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An investigation was undertaken to establish aspects of the epizootiology of erythrocytic inclusion bodies in wild Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in Scotland. From 1992 to 1995, adult and juvenile salmon, from Scottish rivers, were screened for the presence of erythrocytic inclusion bodies and haematological parameters measured. The nature of the inclusion bodies was assessed through transmission electron microscopy, negative-staining and blood smear-staining techniques and was demonstrated to be viral in origin with characteristics similar to a member of the family Togaviridae. Specifically, these were a viral genome of single-stranded RNA, spherical virion morphology with an icosahedral core, average size of 70 nm and a buoyant density of 1.15-1.20 g cm(-3). The cytoplasmic inclusions were either large, single inclusions (1-2 microm) or smaller multiple inclusions (0.5-1 microm). A total of 4.2% (n=48) and 27.7% (n=213) of the parr and adult salmon, respectively, were positive for the presence of the inclusions. The intensity of the inclusions, when present, varied from light in parr to moderate and heavy in adults, when graded according to the number of inclusions per field of view. Neither haematological variations nor clinical disease was associated with the presence or absence of viral inclusions.  相似文献   

Tissue (fillet, viscera and carcass) distributions of fat were examined in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. (740→1400→2000 g) to test the hypothesis that the fillet becomes increasingly important as a fat depot when fish increase in size. The salmon were fed for 11 weeks on either a high‐fat feed (H: 39% fat) or a low‐fat feed (L: 28% fat), and half of the fish were then subjected to a dietary switch to create four feed treatments (HH, HL, LL and LH). Fillet fat concentration increased with the passage of time, and the fillet also represented an increasing percentage of the body mass (48.5→55→58.5%) as the fish increased in size. As a consequence, the fillet became increasingly important as a fat depot, containing ≈30% of the body fat in the small fish at the start of the experiment, and 50% in the fish sampled at the end of the trial. The proportion of fat localised in the viscera was little influenced by either fish size or feeding treatment, and was within the range of 19–25%, whereas the carcass held a decreasing percentage of the body fat stores as fish size increased. There was a highly significant negative correlation between the percentages of body fat found within the carcass (C) and fillet (F): F = 73.589–0.9285C (R2 = 0.973; n = 13). Although the fillet became more important as a fat depot as fish increased in size, the percentage of the body fat reserves found within this tissue appeared to plateau at 50–55%.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen ( δ 13C and δ 15N) were examined in wild and aquaculture origin Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar , to evaluate their utility to identify escaped farmed fish. Samples of muscle tissue obtained from wild Conne River, Newfoundland, salmon were significantly more enriched in nitrogen ( δ 15N: mean = 12.75; SD ± 0.38‰) but depleted in lipid corrected carbon ( δ 13C': mean = −20.51; SD ± 0.23‰) by comparison with aquaculture specimens obtained from Bay d'Espoir, Newfoundland ( δ 15N = 10.96 ± 0.19‰;  δ 13C' = −19.25 ± 0.17‰) resulting in a complete separation of the two groups. Aquaculture specimens differed in δ 13C' from analyses of commercial salmon diet by 0.24‰, within the enrichment range associated with trophic transfers, while the δ 15N values in salmon muscle were enriched by 5.01‰. Although differences occurred in direct comparisons of white muscle and adipose tissue ( N  = 49), the average δ 13C' and δ 15N signatures varied in absolute amounts by only 0.5‰, supporting the use of adipose tissue as a nonlethal means to determine isotopic signatures of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Wild and farmed Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) and Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua L.) were collected to assess changes in mercury with size in wild vs. farmed fish. Mercury concentrations were compared with Health Canada and United States Environmental Protection Agency consumption guidelines. Lipid dilution of mercury was examined by comparing lipid-extracted (LE) and non-lipid-extracted (NLE) flesh samples in both farmed and wild fish. Mercury concentrations in the flesh and liver of farmed salmon were significantly lower than concentrations in wild salmon of similar fork length ( P <0.001), possibly due to growth dilution in rapidly growing farmed fish. Mercury concentrations were higher in LE tissue compared with NLE ( P <0.05), suggesting lipid dilution of mercury in farmed fish with a high lipid content. Farmed cod, which do not grow more rapidly than wild cod, did not have significantly different flesh and liver concentrations compared with wild cod of similar fork length ( P >0.05). Between species of farmed fish, cod had significantly higher mercury concentrations than salmon ( P <0.05), but neither farmed nor wild salmon mercury concentrations exceeded federal consumption guidelines. These results suggest that rapid growth rates and a high lipid content may play important roles in regulating concentrations of contaminants such as mercury.  相似文献   

Abstract  Seasonal differences in smolt traits and the post-smolt survival of wild Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were investigated by smolt trapping and Carlin-tagging in the River Simojoki, northern Finland between 1991 and 2004. The annual trapping season was divided into two halves based on the median catch date. Smolt length was significantly higher during the first half of the season, while differences in smolt weight were typically small. Smolt age was always significantly higher during the first half of the season because older smolts tended to migrate earlier in the season. Many smolts migrating during the early season and almost all smolts migrating later had started their new growth, indicating that smolts grow in the spring before sea entry. The differences in recaptures between smolts tagged during the first and second halves were insignificant. Although variations in smolt traits and environmental conditions can produce inter-annual variation in post-smolt survival, their seasonal differences seem to be too small to have an effect.  相似文献   

Two size groups (0.5 and 3 kg) of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were stressed by netting and transport from sea cages into land-based tanks. Handling lasted for 1 h. Before onset of stress, basal concentrations of haematocrit and haemoglobin, plasma cortisol and glucose, and liver and muscle glycogen were measured. All levels were within ranges reported for salmon. After handling and at chosen time intervals during recovery, samples were taken to judge the impact of handling and whether secondary changes in carbohydrate metabolism were related of fish size. A low cortisol peak indicated a mild stress reaction after handling independent to fish size. Plasma glucose peaked as cortisol declined, and returned to basal levels within 48 h. Liver glycogen seemed to be the main source of plasma glucose. No changes were measured in muscle glycogen concentrations. The results indicate a high tolerance to handling stress in Atlantic salmon independent of fish size.  相似文献   

Wild salmon (Salmo salar) parr and smolt were forced to swim against constant flow (50 cm.s–1) for 8 hours. Physiological properties describing the hormonal status, the energy metabolism and the ionic and osmotic balance of fish were measured from the fish prior to and at the end of the swimming test.Plasma cortisol levels were elevated in response to enforced swimming; the response of the smolt was clearly greater than that of the parr. Plasma thyroxine concentration increased in the parr but stayed at the initial level in the smolts. The parr consumed much of their coelomic fat, but the glycogen stores stayed nearly constant. The smolts had very low fat stores, and the glycogen stores were depleted in the test. The ionic and osmotic balance of the parr was stable in the test, but in smolts, the plasma Cl–1 and osmotic concentrations decreased and muscle moisture increased.The results indicate that downstream migration smolts have markedly lower physiological capacity for continuous swimming than parr.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of Aeromonas salmonicida infection on the swimming behaviour and physiology of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Fish were injected in the dorsal muscle with either 100 μL bacterium solution (3.05 × 107CFU mL?1) Aeromonas salmonicida, or 100 μL 0.9% NaCl (as control group). Compared with the control group, the pathogen injected group significantly impaired the critical swimming speed (Ucrit) and exhausting time (< 0.05), which were reduced by 37% and 39% at severe time (day 6, when most of the fish challenged by Aeromonas salmonicida died) respectively. Furthermore, the blood parameters related to their swimming behaviour were also influenced significantly by pathogen injection (< 0.05). The results showed that the high density lipoprotein (HDL), haemoglobin and total protein decreased by about 63%, 49% and 74% at the end, respectively, while lactate increased by about 29% on day 6. The results suggested that the swimming performance of Atlantic salmon might be a useful indicator of disease, and it was feasible to warn the outbreaks of acute disease by fish behaviour.  相似文献   

Laffaille P. Impact of stocked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) on habitat use by the wild population.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2011: 20: 67–73. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – We investigated the summer habitat occupied by populations of young‐of‐the‐year wild and stocked (farmed populations released into the native range) Atlantic salmon under allopatric and sympatric conditions. Under allopatric conditions, farmed and wild salmon occupied habitats with the same characteristics. The salmon preferentially occupied the riffle areas. However, under sympatric conditions, the fish occupied meso‐ and micro‐habitats with different characteristics. Wild salmon avoided habitats used by farmed salmon and preferred glide areas with considerable vegetation cover. This study suggests that differences in the pattern of habitats used by young Atlantic salmon were both size‐ and origin‐dependent and may result from intra‐species competition between farmed and wild populations. Given that stocking with farmed Atlantic salmon is carried out intensively to enhance recreational angling or to conserve salmon populations, this study warns that this can have a negative impact on the extant wild Atlantic salmon population.  相似文献   

Abstract– Food resource partitioning between Siberian sculpin ( Cottus poecilopus ) and Atlantic salmon parr ( Salmo salar ) was investigated throughout a summer season in the subarctic River Reisa, northern Norway. The two species had almost identical diets, feeding primarily on benthic invertebrates and selecting the same prey species. There was no strong segregation in the diel feeding rhythms of the two species, although the salmon parr consumed a large proportion of their food at night during August and September. The results suggest that the two species compete for food, and that interspecific competition for limited food resources may explain the low production of Atlantic salmon in this river. The observation of a high degree of dietary overlap between the sculpin and the salmon parr contrasts with expectation of interactive segregation. Further, the findings conflict with general niche and competition theories, being inconsistent with the competitive exclusion principle.  相似文献   

During the past 20 years, plant ingredients have taken over as the main constituents in feed for Atlantic salmon. This has changed the nutrient composition of the feeds, the bioavailability of nutrients and perhaps nutrient metabolism. Plant‐based diets also contain more anti‐nutrients. The EU‐funded project ARRAINA re‐evaluated recommendations for micronutrient supplementation to Atlantic salmon feeds, and the present study compared a diet supplemented with micronutrients according to NRC (2011) (control diet, 100% NP (nutrient package)) with a diet supplemented according to the new recommendations (New NP). Tissue concentrations of pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin C, Zn and Se were significantly higher; and Cu was lower in Atlantic salmon fed the diet with the New NP compared to the control fish. The New NP also gave a near significant effect on growth, decreased muscle firmness and increased muscle cell size, and it affected metabolism of nitrogen‐containing metabolites in the muscle. While we cannot be certain which micronutrient(s) gave these effects, the B vitamins are probable candidates, since they are mediators of intermediary metabolism and have been shown to influence some of the affected metabolites.  相似文献   

Methionine–choline‐deficient (MCD) mammals are known to accumulate liver TAG probably due to phosphatidylcholine (PC) deficiency and thus assembly of VLDL and transport of lipids from liver to peripheral organs. To assess whether supplementation of choline could spare methionine and secure a healthy liver metabolism, by reducing the endogenous PC synthesis without interfering with lipid transport and distribution, Atlantic salmon with initial BW of 700 g were fed adequate (1.9 g Met/16 gN) or surplus methionine (2.5 g Met/16 gN) diets of which were supplemented with choline or not for a period of 19 weeks. Fish fed the low‐methionine diets had reduced growth (p = .013) due to reduced protein gain (p = .007), while lipid gain slightly improved in fish fed the choline‐supplemented diets (p = .047). Also, feed conversion improved when fed surplus methionine (p < .001), while choline supplementation had no impact on feed conversion. No interaction between choline and methionine on growth performance or retention existed. Phospholipid status in liver and muscle was not affected by treatments, and no liver TAG accumulation occurred at the methionine levels used. Gene expression of ApoB100 necessary for assembling VLDL or pemt necessary for endogenous PC synthesis was unaffected by treatments. Capacity of methylation (MAT, BHMT) within the liver was not affected by treatment nor was the gene expression of enzymes in liver transsulfuration (CBS or CDO). Methionine status within liver was unaffected by treatments, while free methionine reduced in those fish fed the low‐methionine diets in muscle and plasma. Cystathionine and taurine were elevated when fed surplus methionine. Choline supplementation had no impact on sulphur amino acid metabolites in either tissue. Neither did choline supplementation improve TAG mobilization from liver to muscle. To conclude, choline does not improve endogenous phospholipid synthesis or transport of TAG from liver to muscle depot when added to diets containing 1.9 g Met/16 gN, while surplus methionine improved growth and protein retention, indicating that 1.9 g Met/16 gN is enough to support a healthy liver metabolism, but too low to support muscle protein deposition in adult salmon fed high plant protein diets for longer periods of time.  相似文献   

Run timing of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar vs. wild fish was compared by the use of video camera surveillance in 15 rivers over several years, covering 1600 km of the Norwegian coastline (from 58°N to 69°N). Annual runs of wild salmon varied among rivers from <200 fish to more than 10 000. During the surveillance period that for most rivers extended from late May to early October, larger‐sized salmon (fish ≥ 65 cm) generally entered the rivers earlier than small fish. The percentage of salmon identified as escaped farmed fish ranged from 0.1% to 17% across rivers with an average of 4.3%. Estimates of escapees are, however, assumed to represent minimum values because an unknown number of farmed fish passing the video cameras may have been misclassified as wild fish. By the use of a linear mixed model and generalised additive mixed models, it was found that the relationship between run timing and fish length differed significantly between farmed and wild salmon. While small‐sized farmed and wild fish (<65 cm) entered the river at about the same time, wild large salmon returned on average 1–2 weeks earlier than similarly sized escapees. The proportion of large‐sized farmed escapees also increased until late August and decreased thereafter. In contrast, there was a relatively constant and lower proportion of small‐sized escapees throughout the season. Within the surveillance period, there was no evidence of any exceptionally late runs of fish classified as escaped farmed salmon.  相似文献   

A total of 21 acidified Norwegian rivers are now being limed to re‐establish or restore Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., stocks. Natural reproduction of Atlantic salmon was evident 1 year after the first year of liming in all rivers that had lost their native stocks (n = 9) except for one river. The density of fry (age 0+) developed significantly more rapidly in rivers that supported remnant stocks than in rivers that had lost their stocks, based on data 5 years after treatment. Nine of the study rivers were supplied with hatchery‐reared salmon, mainly unfed fry. Of the rivers with lost stocks, those which were supplied with fish had significantly higher densities than those that were not enhanced. On the other hand, rivers with remnant stocks that were supplied with fish had significantly lower densities of salmon fry than those that did not undergo such mitigation measures. In 2001, all limed rivers yielded 41.9 t of salmon.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were fed nine experimental diets containing from 0 to 200 mg astaxanthin per kg?1 for six time periods, ranging from 3 to 21 months, in sea cages at Matre Aquaculture Research Station, Matredal, Norway. The sampled fish had an initial mean weight of 115 g and reached a weight of 3.2 kg at the termination of the experiment. Every third month, 10 fish from each dose and time group were sampled and the astaxanthin concentration in the flesh determined. The amount of astaxanthin in the flesh ranged from 0.7 to 8.9 mg kg?1 at the termination of the experiment. This paper discusses deposition of astaxanthin in the flesh of Atlantic salmon in relation to dietary carotenoid levels in the 0–200 mg kg?1 range and feeding times of 3–21 months. Under the conditions of this experiment, no significant effect on astaxanthin deposition rate could be achieved by increasing the astaxanthin level above 60 mg kg dry feed?1. Atlantic salmon should be fed astaxanthin-supplemented diets during the whole seawater stage in order to obtain maximal astaxanthin level in the flesh.  相似文献   

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