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我国南方桉树人工林菌根合成及其多样性研究(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对我国南方部分地区桉树人工林菌根真菌资源和菌根类型进行了调查 .对采自广东、云南 15个桉树林地的根系样品进行了显微观察 ,结果证实了在自然土壤中桉树能形成不同类型的菌根 ,检查的根样在不同程度上均有菌根菌的感染 .其中 ,有 4个人工林的根系样品AM感染率在 50 %以上 ,另有 4个根样ECM感染根段长超过 50m .调查发现林分年龄大小对菌根形成及菌根类型有一定的影响 ,表现在幼林及过熟林菌根感染率均较低 ,而 4~ 7年生按树林菌根感染率相对较高 ,在同一根系上AM与ECM菌间存在一定的竞争性 .在菌根菌资源方面 ,从总体上来说 ,我国南方菌根菌资源较少 ,尤其是ECM菌 .调查结果表明 ,我国南方桉树人工林根际土壤中有AM菌 2 8种 ,隶属于 4个属 ,其中以球囊霉属真菌最多 ,占 6 4 % ;地球囊霉在所采集的土样中出现的频度最高 .南方 15个桉树人工林中发现有 17种ECM菌 ,隶属 10个属 ,其中彩色豆马勃、多根硬皮马勃、光硬皮马勃等菌种在两广地区许多桉林中较常见 ,云南地区则多以黄须腹菌、硬皮马勃等菌较多 .这些ECM菌通常生长于松树林中 ,能否与引进的桉属树种形成较好的菌根还有待于进一步研究 .本文对自然条件下混合菌根的形成及真菌间的竞争关系进行了讨论  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that incorporation of green leaf manure (GLM) from leguminous trees into agroforestry systems may provide a substitute for inorganic N fertilisers to enhance crop growth and yield. Temporal and spatial changes in soil nitrogen availability and use were monitored for various cropping systems in southern Malawi. These included Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. trees intercropped with maize (Zea mays L.), with and without pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.), sole maize, sole pigeonpea, sole gliricidia and a maize + pigeonpea intercrop. Soil mineral N was determined before and during the 1997/1998, 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 cropping seasons. Total soil mineral N content (NO3 + NH4+) was greatest in the agroforestry systems (p<0.01). Pre-season soil mineral N content in the 0–20 cm horizon was greater in treatments containing trees (≤85 kg N ha−1) than in those without (<60 kg ha−1; p<0.01); however, soil mineral N content declined rapidly during the cropping season. Uptake of N was substantially greater in the agroforestry systems (200–270 kg N ha−1) than in the maize + pigeonpea and sole maize treatments (40–95 kg N ha−1; p<001). Accumulation of N by maize was greater in the agroforestry systems than in sole maize and maize + pigeonpea (p<0.01); grain accounted for 55% of N uptake by maize in the agroforestry systems, compared to 41–47% in sole maize and maize + pigeonpea. The agroforestry systems enhanced soil fertility because mineralisation of the applied GLM increased pre-season soil mineral N content. However, this could not be fully utilised as soil N declined rapidly at a time when maize was too small to act as a major sink for N. Methods for reducing losses of mineral N released from GLM are therefore required to enhance N availability during the later stages of the season when crop requirements are greatest. Soil mineral N levels and maize yields were similar in the gliricidia + maize and gliricidia + maize + pigeonpea treatments, implying that addition of pigeonpea to the tree-based system provided no additional improvement in soil fertility.  相似文献   

在黄土丘陵沟壑区由撂荒到灌丛的植被恢复过程中,研究阴、阳坡植被不同恢复阶段代表植物的AM真菌侵染状况、根际土壤中AM真菌孢子的密度以及AM真菌多样性及分布。结果表明:从不同恢复阶段植被中,共分离到18种AM真菌,隶属于巨囊霉属、盾巨囊霉属和球囊霉属,其中,缩球囊霉和地球囊霉2种为不同恢复阶段中的共有种,即为本区的优势种,其余的16种在各恢复阶段中的分布有所差异。在阳坡半阳坡的植被不同恢复阶段中,各宿主植物的平均侵染率,仅第1,2阶段差异显著,根际土壤的孢子密度在各阶段差异不显著;而阴坡半阴坡的AM真菌的侵染率则差异不显著,根际的孢子密度,以第4,5阶段的孢子密度显著高于第1,2阶段。对于AM真菌物种丰度和多样性在阴、阳坡则呈现相似的规律,即第4,5阶段较高,第1,2和第3阶段则相对较低。对AM真菌物种均匀度而言,阳坡半阳坡的第5阶段与第2,3,4阶段的差异显著,阴坡半阴坡上则差异不显著。  相似文献   

指出了草原是我国面积最大的陆地生态系统,约占陆地总面积的20%,在国家生态安全中有着重要的作用。但是由于近年来过量的放牧和毁草开荒等人为因素,使草原生态环境受到严重破坏,这严重影响了我国的社会经济发展。以内蒙古呼伦贝尔退化草原为研究对象,调查研究了不同退化程度草场的牧草根段AM真菌侵染率及多样性的变化,根据土壤因子分析引起这种变化的原因。研究结果显示:土壤含水量、土壤团聚体结构数量、总碳含量、土壤脲酶活性随草地退化程度的加深而显著下降,土壤pH值和EC值随草地退化程度的增加而显著升高,而土壤有效磷含量、土壤蔗糖酶活性和碱性磷酸酶活性则呈现出轻度退化>未退化>中度退化>重度退化的趋势。牧草根段AM真菌侵染率随退化程度加深而显著下降,并与土壤含水量、脲酶活性呈显著正相关,与土壤pH值、EC值呈显著负相关。从土壤样品DNA中扩增AM真菌特异性片段并采用DGGE技术对AM真菌多样性进行分析,发现AM真菌多样性指数、丰富度、均匀度变化均呈现轻度退化>未退化>中度退化>重度退化的趋势,且都与土壤有效磷、碱性磷酸酶活性呈显著正相关,与蔗糖酶活性呈极显著正相关。研究表明:人为干扰对草原土壤根际AM真菌群落有不同程度的影响,且于土壤因子之间存在一定的相关性。这些研究可为更好地理解草原退化原因及更有效地进行草原植被开发和修复提供可靠地理论依据。  相似文献   

Farmers' adoption of improved technologies is the ultimate measure of the success of any agricultural innovation. In a joint project of the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) and the Department of Research and Specialist Services of Zimbabwe, the potential for adoption of the improved planted fallow technology using Sesbania sesban was assessed in the Mangwende Communal Area. The study was based on experimental data of maize (Zea mays) yields following 1-, 2- and 3-year improved fallows at Domboshawa Training Center, northern Zimbabwe where the improved fallows were promising. The data indicated that maize yields were higher after S. sesban fallows than after Cajanus cajan and Acacia angustissima fallows. A five-year linear programming model sensitive to the diversity within households was developed to simulate the livelihood system of households in the Mangwende Communal Area. Improved fallows of S. sesban were incorporated into the model to determine the potential for their adoption. Model results indicated that there is potential for the technology to be adopted by 80% of the farmers. According to the model, the new technology on average occupies 60% of the area under maize. Nevertheless, households continue to use fertilizers and cattle manure. One-year improved fallows are planted every other year; three-year improved fallows are also planted. Farmers who adopt the fallow technologies realize an increase in the cash available for discretionary spending. Factors such as composition of the household in terms of fulltime workers, size of the arable land owned by the farmer, and whether the household differentiates activities by gender, determine the adoption of the improved-fallow technology. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)植物约75属,1 350余种,主产南非和中国西南及西部,我国产20属,约800余种。杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)是杜鹃花科植物中最大的一个属,我国约产600余种,全国均有分布,尤其以四川、云南和贵州的种类最多[1]。杜鹃花为我国的十大传统名花之一,是世界著名的观赏  相似文献   

尾叶桉混合菌根营养生理研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
桉树是具有混合菌根(ECM和VAM)的树种,关于混合菌根营养生理的研究,国内外均未见报道。本文在菌圃接种试验的基础上,研究了尾叶桉苗混合接种ECM菌彩色豆马勃和VAM菌苏格兰球囊霉对宿主营养生理的影响。结果表明,尾叶桉苗期混合拉种菌根真菌后,对苗木根系营养生理产生了较大的影响。菌根接种有显著提高苗木的根系活力,中混合接种方式分别比未拉种对照苗提高了31.90%和28.69%,并好一两种单接种处理,  相似文献   

A nursery experiment was conducted to assess the effect of bioinoculants (Glomus aggregatum, Bacillus polymixa, Azospirillum brasilense) on seedling growth promotion of bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) Nees.) in two soil types (alfisol, vertisol) with or without fertilizer application. Bamboo seedlings were grown in the presence or absence of bioinoculants either individually or in all combinations for 180 days in field soil under tropical nursery conditions. Shoot, rhizome and root length, dry masses, nutrient concentrations and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonized root lengths were determined at harvest. Under the experimental condition tested combined inoculation of AM fungi, PSB and A. brasilense resulted in maximum growth response both under fertilized and unfertilized conditions in both soil types. Fertilizer application enhanced the efficiencies of N, P and K uptake, whereas reduced their usage efficiencies. Though soil type did not affect microbial inoculation response, fertilizer application significantly affected plant response to microbial inoculation.  相似文献   

Three VA-mycorrhizal fungi; Glomus occultum, Glomus aggregatum (local isolates) and G. mosseae (strain from Bangalore, India) were inoculated to assess their effect on growth of Acacia mangium in lateritic soil. All inoculations enhanced growth with respect to shoot height, root diameter, leaf area, chlorophyll content and biomass of A. mangium significantly compared to uninoculated control seedlings. G. occultum proved most efficient among the three. The mycorrhizal dependency factor indicated that the growth of A. mangium was 57% dependent on G. occultum, 47% on G. mosseae and 46% on Glomus aggregatum.  相似文献   

本文对坡地林农复合系统水文效应进行的研究结果表明,复合系统中林地土壤非毛管孔隙对降水的有效调蓄能力比荒草坡强;全年除了3月,5月外,复合系统农地土壤含水量均比对应的纯农地略高;采用横坡聚土垄作或土石护坎工程可有效地减少复合系统农地水土养分的流失量。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌对岩溶区植物水分吸收利用的促进作用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩溶区季节性干旱频繁发生,植物生长受到限制。丛枝菌根真菌是岩溶生态系统中重要生物组份,对植物水分吸收与生长具有积极的效应,可促进植物生长和增强植物抗岩溶干旱的能力。文中通过分析岩溶干旱环境下植物水分利用策略,探讨丛枝菌根真菌对植物水分吸收利用的促进作用及其菌丝输水、改善土壤团聚体和植物营养、影响水通道蛋白基因表达等调控机制,指出今后在应用稳定同位素探索岩溶植物水分利用策略时尚需考虑植物类型、岩溶生境等因素影响,还需加强土著优势菌种的筛选及深入研究植物水分吸收利用的调控机制,以期为石漠化地区植被修复重建科学研究提供参考。  相似文献   

外生菌根真菌及其接种白皮松生长对煤矸石胁迫的反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究外生菌根真菌铆钉菇菌菌丝在煤矸石提取液中的生长模式,并对接种和未接种的白皮松在不同比率煤矸石混合基质中的生长和存活作探索性研究。结果表明:铆钉菇菌在85%煤矸石提取液中生长良好。虽然煤矸石环境抑制了菌丝的发展,降低了苗木的接种率,但对于接种后的幼苗,其在不同比率煤矸石混合基质中的各项生长指标都优于未接种幼苗。其中,接种幼苗干质量和侧根数,显著多于未接种幼苗。纯煤矸石的环境中真菌和植物都很难生存和发展,但与少量的黄土(15%)混合后,各项生长指标都得到显著改善。这个结果说明,为了保证煤矸石生态治理工程中的成功,有必要在矸石中混合一定土壤以保证生物技术的顺利实施。  相似文献   

Mycoplasma-like organisms (MLOs) were detected and characterized by RFLP analysis in declining trees of Alnus glutinosa and A. cordata in Southern Italy for the first time. The infected trees showed symptoms of yellowing, sparse foliage, premature autumn colouration, sprouting, deliquescent branching, phloem necrosis, dieback and witches’ brooms.  相似文献   

采用人工模拟水分胁迫方法,对马尾松菌根化和非菌根化容器苗的耐旱性进行研究,结果表明,水分胁迫可显著降低马尾松容器苗土壤中的水分含量,对菌根化苗和非菌根化苗光合色素、硝酸还原酶、丙二醛等生理物质含量、水分含量和根系活力均有显著影响。但在同等程度的水分胁迫条件下,菌根化苗所受的影响明显低于非菌根化苗,其光合能力、降低水分蒸腾能力、减轻细胞膜受损能力、根系活力和苗木含水率均高于非菌根化苗,这表明菌根化苗的耐旱性高于非菌根化苗。因此,为提高马尾松容器苗的耐旱能力和造林成活率,采用印度块菌子囊果匀浆制成的孢子悬浮液对苗木进行接种菌根处理是可行的。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to establish the amount of decaying wood (logs and stumps) in various groups of Hepatica site-type pine forests of different age and management intensity and to analyse the composition of bryophytes in dependence of these factors. The average volume of CWD in old unmanaged forests was 47.5 m3/ha, which is rather well comparable with respective estimations from Fennoscandia. Reduced human impact contributes positively to the amount of CWD. Diversity of log diameter classes and decay stages is larger in old forests. Altogether 73 bryophyte species were recorded, 65 species on logs and 55 on stumps. Species richness on stumps was higher in managed forests than in unmanaged ones. At the same time, the species having high indicator value for man-cut stumps are very common species in boreal forests and grow on other substrata as well. Species composition and ecological conditions differed between stumps and logs. Logs are more humid microhabitats than stumps, therefore the occurrence of hepatics is more frequent on them. According to species composition on decaying wood the old unmanaged forests distinguished from others. As the differences of substratum characteristics were notable between old and young forests, the stand age described a considerable part of species variance on logs.  相似文献   

目的 探讨氮沉降和生物炭添加对毛竹林丛枝菌根真菌特征的影响,为全球变化背景下毛竹林的可持续经营提供科学参考。 方法 以毛竹林为研究对象,探讨了不同梯度的氮沉降(0、30、60和90 kg·hm−2·yr−1)和生物炭添加(0、20和40 t ·hm−2)及其复合作用对毛竹林AMF侵染率和孢子密度以及土壤理化性质的影响。 结果 与对照(0 kg·hm−2·yr−1 N + 0 t·hm−2 BC)相比,氮添加显著降低了AMF侵染率(16.1%~51.7%)。高生物炭添加(40 t·hm−2)显著降低了AMF侵染率(46.0%),但提高了孢子密度(162.5%)。在氮添加处理下,生物炭添加提高了AMF侵染率,对孢子密度无显著影响。AMF侵染率与土壤pH呈显著正相关关系,与有效氮和有效磷呈显著负相关关系。AMF孢子密度与有效磷呈显著正相关关系。 结论 在氮添加处理下,生物炭添加提高了AMF侵染率,增强了毛竹与AMF的共生关系,表明在氮沉降背景下生物炭添加是实现毛竹林可持续经营的有效措施之一。  相似文献   

目的 基于不同缓释肥添加梯度和接种菌根菌互作试验,分析缓释肥添加和接种菌根菌对赤皮青冈1年生容器苗生长性状和养分状况的作用规律,以提高赤皮青冈容器苗的菌根化育苗水平。 方法 采用裂区试验设计,主区为菌根菌处理,分为接种(育苗容器中间部位注射浓度为36.28 mg·mL−1 的彩色豆马勃10 mL)与不接种2个处理;副区为基质缓释肥添加处理,设置5个缓释肥添加梯度(1.50、2.25、3.00、3.75和4.50 kg·m−3)。 结果 接种菌根菌对不同缓释肥梯度下1年生赤皮青冈容器苗生长均有促进作用,缓释肥添加和接种菌根菌对容器苗总生物量和P利用指数有显著的互作效应。接种菌根菌后,赤皮青冈容器苗苗高、地径、高径比、总生物量、总根长和根系直径等生长性状相比不接种分别增加18.70%、7.16%、10.75%、24.55%、1.02%和18.47%,N含量、N吸收量和N利用指数、P吸收量和P利用指数分别增加2.04%、27.10%、27.67%、19.72%和30.52%,P含量降低2.94%,除总根长和N、P含量外各生长性状和养分状况指标接种和不接种存在极显著差异。无论是否接种菌根菌,随缓释肥添加量增加,除根系直径无明显变化外各生长性状均呈先增加后降低趋势,P含量和P吸收量整体呈增加趋势,在缓释肥添加量为3 kg·cm−3时生长表现最好。不接种菌根菌容器苗N含量和N吸收量呈先增加后降低趋势,N、P利用指数呈先降低后增加趋势,接种菌根菌后N、P利用指数变化趋势正好相反,呈先增加后降低趋势,N含量和N吸收量无明显变化规律。 结论 接种外生菌根菌彩色豆马勃可促进赤皮青冈容器苗的生长,提高N、P养分利用效率,低缓释肥添加量下菌根的促生效应更显著。生产中可通过接种菌根菌提高容器苗质量,同时减少缓释肥使用量,有助于培育赤皮青冈优质苗木并节约育苗成本。  相似文献   

复合农林模式中根际与非根际土壤的酶活性动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤酶活性能够实质性的反映土地管理和土壤健康状况。为了更好的了解复合农林模式中土壤酶活性的变化规律和功效,本研究对花椒(Zanthoxylum bungenum)模式、桃树(Prunus persica var.nectariana)模式、桑树(Morus alba)模式和梨树(Pyrus pyrifolia)模式根际与非根际土壤酶活性与土壤养分进行了对比分析。结果表明:由于在林下广泛种植多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne),使得木本植株根际与非根际土壤酶活性没有显著的差异,但它们的活性都远远高于其对照地。除各模式多酚氧化酶活性的峰值均出现在9月份外,过氧化物酶、蔗糖酶、磷酸酶、脲酶的峰值多出现在7月和8月份。有机质与这5种土壤酶活性都有显著的正相关,而全N仅与磷酸酶和蔗糖酶有显著的正相关,pH值则与它们呈显著的负相关。植物组成可能对土壤酶活性和土壤化学性质有直接的影响。  相似文献   

2006-2009年从内蒙古中西部林木、花卉病害部位分离鉴定出链格孢属Alternaria 19种,分别寄生在39种植物上;黑腐皮壳属Valsa 2种,寄生在5种林木上;茎点霉属Phoma 1种,寄生在3种林木上;大茎点霉属Macrophoma 1种,寄生在1种林木上;叶点霉属Phyllosticta 6种,寄生在6种林木上;丝核菌属Rhizoctonia 1种分别寄生在5种林木上。  相似文献   

湘西自治州退耕还林工程绩效分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对湘西自治州退耕还林工程建设情况的调查分析,肯定了工程建设取得的成效与经验和工程建设所产生的生态、经济和社会效益,指出了当前工程建设中存在的主要问题,提出了进一步搞好退耕还林工作的思路。  相似文献   

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