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To characterise the minimum dose of intramuscular alfaxalone required to facilitate intubation for mechanical ventilation, and to investigate the impact of cranial versus caudal injection on anaesthetic depth.

Study design

Randomised crossover study.


Six healthy juvenile ball pythons (Python regius).


Three dosages (10, 20 and 30 mg kg–1) of alfaxalone were administered to each python in a caudal location with a minimum 2 weeks washout. Induction and recovery were monitored by assessing muscle tone, righting reflex, response to a noxious stimulus and the ability to intubate. A subsequent experiment assessed the influence of injection site by comparing administration of 20 mg kg–1 alfaxalone in a cranial location (1 cm cranial to the heart) with the caudal site. Respiration rate was monitored throughout, and when intubation was possible, snakes were mechanically ventilated.


Regardless of dose and injection site, maximum effect was reached within 10.0 ± 2.7 minutes. When administered at the caudal injection site, intubation was only successful after a dosage of 30 mg kg-1, which is higher than in previous reports for other reptiles. However, intubation was possible in all cases after 7.2 ± 1.6 minutes upon cranial administration of 20 mg kg–1, and anaesthetic duration was significantly lengthened (p < 0.001). Both 30 mg kg–1 at the caudal site and 20 mg kg–1 at the cranial site led to apnoea approximately 10 minutes post-injection, at which time the snakes were intubated and mechanically ventilated.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Alfaxalone provided rapid, smooth induction when administered intramuscularly to pythons, and may serve as a useful induction agent prior to provision of volatile anaesthetics. The same dosage injected in the cranial site led to deeper anaesthesia than when injected caudally, suggesting that shunting to the liver and first-pass metabolism of alfaxalone occur when injected caudally, via the renal portal system.  相似文献   

Seven wild-caught ball pythons (Python regius), including six gravid females and one male, were obtained from Africa and were housed in a government animal facility in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Upon arrival, the snakes were found to be infested with ticks (Aponomma latus), which were manually removed. Four weeks following arrival, vesicular skin lesions began to appear on the snakes. Despite treatment of all affected female snakes with amikacin (5 mg/kg i.m., every 3 days) and cefotaxime (25 mg/kg i.m., every 3 days), the condition progressed and five of the female snakes died 7 wk after arrival. The remaining male and one female improved after an increase in environmental temperature, with ecdysis followed by healing. Physiologic stress, ectoparasites, and shipping may have predisposed the snakes to sepsis.  相似文献   

Midazolam is a benzodiazepine with sedative, muscle relaxant, anxiolytic, and anticonvulsant effects. Twelve ball pythons (Python regius) were used in a parallel study evaluating the pharmacokinetics of 1 mg/kg midazolam following a single intracardiac (IC) or intramuscular (IM) administration. Blood was collected from a central venous catheter placed 7 days prior, or by cardiocentesis, at 15 time points starting just prior to and up to 72 hr after drug administration. Plasma concentrations of midazolam and 1‐hydroxymidazolam were determined by the use of high‐performance liquid chromatography tandem‐mass spectrometry and pharmacokinetic parameters were estimated using noncompartmental analysis. The mean ± SD terminal half‐lives of IC and IM midazolam were 12.04 ± 3.25 hr and 16.54 ± 7.10 hr, respectively. The area under the concentration‐time curve extrapolated to infinity, clearance, and apparent volume of distribution in steady‐state of IC midazolam were 19,112.3 ± 3,095.9 ng*hr/ml, 0.053 ± 0.008 L hr?1 kg?1, and 0.865 ± 0.289 L/kg, respectively. The bioavailability of IM midazolam was estimated at 89%. Maximum plasma concentrations following an IM administration were reached 2.33 ± 0.98 hr and 24.00 ± 14.12 hr postinjection for midazolam and 1‐hydroxymidazolam, respectively, and 22.33 ± 20.26 hr postinjection for 1‐hydroxymidazolam following IC administration.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetics of a long-acting formulation of ceftiofur crystalline-free acid (CCFA) following intramuscular injection in ball pythons (Python regius). Six adult ball pythons received an injection of CCFA (15 mg/kg) in the epaxial muscles. Blood samples were collected by cardiocentesis immediately prior to and at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 18, 24, 48, 72, 96, 144, 192, 240, 288, 384, 480, 576, 720, and 864 hr after CCFA administration. Plasma ceftiofur concentrations were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. A noncompartmental pharmacokinetic analysis was applied to the data. Maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) was 7.096 +/- 1.95 microg/ml and occurred at (Tmax) 2.17 +/- 0.98 hr. The area under the curve (0 to infinity) for ceftiofur was 74.59 +/- 13.05 microg x h/ml and the elimination half-life associated with the terminal slope of the concentration-time curve was 64.31 +/- 14.2 hr. Mean residence time (0 to infinity) was 46.85 +/- 13.53 hr. CCFA at 15 mg/kg was well tolerated in all the pythons. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) data for bacterial isolates from snakes are not well established. For MIC values of < or =0.1 microg/ml, a single dose of CCFA (15 mg/kg) provides adequate plasma concentrations for at least 5 days in the ball python. For MICs > or =0.5 microg/ml, more frequent dosing or a higher dosage may be required.  相似文献   

Azithromycin is the first of a class of antibiotics classified as azalides. Six ball pythons (Python regius) were given a single dose of azithromycin at 10 mg/kg p.o. and i.v. in a crossover design. Serial blood samples were collected for unchanged azithromycin and to determine, if possible, the structure and number of circulating azithromycin metabolites. After a 4-month wash-out period, the snakes were given azithromycin p.o. as a single dose of 10 mg/kg for the study of azithromycin metabolism and metabolite tissue distribution. Bile, liver, lung, kidney, and skin samples were analyzed for the metabolites identified from the first experiment. Unchanged azithromycin accounted for 80, 68, and 60% of the total material at 12, 24, and 48 h postadministration in plasma, independent of route of administration. At both 24 and 72 h postadministration, azithromycin accounted for 70% of total azithromycin- associated material in bile. In liver and kidney, unchanged azithromycin accounted for 40% of the total azithromycin-associated material; this doubled in lung and skin. Fifteen metabolites were positively or tentatively identified in plasma, bile, or tissues of all snakes. Four of these possible metabolites: 3'-desamine-3-ene-azithromycin, descladinose dehydroxy-2-ene-azithromycin, 3'-desamine-3-ene descladinose-azithromycin, and 3'-N-nitroso,9a-N-desmethyl-azithromycin are unique to this species. Descladinose-azithromycin, 3'-N-desmethyl,9a-N-desmethyl-azithromycin, and 3'-N-desmethyl, 3'-O-desmethyl-azithromycin were the only metabolites identified in skin. Kidney tissue contained a greater number of metabolites than liver tissue, with 3'-N-didesmethyl-azithromycin being identified only in the kidney. Compared with the dog and cat, a greater number of metabolites were identified in ball python plasma. The percentage of unchanged azithromycin in bile is not different between the three species.  相似文献   



To validate a thermal threshold (TT) nociceptive model in bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) and to document TT changes after administration of morphine.

Study design

A two-part randomized, blinded, controlled, experimental study.


Five adult bearded dragons (242–396 g).


A TT device delivered a ramped nociceptive stimulus (0.6 °C second?1) to the medial thigh until a response (leg kick/escape behavior) was observed or maximum (cut-off) temperature of 62 °C was reached. In phase I, period 1, six TT readings were determined at 20 minute intervals for evaluation of repeatability. Two of these readings were randomly assigned to be sham to assess specificity of the behavioral response. The same experiment was repeated 2 weeks later (period 2) to test reproducibility. In phase II, animals were administered either intramuscular morphine (10 mg kg?1) or saline 0.9%. TTs (maximum 68 °C) were determined before and 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours after treatment administration. Data were analyzed using one-way anova (temporal changes and repeatability) and paired t tests (reproducibility and treatment comparisons) using Bonferroni correction (p < 0.05).


Mean TT values were 57.4 ± 3.8 °C and 57.3 ± 4.3 °C for periods 1 and 2, respectively. Data were repeatable within each period (p = 0.83 and p = 0.07, respectively). Reproducibility between periods was remarkable (p = 0.86). False-positive responses during sham testing were 10%. TTs were significantly increased after morphine administration at 2, 4 and 8 hours compared with baseline, and at 2 and 4 hours compared with saline 0.9%. The highest TT was 67.7 ± 0.7 °C at 4 hours after morphine administration.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Testing was repeatable, reproducible and well tolerated in bearded dragons. TT nociceptive testing detected morphine administration and may be suitable for studying opioid regimens in bearded dragons.  相似文献   

Osteitis deformans (Paget's disease of bone) is a chronic focal disorder of bone remodelling characterized by an initial increase in osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, with subsequent compensatory increase in new bone formation, resulting in a disorganized mosaic of woven and lamellar bone. In the Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus) of this report, multifocal gross swellings involving the proximal third of the vertebral spine were observed and associated with anorexia, a relative inability to move or to fully extend the body, and to strike at prey. Serum biochemistry revealed elevated alkaline-phosphatase activity. Radiographic changes (irregular bone proliferation along the vertebral margins), computed tomography scan results (abnormal mineral density), and histopathological features (generalized thickening of the bony trabeculae at the expense of the intertrabecular spaces and irregular patches of lamellar bone with a characteristic "mosaic" pattern) indicated osteitis deformans.  相似文献   

We investigated the inhibitory effect of capsaicin fertilizer on feeding in deer. We tested four captive adult female deer. In Experiment 1, in addition to the treatment (intact) containing only a solid feed (HC), we mixed the fertilizer not containing capsaicin (F) or the capsaicin fertilizer (CF) in the solid feed. In addition, the solid feed was put on a wire net that capsaicin fertilizer was placed 5 cm below (SCF). We investigated their feeding behavior response. In Experiment 2, we changed the amount of substance (fertilizer and capsaicin fertilizer) mixed in the HC. We mixed different amounts (0, 50, 100, and 200 g) of the treatments other than the intact with HC and presented them to the deer, and investigated their feeding behavior response. In Experiment 1, intake in the F and CF decreased (p < .05). In Experiment 2, HC intake was significantly lower in the 100 and 200 g CF (p < .05). However, HC intake relatively increased by the last day in the CF 200 g too. The capsaicin fertilizer decreased the feeding behavior of deer by directly touching the mucous membranes of the deer nose and lips. However, the effects were decreased over time.  相似文献   

When morphine, an opioid -agonist, was administeredin vivo into the third cerebral ventricle (ICV) of conscious sheep at 20 and 40 µg/kg body weight, it caused psychomotor excitability for 2–3 h and a significant decrease in the reticuloruminal frequency for 45 min and in the mean amplitude of the primary contractions for 65 min. From 60 min after infusion, the same doses of morphine caused a significant increase in the average amplitude of the contractions for 45 min. This suggests that an inhibitory -opioid acceptor is involved in the central control of forestomach motility and general behaviour in sheep. All the effects of morphine were completely prevented by pretreatment with 18.2 µg/kg body weight 6-OHDA ICV. These results suggest that both morphine-induced inhibition of rumen motility and psychomotor excitability are due to central noradrenergic descending system activation. The exact location of the noradrenergic system remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the ability of a live incomplete strain (Strain 48) and a live complete strain (Strain 89) of Toxoplasma gondii to protect against abortion and congenital infection following an oral challenge of T. gondii oocysts. Sixty-nine two-tooth ewes were immunised pre-tupping with live Strain 48 of T. gondii tachyzoites and seventy ewes were immunised with Strain 89. Eighty-two serologically negative ewes served as controls. At mid-pregnancy half of the ewes were challenged orally with T. gondii oocysts (2×105/ewe).

The ewes vaccinated with Strain 48 were significantly (p<0.05) protected against the effects of experimental challenge and the rate of congenital infection was also significantly (p<0.15) reduced. The ewes vaccinated with Strain 89 were also significantly (p<0.05) protected.

The serological response to challenge as measured by both the Dye test and the Indirect Haemagglutination test varied considerably between the two vaccinated groups.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the effects of the combination butorphanol, medetomidine and midazolam (BMM) and its reversibility in lions.Study designProspective clinical trial.AnimalsThirty free-ranging lions, 10 male and 20 female, weighing 81-210 kg.MethodsLions were immobilised with butorphanol mean 0.31 ± SD 0.034 mg kg?1, medetomidine 0.052 ± 0.006 mg kg?1, midazolam 0.21 ± 0.024 mg kg?1 and hyaluronidase 1250 IU administered intramuscularly with a dart gun. Upon recumbency, physiological parameters and anaesthetic depth were monitored 10-15 minutes after darting (T1) and repeated every 10 minutes for a further 30 minutes (T2, T3, T4). Arterial blood gas analyses were performed at T1 and T4. At the end of the procedure, 45-60 minutes after initial darting, immobilisation was reversed with naltrexone 0.68 ± 0.082 mg kg?1, atipamezole 0.26 ± 0.031 mg kg?1, and flumazenil 0.0032 ± 0.0007 mg kg?1 administered intravenously and subcutaneously.ResultsThe BMM combination rapidly induced immobilisation and lateral recumbency was reached within 7.25 ± 2.3 minutes. Median induction score [scored 1 (excellent) to 4 (poor)] was 1.4 (range 1-2). Cardio-respiratory parameters were stable. Heart rate varied from 32 to 72 beats per minute, respiratory rate from 14 to 32 breaths minute?1 and rectal temperature from 36.6 to 40.3 °C. No sudden arousals were observed. Arterial blood gas analyses revealed a mean pH of 7.33, PaCO2 of 33 mmHg and PaO2 of 87 mmHg. Mild to moderate hypoxemia was seen in four lions. Recovery was smooth and lions were walking within 4.4 ± 4.25 minutes. Median recovery score [scored 1 (excellent) to 4 (poor)] was 1.3 (range 1-2).Conclusion and clinical relevanceThe drug combination proved to be effective in immobilising free-ranging healthy lions of both sexes with minimal cardio-respiratory changes.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular and pulmonary effects of a new sedative/analgesic (medetomidine) as a preanaesthetic drug in the dog. A study was carried out to investigate the possible usefulness of medetomidine (Farmos Group, Turku, Finland) for premedication prior to general anaesthesia with thiopental sodium and halothane. The main emphasis was laid on the circulatory and respiratory effects of medetomidine. Dogs treated with xylazine (2 mg/kg) or placebo (physiological saline solution) served as controls. Medetomidine caused a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate at all dose levels tested. These decreases were essentially dose -dependent, but there were great individual variations.It is concluded that the drug can be useful for premedication at the lowest dose level tested (10 μ/kg). The sedative effect, however, is so strong that an even lower dose might be sufficient for the present purpose.  相似文献   

In the veterinary profession, the body condition score (BCS) plays an important role in the assessment of patients. It is a subjective, tactile method of evaluating body fat and muscle mass and is used in numerous species. Recognizing obesity (or the contrary, emaciation) is important for veterinarians treating reptiles and could be facilitated by a BCS. An existing form of body condition assessment already used is the body condition index (BCI), where the residuals from a regression of body mass on body length are calculated. Therefore, the goal of this study was to provide practitioners with a BCS system for corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus) and to test it against the BCI. A total of 22 corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus), stationed at the “Auffangstation für Reptilien” in Munich (reptile rescue centre, RRC), were subject of this study. Each had the following measurements taken: body weight (BW), snout–tail tip length (STL), snout–vent length (SVL) and circumference in the middle (C). Manual palpation of spine, area between vertebral spinous and transverse process, ribs and neck of each snake was performed by three veterinarians and assigned to specific scores by each examiner. A BCS (mean of examiners’ scores) was given to each snake according to manual palpation. The BCS system was chosen to be out of 5 in 0.5-point steps with 2.5 considered as ideal BCS. In the studied snakes, the BCS ranged from 1.5 to 3.5, with a median of 2.5. The median BW was 309 g (75–967 g), the median STL was 123 cm (79–153 cm), the median SVL was 104 cm (73–133 cm) and the median C was 7.5 cm (4.3–11 cm). BCS and BCI were positively correlated. A BCS includes a manual palpation of the animal and thus gives the examiner additional information to the objectively measured/calculated index.  相似文献   

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