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Vaccination of parent chickens with a commercial live infectious bursal disease (IBD) vaccine under field conditions at varying ages and by different routes resulted in variable susceptibility to the disease in their chicks. There was little correlation between the methods of vaccination and the levels of immunity in the chicks. There was some evidence that levels of transferred immunity decreased with the age of the parents. Of five flocks examined, the onset of susceptibility to IBD occurred at two days of age in two flocks and about one week of age in the other three. Four flocks were completely susceptible by the 27th day, the other at 31 days. Precipitins were demonstrated at day old in 100 per cent of chicks in three flocks and in 80 per cent in the other two. The precipitins had disappeared in all flocks by 17 days of age.  相似文献   

Broiler chicks from a parent flock previously vaccinated with a commercial tenosynovitis (viral arthritis) vaccine were challenged when one day old with a virulent form of the vaccinal reovirus strain. A group from unvaccinated parents was similarly challenged. At three weeks after infection it was found that, while maternal antibody reduced the incidence of lesions of tenosynovitis by about 50 per cent and also the amount of virus in the gut when compared with the group without maternal antibody, the rates of recovery of virus from the hock joints were very similar. The possible epidemiological importance of persistent virus in the joints of clinically protected chicks is discussed.  相似文献   

Fumonisin toxicity in broiler chicks.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of dietary fumonisin B1 were evaluated in young broiler chicks. The experimental design consisted of 5 treatments each with 9 randomly allotted male broiler chicks. Day-old chicks were fed diets containing 0 (feed control), 100, 200, 300, or 400 mg fumonisin B1/kg feed for 21 days. Response variables measured were chick performance, organ weights, serum biochemistry, and histologic parameters. Body weights and average daily gain dramatically decreased with increasing dietary fumonisin B1, and liver, proventriculus, and gizzard weights increased. Diarrhea, thymic cortical atrophy, multifocal hepatic necrosis, biliary hyperplasia, and rickets were present in chicks fed diets containing fumonisin B1. Serum calcium, cholesterol, and aspartate aminotransferase levels all increased at higher fumonisin dietary levels. Results indicate that fumonisin, from Fusarium moniliforme culture material, is toxic in young chicks.  相似文献   

The effects of probiotics and maternal vaccination with an inactivated Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) vaccine on day-old chicks challenged with SE were evaluated. A 2 X 3 factorial arrangement was used (with or without probiotics; breeders nonvaccinated, vaccinated intramuscularly, or vaccinated intraperitoneally). Three trials were conducted in isolation cabinets and SE challenge was different between trials. The number of SE organisms per chick and the time interval between housing and introduction of seeder birds (hereafter called challenge) were 1.6 X 10(8) and 1 hr (Trial I), 1.8 X 10(6) and 12 hr (Trial II), and 1.2 X 10(4) and 24 hr (Trial III). SE recovery was assessed in ceca and liver at 3, 5, and 7 days postchallenge, and the number of colony-forming units (CFU) in ceca was evaluated at 5 and 7 days postchallenge. The number of SE (log CFU) in the ceca reduced 0.56 log (from 7.59 to 7.03) and 1.45 log (7.62 to 6.17) because of the treatment with probiotics in Trials II and III, respectively. The greater reduction in Trial III indicates the importance of the early use of probiotics on the prevention of SE infection. Treatment with probiotics resulted in a smaller number of SE-positive livers after 5 days postchallenge on Trial III. Although there was no significant effect of maternal vaccination on the number of SE CFU in the ceca, a significant effect of maternal vaccination on the SE CFU was observed in the liver, but not in the ceca at 5 days after challenge.  相似文献   

It should be established, whether animals vaccinated intramuscularly (IM) with a live Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) marker vaccine become viremic and/or excrete vaccine virus with nasal discharge. Five cattle, seronegative for BHV-1, were vaccinated with an overdose of the vaccine (Bovilis IBR marker live) via the IM route. Nasal swabs and blood samples were taken at regular intervals and tested for BHV-1 in a virus infectivity assay. In addition, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) specific for BHV-1 DNA was performed on the blood samples. BHV-1 neutralizing antibody titres were determined in the sera taken prior to the vaccination and four weeks after immunisation. AIl animals were successfully vaccinated as judged by the development of BHV-1 neutralising antibodies. However, all nasal swab samples were tested negative for vaccine virus, and all blood samples were found negative for BHV-1 vaccine virus and BHV-1 specific DNA. From these data it can be concluded that the vaccine virus was not excreted with nasal discharge after IM vaccination and that the vaccinated animals did not have a detectable viremia. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the tested BHV-1 marker live vaccine by the IM route in situations where it is undesirable that the vaccine virus is excreted.  相似文献   

The relationship between antibody response to Salmonella enteritidis vaccine and internal organ burden of S. enteritidis is not fully understood. The genetic relationship, therefore, between postchallenge S. enteritidis burden and antibody response to S. enteritidis vaccine was determined in broiler breeder chicks. Sibling chicks from a broiler breeder male line were either inoculated with a pathogenic S. enteritidis or vaccinated with a commercial S. enteritidis vaccine. Spleen, liver, cecal wall, and cecal content samples from S. enteritidis-challenged chicks (n = 120) were cultured for enumeration of bacteria. Unchallenged chicks (n = 314) were vaccinated at 11 days of age, and serum samples were taken at 10 days postvaccination. Antibody response to vaccination and number of S. enteritidis in cecal content cultures were negatively correlated (-0.772), demonstrating that genetic potential for greater antibody response to S. enteritidis vaccine is associated with lesser S. enteritidis bacterial burden in cecal content of broiler breeder chicks. The findings suggest that genetic selection for vaccine antibody responsiveness can lower bacterial burden in the gut lumenal content and, thus, potentially reduce contamination of poultry products at processing.  相似文献   

Administered via the drinking water, M-3-G, an attenuated strain of Pasteurella multocida of serotype 1, was found to immunize turkeys and chickens against fowl cholera. Immunity was tested by challenging birds intramuscularly, by palatine cleft swab, or orally after 3 vaccinations. No reactions to vaccination were noted in 390 turkeys in 12 laboratory trials, nor in 20,245 vaccinated in field trials. Chickens showed no vaccination reactions, and immunity was elicited by challenge in a laboratory trial and in face of natural outbreaks in the field, where 11,600 chickens were vaccinated. No vaccination reactions were noted, although most birds involved in the trials were carrying Mycoplasma spp. Immunity was found to last about 10 weeks after the last vaccination. The immunizing properties of M-3-G are compared with the CU strain.  相似文献   

1. Body weight and the weight of the digestive organs and activities of some digestive enzymes were determined from hatching to 23 d of age. 2. Relative daily growth rate peaked at 11 d of age (22% gain/d) and then decreased gradually. 3. The vitelline residue was decreased rapidly from 4.6 g at hatching to negligible values from 4 d of age. 4. Maximal allometric growth of the pancreas and small intestine was 4-fold and that of liver 2-fold greater than that of the body. 5. Activities (units/kg body weight) of the digestive enzymes measured in the pancreas and intestinal contents increased with age. In the pancreas maximal values were attained on day 8 for amylase and lipase and 11 for trypsin and chymotrypsin. In the small intestine maxima were attained on day 4 for lipase, 11 for trypsin and chymotrypsin and 17 for amylase. 6. The development of secretion of digestive enzymes in the post-hatched chick could be a limiting factor in digestion and subsequently in food intake and growth.  相似文献   

Flocks of broiler breeder chickens housed on a commercial farm were monitored from 13 w of age for natural infection with endemic lentogenic Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Seroconversion was first detected at 17 w. By 24 w, all 8 flocks had achieved peak log2 mean haemagglutination inhibiting antibody titres of up to 4.8. Antibody titres then declined and rose again over several months, suggesting cyclic reinfection with NDV. A lentogenic NDV indistinguishable from V4 was isolated from the cloaca of one bird at 18 weeks of age. At 54 weeks of age, 6 of 8 flocks were vaccinated en masse with live V4 NDV vaccine, 3 flocks by drinking water and 3 flocks by aerosol. All flocks were serologically monitored for a further 8 w. Drinking water vaccination induced an anamnestic response in 3 flocks, showing that flocks with pre-existing active immunity to NDV may be successfully vaccinated with V4. However, in all aerosol vaccinated flocks, the procedures failed to induce a response different to that observed in unvaccinated flocks. The serological response to vaccination was greater in sires than in dams.  相似文献   

The course of a spontaneous outbreak of aspergillosis in a broiler flock was studied. Up to the 10th day of life the total mortality was 8%. Surviving broiler had an average body weight of 141 g on the 7th day of life, in contrast to the normal body weight of 150 g per bird. Aspergillosis was diagnosed in another three broiler flocks as well in an early stage of infection. Treatment with Enilconazole (Clinafarm Spray, Janssen, Neuss) in these flocks at a single time via spray in a dosage of 1.5 g enilconazole per 10 m2 housing ground obviously reduced mortality from the second day on after treatment. The average body weight of 7-day-old broiler was in a normal range. The success of the treatment depends on an early diagnosis and immediate start of the therapy. The source of infection (hatchery, transport, litter etc.) should be discovered and eliminated to prevent flocks from further infections.  相似文献   

Two growth experiments were conducted to evaluate in broiler chicks the compatibility between lasalocid medication in the feed (at 90 or 125 ppm) and a long-term administration of chloramphenicol either via the feed (500 ppm) or via the drinking water (500 mg/liter).The simultaneous administration of lasalocid and chloramphenicol generally caused severe growth depression, decreased feed intake and impaired feed conversion. Several chicks showed evident symptoms of intoxication, such as ataxia, leg weakness and paralysis. The development and frequency of these symptoms were dependent on the dosage of lasalocid and on the duration of the simultaneous administration.Biochemical examinations (Experiment 2) revealed in the affected chicks significant changes in several parameters, in particular a markedly increased activity of creatine kinase and GOT in the plasma. It confirmed that the observed leg weakness and paralysis were caused by myodegeneration.  相似文献   

To determine the Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) rapid serum plate agglutination (RSPA) test response of broiler breeders after ts-11 strain vaccination, 55 Cobb pullets derived from a nonvaccinated, MG-negative, commercial, broiler breeder grandparent flock were monitored from 8 to 20 wk of age (over a 12-wk trial period). To evaluate the effect of lateral spread of the ts-11 vaccine strain on RSPA test results from commingled and adjacently penned birds, treatment groups included (A) birds vaccinated with ts-11strain MG at 8 wk of age, (B) commingled nonvaccinates in the same pen as the vaccinated birds, (C) nonvaccinates in a second pen separated from the first pen by a distance of 2 m, and (D) birds vaccinated with ts-11 strain MG at 8 wk of age and kept in a separate room. Rapid serum plate agglutination tests were performed once a week for 6 wk and then every 2 wk for 6 more wk, postvaccination. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay specific fbr ts-11 strain MG was used to confirm vaccination, and a second PCR specific for non-ts-11 strain MG was used to confirm the absence of field infection. Seroconversion was first detected by the RSPA test 2 wk postvaccination and attained maximum positive rates of 58% at 12 wk postvaccination in treatment A and 60% at 8 wk postvaccination in treatment D. Seroconversion rates in nonvaccinated, commingled pullets was 10% at 5 wk and 30% at 12 wk after the vaccination of pen mates. The ts-11-specific PCR detected the vaccine strain in 80%-100% of the vaccinated birds 2 wk after vaccination. One of 15 nonvaccinated birds penned 2 m from vaccinated birds yielded ts-11 by PCR assay 12 wk after vaccination, which indicates that the spread of ts-11 over short distances may be possible in situations in which there is a common caretaker. PCR on tracheal swabs taken 12 wk postvaccination detected ts-l1 in 50% and 60% of the vaccinated birds in treatments A and D, respectively; in 30% of the commingled nonvaccinates; and in 6.6% of the separately penned nonvaccinates. In contrast, choanal swabs collected from vaccinated birds at 12 wk were 21% and 40% PCR positive for ts-11 strain MG, while those from nonvaccinates were negative. All samples were PCR negative for field strain MG. The pattern of seroconversion as measured by RSPA test in small groups of broiler breeders was different from that previously reported for leghorns. Lateral spread of the ts-11 strain to commingled pen mates occurred rapidly, causing RSPA seroconversion patterns that mimicked those of the vaccinated pen mates.  相似文献   

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