壤蓄水量均表现为免耕>深松>翻耕,2年平均免耕与深松播种期0—200 cm土层土壤蓄水量较翻耕分别提高6.1%和4.1%。2年春玉米水分利用效率均在深松高密高氮(STH2)处理最高。(2)深松与免耕处理较翻耕处理显著提高叶面积指数与干物质积累量,随密度与施氮量的增加,春玉米叶面积指数与干物质积累随之增加,耕作×密度对拔节、抽雄期叶面积指数有显著影响,密度×施氮对灌浆中期叶面积指数有显著影响。STH2处理下,玉米成熟期干物质积累量较其他处理提高3.3%—32.9%。(3)穗粒数和百粒...  相似文献   

【目的】分析我国北方麦区监控施钾下小麦产量与养分吸收分配变化与土壤速效钾的关系,为节约钾资源,实现小麦丰产优质可持续发展提供理论依据。【方法】于2018—2020年在我国北方麦区43个地点进行田间试验,研究不同土壤速效钾水平下监控施钾对小麦产量、产量构成、籽粒氮磷钾含量及养分吸收分配的影响。【结果】北方麦区农户小麦施钾不足和过量问题同时存在。小麦产量随土壤速效钾含量升高显著增加,在土壤速效钾含量150—180 mg·kg-1时,小麦产量达到最高,为6 340 kg·hm-2。土壤速效钾过高并不能持续提高小麦产量,当土壤速效钾含量>180 mg·kg-1时,小麦产量显著降低,平均为5 409 kg·hm-2。与农户施肥相比,在土壤速效钾含量<90、90—120、120—150和>180 mg·kg-1时采用监控施肥技术增加了钾肥用量,在速效钾含量150—180 mg·kg-1时减少了钾肥用量,各土壤速效钾水平下采用监控施肥技术施用钾肥均提高了小麦产量,且在速效钾含量<90和>180 mg·kg-1时显著增产。土壤有效磷含量>30 mg·kg-1时,土壤速效钾含量120—150或>180 mg·kg-1时,不施钾肥小麦产量有降低的趋势。土壤速效钾含量升高显著提高了小麦籽粒氮含量,农户施肥和监控施肥处理的籽粒氮磷钾含量无显著变化,速效钾含量>180 mg·kg-1时不施钾肥的小麦籽粒磷钾含量显著降低。速效钾含量>150 mg·kg-1时,监控施肥的钾肥偏生产力与钾肥吸收效率较农户施肥显著提高。【结论】在北方麦区,土壤速效钾含量150—180 mg·kg-1时,合理施肥可使小麦产量达较高水平,但当土壤有效磷较高,超过30 mg·kg-1时,不施钾肥小麦有减产风险。应根据土壤速效磷钾和小麦产量水平监控施肥,合理确定钾肥用量,实现北方麦区小麦丰产高效生产。  相似文献   

By accounting for spatial variation in soil N levels, variable-rate fertilizer application may improve crop yield and quality, and N use efficiency within fields. The main purpose of this study was to demonstrate how site-specific wheat yield and protein data, and a geographic information system may be used in developing precision N-recommendations for spring wheat. The three steps in the procedure include: (1) estimate the amount of N-removed in wheat in the year in which the crop is harvested, (2) estimate the N-deficit, defined as the amount of additional N needed for raising protein concentration in a future crop to a specified target level, and (3) estimate the total N-recommendation by summing the mapped values of the N-removed and the N-deficit. A map for variable-rate application of fertilizer is derived by specifying cutoff values to divide the range in the total N-recommendation into classes representing N management zones.A field experiment was conducted within an annually cropped wheat field (101 ha) in northern Montana to determine whether the proposed method could improve grain yields and protein levels. The N-removal and N-deficit were estimated from site-specific wheat yield and protein data that were acquired during harvest of 1996. In 1997, which was a dry year, an experiment was conducted in the same field that consisted of a randomized complete block design arranged as pairs of strip plots. Variable- or uniform-rate N treatments were randomly assigned to each pair of strips. Both treatments received nearly the same amount of fertilizer, however, N in the variable treatment was varied to match patterns in grain yield and protein levels that previously existed in 1996. Yields were not significantly different between management systems, but proteins were significantly enhanced by spatially variable N application. In addition, variability in protein levels was reduced within the whole field. Field areas deficient in N fertility could be identified without having to sample for soil profile N.  相似文献   

施氮方式对中筋小麦陕农229产量及品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以优质中筋小麦陕农229为材料,于江苏淮北麦区研究氮肥不同施用量和基追比对小麦籽粒产量和品质的影响。结果表明:适当增加施氮量或增加拔节期追氮比例可显著提高小麦籽粒产量,并改善籽粒品质。中筋小麦陕农229采用施氮量262.5kg·hm-2、基追比6∶4、5∶5和4∶63种施氮方式,产量可达7200kg·hm-2以上,各项品质指标符合优质中筋小麦要求,能较好地实现优质与高产的协调统一。施氮量262.5kg·hm-2、基追比5∶5的施氮方式,产量高、品质较好且安全生产性好,是中筋小麦实现优质高产的最佳氮肥运筹方式。  相似文献   

The superiority of wheat grain yield under no-till has been reported by many authors, and others reported significant interaction between wheat cultivar and tillage system for grain yield and other related traits. Hence, new breeding initiatives are needed to introgress favorable traits into wheat and other crops in areas where no-tillage is being adopted. The identification of such traits is solely possible via the assessment ofgermplasm under no-tillage. Moreover, Moroccan wheat breeding programs are carried out solely under conventional tillage system whilst the conservation one is becoming widely adopted. So, the ultimate objective of this research is to find out if the used wheat commercial cultivars behave differentially under no tillage system and to propose the use of appropriate cultivars for the appropriate tillage system and to implement a breeding program specifically for no tillage system. The experiment has been carried out during 2006-2007 at Douyet (F6s). Cultivars have been sown according to a strip-split plot design. At maturity, yield, yield components and related traits have been recorded. The results indicated that both water regime (WR) and variety (Vat) had a highly significant effect on all measured traits. In contrast, tillage system (TS) had similar effect on yield, grains m-2, biomass, and plant height, but had no effect on harvest index, 1000-kernel weight and heading date. The TSxVar interaction has been significant to highly so on all traits except on heading date. The magnitude of the interaction for grain yield was more important under irrigated treatment than under rainfed one. On the whole, No Tillage yielded more grains than conventional one. Moreover, Achtar and Areal (bread wheat cultivars) and Marjana and Marzak (durum wheat cultivars) yielded more under No-Till. The significant interaction between TS and Var paves the way for the implementation of a breeding program under no till system.  相似文献   

为明确深耕加秸秆还田条件下的适宜施氮量,研究了深耕加秸秆还田条件下不同施氮量[0、240、270、300(当地生产平均施氮水平)、330、360 kg/hm2N]对土壤碳氮比、玉米产量及氮效率的影响。结果表明,深耕加秸秆还田下增施氮肥可以提高玉米植株干物质和氮素积累量,增加土壤有机质和全氮含量,调节土壤碳氮比,进而提高玉米籽粒产量和氮效率。深耕加秸秆还田条件下,随着施氮量的增加,土壤有机质和全氮含量增加,碳氮比降低;玉米植株干物质积累量、氮素积累量、籽粒产量及氮素农学效率、氮素表观利用率均先增加后降低,以330 kg/hm2处理最高,其籽粒产量、氮素农学效率、氮素表观利用率比当地生产平均施氮水平300 kg/hm2处理分别显著提高9.3%、23.6%、46.7%,但其产量与360 kg/hm2处理差异不显著。表明,深耕加秸秆还田条件下,玉米需适当增加氮肥施用量,试验区玉米适宜氮肥用量以330 kg/hm2(较当地平均施氮水平高10%)为宜。  相似文献   

以强筋小麦品种藁城8901和济南17为试验材料,设置不施用钾肥(K0)、基施钾肥120 kg/hm2(K1)和基施钾肥60 kg/hm2+拔节期追施钾肥60 kg/hm2(K2)3个处理,研究分期施钾对小麦籽粒产量、籽粒粗蛋白含量、籽粒蛋白各组分(清蛋白+球蛋白、醇溶蛋白、麦谷蛋白、可溶性谷蛋白、不溶性谷蛋白)含量和小麦籽粒品质的影响。结果表明,分期施钾处理的籽粒产量显著高于不施钾和一次性基施钾肥的处理;与一次性基施钾肥处理相比较,分期施钾对籽粒粗蛋白含量和清球蛋白含量无显著影响,但显著降低醇溶蛋白的含量,提高籽粒谷蛋白含量,且对可溶性谷蛋白和不溶性谷蛋白含量的影响程度不同,结果导致谷蛋白聚合指数(不溶性谷蛋白/谷蛋白总量)、谷/醇比提高;分期施钾处理的面团形成时间、面团稳定时间和面包体积等品质指标显著优于不施钾和一次性基施钾肥处理;试验表明,施钾主要是通过提高谷/醇比和谷蛋白聚合指数来改善小麦加工品质和面包烘焙品质的;分期施钾有利于强筋小麦籽粒产量和品质的同步改善。  相似文献   

Sampling studies in North Dakota conducted from 1994 to 2003 showed that variable-rate N application could be practically directed with zone soil sampling. Results from variable-rate N studies using zone soil sampling were often less than rewarding due in part to the use of a whole-field predicted yield-based formula for developing the N recommendation in each zone. Nitrogen rate studies on spring wheat and durum were established in 2005 through 2009 with the objective to reexamine N recommendations and construct a new system if necessary. The results of the study and archived wheat N response data showed that the state should be divided into three separate N response regions. Within each region historic yields from low to high productivity were defined. The gross N rate was determined using the return-to-N concept developed in the US corn-belt states but with additional consideration for wheat protein value The gross N rate is then modified by credits for previous crop, soil test N from zone soil sampling, tillage systems, excessive straw from the previous year, relative susceptibility to nitrate leaching or denitrification. Finally, the user is encouraged to use common sense and consider whether particular fields have characteristics that require more or less N fertilizer than suggested by the recommendation formulas.  相似文献   

张玉娇  李军  郭正  岳志芳 《中国农业科学》2015,48(14):2730-2746
【目的】渭北旱塬是中国北方典型雨养旱作农区,干旱缺水是当地粮食生产主要限制因素,降水偏少且季节分布不均,制约着旱地冬小麦生长及发育,导致其产量低而不稳。研究旨在探索长周期下渭北旱塬连作冬小麦区在不同轮耕措施下麦田的土壤蓄水保墒和作物增产效应。【方法】在模拟精度验证基础上,应用WinEPIC模型长周期定量模拟研究了1980-2009年渭北旱塬连作麦田连续翻耕、免耕/深松轮耕、翻耕/深松轮耕、免耕/免耕/深松轮耕和免耕/翻耕/深松轮耕不同保护性轮耕方式下冬小麦产量和土壤水分效应。【结果】在30年模拟研究期间,随着降水量的逐年趋势性减少,不同轮耕方式下渭北旱塬冬小麦产量、年度耗水量以及水分利用效率均呈现波动性下降趋势;免耕/深松、翻耕/深松、免耕/免耕/深松和免耕/翻耕/深松轮耕处理产量较连续翻耕处理分别高14.4%、12.2%、2.4%和3.2%,以免耕/深松轮耕处理产量最高,30年平均值为3.53 t×hm-2;免耕/深松、翻耕/深松、免耕/免耕/深松和免耕/翻耕/深松轮耕处理水分利用效率较连续翻耕处理分别高6.36%、6.13%、6.40%和6.41%,以免耕/免耕/深松轮耕和免耕/翻耕/深松轮耕处理水分利用效率最好,30年平均值为8.68 kg×hm-2×mm-1;与连续翻耕处理相比,干旱年型免耕/深松、翻耕/深松、免耕/免耕/深松耕和免耕/翻耕/深松轮耕处理耗水量明显增加,平水年型和丰水年型各耕作处理间耗水量差异不显著,以免耕/深松轮耕处理麦田耗水量高于其他轮耕方式。冬小麦田0-3 m土层土壤有效含水量呈现季节性波动降低趋势;与连续翻耕处理相比,免耕/深松轮耕、翻耕/深松轮耕、免耕/免耕/深松轮耕和免耕/翻耕/深松轮耕处理麦田土壤有效含水量分别高28.7%、27.2%、26.8%和26.7%;免耕/深松轮耕处理蓄水保墒效果最好,0-3 m土层土壤有效含水量平均为107.1 mm,翻耕/深松轮耕和免耕/翻耕/深松轮耕次之,连续翻耕最差。麦田0-1 m土层土壤湿度随季节降水而上下波动性变化,在降水较多或者较为干旱的年份1-1.5 m土层土壤湿度也会发生变化,1.5-3 m土层土壤湿度较为稳定,不同轮耕处理间差异不大;免耕/深松轮耕土层土壤湿度较其他耕作处理稍高。【结论】与连续翻耕处理相比,翻耕/深松产量和土壤蓄水保墒效果较好,但水分利用效率稍低。免耕/免耕/深松和免耕/翻耕/深松轮耕处理水分利用效率和土壤蓄水保墒效果较好,但产量较低。综合考虑麦田产量和水分利用效率以及土壤蓄水保墒效果,在长期连作冬小麦田,免耕/深松轮耕处理为渭北旱塬麦田最适宜保护性轮耕模式。  相似文献   

耕作及残茬管理对作物产量及土壤性状的影响   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
在河北低平原的壤质潮土上进行了保护耕作长期定位裂区试验 ,研究了深浅轮耕、浅耕、少耕、免耕以及残茬管理对作物产量及土壤性状的影响。结果表明 ,连续少耕和免耕处理的前 3年对作物产量没有影响 ,之后小麦产量显著降低 (最大降幅达到 31 83% ) ;连续免耕对玉米产量并没有明显影响 ;深耕并不增加作物产量 ;秸秆覆盖有时影响小麦生长 ;免耕处理的土壤有机质和全氮含量增加 ,但速效氮含量降低。  相似文献   

【目的】研究新疆南疆地区氮素运筹方式对滴灌春小麦干物质积累及产量特征的影响,确定适宜的施氮量、施氮时期及比例,为生产提供依据。【方法】以新春6号和宁2038为材料,采用小区栽培试验开展研究。设置4个施氮水平:N0(0 kg/hm2)、N1(104.5 kg/hm2)、N2(207.0 kg/hm2)和N3(310.5 kg/hm2),每个施氮水平下设置4个施氮时期:R1 (100%基肥)、R2 (60%基肥+40%拔节肥)、(R3 40%基肥+40%拔节肥+20%孕穗肥)和R4 (20%基肥+40%拔节肥+20%孕穗肥+20%灌浆肥)。【结果】两品种花前营养器官干物质的转运量、花前营养器官干物质的转运率及对籽粒的贡献率均以N3R4处理最大,花后干物质的积累量均以N3R3处理最大,新春6号花后干物质积累量对籽粒的贡献率以N3R4处理最大,宁2038以N3R3处理最大。在施氮量相同时,R3处理的穗粒数、千粒质量和产量最大;在施氮时期及比例相同的条件下,产量构成因素及产量以N3最高,但与N2处理差异不显著。【结论】在施氮量为310.5 kg/hm2、施氮时期及比例为基肥∶拔节肥∶孕穗肥=4∶4∶2和基肥∶拔节肥∶孕穗肥∶灌浆肥=2∶4∶2∶2时,两品种均可获得较高产量,新春6号达1.21~1.26 g/株(折合产量8 511.78~8 930.72 kg/hm2),宁2038达1.09~1.12 g/株(折合产量8 190.62~8 362.59 kg/hm2)。  相似文献   

春季是小麦生长的旺盛季节,要针对小麦苗情,及早开展好春季麦田管理,促进麦苗生产健壮,增强抗逆能力。  相似文献   

【目的】针对西北旱区水分缺乏和氮肥施用不合理的问题,探索作物增产与水肥高效的施肥与栽培模式,以指导旱地农业生产。【方法】通过在黄土高原旱地进行的长期田间定位试验,研究早春追肥、氮肥调控、垄覆沟播、播种密度、夏闲期秸秆覆盖等措施对作物产量与氮素利用,以及收获后土壤硝态氮残留,夏闲期残留硝态氮淋溶和土壤氮素矿化的影响。【结果】旱地早春追肥、氮肥调控+早春追肥、氮肥调控+垄覆沟播、氮肥调控+垄覆沟播增密处理小麦产量比农户常规施肥分别提高15.7%、22.2%、38.6%和24.8%,作物氮吸收增加25.0%、32.0%、36.4%和6.4%,氮素收获指数提高3.8%、3.3%、5.7%和6.8%,当季硝态氮残留减少30.9%、20.0%、59.5%和68.2%,夏闲期硝态氮向60 cm以下土层的淋溶减少27.5%、24.6%、42.3%和24.3%。【结论】渭北旱区早春追肥、氮肥调控+早春追肥、氮肥调控+垄覆沟播和氮肥调控+垄覆沟播增密在提高冬小麦产量的同时,促进作物氮的吸收,减少肥料氮的残留,其中氮肥调控+垄覆沟播结合夏闲期秸秆覆盖,在增加土壤保水蓄水的同时,避免硝态氮向深层淋失,效果更好。  相似文献   

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