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我国南方不同母质土壤pH剖面特征及酸化因素分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
【目的】母质是影响土壤理化性质的主要因素之一,研究不同母质土壤pH的剖面特征及主要影响因素,为防治土壤酸化提供依据。【方法】选取湖南祁阳白茅草植被下七种母质(第四纪红土、红砂岩、板页岩、花岗岩、石灰岩、紫色页岩、河流冲积物)发育的土壤,测定不同层次(0-20、20-40、40-60、60-80和80-100 cm)土壤pH,通过比较表层(0-20 cm)与底层(60-100 cm) pH的差异来表征表层土壤是否酸化及酸化程度;测定0-20 cm土层的酸碱缓冲容量、有机质含量、阳离子交换量、比表面积及颗粒组成,分析影响表层酸化的主要因素。【结果】石灰岩剖面土壤的pH (8.46~8.72)最高,呈强碱性,其次为河流冲积物(7.37~7.87)、紫色页岩土壤(7.41~8.00),呈碱性;花岗岩、第四纪红土、红砂岩、板页岩四种母质发育的红壤呈酸性或强酸性,以花岗岩红壤pH (5.31~5.70)较高,其次为第四纪红土(4.62~4.97)、红砂岩红壤(4.31~4.67),板页岩红壤pH (4.25~4.49)最低。比较表层(0-20 cm)与底层(60-100 cm)土壤的pH,发现七种母质剖面土壤的表层均出现了pH降低,说明表层已出现酸化现象,酸化程度大小依次为:紫色页岩土壤>河流冲积物土壤、花岗岩红壤>第四纪红土、红砂岩红壤>石灰岩土壤、板页岩红壤。对表层土壤的比表面积、颗粒组成(黏粒、粉粒、砂粒含量)和pH、酸碱缓冲容量、阳离子交换量、有机质含量共八种理化因素进行逐步线性回归分析,由于多种因素的相互影响,七种母质土壤并未发现影响表层酸化的主要因素,但在四种母质(第四纪红土、红砂岩、板页岩、花岗岩)发育的酸性红壤中阳离子交换量是影响表层酸化的主要因素。【结论】土壤阳离子交换量与表层红壤酸化差值呈显著负相关,是影响第四纪红土、红砂岩、板页岩和花岗岩四种酸性红壤表层酸化的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

太湖地区典型水稻土FDA水解酶活性的剖面分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文主要对太湖地区12个典型水稻土剖面的荧光素二乙酸酯(FDA)水解酶活性及其它相关酶活性进行了分析。耕作层的FDA水解酶活性最高,随土层加深活性明显下降,其中部分土壤在犁底层已经很难检测到其活性。部分样点的酶活性在剖面中呈明显的梯度下降趋势。高产水稻土壤表层FDA水解酶活性差异较大,在50~100g/(g.h)范围内,多数为60~80g/(g.h)。土壤酶活性最高与最低间的差异达到近一倍左右。同时FDA水解酶活性与-葡糖苷酶、脲酶、脱氢酶、酸性磷酸酶和芳基硫酸酯酶活性之间有极显著正相关关系(P0.01),与碱性磷酸酶呈显著相关(P0.05);与土壤养分指标如全氮、全磷、速效氮、有机碳之间有极显著相关性,与土壤pH呈显著负相关(P0.01)关系。  相似文献   

磷是作物生长发育所必需的营养元素,植物吸收利用的是土壤中的有效磷,土壤有效磷的消长取决于土壤磷素的收支状况,而其消长速度则与土壤性质有关[1]。不同质地土壤固相表面的吸附能力不同,因而影响了土壤溶渡中磷的浓度[2]。为确保土壤满足作物吸收所必需的最低磷溶液浓度,就需要对不同土壤固相的吸附性能进行研究。而水稻土常年以淹水和风干状态交替存在,因此水稻土中  相似文献   

如何度量水耕人为土的发育程度和发育速率是土壤发生学的一个难题。选择南方丘陵区3种常见母质(紫色砂页岩类坡积物PS、第四纪红黏土RC和红砂岩类坡积物RS)发育的水耕人为土时间序列作为研究对象,尝试利用属性距离和土壤发育指数来表征水耕人为土的发育程度,揭示母质对水耕人为土发育速率的影响。结果表明,水耕人为土剖面形态特征经定量后和属性距离一样能够表征水耕人为土发育的时间趋势,在指示水耕人为土的发育程度和估算发育速率上有重要意义。有机碳(SOC)、pH、黏粒含量和磁化率(MS)在计算发生层距离(HD)中贡献很大,而土壤颜色和湿结持性在计算发生层指数(HI)中起着重要作用。RC母质的土壤,土层较厚,颜色红,黏粒含量较高,保肥和保水状况好,土粒的黏结性和可塑性较好,SOC容易累积,发育速率最快。PS母质的土壤,土层较厚,细颗粒(黏粒+细粉粒,0.01mm)含量高,保肥和保水状况好,土粒有一定的黏结性和可塑性,SOC容易累积,发育速率次之。RS母质的土壤,黏粒和细颗粒含量均很低,土层薄,保肥和保水状况以及黏结性和可塑性差,SOC很难累积,发育速率最慢。母质对水耕人为土发育过程的影响可以通过影响其发育速率表现出来。研究同时显示,水耕人为土平均发育速率远较自然土壤快,并在人为培育下快速定向发育。但随着种稻年限的增加,水耕人为土的发育速率普遍下降,水耕人为土发育速率和成土年龄的关系大致符合对数关系。这种定量方法可以提高对水耕人为土形成过程的理解并能实现不同地区水耕人为发育速率的定量比较,有较好的使用前景。但此方法仍处于试验探讨阶段,有待更多的研究来验证和改进。  相似文献   

陈留美  张甘霖 《土壤学报》2009,46(5):753-763
时间序列方法是研究土壤发生特性演变的重要途径,而比较土壤变化的重要前提之一是序列中的土壤具有相同的起源,即具有母质的相对均一性。本研究根据史料记载中浙江慈溪海塘修筑年代估计出水稻土的耕作年龄,选择了植稻年龄约为50、300、500、700、1000a以及一个未垦滩涂剖面组成的一个时间序列作为研究对象。利用各种土壤属性参数对该时间序列的母质不连续性(或母质均一性)以及水稻土相对年龄进行了判定和验证。结果表明,时间序列的6个剖面虽然具有微小的差异,但其剖面内与剖面间母质来源相同。在水稻土母质不连续性判定中,去除黏粒的粉粒与粉粒中稳定元素Ti/Zr比值具有较好的指示作用。相对易变的土壤属性参数如碳酸钙、磁化率以及游离铁的剖面分异程度在水稻土相对年龄的判定中具有较好的指示作用。综合这些参数在时间序列中的演化趋势,发现500a剖面与整个序列的变化趋势不相符合,可能是利用历史的差异所致,在相关的性质演变研究中应该从序列中剔除。  相似文献   

为探究南方红壤区不同母质土壤硒素特征及理化性质对硒有效性的影响,以广西典型红壤区不同母质土壤为研究对象,通过测定硒形态特征及理化性质,并利用AMOS路径分析模型及土壤培养试验,量化了不同因子对不同母质土壤有效硒的影响。结果表明:南方红壤区不同母质土壤总硒含量均高于0.4 mg/kg,其中以花岗岩母质土壤总硒含量最高,以砂页岩母质土壤有效硒含量最高,且变幅最大。土壤硒形态主要以残渣态和有机结合态为主,不同形态硒含量由高到低均表现为:残渣态硒>有机结合态硒>铁锰氧化物结合态硒>交换态硒>可溶态硒。AMOS路径分析模型结果表明,影响不同母质土壤硒形态分配贡献的主要因素是全磷、有机质和pH,第四纪红色黏土母质土壤中的全氮及砂页岩母质土壤中的速效氮的影响也值得关注。利用贡献较大的理化因子开展土壤培养试验,外源理化因子添加后均在一定的时间及剂量条件下出现土壤有效硒含量最大值,且不同母质土壤获得的最佳因子条件不同。因此,不同土壤母质因土壤理化性质的不同,其硒形态特征存在较大差异,不同理化因子作用于土壤后,土壤硒会因土壤环境的变化而重新分配。  相似文献   

不同pH降雨淋溶对原状水稻土土壤酸化的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
采用原状土柱定时定量淋溶的方法,用pH为2.5,4.5和6.5的模拟降雨淋溶了太湖地区典型的水稻土-黄泥土.淋溶量为5 L/柱,研究原状土柱土壤淋溶后酸碱性变化及盐基离子的淋洗规律.结果显示,不同pH降雨淋溶后,土壤仍处在初级缓冲体系,即阳离子缓冲体系,但大量的盐基离子被淋溶出土体,淋出液的pH都在7.4以上,各淋溶处理淋出量最大的是Ca2+,淋出率最高的则为Mg2+,Na+和K+淋出量明显小于前两者,K+淋出量则最小,各处理间的各盐基离子的淋出量随淋溶液pH的降低而上升.淋溶后的土柱土壤pH和酸碱缓冲容量都出现下降,与淋溶前土壤相比,PH 2.5的处理0-10 cm土层和10-20 cm土层,土壤pH下降0.65,0.30个单位;PH 4.5的模拟降水处理降幅分别为0.42,0.04个单位;PH 6.5的模拟降水降幅为0.08,0.15个单位,各处理20-40 cm土层的pH则受模拟降雨的影响较小;同时采用酸碱滴定法测定了初级缓冲体系下各处理土壤的酸碱缓冲容量,结果显示0-10 cm土层,土壤酸碱缓冲容量降幅最大,和试验前处理土壤对应的土层相比,pH2.5,4.5,6.5的降雨处理降幅分别为31.83%,19.58%,15.59%,各pH 2.5,4.5,6.5的降雨处理10-20 cm土层降幅分别为23.93%,14.73%,7.17%.而各降雨处理20-40 cm土层降幅都小于5%.研究表明,虽然模拟半年度不同pH降雨淋溶处理下,大量盐基离子从土体表层被置换淋洗,导致表层土壤pH的降低,相比之下,不同pH的模拟降雨对土壤的酸化作用随pH的降低而上升.虽然淋溶后各处理土壤仍处在初级缓冲体系,但其表层土壤酸碱缓冲容量的下降必将加速土壤的进一步酸化.  相似文献   

6000年以来水稻土剖面中多环芳烃的分布特征及来源初探   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
研究了多环芳烃(PAHs)在含6000a(马家浜文化时期)古水稻土的土壤剖面中的分布特征,并对其可能来源进行了分析。结果显示,各层土壤中PAHs的总量在25.9—202.9μgkg^-1之间,并主要富集在表层土壤,其中含量较高的化合物及其大小顺序为Nap〉Phe〉Fla〉Pyr,4环以上的PAHs占总量的51.8%。表层以下各层土壤中PAHs含量大幅降低,检出种类也有所减少,并主要以2、3环化合物为主,古水稻土中4环以上的芳烃也占有一定的比例,达37%。聚类分析和主成分分析表明,Chr、BkF、BaA、IcP、BbF、Pyr、BaP、DaA和Fla等化合物主要是人为产生,Flu和Phe由生物合成,而Nap、BgP和Ant则可能来源于人为产生和生物合成的共同作用。  相似文献   

黄景  顾明华  徐世宏  杨为芳  江立庚 《土壤》2012,44(4):696-703
为探讨免耕抛秧栽培对土壤剖面形态特征的影响,分别对连续2年和7年结合稻草还田的常耕和免耕试验的土壤剖面进行了研究。结果表明,常耕对土壤剖面形态特征影响不明显。免耕改变了耕作层亚层的剖面形态特征,且表层土壤疏松和pH值变小;水稻根系向土壤表层集中和裂隙出现部位增高。普通免耕形成的耕作层构型是Aa1-Aa2-Aa3,疏松表层较薄、亚表层有变坚实的趋势。稻草还田免耕形成的耕作层构型是O-Aa1-Aa2-Aa3,鳝血斑的数量增加、土壤颜色加深、疏松和体积质量降低。以稻草还田免耕抛秧形成的土壤剖面协调土壤肥力效果最好。  相似文献   

Long-term paddy management promotes nitrogen (N) sequestration, but it is unknown to what extent the properties of the parent soil modify the management-induced N sequestration in peptide-bound amino acids (AA-N). We hypothesized that paddy management effects on the storage of AA-N relate to the mineral assembly. Hence, we determined contents and chirality of peptide-bound amino acids in paddy soils developed on contrasting parent material (Vertisols, Andosols, Alisols in Indonesia, Alisols in China, and Gleysol/Fluvisol in Italy). Adjacent non-paddy soils served as references. Selected samples were pre-extracted with dithionite–citrate–bicarbonate (DCB) to better understand the role of reactive oxide phases in AA-N storage, origin, and composition. The results showed that topsoil N and AA-N stocks were significantly larger in paddy-managed Andosols and Chinese Alisols than in their non-paddy counterparts. In other soils, however, paddy management did not cause higher proportions of N and AA-N, possibly because N fixing intercrops masked the paddy management effects on N sequestration processes. Among the different soils developed on contrasting parent material, AA-N stocks were largest in Andosols, followed by Alisols and Fluvisols, and lowest in Vertisols. The N storage in amino acid forms went along with elevated d-contents of bacteria-derived alanine and glutamic acid, as well as with increasing stocks of DCB-extractable Fe, Mn, and Al. Other d-amino acids, likely formed by racemization processes, did not vary systematically between paddy and non-paddy managed soils. Our data suggest that the presence of oxides increase the N sequestration in peptide-bound amino acids after microbial N transformations.  相似文献   

氮、磷、锌肥对纤维亚麻产量的效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李意坚 《土壤》2002,34(6):286-288
本文研究了南方主要母质发育的水稻土对硅酸盐的吸附与解吸特征。结果表明:吸附资料能很好地用Freundlich方程拟合,Temkin方程次之。不同浓度下的吸附过程可能存在两种吸附机制,解吸过程均呈抛物线型。连续解吸可提高土壤吸附Si后的解吸率。  相似文献   

It remains unknown whether there is a consistent relationship between magnetism dynamics and pedogenesis for paddy soils. In this study, three paddy soil chronosequences, derived from purple sandy shale (PS), Quaternary red clay (RC) and red sandstone (RS) in the hilly regions of south China, were studied to identify changes in magnetism during soil development and to understand their implications for pedogenesis. The results show that magnetic susceptibility (MS) and soft isothermal remanent magnetization (IRMs) simultaneously decreased to extremely small values in the anthrostagnic epipedons during the initial stages of cultivation. In contrast, this decrease was limited in the hydragric horizons of the young paddy soils and even increased in some. These changes suggest that MS and IRMs can be enhanced by the oxidation of Fe2+ in acid paddy soils (between pH 5 and 6) or be depressed by anaerobic transformations of ferrimagnetic minerals. The main influence on magnetic properties was time duration and especially reducing degree of artificial submergence, while parent materials played a supportive role. Magnetic enrichments generally occurred in the clay fraction. Ferrimagnetic clay minerals were more easily altered than minerals in the silt and sand fractions. The study also shows that there was no fixed pattern in the relationship between magnetism and paddy pedogenesis and magnetic properties should be used with care when applying them to environments in which redox processes occur.  相似文献   

Soils frequently develop from mixtures of different parent materials. We quantified the contributions of different parent materials to the substrate for recent soil development using trace metal concentrations and Pb isotope ratios as input data for end‐member mixing analyses (EMMAs). We examined six transects (320–775 m) at two sites in the Rhenish Slate Mountains. Soil types ranged from acid Cambisols to stagnic Luvisols developed from periglacial cover‐beds. Sixteen O, 11 A, 120 B and 10 C horizons were analysed for total trace metal concentrations and partly also 206Pb:207Pb ratios. Most metal concentrations in the B horizons were in the background range, except for Pb, which partly had elevated concentrations of up to 135 mg kg−1. The depth distribution of metal concentrations and 206Pb:207Pb ratios suggested that metals deposited from the atmosphere had hardly reached the B horizons. A principal component analysis (PCA) of the trace element concentrations in the 120 B horizons identified four main metal sources of the B horizons, which we interpreted as bedrock (slate), loess, Laacher See tephra (LST) resulting from the last volcanic eruption in the Eifel mountains and ore veins. The slate was characterized by Cr and Zn, the loess by Zr, the LST by Nb and the ore veins by Pb. Based on EMMAs with four end‐members using two different sets of tracers (Set 1: concentration ratios of Zr:Cr, Nb:Cr, Pb:Cr, Set 2: Zr:Zn, Nb:Zn, and Pb:Zn), slate, loess and LST contributed, on average, 39–40, 22–24 and 37–38%, respectively, at Site 1 and 19–21, 53–63 and 18–26%, respectively, at Site 2. In contrast, the ore contribution was consistently estimated at 0%. An additional EMMA with two end‐members based on the 206Pb:207Pb ratios estimated the contribution of the ore at 0.02%. We conclude that EMMAs based on trace element concentrations and isotope ratios provide a tool for determining the contribution of different parent materials to the substrate from which soils develop, at least at a small regional scale and if an appropriate tracer that distinguishes all the considered substrates is found.  相似文献   

【目的】探究我国北方淹育型水稻土在开垦耕种过程中土壤有机质及其组分的演变特征,为提高水稻土有机质的品质、合理利用水稻土及提高其生产潜力、建设高产稳产稻田提供理论依据和数据支撑。【方法】本研究以辽宁省各地棕壤和草甸土上发育的不同开垦年限淹育型水稻土为研究对象,通过野外调查、田间定点试验及室内测试分析等手段,研究了开垦年限对水稻土有机质含量与组成及其腐殖质特性的影响。【结果】水稻土耕层有机质总量 (SOM) 随开垦年限的增加维持在18.60~26.30 g/kg之间,与开垦年限无显著相关关系 (P > 0.05),但易氧化有机质含量占有机质总量的比例 (ROM/SOM) 均在50%以上,并且随水稻土开垦年限增加而下降,降幅为18%~20%;有机质氧化稳定系数 (Kos) 均在1.2以下,随着水稻土开垦年限增加呈上升趋势,增幅为52%~57%,胡富比 (HA/FA) 及胡敏酸相对色度 (RF) 随开垦年限增加而增大,但胡敏酸活化度 (AD) 和土壤腐殖质的松/紧 (LCH/TCH) 明显下降。【结论】北方水稻土随着开垦年限的增加,土壤中的有机质稳定性增加,活性降低,耕层土壤对养分的供、贮能力减弱,土壤肥力水平下降,限制了北方水稻土生产潜力的发挥,应通过耕作管理和有机无机肥料配施来防止或减缓水稻土肥力的下降。  相似文献   

上海地区水稻土氮素矿化模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three types of paddy soils, derived from granite, Quaternary red clay and basalt, respectively, were selected to study the effects of Fe and Mn in paddy soils on methane production and emission through pot and incubation experiments. The results indicated that the difference of Fe and Mn in paddy soils was one of the important factors causing obvious differences in methane emission from different soil types. Soil Fe and Mn affecting methane emission from the paddy soils was likely through affecting soil Eh and forming Fe and Mn plaques on rice roots. Different rates and valences of added Fe and Mn significantly affected methane production from paddy soils. Therefore, this study enhanced understanding of processes controlling methane emission from paddy soils and may help to improve modeling and estimating regional and global methane emission from paddy soils.  相似文献   

采集了花岗岩风化物和第四纪红土发育的耕地土壤,比较强酸性(pH<5.0)和酸性(5.0≤pH<6.5)条件下土壤相关理化指标的差异,并应用相关性分析和冗余分析,探究两种红壤酸性特征差异和影响因素。结果表明,pH低于5.0的土壤中,两种红壤pH分别为4.85±0.11和4.60±0.43,二者差异不显著,但第四纪红土红壤交换性酸、阳离子交换量、游离氧化铁显著高于花岗岩风化物红壤,有机质、交换性Mg2+、盐基饱和度则相反;pH 5.0~6.5的土壤中,两种红壤的pH分别为5.37±0.33和5.48±0.48,第四纪红土红壤的游离氧化铁含量显著高于花岗岩风化物红壤。两种红壤的pH与盐基离子总量、交换性Ca2+、交换性Mg2+、盐基饱和度呈显著正相关,而与交换性酸总量、交换性H+、交换性Al3+呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

This paper deals with characteristics of organo-mineral complexing of microaggregates in the paddy soils developed from purple soils in Sichuan, China. Results show that the contents of organic matter in microaggregates are in the order of 1-0.25 mm > smaller than 0.05 mm > 0.05-0.25 mm. But the organic matter in 1-0.01 mm microaggregates accounts for 68.1%-78.7% of that in soil. The organic matter in < 0.05 mm microaggregates is complexed humus on the whole, of which the degree of organo-mineral complexing varies between 96.1% and 99.5%, which is higher than that of the soil or > 0.05 mm microaggregates. The contents of loosely combined humus and the ratios of loosely and tightly combined humus markedly decline with the size of microaggregates. Flesh soil humus formed from semi-decomposed organic material or organic manure added is combined first with < 0.001 mm clay, and then aggregated with other organic and mineral particles to form larger microaggregates, in which the aging of humus happens at the same time; whereas organic matter of the light fraction is mainly involved in the formation of > 0.05 mm microaggregates.  相似文献   

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