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ABSTRACT:   In order to investigate the changes in rhodopsin-porphyropsin ratio of chum salmon and pink salmon in relation to the change in their habitat, the ratios were analyzed in individual fish prior to stocking, during the sea run, homing, and upstream migration. The ratio in both the species gradually increased during the sea run. However, the ratio decreased after upstream river migration. Moreover, in the sea, the rhodopsin-porphyropsin ratio of chum salmon was always slightly higher than that of pink salmon. The largest difference in the individual variation was observed in the individuals caught with a set net placed near the mouth of a home river.  相似文献   

A general linear model (GLM) was used to standardize catch per unit effort (CPUE) data for Alaska walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) from the Bering Sea fleet for the years 1995–1999. Data were stratified temporally by year and season and spatially by area using either Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) reporting areas. Four factors were used: vessel identification (ID) number, vessel speed, percentage of pollock by weight in the haul (a measure of targeting), and whether most of the haul took place before or after sunset. At least 29 combinations of main effects, quadratic covariates, and interactions were tested for each year/area/season stratum. GLM models explained from 31 to 48% of the total sums of squares. Vessel identification number was included in all models and explained the most variability. Of the remaining factors, the square of the percentage of pollock in the haul was included in most models, following an F-test to determine parsimony. Analysis of the vessel identification number coefficients indicated that larger vessels tended to have higher CPUEs; and that this relationship differed between dedicated catcher vessels and offshore catcher processors. Coefficient estimates and response surfaces generally indicated increased CPUEs with the percentage of pollock in the haul and showed mixed results with vessel speed. The vessel identification number incorporated most vessel characteristics, leaving vessel speed primarily as a fitting variable with less biological meaning. The year/area/season stratification procedure was found to be necessary due to the unbalanced design, which otherwise would have factor levels with no data in a large combined model. In addition, the stratification procedure reduced the variability in CPUE substantially.  相似文献   

The abundance and stomach contents of salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) and the biomass of prey organisms were examined in the central subarctic Pacific and Bering Sea in the summer of 1991 and 1992. Salmonids were caught by surface longline using the same level of fishing effort. Chum (O. keta) and pink (O. gorbuscha) salmon were the predominant species, representing 44% and 36% sof the total catch (n = 1275) in 1991. In 1992, chum salmon composed 85% of the total catch (n = 603), but the catch of pink salmon decreased to 1% of the total catch due to the odd/even year fluctuation of Asian pink salmon abundance in the study area. It was found that chum salmon changed their dominant diet from gelatinous zooplankton (pteropods, appendicular-ians, jellyfishes, chaetognaths, polychaetes and unidentified materials) in 1991, when pink salmon were abundant, to a diet of crustaceans (euphausiids, cope-pods, amphipods, ostracods, mysids and decapods) in 1992, when pink salmon were less abundant. Local crustacean biomass (wet weight; mg m-3) had significant negative correlation with the CPUE (catch number per 30 hachi) of pink salmon in 1991 (r = -0.586; P = 0.026) and that of chum salmon in 1992 (r =–0.616; P = 0.014). There may be a limitation in the available prey resource for production of salmonids.  相似文献   

Relationships between the vertical distribution and thermal habitat, and body size of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta were studied in the Bering Sea in summer using trawl surveys at various depths. Chum salmon abundance decreased with increasing depth, but the patterns of decrease differed between size groups. The abundance of small salmon fell rapidly with depth, whereas that of large salmon decreased gradually to 40 m depth, and abruptly below that. The average fork length of chum salmon collected from each trawl correlated positively with trawl net depth and negatively with water temperature. Since the optimal temperature for growth decreases with body size in this species, the observed body size‐related vertical habitat use by chum salmon may indicate size‐dependent thermal preferences.  相似文献   

Abstract  Catch per unit effort (CPUE) and species composition in the pair-trawl fishery in commercial Area A of southern Lake Malawi were assessed from 1991 to 2001. CPUE declined from 1.7 t day−1 in 1995 to 0.5 t day−1 in 2001 and the fishery is considered depleted. In 2000/2002, catch composition differed significantly from a 1991 survey, and was dominated by haplochromine cichlids (92% by weight). Of 98 haplochromine cichlid taxa identified in the catch, 18 contributed ≥1% by weight. The artisanal fishery targeted similar species of a similar size. It was recommended that: (1) renewed investment and increased effort in the pair-trawl fishery is not advisable; (2) there was a need for effort limitation in Area A and (3) the pair-trawl fishery should not be managed in isolation of the artisanal fishery.  相似文献   

The Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) population in the western Atlantic supports substantial commercial and recreational fisheries. Despite quota establishment and management under the auspices of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, only small increases in population growth have been estimated. In contrast to other western bluefin tuna fisheries indices, contemporary estimates of catch per unit effort (CPUE) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence have increased rapidly and are at record highs. This area is characterized by the Cold Intermediate Layer (CIL) that is defined by waters <3°C and located at depths of 30–40 m in September. We investigated the influence of several in situ environmental variables on the bluefin tuna fishery CPUE using delta‐lognormal modelling and relatively extensive and consistent oceanographic survey data, as well as dockside monitoring and mandatory logbook data associated with the fishery. Although there is considerable spatial and temporal variation of water mass characteristics, the amount of available habitat in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (assuming a > 3°C thermal ambit) for bluefin tuna has been increasing. The percentage of the water column occupied by the CIL was a significant environmental variable in the standardization of CPUE estimates. There was also a negative relationship between the spatial extents of the CIL and the fishery. Properties of the CIL account for variation in the bluefin tuna CPUE and may be a factor in determining the amount of available feeding habitat for bluefin tuna in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence.  相似文献   

Interannual, decadal and interdecadal variations in summer plankton biomass during 1954–1994 in the whole subarctic Pacific and Bering Sea were compared among regions as well as with climatic and oceanographic conditions. The zooplankton biomass and chlorophyll concentration during the mid 1960s to early 1970s in the central and western subarctic Pacific were a few times higher than those in the preceding and following decades. The values in the eastern Bering Sea and eastern subarctic Pacific also increased in the mid 1960s, but remained at an elevated level until the end of the 1980s. These decades of higher and mid plankton biomass levels during the mid 1960s to early 1970s and mid 1970s to late 1980s correspond to the period of positive and negative values of the Northern Hemisphere zonal index (NHZI), respectively. In the decadal scale, one can see a significant positive correlation between the summer plankton biomass and the wind speed during winters in the eastern Bering Sea. The effect of grazing by biennially fluctuating Asian pink salmon on zooplankton biomass and its effect on chlorophyll concentration in the central subarctic Pacific is also significant.  相似文献   

Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) is an important commercial fish in India. This study investigates relationships among Hilsa catch per unit effort (CPUE) and the corresponding lunar phase, rainfall variability, wind vector, and month in the northern Bay of Bengal. Hilsa catch during the monsoon season of three consecutive years (2013–2015) was analyzed by using a Generalized Least Square model with lunar phase and monsoon months (June–September) as categorical variables and wind direction as circular variable. Significantly higher Hilsa catch was observed during the waning crescent and waxing gibbous lunar phases and during easterly winds. There was no significant effect of wind velocity. Daily rainfall was significantly correlated with Hilsa migration toward the estuary. Among the four monsoon months, September exhibited the most positive significant correlation with the Hilsa CPUE. Model predicted CPUE underestimated the actual CPUE in 2016 by 20%.  相似文献   

The importance of interspecific competition as a mechanism regulating population abundance in offshore marine communities is largely unknown. We evaluated offshore competition between Asian pink salmon and Bristol Bay (Alaska) sockeye salmon, which intermingle in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, using the unique biennial abundance cycle of Asian pink salmon from 1955 to 2000. Sockeye salmon growth during the second and third growing seasons at sea, as determined by scale measurements, declined significantly in odd‐numbered years, corresponding to years when Asian pink salmon are most abundant. Bristol Bay sockeye salmon do not interact with Asian pink salmon during their first summer and fall seasons and no difference in first year scale growth was detected. The interaction with odd‐year pink salmon led to significantly smaller size at age of adult sockeye salmon, especially among younger female salmon. Examination of sockeye salmon smolt to adult survival rates during 1977–97 indicated that smolts entering the ocean during even‐numbered years and interacting with abundant odd‐year pink salmon during the following year experienced 26% (age‐2 smolt) to 45% (age‐1 smolt) lower survival compared with smolts migrating during odd‐numbered years. Adult sockeye salmon returning to Bristol Bay from even‐year smolt migrations were 22% less abundant (reduced by 5.9 million fish per year) compared with returns from odd‐year migrations. The greatest reduction in adult returns occurred among adults spending 2 compared with 3 years at sea. Our new evidence for interspecific competition highlights the need for multispecies, international management of salmon production, including salmon released from hatcheries into the ocean.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The stock size of sandfish in the northern Sea of Japan was estimated by a virtual population analysis (VPA) and sensitivity analyses were attempted on the VPA estimate. The stock size estimates were approximately 600–900 million until 1975, but since 1976 they have rapidly decreased. In the sensitivity analyses, the estimates of absolute stock size were not sensitive against the changes in the fishing mortality coefficient for terminal age and the measurement error in catch-at-age. This suggested that the relative stock size remains almost unaffected by the error in the data used in the VPA, if the degree of catch-at-age error and the natural mortality coefficient is correct. The relationships between the biomass estimated by the VPA and the density index from Danish seine fisheries, and between the biomass and the catch per unit effort (CPUE) from the experimental survey using Danish seine nets, were also examined. The density index and the CPUE indicated significant relations with the biomass. Consequently, the CPUE is useful to monitor the relative stock size in a timely manner, and the VPA estimate and the CPUE should be utilized for adjusting the total allowable catch in the multiseasons.  相似文献   

The UK coastal trap fisheries target two key species, European lobster Homarus gammarus (L.) and brown crab Cancer pagurus L. Their stock status is assessed periodically using size‐based, yield‐per‐recruit analysis. Fishery trends are described using landings and, where available, effort data to estimate catch per unit of effort (CPUE), nominally proportional to abundance. Despite being caught together, assessments assume that concurrent capture of these species does not distort their individual CPUE estimates. Here, an in situ experiment tested impacts of inter‐specific and intra‐specific interactions by pre‐loading baited traps with different species and observing subsequent catches. Pre‐loaded European lobster significantly reduced brown crab catches, whereas, other species produced no such effects. The findings highlight the likely inconsistency of using CPUE as an index of abundance if landings data originate from a mixed‐species fishery in which species interactions and targeting behaviour of fishers are unknown or un‐quantified.  相似文献   

This study explores the ecological and economic impacts of interactions between escaped farmed and wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) over generations. An age‐ and stage‐structured bioeconomic model is developed. The biological part of the model includes age‐specific life‐history traits such as survival rates, fecundity and spawning successes for wild and escaped farmed salmon, as well as their hybrids, while the economic part takes account of use and non‐use values of fish stock. The model is simulated under three scenarios using data from the Atlantic salmon fishery and salmon farming in Norway. The social welfare is derived from harvest and wild salmon while the economic benefits of fishing comprise both sea and river fisheries. The results reveal that the wild salmon stock is gradually replaced by salmon with farmed origin, while the total social welfare and economic benefit decline, although not at the same rate as the wild salmon stock.  相似文献   

Understanding the recruitment variability of the Atlantic herring North Sea stock remains a key objective of stock assessment and management. Although many efforts have been undertaken linking climatic and stock dynamic factors to herring recruitment, no major attempt has been made to estimate recruitment levels before the 20th century. Here, we present a novel annually resolved, absolutely dated herring recruitment reconstruction, derived from stable carbon isotope geochemistry (δ13C), from ocean quahog shells from the Fladen Ground (northern North Sea). Our age model is based on a growth increment chronology obtained from fourteen shells. Ten of these were micromilled at annual resolution for δ13C analysis. Our results indicate that the anthropogenically driven relative depletion of 13C, the oceanic Suess effect (oSE), became evident in the northern North Sea in the 1850s. We calculated a regression line between the oSE‐detrended δ13C results (δ13C?) and diatom abundance in the North Sea, the regression being mediated by the effect of phytoplankton on the δ13C of the ambient dissolved inorganic carbon. We used this regression to build an equation mediated by a nutritional link to reconstruct herring recruitment using δ13C?. The reconstruction suggests that there were five extended episodes of low‐recruitment levels before the 20th century. These results are supported by measured recruitment estimates and historical fish catch and export documentation. This work demonstrates that molluscan sclerochronological records can contribute to the investigation of ecological baselines and ecosystem functioning impacted by anthropogenic activity with implications for conservation and stock management.  相似文献   

To understand the interplay between habitat use and contemporary anadromous Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., distributions we explored the habitat associations of three species, pink (O. gorbuscha), chum (O. keta) and Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) in streams of the Wood River system of Bristol Bay, Alaska, where sockeye salmon (O. nerka) are numerically dominant. We developed models to investigate the occurrence of nondominant salmon in relation to habitat characteristics and sockeye salmon density, using four decades of salmon presence and abundance data. The frequency of occurrence and abundance of nondominant species increased with watershed drainage area and stream depth and decreased with sockeye salmon density. The range of occurrence varied from nonexistent to perennial for the other species in sockeye‐dominated streams. Increasing watershed area resulted in larger stream habitat area and deeper habitats, allowing for the sympatric occurrence and persistence of all salmon species. The relationships between habitat and the presence of these Pacific salmon help define their requirements but also remind us that the patterns of presence and absence, within the overall ranges of salmon species, have yet to be fully understood.  相似文献   


大麻哈鱼 (Oncorhynchus keta) 是重要的洄游性经济鱼类,在中国分布于黑龙江、乌苏里江、绥芬河和图们江水域。为保护大麻哈鱼种质资源,恢复图们江流域野外种群数量,该研究基于微卫星标记技术,利用10对微卫星标记,对355尾回捕子代和91尾繁殖亲本开展了亲子关系鉴定研究。结果表明,检测等位基因数 (Na) 201个,观测杂合度 (Ho) 为0.617~0.895,平均0.744;期望杂合度 (He) 为0.676~0.909,平均0.824;多态信息含量 (PIC) 为0.628~0.900,平均0.805。利用Cervus 3.0软件计算10个微卫星座位的累积非亲排除率 (CEP) 达99.95%。5个回捕样本与繁殖亲本存在亲子关系,确定为增殖放流的大麻哈鱼。该研究成功利用微卫星标记技术明确回捕大麻哈鱼归属地,为巩固中国鱼源国地位提供有力证据,同时为评估大麻哈鱼的增殖放流效果提供技术支撑。


1999—2011年东、黄海鲐资源丰度年间变化分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
根据1999—2011年我国鲐大型灯光围网渔业数据,使用广义线性模型(generalized linear model,GLM)和广义加性模型(generalized additive model,GAM)估算了影响CPUE的时间(年、月)、空间(经度、纬度)、捕捞性能和环境效应[海表面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)、海表面高度、海表面叶绿素浓度],并以年效应作为资源丰度指数,分析了东、黄海鲐资源丰度的年间变化,东、黄海鲐资源丰度指数的年间变化与产卵场海表面温度以及捕捞强度间的关系。GAM结果表明,时间、空间、捕捞和环境变量对CPUE偏差的解释率为11.69%,其中变量年的解释率最大,占总解释率的38%。结果显示,1999—2011年东、黄海鲐鱼资源丰度指数(abundance index,AI)总体上呈下降趋势,2008年以来更是持续下降,丰度指数由2008年的1.22降至2011年的0.82。东、黄海鲐资源丰度指数年间与产卵场呈正相关,关系式为AI=-3.51+0.23SST(P0.05),这表明较高的产卵场SST对鲐资源量增加有利。过高的渔获量以及我国群众围网渔业渔船数量的快速增长是导致近年来鲐鱼资源下降的重要原因。  相似文献   

Ecosystem‐based fisheries management requires the development of physical and biological time series that index ocean productivity for stock assessment and recruitment forecasts for commercially important species. As recruitment in marine fish is related to ocean condition, we developed proxies for ocean conditions based on sea surface temperature (SST) and biometric measurements of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) captured in the walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) fishery in the eastern Bering Sea in three periods (July 16–30, September 1–15 and September 16–30). The main purpose of this paper was to evaluate Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) growth as a possible indicator of ocean conditions that, in turn, may affect age‐1 walleye pollock recruitment. Marine growth rates of Pacific salmon are the result of a complex interplay of physical, biological and population‐based factors that fish experience as they range through oceanic habitats. These growth rates can, therefore, be viewed as indicators of recent ocean productivity. Thus, our hypothesis was that estimated intra‐annual growth in body weight of immature and maturing age‐4 male and female chum salmon may be used as a biological indicator of variations in rearing conditions also experienced by age‐0 walleye pollock; consequently, they may be used to predict the recruitment to age‐1 in walleye pollock. Summer SSTs and chum salmon growth at the end of July and September explained the largest amount of variability in walleye pollock recruitment indicating that physical and biological indices of ocean productivity can index fish recruitment.  相似文献   

Juvenile marine growth (SW1) of salmon and a new temperature change (TC) index were evaluated as ecosystem indicators and predictors for the post age‐0 year class strength (YCS) of groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) and eastern Bering Sea (EBS). Our hypothesis was that SW1, as measured on the scales of adult Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), is a proxy for ocean productivity on the continental shelf, a rearing area for young salmon and groundfish. Less negative TC index values are the result of a cool late summer followed by a warm spring, conditions favorable for groundfish YCS. In the GOA, SW1 was a positive predictor of age‐1 pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), but not age‐2 sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) YCS, indicating that the growth of the Karluk River sockeye salmon that enter Shelikof Strait is a proxy for ocean conditions experienced by age‐0 pollock. Contrary to our hypotheses, the TC index was a negative predictor of GOA pollock YCS; and the SW1 a negative predictor of EBS pollock and cod YCS since the 1980s. Recent fisheries oceanography survey results provide insight into possible mechanisms to support the inverse SW1 and YCS relationship. For the EBS, the TC index was a significant positive predictor for pollock and cod YCS, supporting the hypothesis that a cool late summer followed by a warm spring maximizes the over‐wintering survival of pollock and cod (Gadus macrocephalus), especially since the 1980s. The TC and SW1 index showed value for the assessment of pollock and cod, but not sablefish.  相似文献   

我国东、黄海鲐鱼灯光围网渔业CPUE标准化研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
李纲  陈新军  田思泉 《水产学报》2009,33(6):1050-1059
日本鲐是我国近海重要的中上层鱼类资源之一,评估其资源量需要对单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)进行标准化。影响CPUE标准化的因素很多,包括季节、区域和海洋环境等。本文利用广义线型模型(GLM)和广义加性模型(GAM),结合时空、捕捞船、表温等因子,对1998-2006年东、黄海大型灯光围网渔业鲐鱼CPUE进行标准化,并评价各因子对CPUE的影响。首先应用GLM模型评价时间、空间、环境以及捕捞渔船参数对CPUE的影响,并确定显著性变量。其次,将显著性变量逐一加入GAM模型,根据Akaike信息法则(AIC),选择最优的GAM模型。最后,利用最优的GAM模型对CPUE标准化,并定量分析时间、空间、环境以及捕捞渔船参数对鲐鱼CPUE的影响。GLM模型结果表明:8个变量对CPUE有重要影响,依次为年、船队、船队与年的交互效应、月、船队与月份的交换效应、经度、纬度和海表温。根据AIC,包含上述8个显著性变量的GAM模型为最优模型,对CPUE偏差的解释为27.78%。GAM模型结果表明:高CPUE分别出现在夏季海表温为28~31 ℃的东海中部和冬季海表温为12~16 ℃的黄海;1998-2006年,标准化后的CPUE呈逐年下降趋势,与持续增长的捕捞努力量有关。  相似文献   

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