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良好的海洋生态环境是海洋渔业可持续发展的基础,而可持续渔业是我国农业现代化建设的重要战略,更是认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于发展海洋经济和建设海洋生态文明的决策部署。基于此,以汕头市海洋生态环境现状为例,剖析当前汕头市海洋资源现状及海洋生境破坏对海洋渔业的影响,并对促进汕头市海洋渔业可持续发展提出一些对策和建议。  相似文献   

山东省作为沿海城市,现已加大力度着重发展海洋经济。海洋渔业是当前我国经济的重要组成部分,因而如何正确引导海洋渔业发展已成为当前的热点问题。基于此,通过对我国海洋渔业管理现状的总结,切实分析实行总可捕捞量、限额、配额制度的必要性与困难,以期为我国海洋渔业资源的保护提供切实有效的方案。  相似文献   

一带一路"建设是新时期中国深化国内改革扩大对外开放改善中国崛起的外部环境及实现中国与世界共同发展与共同繁荣的重大战略举措。它对于我国农产品国际贸易具有重要意义。"一带一路"农产品国际贸易的主旨是与沿线国家发展经济合作关系,促进农产品国际贸易深度发展,打造一个互利互惠、均衡开放的农产品合作框架。  相似文献   

21世纪是绿色革命的时代,绿色经济成为人们逐渐认知的概念。绿色经济倡议的提出,使得全球范围内的领导者转变了意识,经济绿色化是不可避免的,农业绿色化发展是中国发展绿色经济的重要标志,发展绿色农业并建设绿色的农业体系是当前中国农业发展的目标。基于此,对中国绿色农业的发展现状进行分析,找出中国绿色经济倡议下发展农业中遇到的问题,为在发展绿色经济倡议下中国农业的发展提出相应的对策,希望对相关领域有所帮助。  相似文献   

浙江省是我国的产茶大省,历年来茶叶大量出口至日本、中东、欧洲等国家和地区,茶叶深受各国消费者的青睐。"一带一路"倡议对浙江茶叶出口带来了新的机遇,将产生重大而深远的影响。基于此,对浙江茶叶出口现状进行分析,深入剖析"一带一路"倡议对浙江茶业出口贸易带来的影响,认为浙江必须坚持提高茶叶出口质量,优化茶产业结构,同时要加强浙江茶叶龙头企业培育,并全面提高企业应对绿色壁垒的能力。  相似文献   

"一带一路"(The Belt and Road,BR)是国家级顶层战略,是"丝绸之路经济带"和"21世纪海上丝绸之路"的简称,主要就是通过古代丝绸之路中的各种历史符号,倡导和平发展的观念,构建一个与沿线国家共同开展的经济何种关系,这种关系对于社会经济的发展有着重要的作用,其中环保国际发展趋势,在"一带一路"战略中有着较为重要的定位与作用。  相似文献   

本文通过分析农产品质量安全学科的特点及内涵,结合我国与"一带一路"框架下不同国家和地区农产品质量安全科技发展水平与需求,实例研究提出了欧洲、东南亚、中亚三位一体的农产品质量安全科技合作战略与重点,并为在"一带一路"框架下取得成果与突破提出了工作建议。  相似文献   

文章在介绍渔业循环经济的概念及原则的基础上,分析了现阶段我国渔业经济发展面临的主要困境,亦从5个方面提升促进渔业循环经济发展的对策措施:一是明确渔业资源产权制度,二是完善价格机制,三是大力推行限额捕捞制度,四是促进渔业深层次发展,五是规范渔业资源增殖放流工作。  相似文献   

随着"一带一路"倡议的推进,沿线各国农产品国际贸易发展途径都有所扩大,我国农产品国际贸易也迎来了很大的发展空间。然而目前我国农产品国际贸易还存在诸多问题,直接制约了农产品国际贸易稳定发展,因此积极探讨应对措施,改善国际贸易发展质量势在必行。  相似文献   

中巴经济走廊是中国"一带一路"倡议的先试区和重点区,如何实现该区域内的精确可靠的洪灾风险评价是中国"一带一路"推进中所面临的关键问题。该研究依据中巴经济走廊0.25°×0.25°格点数据集(V1)中的日降水数据集,综合考虑致灾因子、孕灾环境和承灾体等构建了由多变量组成的评价指标体系,提出运用改进的博弈论耦合直觉模糊层次分析主观权重和基于指标相关性的客观权重(Criteria Importance Though Intercrieria Correlation,CRITIC)并计算得到最优组合权重。以中巴经济走廊为典型研究区开展洪灾风险评价的实例分析并对其年代际演变特征进行了研究,结果表明:1)基于改进的博弈论组合赋权实现了单位约束下组合权重寻优计算,在此基础上得到的风险分区更加精细;2)计算所得2010年洪水淹没面积为14.9万km~2,计算结果与实际调查洪水淹没面积间相关系数为0.66,验证洪灾风险评价方法合理、可靠,评价结果基本符合历史实际洪灾情况;3)中巴经济走廊内洪灾危险性受降水、地形影响较大,其风险度的空间分布表现为东南部大于西北部;4)中高风险区和高风险区占研究区面积的28.5%,基本为地形变化小、河网密集、人口分布集中的区域,由此指示需关注中巴经济走廊内洪灾对社会经济发展的影响与危害;5)区域内洪灾高风险区随1990—2010年代际变化而扩大,引起风险上升的主要因素为极端降水的发生。研究结果可为"一带一路"等重点地区的自然灾害防范和评估分析提供理论依据和决策支持,并为洪涝灾害预报提供有效信息。  相似文献   

以基于人工鱼礁为构建主体的大亚湾海洋牧场为研究实例,以2007年4月和2009年5月调查数据为基础,研究了海洋牧场在资源养护和提高海域碳汇能力等方面的作用。结果表明,人工鱼礁型海洋牧场建设提高了海域浮游生物和底栖生物的栖息密度以及渔业资源的数量和质量,底栖生物和游泳生物的生物多样性指数增加,渔业资源优势种中的优质经济鱼类的数量增加。根据海域叶绿素浓度的提高进行计算,海洋牧场建设使海域碳汇增加了937.40kgC,相当于3.44tCO2。如果同时考虑通过渔业生物收获从海域中移出碳而增加的海域碳汇能力,则其起到的海域碳增汇能力将更高。本研究的结果表明,海洋牧场是一种环境友好型、可持续发展的低碳渔业生产模式,有利于水生生物资源养护和增殖,也是生物碳汇扩增的科学途径。  相似文献   

Fisheries management in most areas of the world is concerned with the effects of resource exploitation on the broad marine environment that includes all major ecological components. However, all fisheries lack some information about many of these components particularly marine habitats and non-target species. Such data deficiencies make it difficult to identify priorities for management action. Qualitative ecological risk assessment is one tool that can be used by management to prioritise and evaluate management strategies. This paper demonstrates the mechanics of a qualitative ecological risk assessment applied to a currently operating data deficient commercial fishery. In particular, we demonstrate how the method applies to two distinct ecological components – marine habitats and harvested species – and shows how it contributed to the formation of management responses. The method combines biological and ecological information about each component with knowledge on the operations of the fishery. Using pre-defined decision rules and criteria the available information is used in a rigorous, transparent and repeatable manner. The paper demonstrates that the method can be used generally to apply to all ecological components of a marine fishery where data is deficient.  相似文献   

随着智慧渔业的发展,现代渔业中运用的先进传感设备越来越多。近年来,柔性传感技术凭借出色的可拉伸性和生物相容性,既良好地实现了刚性和植入型传感器的传感功能,又弥补了传统传感器体积重量大、生物不相容的缺陷,拓宽了传感器在渔业应用的范围,显示出巨大的应用潜力。该文系统地阐述了柔性传感装置使用的柔性材料、制造工艺、供能和通信系统,总结并分析了柔性可穿戴传感技术在鱼类运动监测、水环境监测、水产品质量检测3个方面的应用及其优缺点。最后,讨论了可穿戴设备在渔业应用中的机遇和挑战,认为其在低成本制备、多功能集成、新材料开发、应用场景的挖掘等方面具有较大的发展潜力,有广阔的应用前景,同时指出提高复杂条件下可穿戴设备传感的稳定性和可靠性、设计多参数一体化检测的微型传感系统、开发可靠的可穿戴设备自供电模块和拓展应用场景是柔性可穿戴技术在智慧渔业领域的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

Bonefish (Albula spp.) are a widely distributed group of morphologically indistinguishable marine fish species, that provide a recreational sport fishery, that is important for many local economies. Although the majority of angled bonefish are released following capture, little is known about their behavior or post-release survival. Using ultrasonic transmitters and small visual floats, we assessed behavior and mortality of bonefish following catch-and-release angling at spring water temperatures (25.5-27.3 °C) in two regions of the Bahamas with differing shark abundances. All observed mortality occurred within 30 min of release and was a direct result of predation by sharks. In the low shark abundance areas, all released bonefish survived, whereas in the high shark abundance areas, some mortality (39%) was observed. Exhaustively angled fish exposed to air had problems maintaining equilibrium following release. These fish typically spent substantial periods of the first 30 min post-release remaining stationary, then moved in rapid bursts. The results of this study, highlight the benefits of angling and releasing bonefish quickly, minimizing handling and particularly air exposure. Furthermore, when shark predation threat is high, anglers should avoid releasing bonefish in the immediate area. The conservation of exploited recreational bonefish fisheries will depend upon the development and dissemination of science-based catch-and-release strategies.  相似文献   

The role of marine protected areas in conserving fish stocks and their potential influence on adjacent fisheries was studied at Malindi and Watamu Marine National Parks, Kenya (established in 1968). For most species catch per unit effort (CPUE) in traditional Dema traps fished across park boundaries was higher within the parks (up to an order of magnitude). However, a few species (e.g., the seagrass parrotfish, Leptoscarus vaigensis and the whitespotted rabbitfish, Siganus sutor, WSR) had higher seasonal CPUE outside the parks. Potential spillover of fishes from the parks to adjacent fished areas was tested with a logistic “decay” model of density gradients (CPUE) across park borders from fringing and patch reefs. A steep decay in CPUE off the Malindi patch reef suggested little spillover of most species. However, greater spillover was suggested off fringing reefs. Species differences were evident. The two most important commercial species showed different density gradients. Species diversity declined more abruptly off the fringing reefs. We conclude that although spillover of most species from the parks is limited, the most important commercial species exhibits significant spillover to adjacent fisheries and the Parks likely comprise important nursery and growth areas for other species.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas can enhance fish stocks within their boundaries, but the circumstances in which they might also supplement stocks or enhance fisheries outside their boundaries are less clear. Using visual survey and fishery data, we assess the impacts of increasing fishing effort, and of the establishment in Hawaii of a network of areas closed to aquarium fishing, on the prime-target species, yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens), and draw conclusions about MPA impacts on long-term fishery sustainability. Between 1999, when 27.8% of the coastline was closed to collecting, and 2007, the number of active fishers and total catch of yellow tang doubled. Prior to MPA establishment, yellow tang densities were similar at sites open to fishing and those slated for closure. By 2007, closed areas had five times the density of prime targeted sized fish (5-10 cm), and 48% higher density of adults than open areas. Densities of adults in ‘boundary’ areas (open areas <1 km from nearest MPA boundary) were significantly higher than in open areas far from MPA boundaries, which was indicative of spillover at that scale. Given the long life-span of yellow tang (>40 years) relative to the duration of protection and the increasing intensity of fishing, the likelihood is that protected areas will become increasingly important sources for the adult fishes which will sustain stocks and the fishery over the longer term.  相似文献   

The Marine Management Plan for the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage Site, Japan, provides a case study for adaptive marine ecosystem management and co-management of coastal fisheries. Shiretoko was the third World Natural Heritage Site registered in Japan and earned this title because of its (i) formation of seasonal sea ice at some of the lowest latitudes in the world, (ii) high biodiversity, and (iii) many globally threatened species. The natural resource management plan of the Shiretoko site is characterized by transparency and consensus building, because (i) UNESCO and IUCN require that the plan be sustainable and (ii) the Government of Japan has guaranteed local fisheries that there will be no additional regulations included in the plan. The Marine Management Plan describes which species and factors are monitored, how these data are evaluated, and how the benchmarks specified by ecosystem management are determined. The plan will provide a valuable example for the establishment of “environment-friendly fisheries” in Japan and other countries, because it includes voluntary activities by resource users that are suitable for use in a local context, flexible to ecological/social fluctuations, and efficiently implemented through increased legitimacy and compliance. This approach is appropriate for coastal communities where a large number of small-scale fishers catch a variety of species using various types of gear. We develop a method to evaluate fisheries integrity by-catch and yield data.  相似文献   

Marine reserves are increasingly advocated not only as conservation but also as fisheries management tools to safeguard the decline of coastal fishing resources. Still, conclusive evidence of their functioning is lacking, amongst others due to the influence of spatio-temporal variations in fish populations and habitat heterogeneity which could hamper a sound data interpretation. We conducted a spatial analysis of the benefits of the Medes Island Marine Reserve by combining geostatistical and Geographic Information System (GIS) tools. Concurrently, we analysed effects of trends reflecting habitat heterogeneity and spatial structuring of data on spatial predictions of fish catch per unit effort (CPUE) and length. Predicted spatial patterns showed the complexity and simultaneous action of trend factors leading to mostly non-linear gradients in CPUE and length data. CPUE of total fish and CPUE and length of common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) increased close to the Integral Reserve due to direct and indirect reserve effects. CPUE and length of striped red mullet (Mullus surmuletus) slightly increased also near the Integral Reserve, but distinct reserve effects could not be identified due to the strong influence of artificial reefs. We conclude that the spatial dimension of the Buffer Zone, where artisanal fisheries are allowed, permits in general protection only for target species, favouring a habitat with no discontinuities from the reserve outwards. Our spatial approach to assess reserve benefits provides major insights into complex systems like coastal marine reserves in the northwestern Mediterranean. In addition, it contributes to a crucial aspect of marine conservation, viz. the decision on the spatial dimension of protected areas.  相似文献   

中国农作物秸秆资源分布及其产业体系与利用路径   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:5  
中国具有丰富的农作物秸秆资源,推进农作物秸秆综合利用,不仅可减少田间焚烧环境污染、消除火灾隐患,还可增加农民收入、改善农村人居环境、促进农业可持续发展。基于中国大陆地区各省级行政区的统计数据,探讨了中国农作物秸秆资源构成与空间分布特征。玉米、水稻、小麦三大粮食作物秸秆占全国秸秆资源总量的84.8%;秸秆资源总体呈现出"东高西低、北高南低"的阶梯状分布特征。统揽中国秸秆产业发展全局,系统梳理并深入解析了中国秸秆产业政策体系、市场体系、技术体系和监管体系发展历程和现状。分别以单一利用、综合利用、战略布局和区域统筹为鲜明特征,将秸秆利用政策历程划分为政策起步期(1979—2007年)、政策发展期(2008—2012年)、政策转型期(2013—2016年)和政策深化期(2017年至今)。系统阐释了中国农作物秸秆农业利用、能源化利用和高值化利用的主要路径与模式。该研究可为指导中国秸秆资源开发利用提供重要的基础支撑和决策参考。  相似文献   

There are over 700,000 lakes in Canada, east of the Ontario-Manitoba border and south of latitude 52. This region supports much of Canada's freshwater fishery resources, mostly in acid-sensitive habitat. Of these lakes, half have alkalinities less than 50 μeq.L?1 and 150,000 have a pH less than 6. There are 14,000 acidic lakes i.e., with a pH less than 4.7. Models of lake-watershed systems have been developed to predict the future response of fishery resources in eastern Canada. Despite considerable uncertainties in key parameters, the predicted range of losses is not great. The models predict that with current acid deposition, up to 9 % of all lakes will ultimately have a pH less than 5. Reduction of deposition rates, either by 40 % everywhere or to a maximum of 12 kg.ha?1SO4, greatly reduces the predicted losses. The models give conservative predictions of impact as inclusion of loss of watershed acid neutralizing capacity and fish mortality due to episodic pH depression would indicate greater losses. The freshwater fishery resources of eastern Canada are important economically accounting for 42 × 106 angler-days and $1.4 × 109 yr?1 per year. Up to 10 % of this sector of the Canadian economy could be at risk.  相似文献   

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