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Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is rarely reported in horses and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) has been described only in one case. Acute myeloid leukaemia is defined as the presence of at least 20% blasts in the marrow or blood. On the other hand, MDS is characterised by morphologic abnormalities in one or more cell lineages with hypercellular marrow and peripheral cytopenias due to ineffective haematopoiesis. We report a case of acute myelomonocytic leukaemia with myelodysplasia-related features in a horse. A supposed diagnosis was based on abnormal morphology of circulating neoplastic cells and bone marrow cytology. A final diagnosis was made by using flow cytometry (FC) in conjunction with cytochemistry (CC) rarely reported in the haematopoietic neoplasms of the horse.  相似文献   

A 10-week-old Thoroughbred filly was referred for anaemia of 4 weeks' duration. Haematology revealed severe anaemia and panleucopenia. Cytological examination of bone marrow smears revealed a myeloid to erythroid ratio <0.02:1 (reference range 0.5-2.4:1.0) and an abundance of erythroid precursor cells. The erythroid cell population included rubriblasts, prorubricytes and rubricytes, with only scant numbers of metarubricytes present. There were numerous mitotic erythroid cells, some of which were atypical and megaloblastic. These cytomorphological changes are consistent with pure acute erythroid leukaemia. No treatment was instituted and the filly died three days after presentation. This case illustrates the need to consider both haematology and bone marrow findings to establish a diagnosis of pure erythroid leukaemia. To our knowledge, there is no documented case of acute myeloproliferative disease in horses involving cells of erythroid lineage, but this condition should be considered a differential diagnosis for horses presenting with anaemia.  相似文献   

Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is an uncommon, rapidly progressive neoplasm in dogs. The aim of this retrospective study was to characterize the clinical presentation, haematologic findings, diagnostic imaging results, treatment and survival time of a contemporary cohort of dogs with AML. Diagnosis was based on >20% blasts in bone marrow or blood identified as myeloid based on morphologic findings, flow cytometric immunophenotyping and cytochemical staining. Medical records of 35 dogs diagnosed with AML from 2007 to 2015 were included. Most dogs presented with inappetence (66%) and lethargy (57%) and physical examination findings of peripheral lymphadenopathy (74%) and tachypnea (62%). Common haematologic findings were quantifiable circulating blasts (85%; median blast count 35 700/μL; range: 300‐276 500/μL), anaemia (median haematocrit 34%; range: 11%‐52%) and thrombocytopenia (median 57 000/μL; range: 9000‐252 000/μL). Bicytopenia and pancytopenia were each found in 44% of dogs. Follow‐up information was available for 34 dogs. The overall median survival time from diagnosis was 19 days (range: 1‐121 days). Clinical progression in some dogs was not as rapid as previously reported. Haematologic responses to various chemotherapeutics were documented in 3 dogs, with associated survival times of 62, 103 and 121 days. Dogs treated with prednisone or a combination of chemotherapy and prednisone had improved survival compared to dogs that received symptomatic care only (P < .0001). Our results show canine AML has an overlapping clinical presentation with lymphoma. The prognosis for canine AML remains extremely guarded. Further studies are needed to optimize therapeutic regimens for dogs with AML.  相似文献   

Medical records of 72 dogs diagnosed with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) were reviewed to find risk factors for the disease, for mortality, and for thromboembolism. Coagulation data of 32 patients were evaluated for mortality or thromboembolism risk factors. Cocker Spaniels were at increased risk for IMHA (P = .012). Timing of vaccination was not associated with development of IMHA. PCV ranged from 5 to 33%, with a mean of 16 +/- 5%. Autoagglutination was present in 42% of the dogs. Platelet counts (n = 60) varied from 3,000 to 793,000/microL (mean, 160,117 +/- 133,571; median, 144,000). Thrombocytopenia (platelet count, <200,000/microL) was present in 70% of the dogs, with severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count, <50,000/microL) being present in 22%. One-step prothrombin time (OSPT) was prolonged in 28% of the dogs tested, and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) was prolonged in 47% of the dogs tested. Fibrin(ogen) degradation products (FDPs) were detected in 16 of 28 dogs tested (57%). Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) was diagnosed in 10 of 31 (32%) dogs and was suspected in 8 dogs. Thromboemboli were found in 20 of 25 dogs given postmortem examinations. Mortality rate was 58%. Thrombocytopenia (P = .008) and serum bilirubin concentration of >5 mg/dL (P = .015) were risk factors for mortality, and hypoalbuminemia approached significance (P = .053). Severe thrombocytopenia (P = .046), serum bilirubin concentration of >5 mg/dL (P = .038), and hypoalbuminemia (P = .016) were risk factors for thromboembolism. On evaluation of continuous data, decreased platelet count (P = .057), increased bilirubin (P = .062), and decreased albumin (P = .054) approached significance for decreased survival. A higher risk for thrombosis was found with increased alkaline phosphatase (ALKP) (P = .042), increased bilirubin (P = .047), and decreased albumin (P = .012).  相似文献   

Ki67 can discriminate between high‐ and low‐grade canine lymphomas, but its prognostic role in specific subtypes of the neoplasm is unknown. We assessed the prognostic significance of Ki67% (percentage of Ki67‐positive cells), evaluated by flow cytometry, in 40 dogs with high‐grade B‐cell lymphoma, treated with a modified Wisconsin–Madison protocol (UW‐25). The following variables were investigated for association with lymphoma specific survival (LSS) and relapse free interval (RFI): Ki67%, breed, sex, age, stage, substage, complete remission (CR). By multivariate analysis, Ki67% (P = 0.009) and achievement of CR (P = 0.001) were independent prognostic factors for LSS. Dogs with intermediate Ki67% (20.1–40%) presented longer LSS and RFI (median = 866 and 428 days, respectively) than dogs with low (median = 42 days, P < 0.001; median = 159 days, P = 0.014) or high (median = 173 days, P = 0.038; median = 100 days, P = 0.126) values. Determination of Ki67 is a prognostic tool that improves the clinical usefulness of flow cytometric analysis in canine high‐grade B‐cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

An 8-y-old spayed female Beagle dog was presented with peripheral lymphadenomegaly. Lymph node cytology and flow cytometry led to the diagnosis of large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL). We detected minimal percentages of LBCL cells in peripheral blood and bone marrow samples. However, a monomorphic population of neoplastic cells different from those found in the lymph node was found in the bone marrow. T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia was suspected based on flow cytometric immunophenotyping. PCR for antigen receptor rearrangement (PARR) revealed clonal rearrangement of both B-cell and T-cell receptors, and the presence of both neoplastic clones in the lymph node, peripheral blood, and bone marrow. The dog was treated with multi-agent chemotherapy but died 46 d following diagnosis. Tumor staging and patient classification are needed to accurately establish a prognosis and select the most appropriate therapeutic protocol.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine blood neutrophil counts and luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence (CL) responses in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy (OH), premedicated with 2 different drugs. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized clinical study. ANIMALS: Forty-two healthy client-owned bitches. METHODS: Dogs had OH under isoflurane anesthesia with either acepromazine or medetomidine, both in combination with butorphanol, administered as preanesthetic medication. Blood samples were collected when the dog was admitted, at the end of surgery, and the next day (approximately 20 hours after surgery). Blood neutrophils were counted automatically, and neutrophil oxidative activity was assessed by measuring blood CL responses (induced by opsonized zymosan and enhanced by luminol) at 37 degrees C for 40 minutes. RESULTS: Number of circulating neutrophils was significantly increased the day after surgery reflected by enhanced blood CL responses. Neutrophil CL, however, was not significantly altered. No significant differences were detected for perioperative Polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) characteristics between the 2 preanesthetic regimens. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, despite clearly increasing the number of circulating neutrophils, OH did not significantly affect neutrophil respiratory burst, as measured by whole-blood CL responses. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Surgical operation of moderate intensity (e.g., OH) did not significantly alter one of the important immune functions, neutrophil oxidative activity. Further studies are warranted to confirm the significance of this finding, and to assess the value of following this variable in different animal patient populations.  相似文献   

Correlation between morphotypes and prognosis of canine lymphomas presented discordant results in literature, leading to some dilemma for application in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to present a systematic review of literature on the prognostic significance of morphotypes in canine lymphomas. Standardized Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐Analyses (PRISMA) criteria were applied. Retrospective and prospective studies were included. Level of evidence was determined for each study. Some acceptable evidence suggested a significant prognostic impact of morphotypes in canine lymphomas. However, the evidence is not sufficiently robust to determine with precision the most appropriate classification scheme. Updated Kiel and World Health Organization (WHO) classifications seem to remain the most appropriate classification systems with regards to the number of available studies and their levels of evidence. Limitations included lack of randomized control trial, and relative lack of prospective studies available. Current recommended classification of canine lymphoma is the systematic determination of morphotype in each new case. The Updated Kiel and the WHO classifications adapted to dog both remain the schemes with the most valuable interest. Prospective studies in larger population, and international consensus to define precisely each morphotype, are warranted, with application of standardized staging method and treatment.  相似文献   

The incidence of primary and secondary glaucoma in dogs was investigated. A total of 1244 dogs received ophthalmologic examinations, including tonometry and gonioscopy. Goniophotographs were taken using a goniolens to evaluate the iridocorneal angle (ICA) as well as pectinate ligament (PL). The anterior width of the ciliary cleft and the total distance from the origin of the PL to the anterior corneal surface were measured from the goniophotographs. Glaucoma was diagnosed based on the cupping of the optic nerve head, clinical signs, ocular changes, and high IOP, and it was synchronized with gonioscopic grades to differentiate between primary and secondary glaucoma. We investigated 1244 dogs of 29 breeds, including the mixed breed; among these, glaucoma was diagnosed in 127 dogs (162 eyes). Of 162 eyes, primary glaucoma was diagnosed in 129 eyes and secondary glaucoma in 33 eyes. Shiba Inu dogs (42 dogs, 33%) showed the highest incidence of glaucoma, followed by Shih-Tzu (21 dogs, 16.5%). Furthermore, all the glaucomatous Shiba Inu dogs had primary glaucoma with abnormal ICA grades and dysplastic PLs. The findings of our study reveal that the Shiba Inu breed in Japan may have a hereditary predisposition to glaucoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Flow cytometry may be used to determine immunophenotype or lineage of leukemic cells, but few antibodies are available that are specific for cells of monocytic and granulocytic lineage. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the flow cytometric staining patterns of 3 commercial monoclonal antibodies for monocytes and granulocytes in clinically healthy dogs and in dogs with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). METHODS: Mouse antihuman macrophage antibody (MAC387), mouse anti-human myeloperoxidase (MPO), and a canine neutrophil-specific antibody (NSA) were evaluated using flow cytometry on blood from 6 clinically healthy control dogs, and on blood (n = 7) and/or bone marrow (n = 2) from 8 dogs with AML. A diagnosis of acute leukemia was confirmed by >30% blasts in bone marrow or >30% blasts in peripheral blood, together with bi- or pancytopenia, circulating CD34-positive blast cells, and clinical signs of disease. Leukemic samples also were evaluated using a wide panel of monoclonal antibodies. RESULTS: MAC387 stained neutrophils and monocytes from control dogs, although the staining profiles for the 2 cell types differed. MPO and NSA resulted in strong positive staining of neutrophils; MPO also stained monocytes weakly. Lymphocytes did not stain with any of the antibodies. One case was classified as AML of granulocytic lineage (AML-M1), 6 cases were classified as acute monocytic leukemia (AML-M5), and 1 case was classified as acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AML-M4). Neoplastic myeloblasts in the dog with granulocytic AML were positive for MPO, NSA, MAC387, and CD4. All monoblasts from the dogs with AML-M5 were positive for CD14, 5 of 6 were positive for MAC387, and 2 were positive for MPO. NSA staining was negative in the 2 dogs with AML-M5 in which it was evaluated. In the dog with AML-M4 variable percentages of blast cells were positive for CD14, MPO, MAC387, CD4, and NSA. CONCLUSIONS: Antigens identified by antibodies to MAC387, MPO, and NSA were expressed not just by normal mature neutrophils and monocytes, but also by neoplastic myeloblasts and monoblasts. These 3 antibodies may be useful as part of a wider panel for immunophenotyping AML in dogs.  相似文献   

Background: Classification of leukemias requires specialized diagnostic techniques. Automated preliminary indicators of neoplastic cells in blood would expedite selection of appropriate tests. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the capacity of the Sysmex XT‐2000iV hematology analyzer to identify neoplastic cells in canine blood samples. Methods: Blood samples (n=160) were grouped into 5 categories: acute leukemia (n=30), chronic leukemia (n=15), neoplasia without blood involvement (n=41), non‐neoplastic reactive conditions (n=31), and healthy dogs (n=43). WBC counts, WBC flags, scattergrams, percentages of cells with high fluorescence intensity, and percentages of cells in the lysis‐resistant region were evaluated alone or in combination to establish a “leukemic flag.” Sensitivity, specificity, negative (LR?) and positive (LR+) likelihood ratios, and the number of false‐negative (FN) and false‐positive (FP) results were calculated, and receiver operating characteristic curves were designed for numerical values. Results: Among single measurements and parameters, only the evaluation of scattergrams minimized FN and FP results (sensitivity 100%, specificity 94.8%, LR+ 19.17, and LR? 0.00), although their interpretation was subjective. The more objective approach based on the generation of a “leukemic flag” had a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 87.0%, LR? of 0.00, and LR+ of 7.67. Conclusion: Using a novel gating strategy the Sysmex XT‐2000iV may be used effectively to screen canine blood for hematopoietic neoplasia.  相似文献   

Richter's syndrome (RS) is the development of an aggressive lymphoma in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). In humans, RS occurs in 2–20% of CLL, which transform into diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma but reports in dogs are scarce. This study retrospectively describes eight dogs with CLL progressing into RS. A database including 153 dogs with CLL (93T CD8+ and 55 B‐CLL) was interrogated and RS was demonstrated in eight cases (representing 5.2% of total CLL): two with T‐cell (2.2% of T CLL) and six with a B‐cell immunophenotype (10.9% of B‐CLL). When RS occurred, lymphocytes were decreased compared to CLL. Five dogs had anaemia and two dogs thrombocytopenia. Frequent clinical signs included lymph node swelling, coughing, vomiting, neurological signs and weight loss. Independently from the therapy, RS was associated with a short survival (median 41 days). RS should be considered as an unfavourable evolution in canine CLL.  相似文献   

Background: Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) allows cell recovery from the lower respiratory tract; differential cell counts of BAL fluid gives important information in the assessment of various bronchial and pulmonary diseases. To the best of our knowledge no study has investigated the relation between the number of cells counted and the reproducibility of BAL fluid differential cell counts. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate using statistical methods how many cells should be counted in cytocentrifuged BAL fluid preparations in order to obtain a reliable enumeration of each cell type. Methods: BAL fluid samples from dogs with suspected bronchopulmonary disease were obtained during fiberoptic bronchoscopy with a standardized protocol. Differential cell counts were performed on May–Grünwald–Giemsa‐stained cytocentrifuged preparations by 2 independent observers. Reproducibility for the enumeration of each cell type was expressed as the intraclass correlation coefficient. We considered a threshold level of ≥0.90 to be high and a threshold level of ≥0.85 to be adequate. Results: Forty BAL fluid samples were included in the study. For neutrophils, alveolar macrophages, and eosinophils high reproducibility was reached by counting 200 cells; adequate reproducibility was reached for lymphocytes and bronchial epithelial cells by counting 500 cells. Conclusions: A 500‐cell differential count is required for all types of cells to be quantified with adequate reproducibility in canine cytocentrifuged BAL fluid samples.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Tidal expiratory flow limitation (EFL) has been reported in humans with acute lung injury (ALI) and assumed to be associated with small airway closure. Detection of EFL is important because by selecting positive end-expiratory pressure at such a level that EFL is no longer present in the tidal breath, the repeated opening and closure of small airways can be prevented. The objective of this study was to investigate the occurrence of EFL in two experimental models of ALI. ANIMALS: Ten female piglets. METHODS: Animals were anaesthetized, tracheotomized and mechanically ventilated on zero end-expiratory pressure. Acute lung injury was induced by oleic acid (OA) (n = 5) or saline lavage (SL) (n = 5). Tidal EFL was assessed by the negative expiratory pressure test. Lung and chest wall mechanics were partitioned using an oesophageal balloon. Resistance and static elastance were assessed by a rapid airway occlusion technique at baseline ventilatory settings. RESULTS: There was no EFL at any time before and after ALI in both models. This may be due to an increased elastance which promoted higher expiratory flow after ALI and to a decreased chest wall to lung static elastance ratio which could favour small airways patency. The similar increase in total lung resistance, in the two models, after ALI was mostly due to an increased airway resistance in the OA model and to the lung tissue resistance in the SL model. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Tidal EFL was not detected in experimental ALI. This finding casts some doubt about the usefulness of some experimental models of ALI to mimic some reported findings in human ALI.  相似文献   

Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME) is a tick-borne disease caused by the rickettsia Ehrlichia canis. Ocular lesions are a common feature of the disease and can be present in all stages. The purpose of this retrospective study was to determine the prevalence, type and response to treatment of ocular lesions associated with monocytic ehrlichiosis in 46 affected dogs presented to the Autonomous University of Barcelona-Veterinary Teaching Hospital (UAB-VTH) from January 2000 to December 2002. Dogs were included in the study only if they had a positive serologic test for E. canis and information about the clinical outcome was available. Eighteen breeds were represented, with the German Shepherd dog (n = 6) being the most common. There were 25 intact and three castrated males, and 16 intact and two neutered females. Twenty dogs (43.4%) were between 5 and 10 years old. Seventeen dogs (37% of all cases of monocytic ehrlichiosis diagnosed during the study period) had ocular signs, and 11 dogs (64.7% of the ocular cases) had only ocular lesions without apparent systemic signs. Exudative retinal detachment was the most common ocular manifestation; other prevalent findings included anterior exudative uveitis and optic neuritis. Five of the 17 cases with ocular lesions (29.4%) had ocular bleeding disorders (hyphema or retinal hemorrhages). All the dogs with ocular disease presented with bilateral signs. Dogs with posterior segment disease had titers against E. canis that were > or = 1 : 320, while lower titers were noted in dogs with anterior exudative uveitis. Two dogs presented with chronic autoimmune panuveitis after ehrlichiosis treatment. Canine ehrlichiosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of exudative retinal detachment and anterior uveal inflammatory lesions.  相似文献   

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