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虾夷马粪海胆是从R本引进的优良海水增养殖品种,1年中有2个繁殖季节,春季5-6月份,秋季9-11月份,适穴繁殖水温10-20℃。我国北方的育苗生产单位多在9-11月份利用育苗设施的相对空闲时间进行人工育苗。本文简要介绍了虾夷马粪海胆秋季人工育苗的技术要点,供生产单位参考。  相似文献   

光棘球海胆(strongylocentrotus nudus)属于棘皮动物门,游在亚门,海胆纲,正形目,球海胆科.全世界现存的海胆种类有850种左右,但可食用的较少,具有较好经济价值的种类不超过30种.光棘球海胆(又称大连紫海胆)是我国北方沿海最主要的经济种类之一,主要分布于辽东半岛和山东半岛的黄渤海海域.  相似文献   

杨旭  姜功敏  周成志  丛立晶 《水产科学》2001,20(3):27-27,30
虾夷马粪球海胆(Strongylocentrotus intermedius)人工育苗中,亲胆采用0.5mol/L KCl溶液围口膜注射法催产,孵化密度20-30个/ml,个体培育期间以投喂角刺灌效果最好,当幼虫培育积温达367-369℃(约20-21d)附着变态,平均变态率为26.9%。共得稚胆334万枚。  相似文献   

虾夷马粪海胆人工育苗的研究↑(*)   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
虾夷马粪海胆1989年5月从日本北海道引入大连,初引进海胆壳径为0.5~1.3cm,养至1990年10月性成熟并进行首次育苗,培育出F1代,其后1993年~1995年又培育出F2和F3代约500万枚。亲海胆采取海区笼养和室内促熟方法。诱产用阴干与流水、注射0.5MKCl、加入性产物三种催产方法可成功获得成熟精、卵。受精卵孵化需11.5~12.5h(16.0~18.5℃)达囊胚期上浮,后经二腕、四腕、六腕、八腕幼虫,以纤细角刺藻为饵料,18~21天(15.0~18.5℃)变态附着为稚海胆并摄食底栖硅藻,30天~50天达0.2~0.3cm以上剥离投喂石莼、囊藻、海带等,当壳径长至0.5~1.0cm以上时可下海养殖。  相似文献   

紫海胆Anthocidaris crassispina (A.Agassiz)属棘皮动物门Bchinopermata、海胆纲Bchinoidea,拱齿目Camarodonta,长海胆科Echinometridae。我国主要分布于浙江,福建、台湾、广东、广西、南海等地。海胆生殖腺营养极其丰富,将其制成海胆酱,出口到日本,欧美及马来西亚等地。  相似文献   

中间球海胆与光棘球海胆杂交及子一代人工育苗技术   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8  
研究结果表明,虽然中间球海胆与光棘球海胆的繁殖时间有差异。但通过筛选能够同时得到自然成熟的精卵,在比正常海胆自交精子量高20-40倍的精子作用下,中间球海胆为母本,光棘球海胆为父本,杂交受精率为47.1%,而反交的受精率为1.9%,正反交受精率均低于自交组。在适宜的水温,光照及饵料等培养条件下,两杂交组均能够生长,附着变态,并且变态时间与母本相近。  相似文献   

中间球海胆(Strongylocentrotus intermedius)在有些文献中又称虾夷马粪海胆,原产于日本北部海域,是食用海胆中质量最好、市场价格最高的种类之一。1989年由大连水产学院从国外引进,并在辽宁、山东等部分沿海地区进行推广,现已在大连等地发展成为重要出口创汇海产品,其人工育苗  相似文献   

大连紫海胆人工育苗试验   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
本文就大连紫海胆人工育苗的主要技术环节以及种海胆成熟度鉴别等进行了探讨。1988的试验结果表明:使用0.5M的KC1诱导采卵并按卵与精子1:1000的密度人工授精,受精卵按1~2个/毫升孵化,浮游幼体按0.2~0.8个/毫升培育并以牟氏角毛藻为主单一或混合投喂,稚海胆前期以底栖硅藻,后期加喂石莼或者剥离后投喂石莼或人工配合饲料,整个育苗工艺基本是可行的。  相似文献   

海胆Echinoidea,是棘皮动物门海胆纲的通称。世界上现存的海胆约有850多种,我国沿海约有150多种。常见的如马粪海胆、大连紫海胆、心形海胆、紫海胆、刻肋海胆等。海胆是海洋里一种古老的生物,与海星、海参是近亲。据科学考证,它在地球上已有上亿年的生存史。  相似文献   

我国主要经济海胆的工厂化育苗技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹学彬  常亚青 《渔业现代化》2007,34(4):30-32,43
主要对我国主要经济海胆虾夷马粪海胆(Strongylocentrotus intermedius)、光棘球海胆(S.nudus)、马粪海胆(Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus)和紫海胆(Anthocidaris crassispina)工厂化育苗的主要技术环节,包括种海胆的选择、促熟、雌雄鉴定、催产,海胆幼虫的发育、培育,稚海胆的收集、培育,以及饵料的培养进行了综述。  相似文献   

This study was performed to compare the various bioactivities of water-soluble, polar, and nonpolar extracts from the edible part (gonad) and waste (body wall) of the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla. During antioxidant activity screening, these three extracts from both gonad and body wall showed various antioxidant activities in different tests. During human skin fibroblast (CCD966SK) viability and collagen screening, only water-soluble and polar extracts from gonad and body wall were observed to promote cell viability, while the water-soluble gonad extract promoted the collagen-generating activity of CCD966SK cells. The water-soluble and polar extracts from gonad and body wall showed proliferative activity towards different cell types. In contrast, the nonpolar extracts of gonad and body wall exerted antiproliferative effects on most tumor cells. These results indicate that the bioactivities of sea urchin extracts depend on the part of the urchin that the extract was taken from as well as the extraction method used.  相似文献   

This gonad enhancement study investigates the effect of different fresh and formulated feeds and feeding regimes on the growth and gonad quality of wild‐collected adult sea urchin, Tripneustes gratilla, under farm conditions for over 18 weeks. In the first 12 weeks (phase 1), urchins were fed fresh Ulva rigida (U); a 50:50 mixture of fresh U. rigida and Gracilaria gracilis (UG); fresh G. gracilis (G) and a formulated diet 20U (containing 20% U. rigida), and in the final 6 weeks (phase 2) of the study, diet was changed to a formulated feed (20U diet). By the end of phase 1, urchins fed the 20U diet produced gonads (50.72 ± 5.4 g) that were significantly heavier (p < .001) than the gonads of urchins fed the fresh seaweed diets (U, UG & G). By the end of phase 2, gonad weight of urchins in treatment groups UG‐20U and G‐20U were similar to those fed the 20U‐20U diet. Gonad colour of urchins in the G‐20U treatment became significantly lighter (ANOVA, p = .029) and poorer quality, compared with urchins in the U‐20U group. This gonad enhancement study, conducted on wild‐collected adult T. gratilla, has shown that a formulated feed (20U diet) can enhance gonad growth and produce commercially acceptable gonads. This farm‐based study supports previous findings from aquarium‐based studies by our group and indicates that short‐term sea urchin gonad enhancement can be carried out under farm conditions in South Africa.  相似文献   

This study investigated growth and gonad production of Tripneustes gratilla fed four protein‐rich artificial diets supplemented with varying amounts (0%, 5%, 15% and 20% weight/weight (w/w); designated 0, 5, 15 and 20U, respectively) of the macroalga Ulva over a 12‐week period. Gonad size, texture, colour and a number of production performance parameters were quantified and compared with urchins fed fresh Ulva (FU) and a combination of FU and artificial feed (FB). All artificial diets significantly ( 0.05) increased gonad somatic indices (GSI) compared with the FU treatment. The 20U treatment increased GSI by 205% by week 9, compared with a 57% increase in the GSI of urchins fed FU. Gonad colour was calculated using three colour parameters, namely L* (lightness), a* (redness) and b* (yellowness). Whereas L* and a* values did not differ significantly between treatments, b* values for all treatments, with the exception of the 20U and FB treatments, were significantly ( 0.05) lower or less yellow than the FU treatment by week 12. These results show that we have successfully formulated a feed (20U) which can produce commercially acceptable gonads in terms of both size and colour, indicating the potential for this artificial feed to support commercial echinoculture.  相似文献   

1 亲参培育期间应安排人员值班 在接近产卵或有产卵迹象时,必须安排值班,确保产卵后的及时处理.如夜间无人值班,翌日清晨吸底应检查是否有卵,以免漏掉小批量的卵.  相似文献   

In this study, we demonstrate how stable carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) isotope analysis can be used to estimate the allocation of specific dietary ingredients, incorporated into four artificially formulated feeds supplemented with varying amounts of dried seaweed Ulva armoricana (0, 50, 150 and 200 g/kg), to the production of gonads by Tripneustes gratilla over a 20‐week growth trial. Results indicate that U. armoricana is an important dietary ingredient for gonad production, accounting for an average of 37.33 ± 1.03% of the isotopic signal recorded for gonads at the end of the growth trial. This is significantly more than fish meal and soya, which only contributed an average of 11.40 ± 1.81 and 3.80 ± 0.09%, respectively, of the isotopic signal of the gonads. Maize and wheat each account for almost 25% of all the dietary ingredients used to formulate the feeds, but their relative contribution to gonad production only averaged 8.55 ± 0.58 and 3.80 ± 0.05%, respectively, among the diets. This indicates that, at least for gonad development, these ingredients may not be required at such high levels. These findings support previous data on the importance of Ulva in abalone and urchin diets, and demonstrate the value of stable isotope analysis for assessing the contribution of specific dietary ingredients in new feed formulations, particularly where growth of specific tissues is being investigated.  相似文献   

刺参人工育苗在我国的山东、辽宁、河北等省份已普遍展开,目前已进入工厂化大生产阶段,其技术也日趋成熟。但是,也有不少厂家因技术的原因而失败,导致亏损。以下是2000--2008年在青岛、大连、秦皇岛、盘锦等地的生产与研究实践总结的几点体会,谨供同行和业内人士参考。  相似文献   

河蟹学名中华绒螯蟹,系海水繁殖,淡水生长的洄游性甲壳动物.自20世纪70年代开始,不少单位先后对河蟹人工育苗进行了研究,但在人工育苗实践中存在着成活率不高的问题.2001年上海科技管理学校在奉贤东海水产研究所咸淡水工程技术中心实习河蟹工厂化育苗,对亲蟹培育到苗种培育全过程进行了实践,对提高蚤1~蚤2,蚤5~大眼的变态成活率进行了研究和探讨.在大水体河蟹育苗生产实习过程中,采取了改善饵料等措施,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

鲈鱼又叫花鲈 ,中国鲈 ,为我国重要名贵经济鱼类。苗种来源以自然海区为主 ,尤其是渤海产天然苗种生长快 ,对盐度适应性强 ,倍受各地养殖户的青睐。但由于对苗种的过度捕捞 ,使渤海鲈鱼资源急剧衰退 ,因此 ,人工繁殖鲈鱼苗种对保护鲈鱼资源 ,促进人工养殖的健康发展是非常重要的。我们连续两年对渤海鲈鱼进行了生产性人工繁殖都取得了可喜成果。 2 0 0 1年培育后期仔鱼1 1 0万尾 ,2 0 0 2年培育了 3~ 5cm幼鱼 2 0余万尾 ,现将渤海鲈鱼人工繁殖的有关技术总结如下 :1 亲鱼来源 采捕于渤海湾南部和西部海区 ,雌雄都在 4龄以上 ,体重雌性 6…  相似文献   

梭鲈人工繁殖及仔幼鱼培育研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
梭鲈(Lucioperca lucioperca(Linnaeus)隶属于鲈形目(Perciformes),鲈科(Percide),梭鲈属(Lucioperca);原产于波罗地海、黑海、亚苏海、里海和威海流域,主要分布在东欧的大小河流及湖泊中;在原苏联其捕捞价值在棘鳍鱼中处于首位;它以长梭状的体型倍受人们的欢迎,经原苏联鱼类工作者的移植驯化,现广泛分布在独联体的各大水域中。 1955—1957年原苏联鱼类工作者首次将校鲈移入伊犁河流域的巴尔喀什湖等湖泊,从此梭鲈在该流域逐渐形成了自己的群体,195…  相似文献   

<正> 近几年,鲈鱼资源明显减少,单靠从海里捞取天然鲈鱼苗种已不能满足养殖生产需要。因此,我们开展了对鲈鱼的人工繁殖和孵化育苗试验,并获得苗种25.3万尾。 1 试验材料及方法 1.1 亲鱼的来源及选择 所用亲鱼是2000年11月15—22日陆续从渤海海区专门捕捞的,从中挑选没有产过卵、体质健壮、无病、体表无伤、体重3kg(4龄)以上的雌性鲈鱼5尾、雄鱼8尾投放在船上早已准备好的帆布篓中,采用换水法和尼龙袋补充纯氧,以保持水中溶解氧。将亲鱼运至滦南县会达水产养殖公司工厂化海水育苗池暂养,供繁殖用。亲鱼入池前用5×  相似文献   

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