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通过对嫩江沙地具有代表意义的退化草地封育后植物群落的调查,研究了封育禁牧后沙地植被生长发育规律和演替趋势。结果表明:与自由放牧相比,封沙禁牧分别使半固定和固定沙质草地植被盖度提高25和27个百分点,产草量(干草)分别提高27.09%~41.09%,优质牧草比例分别提高23.51和46.27个百分点。  相似文献   

河岸带作为水陆生态系统之间的生态过渡区,具有独特的生态作用与服务功能;其生态系统内部植物群落物种组成及植物多样性的变化会对河岸带空间结构的维持与生态功能的发挥造成影响,进而在一定程度上控制着流域生态环境的质量。文中从物种组成和植物多样性2个方面综述近年来河岸带植被群落的相关研究,并分析两者的生态性特征及其影响因素,在当前研究的基础上探讨了未来研究方向,以期为深入开展河岸带群落结构与植物多样性的相关研究提供参考,并为河岸带生物多样性保护提供新思路。  相似文献   

以平潭岛天然次生林为研究对象,分析灌草丛、针叶林、针叶混交林、常绿阔叶林群落的物种组成、重要值、物种多样性特征的变化,探讨平潭岛与邻近海岛和大陆的群落物种多样性差异。结果表明:4种群落类型共有53科89属104种植物,群落类型间及各层次的丰富度、多样性、均匀度从灌草丛到针阔混交林阶段呈上升趋势,阔叶林阶段呈下降趋势。群落各层次的丰富度、多样性变化,乔木层为针阔混交林>阔叶林>针叶林;灌木层为针阔混交林>针叶林>常绿阔叶林>灌草丛;草本层为针阔混交林>常绿阔叶林>针叶林>灌草丛。单因素方差分析,乔木层丰富度、多样性、均匀度在针阔混交林和针叶林呈显著性差异(P<0.05);灌木层和草本层多样性在针阔混交林与灌草丛和常绿阔叶林呈显著性差异(P<0.05)。平潭岛群落物种多样性水平明显低于普陀山岛和大陆。  相似文献   

文章通过对嫩江沙地生态经济型沙地治理模式建设,充分发挥了当地生态经济效益高树种的优良特性,并通过林农间种、以耕带抚措施促进了林木生长,取得较好的经济效益和生态效益,为进一步推广应用提供了示范模式。  相似文献   

沙地樟子松种实特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙地樟子松球果大小及质量受林龄等诸多因素影响,因此,开展了对沙地樟子松幼龄林、中龄林、成熟林种实特征研究,结果表明:沙地樟子松幼龄林、中龄林和成熟林的球果及种子质量差别较大,球果大小依次为幼龄林中龄林成熟林;球果内种子总数依次为中龄林成熟林=幼龄林;成熟粒所占球果内种子总数的比例依次为中龄林幼龄林成熟林;空粒所占球果内种子总数的比例依次为成熟林幼龄林中龄林;幼龄林、中龄林、成熟林种子千粒质量相差不大;种子发芽率依次为中龄林成熟林幼龄林。  相似文献   

土壤水分是干旱及半干旱地区植被恢复的关键因素之一。土壤水分严重影响着退化生态系统的恢复与重建,因此,为了探明黄羊滩沙地土壤水分时空变化规律,在黄羊滩地区取流动沙地、半固定沙地、固定沙地3种不同类型的土样,采用烘干称重法进行分析。结果表明,流动沙地空间尺度上土壤含水量的剧烈变化湿沙层在10~40 cm,稳定层在大于40 cm,时间尺度上土壤含水量9月份高于8月份。侧柏半固定沙丘随着生长季的来临土壤含水量呈下降趋势,7、8月份由于降水的增加含水量有明显的增加。流动沙地在空间尺度上土壤含水量的变化幅度大于固定沙地的土壤含水量。  相似文献   

【目的】探究不同林龄沙地樟子松人工林土壤微生物群落组成特征和多样性差异,对维持土壤微生态平衡以及可持续经营具有重要意义。【方法】以8、15、30、36、42、49和56 a林龄的沙地樟子松人工林为研究对象,采用Illumina MiSeq高通量测序技术,研究不同林龄条件下土壤细菌和真菌的群落组成和多样性变化特征。【结果】1)研究地不同林龄沙地樟子松人工林土壤共获得细菌32门80纲154目308科531属。其中,放线菌门(32.71%±3.74%)、变形菌门(23.14%±2.13%)、酸杆菌门(16.22%±2.75%)和绿弯菌门(9.00%±1.23%)为主要优势门。厚壁菌门的相对丰度在49 a和56 a林龄土壤中分别升高至7.16%和7.47%。沙地营造樟子松后,土壤中细菌的相对丰度随着林龄的增加而逐渐提高,并在林地土壤中出现了Crossiella spp.。2)不同林龄沙地樟子松人工林土壤获得真菌6门25纲88目184科369属。其中,子囊菌门(70.12%±11.17%)是主要的优势门。接合菌门的丰度在49 a和56 a林龄中逐渐升高至15.20%和23.42%。沙地樟子松人工...  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区地域辽阔,南北跨越16个纬度(约1700km)东西跨29个经度(2400余km).各项自然要素由南往北,自东而西差异极为显著,形成了不同的自然地区. 特别是以热量、水分为主的气候因素影响下,使全区生态环境均呈现出东北——西南走向的弧形带状分布规律.  相似文献   

青藏高原是全球独特的生态地域,也是我国沙化土地最严重的三大地区之一,西藏地区荒漠化沙化一直以来是我国防沙治沙的重点和难点。选取西藏地区定结县作为研究对象,通过防沙治沙新途径研究,以建立沙化土地封禁保护区。结果表明,封禁3年后,封禁区植被盖度提升7.25%,主要由原生植被西藏锦鸡儿和人工植被藏沙蒿贡献,两者分别占总重要值和总优势度的86.1%、83.0%,对固沙作用贡献最大;流动沙地和露沙地减少16.6%,半固定和固定沙地面积增加5.9%,平缓区沙丘移动速度更快,平均速度15.5 m/a。以期为探索高原地区沙化土地防治和生态修复提供科学依据。  相似文献   

采用植物群落学研究方法,以广西姑婆山森林公园典型植物群落的6个样地调查资料为基础,研究广西姑婆山森林公园的植被群落学特征。结果表明:广西姑婆山森林公园植物群落中共有维管植物284种,隶属于75科143属,科、属的分布型以热带为主,反映了该群落以热带为主的亚热带区系特征;植被群落主要以革质、全缘、单叶、中型叶和高位芽类型的植物组成,体现了亚热带季风阔叶林类型的主要特征,强烈反映了植被对该区植物较适宜的温度和湿度,即较好的低纬水热组合,清晰地反映了亚热带湿润季风的气候特征。该群落植物各多样性指数表明其物种多样性较为丰富。  相似文献   

mm0DUrn0Nlnthecentra1andwesternpartsofJilinprovincetheclimateistwinwinterandsPring.Therearemorethan45daysof8galewind(l7.2~2O.7In/s)TheannualPrecigltationis65Ch350mmandthehdriditycoefficlenis0de0.35.ThePreciPitahoninwinterandspnngonlyaccountsfOr2%~l0%ofthean:nualPreclghtahon.ThereareO.78forllionhIn2ofsandduneinJilinProvince.UPtonow,77,O00hm'0fwindbreakshavebeenestab-1ished.ThewindbreaksforsanddunefixahoninJilinProvincecanbedivideintotwotwsfshelterbeltsandsma11areasofanificialforests.T…  相似文献   

文章介绍了近年来和林格尔县由于自然与人为因素,形成了大面积的沙化土地,制约了社会的发展。通过防沙治沙工程,可以改善生态环境,提高和林格尔县的经济、社会效益,为全面建设小康社会服务。  相似文献   

A stochastic numerical approach was developed to model the actual standing biomass in the sand dunes of the northwestern Negev (Israel) and probable boundary conditions that may be responsible for the vegetation patterns investigated in detail. Our results for several variables characteristic for the prevailing climate, geomorphology, hydrology and biologicy at four measurement stations along a transect from northwest to southeast allowed for the development of a stochastic model for biomass distribution over the entire sand dune field (mesoscale) and at Nizzana experimental station (microscale). With this equation it was possible to compute and interpolate a biomass index value for each grid point on the mesoscale and micro scale. The spatial distribution of biomass is negatively linked to distance from the sea, to rainfall and relief energy.  相似文献   

对杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县林业资源现状进行了分析。全县森林覆盖率目前已达10.2%,2001年至现在森林覆盖率提高4.77个百分点,在森林的庇护下,县域内的生态环境有3个显著变化。根据存在的问题,提出了6项林业建设发展对策。  相似文献   

通过对吉林省前郭县乌兰图嘎林场固定沙丘植被试验区采取限制放牧与过度放牧的对比调查,结果得出,控制放牧有利于固定沙丘植被的恢复,可有效地提高草牧场植被的多样性和异质性;而过度放牧通常是吉林省西部草牧场退化的最重要原因。  相似文献   

Soil seed banks can provide a mechanistic for understanding the recruitment dynamics and can inform conservation management of ecosystems. To investigate the contribution of soil seed banks to vegetation restoration in moving sand dune systems, we compared seed structure and species similarity between soil seed banks and standing vegetation among moving sand dunes, ecotones and dune slacks in northeast China. Average seed density in dune slacks was greater than in ecotones or moving sand dunes.Seed density in the soil layer of 0–10 cm was greater than at 10–20 cm both in the moving sand dunes and the ecotones, but seed densities were similar at depths of 10–20and 20–30 cm in moving sand dunes. Moreover, the spatial autocorrelation of seed density on moving sand dunes was weak but was strong on the ecotones and dune slacks. The species in the soil seed bank of moving sand dune systems were nearly all annuals, and the low similarity was mainly due to the lack of perennial species that were common in standing vegetation. Consequently, vegetation restoration cannot mainly rely on the soil seed banks in the movingsand dunes and more attention should be paid to protection of the dune slacks because they are the main source of seed disperse and seedling recruitment in moving sand dune systems.  相似文献   

盐池县沙蒿资源的开发与利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙葛是盐池县流动和半固定沙地上理想的固沙植物,也是具有潜在利用价值的经济植物。通过对盐池县自然条件和沙蒿资源的调查,以及对沙蒿种植与资源利用前景的分析和研究,为当地进一步利用沙蒿类植物进行区域沙漠化治理和深度开发沙漠生态产业提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Savanna vegetation is characterized by high and variable ground layer species richness regulated by functional group interactions with fire regimes and canopy cover. Frequent fire selects for C4 grasses and prairie forbs in canopy openings and C3 graminoid species and shade-adapted forbs and shrubs in canopy shade. Frequent fire also maximizes heterogeneity in partial canopy cover and species richness across the full canopy gradient. However, few studies have linked fire induced change in tree canopy cover with groundlayer vegetation dynamics in relation to this model. In 1986 and in 2007, we measured canopy cover and sampled groundlayer vegetation in 1 m2 plots along 53 transects at the Tefft Savanna, a fire managed 197 ha eastern sand savanna with strong canopy cover and elevation gradients. We analyzed temporal change in canopy cover and groundlayer vegetation, correlating percent change in canopy cover with change in ground layer functional groups. After 20 years of burning at 3 fires/decade, elevation accounted for 62% of the variation in an NMS ordination of groundlayer vegetation. However, canopy cover, which averaged 24-86% in 2007, had a significant secondary effect on the ordination. Five vegetation types classified by TWINSPAN varied significantly in elevation and canopy cover. Woody vegetation comprised 8 of the 12 species with greatest niche breadths, and tended to predominant in woodland or forest, where tree cover averaged 50% or more. Forbs had greater richness in savanna, which averaged less than 30% canopy cover. The C3 sedge Carex pensylvanica was the dominant graminoid species under woodland canopy cover, and was co-dominant with the C4 grasses Andropogon scoparius and Sorghastrum nutans under savanna canopy cover. As in other savannas, N-fixing species sorted across shade and canopy openings, and heterogeneity among transects was maximized at mid-canopy cover. Over time, canopy cover decreased up to 50%, creating more open savanna conditions at mid to high elevations. This decrease was associated with a 20-100 % increase in species richness and was significantly correlated with increasing richness and cover of C4 grasses and summer flowering prairie and woodland forbs. These results support a canopy cover model of fire-maintained savanna vegetation, with greater abundance of C4 grasses and prairie forb species associated with lower canopy cover, greater heterogeneity at mid-canopy cover, and species richness maximized across the light gradient. They also indicate that decreasing canopy cover caused by repeated burning increases species richness and abundance of C4 and prairie forb species.  相似文献   

为了选择生长稳定、速度快、材质好、抗逆性强、适合义县林场生长的杨树品种,作者根据多年杨树经营的实践得出结论:适合义县地区培育的杨树品种有荷兰3016杨、3930杨、意大利I214杨、中绥12杨和合作杨。秋季根苗(截干苗)造林成活效果较好,密度为行距4 m或5 m、株距3 m或4 m,人工挖坑客土,每坑施农家肥20 kg、过磷酸钙1 kg,然后植苗造林,灌水。造林成活率根苗95%以上、大苗85%以上。  相似文献   

本文对5个树种在干旱--补水循环条件下各器官的生长状况进行了调查,并对各权种间的生长率情况进行了比较。结果表明,杨树、樟子松、长白松和沙棘补水后短期内生长明显加快,其生长率由大到小的顺序为:沙棘〉杨树〉长白松〉樟子松。而经济树种枸杞反映不明显。  相似文献   

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